Name for a boy Leonid: meaning, character and fate. Folk signs, customs. What does astrology say?

According to Mendelev

A good, beautiful, reliable, but weak and feminine name. Leonid is characterized by kindness, the presence of the best and noblest intentions - and the wrong choice of the path to implement these intentions. As you know, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” - and the fates of the Leonids are rarely smooth and simple, especially for those who were given power over other people by chance or circumstances.

As long as Leonid simply lives, works, raises children and does not pretend to be anything more, everything is fine and luck often accompanies him, especially since he has excellent inclinations for this. Good intuition, a tendency to perceive and comprehend new things, as well as hard work accompany this person - as they say, everything is within the normal range, except that excitability is somewhat reduced, but this may not be a bad thing.

It’s a different matter if Leonid decides to set sail on the waves of risk and uncertainty: for example, he gets involved in entrepreneurship or politics. Fatal bad luck begins to haunt him, and all his undertakings bear fruits that are exactly the opposite of those expected. It may also happen that Leonid will become a tool in the hands of more determined and enterprising people, serving them as a screen and cover.

Lenya is similar to Leonid, but simpler, more active, stronger and more decisive. In Leni’s youth, everything goes more or less well: he stands out noticeably among his peers (Leni has the “loud” attribute, but Leonid does not).

The colors of the name are green and blue.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Loving him is not easy, but pleasant, unless the woman protests against his changeability, but changes with him. Leonid appreciates a woman's intellectual level. Unlike many other men who are scared off by a woman’s intelligence, Leonid prefers women who are extraordinary, with a brilliantly honed mind, but, of course, not cold. It is not easy to love him, he tries to slip out of his hands, leaving those he loves in eternal uncertainty. Having once suffered a crash in love, he experiences loneliness especially acutely and looks for a life partner.

“Summer” Leonid is an incorrigible idealist who dreams of fidelity, devotion, and self-sacrifice. A strong attachment to the past usually prevents him from living a full emotional and sexual life. Leonid in love, like no one else, shows his individuality. He tries to establish himself in the world of love, afraid to admit that in fact he is tormented by lack of confidence in himself and his strength. Leonid never gives the appearance that he is characterized by mental anguish and suffering, not considering this a sign manhood. He. very erotic (the “gourmet lover” type), but in bed he behaves selfishly, caring only about his own pleasure and satisfaction, and can be cynical.

In life, he knows how to be an excellent strategist, assesses consequences well, does not torment himself with unnecessary remorse, and often conquers a woman with the speed of his actions. Leonid is impulsive, easily carried away, he is sexy, but his sexuality manifests itself only in a familiar environment and with a woman he knows. Has a keen intuition and is well versed in female psychology. Likes to watch erotic magazines, films, and tell jokes. “Winter” Leonid often gets married for mercantile reasons or trying to forget the infidelity of his former girlfriend. In search of an ideal, he indulges in numerous love affairs. In relationships with women, he prefers to act rather than speak beautiful phrases.

According to Higir

Comes from the ancient Greek name Leonidas (from “leon” - lion and “idea” - appearance, appearance), literally - the son of a lion, a lion cub that looks like a lion.

Since childhood, he has taken his health very seriously. He is picky when choosing food and will not eat anything that is not fresh. A small scratch or abrasion is the basis for bandaging your hand, slight fever- go to bed. And although he often misses classes at school, his academic performance does not suffer from this. He is quite proud and will not allow himself to be considered less worthy by those with whom he studies. Adult Leonid achieves good success in his chosen specialty. Can work as a welder, truck crane driver, be a journalist or statesman. At any job he will have a good relationship with friends and superiors. The reason for this is Leonid’s fairly flexible character, the ability to adapt to people and circumstances, and the ability to resolve conflicts. But where necessary, he is capable of being firm, principled and unyielding. Everything, in a word, depends on the circumstances.

In his youth he is easy-going, loves night fishing and fish soup by the fire, but will do everything so that, God forbid, he does not get a cold in the lower back or get a runny nose.

