How to sheathe a cat house. Do-it-yourself cat house: options, drawings, sizes, manufacturing guidelines. Cardboard cat house

For comfortable living in an apartment for a cat, it is recommended to build personal apartments. The design must take into account all the needs of the animal. The construction is not universal, since each pet has its own temperament and habits. You can make a cat house with your own hands.

There are many ideas and sketches for building a cat house. When making the structure, it is necessary to take into account the availability of free space in the apartment, the preferences of the pet, and the design of the room where the house will be installed. If you choose the right fabric for decoration and the shape of the structure, it will decorate any interior.

Loungers and hammocks

A lounger is the simplest and easiest type of house to build. It is made in the form of a basket, box, stand with soft bedding.

Depending on where you want to place the future bed, you can choose its shape. It can be angular (if placed in a corner), rectangular (if you want to place it on a window). Here we describe an option for making a regular oval bed. For an adult cat, the optimal diameter is 40 or 50 cm. But of course, look at your cat, if you or just a cat is quite large, then it is better to make the size larger. We recommend trying on your cat.

Choose fabric that is pleasant to the touch and safe for the cat. You can take any color you like.

We will need:

  • a sheet of fiberboard (you will need 2 pieces 36x48 cm), you can take thick cardboard;
  • foam rubber (for the side - length 135 cm, width 10 cm, for the inside 36x48 cm);
  • fabric or carpet;
  • heat gun;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • compass;
  • threads, needles and pins.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • First, let's draw an oval on a piece of paper. You can use a compass for this. We draw a segment of 48 cm and divide it into three equal parts, denoting two points as A and B. From both points we draw circles with a compass so that the edge of the circle is at adjacent points. We draw arcs above and below the intersection of the circles, and we get an oval. Let's cut it out.
  • We take our fiberboard sheet or cardboard, put our oval on it and trace it. Cut out 2 identical shapes.
  • Next we make the sides from foam rubber. We bend it in half along its entire length and glue it together.
  • Afterwards we cover the foam rubber with fabric, its width should be slightly larger, you can take 14 cm. Glue it together.
  • On the outside we leave a free edge of the fabric and fix the side to the bed, again with glue. We connect the ends of the side.
  • Glue the loose fabric to the bottom of the oval. To make our bed look good from below, we cover it with the second oval prepared earlier.
  • Next, take the foam rubber and cut it into an oval shape. We cut it a little along the entire length, since the inner part should be a little smaller. Afterwards we wrap it in fabric, making allowances and securing them on the bottom side.
  • Apply glue to the part of the foam rubber without fabric and glue it inside the bed. Alternatively, you can sew two parts.

Another option

Hammocks are comfortable loungers. The pet can sit comfortably and relax on them.

A special feature of the design is the presence of mounts on which it is suspended in various places. It is recommended to make the base of the hammock rigid so that the animal is comfortable and comfortable.

You can even make a cat bed out of your old sweater. To do this, sew up its neck from the wrong side. Then sew at the same height as the sleeve cutouts to create a single border. It needs to be filled with insulation, and then the cuffs must be sewn up. Also put insulation inside, or better yet, a soft pillow, and sew it up. And here are the step-by-step photos:

Booth houses

This is a closed type design. The home has a roof and is upholstered in soft fabric. In such a house, the pet can take a break from other inhabitants of the apartment. If the size of the building allows, you can place a scratching post in it.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions are in front of you in the photo:

Miniature furniture

A resting place for a cat can be made in the form of a sofa, armchair and other pieces of furniture. The decor includes miniature bedspreads and pillows. The pet gets used to such a sleeping place very quickly.

Option for making a luxurious sofa for your cat:

You can make a sofa simpler:

You don’t have to rack your brains and build a home for your pet out of a cardboard box. Having previously cut an entrance and windows in it, put bedding inside. However, such a house will quickly become unusable (the animal will tear it or gnaw it during games).

It is better to make a building with walls made of several layers of cardboard. If you do this carefully, your homemade home will look no worse than a store-bought one.

How to make a similar house step by step:

Multi-storey houses or play complexes

The manufacture of such a design will take more time than those previously listed. There is enough space for everything: stairs, scratching post, toys, etc. In such a house, the pet will always find something to do, even in the absence of the owner.

Original houses

Any interior will be decorated with such original structures for pets:

  • from two captive baskets connected in the form of a pearl;
  • sewn from thick fabric in the shape of a cat: with ears, a tail, a hole in the shape of a yawning mouth;
  • from wooden cubes (the walls can be decorated with colored paper);
  • mini wigwam;
  • in the form of a ball made of carpet (the opening of the home can be decorated around the edges with a knitted scarf);
  • hanging fabric with a soft bottom, hanging anywhere;
  • egg-shaped with smooth and hard walls, thanks to the bedding on the inside;
  • a vertical house with scratching posts on the sides and a sleeping place in the form of a cylinder in the center.

Built into furniture/cabinet

A home can be built on a shelf of a chest of drawers, a closet, or an unnecessary bedside table. The inside of the furniture is covered with fabric, and bedding is placed in the middle. It is better to install the house in a quiet place, not in the corridor. You can place it in the room where your pet is most often.

For small apartments

In small apartments, you can build a hammock for a cat from a T-shirt, towel or thick fabric. It can be placed in any free space, including under furniture. It is convenient to clean and wash.

Houses built into furniture are also an ideal option for small apartments. For several animals, a design with two or three floors, with a dedicated sleeping area for each pet, is suitable. Such a structure will help save space.

You can place a corner house in the free space. It will not take up useful space in the room. This design is made according to individual drawings. It can be installed at an obtuse or acute angle.

Why does a cat need a house?

An animal needs its own apartment to rest from being surrounded by people, other pets, and to hide from an annoying child. If the pet does not have its own secluded place, it will sleep anywhere: on the sofa, table, bed, etc. Having your own corner will make the life of the owners easier; the pet will not disturb or leave its fur in undesirable places.


The building for cats must meet the following requirements:

  • The height of the structure is as close as possible to the level where the animal spends the most time (bedside table, chair, bed, etc.), but should not be less than 40 centimeters.
  • There is no unpleasant smell of chemicals in the house, otherwise the pet simply will not accept it.
  • The home is suitable for the size of the pet, it should be comfortable in it (the size for an average cat is at least 40*40 centimeters).
  • The structure must be strong, safe and stable.
  • The circumference of the entrance to the structure is at least 15-20 centimeters.
  • The cleanliness of the house must be carefully monitored.
  • To make the building, only high-quality, environmentally friendly materials are used so as not to harm the health of its occupant (plywood, cardboard, concrete, cotton).
  • It is recommended to build a playground in the home.
  • If a scratching post is installed in the structure, access to it should be free. Otherwise, the pet will sharpen its claws on walls, wallpaper, etc.
  • In a multi-tiered house it is necessary to make an additional exit. This is how animals arrange their homes in the wild.

Differences between houses for cats and cats

Cats and cats have different needs. Therefore, their housing should be different. The male will be comfortable on the roof of the house, which has only one entrance. It is enough for the animal to have a safe shelter with a good view.

The cat will be comfortable in a design with an emergency exit. It is better to make a viewing platform not on the roof, but on a separate rack. Such preferences are due to the fact that the female’s house is also a shelter for the offspring. Children should be kept away from the “observation deck”. An additional move is necessary so that the kittens can escape in the event of an attack on their home.


The upholstery is made of plush, carpet, suede, velor. You can sew pillows and bedding from the same materials. Sintepon or foam rubber are used as filler.

Pet stores also sell artificial materials for stuffing recreational items. They are produced in the form of granules and retain heat well.

Fastenings are made of reinforcement. This material will ensure the strength and stability of the structure. All parts of the structure are connected with odorless glue and nails. For soft material, a stapler is used.

Other materials are also used. The most important thing is that they do not become electrified. This will cause discomfort to the pet.

