How to treat chickenpox in infants: symptoms of chickenpox. Chickenpox in newborns and infants: photographs, characteristic symptoms, necessary treatment Chickenpox in a child 1 month old

The birth of a baby is not only a great happiness, but also new worries and anxieties. A particular challenge for parents is the illness of a little person. Since this is a highly contagious disease, parents are concerned about the question: can a baby get chickenpox?

Healthy baby

Chickenpox is most easily tolerated by children of kindergarten age. But infants can also get sick. How and why the severity of its course in infants depends:

  • the likelihood of illness in a baby up to three months depends on the presence or absence of antibodies in the mother. The safest option is if she was ill while not yet pregnant. There is no reason to fear - mother's antibodies vigilantly protect the developing fetus, and then the already born baby. Breastfeeding further reduces this danger. Breast milk significantly strengthens the immune system;
  • as you grow older from three to six months Mom’s protection is getting weaker and weaker. But during breastfeeding, a certain amount of antibodies continues to enter the child’s body through mother’s milk. Therefore, if the baby does become infected with chickenpox, the disease will not cause your treasure much suffering;
  • A different situation arises if the virus reaches the expectant mother in . Immunity to the disease may not be strong enough and the newborn baby becomes ill when exposed to the virus;
  • if there are no antibodies in the mother’s body, i.e. she has never had chickenpox, and the virus has overtaken the baby, he will probably get sick with severe symptoms;
  • it is even more dangerous if a woman gets chickenpox before giving birth. It can also infect children's bodies. Baby is born with a congenital form. Such children are characterized by low weight, the presence of scars on the skin, and developmental delays.

Incubation period

The chickenpox virus is transmitted through the air from a sick person to a healthy person. Can a baby get chickenpox while walking outside with his mother?

In the open air, infection is possible at a distance of 20m from the carrier of the infection. So we advise mothers not to let their guard down. But the likelihood of transmitting a “street” infection is still less than indoors.

Depending on the number of infectious cells that have penetrated the human body, the resistance of his immune system can last from one to three weeks. In infants this period reduced to 7–10 days.

The incubation period is virtually asymptomatic. Although the infectious agent secretly develops “violent activity”:

  • viral cells infect the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
  • rapidly multiplying, they penetrate the bloodstream and spread throughout the body;
  • This period ends with the appearance of characteristic rashes on the skin.

An infected child becomes contagious 10 days before the first rash. This danger persists until the crusts on the burst papules fall off.

Symptoms of a virus attack

When chickenpox is infected in utero, symptoms do not appear immediately. Usually 10–11 days after the baby is born. An increase in temperature may be accompanied by vomiting and sometimes convulsions. Lethargy gives way to excitability and refusal to breastfeed.

On the third day, characteristic reddish nodules appear on the child’s skin. They can be localized over the entire surface of the child’s body, even covering the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and throat. Damage to internal organs and the central nervous system is often noted. Such severe symptoms can result in the death of the baby.

In a baby who becomes infected outside of the mother's illness, it depends on his age, the presence of antibodies and the type of feeding. There are mild and severe forms of the disease.

With a mild course, the temperature does not rise, and the skin rash is not too severe. The severe form of chickenpox is a different matter. The order of symptoms is approximately as follows:

  • reddish spots appear on the body, gradually filling with a yellowish secretion;
  • these painful papules quickly cover the child’s body, including the mucous membranes;
  • the appearance of rashes is accompanied by an increase temperatures up to 37 - 41 degrees;
  • develops in waves. At the peak of each wave, a new portion of the rash and an increase in temperature appear;
  • after 5 days, new rashes stop, the previously formed blistering rash dries out, becoming covered with a crust. The disease is receding.
  • Treatment of the disease

If the parents are sick, how can they help, how can they alleviate the child’s condition? Here are some tips for parents. So, if your baby gets chickenpox:

  • Only a pediatrician can make an accurate diagnosis and assess the severity of the course. If necessary, agree to hospitalization;
  • in mild cases, you will need to drink plenty of fluids. Stop complementary feeding and completely switch to breastfeeding;
  • at high temperatures, do not forget to give the baby antipyretic drugs prescribed by the doctor in a timely manner;
  • The blistering rash on the body is very disturbing. To prevent pimples from being scratched, they are regularly lubricated with either brilliant green or methylene blue. Wear special mittens or vests with sewn-in sleeves on your hands. Fenistil gel, which is applied pointwise to the blisters, helps reduce itching;
  • papules in the mouth are treated with sea buckthorn oil or calgel;
  • Hygiene procedures should be performed very carefully. Do not use a washcloth or detergents, only a warm shower, after which simply blot the baby with a soft sheet. Change your baby's personal and bedding daily.

