Good genes, bad genes and supergenes. Bad genetics? You can fix it! Epidietics: food as protection against cancer

That is, you cannot take, for example, apartments and securities, giving up debts and an old car. Either everything or nothing - these are the laws of the state. In the same way, you cannot be capricious: “I’ll take blue eyes, but I don’t need a fat butt and acne.” Take it all or... Take it all. These are the laws of genetics. However, options are possible!

“We used to think that genes alone determined who we are. It is now clear that everything we do, everything we eat, drink or smoke affects the activity of our genes and the genes of future generations,” said Randy Jirtle, director of the Epigenetics Laboratory at Duke University (USA). This maxim determined the beginning of a new era for all modern science. It turns out that DNA suggests, but man disposes. And you have freedom of choice.

Can legacy data be corrected?

Genetics is the science of inheritance of traits. “Epi-” is a prefix translated from Greek as “outside”, “besides”. Epigenetics studies certain factors that, in addition to genetics, influence the manifestation of hereditary traits. You can't escape your full set of genes. However, remaining in their rightful places in the DNA structure, they can remind you of themselves, or they can modestly remain silent throughout your life.

This version was expressed by biologist Conrad Waddington in 1942, but it ran counter to the classical theory - therefore, in 60 years, hardly a thousand serious works on this topic have been published in the world. Everything changed in 2003, when Randy Jirtle, already known to us, conducted an experiment with agouti mice. These are such cute mutants: they are larger than their natural counterparts, plump, round, bright yellow in color. True, they are prone to diabetes and cancer. Such is the problem. On the eve of mating and throughout the pregnancy of the experimental subjects, Jirtle fed one group of females with regular food, and the other added vitamin B12, folic acid and the essential amino acid methionine to the diet. Vitamins, you understand, are not mutagens and could not affect the structure of DNA. However, fat yellow agoutis that received the supplements gave birth to slender gray-brown mice. And their grandchildren were gray-brown - without cancer or diabetes. The same cannot be said about the heirs of the mice from the second group. This meant that the defective gene embedded in the DNA, of course, would not go anywhere, but if you behaved well, it may never appear - neither in you nor in your descendants.

It was a blast! Epigenetics turned out to be the most popular and promising branch of science. And in the last year alone, more than 5,000 studies in this area have been published worldwide (five times more than 60 years before Jirtle!). What does this mean for you personally? Well, for example, that the Donut dynasty may end with your mother, and you have every chance of becoming the ancestor of the Ballerinas.

Bad genetics is not a death sentence

Classical science cannot answer the question of why identical (that is, genetically completely identical) twins exhibit different predispositions to hereditary diseases. Moreover, the further they live from each other, the more noticeable the differences. Imagine two laptops: the model is the same, the operating system installed in them is the same. But one is running Word, the other is running Excel. “The genome is kind of like your body's hard drive,” Jirtle explains. – And the epigenome is a flexible disk that programs the behavior of DNA. It is he who dictates to the machine (that is, the body) which program to turn on and which not to.”

Certain atoms (methyl groups) are attached to the outside of DNA, which do not change the genetic information itself. They only allow or do not allow this information to be “made public.” Recent studies conducted at the Institute of Epigenetics and Cancer Prevention in the USA have confirmed that even a genetic predisposition to cancer can be “turned off” with the help of certain products. This means there is no more fatal predetermination. But responsibility must increase - not only for oneself, but, as it turns out, for one’s descendants up to the seventh generation.

Reducing the risk of hereditary diseases

This is what personally alarms me about Jirtle’s experiment with agouti: the pups were born healthy and slender, but their mothers, while pregnant, absorbed healthy supplements, remained fat and yellow. So, there is a certain limit after which it is too late to drink Borjomi? You can still save your descendants, but you can no longer save yourself? Biologists recognize that the most favorable period for epigenetic changes is indeed prenatal. Well, maybe two or three months after birth. However, some researchers are already trying to correct the epigenome in adults.

