The eyes became different sizes - one smaller than the other. Causes, treatment. One eye has become smaller than the other: reasons and what to do The eye has become deeper

People's bodies are asymmetrical. Even if at first glance, it seems to you that a person with absolutely ideal facial proportions is standing in front of you, this can easily be refuted.

To do this, take a close-up photograph of this man or woman and cut it into two identical halves. Then take a photo of each piece separately and you will see that you end up with two different faces.

It is likely that this person will have one eye slightly larger than the other. There is nothing terrible about this, because almost everyone has slight asymmetry.

The human face becomes absolutely proportional shortly before death. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much if you don’t have perfectly symmetrical features. But at the same time, if you notice that your eyes have become very different in size, then such a change may indicate certain pathologies.

To find out the true causes of such a defect and find out what to do about it, you must urgently contact a medical institution for consultation with a doctor.


Often the visual reduction of the eye is caused by an infectious disease. During the acute course of the disease, asymmetry appears as a result of swelling of the eyelid. A similar phenomenon can cause conjunctivitis or stye.

In these diseases, bacteria cause an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane, which subsequently causes one eye to become smaller. This condition goes away immediately after the person fully recovers.

Treatment of infectious diseases must be carried out under the supervision of an appropriate specialist. It is the ophthalmologist who must prescribe an antibiotic that will help cope with the bacteria. Therefore, even if you have a slight swelling in the eyelid area, you should not leave the rehabilitation period to chance and self-medicate, as jokes with your health can end badly and lead to serious consequences.

Quite often, without proper treatment, such infections are accompanied not only by swelling, but also by tearing, redness and purulent discharge. Thus, by consulting a doctor on time, you can avoid the acute course of an infectious disease.


Any abrasion or bruise in the eye area causes swelling, which, in turn, leads to its decrease or increase. Depending on the severity of the injury, appropriate treatment is prescribed, but the more pronounced the difference between the healthy eyelid and the damaged one, the sooner you should go to the hospital.

If you have just injured your eye, you can give yourself first aid before you arrive at the emergency room. Be sure to apply cold, but only if the outer shell is damaged without affecting the inner one.

Please note that if you apply ice, you should do this through several layers of cloth or gauze, otherwise you risk getting a thermal burn.

Bulbar syndrome

This is a disease associated with deterioration of the brain. The manifestation of the syndrome leads to changes in eye size. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion, you should seek advice from the hospital in order to begin timely treatment. Any confusion can have serious consequences, including paralysis and complete dysfunction of the eye muscle.

A brain tumor

A benign or malignant formation in the cerebral cortex can cause asymmetry. If there are no other reasons for such changes in the human face, then consult a neurologist.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

This inflammatory process is very painful, since in addition to changes in the size of the eyelid, it is accompanied by discomfort in the ear area and severe migraines.

Childhood asymmetry

A child aged three to five years may experience a slight discrepancy in eye size. Since it is during this period that muscle formation occurs, such imperfect proportionality is quite natural. However, if you notice strong differences between the left and right sides of your face, be sure to schedule a consultation with an ophthalmologist and neurologist.

Size correction using decorative cosmetics

Makeup can work wonders, and with the help of simple methods you can hide visible flaws.

  1. Drooping eyelid:
    • try to draw the fold of the overhanging eyelid at the same level as the second eye;
    • draw the eyebrow above the overhanging eyelid a little higher;
    • Avoid clear and straight lines; it is better to blend the shadows and pencil once again;
    • Paint your eyelashes well with mascara; if you wish, you can shape them with curlers.
  2. One eye is visually smaller:
    • make the arrow wider above the pupil;
    • Paint the mucous membrane of a narrow eye from below with a pencil that is a tone lighter than the main color.
  3. The eye is set deep:
    • use a lighter palette for this century than for the other;
    • get eyelash extensions or use false eyelashes. To hide asymmetry, it is necessary to use sets of different lengths.

Remember that you can hide any congenital eyelid defect with the help of cosmetics, but if your eyes become different sizes under the influence of external and internal factors, do not tempt fate, but seek advice from an appropriate competent specialist.

Dec 24, 2016 Olga

Photo 1: If their sizes become too different, this should alert you, since it may be a manifestation of an eye disease. Source: flickr (Manicure ru).

Why does an adult have one eye larger than the other?

Pathologies that can lead to enlargement or reduction of one of the eyes:

Infectious disease: conjunctivitis, stye

The mucous membrane of the eye and the hair (eyelash) bulb can be attacked by bacteria. When the immune system is weakened, the body is not able to respond adequately, so inflammation occurs, which can be either external, clearly visible, or internal. Determining the infectious nature of the disease is quite simple: the eyes fester, lacrimation appears, the eyelids turn red.

Facial neuritis

A dangerous and difficult to treat disease, the causes of which are very commonplace: hypothermia, decay of the tooth root. The pathology is characterized by asymmetry not only of the eyes, but also of the entire face: the eyelids are wide open, the eye on the affected side cannot be closed, and the corner of the mouth droops. The face becomes distorted, the mouth “moves” to the healthy side.