All of the above actions are aimed at reducing the symptoms of this disease. There are no specific drugs to prevent or treat the disease itself.

How to help during illness?

Chickenpox in infants does not last long, about 7 days. Although it is recommended to isolate from others for 9 days from the onset of the disease.

None of the medications can replace parental attention. That's why:

  • try to distract your baby from the unbearable itching, involve him in his favorite games and activities;
  • trim your nails on time. Scratched papules can become a source of secondary infection and leave scars on the skin;
  • severe itching that plagues a child during the healing of ulcers can be alleviated by holding it for a few minutes in a bath with a warm decoction of chamomile or celandine;
  • You can lightly blot the itchy areas with a weak soda solution.

The person who has recovered from the disease receives it, but the virus itself is not removed from the body. It can be reactivated in the form of herpes zoster. Most often this occurs against the background of a weakened immune system. A person suffering from this disease is a carrier and can infect your baby with chickenpox.

Refers to seasonal diseases. The number of cases increases sharply in the winter-spring period. The disease can come to the baby along with a warm spring breeze. It's not called chickenpox for nothing.

Who said that curing herpes is difficult?

  • Do you suffer from itching and burning in the areas of the rash?
  • The sight of blisters does not at all add to your self-confidence...
  • And it’s somehow embarrassing, especially if you suffer from genital herpes...
  • And for some reason, ointments and medications recommended by doctors are not effective in your case...
  • In addition, constant relapses have already become a part of your life...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you get rid of herpes!
  • There is an effective remedy for herpes. and find out how Elena Makarenko cured herself of genital herpes in 3 days!

Many people know that it is better to get chickenpox in childhood than as an adult, since the disease is much milder and without complications. For this reason, parents of young children do not worry if their child gets sick. However, this does not apply to infants, for whose health chickenpox poses a serious threat, having its own characteristics of the course.

Can a baby become infected and get chickenpox?

Young children are vulnerable to any pathogens due to their incompletely developed immunity. Despite the fact that chickenpox is rare in children under one year of age, infection of an infant is quite possible. This can happen through direct contact with a sick person. The problem is especially acute in large families. However, there is a risk of becoming infected without contact with a sick person, because the virus spreads through the air.

Sometimes chickenpox is diagnosed in newborns in the first months of life. This is possible when the mother did not have chickenpox or became infected in the last stages of pregnancy.

In cases where a woman was ill before she became pregnant, the baby receives special antibodies along with breast milk, and for 3-4 months he is not afraid of chickenpox.

There are known cases of congenital chickenpox, which is dangerous and leads to the development of complications. Children who are bottle-fed suffer from the disease much more severely than natural-fed babies. The first symptoms of a congenital disease, characteristic of the standard type of pathology, appear approximately on the 11th day of life. The situation is aggravated by the gag reflex and convulsions. The central nervous system and internal organs are susceptible to infection, which can be fatal.

Is chicken pox dangerous for a child under one year old, when is it better for her to get over it?

Chickenpox in infants is a rare occurrence. If the mother is breastfeeding, then the chances of infection are minimal, and even if infected, the disease passes without complications.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should not self-medicate. The diagnosis of the disease and the prescription of appropriate therapy should be carried out by a doctor, because only a specialist can assess the baby’s condition. With timely and competent treatment, the prognosis is always favorable.

The most dangerous time for an infant under one year of age, when the risk of contracting chickenpox increases, is from 5-6 months of life (we recommend reading:). By this time, the immunity acquired through mother's milk practically disappears. A child can scratch the rash that accompanies chickenpox and introduce infection into the wounds - this is the most common and serious complication.