In any case, it has definitely been proven that smoking “turns off” the p16 gene, which suppresses tumor growth. Throw away cigarettes and you will provide yourself with at least a minimum level of protection. Of course, if your mother was a heavy smoker, then you may have already been born with the alarm turned off. Can you activate it yourself? There is no clear evidence of this. But there are studies showing that a daily serving of green leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, cabbage) reduces the risk of lung cancer by 20%. Add to it regular intake of multivitamins - the likelihood of cancer will drop to 50%.

Experts note that the constant presence of turmeric and garlic in the diet saves those who are genetically predisposed to stomach and intestinal cancer. They don’t get sick, despite all their bad heredity. Maybe, of course, we are talking about “compensating factors”: cancer cells are born, but the useful product immediately kills them. But it is possible that epigenetics asserts its rights in the adult body. In any case, you have a reason not to consider yourself a lost person just because your mother celebrated the news of her pregnancy with champagne.

Are all diseases caused by nerves?

If all epigenetic problems could be solved with food, we would consider life good. But alas. Research conducted at the University of Iowa (USA) showed that the amount of stress experienced by a preschool child is directly proportional to the likelihood of developing depression after age 30. The study of stress factors is generally carried out all over the world.

It has long been known (although in Russia it was not considered within the framework of epigenetics) that the nervousness of the expectant mother can affect the physical health of the child. Research conducted in Ukraine confirmed this “folk belief.” Pregnant mice were transferred to a new group every three days. The established group of rodents perceived the stranger with hostility - the female was chased away when she was pregnant, or even bitten. But in three days she managed to get used to it - and she was immediately transferred again to another cage. Mice born from such frightened mothers were predisposed to diabetes. And this exposure continued for three or four generations.

Sociologists and doctors who studied the health of post-war generations in different countries noted that the descendants of those who survived captivity or famine are more prone to diabetes than others. But less so for cardiovascular diseases. That is, the same factors can, turning off some diseases, turn on others. All that remains is to find out who is responsible for what. And one day you will receive a remote control for your own body: you will be able to turn on the genes that protect you and turn off those that lead to destruction.

Control your genes

Imagine that a set of nesting dolls is your genome. You cannot throw away any of them - otherwise the set will be incomplete, and you will turn into a mutant. But you can pick up some nesting dolls and play with them, while leaving others alone on principle. You can even seal up some kind of doll so that what’s inside it never comes out. This is it epigenetics.

Epidietics: food as protection against cancer

Food, of course, is not the only factor influencing the behavior of your genes. But the most studied. There is even a special section of epigenetics - epigenetic nutrition. She is investigating which products could become suppliers of methyl groups.

  1. Broccoli
    Influence agent: Sulforaphane
    Genetic effect: Silences genes that give a predisposition to cancer.
    Recommended dose: 4-5 inflorescences per day.
    Sulforaphane is also found in Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and white cabbage.
  2. Green tea
    Influencing agent: Polyphenols
    Genetic effect: Allows you to silence the activity of genes responsible for breast cancer and possibly other forms of cancer.
    Recommended dose: About 3 cups per day.
    There are also polyphenols in strawberries, apples, and dark chocolate.
  3. Green beans
    Influence agent: Genestein
    Genetic effect: Strengthens the epigenome and suppresses the development of cancer cells.
    Recommended Dose: A small handful of pods daily
    And genestein is also found in any legumes of milky ripeness.

How to change your destiny

Many diseases are genetically determined - this is true. But it is also true that genetics are just a possibility, not an inevitability. And you can reduce its degree yourself.

Predisposition to depression

22% - average risk for women
40% - risk if one of the parents is sick
Although some researchers hint at the existence of a certain genetic marker, specific tests that identify a predisposition to depression do not currently exist.

