Innovations in the field of social services for the population. Innovative forms of social services for disabled people and elderly citizens at home. Forecast of promising areas for the development of technologies for social work with older people

14.1. The essence of the concept of “innovation”. Typology of innovation

Innovation– this is an introduction, the introduction of something new. The Russian analogue of the English word innovation is the concept of “innovation”. In the “Concept of Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation for 1998–2000.” innovation (innovation) was defined as the final result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practical activities.

A derived scientific concept is innovation process– the process of creating, disseminating and using an innovation. In the Russian Sociological Encyclopedia, edited by G.V. Osipov, the innovation process is divided into the following stages: the emergence of prerequisites for innovation (the emergence of new needs, ideas, scientific discoveries, etc.); the creation of an innovation only in the organization in which it originated; distribution of innovation among a limited number of users; use of innovation; dissemination of methods for obtaining innovation to other organizations and its widespread creation until the need for it is saturated. In the textbook “Social Work” edited by N.F. Basov, the innovation process is divided into similar stages: the origin and development of innovation; mastering innovation (testing innovation); diffusion (spread of innovation); routinization (the transformation of an innovation into an integral part of the social system, into a tradition, or the innovation exhausts itself, becomes obsolete and gradually fades away). Thus, the life cycle of any innovation includes the stages: origin, development, widespread distribution, saturation of needs, loss of relevance.

The basis for classifying innovations may be different. Thus, according to the type of innovation, innovation can be divided into two main groups: technical(innovations in the field of technology, technology) and social. According to T.S. Panteleeva, social innovation is the result of the scientific development, organization and application of something new that satisfies the needs of man and society and at the same time causes social changes. Social innovations, in turn, are divided into: economic, organizational and managerial, social and managerial, legal, pedagogical. Based on the scale of transformation, social innovation can be divided into: local, structural and systemic. Depending on the depth of the changes made: radical (basic), improving and modification (private).

14.2. Features of innovation in the social sphere

According to A.E. Puzikov, the specificity of social innovations, compared to technical ones, lies in a much larger area of ​​application: they are less strictly tied to industry or regional conditions, they are required even when the changes are based on technical innovations; their advantages are not so tangible: effectiveness can only be determined, let alone calculated, rather conditionally; it is impossible to conduct a laboratory test; there is no product manufacturing stage, during which it is possible to visually bring the project to the required parameters; vagueness of the real price of innovation - costs are visible only in two main cases: when they are associated with money spent on organizing the innovation process, or involve direct payments to participants; fewer individual innovators, the prevalence of collective developments; the fate of innovations is more dependent on group and personal users - especially when innovations concern the introduction of new models of official behavior, adjustments of social guidelines and require additional study; closer connection with the public; more often there is a departure from the normative guidelines, which is fraught with aggravation of the situation in society. According to T.S. Panteleeva, one of the main features of social innovation is its remoteness in time and often the unpredictability of the result.

As a rule, the implementation of social innovations encounters obstacles. The following factors can be identified as reasons for slowing down innovation: psychological– due to the predominantly negative results of reforms in the social sphere, a certain prejudice has developed in the public consciousness towards social innovations at the federal level, less towards initiatives at the regional and local levels, this aggravates the fairly widespread fear of change and any changes; social- any professional, corporate groups are interested in maintaining the existing order of things, since the introduction of innovations may cause the need to retrain, improve their professional level, and entail concern for their social status; economic– concerns about the economic feasibility of innovations. An important role in overcoming these factors in the minds of the population is played by the media's explanation of the need to introduce innovations and the expected social and economic effect. The weakening of the factors inhibiting innovation in teams is facilitated by the creation of conditions for maintaining a creative atmosphere in the organization; stimulating innovative activities of young workers; regularly holding innovation competitions; material and moral support for creative workers [See. 10; With. 95–96].

14.3. Innovations in social work practice

In relation to social work Yu.V. Shepetun defines social innovation as a consciously organized innovation or something new in the practice of social work, formed at a certain stage of the development of society in accordance with changing social conditions and with the goal of effective positive transformations in the social sphere.

Like any other, innovation in social work is predetermined by social needs. Elderly people in rural areas cannot always take advantage of the social support measures provided for by law due to limited access to transport and communication services, a reduction in the network of rural health care institutions, underdeveloped retail trade, and the remoteness of basic social service centers for the population. Therefore, on the territory of the Russian Federation (Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl, Kurgan and other regions, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug), an innovative form of social services for the population began to be introduced - a mobile social service (a team of specialists from social service institutions that provides the necessary household, medical, advisory and other services). In the Omsk region, this form of service began to be implemented in 2004. Services are opened on the basis of centers and comprehensive social service centers [See. eleven; With. 22–24].

In a number of Russian cities (Moscow, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Saratov, etc.), the following innovation has been introduced: transport services for elderly citizens and disabled people are provided through the “Social Taxi” service (on the basis of a minimum payment, elderly people and disabled people are delivered to medical and educational institutions; institutions of medical and social examination; institutions of social services for the population; railway station, bus station, airport; institutions providing personal services; institutions of culture and art, etc.). In Omsk, such a service has been operating since February 2006 on the basis of the state institution of the Omsk region “Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population”.

Among the innovative services, it is necessary to note the state institute of nurses - nurses from state social service centers come to bedridden patients and people in need of constant care. This new social service is already being provided to the population in the Sverdlovsk region and some other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In 2008, the implementation of this institute began in St. Petersburg and the Omsk region.

Thus, innovation acts as an important factor in the economic, social and cultural progress of modern society, helps to increase the efficiency of social work, and improves the status of the profession in society.

Control questions

1. What is the essence of the concept of “innovation” (“innovation”)?

2. What stages can the innovation process be divided into?

3. What two main groups of innovations are distinguished according to the criterion “type of innovation”?

4. What are the features of innovation in the social sphere?

5. What innovative social work practices exist?

Seminar plan

1. Subjects of innovation activity.

2. Methods that promote the emergence of social innovation.


The seminar session is aimed at studying the main subjects of social innovation (innovators) and mastering the methods of developing innovations. To achieve this goal, it is necessary, firstly, to find a definition of the concept of “innovation activity” in the legislation of the Russian Federation, secondly, to identify the types of innovators (based on the classification of A.I. Prigozhin), and thirdly, to characterize the main subjects of innovation activity. Next, it is necessary to consider methods that contribute to the emergence of social innovation: brainstorming, group problem solving, morphological analysis, experiment, etc. Consolidation of knowledge on the topic and the acquisition of practical skills in innovative activity will be facilitated by the independent development of innovations by students (individually or in groups of 2–5 people). projects aimed at solving current problems in the field of social protection of the population of modern Russia. It is important to understand the basic concepts: innovation, innovation activity, innovation process, innovator, innovation project, innovation program and innovative technology of social work.

1. What types of subjects of innovation activity can be divided into?

2. Describe the main methods for developing innovations.

3. What principles underlie the method of software innovation for social systems?

4. Expand the content of the stages of evolutionary research of innovations.

5. Describe the substructures of the innovation process: activity-based, managerial, subjective, substantive, etc.

Abstract topics

1. Innovation as a special branch of knowledge.

2. Innovation as a means of improving social work practice.

3. Domestic and foreign innovative technologies of social work.

4. Federal and regional innovations in the system of social services for the population of Russia.

5. Assessing the effectiveness of innovations in the social sphere.

Main literature

1. If you need a “social taxi” // Social policy of the Omsk region - time of development: information. bulletin / Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region. – Omsk: Omskblankizdat, 2007. – P. 17.

