Why dream of vacuuming the floor. Color: red, green, white, gray, black. Dream Interpretation - Strange Book

Cleaning a carpet in a dream means achieving a high position in society, gaining fame and honor. It would be wonderful if you dreamed of a rich Persian product with a fabulous ornament. A dream means a big win, a solid acquisition. But why do you dream of a dirty, wrinkled tapestry, modern dream books painted differently.

Omens from Miller's dream book

Seeing a dirty thing and trying to scrape dirt off it in a dream means improving your well-being. It is important what color the fabric was in front of you. Bright, cheerful tones symbolize prosperity and recovery, dull ones warn against the possibility of falling into depression.

When considering why you dream of cleaning a carpet, Miller’s dream book suggests starting from the location of the product:

  • on the floor - to interesting and useful acquisitions;
  • on earth - to intrigue, exposing someone else's secrets;
  • on the fence - to profit;
  • on the fly - to creative success, victory in a contest, competition.

Urgently find your soul mate

Seeing luxurious tapestries in a dream and taking care of them means a happy family life. For a guy, a dream means a meeting with a thrifty, faithful girl; for a woman, it means meeting a rich admirer. It’s doubly good if you dreamed that you had the opportunity to knock out dust together with your lover.

Freud's dream book, explaining why one dreams of cleaning a carpet, even pays attention to the mood of the dreamer. A cheerful mood indicates lightness in a person’s character. For those who happen to turn cleaning in a dream into an exciting adventure, the psychotherapist promises a lot of new impressions in reality.

Hurry up to make your long-awaited purchase

Seeing a carpet on the floor and bending over it to vacuum it in a dream means a major purchase, the acquisition of jewelry. At the same time, it’s very cool if you dreamed that the object of your cleaning became cleaner and more attractive every minute.

Why you dream of cleaning the carpet on the floor, Nostradamus’s dream book gives a good answer. It turns out that bending over with a brush in your hands and cleaning a thing means completely changing your own consciousness in better side. The fortuneteller promises that a rich sponsor and philanthropist will definitely appear in the life of such a hardworking person.

Cheer up!

Cleaning the carpet on the fly means doing a clever job that will make you happy. The interpretation of sleep in Tsvetkov’s dream book comes down to winning a competition, getting ahead of your rivals. The psychologist guarantees fame and honor for people involved in creativity.

A very small percentage of people genuinely enjoy cleaning the house. And, having seen a vacuum cleaner in your own dream, you may be very surprised - why do you dream about such cleaning? How he looks at similar situation dream book?

  • As a rule, most interpreters explain cleaning the house simply: you need to put things in order, both own actions, and in thoughts. If in a dream you tried to clean not your own, but someone else’s house, the dream says: you should not turn on the “bad mother-in-law mode.” Decide your own affairs and leave other people's lives alone.
  • As for the vacuum cleaner, this sign says: you have closed yourself off too much in your own life, cutting your social circle to a minimum.
  • Why do you dream that you are vacuuming? The dream warns of future general cleaning - both ordinary (you will throw out everything unnecessary from the apartment) and spiritual.
  • Collecting garbage that has been trampled by guests (your family, office workers...) in dirty shoes can be collected by people who dream of cleansing their souls from internal torment.
  • Seeing others vacuuming: your life is about to change. But it is not best news: since you do not have the strongest character, some more “powerful” person will subjugate you to his will.
  • You saw a dust bag (say, you took it out of a vacuum cleaner, or maybe you washed it, shook it out, threw it away): this is a great dream, it promises the end of a dark streak in your life.
  • If you were just getting ready for cleaning in a dream, going to buy a vacuum cleaner, the dream says: you are in a difficult situation and are looking for a way out of it. Well, if you did buy it, it means that you will receive a new source of income that will help you achieve financial independence.

Where did you clean?

  • If in a dream you vacuumed the entire apartment, this means: you are throwing away too much money on unnecessary little things.
  • Was it a huge empty room? Whatever the difficulty facing you, don’t call your friends or family - you can handle it yourself.
  • Have you cleaned the office? If there was a lot of dust there, your career will go well.
  • Was this the house (apartment) of your real friend? The dream says that in fact you do not know this person as well as you used to think.
  • Have you cleaned other people's houses, wanting to thank the owners for something? This dream- to the appearance in your life of a strong patron who will help you.
  • Have you been forced to clean strangers' houses? You may soon quarrel with your neighbors if you do not restrain your statements.
  • Have you dreamed that you clean houses and offices while working as a cleaner (janitor)? This dream promises that your business idea will produce excellent results.

