How to define a non-reflexive verb. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian

The verbs of the Russian language contain some morphological inconstant and constant features. One of them includes reflexive and non-reflexive types of verbs. Non-reflexive verbs, as well as reflexive ones, carry the presence or absence of special reflexive word-forming postfixes - -сь and -ся. Let's try to figure out what it is and how such verbs are used.

Reflexivity of verbs

The reflexivity of verbs is a grammatical category that will indicate the direction or non-direction of a certain state defined by this verb, or an action on some subject. Returnable and irreflexive verbs in Russian they are conjugated forms that differ in the presence or absence of postfixes -сь and -ся (reflexives).

What constitutes reflexivity in verbs can be seen in the following examples: The boy washed himself and got ready. A man got into a conversation with a friend (these are examples reflexive verbs).

The puppy played with the ball and ran off to the playground. It was raining in the evening (this is a non-reflexive form of the verb). This is how you need to distinguish them.

A couple of useful words

Let us briefly remind you once again that understanding how to define a non-reflexive verb is not particularly difficult. It can be transitive and intransitive, it can mean a certain action that is aimed at a subject (assembling a puzzle, reading a book), a state, a certain position in space, a multidirectional action, and the like (dreaming, sitting, thinking). Irreflexive verbs do not include the postfix -сь and -ся.

Shades of meaning

Reflexive verbs are capable of expressing an action that will be directed at a specific subject (at someone doing something, at a speaker, at a looker, and so on).

It seems possible to discuss reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian endlessly. Here are examples of reflexive verbs with completely different shades of meaning:

To be happy, upset, sad (denotes the mental or physical state of a certain subject);

The dress wrinkles, the dog bites, the nettle branch burns (shows a permanent quality or property of the subject);

Dress, eat, put on shoes, bathe (the action of the verbs is directed exclusively at oneself);

I want, I wish, it gets dark (impersonal action is shown here);

Hugging, quarreling, seeing each other (a reciprocal action performed by several people in their relationship to each other);

Clean up, line up, get some money (an action of an indirect reciprocal nature, which is performed by the subject solely in his own interests).

Unforgettable suffixes for reflexive verbs

Let's figure out what a reflexive and non-reflexive verb means.

Verbs in the reflexive form have suffixes:

Xia - maybe, both after consonants (take, surround, and the like), and after endings (teach - learn, dries - dries, and the like));

S will come after vowels (lowered, drawn, unseen, and so on).

In the process of forming reflexive verbs, not only suffixes are of great importance, but also prefixes (read - read a lot, drink - get drunk). In addition, among the verbs of this type there are non-derivatives. They are the ones that under no circumstances are used without the suffixes -sya and -sya (to laugh, to fight, to please).

Since pronouns in the accusative case and nouns are never used after reflexive verbs, they are all classified as intransitive.

No suffixes

Non-reflexive verbs in Russian do not have the suffixes -sya and -sya. They can be either intransitive (create, breathe, play) or transitive (speak, draw).

An important point: many reflexive verbs can be formed from non-reflexive ones, for example, cook - prepare.

Based on the above, you need to understand that in order to determine what a reflexive and non-reflexive verb means and exactly what type it belongs to, you need to find a suffix that helped in education. If the suffixes -sya (-sya) are present in words, then these are reflexive verbs. If they are not present, then non-reflexive verbs.

Situations marked in verbs

So, we already know that reflexive verbs have the suffixes -sya and -sya. They can be both non-derivative (for example, laugh) and formed from transitive and intransitive verbs (to wash - to wash).

Some intransitive and reflexive verbs formed from them talk about the same situation, for example: something is black in the distance and something is black in the distance. True, in the vast majority of situations, you can understand what a non-reflexive verb means and what it looks like “in life” by noting that the verbs reflexive and non-reflexive mean completely different moments.

A good example is the following: washing - a situation in which there are two participants (a mother washes her daughter) and washing - a situation in which there is only one participant (the girl is washing); Petya hit Vanya. Petya and Vanya hit big Stone(both cases talk about two boys, but the situations in which they are direct participants are completely different).

Here we can say that the components of meaning themselves, which are introduced into the word by the postfixes -sya and -sya, are word-forming.

What can you find in grammars?