2. The main directions of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of development of the innovation system for the period until 2010 (approved by letter of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2005 No. 2473p - P7)

3. Fundamentals of social work: textbook. allowance / N.F. Basov, V.M. Basova, O.N. Bessonova; edited by N.F. Basova. – 3rd ed., rev. – M.: Academy, 2007. – 288 p.

4. Panteleeva, T.S. Features of innovations in the field of social work / T.S. Panteleeva // Domestic Journal of Social Work. – 2003. – No. 2. – P. 12–14.

5. Puzikov, A.E. Social innovation and social work /
A.E. Puzikov // Domestic Journal of Social Work. – 2003. – No. 2. – P. 15–24.

6. Russian Sociological Encyclopedia / Ed. ed. G.V. Osipova. – M.: NORMA-INFRA·M, 1998. – 672 p.

7. Russian Federation. Laws. On innovative activities in the Omsk region: law of the Omsk region dated July 13, 2004.
No. 527-OZ // Gazette of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. – 2004. – July. – No. 2. – Art. 2206.

8. Russian Federation. Government decree. On the Concept of Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation for 1998 – 2000: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 1998 No. 832 // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. – 08/10/1998. – No. 32. – Art. 3886.

9. Social work with youth: textbook. allowance / Ed. N.F. Basova. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2007. – 328 p.

10. Technologies of social work: textbook. / Ed. E.I. Single. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003. – 400 p.

11. Shafigulina, V. Mobile means always nearby / V. Shafigulina // Social policy of the Omsk Irtysh region. – 2007. – No. 2. –
pp. 22–24.

12. Shepetun, Yu.V. Innovative technologies in the theory and practice of social services for the population of Russia / Yu.V. Shepetun // Domestic Journal of Social Work. – 2003. – No. 2. – P. 24–29.

additional literature

1. Kuzheva, S.N. Innovation as a means of development: textbook. allowance / S.N. Kuzheva. – Omsk: Omsk State Technical University Publishing House, 1997. – 68 p.

2. Molchanov, N.N. Innovation process: organization and marketing. – St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 1994. – 270 p.

3. Prigozhin, A.I. Innovations: incentives and obstacles (Social problems of innovation) / A.I. Prigozhin. – M.: Political literature, 1989. – 270 p.

Topic 15. Problems of scientific organization of labor
in social work

15.1. The concept of scientific organization of labor

Organized labor of people is an indispensable condition for the functioning of institutions, bodies, and social services. Labour Organization is an organizational system aimed at achieving the best labor results, as well as the process of improving its forms and methods [ibid.; With. 139]. A preliminary analysis of labor processes and the conditions for their implementation, the application of scientific achievements and best practices in the development of measures for organizing labor allows us to talk about scientific approach to the organization of work.

The American engineer Frederick W. Taylor is considered the founder of the scientific organization of labor. He developed a number of methods for the scientific organization of labor, based on the study of worker movements using timing, standardization of techniques and tools. His fundamental principles of scientific labor organization are this: If men can be scientifically selected, trained, given some incentives, and the work and the man brought together, then a total productivity greater than the contribution made by the individual labor force can be obtained. F. Taylor developed the methodological foundations for rationing labor, standardized work operations, and introduced into practice scientific approaches to the selection, placement and stimulation of workers [See. 7].

Today under scientific organization of labor is understood " labor organization, which is based on scientific achievements and best practices systematically introduced into production; NOT allows you to more effectively connect equipment and people in a single production process; ensures continuous increase in labor productivity, better use of human and material resources; promotes health, improves the socio-psychological climate and increases job satisfaction» .

According to experts, NOT in practice is designed to solve three main interrelated problems: economic, psychophysiological and social. The economic task of NOT is in creating conditions for the appropriate use of equipment, materials, technologies, which ensures savings in human and material resources in the process of work.

Psychophysiological task involves the creation of the most favorable working conditions, ensuring the preservation of the physical health and safety of people, maintaining a high level of their performance.

Social task consists in the application of such methods of labor organization that influence the increase in the degree of satisfaction of people with work, the creation of conditions that ensure the growth of their professional knowledge.

The scientific organization of work is based on an intellectual creative process that allows timely and adequate response to changing external (environment) and internal (social environment of the organization) conditions. The application of scientific achievements and advanced experience makes it possible to comply with the changing level of development of technology and technology, thereby ensuring the efficiency of the organization.

Development of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor,

Improving the organization of workplaces and their maintenance,

Rationalization of techniques and methods of work,

Improving working conditions,

Improving labor standards,

Development of measures of material and moral incentives,

Strengthening labor discipline.

The greatest efficiency of the scientific organization of labor can be achieved subject to the use of a systematic integrated approach.

15.2. Principles and criteria of scientific organization of labor
in social work

Generalization of modern theory and practice in the field of scientific organization of labor allowed specialists to formulate a number of principles of scientific organization of labor: the principle of complexity, consistency, regulation, specialization and stability. Each of the principles has a certain independent meaning. At the same time, they complement each other, revealing the corresponding side of the scientific approach to the organization of labor. Therefore, the greatest effectiveness of the principles is manifested when they are used together. Each area of ​​labor organization has its own specifics and targets for practical implementation.

Let us consider the main directions and problems of the scientific organization of labor in social work.

Development of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor. The process of division of labor is the separation of various types of labor and assigning them to employees. The basic principle of the division of labor is the combination of the specialization of individual performers (or structural units) with an increase in the level of their professional competence. In social work, the division of labor is carried out both vertically and horizontally. The first type allows us to distinguish levels of social work management: federal, regional, municipal, and the level of social work institutions and services. With the vertical division of labor, the principle of delimitation and consolidation of powers is applied.

The second type of division of labor is carried out both within the framework of the entire social work system (for example, gerontological centers specializing in working with elderly and elderly people function as separate independent institutions; rehabilitation centers specializing in working with persons with disabilities, minors, etc.) , and within a single institution, a social service (for example, in comprehensive centers there are three areas of activity: social services for elderly and disabled citizens, families and children, assistance to citizens in difficult life situations; a department can be distinguished in the social service center day care, specialized social service department, etc.). This division allows us to concentrate on solving the problems of any category of citizens, while adhering to an integrated approach. In turn, labor cooperation involves the unification of employees who have a common nature and content of the labor process into structural units.

Improving the organization of workplaces and their maintenance. The main task of this area of ​​NOT is to create favorable conditions for high-quality and timely performance of job duties with the effective use of office equipment, working time, and the necessary physical effort. This direction of NOT in social work cannot be assessed unambiguously. Firstly, the organization of work places for social workers can only be carried out within the framework of the social service, while the majority of the working time is spent outside the walls of the latter. A social worker may have several jobs, and only one of them is a social service, the rest are the places of residence of those served. In such a situation, it is unfortunately not possible to organize a social worker’s workplace. As for the organization of workplaces for social work specialists, one of the problems here is equipping them with the necessary office equipment in sufficient quantities and organizing information support.