How to choose a house type

When choosing a home, you need to pay attention to the age of the pet. Kittens are active and mobile. They need large buildings with various tunnels, stairs, toys. At the same time, it is important to monitor the safety of children during games.

As a pet ages, its character and behavior patterns develop. Animals that do not like strangers will feel comfortable in a kennel.

Hammocks, loungers, and miniature furniture are suitable for sociable cats. For pets who love heights, it is recommended to build a two-story home.

Some cats are afraid of enclosed spaces. Open rest areas (loungers, hammocks) are suitable for them. You can make several holes in a closed house, then the animal will not be afraid of it.

For heat-loving pets, it is advisable to line the inside of the home with plush.

The dimensions of the building must correspond to the size and breed characteristics of the animal. For example, large species prefer small resting spaces.

Before making a cat house, you need to observe the animal’s habits. In the place where the structure will be placed, you can put objects that will later be in the home. For example, a bed, a scratching post. This will help you understand whether your pet likes them.

A few more ideas

You can build a house from scrap materials with your own hands. You will need:

  • two wires of fifty centimeters each;
  • T-shirt or sweater;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • scotch.

The manufacturing procedure is simple: the wires are crossed, the joints are covered with tape, the ends are insulated so that the cat does not get hurt. The base is made of cardboard. Four holes are cut in the corners of the sheet, and wire arcs are inserted into them. The ends of the wire are bent to the inside of the cardboard and secured with adhesive tape. The sleeves of a T-shirt or sweater are cut off and their necklines are sewn together. The resulting material is stretched onto the frame so that the neck serves as the entrance.

Step-by-step instructions for making a warm outdoor dwelling:

  • take two cardboard boxes of different sizes and put one inside the other;
  • newspaper or polystyrene foam is placed on the bottom of a large one for insulation;
  • a bedding, mattress, soft fabric or old towels are placed at the bottom of the smaller one (the material is natural, synthetics do not retain heat);
  • the doors of the small box are closed, an entrance is cut into its roof (in the corner);
  • the optimal size for the hole is 14*14, its edges are covered with tape;
  • the lid and walls of the large box serve as a canopy, protecting the home from gusts of wind;
  • the structure is placed in a dense polyethylene bag, the seams are taped.

In such a house the animal will not freeze even in winter.

A wigwam house will decorate any interior. The frame is made of metal rods, which are tied together with a strong rope. The structure is covered on all sides, except one, with a fabric pattern. Foam rubber or bedding is placed on the floor of the home.

Your pet will feel comfortable in the ottoman house. Furniture usually consists of wooden and MDF parts. The fabric is removed from the bottom side and a round entrance is cut out with a jigsaw. The wood is treated with latex paint, and soft bedding is placed inside the home.

A home for a four-legged friend must meet his needs. The design cannot be universal, since each cat has its own character and habits. Examine the cat's habits and determine which group he is best suited to. This is not difficult to do, because such a classification was not invented by cats, but by people, comparing animals with themselves.

Type of cat and comparison with humans Features of behavior

Cats with this character are very timid, shy, jealous and very touchy. They are strongly attached to only one person and may not even make contact with other cats. They do not tolerate competitors. We need an individual house in which such a cat can retire.

These cats are very active and get excited easily if they see something new or hear an unfamiliar sound. The mood changes almost instantly, and radically. Very mobile. To keep an animal in an apartment you will need a scratching post house.

Sanguine cats are much calmer and slower than others. They don’t rush around the apartment, so it’s not necessary to install a Swedish wall for cats (and cats) with such a character or make an overly sophisticated multi-tiered house.

Phlegmatic people feel great in a small apartment and get along well with all the people living in it, including children. Most of the time, such cats lie down, watching what is happening around them. Given this feature of the animal, you need to make an “observation point” for it above the house, otherwise it will find another place.

When choosing the type of house, you often have to take into account the gender of the animal. If we talk about males, they are more playful and you need to build a house for them with a large view. A two-level design is suitable for cats: the first level will be used as a house and as a refuge for future offspring, and the second as a sentinel post, and the cat needs somewhere to rest after feeding the kittens.

What else should you consider when choosing a house design?

  • If the cat is playful, then you need to provide a place for it where it can splash out its energy. If the dimensions of the room allow, then you can install a more complex structure - with stairs connecting numerous levels, each of which can have a house or a bed for a pet.
  • A multi-tiered house must have an emergency exit - this is how they arrange their home in nature. If this is not provided, then the cat may choose another place for lambing, which in her opinion is safer.

These pets can come in different sizes. For a medium-sized cat, a house with sides of at least 40 cm (if we consider a square structure) and an entrance with a diameter of 16–20 cm would be normal. If the pet is large, then the dimensions of the structure are adjusted to its dimensions.

  • For Siamese or Bengal cats, the house can be 60 cm high, as they often stand on their hind legs.
  • If the scratching post is part of the house, then there should be free access to it for the pet, otherwise it will find a more convenient place to sharpen its claws.

Using boxes

If you try, the house assembled from boxes will turn out to be decent. If you have a box of the appropriate size, then you can simply cut a hole in it, decorate it a little and then arrange a housewarming party for the cat. Even large cardboard packaging can be easily cut to the desired size and then wrapped with tape.

How to work with a big box?

First you need to find a cardboard box. At home you can store packaging from a microwave, printer or other large household appliances. Usually the packaging material is stored until the end of the device’s warranty period, but it is often forgotten about it and remembered only during general cleaning.

The cardboard of the box used must be thick, otherwise the structure will not last long.

To make a house from a large cardboard box, we will need tools and supplies:

  • Carpet or similar material. It will be used for exterior decoration. If you line the box with a softer material, then after contact with the cat's claws it will have a very unattractive appearance.
  • For interior decoration you will need water-repellent material. If the cat is heat-loving or the apartment is cold, then you can use foil penofol.
  • To secure the interior trim, it is better to use hot melt adhesive - it does not smell of anything. If there is no hot glue, then you can use glue with a mild odor, otherwise it will be unpleasant to be not only in the house, but also near it.
  • Construction knife, pencil and ruler. You can work with an ordinary knife, but it must be well sharpened.
  • A roll of wide tape.

Dimensions of the house

First, let's decide on the size, because a house that is too cramped and narrow (or low) will not only be unattractive, but also uncomfortable. A cat may sleep curled up in a ball, but what does it do when it wakes up? He stretches, gripping the floor with his claws. If the house is small, then the cat will stretch and tear up the carpet lying on the floor of the apartment, leaving its den, since there is not enough space for it for these exercises.

Making a pattern

For a clear example, let’s take a box in which we are not satisfied only with its height, since it is 45 cm.

  • Let's measure the 30 cm we need, use a ruler and pencil to apply markings on all sides.
  • Using a construction knife (you can use scissors, but this is less convenient), adhering to the drawn line, we cut the box.
  • We got 2 boxes, 30 and 15 cm high.
  • Now we will connect the existing parts, inserting one into the other until it stops, and fix it with tape.
  • Now you need to cut an opening through which it will be convenient for the cat to enter its home. The shape of the opening does not matter.

  • The material prepared for the interior lining must be cut in accordance with the dimensions of the assembled house.
  • It is better to start fixing the sheathing from the bottom, and gradually, applying glue to the material, glue it to the walls and ceiling of the box.
  • We recommend covering the edge of the bedding mat with material, otherwise the protruding threads will not leave your pet indifferent, and he will start playing with them. Even a child can guess what will happen to the bedding after this.

Exterior decoration

  • By covering the outside of the house, we will not only make it more beautiful, but also protect it from the pet’s claws if he decides to use them.
  • In order to sheathe the bottom, sides and top, we will use a whole piece of sheathing material and wrap it around the box. The excess is simply cut off, leaving a small margin of 2 cm for the front and back parts.
  • We glue the material with a heat gun. It is better not to use staples, as they will not hold in cardboard.
  • Now it’s the turn to use the remaining supply of fabric - it is folded and glued to the walls.
  • We left the back and front of the house unsewn. 2 identical blanks are cut out of the carpet to the size of these parts of the box. If there is not enough material, then you can use the leftovers to cover the back part.
  • In the pattern for the front part, markings are made at the corners of the opening. Then you need to draw 2 intersecting lines from one point to another and make cuts along them.
  • The pattern is glued at the front, and the edges are folded over and glued to the inside of the box.

