Eye drops for every day. Eye drops when working with a computer - a review of the best drugs with instructions, composition, indications, price. Medications for tired eyes

Any work involves intense visual stress. For example, when reading books, driving a car or sitting in front of a computer monitor, eye fatigue develops. The reason for this phenomenon is working with dim or too bright light. Special drops, which contain special components that help moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye and create reliable protection from harmful external influences, will help cope with fatigue of the visual organs. The best eye drops for eye fatigue and strain are listed in the article.

Eye drops for fatigue and tension - types and principle of action, list of the most effective

The pharmacy has a lot of medications for eye fatigue that help relieve tension and remove redness. All of them can be divided into the following types:

  1. Vasoconstrictors and eliminate itching, redness.
  2. Moisturizers against computer overvoltage.
  3. Drops to eliminate dryness and inflamed areas of the membrane when wearing contact lenses.
  4. Drops to relax the eye muscles.

In the video - eye drops for fatigue:


Safe eye drops that can be used to relieve fatigue. It can be prescribed for the treatment of various pathologies that have arisen due to infection. Drops are sold in the form of a 0.3% ophthalmic solution, which is bottled in plastic bottles with a capacity of 5 ml. Each bottle is equipped with a convenient dropper.

The cost is 120 rubles.

The solution contains the following components:

  • tobramycin,
  • benzalkonium chloride,
  • sodium sulfate,
  • boric acid,
  • tilaxopol,
  • sulfuric acid,
  • purified water.

Do not use drops if you are hypersensitive to their components. During pregnancy, only a doctor can prescribe the drug. The peculiarity of the medicine is that it is completely safe, so adults and children can use it. Apply 1-2 drops at intervals of 4 hours. The course of treatment will be 7-10 days. Newborns receive 1 drop 5 times a day. You can read why retinal angiopathy occurs during pregnancy.


This drug can be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, but only under the supervision of a doctor. The action of Oftagel is aimed at relieving eye fatigue, dry eye syndrome, itching, burning and the presence of a foreign object. The medicine is included in the restorative therapy of corneal lesions. Why corneal erosion occurs most often, this will help you understand.

To apply the drug, you need to pull back the lower eyelid and send the required amount of the drug there. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician, as is the duration of therapy.

Oftagel is well tolerated by the body, and side effects are minimized. Only occasionally does redness, itching and tingling occur in the eyes. Immediately after instillation, visual acuity decreases, but after 15 minutes everything goes away.

The drug should not be used by children. Its cost is 140 rubles.

Will Timolol help relieve tension?

The action of this drug is aimed at relieving burning, redness and eye fatigue. It can be prescribed to reduce intraocular pressure and treat angle-closure glaucoma.

The cost of the drug is 28 rubles.

Drop 1 drop of 0.25% solution 1-2 times a day. If after 3-5 days there is no positive effect, then a more concentrated solution can be used. It should not be prescribed to children, pregnant women and people with diabetes.

You can see what diabetic retinal angiopathy looks like.

Lecrolin - a medicine against tired eyes syndrome

This drug is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect. With its help, you can quickly relieve tired eyes syndrome, hyperemia and conjunctivitis. The medicine is so powerful that during pregnancy it can only be prescribed for medical reasons. You cannot use the drug for longer than 7 days, as such treatment will have the opposite effect.

The effect of the drug is to reduce the permeability of blood vessels in the mucous membranes of the organs of vision, resulting in protection against the penetration of the allergen into mast cells. A pronounced therapeutic effect is achieved after a week, reaching a maximum in the 2nd week. The cost of the medicine is 70 rubles. If you want to learn more about the instructions for using Lecrolin eye drops, you should go to.

Innoxa to relieve eye muscle tension

This drug is presented in the form of a blue solution. It can be used to moisturize and reduce the severity of fatigue and eye irritation. Prescribed to relieve symptoms of dryness and irritation, as a result of which tension goes away and the eyes “rest.”

The solution is absolutely hypoallergenic, because it is based on extracts of medicinal plants. This suggests that it can be used by both children and women during pregnancy. Innoxa is an excellent remedy for dry eyes, which develops as a result of prolonged exposure to the computer, TV, wind, dust and UV rays.

The drug quickly restores vision in those patients who use contact lenses. The composition contains the following components:

  1. Pharmaceutical chamomile - has an antiseptic effect.
  2. Cornflower – normalizes microcirculation.
  3. Hamamelis virginiana – gently constricts blood vessels.
  4. Elderberry – reduces the severity of eye irritation symptoms.

You can purchase drops for 350 rubles.

Oxial for the treatment of redness and fatigue

This is an Italian drug based on hyaluronic acid and electrolytes. Their action is aimed at moisturizing the cornea. Using, there is a decrease in the severity of dryness from irritation of the organ of vision. The rheological properties of the drops are close to human tears. The components of the drug do not irritate the eyes and regenerate the cornea, as they maintain the integrity of the tear film.

You can purchase drops for 450 rubles.

It is necessary to apply drops into the conjunctival sac in the amount of 1-2 drops 4-5 times a day. The drug should not be used by people with hypersensitivity to its components.

Natural tear for dryness and overexertion

The composition of this drug contains a patented Duasorb complex, which is similar in composition to human tears. After instillation of the drops, the active components spread evenly over the surface of the cornea, creating a stable film on the surface of the cornea with the natural environment.