Impaired cerebral circulation

Vascular disorders are the main factor in the occurrence of bulbar syndrome. Other causes are atherosclerosis, inflammation, brain tumor. The disease is manifested by a change in the shape of the eye, incomplete closure of the eyelids, and impaired swallowing function.


Any traumatic impact can cause the eye to enlarge or shrink due to swelling and hematoma. The eye can be injured as a result of a bruise, intense rubbing, or a branch. Unsuccessful piercing or violation of the rules for using contact lenses can also serve as traumatic factors.

Foreign body in the eye

A speck, eyelash or small grain of sand, once on the mucous membrane of the eye, irritates it and can lead to inflammation. The eyelids swell, making the eyes appear larger.


One of the most common reasons why eyelid swelling may occur is redness of the whites. At the same time, one eye visually looks smaller than the other. An allergic reaction most often occurs to animal fur and plant pollen.

Internal diseases

Diseases of the kidneys, stomach, nervous system and other organs can affect the size of the eyes: swelling, dark circles, “bags” under the eyes create the effect of enlarging or shrinking the eyes. It is worth paying special attention if, without obvious external reasons, one eye of an adult suddenly becomes smaller or larger: this may be evidence of a cardiovascular disease or cancer.

What measures need to be taken

Depending on the cause of the change in eye size, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it:

  • for infections, take antibiotics and use traditional medicine: compresses from raw potatoes, Kalanchoe juice, tea leaves;
  • In case of injuries, ice is applied to reduce swelling;
  • If you have an allergy, you need to take an antihistamine.

Photo 2: Women can easily disguise minor differences in eye size with skillful makeup. Source: flickr (Evgeniya Roslaya).

In cases where the eye has enlarged or decreased due to inflammation of the facial nerve, internal diseases or problems with cerebral circulation, one cannot do without specialist consultation and qualified treatment.

Homeopathic remedies

The recommendations of a practicing homeopath will help treat eye diseases taking into account the constitutional characteristics of a person. At home, with the help of homeopathic medicines, you can quickly get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of ailments.

Why did one eye become smaller than the other?

Why did one eye become smaller than the other? There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. The most common: bacterial infections (conjunctivitis, stye, foreign bodies entering the eye, such as iron filings, cilia, small grains of sand, and others that cause an inflammatory process), injuries (long-term wearing of lenses, injuries caused by fingers or a handkerchief , it also happens that a branch gets into the eye), bulbar syndrome, as well as swelling for no apparent reason, asymmetry of the eyes in young children. In this article we will try to find out more detailed phenomena.

As well as preventing eye symmetry and swelling. Almost every person has a face and body that is not symmetrical. Most elderly people, before death, have one eye smaller than the other, this is due to how nature itself laid it. Also, every person is different, and everyone has not only symmetry of the eyes, but also of other parts of the body. You can check this by taking a photo, cutting the photo, adjusting it in two and seeing that the eyes, nose, lips are slightly different, everyone has such differences. And doctors will confirm this.

Infectious diseases

Common causes of this phenomenon are conjunctivitis and stye.


Conjunctivitis can occur due to lack of personal hygiene, allergies to both food and cosmetics, bacterial infection in the eye, overwork in the form of severe strain on the eyes, hypothermia of the eye, a foreign body entering the eye, which we are trying to pull out, but cannot do without help. it turns out.

Feeling like a grain of sand has gotten into your eye;

Sometimes pus flows;

The temperature rises, but not very high;

Increased sensitivity to light;

When you go outside and the light gets into your eyes, you want to close your eyes, but if you don’t close your eyes, tears come on their own, it hurts to close your eyes, you want to close your eyes, but you can’t.

In these cases, the mucous membrane of the eye is attacked by bacteria and becomes inflamed, thereby forming pus and swelling of one eye.


Barley occurs from reduced immunity, untreated sinusitis, which you know about, but do not want to treat, a draft, maybe in a minibus or somewhere on the street, as well as a staphylococcal infection that could appear due to poor hygiene.

Enlargement of the eye, which may disappear on its own after a couple of days;

Redness and sometimes completely redness of the eye;

A cutting sensation in the eye that hurts more when you close the eye, especially at night.

Under no circumstances should you squeeze, otherwise you will introduce even more infection into the eye, go to the doctor, he will prescribe warming or drops, as well as ointment.

Such infections need to be treated with a group of specific antibiotics. But this treatment, as well as the diagnosis, must be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. And self-medication can lead to worsening of the disease. That's why you shouldn't joke with swelling.


Injuries can also cause swelling, the eye will look enlarged, unlike the other. The most common eye injuries occur from prolonged wearing of lenses, rubbing with a finger, a handkerchief, as well as injury from a branch or some sharp object, or from a foreign body entering the eye.

In most cases, ointment and drops are prescribed, and if there is a foreign body, then it will be pulled out and suitable treatment will be prescribed. Injuries should be treated depending on their manifestations. But it's better to go to the doctor. If the injury is not serious, for example, you hit yourself and your eye is not hurt, you can apply ice or something cold. But this is if the internal structure of the eye is not damaged. In this way, you can reduce the size of swelling and swelling, and relieve inflammation. You need to remember that you shouldn’t apply ice directly to your face, you need to use it through gauze or a rag to avoid thermal burns. Just put gauze, pour in ice, wrap in several layers, and adjust for a few minutes, about five, ten. Until the swelling goes down a little, I also adjust it so that a bruise does not appear.