In relationships with women, Leonids represent that classic type of man whose path to the heart lies through the stomach. Of course, Leonid is not full of high feelings, but still it is very possible to kill or muffle these feelings with daily pasta and boiled eggs. Leonid is squeamish; a plate not washed thoroughly enough can ruin his mood for a long time. Leonid’s wife should remember one more thing: he is very sensitive to public reproaches. And if she definitely wants to reprimand him, then it’s better to wait until no one is around. Jealous. Don't mind spending the evening with a bottle of wine. When drunk he becomes especially jealous.

You can most likely expect good luck in marriage by marrying one of those whose names are Alla, Anna, Bertha, Valentina, Vera, Nika, Lyudmila, Natalya, Polina. The least suitable for Leonid are Agnes, Venus, Vesta, Vladlena, Gelena, Dominica, Tatyana, Yana. Family life with Galina may be the most difficult.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Coming from a lion” (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: Lightness, optimism and solidity have reached such a balance in the energy of the name that today, perhaps, it is one of the most favorable names for life. Usually this leads to the fact that from childhood Lenya grows up as a fairly cheerful child, quite sociable and little prone to conflicts. There are, of course, exceptions, but most bearers of this name have some kind of amazing ability translate a conflict situation into a joke, which makes Leonid the life of the party or just a very pleasant person. At the same time, he manages not to overact in his gaiety and therefore it does not bother him or those around him. Of course, he is also familiar with the feeling of dissatisfaction with someone, he can boil over, but most often a bad mood is expressed only in a shrug of the shoulders, well, maybe he will also wave his hand, saying, well, you. True, if the conflict does come to a fight, then, most likely, he will be ready for this.

At the same time, unlike other cheerful names, in addition to balance, this name contains a sufficient charge of ambition and rather energetic efficiency, which makes Lenya not only pleasant to talk to, but also endows him with good business qualities. However, for self-realization he needs a big goal, without which he can gradually become lazy. It is also possible that there is some addiction to alcohol, which is characteristic of many sociable people.

Such qualities in his youth often provide Leonid with success among women, which, however, is unlikely to go to his head, and these same qualities make it possible to create all the conditions for a normal life in the family. He is a fairly good owner, he knows how to show both care and firmness in raising children, but sometimes everything can be ruined by a craving for alcohol. It is most optimal for Leonid to combine quiet family life with big plans regarding career or personal pursuits. In this case, he will not lose the meaning of life, and, most likely, luck will not leave him.

Best of all positive traits can find application in all areas related to public attention, be it the stage, politics, or the creation of any children's or adult organizations. He can make an excellent manager, leader or actor. On the other hand, his name does little to incline him to quiet and unnoticed work, especially if Leonid has already managed to get around in society at least a little and achieve some success. Unfortunately, having lost this, Lenya may well fall into depression.

Secrets of communication: Usually Lenya gets along with people so well that any recommendations here are simply unnecessary. Nevertheless, you should not hurt his pride, especially in the area of ​​his professional interests. He is unlikely to raise a scandal, but you will still lose his favor. In the event of an open confrontation, rest assured that he will be able to stand up for himself.

The name's trace in history:

Leonid Utesov

Talking about his stormy, eventful youth, the famous pop artist Leonid Utesov (1895-1982) loved to recall such a story. Once on a tram, he saw a conductor approaching a girl, and she began to cry in response, explaining that her wallet was missing. “How much money did you have?” – the future great singer asked sympathetically. - “Twenty kopecks.” Utesov gallantly handed the girl two kopecks. When the conductor left, the girl demanded:

- Now give me your wallet!

The singer spent his childhood and youth in the atmosphere of the Odessa streets, so far from the sublimity. The parents also did not contribute to their son’s musical education, sending him to study at a commercial school. But he did not live up to their hopes, dropping out of school and taking a not very commercial position as an actor in a traveling circus. This was the beginning of the dizzying career of Lazar Weisbein, who thundered throughout the world under the pseudonym Leonid Utesov - the career of a pop singer, theater and film actor, organizer, leader and soloist of the country's first Soviet jazz group "Tea-jazz", with whom he starred in the film "Jolly Fellows".