With the help of the medicine, you can quickly overcome symptoms of irritation such as redness, burning, itching. The drug is prescribed to eliminate dry eyes, since natural tears have a powerful moisturizing effect. The obtained result lasts for 2-4 hours.

Use 1-2 drops as needed throughout the day to eliminate painful symptoms. You can use the medicine for a long time. The product cannot be used during pregnancy, lactation, and it has not received pediatric approval. You can purchase drops for 200 rubles.

Visomitin eye drops to relieve redness

With the help of the drug, metabolic processes are launched that nourish and protect the cornea. Multifunctional drops can be used for heavy eye strain, age-related changes, cataract therapy, etc.

Price from 500 rubles.

Apply 1-2 drops 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, taking into account the severity of symptoms. Drops are not prescribed to children under 18 years of age and to patients with sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Choosing drops for eye fatigue and strain is very simple, since the range is quite wide. It is better not to self-medicate, but to seek help from a doctor. When choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account contraindications and side effects. Many drugs are prescribed for treatment.

The review contains eye drops that will help get rid of redness and fatigue when working with a computer, wearing contact lenses and some eye diseases.

In some cases, eye fatigue is accompanied by symptoms such as dryness, burning, a feeling of “sand” in the eyes, increased lacrimation, which develop as a result of the influence of environmental factors, metabolic disorders and congestion in the eyeball.

How to choose

Depending on the active substance and the pharmacological effect, eye drops for dryness and fatigue are divided into several categories:

  • vasoconstrictors - provide contraction of the walls of small vessels in the eyeball, resulting in the elimination of redness of the conjunctiva, swelling of the eyelids and lacrimation;
  • regenerating - restore the conjunctiva, eliminate microtraumas and discomfort;
  • moisturizing – replenish the lack of moisture in the mucous membrane, reduce discomfort and drying out when wearing contact lenses;
  • vitamin drops - provide the eyes with nutrients and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the visual apparatus (vitamins A and B5 to normalize the functioning of the meibomian glands, which are involved in moisturizing the mucous membrane).

The choice of drops is made taking into account the causes of discomfort, associated symptoms and possible eye diseases. As a rule, eye fatigue is eliminated with the help of complex therapy, including several types of drops, for example, moisturizing and vitamin drops.

With daily manifestations of fatigue and inflammation (non-infectious nature), complex treatment should consist of moisturizing (without toxic preservatives), regenerating and anti-inflammatory drops.

Review of drops for eye fatigue

To select the most suitable drug, you can use the list of effective eye drops for fatigue and redness, which help restore the cornea and normalize blood circulation.

Artelak Balance

Artelak Balance - moisturizing drops containing sodium hyaluronate. Hyaluronic acid is present in tear fluid and protects the surface of the eye from damage. The product also contains vitamin B12, which has an antioxidant and protective effect.

The product may cause short-term blurred vision for the next 5-10 minutes after instillation.

Gilan Comfort

Gilan Comfort is a solution with the effect of natural tears, moisturizes and protects the mucous membrane. The product contains hyaluronic acid without preservatives. Gilan-Comfort is sold in disposable dropper tubes of 10 pieces.

The solution is instilled 2-3 times a day when working at a computer or driving a car, when in contact with chlorinated water, or when the mucous membrane of the eye becomes red due to poor-quality decorative cosmetics.

Gilan-Comfort has no contraindications (except for hypersensitivity to the components) and is used simultaneously with all types of lenses.


Okusalin is a solution that has a calming, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and restorative effect. Contains sodium chloride and purified water, no preservatives.

Drops are prescribed for eye fatigue, for recovery after ophthalmological operations, to prevent inflammation in the event of foreign bodies or burns of the mucous membrane.

It is allowed to use the drug during pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood. The only contraindication for Okusalin is the occurrence of allergies.

Opti free

Opti-free are moisturizing drops that are used in the process of getting used to all types of soft lenses. Opti Free contains dextran, potassium chloride, sodium borate, and the preservative polyquaternium-1 in low concentrations.

The product moisturizes and provides a stable tear film, removes substances that cause irritation. If you feel a burning sensation when instilling Opti-free, you should remove and further clean the lenses.

In case of persistent allergy to the components (deterioration and blurred vision, increased tearing or excessive dryness, the appearance of a halo around objects), the use of Opti-free is prohibited.


Optiv is an inexpensive eye product based on carmellose sodium and glycerol. The effect of the drops is to protect, moisturize the corneal epithelium and increase the stability of the tear film.

Indications for the use of Optiva are dry eye syndrome and fatigue, which develop due to prolonged work in front of a computer monitor, hormonal imbalance during menopause, hypothyroidism, and treatment with antidepressants.

In some cases, after instillation, temporary blurred vision occurs, disappearing after 5-20 minutes. Sometimes Optiv can cause redness of the eyelids, itching, irritation and crusting in the corners of the eyes.


Hyphenosis - eye drops that prevent dry mucous membranes. Dithyslesis restores the tear film, protects the cornea from damage and drying out, and has a softening effect on the mucous membrane during fatigue.

Among the indications for prescribing drops are microtraumas, erosions and disorders of the eye epithelium, keratopathy, keratosis, eyelid deformation, thermal burns of the conjunctiva, and xerosis.

The drug must be instilled 5-6 times a day, one drop. The effect of treatment is observed after 2-5 days, and complete elimination of discomfort in the eyes occurs after 2-3 weeks of using Hyphen.