Bulbar syndrome

Bulbar syndrome is associated with a disease of the brain. The reasons for this are atherosclerosis of small vessels in the brain, a consequence of a difficult birth, for example, during birth the child was not carefully pulled out, an inflammatory process in the brain that affects the eyes, and many more reasons.

Disturbance with the size of the palpebral fissure and the closure of the eyelids.

In this case, you should not hesitate to seek help from a specialist, otherwise further development threatens with bad consequences, including paralysis, in which the eye will not be able to function normally. Poor closure is observed in the affected eye; the eye shape decreases, which can be seen, since the difference is large. Such symptoms may indicate the occurrence of a brain tumor, as well as problems with the brain. After all, the problem lies in the asymptomatic course of the disease. And such diseases are in most cases recognized in the last stages. Therefore, if you have such symptoms, do not hesitate, do not wait for everything to go away, go to the doctor, undergo various examinations, and be calm. Go through all the examinations and if the tests show something, get treatment, and if not, look for a problem somewhere else.

For no apparent reason

An invisible reason for the shrinkage of one eye may indicate a neurological disease. Asymmetry of the eye can be a sign of triple nerve neurology. In this case, pain occurs in the eye and ear, and migraine attacks also occur. If your eye is not only swollen, but also shoots in your ear, there may be a problem in the ear, or also due to dental disease. In this case, you need to go to a neurologist, and he will prescribe the right solution. Another reason may be an inflammatory process, which can appear from a cold, sinusitis, runny nose, or inflammation of the teeth in the upper jaw.

Kidney diseases, allergic reactions, allergens can be cosmetics, foods, medicines and plants.

Mechanical damage, bruises, bone injuries, insect bites, which cause swelling and bruises, as well as blood disorders, visual strain, can also radiate into the eye, and therefore the eye swells and changes.

Different eyes in children can occur in children from three to five years old. If the child is older you need to think about it. At a young age, the child’s body and facial muscles are still forming, eye symmetry is growing and developing, and it can also occur in the womb if the child was constantly lying on one side. In any case, you need to contact an ophthalmologist or neurologist. If doctors confirm that everything is fine, then treatment is not necessary, since the child will outgrow it and the symmetry will disappear with age. And if you notice symmetry of the eyes in a child over five years old, it is advisable to contact a neurologist, this may be a symptom of drooping eyelids, this is a neurological disease. During which all examinations are carried out, including MRI of the brain, blood tests, urine tests, and an ophthalmologist.


To summarize, if the eye has become smaller than the other, do not hesitate and go to a specialist doctor, and do not forget to tell the symptoms (redness of the mucous membrane, purulent discharge, swelling of the eyelid, pain when closing the eye) that could have been observed before. So that a specialist can make the correct diagnosis. Don’t expect that tomorrow you will feel better, but go to the doctor today, in some situations, this will help save your life, or your vision, without which life is very, very difficult. It is not possible to prevent asymmetry in all cases, but you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, so as not to get sick, take care of hygiene, especially towels, cosmetics and all the items that you personally use.

Walk outside more often, but do not get caught in a draft, eat healthy and wholesome food so that your immunity is good, because this is not an unimportant reason because of which you can get sick, and then endure eye diseases, because it is painful and unpleasant.

Try not to give your girlfriends mascara, powder, eye shadow, and indeed all cosmetics, because you don’t know that she may have eye mites and other diseases. Let personal things be personal.

Try to sit at the computer less, and if it doesn’t work out, then take at least a ten-minute break every hour and knead your eyes, as well as massage.

Buy mascara and hygiene products in specialized stores, be sure to look at the production date and expiration date. As well as the composition and instructions.

Always wash your hands after going outside, or after taking a minibus, because someone may have an infection, this person will rub their eye, and then take their hand, and you will get the infection.

If you have allergies, try not to use cosmetics, and if you do use it, choose one that is plant-based, or one that you have already taken, do not experiment, because the eyes are more important, and this also affects money.

If you have been prescribed glasses, wear them, and if you bought lenses, ask the seller or consultant to teach you how to use them correctly so that there are no injuries later. Sellers are required to tell you.

Also include vitamins in your diet and foods that are good for the eyes, such as blueberries, they contain vitamin A, spinach, which prevents the appearance of cataracts, carrots, which improve visual acuity. Take care of your health and take care of your eyes, listen to the advice of doctors, choose good cosmetics that are not harmful to the eyes, take care of your health. And then everything will be fine.

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One eye has become larger than the other: reasons and what to do

There is no doubt that nature always strives for perfection. The elements can be both creative and destructive. They always interact with each other, creating harmony. If we look at a leaf or flower, we can notice that they are never completely symmetrical. Also, absolute symmetry is not characteristic of the human body. This is confirmed by a photographic experiment. You can take a photograph and cut it lengthwise. Then you need to make a mirror image of both halves. Often we can see that these are two not very similar faces, which are sometimes even unattractive. A slight asymmetry (a dimple on the cheek, a curved eyebrow or a slight squint), on the contrary, makes a person’s appearance attractive.