What exactly did you clean?

  • Ridding your house of dust means tidying up the “mess” in your own head. In general, dust is a sign of the loneliness of a person who is confused in himself.
  • Was it a dusty rug? You are tired of keeping other people's secrets.
  • However, this dream has another interpretation. Vacuuming a carpet in a dream means clearing your life of unimportant things. It is quite possible that these actions will significantly clear your reputation.
  • Furniture: let new people and events into your life. Don't live in a fishbowl.
  • Curtains, walls, ceiling: for a serious mental “cleaning” that will end successfully.

What was the vacuum cleaner like?

  • New, working, that is, not broken: some stranger will try to deceive you. Be carefull!
  • Modern, sophisticated, with many functions: thanks to your own efforts, your life will be filled with positive changes. The main thing is not to “save”, bringing out the best that is inside you.
  • Unusual: soon your problems will end, and you don’t even have to do anything for it.
  • Weak, barely buzzing: it will be very difficult for you to cope with the impending difficulties. Don't be shy, call your friends, family or colleagues for help.
  • The vacuum cleaner couldn’t cope because there was a lot of dust in the room: you urgently need to organize your affairs.
  • Old, shabby: you will have to spend a lot on something. If in a dream you took out an appliance that you haven’t used for a hundred years, this means that you will have significant but pleasant expenses. For example, you will have a great weekend by hanging out with friends at a bar or going somewhere to visit.
  • Broken: Prepare for loss or disappointment.

Who is the dreamer?

  • Man. If you were vacuuming in a dream, this means: the business you are doing on this moment, will end surprisingly well.
  • Woman: Congratulations, you have a wonderful family - happy, complete.

Have you used your vacuum cleaner for purposes other than its intended purpose?

  • Pulling fruits from an apple tree growing near your window with a vacuum cleaner is an interesting act with which you will greatly surprise both your relatives or friends and enemies.
  • If in a dream you were trying to get clothes that fell from your balcony, this means: you will be able to defeat your competitors not through war, but through cooperation or friendship.

Interpretations of individual, most popular books

Since a vacuum cleaner is modern invention, the author of not every dream book is familiar with this symbol. However, modern “sleepy” works know well why he dreams!

Miller's Dream Book

You will soon be faced with an important life choice. Be as careful as possible so as not to make a mistake with your decision! Try to think not so much with your heart as with your mind.

Modern dream book

A person who cleaned with a vacuum cleaner in a dream must be ready for important actions on the personal front. Don’t put everything off until later, but don’t get confused either - your future depends on your actions.

American dream book

According to this dream book, vacuuming in a dream can be done by a person who is highly recommended to “tidy up” his life, and first of all, to “throw away” everything that is unimportant, or even unnecessary.

Dreams one way or another warn a person about what will soon happen in his life. - a difficult question, since this image has many different meanings. However, most often, night visions with the presence of a household appliance indicate that something is going wrong in your life and you need to put things in order. We will consider the opinions of several famous dream books so that you can accurately interpret what you see.

On a subconscious level, a vacuum cleaner is perceived as an object that can restore order. Its appearance in a dream usually indicates that something is not working out in your family (less often at work). With its help you want to unknowingly get rid of negative emotions or memories.

Pay attention to what exactly you did in the dream. If you were cleaning, it means that in reality you are also striving to restore order and cope with difficulties. You just dreamed of a vacuum cleaner - this may indicate that you just want to remove everything unnecessary from your life, but you can’t do it yet.

If you dreamed that you were vacuuming in someone else's house, this may indicate a desire to help the person cope with difficulties.

People's dream book

To understand the meaning of dreams according to the classical interpreter, it is important to take into account not only the fact of having a vacuum cleaner, but also how it appeared in your house, what you did with it, and what the object looked like:

  • you were given a household appliance - in reality you will be able to solve a problem that has been bothering you for a long time. A person from whom you definitely do not expect this will help with this;
  • buy a device - now you need to focus on the important, but avoid solving minor issues. If you dwell on every little thing, you will never achieve what you really want;
  • in your dream the vacuum cleaner looked new and beautiful - in reality you will get a chance to improve relations with a person with whom you have quarreled for a long time;
  • an old and broken household appliance warns of disappointments. Loss of important things, as well as resentment and sadness, are not excluded;
  • If you dreamed that you were vacuuming the house - in the real world you will have to work a lot on yourself. If you want to achieve high altitudes, then strive for self-improvement, even if it seems difficult;
  • see that there are coins inside the device - you will soon receive unexpected enrichment. Promotion up the career ladder is not excluded;
  • inside you saw only dust - soon all problems will be solved on their own. A successful period will come in your life;
  • there was sand inside - in reality, you do not take advantage of the chances that life sends you. If you continue to ignore the clues, you will be left with nothing;
  • dreaming that you are using a vacuum cleaner to suck up an entire house - some people in your environment evoke strong antipathy in you. Therefore, most often you prefer loneliness;
  • Your household appliance was stolen - don’t start new projects. Not now best time in order for them to complete successfully.