And the following information is noted there (we are talking about several meanings):

The meaning is mid-reflexive - to have fun, get angry, get scared, rejoice;

The meaning is active-non-objective - bite, butt, swear (use ;

The meaning is reciprocal - quarrel, make up, meet, hug, kiss;

The meaning is proper-reflexive - to dress, put on shoes, meet, powder;

The meaning is passive-reflexive - to be remembered, to be remembered;

The meaning is indirectly returnable - to gather, stock up, pack, pack;

The meaning is passive-qualitative - to be introduced, to be remembered.

A reflexive verb can be formed by using -sya as a help, which will be combined with other morphemes (wink, run up).

It is with the voice that reflexivity will be associated (that is, in the case in which the voice is defined at the morpheme level, reflexive verbs formed from transitive verbs will be combined into a voice, which is called reflexive-medial).

The intransitive sign is an affix. Combinations such as I’m afraid of dad, I obey my older brother, which can be found in the Russian language, are few and non-normative.

Without rules - nowhere

Let's return to what a non-reflexive verb is. The rule says that without a postfix -sya. But in return ones this postfix is ​​present. It has long been the case that the appearance of reflexive verbs was associated with the pronoun -sya. True, initially it was attached exclusively to transitive verbs (for example, bathe + xia (that is, oneself) = bathe).

The variety of verbs in the Russian language is divided into different groups.

Non-reflexive verbs from which reflexive verbs are formed - build + sya; meet + xia; write - can't write, sleep - can't sleep.

Non-reflexive verbs - have dinner, answer.

Reflexive verbs - laugh, fight, resist.

From the information provided we can conclude: the postfix -sya in Russian can perform different functions:

Prepare reflexive verbs that differ from producing non-reflexive verbs in lexical meaning (forgive - say goodbye);

Form the reflexive form of verbs (whiten).

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that some verbs in -sya have a synonymous reflexive combination (to cover oneself - to cover oneself).

The division of verbs into reflexive and non-reflexive has developed in the Russian language completely regardless of their division into transitive and intransitive, voicing and non-vocal. It does not coincide with either one hundred percent, but is in a certain connection with the categories of transitivity and voice: -sia represents the intransitivity of the verb, but only the reflexive form can provide voice correlation.

In conclusion

Let's talk a little more about verbs and summarize the productive conversation.

Verbs are words that define the meaning of a process, that is, capable of expressing the signs they designate as a certain action (say, read, write), state (sit, jump) or becoming (aging).

In addition to syntactic conjugation forms, verbs have non-syntactic reflexive and non-reflexive forms and aspect forms. By the way non-syntactic formal meanings are expressed with their help, verbs can be divided into grammatical categories, which are in some relation to each other.

The division of verbs into non-reflexive and reflexive depends on how much the grammatically intransitive meaning of the process is expressed or, conversely, not expressed in them.

Reflexive verbs are verbs that contain grammatically expressed intransitivity. In other words, they perfectly show that the process they express can be addressed to a direct object, which is represented by a noun in the accusative case without a preposition. An example would be the words - get angry, meet, wash, knock, get dressed.

Irreflexive verbs have some difference: they do not have any indication of the intransitiveness of the process. That is why they can be transitive: dressing (daughter), making people angry (parents), welcoming (guests), and intransitive: banging, knocking.

Some intransitive and reflexive verbs formed from them talk about the same situation, for example: something is black in the distance and something is black in the distance. True, in the vast majority of situations, you can understand what a non-reflexive verb means and what it looks like “in life” by noting that the verbs reflexive and non-reflexive mean completely different moments.

The division of verbs into reflexive and non-reflexive has developed in the Russian language completely regardless of their division into transitive and intransitive, voicing and non-vocal. It does not coincide with either one hundred percent, but is in a certain connection with the categories of transitivity and voice: -sia represents the intransitivity of the verb, but only the reflexive form can provide voice correlation.

  • Putting on shoes, dressing, swimming(action is directed towards oneself);
  • See each other, hug, quarrel(reciprocal action that is performed by several subjects in relation to each other);
  • Happy, sad, upset(physical or mental condition subject);
  • The fabric wrinkles, the cat scratches, the nettle stings(constant property, quality of the subject);
  • Build, tidy up, get some money(indirect reciprocal action performed by the subject in his own interests);
  • I wish it was getting dark(impersonal action).