Reduce the risk

  • Drink coffee. No, of course, if you are facing both hypertension and depression, then you will have to choose. And if only the latter, then, according to physiologists, you can reduce the blues by 15% by drinking two cups of coffee a day. Most likely, it’s the caffeine, which provides a rapid release of joy hormones.
  • Choose your fats. Fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, vegetable oil, and avocado reduce the risk of depression by 30%. Thanks to omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Run for your life. In the literal sense of the word. The American Journal of Preventive Medicine published research last year showing that running 30 minutes every day halves the risk of depression.

Predisposition to heart disease

The risk specifically for women is not clearly defined. However, if one of your parents suffered a heart attack at a young age, then the likelihood of your early meeting with a cardiologist doubles. Scientists are working to identify specific markers of coronary artery disease, and some DNA tests are even already being used. But there are doubts about their reliability.

Reduce the risk

  • Work less. According to a 2011 US study, the risk of coronary heart disease increases by 67% among those who work more than 11 hours a day. It’s not that hard work in itself is so dangerous, but by spending too much time in the office, you leave yourself too little time for exercise, you don’t have time to eat calmly and properly (not to mention cook food), you’re a lot nervous about for different reasons and you don’t sleep enough.
  • Smile. Optimists are less prone to heart attacks and strokes than pessimists. Scientists are still arguing about the reasons for this pattern, but in itself it does not raise any doubts.
  • Listen to music. Seriously. A thirty-minute musical break in the middle of the day (when you just relax and listen to the sweet sounds) will protect your heart from bursting. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, the genre of the melodies does not matter - the main thing is that you like it.

Predisposition to melanoma

2% - average risk for women
4% - risk if one of the parents is sick
There are no genetic tests that can detect this type of cancer in advance. But don’t let the modest statistics fool you: being exposed to solar radiation increases your chances of getting sick many times over!

Reduce the risk

  • Allow yourself dessert. Yes, yes, you read everything correctly. Two pieces of dark chocolate in the morning will protect you from free radicals sent by the sun's rays.
  • Read the labels. If the bottle of sunscreen doesn't say broad spectrum or UVA&UVB, it's not the bottle we need. It has been proven that ultraviolet rays of spectrum B cause cancer with the same degree of probability as rays of spectrum A. And even infrared rays should not be lenient. And, by the way, an SPF level below 30 is unreliable protection.
  • Steer carefully. Oncologists note that melanoma most often develops on the left upper half of the body - on the left cheek, on the left shoulder or arm. Do you know why? Because when we get behind the wheel, we don’t consider it necessary to use protective cream - and the sun shines unhindered on the driver’s specified part of the body. Glass doesn't help - don't even hope.

Predisposition to breast cancer

12% - average risk for women
24% - risk if one of the parents is sick
For a woman who has an inherited BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation, the risk is greater than 60%. Therefore, if one of your relatives was diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age, and also if the disease was diagnosed in several relatives on the same line (for example, mother and grandmother or mother and mother’s sister), then you should visit a mammologist more often .

Reduce the risk

  • Be a good girl. I mean, don’t let yourself get carried away and don’t abuse alcohol. Four doses per week (that is, four glasses of vodka or the same number of glasses of wine) will reduce your resistance to cancer by 15%. Two doses per day will increase risks by up to 55%.
  • Eat wisely. To start, replace the chips with nuts: they crunch just as well, and increase anti-cancer protection by 40% because they contain antioxidants and vitamin E.
  • Love the sun. Without fanaticism, of course: remember about melanoma. However, vitamin D is produced under the influence of ultraviolet light. It can also be extracted from cod liver (or from fish oil capsules), butter, and egg yolks. The main thing to remember is that vitamin D is fat soluble. That is, if you are on a low-fat diet, you will not absorb it. And it protects against breast cancer.

Let's try to figure out whether “genes are our everything”? Or is good heredity still not enough?