Symptoms of chickenpox in newborns and infants:

  • weakness;
  • constant crying;
  • itching all over the body;
  • increase in body temperature.

Infancy is not the best time to get this disease. The safest age categories are preschoolers and children of primary school age. In them, unlike adults, the disease in most cases proceeds quickly and easily, and sometimes almost unnoticeably, without causing complications.

Causes and routes of infection of chickenpox in infants

The causative agent of chickenpox is the herpes virus. The source of infection is sick people, as well as those who have herpes on the lips or shingles. The main route of spread and transmission of the pathogen is airborne. Infection occurs through direct contact with the carrier, but this is not a prerequisite - the virus can be transmitted over long distances.

The activity of pathogens, when they pose a danger to the child, is only 10 minutes. In the fresh air under the influence of heat, after this time the virus dies.

For this reason, cases of infection through contact and household contact have not been recorded, i.e. The disease cannot be brought on hands, clothes or toys from kindergarten.

However, in enclosed spaces with large concentrations of children, the spread occurs instantly. This applies to kindergartens and schools. The virus can penetrate even through tightly closed doors.

Newborns can get chickenpox when an older brother or sister brings the infection from school or kindergarten. A congenital form of the disease is also possible. Its cause is the mother's illness in the last months of pregnancy.

Length of incubation period

From the moment the chickenpox pathogen enters the body until the first characteristic signs of the disease appear, it can take from 1 to 3 weeks. Most often, a child or adult becomes ill approximately 21 days after exposure to an infected person. In one-month-old infants, especially newborns, this period proceeds faster, and the first symptoms can be observed as early as the 7th day.

Stages of the disease:

During the incubation period, there are no symptoms or signs of the disease. This is the main difficulty in making a diagnosis and detecting the virus in the body.

Types and symptoms of chickenpox in newborns and infants

Types of chickenpox in newborns and infants up to one year:

  1. Typical. Standard symptoms of chickenpox: a specific rash on the body and itching, a sharp increase in temperature, general weakness, refusal to feed and restless sleep.
  2. Congenital. The infection is transmitted from an infected pregnant woman. Signs appear on the 11th day. Most of the symptoms are similar to ordinary chickenpox, the skin rashes look identical (we recommend reading:). Vomiting and convulsive reflexes may occur as a reaction to high body temperature.
  3. Atypical. A distinctive feature is the nature of the rash. It can be with very small bubbles, or, conversely, the vesicles become large, over 25 mm.

Chickenpox is also classified according to the severity of its manifestations. It can occur in mild, moderate and severe forms. In the first case, there are no sudden changes in temperature, appetite remains normal, and there is no severe itching. The average degree is characterized by standard symptoms, but the temperature increases to 37.8-38.6 degrees. In severe cases, the rash covers the entire body and mucous membranes, the temperature reaches 39-40 degrees, loss of balance and convulsions are observed.

Diagnostic methods

Making an accurate diagnosis is paramount in chickenpox and plays an important role in the effectiveness of future treatment. As a rule, if characteristic skin rashes begin to appear on a child’s body, parents, even those without medical experience, first suspect that they have been infected with chickenpox. However, you can confirm or refute them by visiting a specialist.

The main method of diagnosis is visual examination and history taking. The doctor receives information from the parents about what contacts the child had during the last 2 weeks. He must find out whether the small patient was in the epicenter of the epidemic, for example, a kindergarten or hospital, or whether he had direct contact with an infected person.

Most often, examination of the skin and knowledge of the baby’s contacts is enough to diagnose chickenpox. However, if in doubt, the doctor may seek help from other diagnostic procedures. Auxiliary procedures for diagnosing chickenpox include:

  • serological blood test;
  • electron microscopy of virus from affected tissues.

How to treat chickenpox in an infant?

Treatment of chickenpox in children under one year of age is aimed at combating specific symptoms:

Antibiotics are not prescribed for chickenpox. In addition to drug treatment, certain rules must be followed:

  • drinking plenty of water;
  • complete peace;
  • avoiding scratching wounds;
  • personal hygiene;
  • temporary refusal to introduce new foods into the baby’s diet.