Reflexivity of verbsgrammatical category verbs, indicating the direction (or non-direction) of the action or state called by the verb on the subject. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian are conjugated forms of verbs that differ in the presence or absence of reflexive postfixes -sya/-sya, as well as by shades of meaning.

Reflexive and irreflexive verbs

The division of verbs into non-reflexive and reflexive was established in the Russian language without regard to the division of verbs into transitive and intransitive, voice and non-voice. It does not completely coincide with either one or the other, although it is associated with the categories of transitivity and voice: the affix –sya is an indicator of the intransitivity of the verb, and voice correlation is given only return forms verb.

The category of collateral is one of the most complex problems Russian grammar. Linguistic scientists define the content of this category differently, and therefore resolve the issue of the number of voices differently: some count up to 17 voices, others deny the presence of voices altogether.

What are reflexive and non-reflexive verbs

All reflexive verbs are intransitive. This is their common grammatical property. Therefore, like other intransitive verbs (irreflexive), they cannot control the accusative case of nouns with the meaning of a direct object and do not form passive participles.

Contents What is reflexivity of verbs. Reflexive verbs Shades of the meaning of reflexive verbs Formation of reflexive verbs Non-reflexive verbs Test What is reflexivity of verbs. Reflexivity of verbs is a grammatical category of verbs that indicates the direction (or non-direction) of the action or state called by the verb on the subject. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in the Russian language are conjugated forms of verbs that differ in the presence or absence of reflexive postfixes -sya/-sya, as well as in shades of meaning.

Returnable and non-returnable forms- 1. Options such as a sail whitens in the distance - a sail whitens in the distance (with reflexive and non-reflexive forms of the verb, having same value“to be visible by one’s color, to stand out by it”) differ in that in the reflexive verb the indicated feature... ... Reference book on spelling and style

Participle forms- 1. Of the options wandering - wandering, acquiring - acquiring, dragging - dragging, the first is used in book speech, the second - in colloquial speech. 2. Unprefixed verbs with a suffix like go out, get wet, dry (see § 172... ... Reference book on spelling and style

Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian

What is the correct word for firefighter or firefighter? In modern Russian, the words firefighter and fireman, denoting a firefighter, are synonymous. The adjective fireman is derived from the noun fire. The word firefighter means a squad, a signal, a hose - everything that relates to extinguishing fires.

How do you spell the word nostalgic? The spelling of unstressed vowels in the word nostalgia should be memorized or checked in a spelling dictionary. The verb to nostalgia has a number of unstressed vowels at the root of the word. The suffix of the verb is stressed: In its formation, this verb went through a number of stages: nostalgia - nostalgia - nostalgia.

What are significant parts and how to determine a reflexive or non-reflexive verb

Let's figure out what the significant parts of verbs are? It's simple, these are all the morphemes that make it up. One of these important parts of any verb will be suffixes: SYA, SY, T, CH, L; as well as basics: infinitive, present tense. (Splash - toil, SAT - crowded, DRINK - cry, LIE - flow, Puffed - licked; talk - speak, spit - spit - the basis of the infinitive; carry - carried, draw - ricej - the basis of the present tense).

Two words are given: run and walk. We produce analysis by composition. 1st chapter: beige - root; -at – ending, suffixes Сь and СЯ out of stock. 2nd chapter: pro- – prefix; rumble-root; -yat – ending; -sya is a postfix (which indicates recurrence). Also, all non-reflexives are both transitive and intransitive, while their “brothers” are only intransitive.

What is non-refundable and returnable?

Since the new amendments came into force, passengers have become acquainted with a new term - “non-refundable tickets”, for which prices have been reduced (approx. - on domestic routes) by almost ¼. You will not be able to return such a ticket before departure - after all, most likely, the airline simply will not have time to sell it, which means an empty seat on the plane and losses for the carrier.

Life doesn't always go according to plan. There are often cases when she makes her own adjustments to planned events, and even hits her pocket. For example, when you have to cancel a flight with non-refundable tickets in hand. On the one hand, such tickets are much more profitable, on the other hand, it is impossible to return them in case of “force majeure”.