Geneticist at the Atlas Medical Center, analyst at the Atlas genetic test

Bust size

The contribution of heredity to this important parameter for girls is truly significant. For the most part, breasts consist of adipose tissue: you’ve probably noticed that as soon as you start to lose weight, your curvy shape disappears somewhere. But there are also thin girls whose breasts are the envy of many. This is because the size of the breast as a whole is influenced by the size of the mammary gland itself, which is determined by genes. Today, science knows as many as seven genes (ZNF703, INHBB, ESR1, ZNF365, PTHLH and AREG) that regulate the process of mammary gland growth. By the way, three of them also determine the other side of the coin: with certain variants of them, which are responsible for large breasts, the risk of developing breast cancer is increased.


Hair thickness

You can use volume-increasing shampoos as much as you like, do lamination and other procedures, but this will not make new hair grow thicker. And here again nature gave the main role to genes. As a rule, the thickness of human hair ranges from 0.04 mm to 0.1 mm and is determined by the diameter of the hair follicle, in which dividing cells give rise to hair. There is a gene called EDAR that directly affects the activity and rate of this cell division. If a person is a carrier of a variant of the EDAR gene, which is particularly active, the cells for future hair in his skin divide just as actively. As a result, the hair grows thicker. By the way, this gene variant is typical for many residents of Asia and Africa.

Nose shape

But with facial features everything is complicated. This topic is one of the most interesting and at the same time unstudied by geneticists due to its complexity. However, several genes that specifically influence the shape of the nose are already known. For example, variants of the DCHS2 gene, which regulates the connection of cells in dense tissues of the body, are responsible for the shape of the vestibule septum and the angle of the tip of the nose, as well as for the protrusion of the nose beyond the plane of the face as a whole. And the SUPT3H and RUNX2 genes, which are responsible for the development of bone and cartilage tissue, affect the width of the bridge of the nose. The width of the wings of the nose also depends on genetics - the GLI3 gene is responsible for it.

Hollywood smile

A beautiful smile, and most importantly, healthy, problem-free teeth, is the dream of many. Fortunately, heredity is not so important here; genes that can seriously affect the beauty of teeth are very, very rare. So everything is in your hands. Regular visits to the dentist, daily oral hygiene and everything like that.


How many pain-filled appeals on the “eternal” topic every day turn into emptiness: why does Katya constantly eat donuts and remain skinny, and I can’t eat a piece of cake once a month... And although scientists have not yet found specific “slimness genes”, genetics influences where our energy, obtained from those same donuts and other products, will mainly be spent. Thus, one of the variants of the UCP2 gene causes our body to spend a huge amount of energy on heat, while the other variant is not very concerned about this. Accordingly, if a person spends most of the energy consumed all the time on heat production, he will not have time to gain weight. But it is important to say that no one has canceled sports and proper nutrition: based on genetic data, you can achieve fantastic results and always be in great shape.

Our expert is the head of the department of molecular foundations of ontogenesis at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Biology named after. Belozersky, corresponding member of the RAS Boris Vanyushin.

so different twins

It turns out that the gene is not the only carrier of information about your health. Proof of this is the existence of identical twins. Having exactly the same set of genes, they come to old age with different diseases. Moreover, the more different the twins led their lives, the further their fates scattered them from each other, the more significant the differences.

Tested on mice

Characteristic characteristics of an organism acquired during life can be inherited by descendants. This has been proven by modern experimenters. Americans Randy Jirtle and Robert Waterland put laboratory mice on a special diet, which contained a fair amount of vitamin B12, folic acid, choline - substances of the so-called methyl groups.

And lo and behold! Mice, whose ancestors, due to a genetic defect, were distinguished by an unusual yellow fur color, gluttony and a predisposition to serious diseases - cancer and diabetes, brought brown offspring. Moreover, the mice were healthier and slimmer than their parents. Scientists wondered why the harmful genes were silent, because no one changed the DNA of the mice? And then they made an assumption, which was confirmed by further research: there are so-called epigenetic (“epi” in translation “over”, “above”) mechanisms for the transmission of hereditary information. What we inherit from our parents is not just genes, but chromosomes. They consist of only half of DNA, the remaining 50% are proteins, which carry epigenetic markers.

