Fortune telling on dumplings for the Old New Year: history, rules, meanings

First, let's prepare the dough for dumplings.

We will need three cups of flour, one large egg, two-thirds of a cup of water and a teaspoon of salt.

Pour the dough onto the table in a heap, make a depression in the middle, where we pour the egg, water and add salt. After this, we carefully begin to knead. The longer you knead the dough, the more elastic it will be. And no dough mixers, mixers or bread makers in dough kneading mode. We knead everything with our hands! Otherwise the predictions will not come true.

After the dough becomes homogeneous and elastic, place it in a deep glass or porcelain bowl and cover damp cloth and let it sit for half an hour - forty minutes in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

After this, we begin to roll out the dumpling dough onto sheets, add fillings and surprises. How to sculpt is up to you to decide. Every family has its own traditions.

Now let's move on to the filling, or rather to the surprises. Because what are dumplings for the Old New Year without surprises? This can be said, just nothing. I begin to reveal the meaning of the dumplings' surprises.
Dumplings for the Old New Year with a surprise (meaning surprise)

Yellow coin - for pleasure
White coin - to family discord
Meat - for well-being
Ring - for true love
Rice - success in business
Millet - futile efforts
Buckwheat – favorable and profitable news
Beans - to replenish the family
Dough (flour) - to a hard life
Cottage cheese - to new friends
Cheese - to win
Mushrooms - for a long and happy life
Bread - for a satisfying year
Peas - home peace
Cranberry - for unexpected changes in life
Raisins - to a dispute with neighbors
Dried apricots - to joy
Cherry - good luck
Apple - for a well-deserved reward
Orange - for pleasure
Carrots - to good health
Cucumber - for a strong man
Walnut - to quick joy
Peanuts - for a love affair
Hazelnuts - for successful acquisitions
Seeds - to new fruitful plans
Garlic - for a marriage of convenience
Salt for tears
Sugar - to envy
Red pepper - unfortunately
Black pepper - to a quarrel with friends
Capsicum peppers - for sexual pleasures
White thread - for a long journey
Black thread - to a nearby road
Thread with knots - for a difficult year
Button - for a treasured new thing

To believe or not to believe the meaning of surprises in dumplings for the Old New Year is an individual matter. Actually, how to decide whether to eat dumplings for the Old New Year or not. Personally, I never put “bad” surprises in dumplings. Because I only feed good people, why should they get all this nonsense from my hands!)).

It is quite possible that you have your own surprises and interpretations of these surprises - you are welcome to share them with them in the comments. Be that as it may, Happy Old New Year! And may it be rich and successful for each of you!

Dumplings for the Old New Year with a surprise. The meaning of surprise filling.

We celebrate New Year twice a year! New Year according to two calendars: the new one - Gregorian and the old one - Julian. Old New Year - New Year according to the Julian calendar (“according to the old style”). Occurs on the night of January 13-14.

Why not? Unlike the New Year, this holiday is warm and relaxed. It prolongs the Christmas fun. Dumplings with a surprise. The meaning of the filling.

And of course the Old One New Year- it's time to make dumplings and guess!

They tell fortunes on the night of January 13-14, not for the rest of their lives, but only for a year; what they find in the New Year's dumplings - so be it.

Dumplings with a surprise are a very interesting dish. They are usually prepared for the old New Year - this has already become a kind of Russian tradition associated with fortune telling on this night. After all, such dumplings are prepared primarily to tell fortunes about what awaits in the coming year.

Dumplings for the Old New Year with a surprise - the meaning of the surprise filling.

Orange - for pleasure

Peanuts - for a love affair

White thread - for a long journey

Ticket for travel

Cherry - good luck

Peas - home peace

Walnut – health

Buckwheat – favorable and profitable news

Mushrooms - for a long and happy life

Big money - big win

Grain - to wealth;

Raisins - to great temptation;

– Time for Money! Together we will make your personal artifact of money, MONEY IDOL .

The cabbage came across - the wife fell in love with her husband

Precious stone - to a new status

Caramel - for love;

Potatoes - for a promotion at work

Cranberry - for unexpected changes in life

Ring - for the wedding

Red pepper - unfortunately

Dried apricots - to joy

Bay leaf - to fame (career growth);

Honey - health

Coin - a prosperous year in material terms;

Carrots - for new acquaintances;

Torment - to suffer;

Meat - for well-being

White thread - long journey (long and long journey);

Green thread - the road abroad

Thread with knots - for a difficult year

Black thread - a short and not very long trip;

Cucumber - for a strong man

Olive - for longevity.

Nut - immediately to two fans (admirers);

Pepper - a thrill

Ground allspice – for “spicy” i.e. An eventful life, serious changes;

Button - for a new thing;

Millet - futile efforts

Rice - prosperity in the home

Sugar - sweet life (easy, favorable year);

Seeds - to new fruitful plans

Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears);

Capsicum peppers - for sexual pleasures

Cheese - to win

Cottage cheese - to new friends

Dough, or fish scales - to replenish the family;

Dill - to good health;

Beans - to replenish the family

Hazelnuts - for successful acquisitions

Bread - the year will be full and good;

Chain - strengthening family ties

A teapot in a dumpling is for gifts.

Tea bags - for super promotion

Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations);

Garlic - for a marriage of convenience

Apple - for a well-deserved reward

To believe or not to believe the meaning of surprises in dumplings for the Old New Year - it's an individual matter. Actually, how to decide whether to eat dumplings for the Old New Year or not. It is quite possible that you have your own surprises and interpretations of these surprises - share them with them in the comments.

I wish that all the best predictions of dumplings come true. Happy Old New Year! And may it be rich and successful for each of you!