Morphology of the Russian literary language*

Depending on the presence or absence of verbs with grammatical features indicating the intransitivity of the process, verbs in the Russian language are divided into two categories: reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. In other words, the division of verbs into reflexive and non-reflexive is determined by whether or not the form of the verb itself indicates that the process it denotes is not reversed, is not directed towards a direct object, which is expressed by nouns in wine. pad. without pretext.

Passive meaning denoting that the action is directed by some actor to the object defined by the verb, which is thus the object of the action. With this meaning, reflexive verbs are used mainly with inanimate nouns, and the character in this case is expressed by animate nouns in the instrumental case: a house is painted by painters, a locomotive is driven by a driver, a problem is solved by students, a model is designed by engineers etc. It should be noted, however, that this kind of phrases with the instrumental case of the character are rather artificial book formations and are relatively little used. It is more common to use reflexive verbs in the passive meaning without indicating the producer of the action, in abstraction from it: Soon the fairy tale will tell, but not soon the deed will be done, The floors are washed once a week, New cities are built etc., but in this case the passive meaning is not so clearly identified and may be completely lost, cf.: The problem is solved by students And The problem is being solved(can be resolved) Linen is washed by a laundress And Linen is not washed well(does not become clean, white), etc.

What you need to know about refundable and non-refundable air tickets

The cost of return tickets is always higher. For example, to book a flight from Moscow to Rome on August 11 at Aeroflot at a non-refundable fare, you will have to pay 14,890 rubles. For comparison, the airline has two return fares - “Economy Optimum” costing 18,155 rubles (and 70 euros will be charged for the return) and “Economy Premium” costing 22,640 rubles (in this case, return and exchange will be free).

After the changes came into effect, so-called non-refundable tickets were introduced into the Air Code. The authorities believed that innovations would create favorable conditions for the development of low-cost airlines in Russia. However, all carriers have made the cheapest air tickets non-refundable. In addition, fares on the market have become more flexible - not only non-refundable and non-exchangeable tickets have appeared, but also those providing for flights without luggage. As a result, flying to domestic destinations has become approximately 25% cheaper.

Verbs starting with -sya are called reflexive. They can be non-derivative, reflexiva tantum (to be afraid, to laugh), and formed from both intransitive and transitive verbs (trade - bargain, wash - wash).

Some intransitive and reflexive verbs derived from them can denote the same situation (Something is blackening in the distance and Something is blackening in the distance). But in most cases, reflexive and non-reflexive verbs name different situations, for example, trade means “to sell something”, and bargain means “to try to buy cheaper”, wash refers to a situation with two participants (Mother washes the girl), and wash - a situation with one participant (Girl washes her face); in the sentences Misha hit Kolya and Misha and Kolya hit a tree we are talking about two boys, but the situations in which they are participants are not the same. In this regard, the components of meaning (except for the meaning of the passive voice) introduced into the word by the postfix -sya are considered word-forming. -Xia is a multi-valued affix (A. A. Shakhmatov counted 12 meanings for him). In grammars the following are most often noted:

1) proper reflexive meaning: wash, dress, put on shoes, take off shoes, comb your hair, powder, blush;

2) mutually reciprocal meaning: hug, swear, quarrel, kiss, make up, correspond, meet;

3) mid-reflexive meaning: admire, be angry, be angry, have fun, rejoice, be horrified, be scared;

4) indirect return meaning: stack, assemble, pack, build, stock up;

5) active-objectless meaning: butting, spitting, swearing (uttering obscene words), biting;

6) passive-qualitative meaning: bend, tear, heat up, cool, expand, contract, wear off;

7) passive reflexive meaning: to be remembered, to be remembered, to be introduced (= to seem).

A reflexive verb can be formed using -sya in combination with other morphemes (run up, get tired, wink).

Reflexivity is associated with voice (when voice is determined at the morphemic level, reflexive verbs formed from transitive verbs are combined into the so-called reflexive-medial voice). The affix -xia is a sign of intransitivity. Combinations found in colloquial language such as I’m afraid of my mother, I obey my grandmother are non-normative and few in number.


F.I. _________________________________________

Reflexive and non-refundable verb.

Remember: in Russian languagein reflexive verbs, -sya is used after a vowel, and after a consonant -sya: rush, learn. Suffix–sya (-s) differs from other suffixes in that it comes after all morphemes, including after endings.