But sometimes the reason that one eye is larger than the other is a pathological process. If, in addition, the conjunctiva turns red, the eyelid swells, a burning sensation appears in the eye or purulent discharge, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. These symptoms may be a manifestation of conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. It is caused by bacteria and viruses. It can also develop after injury. In any case, if there are signs of eye inflammation, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Sometimes one eye becomes larger than the other for no apparent reason. In this case, difficulties often arise in making a diagnosis. The ophthalmologist will prescribe the necessary examination and arrange a consultation with a neurologist.

In a young child, one eye may also be larger than the other. Sometimes this is due to age-related characteristics of the facial muscles. But there may be other reasons for eye asymmetry. This is, for example, scoliotic disease. It often occurs in children. Due to the curvature of the spine, muscles and ligaments may develop incorrectly, which leads to torticollis, which causes deformation of the facial muscles. This defect can be corrected by qualified massage and physiotherapeutic procedures.

If one eye protrudes from the orbit, does not close completely, and the pupils are of different sizes, you should consult a neurologist. These symptoms together may be a manifestation of vascular pathology of the brain or cerebrovascular accident. Sometimes they are caused by a brain tumor. In this case, you will need to examine the fundus, as well as measure intraocular pressure. They are performed by an ophthalmologist.

If an adult is constantly bothered by headaches and he discovers that he has one eye larger than the other, he should immediately consult a specialist. These may be signs of bulbar syndrome, which is also accompanied by speech impairment and partial paralysis of the facial muscles. It is a manifestation of brain stem tumors, polyneuritis, brain stem encephalitis, circulatory disorders in the medulla oblongata or a fracture of the base of the skull.

In case of neuritis of the facial nerve, complete deformation of the face may occur: drooping of the upper eyelid, swelling of the cheek and smoothness of the nasolabial fold, the corner of the mouth looks drooping. Patients are bothered by a “shooting” pain that seems to wander from the ear to the gums and eyes. The cause of the disease may be purulent pulpitis or hypothermia. In case of inflammation of the pulp, you will need the help of a dentist. Sometimes neuritis of the facial nerve develops with diabetes mellitus. Then you will need to consult an endocrinologist. In any case, treatment should be prescribed by a specialist after the cause of the neuritis is determined.

Under no circumstances should you warm up the cheek yourself, since if there is purulent inflammation, it can spread and cause serious complications. For neurological diseases, drug treatment is first prescribed, and then physiotherapeutic procedures. Otherwise, the facial deformity may remain for life.

Moscow clinics (TOP-3), where you can go if your eye has become larger than the other

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One eye is larger than the other: pathology or disease?

Nature is an amazing mechanism that strives to constantly maintain balance and harmony throughout the world. Destructive elements are replaced by gentle natural phenomena. Taking a closer look at many natural phenomena and bodies, you will understand that symmetry and geometric clarity of line are not characteristic of nature. A similar situation exists with the human body.

Why is one eye larger than the other?

The answer to this question should be approached from a medical point of view. The fact is that eye diseases are accompanied by various symptoms, in particular redness of the mucous membrane, burning sensation or purulent discharge. Often the symptom is a visual change in the position of the eyes. If you have inflammation, you may have one eye higher than the other. It is very difficult to diagnose the disease, especially for an unqualified doctor, so it is better to resort to traditional methods of treatment. The most common eye disease is conjunctivitis. It can appear due to injury, exposure to a virus or bacterial infection. Each reason requires its own individual medical approach. If one eye is larger than the other and the mucous membrane is not infected, then it is difficult for the ophthalmologist to diagnose the cause and type of the disease. In such cases, the patient needs the help of a neurologist.

Why does a child have different sized eyes?

If this symptom is detected, parents should contact an ophthalmologist. If your doctor cannot diagnose the reason why one eye is larger than the other, you should visit an orthopedic surgeon. You should not be surprised, since all organs are interconnected. With the development of scoliotic disease, the child's spine will begin to curve, which can lead to a curvature of the neck. Improper development of the muscles and nerve endings of the neck disrupts the integrity of the facial muscles. If you notice that your child’s pupils have changed in diameter, you should consult a neurologist. These symptoms indicate that the baby may develop vascular pathology or a failure in cerebral circulation. After the examination, the child will be prescribed a procedure to measure intraocular pressure and examine the fundus, which will be performed by an ophthalmologist.

If you or your loved one has one eye larger than the other and the following symptoms are present: difficulty pronouncing words, paralysis of the facial muscles, then this is a serious reason to visit a neurologist. With such symptoms, a variety of diseases can appear: from circulatory disorders in the medulla oblongata to malignant sarcoma.

Inflammation of the facial nerve

If one eye is larger than the other and is accompanied by numerous swelling, then this may indicate the development of inflammation of the facial nerve. The cause of an inflamed nerve can be purulent formations in the jaw or hypothermia. It should be remembered that when treating neurological diseases, one should adhere to drug treatment rather than physiological treatment. Otherwise, the facial deformity may remain on your face for a long time. In advanced cases, it will remain forever.