Rationalization of work techniques and methods in social work involves, first of all, the use of appropriate social work technologies in working with citizens, including innovative ones (for example, the use of “client service” technology), as well as new forms and methods of work (mobile social service, social taxi, provision of nurse services, etc.).

Improving working conditions involves eliminating or minimizing the impact of negative factors on employees, ensuring workplace safety, creating and maintaining conditions conducive to the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team. The factors that determine working conditions include: sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, psychophysiological, social and psychological. The main problems in this direction of NOT in social work arise regarding the improvement of working conditions for social workers (workplace safety, negative factors, mainly psychological).

A social worker, due to the specifics of his professional activity, spends most of his working time communicating with other people, people who at this stage of life have difficulties, problems, people who, due to age, are frail and dependent, people who are maladapted. The process of communication in such conditions becomes very difficult and leaves an imprint on the personality of the social worker. In this regard, he becomes more vulnerable and susceptible to influences that cause an occupational disease called “emotional burnout” syndrome. This is due to the fact that in his work, a social worker, in addition to professional knowledge, abilities and skills, largely uses his personality, being a kind of “emotional donor”, ​​which refers to professional risk factors [See. 9; With. 298–304].

According to experts, the formation and development of the “emotional burnout” syndrome is influenced by several factors: personal – a social worker’s susceptibility is largely influenced by his personal qualities (character, temperament, stress resistance, etc.); role - if there is a mismatch of actions between employees, a low degree of integration of efforts, a role conflict arises, leading to the appearance of a syndrome; organizational – unclear definition of powers (rights, duties, responsibilities), insufficiently effective organization of complex work, ineffective leadership, excessive control, etc.

To eliminate the causes of the “emotional burnout” syndrome, various forms of stimulation (material and moral), providing opportunities for professional growth (organization of training, advanced training, stimulation of scientific work, career advancement, etc.), and a clear definition of job responsibilities can be used and responsibility, their documentation, the formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, the possibility of applying a creative approach to the work performed. In addition, professional assistance for “emotional burnout” plays an important role, which should be aimed at weakening the factors that provoke the appearance of the syndrome. In relation to the social worker and other employees, it is necessary to use methods of psychological relief (trainings, conversations, etc.), as well as weakening the effect of the organizational factor.

Improving labor standards– one of the main directions of NOT. Labor standardization means designing and creating conditions in an organization under which specific work will be performed more productively. Rationing is the basis of intra-organizational planning (for example, calculations of material and financial costs (payroll) are made, the cost of additional services is determined, and the number of employees is calculated). The norms underlie the system for assessing the effectiveness of social services and determine the measure of remuneration for work. In the social work system, the following are used: a service standard, which involves, for example, establishing a relationship between an employee’s rate and the number of citizens served, the minimum number of people served in departments [See, for example, 2], etc.; the number norm, which determines the number of workers of appropriate qualifications, and the ratio norm, which determines the proportional relationship between various categories and positions of the social service; controllability standard determines the number of employees directly subordinate to the manager, etc. [See. 10; With. 184].

Development of measures of material and moral incentives. The role of moral and material incentives in social work is difficult to overestimate. Limitations in the use of various forms of material incentives are due to the fact that the remuneration of employees of the state social protection system is based on the tariff system. The tariff system is a set of standards with the help of which the state regulates the level of wages in industries depending on the qualifications, nature and working conditions of workers. The tariff system includes tariff and qualification requirements, tariff rates, tariff schedule and regional wage coefficients [See. 1; 3]. The right of social services to provide social services on the basis of full or partial payment does not fundamentally solve the problem of replenishing extra-budgetary funds, since tariffs for the provision of social services are low (which is understandable). The problem of material incentives also includes the issue of establishing the financial liability of employees in the event of damage to the citizen being served, the social service, or society as a whole as a result of unreasonable actions or inactions.

The problems of moral incentives are due, in particular, to the fact that the status of a social worker is not high enough. Many admit that the conditions and content of a social worker’s work are very difficult, but federal legislation does not provide additional guarantees for this category of workers. In order to improve the status of the social worker profession, professional skills competitions are held in the regions of the Russian Federation. Highly professional workers have the opportunity to receive the honorary title “Honored Worker of Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation” [See. 8], as well as regional or departmental awards.

Strengthening labor discipline. Discipline is a necessary condition for the most effective solution of assigned tasks. The level of labor discipline in an organization is determined by the rational organization of labor and production, the quality of standardization, forms of material and moral incentives and other production and non-production factors.

The organization of work, standards of service and remuneration for social service workers are established by their founders on a contractual basis. The main directions of scientific organization of labor are common to all industries and areas of labor application. However, we can talk about the boundaries of the application of NOTs depending on the field of activity.

Control questions

1. What is the scientific organization of labor?

2. What problems is the scientific organization of labor designed to solve?

3. List the main directions of NOT.

4. Name the principles of NOT. Reveal their contents.

5. Outline the problems of applying the scientific organization of labor in social work.

Seminar plan

1. The essence of the scientific organization of labor.

2. Main directions of scientific organization of labor in social work.


Studying the topic will allow you to understand the essence of the scientific organization of labor, as well as the possibility of applying its principles in social work. When independently preparing for a seminar lesson, you should pay attention to the terms “labor organization” and “scientific labor organization”. It is necessary to highlight the tasks of NOT and give their characteristics. Particular attention should be paid to studying the principles of NOT and the possibility of their application in social work. When preparing for a seminar, it is necessary to analyze the main directions of NOT in the organization.

Test questions and assignments

1. Outline the essence, objectives, principles, directions of scientific organization of work in social work.

2. What problems of labor organization in social services are most acute?

3. What is the essence of labor standardization in social work?

4. Give examples of the use of NOT in social work.

5. Analyze the nature of the organization of work in the social service at the place of internship.

Main literature

1. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 12, 1994 N 66 “On the coordination of wage grades and tariff and qualification characteristics for positions of employees of budgetary institutions and organizations of the social protection service of the Russian Federation” / Reference legal system “Garant” (the document was not officially published).

2. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 1999 No. 32 “On approval of the Methodological Recommendations for organizing the activities of the state (municipal) institution “Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population” / Bulletin of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation. – 1999. – No. 11.

3. Decree of the Government of the Omsk Region of June 6, 2006
N 56-p “On remuneration of labor for employees of state social service institutions in the Omsk region” // Omskaya Pravda. – 2006. – No. 44 (June 16).

4. Proskurin, P.A. Scientific organization of labor (NOT) / Encyclopedic sociological dictionary. – M.: ISPI RAS, 1995. – P. 7.

5. Rofe A.I. Scientific organization of labor: textbook. allowance / A.I. Rofe. – M.: MIK, 1998.

6. Dictionary-reference book for social work / Ed. E.I. Single. – M.: Lawyer, 1997. – 424 p.

7. Taylor F.W. Scientific organization of labor / F.U. Taylor. – M., 1925.

8. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1995 N 1341 “On the establishment of honorary titles of the Russian Federation, approval of provisions on honorary titles and descriptions of the breastplate for honorary titles of the Russian Federation” // Russian newspaper. – 1996. – No. 29 (February 13).