By placing a pillow inside, you can install the house in the place where it will always be, and invite your pet to a housewarming party by putting some treat inside.

Cardboard house

What unusual things can you make from a sheet of cardboard? Make a rectangular house with windows? This is also possible. In order for such a house to turn out beautiful, you need to try hard. You will need to make a drawing, transfer the sketches to cardboard, cut them out, and then assemble everything, securing it securely.

Let's focus on making a simpler design. To assemble such a house you will need 6 mm thick packaging cardboard. You can use thinner cardboard, but you will only need to find or purchase more sheets, and you will have to recalculate the diameter of the rings for it.

Now let's start manufacturing. For work we will need the following accessories:

  • Stationery knife or scissors.
  • Construction compass (you can make a device for drawing a circle yourself).
  • A simple pencil.
  • PVA glue in a tube.

Our house will be assembled from 40 rings, which can be cut out of 1.5 m2 of cardboard.

To make the house proportional, you need to cut rings of a certain size - the diameter of each will be 1 cm less than the previous one. This is what it will look like:

  • The diameter of the base will be 45 cm. To make the bottom strong, you will need to make at least 2 circles. You can immediately cut them out and set them aside.
  • Now let's start making rings. The diameter of the first can be the same as the base - 45 cm.
  • If you don’t have such a large compass at home, then you can draw a circle using a simple device - a nail is inserted in the center, onto which a thread with loops at the ends is put. The distance between the loops should correspond to half the diameter of the circle being drawn. For example, if you need to get a circle with a diameter of 40 cm, the length of the thread should be 20 cm.
  • We draw a 45 cm circle on the cardboard, then 4 cm less (4 cm is the thickness of the walls of the house). As a result, we will get the details: 45; 41; 37; 33; 29; 25; 21; 17; 13; 9; 5 cm
  • Let's make the base of the next circle 1 cm smaller - 44 cm. Then we draw circles again every 4 cm. We'll get the following details: 44; 40; 36; 32; 28; 24; 20; 16; 12; 8 cm. Using the same principle, we mark 2 more circles - 43 and 42 cm.
  • So we got the required number of blanks, the radius of which decreases proportionally by 1 cm.

  • You can make an entrance for the cat in advance, but due to inexperience you can make mistakes, so it will be more convenient to cut it out in an already glued structure. We will go this way.
  • Before assembly, you can assemble the future house to make sure that all the parts are cut out correctly.
  • When disassembling this pyramid, for convenience, you can number each part with a pencil - this will help to avoid incorrect actions when the rings stick to each other.


  • We need to make the base reliable, so the cut circles should be positioned so that the stiffeners in them are laid in different directions - this way you can be sure that the bottom will not bend under the weight of the animal. Having glued the bottom and glued the first ring onto it, we will put this blank aside.
  • Let's start the assembly with the penultimate ring. Pour the glue in such a way that it does not spread to the edges when laying the next part.
  • Having glued 20 blanks, you need to press down the assembled structure with a not very heavy book and let the glue dry thoroughly.
  • Using a utility knife, cut out an opening - the entrance to the house.
  • Now you can glue the bottom and the remaining upper parts of our pyramid, place the weight on top and leave to dry.

The result is an original and very inexpensive house, but the main thing is that your pet will feel cozy and comfortable in it, especially if there is a soft pillow or rug.

Similar structures are made from cardboard using the same principle, only in each case it is necessary to calculate the diameter of the rings.

Video: cardboard house for a cat

Plywood house

Using just three parts you can make a house out of plywood. We will consider making a structure from 40x40 cm blanks, but if you have narrower plywood, you can cut it at your discretion. It is important here that the 2 side parts are the same height, and the bottom (bottom) can be made smaller. After cutting out the parts, sand all the ends.

The assembly technology will differ depending on the thickness of the plywood used. To connect thin sheets, you will need an aluminum (or plastic) perforated corner and short wood screws.

When using thick plywood, it is enough to join the blanks and fasten them to each other with self-tapping screws.

To decorate the house and make it cozy, we will need a stapler and carpet. We will not upholster from all sides, but only the bottom from the inside and the walls from the outside. External walls can serve as a scratching post.

It is better to fasten the sheathing material using a heat gun, and the point is not only that the staples will pierce the sheet through. In thin plywood, the staples do not hold well - they can pop out.

And one more subtlety of the location of the carpet - it is better to cut it at an angle of 45˚. This is necessary so that the edges do not fray, and even if the cat starts sharpening its claws, it will not be able to unravel the material along the threads.

Rectangular house

Six-layer plywood is used to build a rectangular house. This is a rectangular box with 2 exits cut out in it.

Why do you need a multi-tiered house? Firstly, so that the animal can waste energy in it, and secondly, so that it can accommodate a “family couple” - a cat and a cat.

To make such houses you will need drawings. Let's look at the drawing of this design.

It is necessary to cut out all the parts and mark them as in the drawing. In an apartment, you can cut the sheet using a jigsaw with a fine-toothed file.

For work we will need a screwdriver and consumables:

  • Furniture corner – 40 pcs.
  • Small wood screws – 88 pcs.
  • Straight forward furniture wheels – 2 pcs.
  • Furniture rotating wheels – 2 pcs. (If the house does not need to be rolled from place to place, then the 4 wheels can be replaced with legs).
  • Jute rope.
  • Glue Moment Installation.
  • Sewer pipe Ø50 mm – 1 m.
  • Carpet.


Let's start by assembling the lower part ( A), fastening the parts using corners.

The rest of the shelves are assembled in the same way, only the compartment " B" will be closed at the back and front, and the compartments " A" And " IN"Only from behind.

After which they need to be fixed to the base.

The sewer pipe is cut into 4 parts - 2 x 22 cm and another 2 x 27 cm. The shorter sections will be used as supports under part “B”, and the longer ones will be used as supports under part “C”. They are attached to the base using corners.

It is more convenient to make the holes before assembling the structure.

If the screws go right through the plywood, then the protruding parts can be cut off with a grinder with a cutting wheel installed on it.

Now you can start “furnishing” the cat’s apartment by gluing carpet on the inside.

We will cover the entire house with carpet. So that the pipes do not spoil the appearance of the structure, and serve well as scratching posts, they are coated with glue and tightly wrapped with jute rope.

All that remains is to fasten the wheels and legs, and the mobile home is ready to receive guests.

House from a newspaper

Such a house is made not from the newspaper itself, but from newspaper tubes. To work you will need:

  • newspapers or magazines (large quantities);
  • scissors;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard (if the bottom is not made of tubes);
  • a long knitting needle used for knitting (for twisting tubes);
  • PVA glue;
  • wood varnish;
  • stain.

It can take a month to weave a house.

If the desire has not disappeared, then you can start.

  • The first step is to cut the existing paper into long strips, about 2-5 cm wide (the higher the paper density, the smaller the strip width).
  • Now let's make the tubes. To do this, a cut strip of paper needs to be wound around a knitting needle at an angle. Only the edge of the last turn is glued. What prevents the tube from unwinding.
  • Then the bottom is woven, and tubes should extend from it, which will be the base of the walls. If the bottom is cardboard, then the tubes are simply glued to it every 2 cm.
  • Then the walls are made.

You can learn more about the technology by watching a selection of videos.

Video: how to weave a cat house from newspaper tubes

Photo: houses made from newspaper tubes

Let's look at how to make a soft house using foam rubber as a base. In addition to a sheet of foam rubber, we will need faux fur and strong fabric for the outer covering.

Foam rubber has different densities, which are expressed in a numerical equivalent showing the mass of 1 m³. The higher this indicator, the higher the density of the foam rubber and its service life.