1. After reading the poem, underline the reflexive verbs.

The fly was going to visit
It's a very long drive.
I washed my face
I was getting dressed,
She was worried, she was curling, she was rushing about in front of the mirror, she was gaping... And she fell into the milk.

2. Write down the verbs with the suffix -sya (-съ) and label it. What are these verbs called?

To knock, to descend, to blacken, to surprise, to construct, to be guided.


3. Extract from the fableI. Krylovareturnable Verbs.
Swan, Pike and Crayfish
When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.
Once upon a time Swan, Crayfish and Pike
They began to carry a load of luggage
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are doing their best, but the cart is still moving!
The luggage would seem light to them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
It is not for us to judge who is to blame and who is right;
Yes, but things are still there.


4. Correct the mistakes of careless students.

1. I am in seventh grade. 2. My notebook has already been found. 3. Zhenya went to the station by tram. 4. After a while she sat down to write the letter. 5. Tanya looked at him for a long time, and then met him. In the morning I washed my face, combed my hair, had breakfast and got dressed.

Most reflexive verbs are formed from non-reflexive ones: wash - wash, scold - scold. Some of the reflexive verbs without -sya (-сь) are not used: laugh, fight.

5. Form reflexive verbs.

Angry - __________________, warm - _____________________, captivate - _________________, calm - _________________, make happy - _______________, hug - _____________________, cry - ________________, comb - ___________________, button up - ____________________.

6. Replace with one word.

Greet each other when meeting().

Be in anxious state, feel excited().

Give consent().

Pack your things before the trip().

To make a mistake().

Show interest in something().

Feel offended().

Pay in full as required().

7. Eliminate the shortcomings in the word usage of careless students.

A girl plays with a doll. Three people play this game. Washed clothes sway in the wind. The passenger began to wait for the next stop. My sister made friends with a neighbor.

Project of a research lesson in 5th grade on the topic “Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs.” (Program and teaching materials of S.I. Lvova, V.V. Lvova)

Lesson objectives: give general idea about the concept of “Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs”; organize research activities schoolchildren when mastering this educational topic.

Lesson objectives:

Develop the ability to find and differentiate reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in the text;

Learn to distinguish a variety of shades lexical meaning reflexive verbs and use them correctly in speech;

Develop skills research work;

Work on improving monologue speech;

Cultivate a love and interest in words.

Lesson equipment:

Portraits of V. Dahl, M. Prishvin;

V. Dahl's Dictionary (vol. 4)

Cards for individual tasks;

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Entering a new topic.(The teacher shows a portrait of V. Dahl and asks questions:

Do you know this person? What do you know about him? What memory of himself did he leave for people?).

After the children’s answers, the teacher makes a generalization and moves on to learning something new: V. Dahl is a writer, scientist and lexicographer who devoted his entire life to the word. He collected and studied the words of his native language, admiring their beauty and wisdom. Today we will also begin to understand the mysteries hidden in everyday words. And the topic of the lesson will be the problem of our research.

3. Making notes in a notebook.

4. Work with keyword lesson research: students must determine the part of speech, the form of the verb and prove the correctness of the judgment; choose synonyms; find and explain spellings.

Conclusion-installation of the teacher: your answers indicate that you are ready to immerse yourself in the word, that is, to explore its properties.

5. Drawing up a research plan. The notebook page is divided into three columns.

I know I want to know I found out

In them, the guys write down the information corresponding to the column.

In our case, in the graph "I know" children wrote down:

recurrence-irrevocability is a constant feature of the verb; Reflexive verbs have the suffix – sya; The suffix – sya – is also called a postfix.

In the column "I want to know":

Why are these verbs called reflexive? What do they mean? How to distinguish between reflexive and non-reflexive verbs?

Count "Found out" filled in during the lesson.

6.Working with the textbook. Paragraph No. 70, p. 139. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs(theoretical material):

Refundable verbs with a reflexive suffix are called-sya (s) at the end: enjoy, stock up. Verbs without-sya (s) are always callednon-refundable.

Suffix-sya (s) always comes after the ending and is preserved in all forms of the reflexive verb:

cut Xia- I cut my hair s- you cut your hair Xia- getting a haircut Xia- haircut s etc.

Student assignment: Read the contents of the paragraph yourself and mark + the questions to which you received an answer.

(After independently analyzing the topic, students tell what they now know about reflexive and non-reflexive verbs).