9. Firsov, M.V. Theory of social work: textbook. allowance / M.V. Firsov, E.G. Studenova. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2000. – 432 p.

10. Economics and sociology of labor: textbook. / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2007. – 584 p.

additional literature

1. Egorshin, A.P. Personnel management: textbook. / A.P. Egorshin. – N. Novgorod: Publishing house Nizhegorod. Institute of Management and Law, 2001. – 713 p.

2. Mazmanova, B.G. Payroll management: textbook. allowance /
B.G. Mazmanova. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

3. Scientific organization of labor in the management of production teams: industry-wide scientific and methodological recommendations. – M.: Economics, 1991.

4. Organization and regulation of labor: textbook. allowance / Ed.
V.V. Adamchuk. – M.: Finstatinform, 1999.

Topic 16. Experience in technological activities
in the social work system in Russia
and abroad

16.1. The essence of social work technology
in modern Russia

Modern practice of domestic social work was formed in the conditions of modernization of Russian society in the 90s of the 20th century. Low-income and socially vulnerable segments of the population who faced a real threat of economic and social degradation became priority objects of social support. Social programs are now more specifically focused on the development of self-help and self-sufficiency, specific consideration of the specific interests and needs of these population groups, and the personal nature of assistance. This approach receives legal support in the Russian Federation and its constituent entities in the form of federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and others. The instrument for implementing social policy is professional social work. Its content can be considered the provision of assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, through the identification of their problems, information, advisory activities, direct in-kind, financial, social and domestic assistance, pedagogical and psychological support, stimulating the own strengths of those in need, orienting them towards active participation in resolving your own problem situations.

Three levels of basic social work technologies have been formed - macro level, meso level, micro level, each of which has its own system of social work technologies.

Macrotechnologies include organizational management technologies aimed at organizing social protection institutions of various profiles at the level of regions and constituent entities of the Russian Federation; technologies of social insurance and social assistance; technologies of social and legal expertise.

Mesotechnologies: technologies for social services for the population; technologies of social and medical care; technologies of socio-psychiatric care; technologies of patronage and mediation; technologies for preventing neglect and homelessness; technologies of socio-medical examination.

Microtechnologies are consulting technologies; technologies for targeted social services; technologies for targeted consultation (helpline).

Currently, the tasks of technological activities in social work are formed in accordance with the development strategy of the Russian Federation until 2010. It involves the development of social work technologies based on competition between the state and non-state sectors while adjusting the targeted system of assistance and developing technologies aimed at stabilizing social relations.

16.2. Main directions of practical social work abroad

In the practice of most countries of the world, general social work includes three areas: social therapy at the individual, personal and family level; social work with groups; social work in the community, at the place of residence.

When talking about the individual method of social work, it should be borne in mind that it means helping individuals and families in solving psychological, interpersonal, and socioeconomic problems through personal interaction with the client. In addition, the individual method has found application in social work in medicine.

The success of innovation policy is determined not only by the socio-economic situation in each specific region, but also by society’s readiness to accept innovation. The experience of social organizations shows that even the most insignificant innovation can have a positive impact on the entire social service system as a whole. Therefore, the study of advanced (innovative) experience in the activities of social services allows us to imagine the immediate prospects for the development of the system of social services for the population and social policy.

Model of interdepartmental interaction in working with families.

Regional experience in social work with diverse populations reflects organizational and technological innovations that are aimed at improving social services. An innovative approach to working with families was developed and tested in Kemerovo, where an interdepartmental model of working with families was developed.

This model includes 8 elements, including:

  • - coordinating body for managing work with families and children;
  • - programs and projects aimed at implementing family policy in the city, a network of institutions working with families and children;
  • - technologies for working with families and children;
  • - system of social guarantees;
  • - staffing;
  • - social partnership;
  • - Information Support.

The model applies to three categories of families: socially prosperous families with children, families with children in difficult life situations, and families with children in a socially dangerous situation.

The need for emergency assistance to resolve conflicts in the family, temporary shelter for women who have experienced violence, protection of rights and advisory assistance on various issues are typical for these categories of families. To solve these problems, the network of municipal health care institutions was reorganized in Kemerovo and general medical practice was introduced.

For the first time, mobile mobile teams were organized at enterprises and institutions of the city, the purpose of which was to provide advisory assistance on housing, social issues, and life support issues for citizens at their place of work.

About a hundred types of methodological recommendations and leaflets on promoting a healthy family lifestyle were issued; methodological manual for organizers of parental education “Young family in the conditions of a three-level model of psychological, medical and pedagogical support.”

Effective forms of working with families are:

  • - socially significant city competitions;
  • - municipal competitions for obtaining grants for the implementation of socially significant projects;
  • - city charity events held jointly with public organizations (For example, “Help get ready for school”, “Healthy lifestyle”).

The population supported the following projects: “The Best Families of the City”, “We Need Each Other” (development of club forms of work with families and children in difficult life situations), “Right to Information” (development of the information potential of municipal libraries), “Program for development of a network of general medical practices.” For families with children, 24-hour automated information and advisory services have been organized (“Virtual Hospital”, “Electronic Education Center”).

The project “Good parents - a happy future of a united Russia”, aimed at strengthening the family as a social institution, connections between generations, and maintaining a favorable microclimate in the family, was recognized as the best social project.

The coordinator of the work on implementing the model of working with families is mainly the Coordinating Council for Family, Women and Children and public “Family” Councils in microdistricts, which include representatives of the executive, legislative authorities, departments, institutions, public organizations dealing with family issues, women and children.

A priority in social work to support and strengthen families is the development of technologies for the prevention of early family dysfunction.

Innovations in working with disabled children and their families.

The following innovative methods of working with disabled children and their families are highlighted, such as methods of sociocultural and educational work, psychotherapy, training of the musculoskeletal system of children using special equipment, and alternative methods of medicine. Innovations in working with disabled children are aimed at their physical, psychological and social rehabilitation and adaptation. In social service institutions for working with such children, innovative technologies are used by psychologists, speech pathologists, speech therapists, educators, physical education teachers, and additional education teachers.

Innovations used in working with families in difficult life situations reflect the characteristics of working with this group of families. The activities of social institutions use such innovative methods as advisory correspondence with clients, local social services, social patronage, programs for the prevention of domestic violence and the formation of responsibility among parents, social adaptation of adolescents released from prison, etc. All innovative technologies used help improve the social and moral health of all family members who find themselves in difficult life situations. Innovations used in working with prosperous families are to promote family well-being. They consist of methods such as communication clubs, trainings, psychological support for future parents, helplines, and an electronic mailbox. The advantages of these technologies, according to social workers, include:

  • - a variety of forms and methods used aimed at eliminating the problems of modern families and children;
  • - high innovative potential of social services working with families and children;
  • - qualifications of employees of institutions;
  • - modernization of the material and technical base.

The innovative technologies used are aimed at solving specific problems of the child (correction of speech, behavior, strengthening somatic, psychological, social health) and at the problems of the family as a whole (comprehensive family rehabilitation programs, psychological support for the family, organizing joint activities of various categories of families).