In order not to spoil a sheet of expensive foam rubber, it is better to make patterns from newspapers and then transfer the outlines to the material. This is how the pattern turns out.

Now let's assemble it by connecting the parts with clothespins.

Everything turned out proportionally, now all parts can be sewn together with strong threads. The inside of the house is lined with faux fur, and the outside with fairly strong fabric. If you have an old bedspread at home, you can use it.

From the remaining foam rubber you can make a pad according to the internal size of the structure and cover it with fabric.

House made from scrap materials

You can use an old T-shirt to make a cat's home.

In addition to the T-shirt, we will need:

  • Thick cardboard measuring 40‒40 cm.
  • Wide tape.
  • 2 wire hangers, but if you don’t have any on the farm, then 2 meter pieces of rigid wire.
  • Pliers.
  • Pins, thread and needle.


Wire hangers need to be disassembled and straightened.

To make the bottom, not very thick cardboard was used, and even from an old box, so there was a bend in the middle that did not fit into the plans at all. To make the base strong, we attached 2 strips of cardboard to it - a kind of stiffening ribs.

Then the cardboard frame was wrapped with tape around it, improving it and strengthening the edges.

In the corners, stepping back about 1 cm from the edges, you need to pierce holes for the wire with a nail.

We will make 2 arches from wire and connect them in the middle with tape or tape.

After inserting the arch into the holes, you need to make sure that it is not warped.

After this, the edges of the wire are bent with pliers and secured with tape on the back side of the cardboard bottom.

The frame is ready, you can create a tent.

The T-shirt must be put on the frame so that its neck serves as the entrance.

From the bottom, the free ends of the T-shirt are pinned or sewn together with thread.

The house is ready.

If the house will be installed on a cold floor, then place a rug or pad inside.

Try, improvise, put your feelings for the cat into the design you create. Even the simplest design will please your pet and bring joy to you.

Everyone knows that cats love to hide in various shelters. So why not provide your cat with its own cozy home? There are many different cat houses available, from small cat houses to luxury homes. Of course, you can just buy such a house at a pet store, but it’s much more interesting to make it yourself, because it gives you the opportunity to get creative, create your own unique masterpiece, and just have a good time in the creative process.

Why does a cat need a house?

Cats love a variety of shelters, sometimes choosing completely inappropriate places for sleeping and resting. Few owners will like the fact that the cat sleeps on a shelf in the closet, and by getting into the washing machine, the cat completely exposes itself to danger.

A cat hiding in a washing machine puts itself in danger

If you don’t want your pet to hide where she absolutely shouldn’t be, you can provide her with her own place in the house.

There are many different variations. from the simplest beds to play complexes equipped with various scratching posts and toys. ladders and so on. A variety of materials will allow you to choose what suits you.

Such a sleeping place is not a complete shelter. A small mattress with soft sides or a box covered with soft fabric inside will make an excellent bed for your pet.

Mattress with low soft sides

Hammocks for cats look unusual and save space. They are very similar in design to human hammocks. You can secure such a sleeping place for your pet, for example, on the legs of a coffee table.

Hammock attached to furniture legs

There are also hammocks that are attached to heating radiators. This sleeping place is ideal for heat-loving cats and will look very unusual.

A hammock is hung on a heating radiator

Such a house is not only a sleeping place, but also a full-fledged shelter where the cat can relax and retire. Cat houses come in different sizes.

Allows the cat to have privacy inside

Made from various materials, kennel houses can become not only a refuge for your furry pet, but also an interior decoration.

An unusually shaped cat house looks good in the interior

In addition to their aesthetic appearance, such houses have another useful feature - they can be equipped with additional accessories, for example, a scratching post, which will save the furniture from sharp claws.

A scratching post located near the entrance to the house will save furniture from claws

Some cats like to both hide and relax in plain sight. A house that combines a shelter and a bed is ideal for such cats.

The cat can not only hide in the house, but also lie on top of it

Miniature cat furniture

Such a sleeping place for a furry pet looks very unusual and will appeal to those who like to photograph their pet. Small sofas and beds are decorated with various rugs, pillows and blankets, making them look realistic and cute.

Photo gallery: examples of miniature furniture for cats

A sofa with a wooden back of an unusual shape and a bright mattress Looks funny and unusual This bright sofa looks very unusual This sofa is good for a photo shoot This bed can comfortably accommodate two pets

Play complexes for cats

The play complex is perfect for active cats that need to run, climb, and play active games. Such complexes consist of various shelters, beds, ladders, scratching posts, tunnels and toys.

Consists of a ladder, a scratching post, several beds and shelters

An alternative to such a gaming complex can be a structure whose walls are made in the manner of a tent.

The fabric is fixed to the frame. Equipped with a tunnel

Cat shelters built into furniture

The main advantage of such shelters for cats is their versatility. However, it is important to differentiate in the cat’s mind where its territory is and where the owner’s things are. It is not always easy to accustom a cat to such a shelter.

It is quite difficult to find such furniture in a store; most often it is made to order, or the cat’s owners themselves remodel existing cabinets or chests of drawers.

There is a special cat hole on the side of the cabinet

Cardboard cat house

A cat's home made of cardboard is short-lived, but allows you to fantasize with might and main. It’s quite easy to make such a house yourself, especially since it’s easy to find drawings on the Internet.

Made in the form of a miniature house with a window and a pipe

How to make a cat house with your own hands

First of all, you should determine which house is suitable for your pet. For young and active cats, spacious homes and a variety of toys are best suited. For cats that love privacy, closed houses are suitable. Cats who prefer to relax in open areas will appreciate regular beds and hammocks. If your cat likes to look at the world from above, then you should think about a house with several levels.

It is also important to choose the right material from which you will make a home for your pet. The material must be safe and not have a strong odor. It is also important that there are no rough edges, sharp corners or other defects that could lead to injury to the cat.

House for a cat made from unwanted clothes

You probably have a T-shirt that you don't wear, or an old sweater that you hate to throw away. All this is perfect for creating a sleeping place for your furry pet.

You will also need filler, such as padding polyester or foam rubber, threads, needles and, of course, imagination.

Sweater sleeves are stuffed with padding polyester

To make a cat bed from a sweater, you will need the following:

  • Old sweater;
  • Filling - padding polyester, holofiber, padding polyester, etc.;
  • Scissors, needle, thread;

Now you can proceed directly to creating the bed.

  1. We cut off the neck of the sweater and sew it up.

    Cut the neck of the sweater and sew it up

  2. We make a seam from one sleeve to the other.

    Sew from one sleeve to the other

  3. We stuff the sleeves of the sweater with padding polyester. It should look like this “sausage”.

    The sweater is stuffed with padding polyester

  4. Sew the sleeves of the sweater.

    Sew sweater sleeves

  5. Fill the bottom of the bed. A thin piece of foam rubber, warm thick fabric, or synthetic padding is suitable for this.

    We fill the bottom of the future bed

  6. Sew up the bottom of the sweater.

    Sew up the bottom of the sweater

  7. Sew on the sleeves of the sweater to create the side of the bed.

    Sew the sleeves to the sweater

  8. The bed is ready.

At your discretion, you can decorate the resulting bed with appliqués, embroideries, tassels or pom-poms. This warm and soft bed, made by the owner’s hands, will definitely please your cat.

Video: cat bed made from a sweater

Tent house made from an old T-shirt

If you have a spare T-shirt, you can build a cozy tent for your cat.

The T-shirt is stretched over a wire frame, and the neck forms the entrance

To create a tent you will need:

  • Unnecessary T-shirt;
  • Wire, such as wire clothes hangers;
  • A piece of thick cardboard;
  • Wide tape;
  • Pliers, wire cutters and awl;
  • Pins, threads, needle;

Let's get creative:

  1. Use wire cutters to remove hanger hooks. Make sure that the ends of the wire do not catch or scratch.

    Separate the hanger hooks

  2. Unfold the hangers. Bend the wire to form the tent poles.

    Unbend the hangers, give them an arc shape

  3. Make through holes in the corners of a sheet of cardboard with a diameter approximately the same as a wire. Don't make them too close to the edge.