Due to the high viscosity, instillation is accompanied by a feeling of eyelids sticking together. During treatment with Hyphenis, it is forbidden to wear soft lenses, and hard ones are removed before and installed after 30 minutes.


Hilabak is a moisturizing solution based on hyaluronic acid without preservatives, with keratoprotective properties. The drug is effective for fatigue, to eliminate inflammation and burning, and to restore the cornea when wearing lenses daily.

The drops provide long-lasting hydration and do not cause blurred vision. Hilabak is recommended for dry eye symptoms, prolonged exposure to a computer screen, in rooms with dusty or dry air, and during air travel.

Hilabak is instilled when discomfort occurs, one drop at a time. During the procedure, avoid contact of the bottle with the mucous membrane of the eyes and the skin of the eyelids.


Balarpan-N - drops with a complex composition (hypromellose, glycosaminoglycans) are used to combat eye fatigue, to eliminate swelling, inflammation, including during significant visual strain.

Use the product 1-2 drops three times a day for the development of erosion, injuries and burns, keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis, for corneal syndrome, for the prevention of corneal lesions when using lenses.

Contraindications for Balarpan-N are the development of hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and age under 18 years. Since Balarpan-N does not contain preservatives, the product is used for only 15 days from the day the bottle is opened.


Thealose is a sterile isotonic solution without preservatives with the active substance trehalose, which provides moisturizing of the surface of the mucous membrane, which also has antioxidant properties.

Drops can be used when wearing contact lenses. When treating with several types of drops, pauses between medications should be 10 minutes. The negative effect of Thealoz manifests itself in the form of mild irritation of the mucous membrane.


Innoxa is a solution with a natural composition, including an aqueous infusion of sweet clover, elderberry, blue cornflower, witch hazel, and navel. Additional ingredients include benzalkonium chloride and methylene blue.

Innoxa has an astringent effect, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eyes, eliminates irritation and gives a white-blue tint to the proteins. Drops are used for fatigue caused by poor lighting, exposure to the sun or wind.

After instilling Innox, you should not blink for 10-15 seconds to allow the liquid to be evenly distributed over the surface of the conjunctiva.

Drops are contraindicated in people under the age of 14 and in cases of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the composition.


Riboflavin (aqueous 0.02%) is a vitamin preparation based on riboflavin (vitamin B2), which is involved in enriching eye tissue with oxygen, restoring the retina, cornea and lens, and conducting visual impulses.

Indications for the use of Riboflavin are fatigue as a result of prolonged work at the computer without following a regimen, redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, ophthalmological diseases - night blindness, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis.

Immediately after using Riboflavin, visual acuity may be impaired. When instilling more than 1 drop of the drug, an overdose may occur, manifested by a feeling of numbness, tingling and itching (symptoms go away on their own after 1-3 hours).

Optinol intensive

Optinol intensive is a sterile isotonic solution containing sodium hylauronate and dexpanthenol (B vitamins). The drug protects, restores and moisturizes the cornea, eliminates itching and inflammation of a non-bacterial nature.

Optinol Intensive relieves eye fatigue caused by exposure to the sun, in a room with fluorescent lighting or dry air, when using all types of lenses, after ophthalmic treatments, the treatment of which is accompanied by painful sensations.

If the drug causes a temporary decrease in visual acuity, you should refrain from driving for 20-30 minutes.

Blink Intensive

Blink Intensive - protective drops of the latest generation, used to moisturize the mucous membrane in case of discomfort, sensation of a foreign body under the eyelids, and fatigue from the load on the visual system.

Blink Intensive is contraindicated in case of angle-closure glaucoma, epithelial endothelial dystrophy, under the age of 3 years, with the development of allergies.

Edenorm 5% - drops to reduce swelling and moisturize the eyes. The active ingredients - polyethylene glycol, polyvinylpyrrolidone, microglycine, sodium chloride - provide an antibacterial, anti-edematous effect, eliminate fatigue, and improve vision.

The drug is prescribed if redness of the conjunctiva occurs due to prolonged use of lenses, trauma or degenerative changes (keratoconus, keratoglobus, corneal dystrophy, bullous keratopathy).

After instillation of the drug, temporary blurred vision may occur. If allergies develop in the form of pain and burning of the eyes, or blurred vision, use of Edenorm should be discontinued.


Visomitin - eye drops to moisturize and protect the cornea. The composition includes plastoqbromide, benzalkonium chloride, hypromellose and has an antioxidant effect, stimulates tear production and tissue regeneration, and increases the stability of the tear film.

Visomitin drops are used for fatigue and dryness of the mucous membrane due to prolonged strain on the visual apparatus, in the initial stage of cataracts.

Visomitin is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components, in childhood and adolescence, during pregnancy, breastfeeding. The drops may cause blurred vision, which is a normal reaction and goes away within 5-7 minutes.

Side effects

Depending on the characteristics of the body, all eye drops can cause negative consequences, such as allergies, changes in the cornea, addiction, changes in metabolic processes in the tissues of the eyeball.

As a rule, increased individual sensitivity manifests itself with the first use of the product in the form of itching, increased lacrimation and irritation of the conjunctiva.

Also, regular use of anti-fatigue drugs causes temporary side effects, usually disappearing after 5-10 minutes:

  • blurred vision;
  • irritation and increased sensitivity;
  • sensation of a foreign object under the eyelid;
  • feeling of eyelids sticking together due to the high viscosity of the drug.