When implementing any innovation, a series of difficulties may arise. First of all, thoughtless borrowing of experience is often observed. One of the main dangers is the lack of regulation of the innovation process within the social service service.

Innovation should not act as an end in itself, because it is only a means by which the formation of effective work with different categories of the population is ensured. It is from this point of view that one should approach the issues of introducing innovations into the activities of social service services.

Developing a strategy for disseminating innovative experience among social workers through organizing competitions, establishing methodological associations, internship sites, and creative laboratories can be a positive consequence of the formation of a unified information and methodological space. Today, social service services need to use objective methods for studying innovation processes, which is of interest to both clients, innovators, and managers.

Experience in innovative social work with children with disabilities.

The following international instruments are enshrined in relation to children with disabilities: the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990). In accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the right of a mentally or physically disabled child to lead a full and dignified life in conditions that ensure his dignity and promote the child’s active participation in public life is recognized. It also recognizes his right to special care from the state, including medical care and rehabilitation, social preparation for work, and various forms of social services.

The most popular areas in social work with children with disabilities are various forms of rehabilitation, which consist of a system of measures to fully or partially restore the abilities of disabled people for everyday, social and professional activities.

In the practice of social service organizations for children with health problems, there is a continuous search for new methods and technologies that help improve their quality of life.

Innovative social work practice in working with the elderly.

According to statistics, the incidence rate in older people is two times higher, and in old age - six times higher than in younger people. Up to 80% of today's old-age pensioners need medical and social assistance, the cause of which is persistent chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, hematopoietic and osteoarticular systems. Improving the health of older people and stopping premature aging requires an integrated approach.

In order to improve the quality and efficiency of social work with the elderly, prevent premature aging and intensify scientific research in the field of gerontology, it is planned to create a network of gerontological treatment and preventive institutions at five levels, listed below:

  • - territorial gerontological center, created to provide qualified inpatient and consultative and diagnostic care to the population of older age groups;
  • - gerontological department of a multidisciplinary hospital, intended for after-care and medical rehabilitation after a course of intensive treatment in hospitals for people of older age groups;
  • - department of medical and social assistance as a structural unit of social service centers for the population of municipal districts, providing medical and social assistance at home to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care;
  • - home-based care for patients over 60 years of age with severe forms of chronic diseases (visits of doctors, nurses, treatment and rehabilitation at home, etc.);
  • - night medical and social care services at home.

A network of low-capacity houses (municipal inpatient facilities with 10-15 beds) is developing dynamically. In the future, they can function instead of large hospitals, built like hospitals and technologically not adapted to create conditions close to home.

The so-called SPA technology carries a whole range of health-improving measures that are aimed at restoring the body’s strength and improving its health.

Improving social work technologies that are aimed at eliminating the problems of premature aging sets the following priority tasks:

  • - medical support in accordance with age based on developed programs of colonic hydrotherapy of the body, low-calorie diet, plant antioxidants, modern geroprotectors, adaptogens and biogenic stimulants of therapeutic and physical rehabilitation methods;
  • - conducting applied scientific research on gerontological problems, development and implementation of modern social work technologies related to the prevention of premature aging;
  • - analysis of modern scientific and empirical achievements in the field of social rehabilitation of age-related pathology;
  • - monitoring the quality of life of older people, creating and maintaining a register of rehabilitation potential;
  • - participation in the development of target programs and multi-level standards and regulations on the problems of social rehabilitation of people with disabilities of different categories;
  • - organization and practical participation in the preparation and implementation of retraining and advanced training programs for specialists working with older people.

In old age, creative activities have a positive effect on mental and physical health. It has been repeatedly noted that people who are professionally engaged in art (artists, painters, writers), when reaching old age, remain young at heart, retain clarity of mind, high efficiency, and independence of judgment. Creativity helps older people solve everyday and material problems in a flexible and creative way. In the process of creative activity, a person has the opportunity not to isolate himself, gets acquainted with the experiences of other people, and carries out a unique exchange of social experience.

Creative activity allows older people:

  • - move away from stereotypes and templates (in relation to the past and present, to representatives of other generations, to established philistine judgments);
  • - reveal potential opportunities (creating something new, solving specific practical problems, communicating with works of art, obtaining objective information);
  • - establish communication with peers and representatives of other generations, mutually enrich themselves;
  • - the positive attitude created in the classroom is “transferred” to the attitude towards the world as a whole.

Various types of creativity in old age make it possible to activate a person’s personal potential by including it in educational activities. It is creative methods of work that allow older people to stabilize their health, find guidelines and meaning in a rapidly changing life, understand themselves, other people, society, and discover ways out of life’s difficulties.

The basis of educational work with older people, which involves turning to creativity, is the world of their life ideas. Elderly people must find a way to express themselves (for example, participating in amateur performances, working in a theater workshop, engaging in folk crafts, mastering various educational programs).

To summarize, the study of experience working with different groups of the population made it possible to identify technologies in modern social work with different categories of the population that carry innovative forms of work and help to outline the contours of an innovative model of development of the social sector. In addition, in the process of evolution of the social sphere as a whole, the practice of introducing innovations in social work based on the use of foreign and domestic experience is enriched.

Innovative technologies in the system of social protection of the population of the republic

Particular attention in the industry is paid to experimental work, the result of which is the introduction of innovative high-tech technologies, the opening of experimental sites at the republican, industry and federal levels, participation in design competitions in social service institutions and social protection of the population of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Innovative technologies are actively developed and implemented in three main areas:

in the field of social services for the population,

in the field of providing social support and social assistance to the population,

in the system of additional professional education of industry personnel.

Currently, modern social and psychological technologies are being developed, tested and implemented on the basis of 11 experimental industry sites.

One of the unique innovations that have appeared in recent years in the activities of the social protection industry has been the implementation of Republican competition of social projects “Public Initiative”.

The competition is a unique platform for developing mechanisms of interaction between the state, business and civil institutions, aimed at supporting socially significant innovative projects of non-profit and public organizations, and the development of the non-state sector of the social sphere. It has become an important mechanism for social development, an example of the discovery of new social technologies, and the development of social partnership. The projects submitted to the competition allow solving the problems of the elderly, disabled children, orphans, families in difficult life situations, preventing drug addiction and AIDS, etc.

Involving non-governmental organizations and the business community in the field of social protection gives certain results: over 5 years - 700 projects and more than 150 million investments.

All modern innovative technologies in the field of social services are strictly differentiated, at the same time they are universal in nature, available for implementation in any type of institution and any region of the republic with any set of resources, and have a strictly defined focus on the final result.

Together with the Council of Europe, a project is being implemented on the basis of the Izgelek Rehabilitation Center for Disabled People in Naberezhnye Chelny "Model rehabilitation center" in which advanced European and Russian methods of rehabilitation of disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders will be adapted and tested . Within the framework of the project, in cooperation with social services and representatives of the business community, measures are being taken to comprehensively rehabilitate and train young disabled people in in-demand specialties with subsequent employment in city enterprises and business structures.

Rehabilitation centers use the latest technologies of social rehabilitation“Montesori”, “Leongardt”, occupational therapy, art therapy, which give a good effect in the social adaptation of both adults and children. Criteria for the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures have been developed within the framework of international standards of the ADL system (aspect of activity in daily life) on a scale of functional independence.