If you liked it, please share it with your friends and acquaintances by clicking on the buttons. I will be grateful to you! Thank you!

ENDS!!! Last OPPORTUNITY!!!– Time for Money! Together we will make your personal artifact of money, MONEY IDOL.

In this article:

Fortune telling on dumplings is an ancient ritual that is often performed today during Christmas time. According to tradition, the future is predicted in this way on the night of January 13th, people gather in large groups (relatives, close friends), brew a large number of of this simple delicacy and wonder next year, or simply put, they eat dumplings.

Many people, when conducting such fortune-telling, write down its results on a separate sheet of paper and store it until next year, so that next Christmas you can check the records and find out what actually came true from what was predicted and what did not.

The most amazing thing is that numerous witnesses confirm the effectiveness and truthfulness of this simple and pleasant technique.

History of fortune telling

New Year in Rus' was not always celebrated on January 1st. Since 1492, it has been customary to celebrate this date in the old way church calendar, namely, September 1, old style. This date was timed to coincide with the year 7000 from the creation of the world. After more than 2 centuries, by decree of Peter I, this tradition was changed; from 1700, the New Year was celebrated on January 1 and the years were counted not from the creation of the world, as before, but from the Nativity of Christ, which, by the way, was celebrated 8 years later. days. Such changes could not but give rise to interesting situations, because on the territory of the then state, 1699 lasted only 4 months - from September to December.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Russia lagged behind enlightened Europe by as much as 13 days, since Western countries used the Gregorian calendar instead of the outdated Julian. To reduce the resulting gap. In 1918, the state transitioned to the Gregorian calendar or a new style chronology. So the day when they used to celebrate the New Year in Russia began to fall on January 14th, and began to be called the Old New Year.

On January 13, it was customary to prepare the second kutya, called “Generous”, the day was called Melanka, and today all dishes prepared on this day are called Melanka. On this day, it has long been customary to collect festive table the whole family, all friends and relatives, all close and dear people.

It was believed that this date directly affects the entire next year, so for the holiday it was customary to dress only in new or cleanly washed clothes, gather the richest possible table, set out expensive treats, go to visit people who cannot come to your home for the holiday , and also ask each other for forgiveness.

On this same day throughout Rus', people have been fortune-telling for a long time and the most different ways. The ritual with dumplings is no exception, since in those years this dish was a favorite among adults and children. Roughly speaking, nothing has changed since then.

How to tell fortunes using dumplings

Fortune telling with this delicacy, as mentioned above, has been carried out in our country for many years. It gained love among the people due to its simplicity and some entertaining nature. It is done very simply. The hostess makes two servings of dumplings, one serving is regular, and in the second serving, each dumpling has some kind of surprise (unique filling). Depending on the filling a person comes across, a prediction is made for the entire next year.

Fillings and their meaning:

  • Sweet filling is a favorable year in every sense, especially in material terms.
  • Dill - good health.
  • The coin is great wealth.
  • Grain or beans - monetary profit.
  • Bread crust - a well-fed and prosperous year.
  • White thread - long journey or trip.
  • Black thread - a trip, but not far.
  • Ring - for an imminent wedding.
  • Bay leaf - to fame and popularity, as well as good luck and career growth.
  • The button is a new thing.
  • Apple – measured, calm life.
  • Raisins - various temptations in the new year.
  • Cabbage is family happiness.
  • Carrots - meeting an interesting person.
  • Pepper – serious changes.
  • Salt - quarrels.
  • Flour - you will suffer all year.
  • Caramel - for great love.
  • Cranberry – unrequited love.
  • Cucumber - success.
  • Nut – several admirers or admirers.
  • Rice is joy.
  • Dough is a new addition to the family.
  • Garlic – various difficulties.
  • Peas - a carefree journey.

Believe it or not, what the dumplings predict comes true! Tested on own experience! My friends and I have a good tradition of getting together on January 13th and having Christmas fortune-telling. Moreover, people of both sexes and marital status participate in them with pleasure. What the dumplings predict (as well as wax poured into water, burnt ashes, things fished out of millet...), we write down on a piece of paper - so that a year later we can go through the points and check to what extent the fortune-telling has come true. Tonight we'll get out last year's list with our friends... For this divination I won’t come alone and in a new car.

Fortune telling on dumplings

To begin with (you can prepare the day before the meeting) all sorts of “edible” fillings. We make one portion of dumplings with “surprises” - for fortune telling, the second - for food. Making dumplings is more fun for everyone together. So:

Dumplings with “surprises”

  • Sugar – sweet life, easy favorable year.
  • Dill - good health.
  • Coin - for money.
  • Buckwheat, grains, beans - to wealth.
  • Bread crust - the year will be satisfying.
  • A white thread means a long journey, a black thread means a short journey.
  • The ring is for the wedding.
  • Bay leaf - to fame, career growth, winning the lottery.
  • Button - for a new thing.
  • Apple – quiet, measured life.
  • Raisins - to temptation.
  • “The cabbage got caught - the wife fell in love with her husband!”
  • Carrots are an unexpected acquaintance, new meetings that will lead to good results.
  • Ground pepper - to a rich (with “pepper”) life, to serious changes.
  • Black peppercorns - to new friends.
  • Salt - to quarrels and troubles.
  • Flour - you will suffer.
  • Caramel - for love.
  • Cranberry - to unrequited love.
  • Cucumber - to success and profit.
  • Nut - immediately to two fans (fans).
  • Rice is good news.
  • Dough or fish scales signify a new addition to the family (pregnancy).
  • Garlic - to difficulties.
  • Peas - for travel.