Subsequently, this group began to be called more officially - “State Variety Orchestra of the RSFSR”, and Utesov himself, thanks to his talent, acquired a truly “star” status, which even at the height of his fame he was quite skeptical about. When asked how it felt to be famous, he told the following story. “I performed once in Odessa. Full house, complete success. After the concert, I was getting into the car, when suddenly a woman with a little boy ran up to me and, pointing her finger at me, said in a loud whisper:

- Look, Senya, it’s Utesov! When you grow up, he will already be dead.

I didn’t come to Odessa with concerts anymore.”

However, while reacting painfully to this kind of tactlessness, Utesov knew how to stand up for himself in battle with real enemies. When critics accused him of lacking a singing voice, he exclaimed in bewilderment: “So what? I don’t sing with my voice - I sing with my heart!” And no one found anything to object to.

A person’s name is a kind of individual code that allows one to determine the main character traits that will be inherent to him. It is important to correctly and fully interpret the meaning of the name.

What does the name Leonid mean? What is the origin and history of the name Leonid?

The meaning of the name Leonid

Leonidas is like a lion. The name has ancient Greek roots. The zodiac sign that accompanies Leonid is Leo. It gives a person willpower, the power of influence. The planet that rules Leonid's life is the Sun. She gives him cheerfulness and the ability to forgive a lot.

The color that suits Leonid best is gold. A tree that can become a talisman for Leonid is cedar. The plant that will cure him of all diseases is rosehip. The stone that should be chosen as a talisman is diamond.

Origin and history of the name Leonid

The name has ancient Greek roots. Since the meaning of the name Leonid is like a lion, the man was associated with this courageous and free animal. The short meanings of the name are Lenya, Lyosha, Lyokha.

Leonid celebrates Angel Day twice a year - on the sixteenth of April and the thirtieth of July. On Spanish the name sounds like Leonidas. In Italian - Leonido. Today the name is common in Europe.

The character and fate of Leonid

It is worth noting positive features character of a man:





Leonid has a rather remarkable appearance. He has a flexible character and quickly finds an approach to any person. It is worth noting the negative character traits of Leonid, which should be restrained in order to obtain desired result:




Leonid finds many things much easier than those around him, so he often behaves arrogantly and arrogantly. He should restrain his emotions and not forget that a reputation is easy to ruin and very difficult to regain.

Leonid is narcissistic, but he shows this quality in the desire to be better than others. He tries not to prove anything to anyone with words, but to constantly work on himself. At the same time, he shares little of his inner experiences and problems at work. Therefore, he seems somewhat cold in communication and distant.

If Leonid values ​​a person, he will never be rude or restrained. He will try everything in his power to ensure that everything turns out in the best possible way for a person. Leonid is just a wonderful friend.

He can listen, support, and solve problems with lightning speed. At the same time, he does not talk much about his problems, because he is used to solving them quickly and without compromise. He simply has nothing to complain about, because he feels at ease, both at work and at home.

Leonid is worried about himself and his health. He tries to monitor his blood pressure, exercise regularly, and avoid nervous overload. He loves to do charity and good deeds, getting real pleasure from it. Leonid keeps a lot in his memory and constantly replays events in his head. He tries to forget, but sometimes he fails.

He takes all his defeats and falls very hard. What does the name Leonid mean - like a lion? This is a strong-willed man who is used to being in control of the situation. He has a huge number of plans for the future and ideas on how to achieve them.

Leonid has been interested in exact sciences. They come easily to him, so Leonid tries to develop the skills to analyze and systematize information - this will help him in later life.

Leonid has developed intuition, he tries his best not to mix personal hostility and work, but he does not often succeed. Leonid constantly has envious people. These are people who have achieved much less in life than he and envy him from the bottom of their hearts. Leonid does not pay attention to their machinations and builds his life according to his own discretion.

It is better for Leonid to choose a job as an analyst, mathematician, manager, physicist, scientific activity. In business he also has no equal. He is able to predict the behavior of competitors months in advance. This allows him to gain time and earn more money.