Two technologiesin the field of rehabilitation of disabled people – “ Kinesiotherapy" and "Conductive therapy", developed on the basis of our institutions together with Kazan State Medical University, approved and recommended for implementation Federal Service for Supervision of Healthcare and Social Development in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Deserves special attention interdepartmental early intervention technologies aimed at preventing families from abandoning children with disabilities, carrying out comprehensive family rehabilitation.

Early intervention is social and psychological support for family members where a child with severe disabilities lives; where the parents are minors and do not have the skills of “mature parenting”, and therefore there is a high risk of leaving the child outside the blood family and sending him to social institutions; families where there is a risk of having a child with a disabling disease; as well as asocial families where there are cases of child neglect, family dysfunction and other reasons that have led the family to a difficult life situation.

One of the options for solving this issue is a pilot project “Deinstitutionalization of orphans with disabilities”, implemented jointly with healthcare institutions, education, and the international charitable network “Firefly” (USA), within the framework of which it is necessary to create a model for the rehabilitation of disabled children, from birth to adulthood, including the child’s family environment in the socialization process.

In 2006, a cooperation agreement was signed with the State Institute of Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow) on the opening of the Republican Center for Social and Psychological Assistance to the Population “Zerkalo” on the basis of the Republican Center for Social and Psychological Assistance to the Population Research laboratory for studying the problems of the modern family. In the course of joint experimental work, it is planned to develop differentiated forms of work with families, depending on the level and specificity of their problems.

At the federal level, the Turgai social shelter for children and adolescents in the Sabinsky district received the status of a supporting experimental institution in the field of social and labor rehabilitation of residents of rural shelters until 2009 with the innovative program “Formation of entrepreneurial thinking skills in residents of rural social shelters.” He became the winner among 140 Russian social institutions participating in a competition organized by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (previously, the “Warm House” social shelter for children and adolescents in the Drozhzhanovsky district had this status).

The industry has positive experience in implementing innovative forms of work to provide psychological assistance and support.

Thus, the technology “Local psychological and social assistance” in combination with social patronage, consisting of a team of psychologists, social workers, legal advisers, doctors and other specialists, is an analogue of emergency medical care. The technology makes it possible to quickly diagnose a client at home, provide individual consultations, provide rehabilitation and preventive assistance, and organize psycho-health activities for all family members in a short period of time.

New technologies such as:

“Socio-psychological medical examination of persons in difficult life situations” - focused on monitoring the socio-psychological status of the “at-risk” population and their social adaptation (young disabled people, people of pre-retirement and retirement age);

“Social and labor case” involves the creation of a new strategy for the barrier-free inclusion of persons without a fixed place of residence in a competitive market environment. The purpose of this technology is the adaptation and integration of marginalized groups of the population from among minor residents of shelters, labor migrants and former military personnel, former prisoners - persons without a fixed place of residence. It will help level out the dependency complex and infantilism of thinking in this category by teaching them the skills of entrepreneurial thinking and eliminating primary and secondary economic illiteracy.

Through a system of distance learning, electronic libraries and a social and labor case (a set of methods for self-education in the field of economics, financial and tax reporting, electronic reference books on the Labor Code, etc.), they will be able not only to increase their economic literacy, but also to receive a document certifying their qualifications in this field, and therefore improve their social status.

In the field of providing social support and social assistance to the population an innovative program was introduced based on the use of information technologies in the system of targeted social protection of the population. The essence of which is the creation, maintenance and use of database of all households of the republic for all types of accruals, accounting and monitoring of social support measures.

The work began in 1998 with the formation of a base of recipients of social support measures in accordance with the Republican program of targeted social protection of the population. Currently, the data bank includes all households of the republic with information about their beneficiaries, recipients of low-income subsidies and subsidies.

The creation of a complete data bank of the population in the housing and communal services and social protection authorities, data banks from service providers (energy, gas companies) made it possible to quickly and fully move to the monetization of benefits - both for the purpose and payment of monthly cash payments, and for subsidies for the payment of housing and communal services services in cash.

The uniqueness of the automated system of targeted social protection (ASP) of the population lies in the implementation of interaction with many ministries and departments, service providers at the level of application of modern information technologies.

Today, the social protection authorities of the republic use information technology to assign and pay social support measures according to the “one window” principle.

In the field of additional professional education of industry personnel developed and operational system of continuous education. Training of industry workers is carried out at various levels: pre-professional, retraining, advanced training of current industry specialists.

Pre-professional training is carried out jointly with the Kazan State Medical University and consists of organizing professional classes in the specialty “Social work” on the basis of two secondary schools in Kazan. For specialized classes, a special curriculum is developed and practical classes are organized.

The educational process uses a modular principle and a training form of presenting material, video material and multimedia. The modular training system is designed to ensure the complexity of professional training. Its implementation makes it possible to use a credit system when assessing the volume of labor costs in individual disciplines in the process of professional training of workers.

In addition, the industry has Retraining program for personnel with higher non-core education in the form of distance learning.

Training industry workers using this scheme is one of the advanced technologies of the open education system.

Distance learning makes it possible to provide industry workers with high-quality educational services at a time convenient for them without the need for them to travel for training.

Using modern science-based techniques, technology industry specialists solve social problems in a short time with a minimum of costs and resources. At the same time, it should be noted that many serious social problems require certain financial (for scientific research), material and technical (for equipping institutions with modern high-tech equipment) and human resources (retraining of specialists).


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The improvement and development of traditional and innovative social technologies in the practice of social work is an indispensable condition for the formation of a methodology for social work.

Traditional social technologies in social work practice.

Solving issues of socialization and integration in social work in order to increase the life activity of persons with disabilities in modern conditions requires a clear scientific definition of social principles and approaches to the problem of people with disabilities, since disability in the legislation of the Russian Federation is presented as an individual condition of an individual caused by a health disorder, injury or defect development. This understanding of disability gives rise to certain difficulties in determining the social role of disabled people as a single socio-structural unit. Recognition of a disabled person as a patient orients towards an appropriate attitude towards him in society, which recognizes medical technologies as a priority in matters of providing social assistance. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the limitation of the life activity of a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation in a broader sense.
Disability is presented as a consequence or result of a complex relationship between changes in health, personal factors and environmental factors in which a person finds himself. As a result of these relationships, environmental factors can have different effects on the same individual. Impairment of social functioning, loss of communication connections are possible not only due to deterioration or lack of health, but in the presence of other, no less significant, factors, including poverty and social stratification of the population, spiritual poverty, environmental pollution and other unforeseen life circumstances, often independent of the person himself, but leading to problems in his relationships in society.
The study of an individual associated with the environment in a certain hierarchical order of physical, biological, psychological and social levels, the violation of which leads to deformation of social parity nature (organism) personality society, occupies an important place in the process of social work and becomes necessary for understanding the nature of social assistance. Violation of human relationships in society inevitably leads to the social and activity disintegration of the individual, while the root cause becomes associated with both the capabilities (or limitations) of the individual and the position occupied by society. Signs of disharmony will be caused by factors of different nature, but will correspond to certain levels of the hierarchical order. Violations of relationships at each level are accompanied by corresponding restrictions on the individual’s activity, which gives rise to a violation of the well-being component, both at the level of the body and at other levels that ensure social homeostasis. Limitations of activity (life activity) in this case are considered as violations of the relationship (disharmony) of a person with the surrounding social environment, society.