Possible complications of the disease

With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, chickenpox in infants one year of age and up to one year does not pose a threat to health. A mild form in a child can be completely cured and does not lead to unpleasant consequences. However, in severe cases or in advanced forms, the disease can cause a number of complications.

Due to constant itching and scratching of the vesicles, a secondary infection may occur in the wound. As a result, ordinary chickenpox becomes more severe:

  • ulcerative;
  • purulent;
  • pemphiginous;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • gangrenous.

Chickenpox also affects the functioning of internal organs and can lead to the development of:

The disease can cause neurological problems in the baby:

  • serous meningitis (we recommend reading:);
  • encephalitis;
  • polio.

Thus, it is better not to neglect the treatment of chickenpox. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe medications so as not to cause complications.

It is generally accepted that chickenpox is a childhood disease. Indeed, the vast majority of people experience this infection between the ages of 2 and 6 years, and children tolerate it relatively easily. But when chickenpox appears in children under one year of age, there is reason to be wary, since a small child is more difficult to tolerate any disease due to age-related characteristics.

What to do if there is a baby living in the house, and his older brother, who attends kindergarten, gets chickenpox? Is it possible to somehow secure it? And what is the modern view on its treatment? Let's start with the history of the discovery of chickenpox.

A virus with a centuries-old history

Chickenpox (popularly chickenpox) is an acute viral disease caused by a virus of the herpes family, namely varicella-zoster. This virus was known in ancient China, India and Egypt.

Since the symptoms were strongly reminiscent of smallpox: fever, a characteristic rash all over the body, severe itching, it was long believed that chickenpox was a mild form of smallpox. Only in 1772, the German doctor O. Vogel experimentally proved that chickenpox and smallpox are caused by two different viruses (varicella and variola). But the adjective “windy” indicates the volatility of the virus and its extreme contagiousness. The first contact with a patient with chickenpox leads to 100% infection.

Varicella Zoster causes two types of diseases in humans: chickenpox and shingles.

The varicella-zoster virus also manifests itself in another role: shingles, a painful herpetic lesion of the skin, at times brings suffering to the adult population. Varicella zoster remains in the human nerve ganglia for life after the disease. The virus wakes up against a background of decreased immunity, after taking certain medications, hypothermia, or stressful conditions.

Routes of transmission and methods of infection

You can catch the virus through contact with a sick person (child), as it is transmitted by airborne droplets (sneezing, coughing, or even normal conversation).

On the one hand, the virus dies in 10 minutes in the fresh air under the influence of heat. On the other hand, it spreads quickly in kindergartens - closed spaces with a crowd of children.

Is chickenpox possible in newborns? Yes, a baby can really get chickenpox, but in extremely rare cases. The fact is that if the child is breastfed, and the mother has immunity to the virus, then with milk the baby receives antibodies that serve as reliable protection. These “lucky ones” are protected by the mother’s immune system until the age of 6 months. And even if infection occurs later, the disease is mild.

The most likely time to get chickenpox is in kindergarten. An older brother or sister can bring such a “gift” to newborns.

In formula-fed babies, the immune system is not so strong, so the risk of getting sick is always higher, and it is more difficult to tolerate.

An infant can get chickenpox in two cases:

  1. Congenital form. Occurs against the background of maternal illness immediately before childbirth. It is difficult and fraught with complications. Chickenpox is called congenital if the rash appears before the 11th day of the baby’s life.
  2. The second option is that the mother has never had chickenpox (hence, she does not have antibodies), and the baby was in contact with the patient.

Incubation period and quarantine

A child becomes contagious approximately 2 days before the appearance of visible symptoms - and this is the insidiousness of chickenpox. The incubation period ranges from 10 to 21 days from the moment the first pimple appears. A person remains contagious until the last pimple appears and begins to dry out, an average of 7 days.

As soon as a case of illness is detected in a kindergarten, the group is closed for quarantine, which can last an indefinite amount of time if new cases of infection are recorded.