Dream book of Mendeleev

This interpreter contains the following explanations of the images that appear:

  • vacuuming clothes from dust - in reality, you can make a decision on any issue. You are smart and resourceful;
  • use a household appliance for wet cleaning - exercise caution in the near future. There is a risk of catching a cold or flu. The very fact of the appearance of the disease is not scary, but subsequent complications will unsettle you for a long time. Treat yourself correctly so as not to encounter them;
  • If you dreamed that you were cleaning, but the dust returned to its original places - you have to do monotonous work that will greatly tire you. It will exhaust you not only physically, but also emotionally. This will stress you out because you strive for creativity, and boring responsibilities will not allow you to use your imagination.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller determined that dreams involving a vacuum cleaner usually predict the commission of difficult choice. You'll have to accept difficult decision, but take your time. Think it over several times, because there will be no second chance. The dream book contains the following interpretations of possible night scenes:

  • The household appliance broke down while you were vacuuming, and the socket caught fire - in reality, you will have to overcome numerous obstacles. Difficulties will arise at work, in personal life. Seek help from your loved ones if you want to withstand all the trials with dignity;
  • If you dreamed that there was so much dust in the room that the household appliance was unable to remove it - in reality you started the situation. You have accumulated so many unresolved problems that you can hardly cope with them. Start right now - it will get even worse;
  • after cleaning, the vacuum cleaner breaks down, and you are trying to fix it - soon you will have to return to old problems that you have long forgotten about. It is possible that you will be reminded of a debt that you cannot repay.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

In this interpreter, the image is the personification of something new, bright and positive. If he appears to you in night vision, it means that you will soon experience serious changes. You should not be afraid of them, because they will bring you only good things.

It is possible that the dream predicts the acquisition of a powerful patron who will help you deal with your problems. If there was discord in your family, then now things will go well again, and quarrels will be left behind. The dream book does not exclude the beginning of a new romantic period, during which the old passion will flare up again in the relationship with a partner.

Loff's Dream Book

According to Loff, a household appliance symbolizes the behavior of a sleeping person in society. If it appears to you that you are cleaning your home, in reality you will be able to prove that you are right. Your reputation will be restored, and your enemies will be defeated. If you dreamed that you were cleaning the carpet in someone else’s home, be careful in reality. Now, more than ever, the risk of finding yourself in an unforeseen and ambiguous situation is high. You may get hurt because of it. If you dream that you are cleaning not in the house, but at work, you can soon expect a promotion and good luck in all the projects you take on.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

The interpreter determines that the image embodies the desire to get rid of old things, emotions or people that make you unhappy. In addition, it may be a sign that portends an acquaintance with an extremely unpleasant person. Vacuum cleaning in a dream dream book regards it as a desire to cleanse itself. You may have done something that now makes you feel unclean.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

This interpreter has both positive and negative values appearing image. The first explanation is due to the fact that you do the cleaning yourself. own home. This vision means that soon someone will ask you for advice. Take this seriously, even if it seems like you are being asked about something unimportant. For a person, your answer may turn out to be fateful.

A dream in which you are repairing a broken household appliance has a negative meaning. It means that you will have to do the other person's work for him. You can try to avoid this, but be smart about it. On the other hand, you can try to help and then you will earn the due reward.

Why do you dream about a vacuum cleaner? If you dreamed of a vacuum cleaner, then such a dream should be interpreted as a symbol of a new life, the beginning of a bright streak.

If you have experienced any difficulties before this time, they will be resolved in the most favorable way. You will complete some tasks or solve problems. Perhaps an influential person or loved one will help you with this.

According to the dream book, for a family person this is a symbol of improving and strengthening relationships; perhaps some conflict situation will be resolved or new period romantic relationships. In addition, you dream of a vacuum cleaner to improve your financial condition and standard of living. A vacuum cleaner of a non-standard or unusual design means that soon your affairs will be resolved very well. in an unusual way: people you couldn’t count on will help.

Vacuuming in a dream means getting rid of something unnecessary, for example, an outdated relationship or a boring hobby.. It also means finishing things and solving problems. Vacuuming in yours is a sign that your affairs and problems will end soon.