The only difficulty for Leonid is working in business as a couple. He tries not to let his partner down, but at the same time he demands from him as from himself. Not everyone is able to reach the same heights in business as Leonid.

He can not only manage an existing company, but also create his own. Leonid easily learns from competitors, so he quickly adopts other people's innovative experience and easily implements it into his activities. Leonid has hundreds of ideas every day. As a result, he finds those people who easily help him realize everything he has planned.

Love Leonida

Leonid's character and fate predetermine his success with women. Leonid is talented and good-looking. From an early age he attracts the attention of the fairer sex. The girls are fighting for the right to be Leonid’s friend, lover, bride.

He himself is calm, because he knows that he the only woman smart, beautiful, reserved. She will not be the first to show signs of attention to a man. This is exactly the kind of woman he finds in his life.

Leonid does not seek to get married early. Even if next to him is the one who completely satisfies him. He tries to realize himself in life, to achieve something. He succeeds and then he can think about family.

Leonid loves children, but he places their upbringing entirely on the shoulders of his beloved. He tries to provide his family with everything they need. Make sure that his loved ones do not need anything. Leonid tries to trust people and has many friends. He does not worry if his communication with someone stops. He tries to be discreet and friendly with everyone.

He is respected and appreciated in his family. They are considered the head of the family, the beloved man. For this, he gives his woman support and attention, gives her gifts and kisses. Guests and relatives are always welcome in his house. Such hospitality provides him with a huge circle of acquaintances.

There are many names in the world, there are ancient and modern, fashionable and those that have lost their popularity. The name Leonid is sonorous, beautiful and strong.

It is quite widespread, but in Lately became not very popular. If you decide to name your child this, it may not be a bad idea to find out what the name Leonid means and what kind of character he has.

Let's take a closer look at what secrets Leonid keeps inside himself. The meaning of the name is associated with a proud and mighty lion. It is worth saying that many owners of this name are real leaders. A striking example serves as a legend about the ruler ancient state Sparta.

King Leonidas was an intelligent and courageous ruler - a commander who, at the cost of his life, stopped the advance of the Persian king Xerxes. Having accepted an unequal battle in a narrow gorge, Leonidas and his faithful guard saved most of the army from death, giving them time to leave the dangerous gorge.

The meaning of the name Leonid contains the lion's strength and character inherent in the king of beasts. The origin of this name is ancient Greek, and it is translated as “son of a lion” or “like a lion.”

The name Leonid in its various variants is quite widespread around the world. In Greece - Leonidas, in Italy - Leo, in France - Leon. In Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, the names Leonty, which originate from Leonid and have become independent, are also common. Short forms of the name: Lenya, Leva, Lesha, Leonya, Lyoska, Leska.

Characteristics of the name

  • Zodiac: Taurus, Libra.
  • Color: white, light green.
  • Celestial body: Jupiter.
  • Animal: for Leonid the totem – White Lion, elephant.
  • Suitable mineral for the name: jasper.
  • Important years: 16, 23, 58.
  • Church name: no need to change.
  • In the calendar: the name day is celebrated on the day of veneration of saints and martyrs named Leonid - January 8, March 7, April 29, June 18, August 21, November 12.

We can safely say that the meaning of the name Leonid is fully manifested from childhood. The character of this child is optimistic and easy-going. But it would be difficult to call him weak. Lenya is a boy with a “wide” soul, moderately open, and has his own opinion about everything.

Fate has endowed him with diplomacy and balance; Lenya easily finds mutual language with peers, will always help resolve a conflict situation or a quarrel that has broken out between friends. He studies easily in all respects, masters knowledge of school subjects without difficulty, which delights teachers.

During adolescence, the character of the “little lion cub” becomes more impulsive, and leadership qualities begin to appear in him. During this period, he will want to become the one who is noticed. Leonid's friends are captivated by his easy communication style and internal energy. This guy is the soul of the company, its ideological inspirer and leader. However, a certain temper is also inherent in him, although in most cases Lenya will simply wave his hand and stop noticing the one who annoys him.

The main secret of the adult Leonid is his amazing efficiency and hard work. Men with this name sometimes manage to do so much in a day that from the outside it seems unrealistic.