Quarantine for an infant who is ill is a refusal to receive guests for the duration of treatment. Since the baby has a weak, not fully formed immune system, he does not need to encounter another infection.

There are three stages of the incubation period:

  1. Adaptation of the virus in the body, its “settlement”.
  2. Reproduction.
  3. Invasion into the cells of the body and penetration into the blood with the onset of visible symptoms.

Can an adult caring for a sick person be contagious to others? This is almost impossible, just like infection through objects that the patient has used, since the virus dies very quickly in the external environment.


Chickenpox most often affects children aged 1 to 6 years. Classic symptoms:

  • Rash. It starts from the head and spreads throughout the body within a day. At first, the rash looks like red spots, somewhat reminiscent of miliaria, but very soon they take on a vesicular shape and are filled with a clear, cloudy liquid. In severe cases, rashes also appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • Itching. With chickenpox, the whole body itches and itches unbearably. However, opening such blisters by scratching them is extremely undesirable, since the scars remain for life, and a secondary infection in the form of suppuration is possible. It is necessary to wait for crusts to form.
  • Temperature . In most cases, the disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. For some, the temperature rises the day before the appearance of pimples, for others simultaneously with them, for others it is not observed at all. Thermometer readings can range from 37 to 39.4 O C. General intoxication of the body includes headaches and dizziness.

The rash undergoes a series of changes: small red dots, then papules and vesicles; the last stage is the formation of a crust on the surface

Mild or severe form?

Although chickenpox in childhood is usually mild, children under one year of age are a special group at increased risk. Symptoms manifest in different ways and their intensity depends on a number of factors. You can never say with certainty what the body's response will be in each specific case.

As already noted, children who are breastfed by a mother who is immune to chickenpox tolerate the disease more easily. In severe cases, intoxication is pronounced with an increase in temperature to 40 O C. And the appearance of vesicles outside the skin can lead to complications such as:

  • false croup with symptoms of suffocation (if the larynx swells);
  • encephalitis;
  • viral pneumonia;
  • cerebellar lesions: convulsive manifestations, impaired coordination of movements and speech.

Chickenpox in a complicated form always requires hospitalization and medical supervision. Fortunately, such cases are quite rare.

A one-month-old baby, as well as an older child, experiences discomfort due to itching and intoxication. He sleeps restlessly, cries a lot, and refuses to eat.

Treatment for relief

There is still no specific treatment aimed at eliminating the virus. In severe cases, the doctor will recommend taking antiviral drugs such as acyclovir or homeopathic anaferon for children, but in most situations all actions are aimed at eliminating the symptoms.

Bubble handling has long been carried out with a solution of brilliant green, which is why chickenpox is associated with little green men. Today, opinions differ regarding its use, since even without the drying effect of brilliant green, the bubbles become crusty when the time comes. But it doesn't do any harm either. On the other hand, brilliant green serves as a kind of indicator. By “marking” new rashes, you can easily determine the moment the last pimple appeared.

To smear with brilliant green or not is a matter of choice. If pimples are found on the oral mucosa, you can treat them with a teething agent, for example, Kalgel. Its action will relieve pain

It is recommended to relieve itching by taking antihistamines orally and applying special ointments locally. For infants, the ideal drug in this case is fenistil. In the form of drops, it is allowed from 1 month for oral administration. Fenistil in gel form is applied to the affected areas up to 4 times a day, but there is one caveat: it cannot be used to lubricate the entire surface of the body, so the gel is applied pointwise to the most affected areas.

They reduce the temperature in infants using two drugs: paracetamol and ibuprofen. They are safe to use and have minimum age restrictions. Taking aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is strictly prohibited. Aspirin causes a lot of complications specifically with the varicella-zoster virus, not to mention the fact that it is generally prohibited for use in children under one year of age.

For infants in the first year of life, not all remedies are suitable for treatment. However, fenistil is a real salvation

Is it possible to bathe babies when they are sick?

Opinions differ on this issue. Representatives of “Soviet” medicine are against it. But modern pediatricians do not see anything criminal in taking a shower or even bathing with decoctions of chamomile, string or celandine. The water temperature should be equal to body temperature or a degree lower. This will help relieve itching and not steam the vesicles.