Finish cleaning quickly - you should make decisions instantly so that things don't drag on. A woman dreams of cleaning - good sign, meaning a strong family, loving husband and children. For a man, such a dream foreshadows the effective completion of work begun.

Please note what exactly you are vacuuming:

  • Furniture - you shouldn’t live alone, it’s time to find time to meet with friends.
  • , ceiling, walls - you can easily remove everything unnecessary and unnecessary from your life.
  • If you see a lot on things and the floor, you may have such a dream if you have a lot of things to do and it’s time to deal with them.
  • - the dream suggests that you are not only clever man, but also competent in many matters. You can easily decide complex problems and are able to give helpful advice to people.

Actions with the dream object

Cleaning a large and empty room means that you shouldn’t count on anyone for upcoming tasks; you have enough of your own strength and skills to complete what you started with the best result.

  • Vacuuming the apartment of a person you know - perhaps he is being threatened by dishonest people or a conflict is brewing in the family.
  • If you cleaned someone else's apartment under the guise of an employee of a cleaning company, you can easily launch the planned project.

Vacuuming in the office portends a speedy promotion. Doing wet cleaning - a dream warns of a possible slight illness if you are careless about your own health. Stay away from drafts and dress warmly in inclement weather.

Seeing a vacuum cleaner in a dream that you are trying to fix means that you will have to redo someone else’s work: perhaps a colleague will not cope with the task, and you will be entrusted with redoing everything. Replacing the dust bag indicates an approaching white streak; the unfavorable period will end soon.

How did you receive the item and what is its condition?

In a dream, you may be given a vacuum cleaner, or you may purchase it yourself. Let's consider each option separately. Receiving a vacuum cleaner as a gift from someone means that in reality you will complete a task that has been bothering you greatly. The person from whom you least expected help will help with this. He will be there for you when other people won't lend a helping hand.

Before you buy a vacuum cleaner, you need to choose it. Seeing in a dream how you carefully select it means that in reality you will overcome the difficulties that you may encounter.

Buying it should be understood as a sign that in reality you will defeat ill-wishers who wanted to spoil your affairs and slander you. A dream in which you managed to purchase a vacuum cleaner promises financial independence and material well-being.

Look at the condition of the vacuum cleaner. A dream in which a vacuum cleaner was new is always auspicious sign, indicating that changes will soon occur in your life in some area. But you have to put some effort into it.

Not working for a long time a vacuum cleaner indicates that you have not communicated with friends for a long time. Be sure to find time and spend it with friends and family.

Carpets have been giving people warmth and comfort for many years. They symbolize power and wealth. If you dreamed of a carpet, then be sure to pay attention to this dream and remember everything down to the smallest detail. This will help lift the veil of the future and find out what awaits you in the near future.

Interpretations of dream books: Vanga, Miller, P. Leiman and others

  1. English. You can get rich.
  2. Vanga. Fate will give you a gift.
  3. Oriental. Make a profit.
  4. Children's. Tired of active actions and dream of peace and comfort.
  5. For the bitch. You will be surrounded by rich friends and luxury.
  6. Winters. Your position in society will strengthen, things will go uphill.
  7. Idiomatic. To fame and fortune.
  8. Islamic. Thanks to your generous friends, you won't face poverty.
  9. Magical. You will suddenly become rich.
  10. Miller. Do you have friends who are Hard time they will always come to the rescue.
  11. Newest. The income that is expected to be received soon will exceed expectations.
  12. Family. Wealthy friends will provide financial support.
  13. Simone Kananita. Calm, measured life, financial stability.
  14. Modern. Thanks to the assistance of rich friends, the dreamer's earnings will increase.
  15. For the modern woman. Increased prosperity thanks to wealthy friends.
  16. Solomon. Comfortable and well-fed life.
  17. Wanderer. Prosperity and prosperity.
  18. Peter Leyman. You dream of wealth and comfort. Soon there will be an opportunity to make your dreams come true.
  19. Esoteric. To build or buy a new home.
  20. XXI century. Family life will be filled with happiness and joy.

If children were sitting on the carpet seen in the kingdom of Morpheus, then in reality there will be a new addition to the family. Sleep is especially favorable for those married couples who have not been able to have a child for a long time. Soon your cherished dream will come true, you will experience the joy of motherhood or fatherhood.

For creative people, a carpet seen in a dream promises an excellent opportunity to become famous and get rich.