Preservatives in anti-fatigue eye drops that are used to prevent the growth of bacteria (especially sodium dihydrogen phosphate and sodium phosphate monohydrate) have a toxic-allergic effect on the eyes.

With frequent use of drops with preservatives, the likelihood of developing allergies, irritation and thinning of the cornea, and a decrease in conjunctival epithelial cells increases.

Also, you should not use vasoconstrictor drops for a long time, since regular instillation for 10 or more days can lead to poor circulation and increased intraocular pressure.

Using the tools from the review below, you can quickly restore and improve your vision. At the same time, work productivity and overall quality of life will increase on their own.

Causes of redness and tired eyes

A symptom in the form of irritation of the organ of vision does not always indicate a disease. A common cause of this condition is the so-called. computer syndrome.

The lifestyle of most modern people is associated with the use of computers and gadgets both at work and at home. Constant tension and poor sleep negatively affect the visual system.

Tired eyes syndrome

A set of symptoms that arise as a result of working in front of a monitor is known as computer vision syndrome. Spending a long time behind a screen has a negative impact on your vision.

After a few hours of work, signs of irritation appear:

  • asthenopia (eye fatigue);
  • redness of whites;
  • dryness and burning of the conjunctiva;
  • headaches during or at the end of the working day;
  • blurred vision;
  • impaired focus of gaze;
  • periodic double vision;
  • pain in the shoulder girdle segment (neck, back).

The cause of redness lies in rare blinking, which leads to dryness of the conjunctiva. Over time, the condition becomes more complicated with serious consequences. Develops. If the lighting and arrangement of the workplace is incorrect, it may appear.

Inflammatory eye diseases

If redness, dryness, and lacrimation do not go away for a long time, the reasons for this may be the following ophthalmological diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis . Usually occurs with hyperemia of the mucous membranes. Inflammation of viral origin is accompanied by itching, a feeling of sand in the eyes, and tearing. Bacterial inflammation is characterized by purulent discharge, sticking of eyelashes in the morning, and redness of the sclera. The most dangerous form is the gonorrheal form, which threatens perforation of the cornea. manifests itself in spring and autumn with severe itching, redness, and lacrimation.
  • Blepharitis . Inflammation of the ciliary margin of the eyelids caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses.
  • Demodicosis . Infectious inflammation of the eyelid margin, caused by infection with the smallest mite. Redness of the eyes is caused by severe itching.

Dry eye syndrome also occurs due to hormonal disorders during menopause, due to the use of certain oral contraceptives and antidepressants.

Visual discomfort is caused by environmental factors - windy weather, indoor fluorescent lamps, air conditioners.

Groups of drops to eliminate redness and fatigue

Eye drops that relieve irritation are effective against fatigue and redness. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor taking into account their pharmacological action:

  • Anti-inflammatory . Designed to eliminate infectious diseases. Drops are divided into steroidal and non-steroidal, consisting of one or more components.
  • Antihistamines . Prescribed to patients with seasonal allergies or reactions to ophthalmic drops.
  • Vasoconstrictors . Used as needed to relieve red eye syndrome, swelling, and lacrimation.
  • Restorative . Stimulate metabolic processes, accelerate the healing of the cornea of ​​the eye. Prescribed for the treatment of the consequences of injuries, burns, at the initial stage.
  • Antifungal . Prescribed for mycosis of the conjunctiva. The group is produced by manufacturers in Europe and the USA based on natamycin.
  • Moisturizing . Designed to eliminate dryness and fatigue.

In addition to drugs in individual groups, combined drops of various compositions are produced. They may contain antibiotics and hormones. The most popular drug is one that contains sulfonamides. It is used to treat infections of bacterial and viral origin.

Drops overview

The effect of eye drops is determined by the active substances included in the composition. To eliminate redness and fatigue, different medications are used depending on the cause of the irritation. Doctors often prescribe complex medications.

List of the best drops:

  • Visine . Remove redness, swelling, and eye fatigue when working at the computer. Eliminates tearing and is used for allergic reactions. French manufacturer, price per bottle from 298 rubles.
  • Taufon . It is used for clouding of the lens of the eyes in old age and in diabetics. Helps relieve fatigue. Produced in Ukraine, and the price starts from 151 rubles.
  • Inoxa . Drops are indicated for people who use contact lenses. Used to eliminate dry eye syndrome, itching, burning. Cost 128 rub.
  • Systane . They have a multilateral effect. Prescribed by doctors for dry, red, burning, and tired eyes. Eliminates tension in the visual muscles of office workers and drivers. Made in Spain. They cost 193 rubles. per bottle 3 ml.
  • Visomitin . Is an artificial tear. Moisturizes and protects the cornea, prescribed for dry eyes. At the initial stage of cataracts, it protects the lens from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Domestic product at a price of 596 rubles.
  • Oksial . Contains hyaluronic acid. Long-term moisturizes and lubricates the mucous membranes of the eyes, relieves discomfort when wearing contact lenses. Eliminates redness and eye fatigue after being in a dusty room or while working at the monitor. Cost from 420 rub.
  • Oftagel . Recommended for dry eye syndrome with compensatory lacrimation. Eliminates the feeling of a foreign body in the eyes, burning sensation. Protects the cornea by creating a film. Price 421 rub.
  • Reticulin . Thanks to the herbal extracts in the drops, they slow down the progression of cataracts and increase visual acuity. Helps with dry eyes. Cost about 300 rub.
  • View-Chest of drawers . After instillation, it forms a film on the cornea, and the protective layer remains when blinking. Visual acuity is not impaired. Allows comfortable use of contact lenses. German manufacturer, price 311 rub.
  • Artelak . Prescribed for dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea caused by impaired production of tear fluid. Product from Germany at a price of 453 rubles.
  • Visoptic . After instillation, it relieves redness, swelling, and relieves burning and pain in the conjunctiva. Drops are contraindicated in case of increased intraocular pressure. Made in Romania, price is about 220 rubles.
  • Lecrolin . Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of allergic reactions. Eliminates negative reactions to ophthalmic drugs. Removes redness and itching in the eyes. Inexpensive Finnish drops for 160 rubles.
  • Okumetil . The combined agent has a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine effect. Used for allergic and bacterial conjunctivitis. effectively removes hyperemia, itching, and the feeling of a foreign body in the eyes. Produced in Egypt, costs from 200 rubles.
  • Sante FX . Quickly relieves dryness, itching, burning. Relieves redness during inflammation. The drops are in great demand, despite the high price of 700 rubles.
  • Allergodil . The active substance azelastine has a long-lasting antiallergic effect. Relieves puffiness, lacrimation, redness and eye fatigue. One of the cheapest products at a price of 100 rubles.

Eye drops are effective remedies for a wide variety of diseases. They should only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist after determining the cause of irritation. In order for the medicine to have the correct effect, you must carefully follow the rules for its use.

Useful video about the causes and treatment of red eyes

Every day the problem of eye fatigue becomes more acute. Computers, TVs, gadgets - all this leads to the fact that the eyes can no longer cope with the load and they need help. Vitamin eye drops for fatigue from the computer and other equipment will help cope with this problem.

Although eye vitamins are very useful, you should not take them without the advice of a doctor. They are mainly prescribed to those who have prerequisites for this, such as age (over 40 years), vision problems, patients with diabetes and those who are prone to blood clots, who spend a lot of time in front of monitors (computers, phones, etc. .).

Doctors recommend eye drops with vitamins, as they help not only prevent the formation of new ones, but also treat existing eye diseases. And in some cases, they also strengthen other organs (the cardiovascular system), and help with fatigue from various equipment that has a detrimental effect on the eyes.

Experts insist that by taking eye vitamins in the form of drops, patients achieve a greater effect than taking them in tablets, capsules and lozenges. Since once they enter the stomach, they are not fully absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, and many can cause harm to it.

Ideally, eye drops should contain a fairly large amount of vitamins:

  1. Group A containing retinol and carotenoids. A lack of this vitamin leads to poor vision and impaired corneal wetting function. Taking it, a person not only improves vision, but also treats some eye diseases, for example, conjunctivitis.
  2. Groups B. Namely, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12. Eye drops with these vitamins can prevent overwork of the eye muscles and help with fatigue from the computer, phone, etc. equipment. They treat diseases such as corneal dystrophy, microtrauma of blood vessels, night blindness and other diseases.
  3. Groups C. They contain ascorbic acid and other ascorbates, which play an important role in the body’s immune system and also help strengthen blood vessels. Doctors prescribe medications containing this vitamin for overstrain of the eye muscles, as well as for irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

In addition to the listed vitamins, it is advisable to have nicotinic acid, antioxidants and, of course, blueberry extract in the preparations.

Eye drops for redness and irritation: their types

When choosing eye drops, you should know that they are divided into types depending on their function, for example, restorative, for retinal redness or relaxing, for computer fatigue, for injury (foreign body).

Revitalizing eye drops

Such drops are aimed at restoring visual function and, according to their properties, are divided into several groups:

  • Relaxing drops. The substances contained in them help to forcefully relieve tension in the eye muscles, which makes it possible to rest the eye and reduce the risk of developing myopia or farsightedness. For example, Cyclomed, Midrum.
  • Vitamin drops. Helps restore vision and replenish vitamin deficiencies. Act as a prophylactic agent. For example, Vita-Iodurol, Okovit.
  • Drugs that restore the retina. For example, Emokipin, Taufon.


Such drops replicate the composition of tears and can prevent the process of evaporation of moisture from the mucous membrane of the eye and slow it down. For example, Systane, Oksial.

Vasoconstrictor drops

Vasoconstrictor drops are not able to help in treatment or eliminate the cause of redness and inflammation of the eyes. They will only relieve swelling and normalize blood circulation. Therefore, before using such drops, it is best to contact specialists who will help eliminate exactly the cause of negative manifestations.

How to put eye drops correctly

To obtain the best effect from the use of eye drops, it is necessary to correctly introduce them into the mucous membrane of the eye.

The process of drug administration:

  1. Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to wash your hands so as not to introduce additional infection into your eyes.
  2. Eye drops for computer fatigue, restorative and vasoconstrictor are administered in the same way: onto the cornea or into the conjunctival sac.
  3. Apply strictly 1 drop at a time.
  4. If there are problems in only one eye, the medicine must be administered in the second.
  5. To prevent the medicine from spreading, you should take a horizontal position.
  6. When administering drops, do not touch the edge of the bottle or pipette to the eyelid or mucous membrane.
  7. Control the number of procedures performed. Strictly follow the doctor's instructions and do not exceed the dose. It is recommended to apply eye drops strictly according to the instructions or no more than 4 times a day.