Leonid’s character requires primacy in everything, and self-confidence, healthy ambition, willingness to work and business acumen fully contribute to his self-realization. By the way, the latter is closely connected with a big, difficult to achieve goal, without which Leonid completely loses interest in existence.

Relationships with work colleagues are no worse than with friends. Leonid, as a rule, knows how to win people over. But you shouldn’t hurt his pride in terms of professional interests. A person with this name is not vengeful, and will not show resentment, but a person who hurts his feelings risks ending up on the “black list” for a long time.

Leonid's life is not as easy as it seems from the outside. Fate strives every now and then to test the character and strong-willed qualities of a man. However inner rod– energy, reliability and flexibility of mind – allow the owners of this name to overcome all obstacles and cope with any situation. Among the Leonids there are many actors, showmen and politicians. Science, electronics, and complex technology can also become a place for the application of the strengths and skills of such people.

Love, family and marriage

Love for women and food are two of Leonid’s priorities. “The way to a man’s heart...” - yes, it’s about him! If a woman knows how to cook and set the table, she has every chance of winning Leonid’s favor. These men love women who are economical, extraordinary and intelligent, those who are able to admire their husband and his achievements.

Perhaps, a girl’s ability to cook deliciously is in the first place for them; the owners of this name are experts in food, one might say, gourmets. Very aesthetically pleasing and have a refined taste. Leonid will never be deterred by a charming, intelligent woman who only cooks pasta, no matter how hard she tries. Also, this person will not build a relationship with a lady who likes to criticize others in public or “wash dirty linen in public.”

The one he calls his wife will appreciate such character traits of Leonid as the ability to combine pleasures and caring for the household. He is difficult to manipulate, but if a woman is smart enough, she will find a non-forceful approach to sway Leonid in the right direction.

Despite the obvious desire to be first, these men need to maintain contact with family and friends. It is family that is the very incentive for which Leonid will make grandiose plans and achieve their implementation.

A marriage with Irma, Bella, Marianna can be good in all respects. But with Taisiya and Zhanna, the relationship is unlikely to be long. Author: Anastasia Alyokhina

  • it originates its history in ancient Hellas (Greece) and comes from Leonidas (Λεωνίδας), which consists of two Greek words and is translated: λέων - “lion”, and είδος - “similar” or “descendant”. From this it follows that the name Leonidas means “descendant of a lion” or “like a lion.”
  • Origin: Ancient Greek.
  • Short name Leonid: Lenya, Leonya, Leonidka, Lekha, Lesha, Ledia, Lesya, Lenusya. The short form of Lech, Lesha is the same for both Alexey and Lelya.
  • Diminutives: Leo and Lesya are also positioned as independent. Related names are Leon, Leonty and.
  • IN different countries the name sounds and is spelled differently: in England - Leonide (Leonid), in Spain - Leonidas (Leonidas), in Italy - Leonido (Leonido), in the countries of the post-Soviet space - Lenya, Leonid (Lenya, Leonid).

Leonid, what does this name mean for a boy?

  • The meaning of the name Leonid for a boy is revealed from early childhood. He is a leader, and this manifests itself very early: at home, not a single decision is made without him, and little Lenya ( full name Leonid) can easily persuade you into an adventure or a story, at the end of which everyone gets it.

Leonid has a complex character: by nature he is attentive, uncompromising, straightforward, persistent, but any criticism of him turns into rudeness, humiliation and insults for his opponent. For this, bad stories and other “pranks” parents are often called to school.

  • The boy has a complex character: by nature he is attentive, uncompromising, straightforward, persistent, but any criticism of him turns into rudeness, humiliation and insults for his opponent. For this, bad stories and other “pranks” parents are often called to school. Adults are always surprised how a child with such behavior can study well.

Parents should direct the child’s energy in a positive direction: send him to sports clubs or amateur artistic activities, especially since he has good inclinations, and he can easily achieve success in the business he takes on.

  • IN adolescence becomes a purposeful guy who achieves his goals by any means, without taking into account other people's feelings and opinions. He still studies well, but with friends everything is difficult - not everyone can stand his peculiar character.