    Punch holes in the cardboard

  4. Now fasten the wire arcs together exactly in the middle using tape or tape. The structure must be very strong.

    Fasten the wire arcs together

  5. Insert the ends of the wire into the holes in the cardboard.

    Insert the ends of the wire into the holes in the cardboard

  6. Bend the ends of the wire.

    Bend the ends of the wire

  7. Cover the ends of the wire with electrical tape or tape to prevent them from snagging or scratching.

    Cover the ends of the wire with tape

  8. Checking the base of the tent. It must be strong and stable.

    Cat Tent Base

  9. We stretch the T-shirt over the frame so that the neck forms an entrance.

    We stretch the T-shirt onto the frame

  10. We fold the edges of the T-shirt under the bottom of the tent, secure it with pins and stitch it.

    We fold the edges of the T-shirt under the bottom of the tent, fix it and stitch it

  11. The tent is ready! You can invite your pet to a new home.

Video: T-shirt cat tent

Cardboard cat house

This method of making a cat house gives complete freedom of imagination.

You can make a house out of corrugated cardboard, a box, wood pipe or other similar material.

House for a cat made of cardboard circles

This house looks very unusual. You can also give it any shape that your imagination allows.

The house is glued together from cardboard circles of various diameters

To create a house you will need the following materials:

  1. Corrugated cardboard;
  2. Stationery knife;
  3. Compass;
  4. Glue;
  5. Pencil;

Let's start creating an unusual home for your pet:

  1. First of all, you need to cut out 8 circles from cardboard with a diameter of 21.5 cm, 21 cm, 20.5 cm, 20 cm, 19.5 cm, 19 cm, 18.5 cm and 18 cm. Each of the circles must be divided into rings 4 cm wide.

    Cardboard markings

  2. Cut out the drawn parts.

    Cutting out cardboard rings

  3. Now we make blanks for the bottom of the house. We cut out 6 circles with a diameter of 21 cm, leave one whole, and cut out rings 4 cm wide from five.

    Cut out the bottom for the house and 5 identical rings

  4. Place the rings on a solid circle.

    Assembling the bottom of the pyramid

  5. We assemble a pyramid using rings of decreasing size.

    Pyramid of cardboard circles

  6. We measure the height of the “doorway” and remove the extra circles from above.

    Measuring the height of the entrance

  7. We draw an opening, making marks on each circle.

    Draw the entrance, making notes on each circle

  8. We mark on each disk a line along which the opening will be cut.

    Correct angle to cut the opening

  9. Cut the rings according to the markings.

    Cut cardboard rings according to the markings

    10. Now the pyramid needs to be glued together. We start from the bottom and lower rings. Don't mix up the rings!

    Gluing the pyramid

    11. Your cat's home is ready. Let the glue dry and you can invite your pet inside.

    House made of cardboard rings is ready

Video: house for a cat made of cardboard circles

House for a cat made of cardboard boxes

Having one or several boxes at your disposal, you can make for your cat both a bed and a full-fledged house or even a play complex from several boxes connected to each other.

It is prohibited to use a stapler when making cat houses from cardboard! The fact is that cats love to chew cardboard and can accidentally swallow a metal bracket or injure their mouth. For the same reasons, non-toxic paints and glue should be used.

The house is covered with colored paper

To make a cat house from a cardboard box, you will need:

  • Cardboard box;
  • Scissors, stationery knife;
  • Ruler or stencil (for windows);
  • Glue, tape;
  • Colored paper, self-adhesive film for decoration;
  1. Step one. We build the house itself out of a box. To do this, take a box, as in Figure 1. Using electrical tape, glue the bottom of the box. We form the roof of the house from two rectangular pieces of cardboard and the sides of the “lid” of the box. On the other two parts of the “lid” of the box we outline two triangles - the ends of the roof. We also attach them to the roof slope using electrical tape. Next we will need a ruler and a pencil again. We mark the door of the house. Cut it out using a stationery knife.

    Making a house out of a box

  2. Step two. Let's start decorating our house. To do this, cut white paper into equal strips. Using glue, we begin to cover the house. We glue the first strips near the doors and bend them around the corner of the house. In this way we glue the side and back walls of the house.

    We begin to cover the house with paper

  3. Step three. We glue the front part of the house above the door. We bend the ends of the paper strips onto the roof slope. We glue a self-adhesive film to the roof slope.

    We glue the front part of the house and the roof

  4. Step four. In a similar way, we paste blue paper over the doors of the house.

    We cover the doors of the house with blue paper

    5. Step five. Take a rectangular piece of cardboard and cover it with strips of orange paper. We bend the ends of the strips onto the bottom of the cardboard. This will be the porch of our house. You can decorate it with an inscription or picture.

    Making a porch

Video: cat castle made from cardboard boxes

Weaving from newspaper tubes is a fairly common form of creativity.

Products made from newspaper tubes are very similar in appearance to baskets woven from wicker, especially if they are coated with varnish or stain. The shape of such products can be completely varied and depends only on your imagination and skills.

A cat house woven from newspaper tubes will look exclusive, unusual and fit well into the interior.

It looks very beautiful and is almost indistinguishable from one woven from wicker.

To create such a house you will need:

  • A stack of newspapers;
  • Knitting needle;
  • PVA glue;
  • Ruler, pencil;
  • Scissors, stationery knife;

Let's start making a home for your pet.

  1. We mark long strips 7–12 cm wide on the newspapers. We cut the newspapers. We wind the resulting paper strips tightly onto a knitting needle at an angle of 45–60°, and secure the end with glue. Be patient, as you will need a lot of tubes.

    A strip of newspaper is wound around the knitting needle, the end is secured with glue, then the knitting needle is carefully removed

    2. Now you can start making the bottom of the house. To do this, weave a circle of the required diameter from the tubes. Weaving starts from the center; if necessary, the length of the tubes can be increased by inserting one tube into another.

    We weave a circle of the required diameter from the tubes - the bottom of the house

    3. Now we start weaving the side walls. You can attach the base tubes to the cardboard frame using clothespins. This will make it easier to create the shape you need.

    Making the side walls of the house

    4. We braid the edge of our house.

    We braid the edge

    5. Finish the work, hide the base tubes.

    Finishing the weaving

    6. The finished cat house can be covered with stain to make it look like a vine or with any dye of your choice.

Video: cat basket made from newspaper tubes. Part 1

Video: cat basket made from newspaper tubes. Part 2

Video: cat basket made from newspaper tubes. Part 3

Video: cat basket made from newspaper tubes. Part 4

Video: cat basket made from newspaper tubes. Part 5

DIY cat house

If your cat likes to sleep in a warm place, then a house made of fabric is quite suitable for her. The walls of such a house can be made of foam rubber, and the design and colors depend entirely on your imagination.

To make a cozy sleeping place for a cat you will need the following:

  • Sheet of foam rubber;
  • Textile;
  • Artificial fur;
  • Threads, needles, pins;
  • Marking pencil, scissors;
  • Pattern paper;

Let's start making a warm house for the cat.

  1. Let's make a pattern. We draw two circles with a radius of 20 cm, the space between the centers of the circles is 10 cm. We complete the circle so that we get an oval. This will be the drawing for the bottom of the house. We set aside 10 cm from the edge of the oval on each side and build a second circle. Using this pattern we will make the roof. For the side of the house we draw a rectangle 150 cm long and 20 cm high. In the middle we make a 10 cm recess for the doorway. We mark the slots on the larger oval - this will be the drawing for the roof of the house.

    Let's make a pattern. Pattern diagram for house parts

  2. We transfer the contours from the pattern to the foam rubber and cut it out.

    Transfer the contours of the pattern onto the foam rubber and cut it out

  3. The assembled frame of the house should look something like this.

    Foam frame of the house

  4. Now the house needs to be sheathed. We use fabric for the lining on the outside and faux fur on the inside. We use the same patterns as for the frame, adding 1.5 cm seam allowances. We assemble the house. Ready.