Eye drops for computer eye fatigue: review

The pharmacological market presents a large selection of vitamin drops. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is worth studying in detail the composition, action and other characteristics of the medications.

Visin eye drops. Instructions for use


1 ml of solution contains 0.5 mg of tetrizoline hydrochloride, in addition, boric acid, benzalkonium chloride, sodium teteraborate and others.

Having an impact: vasoconstrictor, reducing tissue swelling. These drops are from the sympathomimetic group. The effect of the drops occurs almost immediately, after 1-2 minutes and lasts from 4 to 8 hours.

Rules of application. Place under the lower eyelid of the affected eye. The procedure should be carried out 2 to 4 times a day until the symptoms of the disease go away, but should not exceed 4 days.

These eye drops for computer fatigue are perfect.

The cost in Russia is about 330 rubles.

Eye drops "Taufon". Instructions for use

1 ml of solution contains 40 mg of Taurine, as well as purified water for injection. This drug has a restorative and healing effect.

Helps normalize metabolism in dystrophic eye disorders and stabilize intraocular pressure.

Place 1-2 drops into the affected eye. Carry out the procedure 3-4 times a day.

The cost in Russia ranges from 105 to 150 rubles.

"Iridina" eye drops. Instructions for use

This preparation contains 1 ml of solution - 0.05% naphazoline hydrochloride, purified water for injection.


Used to disinfect the mucous membrane of the eye. This medication is from the sympathomimetic group. The impact of drops on the body occurs almost immediately.

It is necessary to inject the medicine into the eyes, 1-2 drops. Carry out the procedure no more than 6 times throughout the day.

The price in Russia ranges from 1050 to 1500 rubles.

Eye drops "Irifrin". Instructions for use

The main component is phenylephrine hydrochloride, There are 25 mg per 1 ml of solution.


Additional substances, disodium edetate, benzalkonium chloride and others.

Promotes the outflow of intraocular fluid and constricts the vessels of the conjunctiva. These drops are from the sympathomimetic group.

The reaction occurs within a few minutes, reaching maximum effect after an hour. The duration of action depends on the dose taken. On average, the medicine lasts from 2 to 6 hours.

Rules of application. Place under the eyelid. The dose depends on the disease and the age of the patient.

To relieve spasms, doctors prescribe drops in a concentration of 2.5%. The medicine is used for about 2 weeks, dripping 1 drop before going to bed in both eyes. We accept children over 6 years old.

For persistent spasms, a 10% solution should be instilled.

Carry out the procedure once a day (before bedtime) for 2 weeks. Such a solution is permissible only for children over 12 years of age.

The price in Russia ranges from 402 to 864 rubles.

"Riboflavin" eye drops. Instructions for use

Contains 0.01% vitamin B2 in 1 ml of solution.

Additional excipients: calcium stearate, potato starch, purified water.

It has an effect - improves the conductivity of nerve impulses, protects the cornea of ​​the eye. Vitamin B contained in the drug is involved in the body's metabolism and hemoglobin synthesis. Promotes rapid healing of tissues, etc. These are vitamin drops that normalize visual function.

Rules of application. Place 1 drop in each eye, strictly at the same time.. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day, the duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.

The average cost in Russia is from 40 to 160 rubles.

"Oko plus" eye drops. Instructions for use

Compound: According to the manufacturer, this medication consists only of natural ingredients.


Namely: zeaxalin, lutein, barley milk, clover milk juice, carnosine.

The effect of the drug:

  • restorative;
  • normalizing pressure;
  • moisturizing;
  • improving blood circulation.

The effect of the drops occurs after several doses.

These eye drops are good for tiredness after using various techniques

How to use. Place 1-2 drops exactly under the eyelid of the affected eye, depending on the disease. Carry out the procedure 2 times a day until the painful symptoms go away.

Usually the course of treatment is prescribed from 5 to 10 days. Then a repeat is recommended. Take a break of 3 days between courses. The duration of taking the medicine should not exceed 2 months.

The price threshold in Russia is from 400 to 1000 rubles.

"Emoxipin" eye drops. Instructions for use

Contains in 1 ml of solution 1 mg of methylethylpyridinol.


Additional components: anhydrous sodium sulfite, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium phosphate dihydrite and others.

Effect: strengthening, resolving (minor hemorrhages), protective, improving blood circulation.

The drug remains in the blood in full for only 2 hours. Then it is gradually eliminated, and after 24 hours the body is completely cleansed.

Rules of application: instill 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac of the affected eye.

Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day. The course lasts from 3 to 30 days, depending on the symptoms. In severe cases, an extension of up to 6 months is possible. A repeat course is carried out after 4–6 months.

The average cost in Russia is 150 rubles.

The eyes are constantly exposed to the external environment. And every day this impact increases. New computers and toys appear, the external environment deteriorates (dust, fumes, exhaust gases, etc.), new infections appear, etc.

Video reviews of eye drops for computer fatigue

The best eye drops for computer fatigue, irritation and dry eyes:

How to reduce eye fatigue when working at a computer:

With the development of computer technology, our eyes began to experience enormous stress. It is not surprising that their fatigue has become a common complaint at doctor's appointments. Eye drops come to the rescue, saving you from fatigue.