A man, woman or girl has a dream

  1. To a girl. You will marry a respectable and wealthy man and become the mistress of his house.
  2. To a woman. A relationship with a loved one that has reached a dead end will improve. Next to him you will experience boundless happiness.
  3. Pregnant. In any endeavor, your loved ones are ready to support you and, if necessary, help you.
  4. Married. Family life will improve and sparkle with new bright colors. Dream Interpretation from A to Z: wealth will increase.
  5. To a man. Things will go uphill. There is a chance to take a high-paying position or achieve a salary increase.

If you dreamed that horses were depicted on the carpet, then thanks to your energy and hard work you will achieve great heights

A lot of carpets in rolls - an extremely favorable dream. He promises intense happy events And happy life. The dreamer's well-being will increase.

Did you see a carpet in the form of a puzzle in a dream? It is better to solve problems that arise in reality in a non-standard way.

Color: red, green, white, gray, black

  1. Red. Family life will be long and happy. If an unmarried girl or a single man had a dream, it means a passionate relationship that will bring a lot of positivity.
  2. Green. The dream indicates stability. In the dreamer's immediate environment there is faithful friends, and the loved one remains faithful.
  3. White. Night dreams speak of the spiritual purity of the dreamer, who always puts the interests of others above his own.
  4. Grey. No matter what you do, nothing pleases your heart and soul.
  5. Black. You are an uncommunicative and categorical person, but you are ready to go to great lengths for dear people.

The indefinite color of the carpet from night dreams indicates the experienced spiritual emptiness and feeling of loneliness. You need to pull yourself together and fill your life with meaning.

Where was the carpet in the dream?

  1. On the floor. The dream indicates a desire to relax and improve your home so that it is always cozy and warm.
  2. On the wall. Make a profit. Something good will happen in life.
  3. On the ground. A calm and carefree existence awaits.
  4. On the ceiling. An incredible incident will knock you out of the measured flow of life. It will not be easy to regain the former calm.
  5. On road. The planned trip will be successful.
  6. In the house. Change your place of residence soon. The new home will be beautiful and comfortable.

Flowers painted on a dreamed carpet promise mutual love and romantic encounters.

To see a carpet on the floor in a dream: the dream indicates a desire to relax and decorate your home so that it is always cozy and warm.

The dreamer's actions: cleaning, vacuuming, sweeping

Be sure to remember what you did with the carpet in your dream.

  1. Clean. To achieve what you want, you will have to put in a lot of effort. If you had to clean the carpeted floor, the profit received will exceed all expectations.
  2. Vacuuming. For a woman, the vision portends an acquaintance with a rich and generous lover.
  3. Sweep with a broom. Get rid of something unnecessary. For sick people, a dream promises healing.
  4. Wash. A symbol of well-developed intuition. Always listen to yourself - your instincts will not deceive you.
  5. Wash. You will undertake repairs, which will entail a lot of hassle.
  6. Knock out. A good time for real estate transactions. You will be able to earn some good money.
  7. Carry. You have to work long and hard, only in this case will you be able to increase your well-being.
  8. Buy. You can get rich. There is a chance to receive a large inheritance. Women's dream book: unexpectedly make a big profit.
  9. Walk on the carpet. Are you on on the right track. Stick to your goal and don’t waste your time on trifles. This will go a long way. Vanga's dream book: prosperity awaits you.
  10. Sit on the carpet. An exciting journey lies ahead.
  11. Lie. Moderate your requests and behave more modestly. This is especially true for relationships with your superiors, whose favor you are clearly abusing. This could lead to job loss. Jewish dream book: to receive good news.
  12. Sell. Hit the road. The trip will not only be interesting, but will also help improve your well-being.
  13. Receive as a gift. There will be a meeting with relatives soon. It's time to forget old grievances and improve relationships with family.
  14. Weave. You will take part in an important matter that will bring good dividends.
  15. Choose. You are at a crossroads because it is difficult to make a choice between your career and your personal life.
  16. Lay. A period of stability and peace will come. All adversity and worries will remain in the past.

A strange pattern seen on a carpet seen in night dreams indicates a significant event that will soon happen to your family.

I had to pull needles out of the carpet in a dream: in reality, a person from close circle wishes harm to the dreamer and tries in every possible way to harm.

If a carpet was stolen in a night vision, it means a deterioration in the financial situation in reality, up to complete ruin.

Did you dream that a dead person brought you a carpet? Be careful with investing money, there is a chance to burn out.

If fruits were drawn on the dreamed carpet, then the family will soon become rich.

Red carpet in a dream - family life the dreamer will have a long and happy life

Having seen a carpet in a dream, you can safely start new businesses, conduct real estate transactions, or go on a business trip. Whatever you have to undertake, luck will be on your side.