Specialized stores offer a huge range of everything necessary for cats. These include bowls, trays with fillings, and toys. But at the same time, it is important to provide your pet with its own home, where it can feel safe and comfortable. The price of such products can be steep, but you can always make it yourself.

Requirements for a cat house

  • safe;
  • fenced;
  • durable, reliable, the house should not fall when the cat jumps;
  • capable of supporting the weight of an animal (if you have a kitten, you need to study the maximum weight of an adult representative of this breed) or several pets at once;
  • as closed as possible;
  • suitable in size (if there are several cats, then the house should be such that several loungers fit in it);
  • easily accessible for the animal, while it is worth taking into account individual characteristics, some of them like heights, while others feel more comfortable closer to the floor;
  • cleanable, the material should not easily absorb odors, because they can scare away the cat.

A cat should feel comfortable in its house

Scratching posts, hanging toys, and hammocks would be useful for a cat's house. This will save space in the room. It is advisable to provide as many different holes and lying surfaces as possible to give your pet a choice.

Step-by-step instructions for making a house with your own hands

A homemade house will be ideal for your cat, because when creating it, all individual characteristics, character and preferences will certainly be taken into account. It needs to be made in such a way that it can always be modernized if necessary (for example, if a kitten loves to eat delicious food, but is indifferent to physical activity, which means its weight may be excessive).

Cardboard box house

This design is the simplest and most win-win, because everyone knows the love of cats for boxes of any size. Such a house has other advantages, for example, good thermal insulation and availability of material.

The first stage of product manufacturing is design development. It is recommended to allocate a place for sleeping and playing, and the shape should be free of small parts and sharp corners.

The size of the box for the house should be sufficient for a small and an adult animal. For a medium-sized representative, you can take a cubic box about 40 cm wide.

Cats' love of boxes can be used when choosing material for a house

To make a house from a cardboard box, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Mark on the box the places where there will be holes about 15–20 cm in size in the future. Both a kitten and an adult cat can enter such a house. You can make them with scissors or a stationery knife. If you want to make a tunnel out of boxes, do this work with each of them.

    The box should be large enough for a kitten and an adult cat

  2. Cover the workpiece with felt. Do this both outside and inside. This material increases the strength of the structure, and hence the service life.
  3. Place a piece of carpet on the floor of the house. This must be done in such a way that, if necessary, the carpet can be removed from the house and cleaned. Therefore, glue is not suitable for this purpose. It is better to use metal staples.
  4. Make a roof from pieces of thick cardboard.

    You can make doors and windows in the house

  5. The house can be decorated, for example, painted.

    The roof of the house can be flat or pitched

Siamese and Bengal cats love to sit on their hind legs. Therefore, they are recommended to make a tall house, at least 60–70 cm, for example, in the form of a wigwam.

Video: a real cardboard house for a cat

Plywood house

Plywood requires certain skills; working with this material is a little more difficult than with cardboard, but a house made from it will be more durable and reliable. To make the design you will need:

  • plywood;
  • furniture corners;
  • carpet, felt or any other similar upholstery material;
  • foam;
  • glue;
  • fine-grained sandpaper.

The manufacturing process itself is as follows:

  1. Cut 6 identical squares from plywood. Their sizes are about 40*40 cm or 50*50 cm.

    Most often, a cat house has the shape of a cube.

  2. Make holes in two parts so that the cat can enter its house. Sand them with sandpaper.

    The entrance hole is usually made round

  3. Connect 5 squares together to form a cube without a top bar. For fastening, you can use furniture corners and screws of suitable length.

    You can use furniture corners to fasten the walls of the house

  4. Cover the house from the inside. To do this, first lay foam rubber on the bottom, which is secured with a stapler, and then lay out carpet or felt. It can also be secured with a stapler. Do similar work with the side walls.
  5. Cover the house with the remaining square piece, which is also attached with a furniture corner.

Exterior decor can be made in accordance with the design of the room. The same carpet, self-adhesive wallpaper or paint are suitable for finishing.

Additionally, you can install a scratching post with an observation deck. To make this part you need:

  1. Take a pipe for a scratching post. This can be a plastic or wooden part. It needs to be covered with glue and tied with rope. Make sure that each turn fits tightly to the previous one.
  2. Make an observation deck from a square of plywood. It must first be covered with foam rubber, and then sewn up with fabric on both sides.
  3. Attach the viewing platform to the scratching post with furniture corners, and then attach the pipe to the house in the same way.

A hanging toy can be attached to the bottom of the observation deck.

House made of foam rubber and fabric

Sewing a house from fabric is not difficult; you don’t have to be a professional in using a sewing machine. You need to prepare the following materials in advance:

  • foam rubber (material 1.5 cm thick is suitable for walls, 2.5 cm thick for the bottom);
  • dense material for external and internal (you can use not a whole piece, but sections) finishing.

The process of creating a classic cat house is as follows:

  1. Pattern of fabric parts. First you need to make a template, for which newspapers or old wallpaper are suitable. It needs to be transferred to the fabric, taking into account an allowance of 2 cm. You will need 8 such blanks for the walls (base - 40 cm, height - 30 cm, distance from the edge of the wall to the edge of the roof - 25 cm). It is recommended to finish the edges of these parts with a zigzag stitch.

    Each part requires two copies

  2. Pattern of foam parts. Their sizes correspond to the fabric parts, but there should be no allowances. Their number is smaller: 4 parts for walls (40*30*25 cm) and 1 part for the floor (40*40 cm).
  3. Assembly of parts. To do this, place foam rubber between two fabric blanks. Make a basting around the perimeter and then sew along the marks. After this, turn the workpieces out.
  4. Arranging the entrance. Mark a round hole on one of the wall parts, then cut it out and machine stitch the edges.

    The hole must be large enough for the cat

  5. House assembly. Sew all the parts together from the wrong side, and you need to start from the entrance and end with the back wall. At the end, the bottom is sewn to the house.

    All parts must be sewn from the wrong side

  6. Now the house needs to be turned out through the entrance hole.

    A house made of foam rubber and fabric retains heat perfectly

Video: how to sew housing for a pet

Scratching post house

Sharpening claws is a necessity that a cat needs to provide. If this is not done, then damage to furniture or walls cannot be avoided. There are different options for making this design. The simplest is a house made according to the following instructions:

  1. Cut truncated circles with a radius of 27 cm from two pieces of chipboard.

    The back and front walls should not be completely round

  2. Leave one circle solid, and make holes on the second: one for the entrance (diameter 22 cm) and several decorative ones (diameter 5.5 cm). You can cut out parts with a jigsaw, and for small holes a drill with special bits is suitable.

    On the front wall you can make not only a hole for entry, but also several decorative

  3. Mark places for fastening. They must match on two parts. Drill holes for fasteners according to the marks.

    To hide the screw heads, you must first make a recess in the workpieces

  4. Prepare wooden blocks measuring 37*3*4 cm. Sand them with sandpaper. Screw them to the walls using self-tapping screws.

    The frame for the house may not be solid

  5. Cut pieces of fabric according to the dimensions of the walls, not forgetting about the allowances. Cover the walls with them. In this case, it is better to choose a glue gun, since it does not have a strong odor. Particular attention should be paid to the edges of walls and holes.

    To cover a house with fabric, it is better to use a heat gun

  6. On a piece of chipboard, mark the location of the house and scratching post. In the area where the house will be, place foam rubber that needs to be glued. Glue fabric with allowances on top. Additionally, you can secure it with a stapler. Use it to cover the sides of the lower slats. Cover the bottom of the base with a sheet of fiberboard.
  7. Cut a piece of fiberboard measuring 40*122 cm. This material will serve as a roof. Before fastening it must be covered with fabric.
  8. Attach the house to the prepared base. Self-tapping screws are ideal for this. After this, the open parts of the slats and the remaining side walls can be covered with appropriate fabric.

