How Avicenna treated psoriasis. Psoriasis - treatment with folk remedies at home. Which foods are alkaline and which are acidic?

It is important to establish the causes of psoriasis, hidden deep inside the body. It was not by chance that Avicenna taught that it is necessary to treat the patient, not the disease. Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of psoriasis with aerosols, lotions, ointments, and spells alone. An integrated approach is needed. Many newspapers and magazines have recently published articles about fairly easy and simple methods of treating psoriasis using brine, cabbage leaves, urine, grease-based ointments, and other means.

Apparently, the authors of these publications themselves did not suffer from this disease and do not have sufficient information about it, its origin and consequences. John Pegano spoke well about the disease in his book, called “Treating Psoriasis - The Natural Way.” The book contains many years of experience in treatment, not from the outside, but from the inside. And most importantly - using natural means.

The main causes of psoriasis include a depressed state of the nervous system and sluggish bowel function (). Treatment of psoriasis should be comprehensive. You may need to undergo an ultrasound of the gallbladder and liver and consult a therapist.

Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies at home

Treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies gives excellent results - the use of herbs: parsley, chicory, dandelion roots. These herbs restore digestion, improve metabolism, increase the secretion of urine and bile, and tone the body.

Herbs to treat psoriasis at home

Dandelion has a calming effect. When used together with it, you can reduce cholesterol in the blood. Chicory, parsley, and dandelion roots should be harvested in spring or autumn. Grind the dry roots in a meat grinder, place in a glass jar, closing tightly with a lid. Store in a dark, dry place for no more than two years.

Dill will be of great benefit, as it has a mild hypnotic and calming effect, enhancing the digestive activity of the intestines. Dill is eaten in any form; the seeds are ground in a coffee grinder. In the morning prepare: 2 tbsp. seeds are poured with boiling water in a half-liter jar, left for at least an hour, and the entire contents are drunk during the day 30 minutes before meals. A decoction of dill seeds also helps with the initial manifestations of heaviness in the stomach ().

Cleansing the intestines and liver is necessary with the treatment of psoriasis. Pumpkin seeds are suitable for this (a glass in the morning and evening for a month). For a month of treatment for psoriasis, you can drink a liter of corn oil twice a day, tbsp.

Baths in the treatment of psoriasis at home

In parallel, in the treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies, you need to take pine baths every other day for 25-30 minutes. They cleanse the skin and improve well-being. Skin pores in water open and cleanse. The skin begins to fully perform its respiratory and excretory functions, helping the lungs and kidneys. Pine baths are beneficial for all people, and are simply necessary for those suffering from psoriasis. Water brings a surge of vigor and strength, calms the nervous system, and relaxes muscles.

The needles are harvested in early May, when new shoots appear at the tips of the branches of the trees. The decoction for baths is prepared as follows: place the twigs in a bucket (you can fill the container entirely, or two-thirds full), add a bunch of clasp and celandine. Fill with water, bring to a boil, boil for 5-8 minutes over low heat. Let it sit for 2-3 hours, strain, pour the broth into a prepared bath with water at a temperature of 37-38 degrees. It is better to take before bed in the evening.

Soothing baths in the treatment of psoriasis at home

Herbs that are well suited for soothing baths for psoriasis include mint, valerian, motherwort, lemon balm, chamomile, oregano, caraway, and hops. After taking a bath, lubricate the entire body (especially areas affected by psoriasis) with ointment. Wear cotton underwear before going to bed. Since your body will be covered in ointment, wear the same underwear for several days. It will be soaked in ointment, this will have an additional healing effect. If you have psoriasis, do not wear synthetics. Take a shower in the morning, preferably using shampoos made from string, nettle, and tar. Check out: .

Ointment for psoriasis with linden tar

An ointment containing linden tar is an indispensable folk remedy for the treatment of psoriasis. Ointment recipe. Take 120 grams of linden tar, 100 grams of honey (linden honey preferably), 60 ml of baby cream, 2 egg whites. Beat the ingredients for 20-25 minutes until thick. After this, add propolis diluted with alcohol at the rate of 60 grams of propolis per 100 milliliters of alcohol. The ointment will curdle. Beat again to the original state. Then put in it vitamin E 40 milliliters, vitamin D 50 milliliters, 2 tbsp. ash from the tips of rosehip branches, 2 tbsp. ground sea fish scales, 2 tbsp. calendula flower powder, tsp. precipitated sulfur, 2 tbsp. duckweed and celandine powder. Beat the whole mass well. If it turns out very thick, add pharmaceutical fish oil. The ointment can be stored for 5 years in the refrigerator.