The dietary supplements prescribed to the mice affected the functioning of the defective gene and did not give it a chance to show its insidiousness. Moreover, substances of methyl groups can be obtained both from certain vegetables and fruits, and from dietary supplements. And, if there are not enough of these substances on the menu, hereditary illnesses will manifest themselves, and if there are enough, you will not even remember about family fate. However, epigenetics does not encourage us to take dietary supplements by the handful. In America, scientists were wary of the appearance in pharmacies of highly concentrated CH3 drugs, the so-called “methyl group donors.” But geneticists have a positive attitude towards changes in the menu.

Three champions

In principle, there are many products that contain ingredients that change our genes. But among them there are three champions in the content of methyl group substances.

Green tea takes first place, which has many useful properties. But the most remarkable quality is that its catechins, by binding to our DNA, normalize the proper functioning of genes. That is, some areas are activated, including genes that inhibit the formation of tumors, while others, on the contrary, are suppressed - these are genes that promote the development of cancer. The Japanese, staunch supporters of this drink, have calculated that if you drink a cup of green tea in the morning and evening, the risk of tumor formation is halved. Green tea is especially beneficial for women who have a family history of breast cancer caused by the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

In second place is garlic. The Americans added its extract to a Petri dish with cancer cells. And garlic triggered the processes of death of cells that give metastases and affected oncogenes. Garlic has another amazing property - it increases life expectancy. Turkish geneticists took blood tests from elderly people before and after a month of regularly adding garlic to their menu. Tests showed that garlic activated genes for very important enzymes in the human antioxidant system. They reduced the destruction of DNA by free radicals and preserved the youth of the body.

Third champion - soybean, so popular in the East. Oncologists are convinced that the substances of methyl groups from soy prevent the development of tumors of the prostate, larynx, colon, breast, as well as leukemia.

By the way, did you know that in America there is a special medical specialty - cancer preventer (literally “cancer prevention specialist”)? This is a doctor whose task is to trace the patient’s ancestry, do a DNA test and prevent familial cancer. The first thing a doctor prescribes to a person who has defective genes is a special diet.

Habits are not given to us from above.

However, a proper diet alone is still not enough. Giving up bad habits and acquiring new, useful ones also helps healthy genes work.

Sick genes are indulged in by alcoholism, smoking, uncontrolled use of medications (especially antibiotics), and consumption of foods high in pesticides, preservatives, and food colorings.

And defective sections of DNA are corrected by low-calorie nutrition, daily physical activity, good ecology and optimism.

Today, epigenetics is among a dozen disciplines and technologies that will revolutionize all of humanity in the very near future. Neither medicine nor agriculture can escape it. If the last century was the century of genetics (deciphered by the genome), then our century is the time of epigenetics. Previously, it was not considered science, it was bashfully hushed up, but today it has received material evidence, the nature of epigenetic signals has been revealed - DNA methylation.

Scientists say that epigenetics transforms us from slaves of nature into creators of our own destiny. Do you want to live long yourself and pass on healthy, strong genes to your heirs? Then take care of it right now. Even the weakest genes can be improved, which means you can become a long-liver and receive gratitude from your children and grandchildren.

Magic diet

Here are the foods and dietary supplements that, taken daily and in the specified quantities, will help your DNA become flawless. Everywhere the active substances that treat genes are named. Next to them are short designations under which they may appear in dietary supplements. Remember that when taking dietary supplements and vitamins, you must strictly follow the dosages indicated in the instructions.