    The cat house must be covered with fabric outside and inside

  9. Now attach the pipe for the scratching post to the base. First insert the bars into it on both sides. On one side it is attached to the base (with self-tapping screws), on the other side they make a bed.

    To fasten the pipe, you can use bars that need to be placed in the cavity of the part

  10. To do this, parts are cut out from a sheet of fiberboard (in the middle of the part you need to make a hole with the same diameter as the pipe) and chipboard (this part must be solid). The first part is put on the pipe, and the second is screwed to a block in the pipe. Now you need to put a piece of foam rubber on the bed, and then cover it with fabric.

    It is better to make the bed semicircular

  11. Cover the lower part of the scratching post with the fabric that was used to decorate the inside of the house, and the rest with rope.
  12. Additionally, you can make an inclined scratching post from a board measuring 18*41 cm. Cut its lower edge at an angle of 45°, then cover it on both sides with fabric, and fill the middle with rope.

    The scratching post can be in the form of a pipe or inclined

Video: how to make a cat complex with a scratching post with your own hands

House made of newspaper tubes

If it is not possible to purchase material specifically for making a cat house, then newspaper is quite suitable for this purpose. You can make tubes from it, which can later be used to weave a house. You need to prepare in advance:

  • pencil (any object of a similar shape, for example, a brush, a knitting needle);
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • cardboard.

After preparing the necessary materials and tools, you can proceed directly to weaving:

  1. Cut the newspaper into strips 10 cm wide. Now attach a knitting needle to the strip at an angle of 45° relative to the narrow part of the part. Pressing the knitting needle against the newspaper, wrap the latter around the tool. After this, remove the knitting needle and glue the tip of the tube. The number of tubes cannot be specified in advance; it all depends on the size of the house.

    It’s easy to get materials for a house from newspaper tubes

  2. Cut out the bottom of the house from cardboard (two parts). Make holes in it at a distance of 1.5–3 cm from the edge, into which insert the tubes, having previously coated them with glue. Now glue the second part of the bottom so that the ends of the tubes are between them.
  3. Now you can weave the walls, for which the tubes need to be passed between the tubes of the walls, alternately changing their direction (either from the outside, then from the inside).

    Weaving a house from tubes is a monotonous process

  4. At a height of 4–6 cm from the bottom, you need to start making a hole for the cat to enter the house. Its size depends on the size of the cat (if you have a kitten, the hole still needs to be made for an adult animal). The hole must be strengthened by braiding along the edges.
  5. To weave the roof at a height of 30 cm, you need to start narrowing.
  6. It is better to decorate the house with food coloring, so you can be sure that the product is environmentally friendly.

    A house made from newspaper tubes is environmentally friendly

Video: original house with a lid for a kitten

House-toilet for a cat

Although the cat litter box is a special device that helps to avoid unpleasant situations with the cat going to the toilet, its contents do not always look aesthetically pleasing. But you can always hide it in a specially prepared house. It's not difficult to make. You need to prepare in advance:

  • plywood (material 12–15 mm thick is suitable for walls);
  • boards 4 cm wide;
  • hammer;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • glue;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • roulette;
  • furniture hinges;
  • sandpaper;
  • tracing paper;
  • masking tape;
  • dye.

The instructions for making such a house are as follows:

  1. Determination of sizes. You only need to take into account the dimensions of the tray, because the cat will not rest there, and the height of the cat when sitting.

    The edges of the hole should be smooth so as not to injure the cat.

  2. House assembly. All parts must be combined, having previously lubricated the ends with glue. Leave the house until the glue dries. To prevent the structure from falling apart, it can be secured with tape. After the glue has dried, it can be removed.

    The roof may not be solid

  3. Painting the house. Only after this can the roof parts be connected with furniture hinges. Moreover, one of them must be attached to the house, and the second must remain free so that the tray can be removed through the roof.

    The tray house has an opening lid

Where is the best place to place a finished house?

After the house is made, you need to figure out where to put it. The area near the battery is not the best place. There are several reasons for this:

  • the battery is located under the window, which means there is a risk of draft, which can cause the cat to become ill;
  • due to exposure to heat, the house will quickly become unusable;
  • A cat's shedding may increase due to warm air.

The ideal place for a house is considered to be a corner. There, the structure will not disturb anyone, there is no draft in this part of the room, and the heat is retained there, which means the cat will definitely not freeze.

The best place for a cat house is the corner of the room.

A cat can be a full-fledged member of the family, which means it also needs a separate room. You can make it yourself with a little effort and imagination.

A home for a cat with your own hands is much more profitable in terms of financial costs, takes into account the individual characteristics of the animal, and is selected to match the interior of the apartment.

There are several options for homemade houses - temporary, permanent. The first ones are built at the dacha, where they take the cat with them, and place them in the car when moving. The second ones are in the apartment

Some cat owners are perplexed why build a special house if the animals already live in it. However, if you observe the behavior of your pet, you may notice some strangeness. The cat chooses a place to sleep - curls up on an armchair, climbs into suitcases, niches for shoes, lockers for clothes. Or he constantly climbs onto the bedside table or window sill, causing inconvenience to the owners. And all this is connected with her instincts.

A cat is a predatory animal. Her constant presence in a person’s house makes her not such an aggressive hunter, but wild instincts continue to be present in her. In nature, a cat always has a den, where she sleeps during the day and hides her kittens. And also a shelter from which the animal looks out for prey at night and hides from enemies. A caring, loving owner must take into account the needs of his pet and make his stay in the house as comfortable as possible.

Buy or make it yourself

Currently, in any pet store you can choose any kind of housing for a cat. The variety of shapes and designs is impressive. Stylish, beautiful, and quite expensive. This is the main problem. In addition, it often happens that a pet refuses to live in a purchased house, ignores it in every possible way, bypasses it, and looks askance with distrust.

This behavior of the animal is explained by an overdeveloped sense of smell. The cat gets used to the smell of the house, feels calm in it, other people's aromas alarm it and scare it away. The glue with which the house was assembled, or the material itself, may smell. Another hindrance may be a discrepancy in size.

Of course, you can choose a house, taking into account the cat’s breed, morals, and behavioral characteristics. But, having brought it home, there is no need to rush to introduce it to the residents. Initially, it is worth making sure that it is saturated with the “native” smell. Place it on the balcony for a few days, then keep it unassembled in the apartment for a week. After that, try to introduce it to the cat.

A house made for a cat with your own hands will be more familiar to it, since the smell of its beloved owner will remain in it. The cat will definitely want to stay in it and will purr loudly as a sign of gratitude.

Features of a cat house

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that the house of the cat and cat differ from each other. The cat is less demanding. All he needs is one manhole, a roof with all-round visibility. In this position, the hunter looks down on everything that is happening, looks out for the victim, and feels safe.

The cat takes care not only of itself, but also of the kittens. Her idea of ​​safe housing is somewhat different. Her home should have an entrance and an additional exit; the observation deck is not located on the roof at all, but a little to the side.

The cat climbs onto the observation deck, watches everything that happens, at the same time, reliably protects the entrance of her shelter with kittens. And if an enemy attacks her, she will be able to ward off the danger from the cubs. If the enemy manages to discover the entrance to the lair with kittens, they will be able to escape through the emergency exit.

A house made for a cat with your own hands must take into account all these features.

Types of homemade houses

All of them are divided into stationary and mobile. The first ones have a more complex design and are manufactured taking into account the fact that they will not be periodically disassembled or moved to another place. Mobile houses are simple, sometimes made quickly from available materials. Suitcases, baskets, old clothes, sheets, bags are used. Anything you can imagine. Such houses should be light and quick to assemble. Pets are placed in them when traveling by car, shopping, and street walks.

A house made for a cat with your own hands can be of different colors, since they do not distinguish colors well. Therefore, this nuance completely depends on the personal preferences of the owner. The animal makes claims about the material from which the house is made.