Innovative social technologies in social work practice.

To eliminate limitations in life, not only traditional but also innovative technologies are needed that provide impact at all levels, eliminating negative environmental factors, changing social policy and creating favorable opportunities for realizing the potential of the individual.
The emerging social policy of the Russian Federation can be considered as an instrument for the institutionalization of people with disabilities, highlighting in it such features as changing attitudes towards people with disabilities, recognizing people with disabilities as equal to the rest of society, recognizing society’s responsibility towards people with disabilities, etc. In the “Concept of social protection of disabled citizens and families with children”, adopted by the Government of Russia (1992), the orientation of social policy in relation to citizens with disabilities towards social rehabilitation activities was proclaimed.
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2007) views disability as “an evolving concept that results from the interaction between people with impairments and the social and environmental barriers that prevent them from fully and effectively participating in society on an equal basis with others.”
The humanistic approach that has emerged in Russian society allows us to highlight innovative technologies of social assistance as a special area and consider rehabilitation assistance as the provision of integrated social and medical services aimed at the formation, preservation and strengthening of health, disease prevention and restoration of not only the functions of the body, but also of all, abilities for social functioning, comprehensive creative development of the individual. This pushes people with disabilities into the sphere of active public life with recognition of the priority of social activity and integration. Innovative technologies for providing social assistance in this case are based on the accessibility and possibility of obtaining any type of service in the exercise of one’s rights.
One of the serious barriers to the implementation of innovative technologies in social work remains the condescending attitude of healthy people towards persons with disabilities.
The humanization and humanization of society in the last thirty years of the 20th century reoriented the views of society and individuals on the problem of disability. One of the main postulates in social work is the priority of the individual in the process of social integration. A disabled person is not recognized as a patient who only needs medical care; he is recognized as having equal rights compared to all citizens, and the avoidance of discriminatory definitions of disability is emphasized.
A person who in society is called a person with “disabilities” will never be socialized and integrated by its very definition. This discriminatory and humiliating label, which is attached to a disabled person whose relationship with society is only disrupted due to social barriers, is, unfortunately, still often used.
Restoring the ability to socially function is possible with a personal and active understanding of one’s belonging to be a person with a correct representation of value guidelines in life, honor and dignity, as opposed to the concepts of selfishness and pride. Zealous preservation of the qualities inherent in the human essence allows you to mobilize internal reserves and compensate for missing or lost abilities.
Innovative technologies in social work are designed to discover and restore in a person such concepts as conscience, the ability to think sensibly and the ability to reason. And this requires purity of thoughts and heart, a good conscience even with one’s own lack of faith in recovery, achievement and fulfillment of the set goal and tasks.
A person endowed with common sense, in contrast to pseudo-thinking, is capable of deep analytical activity, allowing him to take a different look at the world around him and recognize the existing limitations of capabilities, both internal and external, and move away from a simplistic assessment of his significance and creative improvement.
The specificity and nature of the activity itself and the specificity of the modern stage of Russian society have revealed the need to improve traditional and innovative technologies to build the basic principles of forming a methodology for the practice of social work. Social work technologies are aimed at all factors that impede social functioning: there is a need to eliminate communication and psychological barriers, changes in social policy, public opinion, impact on the external environment, social environment.
The set goals and objectives involve the involvement of specialists from various fields: medicine, psychology, pedagogy, social work; interdisciplinary knowledge of a higher level is required, the interest of various departments and practical institutions in achieving effective measures to help restore impaired life and integration into society.
The improvement and development of traditional and innovative social technologies becomes a condition that implements the basic principles of the methodology of social work practice.
A holistic view of social work is possible with a unified consideration and understanding of both the nature of social relations that have developed in society and the personality-oriented activity of the object and subject, as components of the social process that ensure the harmony of a person with society. These relationships cannot be considered as established and unchanging states. It is impossible to draw clear boundaries between social well-being or ill-being, illness and health. The parameters of well-being or ill-being cannot be derived from the description of static factors, which makes it possible to present the content of social work from a qualitatively new position.
To determine the direction of social work practice, it is necessary to have knowledge of both the nature and structure of society and the limitations of an individual’s life, determined by the integral indicators of the complex (domain) that ensures social life support. Social well-being, as well as non-well-being, can be determined by studying the existing disturbances in the interaction of an individual with the environment at all levels, creating either favorable operating conditions, or, a kind of social barriers, which can have various forms and manifestations. It is important to gain an understanding of the basics of an individual’s interaction with society and to identify its strengths and weaknesses.
One cannot recognize the isolation and static nature of the object of social work, but recognize the existence of the unity of time and space, the interdependence of inextricable connections in a single chain of events. Determining the conditions of social functioning in a complex life situation of an individual is possible by analyzing the interactions and nature of relationships that arise in the process of life and must be taken into account in development.
In any society there are individuals who, for various reasons, may have impaired social functioning, lost communication connections and relationships. Deterioration or lack of health, the presence of various social barriers, poverty, spiritual poverty, and other unforeseen life circumstances, often independent of the person himself, lead to serious problems in his relationships in society, limiting his life activities. Social functioning, i.e. the presence of social well-being in all spheres of life determines the harmonious development of a person.
The essence and content of social work practice is revealed on the basis of identifying the object and subject of social activity associated with the nature of violations of the social structure, parity in society and, what is especially important, differentiated, at all levels of the organization: organism - personality - society. Methodological principles make it possible to present a comprehensive description of the object of social work - a specific individual or a specific group in unity with the disorders that accompany it and lead to limitation of life activity. The level of the process at which social relationships are disrupted and the nature of the breakdown of adaptation (biospiritual) mechanisms is revealed. In a single complex (domain) there are an object and an etiological (causal) factor that gives rise to a difficult life situation, while they are in a certain social dependence due to the level of disruption of relationships in society.
Object and living environment, individual and society. These concepts cannot be separated, and only their joint consideration makes it possible to develop tactics of influence to eliminate the factors leading to a difficult life situation in each specific case.
Studying the object of social work implies the need to determine a complex of practically significant states of an individual, interconnected with the environment of life at different levels and mediated by time. Such a complex, which includes all the components of social well-being or ill-being at the level of the organism, personality, society, taking into account context factors, allows us to introduce the concept of the domain of social well-being and, as a negative alternative, the domain of social ill-being. The methodology of personal-activity practice of social work allows us to consider activities to achieve a complex (domain) of social well-being as the subject of professional social activity.
A multilevel approach to social work practice evaluates the socialization process while simultaneously perceiving and making sense of the individual's changing situation. Socialization is possible only through the process of internalization of social experience. Someone else's experience is not assimilated by an individual until it becomes his property. The direction of social work goes beyond the analytical and synthetic approaches and focuses practice on solving social, priority problems through the problem of an individual in certain communities. This is not a narrowed understanding of social work, but a vision of the “big”, through the multi-level genesis of a difficult life situation.