Anti-fatigue medications do not require a doctor's prescription, but self-selection can be erroneous and ineffective. Without consulting an ophthalmologist, it is safe to use formulations with added vitamins or moisturizers. Eye drops containing such components will help with dryness and fatigue.

Especially in need of help are people whose professions involve intense concentration, work behind the screens of electronic devices, or inside dusty areas. Drops designed to combat eye fatigue are useful for drivers, doctors, builders, and those who frequently wear glasses or contact lenses.

Drops indicated for fatigue and muscle tension in our eyes can be divided into the following types:

  • vasoconstrictors - relieve redness of the choroid;
  • moisturizing – useful for dry mucous membranes;
  • regenerating (restoring) - from microdamage to the membranes.

In order not to weaken the effect of the medicinal drug, read the method of eye drops:

  1. Wash your hands, they should be dry and clean.
  2. Lie down or sit down, it will be more comfortable for you.
  3. Hold the bottle in your hand for a few minutes to warm it up.
  4. Remove contact lenses if you wear them.
  5. Move your head back, touch your lower eyelid with your index finger and pull it back. There should be a pocket.
  6. Take the bottle with your other hand and bring it a few centimeters to your eye without touching your eyelashes.
  7. Direct your gaze upward, drop drops into the resulting pocket (usually 1-2 drops).
  8. Rotate your eyeball slightly to the sides, close your eyelids and lightly press on the inner corner of your eye. This will prevent droplets from entering the nasal cavity.
  9. The lenses can be put on after 15–20 minutes.

If you use several types of products, then the interval between them should be 15 minutes.


Even harmless eye remedies that save you from fatigue also have their contraindications:

  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • age of children under 18 years of age;
  • personal intolerance to the drug.

The best drugs

The range of eye products that cope with fatigue is quite large, so let’s take a closer look at how to make a quality choice.

Average price: 514 rub.

Release form: 10 ml bottle

Application: 1 drop in each eye 1-4 times a day

Cationorm is a unique cationic emulsion for moisturizing the eyes, which restores all three layers of the tear film, permanently eliminating severe, intense discomfort, fatigue and dry eyes that appear throughout the day, even in the morning, and prevents the further development of dry eye syndrome.

Cationorm does not contain preservatives and can be used in conjunction with contact lenses.

Cationorm is indicated:

- with severe complaints of fatigue, dryness, eye discomfort, manifesting itself even in the morning

- people who wear contact lenses for a long time

- for eye diseases: glaucoma, blepharitis, allergic conjunctivitis

- people using hormone replacement therapy (menopausal hormones, oral contraceptives).

Video: Cationorm

Average price: 528 rub.

Release form: 10 ml bottle

Application: 1 drop in each eye 1-4 times a day, or as needed

Ocutiarz - eye drops with ultra-high molecular weight hyaluronic acid without preservatives to quickly eliminate discomfort and eye fatigue that appears at the end of the day after intense visual work.

Okutiarz is suitable for people with complaints of dry eyes occasionally, in the evening, after intense visual work: computer syndrome in office employees, motorists/motorcyclists, frequent flyers, travelers, students.

- people who have been wearing contact lenses recently, just learning to use them, to make it easier to remove and put on lenses;

- people within 6 months after eye surgery: LASIK, PRK, cataract extraction.

Ocutiarz is stored for 6 months after opening the bottle, it can be instilled onto contact lenses, and it is also often used to eliminate discomfort after ophthalmological operations on the cornea.

Average price: 295 rub.

Release form: Eye gel 0.25%. 10 g each

Application: 1 drop of Oftagel® 1 – 4 times a day, depending on the severity of symptoms until they completely disappear

Oftagel is an eye gel with carbomer in maximum concentration, which moisturizes for a long time, eliminates lacrimation and does not require frequent instillation

– suitable for people with complaints of occasional dry eyes and/or watery eyes

The gel can be used once at night if it is not possible to instill moisturizing drops during the day.

Average price: 131 rub.

Release form: bottles 5, 10 ml, 4%.

Analogs: “Taurine”, “Tauforin”, “Dibikor”.

Application: 1-2 drops 2 times a day.

A drug with restorative properties, contains sulfur and the amino acid taurine. It stimulates the healing of eye tissue when damaged, reduces intraocular pressure, and normalizes cell nutrition. "Taufon" can be used for eye fatigue.

In the instructions for use of "Taufon" it is indicated for:

  • corneal injury;
  • cataracts;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal dystrophy (disturbance of its structure and function).

Video: Taufon drops - indications, description, reviews

Average price: 337 rub.

Release form: in bottles of 15 ml, 15%.

Analogs: “Montevisin”, “Visoptik”, “Octilia”.

It should be used no more than 3 times. per day, up to 4 days.

The product has a vasoconstrictor effect and reduces tissue swelling. Contains tetrizoline. The action begins after 60 seconds and lasts about 8 hours. Not absorbed from the injection site.

The drops are effective against swelling and redness of the conjunctiva, as well as reducing tension and eye fatigue from bright light. Visine is excellent for allergic reactions.

Contraindicated for:

  • glaucoma;
  • under two years of age;
  • corneal dystrophy.

You should be careful with cardiovascular problems (arrhythmia, hypertension, coronary artery disease), diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma.