The following classification of types of housing for cats is based on the form:

  1. Hammocks are soft loungers that are attached in different ways to the legs of chairs and tables. A cozy cradle appears under the cover of a chair or table.
  2. Beds are a simple option that does not require much effort to make. Consists of a small elevation, a mattress. For example, you can put it on a basket. Place faux fur and a mattress made of foam rubber in a wide drawer.
  3. Booth - different materials are used, most often plywood, polystyrene foam. Covered with soft fabric, square or rectangular in shape, there should be a scratching post.
  4. Cardboard house - made very quickly, a cardboard box or separate sheets are used to create housing of any shape. Beautiful, fast, but short-lived.
  5. Wigwam - some breeds of cats in the wild live in the hollow hollows of old trees, constantly rising on their hind legs to look out from there. A wigwam is built using this principle.
  6. Houses with complex structures. They can be built-in or free-standing. They consist of several booths, observation platforms, sun loungers, and scratching posts.
    The list goes on, since there are no limits to human imagination. A house made from an old T-shirt, basket, suitcase, burlap, thread, etc. The scheme of each of them is quite simple, the drawings do not take much time.

Do-it-yourself climbing frames for cats: photo

A house made for a cat with your own hands from a box

Surely in every home there is a box in which a cat can easily fit. It is quite suitable for creating a quick house. The simplest option is to place a pillow, mattress, or faux fur in a box. A home made for a cat with your own hands is ready. You can put such a house anywhere. Suitable as mobile housing.

The second option is to cut several holes in the box. One is for the entrance, about 25 cm in diameter. The rest are cut out in the form of windows. This device is made very quickly and does not require special skills. A large box can accommodate several individuals at once. The main disadvantage is its fragility. And the advantage is that you can quickly make a new one to replace it.

House instructions from a T-shirt

A house made for a cat from a T-shirt will surely appeal to your pet. With the condition that an old T-shirt will be used. The design resembles a tent. The material is the simplest, it is always available in the household, it is done in 5 minutes, the diagram is clear, the drawings are available.

Manufacturing instructions

Materials for production:

  • T-shirt;
  • Scotch;
  • Pins;
  • Wire;
  • Sheet of cardboard – 40*40 cm;
  • Wire hanger – 2 pcs.

Scheme and drawings of the labor process:

  1. From the hanger - trempel, cut off the upper part - the hook. Bend the rest of the wire in the form of an arc, as for a tent.
  2. Cover the cardboard with tape. This way it will look a little better and become stronger.
  3. Fasten 2 wire arcs crosswise. They can stand calmly in this position.
  4. Adjust this semicircle to the size of the cardboard, pierce the ends in each corner. Wrap from the bottom of the cardboard and secure with tape.
  5. Place the structure and cover it with a T-shirt. The neck should be at the front of the tent - this is the entrance. At the back of the excess part of the T-shirt, sleeves, secure with pins or sew by hand.

To prevent the house from leaning to the side, you need to securely fasten the wire at the base. For greater reliability and durability, instead of cardboard, use a sheet of plywood, foam plastic, or chipboard. The T-shirt can be easily removed, you can periodically replace it with another one, cats do not distinguish color and will not notice the substitution.

A do-it-yourself cat house made from a T-shirt can be used as a stationary or mobile one.

Cat house from an old monitor

A non-working TV will still come in handy around the house. It turns out to be a beautiful, durable, reliable house for a family of cats.


  • Water-based paint;
  • Soft fabric for interior upholstery;
  • Mattress fabric, foam rubber;
  • Stickers;
  • Glue gun.

Scheme and drawings:

  1. Remove the inside of the old monitor and remove the screen;
  2. Cut a round hole on the side that will serve as the entrance.
  3. Paint the monitor with paint of any color, but the main thing is that it is water-based.
  4. Sew upholstery for the inside of the house. The material should be used in such a way that it is not electrified, since constant friction of the wool can provoke a discharge. The upholstery is secured with glue.
  5. The mattress is sewn according to the size of the monitor.
  6. Various stickers are placed on the plastic screen so you can draw something. Kittens will look at them with interest, and for people it will look like a computer monitor, and the screensaver will be live kittens or a cat.

The house for the cat is ready with your own hands. However, this point should be taken into account. Plastic does not allow air to pass through and is a synthetic material. Staying in such a house is unsafe for health. That's why. Still, it’s better to refuse such a house.

Wigwam for cats

A home made for a cat with your own hands, in the form of a wigwam, is made like a home made from a T-shirt. Its height should be 60 cm. Cardboard, chipboard, foam plastic, and plywood are used as a solid base. The main task is to make a strong frame. Strong wire and wooden planks are suitable for these purposes. The outer fabric for covering the wigwam should be natural. They put it on top of the structure, the ends can be tied with ropes and ribbons. See instructions for making a T-shirt shelter.

DIY cat house from a suitcase

Nothing could be simpler. You will need an old suitcase. If the upholstery looks
not too good, you can put a self-sewn cover on top. The easiest option is to open the suitcase, put a pillow or mattress in it. The house for the cat is ready with your own hands.
To make all this look more interesting, proceed as follows. Prepare the legs. They can be carved from wood, if anyone knows how to do this, you can buy them ready-made at a furniture store, or use simple wooden planks. If there are several animals, you can make a two-story house out of one suitcase. Remove the suitcase lid. Attach the legs to the bottom of both parts. Place it like a bunk bed and secure it.

Instructions for a plywood house

A house made for a cat with your own hands from plywood is the most
practical, durable. Any complex design can be made. As a rule, it contains a booth, an observation deck, and a scratching post.


  • It is better not to use plywood sheets up to 12 mm thick, chipboard, since the material contains foreign odors;
  • Hemp rope, tourniquet for making a scratching post;
  • PVA glue, after drying it leaves no odor;
  • A dry stick with a diameter of at least 15 mm;
  • Foam rubber;
  • Quilted synthetic winterizer for making bedding;
  • Upholstery furniture fabric from an old sofa, armchair.

Scheme and drawings:

  1. The interior of the space should be comfortable for lying. The average box dimensions are 40*60*40 cm. For large breeds, recalculation is made based on body size.
  2. The diameter of the hole at the top of the box should be such that the cat can easily pass through. Average diameter 20 cm.
  3. The observation deck is made at a height so that the cat can easily climb up, standing on its hind legs. The platform itself should be such that the pet can fit well on it.
  4. Lubricate the stick with PVA glue and wind the rope tightly without gaps. This will be a scratching post.

Plywood drawings can be very diverse. A typical house looks something like this:


  • Hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Scissors;
  • Awl;
  • Ruler;
  • Glue brush;
  • Pliers.


  • All elements of the house and observation deck are drawn on plywood. Cut with a jigsaw. You will need 4 rectangles 40*60 cm for the side parts of the house, the base is 80*120 cm. The house will be attached to it. The roof is made either three-dimensional, then additional parts are cut out, or a rectangle - size 70*70 cm.
  • A round hole for entry is cut out in one of the rectangles. And also on the plywood, which will serve as a roof, there is a hole for climbing to the observation deck.
  • Prepare 2 sticks of equal size. One will be installed on the roof, the other on the plywood base.
  • It would be better if the roof is removable. This will make it easier to clean the house.
  • They cut out foam rubber for the upholstery of the inside of the house and the observation deck.
  • Prepare the base for the mattress.

Drawings and sizes are individual.

Assembly instructions:

  1. The inside of the house should be soft. Foam rubber is glued onto the plywood, fabric on top, and upholstery material from an old sofa on the outside.
  2. Prepare the claw sharpener and install it on the base using glue.
  3. All parts of the house are glued together, installed on the base, and secured with glue.
  4. Lastly, the observation deck is installed.

A house made for a cat with your own hands will become a real decoration of the apartment. It must be installed where the cat likes to spend time. If she likes to climb onto the windowsill and watch what is happening outside, it is worth placing the house closer to the window. If the cat strives for warmth, closer to the radiator or in a sunny place.