It is clear that no bathing is possible if the child has a fever. When swimming, do not use any detergents or rub anything. After taking a bath or shower, gently pat the skin with a towel.

Today there are no strict prohibitions on swimming with chickenpox, but contraindications still exist, for example, high temperature

  1. A patient with chickenpox must remain in bed while the temperature is elevated.
  2. Don't force your baby to eat. Let him drink more, for example, compotes or water. The food should be light, ideally breast milk. Now all the body’s forces are aimed at fighting the infection.
  3. Change your child's clothes, bedding and towels daily. All items of clothing that have been in contact with the patient’s body should be washed and ironed.
  4. Trim your baby's nails in a timely manner to reduce the risk of scratching pimples and causing them to become infected.
  5. Follow isolation rules. Of course, if the baby’s temperature has subsided and it’s summer outside, there is a great temptation to take him out for a walk. But think about the other kids on the playgrounds and show them some love.
  6. Ventilate the room regularly and do wet cleaning.

Is there a vaccination against chickenpox?

Yes, such a vaccine exists. But, according to the instructions, children can be vaccinated with it starting from 1 year old, not earlier. It makes sense to vaccinate a woman who plans to become a mother in the near future, but has not previously had chickenpox.

It is worth noting that, as in the case of contracting a disease, vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee that the child will not get sick in the future. Facts of re-infection are extremely rare, but the disease occurs in a very mild form.

So, chickenpox in children under one year of age causes many concerns. It is highly advisable to protect your baby from encountering such a virus in the first year of his life. If the baby gets sick, call a doctor immediately and follow all his recommendations. And if you are offered hospitalization, do not rush to refuse. We are talking about the life and health of your child.

Parents with babies under 1 year of age often ask questions: “what is the likelihood of an infant becoming infected with chickenpox, and how severe is chickenpox in children under one year of age?” Parental anxiety increases if already sick children are nearby. Relatives of a two-month-old baby should not worry, provided that the mother has previously suffered from this disease.

Such children do not become infected even after contact with a sick person. However, the immunity received from the mother at birth gradually decreases, and starting from 6 months of age, practically nothing remains of it. Infants who receive a certain amount of antibodies through breast milk are more protected from the disease, and if they get sick, they tolerate it more easily.

Chickenpox in a child under 1 year of age is usually quite severe, which in itself is quite dangerous. Imperfect immunity, which does not have time to form within 12 months of life, is the main reason for the severity of the disease. The exception is children who received antibodies during pregnancy from their mother or while breastfeeding.

If a child comes into contact with a sick person, the symptoms of chickenpox that appear will not be a surprise. Signs of chickenpox in a child under one year of age manifest themselves differently, so it is difficult for parents to recognize the disease immediately, especially if contact with a sick person has not been recorded. In most cases, blisters appear on the skin, but sometimes the disease is expressed by a slight increase in temperature, mild malaise, headache and even a runny nose. The blurred picture of the onset of the disease is considered the main factor influencing the rapid spread of this infection, since parents cannot recognize the disease and do not limit contacts of the sick child.

The characteristic detailed picture of the disease begins with a chickenpox rash, which initially appears in the form of a small spot, sometimes rising above the skin. After some time, a bubble up to three millimeters in diameter with a clear liquid forms in the center of the spot, and the skin around it turns slightly red. In severe cases, the diameter of the bubble can reach ten millimeters. Typical symptoms of chickenpox are wave-like rashes accompanied by a rise in temperature.

After a few days, the blisters disappear, forming crusts. A peculiar picture, characteristic only of this infectious disease, emerges on the surface of the body - the simultaneous presence of spots, blisters and crusts on the child’s skin. In addition, quickly bursting blisters can appear on various mucous membranes, later turning into superficial erosions.

In mild cases, the duration of the rash does not exceed 5 days, and in severe cases it can reach two weeks. Parents should distract children from scratching the itchy rash, as otherwise a bacterial infection may be added to the viral infection. The presence of a bacterial infection is indicated by bubbles that have cloudy or even yellow contents, which requires additional treatment.