  • Green tea (epigallocatechin‑3‑gallate - EGCG, epicatechin - EC, epicatechin‑3‑gallate - ECG, epigallocatechin - EGC). 2-3 small cups.
  • Garlic (diallyl sulfide - DAS, diallyl disulfide - DADS, diallyl trisulfide - DATS). 2-3 cloves.
  • Soybeans (genistein, daidzein). It is better to use it as a dietary supplement.
  • Grapes, wine (reserveratrol). A bunch of grapes (the dark Concord variety has the most benefits), or 120 g of concentrated grape juice, or 100 g of dry red wine.
  • Tomatoes (lycopene). 100g dark red tomatoes with added oil, 460g for cancer risk.
  • Broccoli (Indole‑3‑carbinol). Dietary supplement + 100 g cabbage, 300 g - if there is a risk of cancer.
  • Microelements selenium and zinc. Vitamin complexes + nuts (a handful), fish (100 g), eggs (1 piece), mushrooms (50 g).
  • Methyl group donors are folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin B12, choline (vitamin B4), betaine, methionine (amino acid). Vitamin complexes, dietary supplements + vegetables and fruits.

The human population is genetically diverse. Every person in the process of life, earlier, say, before 1000 AD. had to be able to cope with the demands of the environment like an organism. He had to have good immunity to fight diseases, be able to work well and for a long time physically (not necessarily to loosen the ground, but, say, run), be able to fight with his own kind, be able to quickly analyze what is happening and assess the situation if he lives in a hot area - to be adapted to the heat, if he lives in the tundra - to be adapted to this life, if he eats mainly dairy products - to be able to assimilate them efficiently without problems, etc. - there are many requirements, some of which are determined strictly genetically. It seems like the simplest example is the production of insulin. It is determined by the presence of a certain gene that simply encodes this protein (I no longer remember 1 gene or several and on which chromosome). If this gene is damaged in a person (and gene mutations can lead to changes in information about the encoded protein), then it is not insulin that is produced, but some kind of dysfunctional protein, or nothing is produced at all. If such a person had been born earlier, when insulin was not yet sold in the pharmacy, he would have been sick, could not have been cured, would have absorbed sugar worse and would have been more likely not to survive than others, and would have been less likely to give birth to offspring.
This means “if you can’t cope with an obstacle, leave.” (here it is also useful to remember about dominant and recessive genes and how they are inherited. Often the working gene carries a dominant trait, and the erroneous gene carries a recessive trait)
And now modern medicine provides a set of measures to support human health. But the genome continues to change, accumulate errors, and individuals with a large number of errors do not die as with natural selection, but can live in modern society.
Their offspring then also receive all their errors in genes.

Thank you.
1) So, due to technological progress, humanity is deteriorating its health and slowly dying out? For example, I heard that “many different wild tribes in Asia, Africa, the Amazon live without knowing anything about our problems, they are distinguished by amazing health and endurance.” So, for our health, should we also live in such wild conditions?

2) I didn’t quite understand something about dominant and working genes...
Is a dominant gene the one that is “demanded” by selection?

3) Are there any signs of vitality common to all humanity, independent of human habitats? What are these signs?
For example, in one psychology article I found the concept of “innate level of energy potential.” How is it determined physiologically?

4) After all, health matters, for example, in sexual selection! And sexual selection takes place everywhere. Still, probably, preference for marriage is often given to healthy people! What does the concept of health include, from the point of view of sexual selection, at this stage of human evolution?

How often have you heard the following phrase: “I have such genes, what can I do?” Many people say it when they talk about their illnesses, excess weight, bad habits... What if the genes given from birth can be changed? What if it is not our genes that control our lives, but rather we control our genes? This is precisely the conclusion reached by the authors of the unique book that you are now holding in your hands - Deepak Chopra and Rudolf Tanzi. They are confident that everyone can direct the activity of their genes in a positive direction and achieve a state of “radical well-being”: find harmony of body and mind, improve their health. But how? You will find the answer to this question, as well as revolutionary discoveries, practical advice and useful practices in this book.