One eye has become smaller than the other: reasons why this could be

The human body, for all its homogeneity, is absolutely asymmetrical.

This is determined quite simply. You can take a close-up photo and divide it into two equal halves. Then attach the left half to the mirror first, then the right and take two pictures. It is quite obvious that you will end up with two different people.

However, if one eye suddenly becomes noticeably smaller or larger than the other, this may indicate certain pathologies that often require immediate contact with a specialist.

Infectious diseases

A particularly common cause of this phenomenon is infectious eye diseases. When, due to swelling, one eye noticeably increases in size. This condition will definitely go away after the disease is cured. The most common causes of this phenomenon are conjunctivitis and barley. In both cases, the mucous membrane is attacked by pathogenic bacteria, causing it to become inflamed.

Treatment of bacterial infections is carried out with a specific group of antibiotics. However, such remedies, as well as the diagnosis, can only be determined by an ophthalmologist. Self-medication often leads to worsening of the condition. Therefore, there is no point in “joking” with the swelling.

It is worth mentioning that bacterial infections, along with swelling of the eyes, are also accompanied by redness, pus and watery eyes. Therefore, it is quite easy for a specialist to recognize them and prescribe the correct treatment.


It is clear that even a small bruise in the eye area can cause swelling, which will look like an enlargement of the eye. Such injuries should be treated depending on their manifestations. But even in this case, consultation with a specialist will be required. The only thing you can do on your own is to apply cold in the case when only the outer shell was damaged during the impact, without affecting the internal structures. In this case, it is possible to relieve inflammation slightly by reducing the size of the tumor. However, it is worth remembering that it is necessary to apply cold (ice) only through several layers of gauze or fabric, otherwise you can cause a thermal burn, which definitely does not improve the appearance.

For no apparent reason

This situation is the most dangerous when there are no prerequisites for swelling, and the size of the eyes has become different. This phenomenon can cause neurological disease or much more serious illnesses.

The human face becomes symmetrical only some time before death. Therefore, there is no need to worry about slight asymmetry of features.

Bulbar syndrome

A serious manifestation related to the condition of the brain. If the pathology has just begun to develop, it may manifest itself in changes in eye size. At this point, it is very important to immediately seek medical help, since further development of the condition threatens tragic deterioration, including paralysis, in which one eye will begin to function incorrectly. Usually, along with changes in size, damage to one eyelid, incomplete closure, and a change in the shape of the eyes are observed.

A similar manifestation may indicate a brain tumor. After all, the problem with all cancer diseases is long-term asymptomaticity. Often such diseases are recognized only in critical stages. Therefore, if there is a reduction in one eye, immediate medical consultation is necessary.

A slight difference in eye size may also appear with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. This manifestation is very painful and is necessarily accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. Most often, shooting pains occur in the eye and ear. Severe migraines are possible. Such neuralgia has a fairly long treatment period, so it is quite important to determine the nature of the disease in time.

The most harmless condition with different eye sizes is observed in young children (3-5 years old). At this time, muscle formation occurs and slight asymmetry of the eyes is noticeable. But even in such a situation, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist, and sometimes a neurologist. If the conclusion of these specialists is positive, and the condition itself does not cause much concern, then all that remains is to wait until the body corrects everything itself, because the situation does not require treatment.

So, let's draw the line. If there is a noticeable difference in eye size, be sure to pay attention to additional symptoms. The occurrence of such manifestations as swelling of the eyelid, redness of the mucous membrane, purulent discharge indicates a bacterial infection. If the situation is associated with periodic paroxysmal pain, most likely we are talking about neuralgia. But, if there are no symptoms, then the brain may be involved in the process.

However, all these situations require the intervention of a specialist - do not delay your visit to the doctor!

The choice of anesthesia method is an important component of surgical treatment. Most superficial interventions in ophthalmology are performed under the eye.

According to popular wisdom, a person largely depends on what he eats. Known.

The concept of the correct eye shape is quite vague, since there is no exact answer to such a question.

Ophthalmologist, surgeon. Area of ​​interest in ophthalmology - diseases of the anterior and posterior segments of the eyes, conservative treatment.

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Why is one eye larger than the other and how to fix it

Slight asymmetry of the face and its individual areas is an individual feature of each person. In most cases, the difference in size between the right and left eyes is not pronounced. It is innate in nature and invisible to either the person or others.

A situation where one eye is significantly larger than the other may indicate both a physiological feature and a serious pathology. In this case, you cannot do without a visit to the doctor for a comprehensive examination.

Eye asymmetry can be a symptom of many diseases, which are divided into two large groups: congenital or acquired. The first includes various anomalies of intrauterine development of the skull bones, facial muscles and deviations in the formation of the temporomandibular joint.

Acquired asymmetry of the organ of vision may indicate that the patient has a number of diseases of an infectious, traumatic and autoimmune nature:

  • bacterial and viral eye lesions;
  • facial nerve neuropathy;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • consequences of injuries;
  • tumor diseases of the eyes or brain;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • ophthalmoplegia.