The secret of the name Leonid for an adult man

With age, he becomes softer, more reserved and patient. He is no longer rude or rude, he tries not to offend anyone, he is diplomatic. He is friendly and open to communication. Values ​​friends: incapable of lies and betrayal, loyal and reliable. He is not spoiled or capricious, but appreciates comfort and coziness (he will not live in spartan conditions).

He is sociable (can talk interesting stories) and inquisitive, and if necessary can show integrity and strength of character. He is responsible and obligatory: he said it and did it. He keeps his word and you can always rely on him.

Leonid Danilovich Kuchma - Ukrainian political and statesman. In 1992-1993 - Prime Minister of Ukraine, in 1994-2005 - President of Ukraine. Academician of the International Academy of Astronautics.


Health is quite good, but the child treats it with all seriousness and vigilance from childhood. He is picky about food and will never eat anything that is stale or has been standing for a long time. If you are scratched, then this is a reason to bandage the wound; if you have a fever, then you only need bed rest.

This trait will remain with him into adulthood, which will sometimes cause bewilderment to others. Any ailment for an adult Leni is a reason to consult a doctor.

Any ailment for an adult Leni is a reason to consult a doctor

Marriage and family

  • He is amorous, and love is of great importance to him in life. He amazingly knows how to combine feelings, sex and pleasure. Any lady feels like a real woman next to this man: she receives a sea of ​​compliments and exquisite courtship. But he is loving and changeable, what he is looking for, he himself does not know. He likes beautiful, extraordinary, intelligent and sensual women.

He is also one of those men for whom a well-organized life and tasty, nutritious food are very important, so a partner applying for the role of a wife must also meet the requirements of a good housewife.

  • Most often, he marries more than once. Expecting an ideal relationship from his chosen one, he quickly burns out and becomes disappointed, but then gets carried away again and begins new story, only with a different partner. He cannot be alone for a long time, so he enters into a new marriage. So, having gone through several unions, he will settle on a modest and homely woman, and will find peace with her. He loves children, and if he is not stopped in time, he can seriously spoil them.

Leonid will settle on a modest and homely woman, and will find peace with her.

Career and hobbies

“The descendant of the lion,” which is what the name Leonid means, prefers creative professions, such as:

  • Writer;
  • Actor;
  • Screenwriter;
  • Director;
  • Singer and composer.

He craves recognition, and he cannot imagine life without communication and an audience.
But, at the same time, he has a sober mind, the ability to analyze and systematize, he is a supporter of discipline and order - all these qualities can help him become a major politician.

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich - Soviet and Russian TV presenter, actor, screenwriter, writer, producer. National artist Russian Federation. Member of the public council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

Famous names bearers

  • Leonidas I- King of Sparta, commanded the army at the Battle of Thermopylae. It was he who defended the passage along with 300 Spartans.
  • Leonid Leonov (1899-1994)- writer.
  • Leonid Trauberg (1902-1990)- film director and screenwriter.
  • Leonid Solovyov (1906-1962)- writer, screenwriter.
  • Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982)- party statesman of the highest echelon of power.
  • Leonid Pchelkin (1924-2004)- film director.
  • Leonid Gaidai (1923-1993)- director, screenwriter, actor. Creator of the most popular comedies.
  • Leonid Bykov (1928-1979)- famous actor, director.
  • Leonid Bronevoy (1928-2017)- theater and film actor.
  • Leonid Kuchma (1938)- President of Ukraine in 1994 - 2005.
  • Leonid Yakubovich (1945)- TV presenter, producer.
  • Leonid Buryak (1953)– football player, football coach.

Leonid Agutin (1968) – songwriter, composer and performer.

Name day

IN Orthodox calendar the name remains unchanged.

I told you about the meaning and origin of the name Leonid, his character and fate. Is there a person with that name among your friends? Do his character traits match the description? Share your opinion with us in the comments.

The name Leonid, or Lenya, became widespread among the Slavic peoples. It is often found in the male population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, as well as Poland, the Czech Republic, Serbia, and Bulgaria. More popular in rural areas.