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Good genes, bad genes and supergenes

If you want to live better, what's the first thing you'll change? Almost no one will answer “genes”. And not without reason - after all, we were taught that genes are stable and unchangeable. What you were born with is what you live with all your life. If you happen to have an identical twin, you'll both have to make do with the same set of genes, no matter how good or bad they are. Every day we talk about genes, meaning that they do not change. Why are some people gifted with beauty and intelligence more than others? They were lucky with their genes. On the other hand, why does a Hollywood star have to undergo surgery to remove both mammary glands in the absence of signs of disease? The threat of poor heredity, a high hereditary predisposition to cancer in her family members. The public is scared and the media is not reporting how rare this threat actually is.

It's time to break the boundaries of these established concepts. Your genes are mobile, dynamic and responsive to all your thoughts and actions. The news that everyone needs to hear is that gene activity is largely under our control. Let me repeat this because this revolutionary idea is at the heart of this book: we control almost all the activity of our genes.

Our genes constantly produce a huge number of chemical compounds that contain encrypted messages. We are only now discovering how powerful the impact of these messages is.

By focusing on the activity of your genes and making conscious choices, you can:

Improve your mood by preventing anxiety and depression;

Resist annual colds and flu;

Get back your normal healthy sleep;

Get more energy and resist chronic stress;

Get rid of constant pain;

Rid your body of many unpleasant sensations;

Slow down the aging process and possibly reverse it;

Getting your metabolism in order is the best way to lose excess weight so that it doesn’t come back;

Reduce the risk of cancer.

It has long been suspected that when problems begin in these areas, genes are to blame; Now we know for sure that they are also involved in resolving these problems. The entire body-mind system is regulated by gene activity, often in surprising ways. For example, your gut genes send signals about processes that have nothing to do with the usual function of digestion. These signals relate to your mood, the effectiveness of your immune system, and your susceptibility to disorders closely related to digestion (such as diabetes or irritable bowel syndrome), but also very indirectly related to it, such as hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, and autoimmune disorders. – from allergic reactions to chronic inflammation.

Every cell in your body communicates with other cells by sending genetic messages, and you need to be part of that communication. The way you live your life leads to better or worse gene activity. In fact, the actions of your genes can be changed by any strong impressions you receive throughout your life. Thus, identical twins, despite the fact that they were born with the same set of genes, have completely different gene expression in adulthood. One can be obese and the other thin, one can be schizophrenic and the other mentally healthy, one can outlive the other by a lot. All these differences are regulated by gene activity.

One of the reasons we titled this book "Supergenes", is that we want to show how much your genes can do for you. The communication between mind and body is not like a bridge that connects two banks of a river. It is more like a telephone line, or rather several telephone lines along which countless signals are sent; and every signal, even as insignificant as a glass of orange juice in the morning, an apple eaten with its skin, a reduction in the noise level in the workplace, or a walk before bed, is processed by the entire system. Every cell monitors what you think, say and do.

Optimizing gene activity may provide a compelling reason to abandon the defeatist concept of good and bad genes. However, in reality, our understanding of the human genome has expanded greatly over the past two decades. After nearly twenty years of scientific research, the Human Genome Project was completed in 2003, resulting in a complete map of the 3 billion base pairs—the alphabet code of life—that run along the DNA double helix in every cell. However, there was more to it than reading this card. Human existence itself has unfolded in entirely new directions, as if someone had given us a map of a new unexplored continent. In a world where we believe there is little left unknown, the human genome has opened up new perspectives.

Let me tell you some impressive facts about how the field of genetics research has expanded today. You have a supergene that goes beyond the ideas of good and bad genes that were taught in old textbooks. This supergenome manifests itself in three aspects.

First, there are the approximately 23,000 genes that you inherit from your parents, and the 97% of DNA that lies between those genes.

Secondly, the switching mechanism that is present in each strand of DNA and which allows it to turn outward or inward, up or down. This mechanism is part of your epigenome, and the epigenome is as alive and dynamic as you are, and has a complex response to various sensations.