Features of the incubation period of chickenpox

The incubation period is the latent initial form of an infectious disease, lasting from the moment the infectious agent enters the body until the appearance of the primary manifestations of the disease. The development of the incubation period of chickenpox is divided into three phases.

  • The first initial phase coincides with the time the virus enters the body and its further adaptation.
  • The next phase is the development phase, during which the pathogen multiplies and accumulates. When children are infected with this disease, the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is primarily affected.
  • The final phase - infectious agents penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body, as a result of which a chickenpox rash appears on the skin.

The incubation period in the final phase is characterized by the mobilization of the entire body and the appearance of antibodies to fight the infectious agent.

In children under one year of age, the incubation period is shorter than in adults. As a rule, newborns do not become infected with chickenpox, having immunity received from the mother during pregnancy. But then a gradual decrease in the body’s immune defense begins, and at the age of 3-6 months there is a danger of infection. The incubation period of the disease can reach twenty-one days, and the first signs of infection may appear by the end of the 2nd week after infection. The photo shows some characteristic signs by which chickenpox can be distinguished.

How do mild and severe forms of chickenpox occur?

Infants up to 5, and some up to 7 months, thanks to the immunity transmitted by the mother, tolerate chickenpox quite well. After the incubation period, single rashes appear on the skin, which are replaced by wave-like ones. Each wave is accompanied by an increase in temperature, and the larger the rash, the higher the temperature. The rash, which appears as small red spots, quickly turns into blisters with clear liquid.

The blisters form a crust within a day, and at the same time new rashes appear on the skin. Usually the baby’s condition is not serious, but he still experiences discomfort, since the itching from the rash deprives him of rest, night sleep and appetite.

Unfortunately, often in the first year of life, in particular after 5 months of age, children suffer from chickenpox very hard. During the severe course of the disease, the child experiences a high temperature, reaching 40˚C with numerous rashes. He refuses to eat, is restless, and may have headaches. Wave rashes appear within a day, in the intervals between which the patient’s condition improves.

In severe cases of the disease, the greatest concern is rashes on the mucous membranes. For example, if a child’s larynx is affected by a rash, symptoms of suffocation or false croup may occur. In this case, parents need to give the child fenistil and immediately call an ambulance. In the absence of fever, to relieve swelling of the larynx, you can use a hot foot bath, which promotes the flow of blood from the respiratory tract. During the period of severe disease, most often this concerns children over 7 months of age, hospitalization is possible.

Chickenpox can also be treated at home. The main goal of parents with a one-year-old child suffering from this disease is to prevent the occurrence of a purulent rash. Why should the personal hygiene of sick children be maintained with special care? Children's clothing and surrounding objects must be clean. Children under one year of age tend to scratch the itchy rash, so the baby's nails should be trimmed short so that he cannot get an infection when scratching.

Herbal baths are very useful, keeping the body clean and soothing itching. The temperature in the room where a sick baby sleeps should not be high, as this leads to increased itching. Rashes are treated with an alcohol solution of brilliant green and a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which serves as protection against new rashes.

The high temperature of an infant under one year of age must be reduced with the help of antipyretic drugs, and in case of severe itching, an antiallergic drug can be given. In addition, a daily examination of the baby is necessary to determine the condition of the pimples under the crust, in case of inflammation of which it is necessary to urgently seek qualified medical help. You only get chickenpox once, so having suffered it in the first year of life, a person will not become infected with this infectious disease in the future, since he develops lifelong immunity.

Chickenpox in infants is quite rare. Many mothers want their baby to overcome this disease as early as possible. After all, it is known that in adulthood it is difficult to tolerate. But no one thinks that it will be just as difficult for a baby.

It should be noted that chickenpox develops extremely rarely in infants. There are only two factors that can affect the development of chickenpox in an infant.

These include:

  • initially reduced immunity in a young mother;
  • Mom acquired the infection a few days before giving birth.

In all these cases, the disease is quite severe and very often ends with certain complications for the body of a newborn child.

Is chickenpox dangerous for infants?