The infection often affects the mucous membrane of the eyelids, sclera, and lacrimal sac. Examples are infectious conjunctivitis, stye or blepharitis (inflammation of the edge of the eyelid). The affected eye becomes smaller, red and painful. Purulent discharge and tearing are observed. The general body temperature increases.

Self-medication is unacceptable, as it can lead to complications. After carefully examining the patient, the ophthalmologist will prescribe treatment. The main drugs are antimicrobial eye ointments and general antibiotics.

Facial nerve neuropathy

Facial neuropathy is an inflammatory disease of the peripheral nervous system. It is also infectious in nature. Quite often this disease is caused by the herpes virus. And ordinary hypothermia can provoke inflammation.

Usually half of the face is affected. The disease is characterized by weakness of the facial muscles, as a result of which the face becomes distorted and the slit of the diseased eye is deformed. Muscle atrophy causes the so-called Bell syndrome. When closing an eye, the patient cannot close his eyelids completely. The facial nerve passes through very narrow bone structures, so it is easily damaged when inflamed. These changes can become irreversible and chronicize the process.

Choosing eye drops!

Therapy consists of the use of antibacterial or antiviral agents (depending on the nature of the infection). To relieve inflammation, corticosteroids and antispasmodics are prescribed.

Asymmetry of the eyes during stroke

Asymmetry of the face and its individual areas is a sign of cerebral circulation disorders. In this case, there must be other symptoms: dysfunction of swallowing, speech and memory problems. This condition is classified as life-threatening.

The presence of these signs requires calling emergency services and urgent hospitalization of the patient in the neurological department.

The human eye has very delicate structures that are easily injured. Any violation of the integrity of the tissues - a bruise, abrasion, a wound caused by a sharp object - causes redness, profuse lacrimation, and swelling of the eyelids.

First aid for a person who has suffered damage to the organ of vision is to provide rest to the affected eye and apply cold (through several layers of gauze) to the area of ​​the bruise or wound. After this, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The cause of eye asymmetry can be tumor diseases of certain parts of the brain. If there are no visible reasons why one eye suddenly became smaller than the other, then magnetic resonance imaging should be done to rule out the presence of tumors.

Early diagnosis is very important for successful treatment of these diseases.

Inflammation of the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve has various causes:

  • mechanical compression of the nerve as a result of injuries and various neoplasms;
  • herpetic infection;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

The pathogenic effect of pathogenic factors on the trigeminal nerve sharply disrupts its conductivity. The disease is characterized by severe paroxysmal pain localized in the upper eyelid, eyeball, and corner of the eye. Asymmetry occurs as a result of impaired trophism of the eye muscles. Drug treatment consists of prescribing antiepileptic drugs, muscle relaxants, and sedatives.

Ptosis in myasthenia gravis

Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that leads to disorders of neuromuscular conduction. It is characterized by gradually developing weakness and fatigue of the muscles (especially the eye and chewing muscles). A common symptom of the pathology is drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis), causing one eye to appear to be higher than the other. Often these signs are accompanied by strabismus and double vision.

Diagnosis consists of conducting a proserine test and a blood test for the presence of antibodies.

Administration of the drug proserin subcutaneously quickly improves nerve conduction function, and after half an hour, the patient’s symptoms of muscle weakness temporarily disappear. Thus, the doctor is able to diagnose myasthenia gravis.

As therapy, drugs are prescribed that restore neuromuscular transmission (acetylcholinesterase inhibitors).

Ophthalmoplegia is paralysis of the eye muscles. Pathology can affect both all muscles and individual groups. The disease causes significant asymmetry of the eyes. Its main symptoms are severe ptosis and misalignment of eyeball movements. There are several causes of the disease:

  • neoplasms in the area of ​​the superior orbital fissure;
  • infectious diseases (tetanus, syphilis, botulism, diphtheria);
  • lead or barbiturate poisoning;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • myasthenia gravis.
  • vision

The impossibility of reflex expansion or contraction of the iris leads to accommodation disturbances. Associated symptoms are double vision, immobility of the eyeballs, lack of reaction to light. Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the cause of the disease. Very often it is necessary to use surgical intervention.

Eye asymmetry in infants is a fairly common occurrence. In most cases, it is not too pronounced and is not a pathology.

If one eye is significantly larger than the other, then consultation with a pediatrician is required to exclude possible developmental disorders of organs and systems.

Postpartum eye swelling in a newborn

It happens that a newborn cannot open one eye. This is due to postpartum edema if his head was in the birth canal for a long time. This phenomenon is not a pathology and goes away on its own after some time.

If one of the baby’s parents has a right eye different from the left, then this feature can be inherited by the child. This condition is also not a disease. It can be called a cosmetic defect.

Asymmetry of the eyes with torticollis in a newborn

Congenital torticollis is a pathology of intrauterine development of the fetus, which is characterized by a violation of the anatomical structure of the sternocleidomastoid (sternocleidomastoid) muscle. This pathology leads to a forced pathological tilt of the head while simultaneously turning it in the other direction. Subsequent atrophy of the muscles of the face and neck leads to changes in the shape of the eye on the affected side of the face.