We get lime tar

Method for obtaining linden tar (it is not available in pharmacies). Take a large bucket and put a lid on it with a hole in the middle to drain the tar. Fill the bucket completely with raw linden logs, close the lid, coat with clay, leaving the hole free. Dig a hole smaller than the size of a bucket, make a depression in the center of the hole for a container to collect tar. The hole in the bucket lid should be located exactly above the container. Bury a bucket one third into the ground, light a large fire on top, and keep it going for 5-6 hours. When you finish distilling the tar, let the bucket cool, then carefully lift it so that the soil does not get into the tar. The highest quality tar is obtained only during the flowering period of the linden tree.

You have read the information

For unknown reasons, the immune system is extremely active in psoriasis., which is manifested, in particular, by increased proliferation of skin cells. Normally, the division and growth of skin cells takes 28 days, but in a person suffering from psoriasis they divide 10 times faster. At this rate, old cells do not have time to shed normally, and dead cells accumulate in the area affected by psoriasis. The skin looks lumpy and covered with silvery scales.

The affected areas are swollen and covered with scaly plaques.

Psoriasis most often affects the scalp and the area behind the ears, elbows, knees, back, buttocks, armpits, groin, eyebrows and even nails.

Fortunately, this disease is not accompanied by severe and constant itching.

And my general health remains normal. The disease, however, creates psychological discomfort. In severe cases, joints suffer. And the healing skin becomes rough and thick to the touch.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get rid of psoriasis forever.

But you can’t put up with him either. There are many methods of systemic therapy that will help avoid exacerbations and bring the skin to a normal state, which must be constantly maintained with the help of ointments and oral medications.

What can help? Moisturizing creams. They should be used every time after a shower or bath. The affected skin should be lubricated with cream once or twice a day.

Do not scratch the sore skin in an attempt to remove the peeling. Injuring the skin only aggravates the condition and, in addition, is fraught with infection.

To treat the scalp, dermatologists advise washing your hair with medicated shampoos containing tar. You can use tar soap, whipping it into foam before applying it to your hair. After washing, rinse your hair with water to which salicylic acid has been added: 1 tablespoon per liter of water. Salicylic acid solution is sold in pharmacies.

Drug treatment

Hormonal ointments can bring quick relief in the acute period of the disease: hydrocartisone, celestoderm, prednisolone, sinalar, belosalik.

However, doctors do not recommend using them for a long time. Firstly, addiction occurs and the effect of treatment weakens, and secondly, hormonal ointments have side effects: decreased immunity, exacerbation of foci of chronic infection, the appearance of papillomas, etc. The same applies to the treatment of atopic dermatitis, which is often complicated by secondary infections ( bacterial, fungal and viral), in which the use of hormones is often contraindicated. Hormonal ointments should not be used for a long time when treating children.

But there are also non-hormonal drugs for the treatment of psoriasis. These include ointment and Skin-cap spray. It is based on activated zinc pyrithione. “Skin-cap” has undergone clinical trials in 11 regions of Russia.

And I can safely recommend it even for the treatment of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis in children from 1 year of age, not to mention adults,” says Head of the Department of Dermatovenereology, Faculty of Medicine, Russian State Medical University of Roszdrav, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Yu. Skripkin. - This is a safe and effective remedy.

I would also recommend strictly monitoring your diet. A hypoallergenic diet is recommended. Raw vegetables and fruits should be present daily throughout the year. Even one glass of alcohol taken by an adult in honor of the holiday can cause a sharp deterioration in the course of the disease. Alcohol acts almost like an allergen, causing a rush of blood to the skin, increasing redness.

The sun is a helper

The famous American writer John Updike has suffered from psoriasis since his youth. In his memoirs, he devoted dozens of pages to this, and the hero of his book “Centaur” is familiar with this disease. Due to illness, Updike specially moved to Massachusetts, where there is a lot of sun and excellent beaches. The writer enjoyed treatment by sunbathing.