The danger of chickenpox in infants is as follows: this disease can be quite severe. If the mother of a newborn baby gets the virus just before giving birth, the baby will definitely get sick with the most severe form of chickenpox, as a result of which he can get unwanted complications.

Also, the risk of developing chickenpox increases in cases where a young mother does not have sufficient immunity to this disease and, accordingly, the baby will also be at great risk.

It should be noted that when feeding a baby artificial milk powder, the risk of contracting chickenpox increases, since the child’s body does not produce a sufficient amount of antibodies that can protect it from the chickenpox virus.

If a young mother feeds her baby with breast milk, then antibodies are produced in sufficient quantities and the risk is significantly reduced.

Can a baby get chickenpox?

The risk of disease increases in the following cases:

  1. If a mother gets chickenpox during her pregnancy.
  2. If the baby's age ranges from three to six months. At this time, the protection that the young mother provides to the baby sharply decreases in scope, as the number of antibodies produced in her body decreases. And these antibodies are designed to protect the newborn’s body.
  3. If there are no antibodies in the mother's body, which come to the newborn along with breast milk and protect him from the insidious disease.

How do infants cope with chickenpox?

In general, medical workers have a twofold attitude towards chickenpox that develops in infants. Some sound the alarm about such an event and are afraid of possible complications in the baby. Others, on the contrary, advise coming into contact with an infected child so that the baby will accept the virus and get over it. Then in the future, he will no longer suffer such a fate. In any case, the following is known for certain.

If a child becomes infected with chickenpox before he is born, the tolerance will be extremely poor and he will certainly suffer severe complications. And, conversely, if infection occurs, say, at the age of five months, then chickenpox will go away quickly and will not cause absolutely any complications for the baby’s body.


Symptoms of chickenpox in infants

So, if a baby has acquired an insidious virus, then the order of development of the disease will be approximately as follows:

  • multiple spots with a reddish tint will appear on the baby’s body;
  • then, in place of these spots, small bubbles appear, which are filled with liquid with a yellowish tint;
  • the child’s temperature rises, most often, to 37 degrees and less often to 41;
  • additional rashes with a pronounced red tint appear;
  • on the fifth day of the disease, new red spots stop appearing. Old spots and blisters, in turn, begin to dry out. The temperature drops sharply, and the disease begins to recede.

How to treat chickenpox in infants

Treatment of mild forms

Bubbles with liquid that appear on the baby's body must be treated with brilliant green so that they dry out faster. In addition, brilliant green has antibacterial activity and this will dramatically reduce the risk of developing a severe form of infection.

To reduce the appearance of itching, which will bother the baby during the illness, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with an ointment with glucocorticosteroid activity. But only individual elements on the child’s body need to be lubricated.

It is strictly forbidden to bathe a child while he or she has chickenpox. The baby must be in clothes so that he cannot scratch the formations on his body and does not aggravate the disease.

Treatment of severe forms

When a severe form of chickenpox develops, the mucous membranes in the baby's body may be affected. If spots and ulcers appear in the area of ​​the mouth, this can cause symptoms of suffocation in the baby. In this case, an ambulance team should be called immediately. Before the doctor arrives, you need to give the baby a few drops of fenistil. This will ease his severe suffering a little.

Even with a severe form of the disease, the baby’s legs can and should be immersed in warm water. This will significantly reduce laryngeal swelling. Under no circumstances should you bathe your newborn in a hot bath. This will significantly worsen his serious condition.

Also, a young mother should listen to the opinion of doctors. If an emergency doctor strongly advises hospitalizing a sick baby, then you should not refuse hospitalization. Many mothers are afraid of this procedure. However, this will be an absolutely correct decision and will avoid the development of severe complications in the child.

Prevention of chickenpox in infants

Chicken pox is a typical childhood disease, which is based on the penetration of the herpes virus into the infant’s body. Humanity has not yet come up with the best ways to avoid this disease, other than using a special vaccine, which will slightly reduce the risk of contracting this disease. Thus, vaccination is the only means of preventing chickenpox in infants.

It is very important to take preventative measures and try less to visit crowded places, especially during an epidemic. If the slightest symptoms appear, call a doctor.