Pharmacies may offer Visine Classic and Visine Pure Tear. The second option is shown as a drop in the eye from fatigue from working behind a computer screen. Its main action is aimed at eliminating dryness.

Price: from 490 rub.

Analogues: “Oxial”, “Defislez”, “Hilo-Komod”.

Use throughout the day as needed, 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac.

The solution is based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, sweet clover, cornflower). It is used as drops to relax the eyes, moisturizing the cornea. The action of herbs helps reduce spasm of the intraocular muscles, so they work as a reliever of tension and fatigue after long work.

After instillation, a film forms. It protects mucous membranes from harmful factors (strong wind, dust, ultraviolet radiation). The drug is especially indicated when wearing contact lenses and working behind a computer screen.

It quickly repairs damage to the cornea. It has a hypoallergenic effect, but may be poorly tolerated by people with hypersensitivity to plant materials.

Price: RUR 203–552, depending on volume.

There are no analogues in composition.

Release form: bottles of 15, 10, 5 and 3 ml, monodoses in tubes.

Application: 1-2 drops 1-3 times a day. You can bury it at any time of the day. No side effects were observed, sometimes individual intolerance is noted.

Refers to vitamin drops for eyes. Contains pyridoxine, thiamine. Can be used before, after and while wearing lenses. Promotes hydration and reduces friction between the CL and the mucous membrane. Due to this, eye fatigue is reduced; such drops are even good as cleaners from protein deposits on contact optics.

They do not have a chemical effect on the mucous membrane of the eye. Perhaps these are the best eye drops for tiredness and redness. Indicated for dry eye syndrome. They relieve burning, itching, and discomfort by creating a protective film. They are not absorbed into the blood and are excreted with tears.

Video: Mechanism of action of Systane

Visomitin (Skulachev drops)

Average price: 499 rub.

Release form: 5 ml bottles.

It has no analogues in its composition.

Application: 1-2 drops 3 times a day.

It protects the cornea well, therefore it is indicated for cataracts. This is the only drug that reduces its cloudiness. It increases the stability of the tear film, provides protection from UV rays, and reduces fatigue of the eye muscles.

An effective antioxidant, relieves inflammation. It has a moisturizing effect, as it restores tear production and its quality composition. The drug not only eliminates the symptoms, but acts on the very cause of the development of disturbing complaints. May give the iris a blue tint.


Budget price does not always mean poor quality. The list of inexpensive but effective drops for fatigue includes:

Average price: 25 rub.

Release form: dropper bottle of 5, 10 ml.

Application: 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day.

Average price: 40 rub.

Release form: bottles, 10 ml.

Excellent inexpensive drops that cope with fatigue, redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and dryness. Create a protective layer on the surface of the cornea. Their characteristics are similar to human tears. They have a high viscosity, and there may be a feeling of eyelids sticking together. Instill 1-2 drops 4 to 8 times a day, after removing the lenses.

Average price: 102 rub.

Release form: bottles 18 ml, 120 ml.

Application: before putting on lenses, 1-3 drops into the conjunctival sac.

The composition includes isotonic solution and chlorhexidine. These are pretty cheap eye drops. Their action is aimed at combating dryness and eye fatigue, especially when wearing contact lenses or working at a computer. Their effect is achieved by creating a thin water-soluble film on the surface of the mucous membrane, which reduces lens friction. Suitable for all types of CL.

Average price: 200 rub.

Release form: bottles, 5 ml.

Application: 2-3 times a day, 1-2 drops.

An excellent antioxidant, strengthens the capillary wall. Reduces the permeability of small blood vessels in the eyes, reducing swelling, fatigue and redness of the mucous membrane. Used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The drug protects the sclera when wearing contact lenses.

The smallest

Children have the most beautiful and tender eyes, which also get tired and need special care. For eye fatigue, drops are used for children that do not cause irritation and have a good composition without preservatives. Among them, the following drugs have proven themselves well.

Average price: 500 rub.

Release form: 0.45 ml capsules.

Application: 1-2 drops 1 to 3 times a day, taking into account the age of the child.

German homeopathic medicine. Among its characteristics, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial effects are highlighted. It enhances the nutrition of eye cells, relieves tension, spasm of accommodation (fatigue of intraocular muscles during prolonged concentration), thereby improving vision. Has no side effects. Suitable even for newborns.

Vitamin drops perfectly nourish children's eyes. One of them is “Taufon”, which was discussed above. It is useful for children due to its wound-healing abilities and gentle action.

The following two representatives are created exclusively for children.

Average price: 430 rub.

Release form: bottles, 10 ml.

Application: 1 drop 1 time per day.

A Japanese drug with a delicate effect, developed taking into account children's physiology. Does not contain preservatives or dyes. Its pH is close to natural tears. The composition is rich in vitamin B6, L-aspartate.

Rohto helps with fatigue when watching TV and playing long games on the computer. Relieves eye irritation from swimming in sea or chlorinated water.

Average price: 485 rub.

Release form: bottles, 15 ml.

Application: 1 drop 2–5 times a day.

Children from 4 months.

Includes taurine, vitamin B6. It has no contraindications, but cannot be combined with other drops. Quickly reduce fatigue, itching, and eye irritation. Relaxes the muscles responsible for the focus of the pupil.

There are many eye drops available for fatigue. We tried to present the most effective and affordable ones. Write below what anti-fatigue drops you use, why you think they are the most suitable, share with your friends if the article was useful to you.