Third, the genes for microbes (tiny living microorganisms, such as bacteria) that live in your intestines, in your mouth and on your skin, but mainly in your intestines. These “gut microbes,” as they are called, outnumber the cells in your own body. According to the most accurate estimates, our body contains 100 trillion intestinal microbes, including from 500 to 2000 species of bacteria. Those 100 trillion microbes in our digestive tract alone are not outside invaders. We've evolved with them over millions of years, and without them we wouldn't be able to properly digest food, resist disease, or cope with a huge number of chronic disorders, from diabetes to cancer.

And all these three components are you too. These are the structural elements of your body, which, including at the moment, send instructions throughout your body. If you don't know your supergenome, you will never be able to understand who you really are. The most fascinating research topic in modern genetics is how supergenes shape the communication system between body and mind. In the flow of information, new knowledge is being discovered that affects us all. They change our way of life, our love and understanding of our place in the universe.

The second genetic revolution can be expressed in one simple phrase: “We are learning how to make our genes say yes.”. Instead of allowing your bad genes to cripple you and your good ones to stand by, think of your supergenome as your humble servant, helping you shape your life the way you want to live it. You were born to use your genes, not the other way around. We are not talking here about the fulfillment of desires. The task of new genetics is to change the activity of genes in a positive direction.

In the book "Supergenes" The most important discoveries to date and reflections on them have been collected. Its authors, Rudy Tanzi and Deepak Chopra, are one of the world's leading geneticists and a recognized expert in the field of mind-body medicine. We may come from different worlds, and our workday may be completely different. So, Rudy is working on the latest research into a possible cure for Alzheimer's disease, Deepak talks to thousands of listeners a year about mind, body and spirituality. However, we are united by a thirst for change, no matter where its roots lie - in the mind or in the genes. In his previous book "Superbrain" we talked about the latest advances in neuroscience and showed examples of how the brain can be healed and renewed, optimize its daily functioning and, as a result, make people's lives much better.

Our new book explores this topic in more depth. You can call it a prehistory to "To the superbrain", because the brain depends on DNA and thanks to it, nerve cells do very interesting work every day. Here we are talking about the same principle: you use your brain, not the other way around, only now we are transferring this principle to the entire genome. Whether we're talking about superbrains or supergenes, the changes are about lifestyle. Simple lifestyle changes open up a person's enormous untapped potential.

You have a supergene that goes beyond the ideas of good and bad genes that were taught in old textbooks.

The most exciting news: the communication between mind and body, just like genes, can be changed. These changes go beyond prevention and even beyond wellness, to a state we call radical well-being. This book explains each aspect of radical well-being and demonstrates how modern science either indicates or strongly suggests what we need to do if we want to get our genes to respond in a way that will provide the best possible conditions for life.

The concept of good and bad genes is confusing because it leads to an even greater misconception that views biology as predetermined. In the pages of this book we want to explain that there is no opposition between good and bad genes. All genes are good. Can ruin genes mutations. But there are also mutations that can “improve” genes. The number of gene mutations due to which a person has a high tendency to certain diseases is about 5% of their total number. This is a negligible part of the supergenome. As long as you think in terms of good and bad genes, you are captive to harmful and outdated ideas. Biology is allowed to determine who you are. There is some irony in the fact that such a deterministic approach is being taken by geneticists in a modern society in which people have more freedom of choice than ever before. To questions about why people overeat, suffer from depression and mental disorders, break the law and even believe in God, there is always a categorical answer: “It’s all my genes.”

If new genetics teaches us anything, it is first of all the interaction between nature and nutrition. You may have a genetic predisposition to obesity, depression, or type 2 diabetes, but you might as well say that the piano predisposes people to play off key. This possibility exists, but what is more important is the good music that can be extracted from the piano and from the genes.

We invite you to read this book because we want to improve your well-being, not because there are many false notes in the world that should be avoided, but because there is beautiful music yet to be composed. Supergenes are the key that unlocks personal changes that suddenly become much more possible and desirable than before.

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