You can sunbathe, but be careful, says academician Yu. Skripkin. - Sometimes sunburn causes exacerbations of the disease. And tanning is carcinogenic anyway.

Don't sunbathe without sunscreen. Monitor whether the shape or color of moles has changed after your exposure to the sun. Alas, ultraviolet radiation from solariums is not suitable for the treatment of psoriasis.

But treatment with sea water - balneotherapy - on the contrary, is what you need. True, just on vacation, and even without the sea, patients with psoriasis feel much better. Because your mood improves and there is no stress. After all, stress is also a trigger for exacerbation of psoriasis. Therefore, if you can avoid stress, then try to do so. Do not neglect meditation, general strengthening physical exercises, walks in the air - in a word, everything that strengthens the will and spirit.


Doctors have noticed: the less a person pays attention to his illness, the easier psoriasis goes away. And the simpler the treatment method, the more effective it is.

It is important.

The complex treatment of psoriasis should include hepatoprotective drugs, that is, those that facilitate the functioning of the liver, removing waste and toxins from the body.

Folk remedies.

Fireweed, or fireweed, has been known in folk medicine since ancient times. Fireweed should be collected at the height of flowering - in June, July, in the first quarter of the moon, from sunrise to noon.

Before drying, the fireweed should be allowed to sit damp. You can mash the plants to release the juice. This process is called fermentation.

And only after this the plant is dried.

For psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, allergic skin diseases, pour 2 tablespoons of fireweed tea into two glasses of boiling water, leave for 6 hours, filter. This amount is drunk throughout the day.

Common bay leaf good not only for borscht. Even the great Avicenna used laurel to prepare various medicines. To treat psoriasis, you should select 10 dry, stain-free leaves and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a thermos and leave for 2 hours. Take half a glass 3 times a day shortly before meals.

When treating skin rashes, eczema, and psoriasis, baths with an infusion of wheat bran will help. Pour one and a half kilograms of bran with hot water, let it brew for 4 hours. Strain and pour the “milk” into a bath of warm water. Soak in the water for 15 minutes. Do not dry yourself, air dry, then put on soft underwear. For a course of treatment - 10 baths. If you can’t buy bran, you can take baths with oatmeal or oatmeal.

If you find scaly plaques on your body that resemble psoriasis in appearance, consult a doctor immediately. Problems

and the treatment of this disease is carried out by doctors -

Only they will be able to determine the presence or absence of this particular disease, and, if necessary, prescribe the correct course of treatment.

There are many different treatments for psoriasis. However, it should be noted that a person cannot completely and forever get rid of psoriasis.

The fact is that the human body “always remembers” the presence of this disease, thereby carrying out some biochemical, immunological and functional changes.

This leads to the fact that the symptoms of psoriasis either disappear or reappear. Moreover, their next manifestation can occur at any time, so a person with psoriasis must be constantly registered with a dermatologist.

Treatment of psoriasis at an early stage involves only preventive measures. If we talk about the treatment of psoriasis with significant manifestations, then in such cases treatment is carried out using cryotherapy, cleansing

Ultraviolet therapy.

- This is the effect of severe cold on scaly lichens. Ultraviolet therapy involves short-term treatments similar to visiting a solarium. Most often, this type of treatment is combined with taking special medications.

A patient with psoriasis may also be prescribed a course of vitamins, calcium supplements and sedatives. Along with these medications, a person is prescribed ointments that have a resolving and exfoliating effect. In some cases, it is possible to use hormonal drugs.

In case of exacerbation of psoriasis, the patient is prescribed balneotherapy. Balneotherapy is a treatment using baths filled with nitrogen-thermal, iodine-bromine, sulfide and silicon water. Dry air radon baths may also be included here.

There are also special water procedures for the treatment of psoriasis. These procedures improve blood circulation, breathing and metabolism in the human body.

Electrophoresis is another method of treating psoriasis. Medicines are injected into the patient's body through intact skin. This promotes a much faster medicinal effect on the skin.