The personal-activity multi-level direction of social work as the basis of the practice methodology makes it possible to differentially influence the processes of restoring the objective perception of the surrounding biological and social environment and the ability to actively influence this environment of persons who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Identification of the leading systemic level of violation ensures the direction of social intervention towards the use of a methodologically sound hierarchized conjugate set of methods and techniques used in problem situations that promote positive changes. The point of application (priority) of social work activities depends on the level of disrupted interaction between the individual and society. It can be an organism - a person - a society. A set of measures is formed based on their ultimate goal - the elimination of disrupted interaction, the adequacy of the social status of integration in society, and therefore social work cannot be tied to one or another traditional model.
Multipolarity and interdisciplinarity of the functional characteristics of social work directed from the individual to society, within the complex (domain) of social welfare - not well-being, can be presented based on a new interpretation of the object and subject of activity.
Social work is considered as a practice that ensures social interaction of various social groups and categories of the population, as a result of which conditions are provided for the functioning of each member of society. It is impossible not to see the diverse, interdisciplinary and multifunctional nature of such activity; it can be directed and implemented both at the organismal (biological), personal and social levels.
The practice of social work is simultaneously aimed at the social environment, just as the object of social work practice is a specific person, group of people, family in need of social support, without which, in certain life situations, full social functioning cannot be ensured. As a result, social work embodies the direction of social policy implemented in society through ensuring the social security of the individual during periods of instability of social institutions, branches of government and other crisis situations, which especially becomes necessary, primarily during periods of economic stagnation.
The practice of social work is based and consolidated on the basis of studying the subject of social activity as an object of social work with the simultaneous characterization of the very activity of persons who find themselves in difficult life situations in various spheres of life. Integration of the object of social work and social activity makes it possible not to separate these concepts when justifying practical impact. This approach to the creation and substantiation of the methodological concept of practice itself as a model of social work allows us to determine the content of social activity on the basis of the principles of social welfare and disadvantage, which makes it possible to present the conceptual foundations of the practical activities of professionals in a different way.
An object in social work is not an image that can be derived based on theoretical premises; it is inextricably linked with the actually existing natural and artificially created world, the environment with its own requirements, capabilities, and priorities. This is a dynamic, ever-changing category. The emergence of new conditions leads to a state of advanced development that contributes to the identification of new individual psychologically significant qualities. There is an opportunity to purposefully form a new state of oneself, realizing oneself as a subject of implementation in connection with a changed position in life. Changing conditions create new opportunities, and purposeful, person-centered activity appears.
The practice of social work solves a wide range of life problems based on the use of patterns of knowledge in the natural, humanities, technical and other branches of science that expand the possibilities of social transformation. Scientific knowledge about the very subject of social work, as well as interdisciplinary knowledge accumulated and obtained by other branches of science, in the practice of social work is refracted and used to achieve the social tasks facing society to eliminate the limitations of life of members of society and provide conditions for adequate functioning.
It should be understood that an object in social work is not a static category. An object (individual, group, community) cannot be presented in isolation without connection with the environment and those disorders that lead to a condition that falls under the concept of an object of social work, in other words, they contribute to the disruption of social functioning. For the practice of social work, it is important not only to identify, define and cognize the object itself in the social sphere, but its simultaneous identification with those changes and disturbances that occurred and deformed existing relationships in society, which previously provided conditions for social well-being, is necessary.
In the concept of “object” we also include a set of conditions, states, attitudes that surround a person and determine his social status and position in society. It is important not only to identify the initial level, but also to identify social dependence. An object as a domain, a complex is considered in a constantly changing relationship with the surrounding reality, taking into account the increase in its positive or negative potential according to the changed conditions of the environment and the individual himself.
Despite the huge number of empirical observations describing a person’s difficult life situation, they will not be able to create a picture of the object of social work in relation to practical activities if this description does not take into account the level of violations of social relationships and determines the trigger mechanism that can lead to disadaptation and disintegration.
We believe it is legitimate to believe that the state of internal and external parameters and capabilities, integral performance indicators are the defining components of the domain of social benefit or well-being.
Consideration of an object as a single whole with its habitat and an object as a subject of activity allows us to see that in this case, the concept of an object includes not only a deforming level or a negative factor. The continuity of the presence in an object of all integral indicators and parameters, including the potential of the individual himself as a subject, ensuring and promoting social functioning, is important in understanding the nature of social activity aimed at providing personal assistance.
It becomes clear the nature of social assistance, which can be established on the basis of studying both the internal and external reasons that led the individual to such a state and gave rise to the need for social protection.
A set of conditions (the domain of social good or well-being), which we consider as an object of social work practice, can be located and considered at different stages of the social process, dynamic interaction between various situations of the internal state and external social factors, which always carries contradictions and influences it opportunities for integration in society. Hierarchical dependence and the importance of factors that destabilize sustainable development can become decisive.
The formation of a complex of disadvantages is traced in stages, which is always strictly individual, but diverse in form and content and manifests itself at all stages of an individual’s interaction with the external environment, i.e. at the level of the organism, the individual, and society.
You can distinguish the initial stage or the pre-stage. stage of formation of the object of social work. The object of social work at the initial stage of formation of the domain of disadvantage remains fragmented, contradictory and often inexplicable. The first manifestations of social disadvantage are usually the same, differences appear later when changes are revealed (by gender) and the differences correspond to the level of relationships.
The initial stage of formation of the domain of trouble is the stage of social tension in which preventive social work should be deployed, primary prevention to create conditions that would prevent the manifestation of negative, destructive factors on both sides - the stage of the initial responsibility of society to the individual and the individual to society.
In another case, the object of social work practice appears already at the stage of the established domain of social disadvantage, the final, as a rule, negative result of the individual’s relationships in society. The stage of social conflict begins - the breakdown of the adaptation mechanisms of society with the individual and the individual with society. The level of anxiety and aggressiveness, disruption of socialization, assimilation of social experience, and signs of disintegration increase.
For the practice of social work, it is important to identify that initial factor, those destructive conditions of life that have arisen, which have a kind of “trigger” mechanism that can, as a chain reaction, lead to the breakdown of adaptation mechanisms that ensure homeostasis at the appropriate level. It is necessary to reveal the cause of non-well-being and determine the naturally possible basis for the motivation for changing an individual’s behavior to change the situation. Often the leading mechanisms are disturbances at the individual level (decreased activity and participation), and therefore it is important to correctly interpret and understand these factors, to determine methodological approaches to the analysis of an individual’s activity in a given situation.
Understanding the patterns of interaction between the socio-spiritual and biological systems of the body that adapt a person to the external environment will make it possible to determine the nature of the violations and at the same time outline measures of social protection. But respect for spiritual values, sympathy for suffering, and a system of ethical provisions that determine the meaning of social work remain the dominant concepts of the theory and methodology of practice.
The domain of ill-being is formed by the living conditions in which the individual lives. Its interactions with its environment reflect certain specific problems that must be continually addressed. The presence of impaired functions and structures of the body, resulting from illness, injury, or restrictions on activity, or restrictions on the ability to participate in solving life problems, does not allow fulfilling the social requirements of the norm and gives rise to new problems. Such relationships that have developed can give rise to negative consequences in the future, lead to disruption of the process of integration, social functioning and have a negative component of the component (domain) of social ill-being and can be designated as limitations in life.