There is a misconception that Leonid is a Jewish name. In fact, it is of Greek origin and was firmly established in the onomasticon during the Byzantine Empire.

The history of the name Leonid is associated with Ancient Greece. This was the name of the Spartan king, who became famous for centuries for his opposition to the Persian army in the Thermopylae Gorge. The feat of the brave commander clearly confirmed the meaning of his name. Because the name Leonidas means “like a lion,” “like a lion,” “son of a lion.”

The homonym is based on two Greek words:

  • "leon" - lion;
  • “idea” – appearance, appearance.

The origin of the name Leonid indicates a person endowed with the qualities of the “king” of animals - brave, strong, wise.


Initially, the name Leonid was given to boys who were destined for a military path. The name of the famous ancient Greek hero was supposed to give the wearer courage and self-confidence. The meaning of the name Leonid was hidden in its psychological effect, which strengthened the spirit of the future warrior.


Antique Greek name Leonid, the inherent nature of a person with a bright but tragic fate largely predetermined life path his namesake. As a rule, Lena has to overcome numerous difficulties that interfere with a calm way of life.

IN early age little Lenya is susceptible frequent shifts moods. He easily moves from a calm, balanced state to a reckless, violent mood. He shows himself to be the ringleader of boy groups, inciting his friends to do all sorts of adventurous things. Lenya is equally capable of misbehaving or providing assistance. At the same time, he will never deny his guilt and hide behind the backs of his comrades. I am ready to accept the censure of adults and answer for an unseemly act.

IN school life Lenya demonstrates herself as a skilled organizer and participates in all kinds of promotions and events. Thanks to his high sociability, he quickly gets along with people. Has many friends. Studying is easy for him, and he easily gets excellent grades. But he is not always able to control his behavior. Violates discipline.

Good intellectual abilities and the desire to always be on top contribute to Leni’s advancement in career ladder. He easily fits into the new team and finds a common language with his colleagues and superiors. Quite quickly achieves leadership positions.

Open for Leonid different types professional activity:

  • working specialties - crane operator, straightening operator, welder;
  • creative activities - announcer, musician, journalist, actor.

Has excellent inclinations for running a business. Subtle intuition helps Lena predict the actions of competitors and always stay afloat. Bearers of the name often become successful businessmen (Boguslavsky, Chernovetsky, Blokh, Sergienko, etc.).

Personal life is fraught with many problems. Lenya takes quite a long time to choose a life partner. His novels are rapidly coming to an end. Marriage often ends in divorce. The reason lies in Leonid’s desire to find an ideal partner who would meet his requirements. Selfishness and jealousy become the reasons for breaking up with women.

IN family circle Lenya shows himself to be a loving, caring father. He treats his own and other people's children equally well. I am happy to tinker with the kids.


Leonid's character is influenced by the meaning of his name. It exhibits both positive and negative traits.

People are attracted to Lena's optimism, diplomacy, sociability, and reliability. In different life situations he demonstrates determination, devotion, compassion. Endowed with a sense of humor. Even in adulthood, he does not lose his childlike curiosity and interest in the world around him.

Lenya is rightly called the master of “golden hands”. Any work he does is successful. He easily deals with everyday and economic problems. Free time prefers to spend it secluded on the river bank with a fishing rod.

He is known among his friends for his cordiality and hospitality. Always ready to help a friend or colleague, to come to the rescue in Hard time. These properties provide him with the favor of other people.

At the same time, hostility is caused by such qualities as vanity, arrogance, selfishness, and narcissism. His predisposition to alcohol can have an extremely negative effect on Leonid’s life.

The royal name endowed Leonid with the desire to luxurious life. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance and is considered a fashionista. He is very clean and takes good care of himself. Can't stand sloppiness.

The time of Leonid’s birth has a noticeable impact on the formation of character traits:

  • In spring - suspicious, scrupulous, impressionable.
  • In summer - calm, kind-hearted, sympathetic.
  • In autumn - soft, compliant.
  • In winter - correct, courteous, self-possessed.