The disease is treated conservatively in most cases. The main methods are physiotherapy, massage, therapeutic exercises, taking muscle relaxants. If these remedies are not effective enough, surgery is necessary.

Asymmetry of the eyes due to birth trauma

A large percentage of cases of eye asymmetry in newborns is a symptom of various birth injuries:

  • pathologies of the skull bones caused by intrauterine trauma;
  • decreased tone of facial muscles;
  • facial nerve damage;
  • head injuries due to malpresentation of the fetus towards the end of pregnancy;
  • fracture of the temporal bones received by the child during pathological childbirth.

These are the most serious cases of asymmetrical eyes in newborns. In many cases, the disorder is difficult to correct.

If eye asymmetry is a physiological feature of the body, then the main method for correcting imperfections is the skillful use of decorative cosmetics. Using common techniques, you can use makeup to hide some facial imperfections.

If the deficiency is too noticeable, then you can correct the size of the eyes and the size of the palpebral fissure using injections of special drugs (Lantox, Botox, Dysport). They are injected into the lower part of the orbicularis oculi muscle.

Treatment of conditions in which the eyes have different sizes depends on the cause of this pathology. A detailed diagnosis of the body is very important. After collecting anamnesis, the doctor conducts an external examination of the patient and gives a referral for an instrumental examination. The following types of diagnostics are very informative: MRI, CT, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and heart, radioisotope scanning.

And a little about secrets.

Have you ever suffered from problems with your EYES? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you are still looking for a good way to restore your vision!

Then read what Elena Malysheva says about this in her interview about effective ways to restore vision.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

Full or partial copying of information from the site without providing an active link to it is prohibited.

Nature is an amazing mechanism that strives to constantly maintain balance and harmony throughout the world. Destructive elements are replaced by gentle natural phenomena. Taking a closer look at many natural phenomena and bodies, you will understand that symmetry and geometric clarity of line are not characteristic of nature. A similar situation exists with the human body.

Why is one eye larger than the other?

The answer to this question should be approached from a medical point of view. The fact is that eye diseases are accompanied by various symptoms, in particular redness of the mucous membrane, burning sensation or purulent discharge. Often the symptom is a visual change in the position of the eyes. If you have inflammation, you may have one eye higher than the other. It is very difficult to diagnose the disease, especially for an unqualified doctor, so it is better to resort to traditional methods of treatment. The most common eye disease is conjunctivitis. It can appear due to injury, exposure to a virus or bacterial infection. Each reason requires its own individual medical approach. If one eye is larger than the other and the mucous membrane is not infected, then it is difficult for the ophthalmologist to diagnose the cause and type of the disease. In such cases, the patient needs the help of a neurologist.

Why does a child have different sized eyes?

If this symptom is detected, parents should contact an ophthalmologist. If your doctor cannot diagnose the reason why one eye is larger than the other, you should visit an orthopedic surgeon. You should not be surprised, since all organs are interconnected. With the development of scoliotic disease, the child's spine will begin to curve, which can lead to a curvature of the neck. Improper development of the muscles and nerve endings of the neck disrupts the integrity of the facial muscles. If you notice that your child’s pupils have changed in diameter, you should consult a neurologist. These symptoms indicate that the baby may develop vascular pathology or a failure in cerebral circulation. After the examination, the child will be prescribed a procedure to measure intraocular pressure and examine the fundus, which will be performed by an ophthalmologist.

Neurological diseases

If you or your loved one has one eye larger than the other and the following symptoms are present: difficulty pronouncing words, paralysis of the facial muscles, then this is a serious reason to visit a neurologist. With such symptoms, a variety of diseases can appear: from circulatory disorders in the medulla oblongata to malignant sarcoma.

Inflammation of the facial nerve

If one eye is larger than the other and is accompanied by numerous swelling, then this may indicate the development of inflammation of the facial nerve. The cause of an inflamed nerve can be purulent formations in the jaw or hypothermia. It should be remembered that when treating neurological diseases, one should adhere to drug treatment rather than physiological treatment. Otherwise, the facial deformity may remain on your face for a long time. In advanced cases, it will remain forever.

Nature strives for perfection in its development. The creative and destructive forces of the elements, interacting, create harmony. Look at any flower or leaf of a tree, and you will see that absolute clarity of lines and symmetry are not characteristic of natural objects. Absolute symmetry is also not characteristic of the human body.

This fact is proven very well by the well-known experiment with photography. If we cut a photograph of a person lengthwise and make a mirror image of the left and right parts, we will get two completely symmetrical and dissimilar (and often unattractive) faces. And slight asymmetry: the arch of an eyebrow, a dimple on the cheek, a slight squint, on the contrary, makes our appearance attractive.

However, there are cases when one another becomes due to illness. If the eyelid swells, the mucous membrane turns red, a burning sensation appears, or you need to urgently consult a doctor. Conjunctivitis can be caused by injury, viral or bacterial infection, and each of these cases requires different treatment tactics.

Sometimes one eye becomes larger than the other without visible signs of inflammation. In such cases, the ophthalmologist may have difficulty making a diagnosis and additional consultation with a neurologist will be required.