There is a huge variety of spa treatments for psoriasis. Among them are darsonvalization, diathermy, climatotherapy, aerotherapy, thalassotherapy, balneotherapy, mud therapy and many others.

I would like to note another very interesting method of treating psoriasis, namely the treatment of this disease with fish. This treatment is practiced in Turkish resorts. Procedures for such treatment include sea water and fish. It is these fish that remove skin flakes that form during psoriasis.

In order for the treatment of such an unpleasant disease as psoriasis to be effective, it is necessary to identify the causes of its development, which are often hidden deep inside the human body. The ancient physician Avicenna believed that treatment of the disease itself will never be effective if you do not understand the patient himself. That is why you should not rely only on the miraculous power of aerosols, lotions and other methods of both official and traditional medicine.

Now you can find a huge number of articles containing a lot of fairly simple and very effective recipes for the treatment of psoriasis using cabbage leaves, urine therapy, grease-based ointments and all sorts of other means.

Many people suffering from this disease are faced with the fact that the advice and recommendations of doctors are often vague and vague and do not carry anything good. Over the years spent on treating psoriasis, they manage to try almost the entire range of drugs in the pharmacy, which often do not give any effect or the result from their use is too minimal.

After a person becomes convinced of the powerlessness of official medicine, he begins to look for an alternative to it, turning to the recommendations of traditional healers.

Psoriasis, like many other diseases, directly depends on the general condition of the human body. The main reasons for its development are sluggish functioning of the digestive tract, as well as general depression of the nervous system. Of course, psoriasis therapy will be most effective if you approach this issue comprehensively. Before going to the nearest pharmacy and senselessly wasting money on advertised products, it would be a good idea to undergo a preliminary ultrasound examination of the gallbladder and liver, as well as seek a general consultation with a qualified therapist. After passing certain tests and conducting some research, specialists will select the appropriate treatment.

In order to get the most noticeable result, traditional medicine can be used in parallel with drug treatment. A regimen of such therapy should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

The use of herbs such as chicory and parsley has a good effect. They help normalize and improve metabolic processes in the body, have a tonic effect, restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the secretion of bile and urine. In addition, dandelion is a good sedative, and when used in combination with rose hips, it effectively reduces cholesterol levels in the blood plasma. The best time to harvest roots is spring or autumn. To store them, it is best to use a dense and well-closed container, placing it in a dark place. The raw materials can also be purchased at the pharmacy.

Dill is also particularly useful. It affects digestion and intestinal function as a good stimulant. In addition, this plant is a good sedative and has a slight hypnotic effect. It can be eaten, and medicines are usually prepared from dill seeds, grinding them in a coffee grinder. To prepare the infusion, pour a couple of tablespoons of seeds with half a liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, then strain and take this decoction half an hour before meals. This remedy will be beneficial at the very first feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

When treating psoriasis, you can achieve good results by cleansing the liver and intestines with various traditional medicine. For example, you can use pumpkin seeds for this; they should be eaten daily in the amount of one glass. At the same time, you should take corn, one tablespoon in the morning and evening. The duration of such cleansing is one month. It is also important to enrich your diet with nutrients that support the digestive process.

As for cosmetic procedures, pine baths are particularly useful. They should be taken at intervals of one day, half an hour at a time. This will help not only cleanse the skin, but also significantly improve overall well-being. To prepare a decoction for baths, place spruce branches and celandine leaves on the bottom of a large saucepan, fill with water and put on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for a couple of minutes over low heat. Leave the broth for a couple of hours, then pour it into a hot (37-38C) bath. The best time to take such a bath is in the evening, just before bed. A decoction for it can also be prepared from chamomile, valerian, motherwort, mint, oregano, lemon balm, hops, caraway, etc. After the bath, apply ointment to the skin. To prepare it, mix 120g of linden tar with 100g of linden honey and a couple of chicken egg whites. Add 60 ml of baby cream and beat for half an hour. Then mix the mixture with propolis tincture, vitamins D and E, and a couple of tablespoons of ground fish scales. Continue whisking and gradually add a couple of tablespoons of ash from rosehip branches, as well as powder from celandine, duckweed and calendula flowers. The whipped product must be stored in the refrigerator, but it does not lose its healing properties for several years.

Psoriasis is a fairly common disease,