Name day

In the general Christian name-word several patron saints named Leonidas are mentioned. The martyr from Corinth, who was drowned for his adherence to the faith of Christ, is especially revered; hieromonk - an ascetic who transferred the Hodegetria icon, at the behest of Holy Mother of God, to Turin Mountain. After the clergy who died during Soviet repressions were canonized as martyrs, the number of heavenly intercessors among the Leonids increased to 19.

They are remembered:

  • in January – 8 10;
  • in March – 23;
  • in April – 28 and 29;
  • in June – 9 and 18;
  • in July – 30;
  • in August - 21 and 25;
  • in September – 12, 15, 28;
  • in October – 13;
  • in November - 2, 11, 12, 13;
  • in December - 2.

Name color

The name Leonid corresponds to the color blue, which belongs to the category of primary shades. It gives a person calmness, harmony, and peace. Besides, positive influence Leni's life is influenced by the golden color, giving wisdom, hard work, and vitality. Also, do not neglect white, red and green tones.

Name flower

Name bearers are advised to use the following as mascot plants:

  • wood – cedar;
  • herb - basil;
  • flower - rosehip.

Church name, calendar

The homonym in its unchanged form is Leonid, mentioned in the Saints (list of names for baptism) among Orthodox and Catholics. The name is given to the babies during the sacrament of initiation into the Christian church.

Translation of name, in different languages

The name Leonid is popular in countries of Eastern Europe. In most European languages ​​it sounds the same or with minor modifications in pronunciation:

  • in French - Léonide, Léonidas (Leonidas);
  • in Spanish – Leónidas (diminutive – Leo);
  • in Portuguese – Leônidas (Leonidas);
  • in Italian – Leonida (diminutives – Leo, Leoniduccio, Leonidino, Dino, Dinetto, Dinuccio, Dinello);
  • in Ukrainian - Leonid (diminutives - Lyonya, Lyonko, Lyonyo, Liontso, Lyonchik, Leonidonko, Leonidochko, Leonidik);
  • in Belarusian – Leanіd (diminutives – Lenya, Lenіk, Lenyus);
  • in Czech – Leonid (diminutives – Leonek, Leoshek, Leosh, Oska, Leonidek, Leo).

Full name, shortened and affectionate

IN Everyday life name forms used:

  • Complete – Leonid.
  • Diminutive - Lesya, Leka, Lyokha, Lyosha, Leo, Leon.
  • Affectionate - Lenusya, Leonidka, Leonya.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

Derivations from the homonym are patronymics - Leonidovich (for boys) or Leonidovna (for girls).

  • Dina;
  • Zhanna;
  • Lily;
  • Ninel;
  • Taisiya;
  • Junia.

How to incline

According to cases, the name is declined in the singular:

  • nominative – Leonid;
  • genitive – Leonida;
  • dative - Leonid;
  • accusative - Leonidas;
  • instrumental - Leonid;
  • prepositional - about Leonid.

Famous people named Leonid

Famous people have inscribed their names in gold letters. world history. Among them:

  • politicians - General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L. Brezhnev, Presidents of Ukraine L. Kravchuk and L. Kuchma;
  • military leader - Marshal L. Govorov;
  • writers - L. Andreev, L. Leonov, L. Solovyov (writers), L. Martynov (poet);
  • painters - L. Uspensky (icons), L. Zhodeyko (portraits);
  • directors - L. Gaidai. L. Pchelkin and L. Varpakhovsky (cinema), L. Amalrik (cartoons);
  • actors - L. Bykov, L. Bronevoy, L. Filatov, L. Yarmolnik, L. Kanevsky, L. Kuravlev;
  • singers - L. Utesov and L. Agutin;
  • athletes - L. Zhabotinsky (heavyweight weightlifter) and L. Buryak (football player).

Those with the name Leonid in their spiritual qualities resemble the “king of beasts.” They try to be the first in everything, thanks to which they achieve success in life. Among other things, they are often distinguished by a memorable, beautiful appearance. It is no coincidence that the name has a second meaning and stands for “lion-like” or “son of a lion.”

Useful video about the meaning of the name Leonid