Why is one eye larger than the other in a small child? If the ophthalmologist and neurologist did not find diseases of their profile during the examination of the baby, the child may need to consult an orthopedic surgeon who will identify scoliotic disease. After all, everything in the body is interconnected: curvature of the spine can lead to improper development of muscles and ligaments, resulting in torticollis. And this disease often leads to deformation of the facial muscles. A course of qualified massage will help correct this defect.

If one eye is higher than the other, does not close completely, has become noticeably narrower and, in addition, the pupils are of unequal size, a consultation with a competent neurologist is definitely required. The combination of these signs may indicate a violation of cerebral circulation and the development of vascular pathology. To confirm the diagnosis, the neurologist will prescribe an additional examination and measurement of intraocular pressure, which is carried out by ophthalmologists.

If an adult who regularly suffers from headaches suddenly discovers that one eye is larger than the other, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

Bulbar syndrome, which is accompanied by speech impairment, partial paralysis of the facial muscles and other symptoms, indicates a serious disorder in the functioning of the brain (this may be polyneuritis, brainstem tumor, brainstem encephalitis, circulatory disorders in the medulla oblongata. Remember that the treatment of neurological diseases must be carried out by a doctor.

Sometimes the face on one side is completely deformed: the eyelid droops, the cheek swells and droops, the corner of the mouth also looks drooping, the person experiences pain, which he characterizes as “shooting” and wandering from the ear, to the eye and gums. The described symptoms characterize inflammation of the facial nerve, which can be caused by suppuration in the tooth or hypothermia. And in this case, the doctor should also prescribe treatment.

You should never voluntarily prescribe a warming procedure for yourself: if the pain is caused by a purulent process, the consequences of such self-medication can be very life-threatening.

It is also important to know that neurological diseases in the acute period always require qualified drug treatment, and physiotherapeutic procedures during this period are absolutely contraindicated. Otherwise, facial deformation caused by inflammation may last a lifetime.

The eyes are not only an organ of vision, but also an important part of the psychological perception of the world. And for most women, it is also an attribute of their beauty, an integral part of grace. Each person has his own eye shape, color, shape, and so on. All these parameters are determined by genetic information and begin to develop in the womb. Along with the genetic set of information about specific shapes and sizes, natural asymmetry can also develop.

What is asymmetry, what does it have to do with the eyes?

This is the wrong facial proportion. In fact, completely symmetrical people do not exist in nature. There will always be one part of the body or face that is at least a little different from the second. In order to check this, you can do a simple experiment. It is enough to take a close-up photograph of the face, cut it lengthwise and make a mirror image copy for each part. After this, apply the left side of the face to the left, and the right to the right. The result will be two completely different people with slightly irregular facial features (in the generally accepted sense). The same asymmetry is responsible for the eyes. Because of it, one eye may be larger than the other, have different shapes, etc.

But asymmetry is not too serious. If it is very visible, then a person either makes it his dignity (a certain zest), or corrects the defects of nature with the help of cosmetics. In extreme cases, a plastic surgeon’s office. Well, the worst option is the development of complexes.

Reasons why one eye is smaller than the other

In fact, asymmetry is the most harmless of all reasons. Because everyone else, one way or another, relates to diseases. So, let's look at the most common causes of uneven eyes, for which you should contact a specialist.

  1. Infection. If there is an infection in the eye, in any part of it, for example, conjunctivitis, the affected eye automatically swells, especially the affected part. This creates a very noticeable difference in the size and shape of the eyes.
  2. An underdeveloped eyeball is a congenital pathology in which one eyelid (upper) is underdeveloped, as a result of which the palpebral fissure will be significantly smaller than that of a healthy eye. Moreover, such pathology is clearly visible visually.
  3. Myopia in one eye. This is a case when the disease progresses in one eye, but the other remains normal. In this case, there will also be external deviations.
  4. Various eye inflammations. In particular, inflammation of the inner lining of the eye in the fetus, for example, which occurs in utero, can subsequently lead to such a defect.
  5. Glaucoma is a serious disease that affects the appearance of the eye.
  6. An eye tumor is a very serious cause. This is a condition when a tumor forms on the inside of the eyeball, which over time deforms the apple itself and, as a result, the eyelid. If the condition worsens, you should immediately contact a specialist.

What actions to take

Firstly, if you are just now noticing such changes, you should look at your photographs taken before. Secondly, it is advisable to go to the mirror and take a closer look. This may be an asymmetry that you saw at the wrong time, which you have already lived with all your life, but only became acquainted with now. After this, it is enough to observe on your own for a day or two.

If the situation worsens, if pain, dizziness appears, the eye begins to see poorly - these are the first symptoms to call an ambulance. Therefore, in such a situation, it is very important to monitor your condition.

However, if you notice slight disarticulation in your eyes, simply make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. The doctor will examine you and, if there is nothing wrong, he will immediately report it. In the same way, if there is any disease. The specialist will prescribe a series of tests to make an accurate diagnosis.

Therefore, you should throw bad thoughts out of your head, breathe out and continue to live.