7.Primary fixation: in the text of exercise No. 902, students must find and write down five reflexive and non-reflexive verbs, and then add 3-5 of their own examples.

The work is carried out according to options and subsequent verification.

Exercise No. 902, page 130:

1) And the girl is breaking through the window, wants to peck at the bacon and dreams of finding out with whom she should spend the winter today (V. Berestov). 2) Rye, like waves, beats (swells, swells), bends (swells, swells) from the field and rushes (swells, swells) somewhere. The torn leaf is circling (tsya, tsya) and is carried away (tsya, tsya) and rushes (tsya, tsya). (N. Ogarev). 3) And new friends (?) I hug (tsya, tsya, well kiss (tsya, tsya), (do not) know with joy to whom they equate (tsya, tsya) (I. Krylov).

8.Collective work to study the meaning of return verbs(exercise no. 924).

Exercise assignment: based on the photo collage, make sentences with verbs comb - comb, wash - wash, dress - get dressed.

Work is carried out in pairs. By clarifying the meaning of the verbs (comb - comb yourself, wash - wash yourself, dress up - dress yourself up), children come to the conclusion that reflexive verbs, thanks to the suffix -sya (-s), acquire the meaning of actions directed towards oneself.

Then the student, who received the task in advance, talks about the origin of the suffix -sya (-s) from the short form of the pronoun self. (See Potiha “Historical commentary on Russian language lessons”).

9. Continued research(as part of home independent research): is our conclusion always valid? Let's take a closer look at the words bites, pricks, smiles, fights. Who are these actions aimed at? It is clear that not on yourself. This means that the reflexive suffix has other meanings.

Let's listen to the guys who conducted independent observations on this problem at home.

(Presentations by students presenting the results of their research. See the tasks and the results of their completion in the appendix to the lesson).

After listening to the speeches of their classmates, children, under the guidance of the teacher, draw a conclusion about the ambiguity of the reflexive suffix.

9. Collective analysis of M. Prishvin’s miniature “Word-star”.

The teacher explains the “secret” of the birth of today’s lesson: its content is suggested by material from Dahl’s dictionary ( shows volume 4 and reads an excerpt from there, also written on the flap of the board: “The living mobility of Russian verbs does not lend itself to ... school fetters.”). The teacher focuses on the fact that Dahl’s work is a guiding star in understanding the mystery native word. M. Prishvin has a miniature “Word-star”. The teacher suggests paying attention to the portrait of the writer and thinking about the meaning of what he wrote. ( First, a trained student reads the miniature by heart, then the guys themselves read and think about its content and answer the question for exercise No. 923).

Exercise 923. (This is a miniature essay).


In every soul the word lives, burns, shines like a star in the sky, and, like a star, goes out when it has finished its life path, falls from our lips. Then the power of this word, like the light of an extinguished star, flies to a person, on his paths in space and time. It happens that an extinguished star burns for thousands of years for people on earth. That person is gone, but the word remains and flows from generation to generation, like the light of a faded star in the Universe.(M. Prishvin) .

10.Summarizing the lesson: Did you learn what you wanted in the lesson? Have you completed your research plan?

Giving grades for work in class.

11.Homework to choose from:

Exercise No. 923 ( 1. Students copy the text and insert the missing letters. Conduct morphological analysis reflexive verbs. 2). They explain in writing how they understand the meaning of the name of this miniature).

Exercise No. 925 – research on the topic “Why is -sya written in some words, and s’ in others?”

Exercise No. 925. Form phrases with the meaning “action - object” using the questions in brackets. Determine the case of nouns, transitivity/intransitivity of verbs.

Offend(whom?) , be offended(on whom ); admit(What?) , admit(in what?) ; decide(What?) , decide(for what?) ; throw(who? what?) , rush up(on whom?).

Applications to the lesson.

Results of studies of the meanings of the reflexive suffix.

Work by Rita Chistyakova:

I compared the meaning of the phrases: pouring cereal-cereal pours, pours water - water pours, broke cup-cup I was broken and realized that the verbs in the first case denote actions that someone performs, and in the second case these actions occur on their own. The new meaning appears with the suffix -sya.

Artwork by Christina Furazhnikova.

I observed the verbs included in the phrases: iron is forged, bread is threshed, clothes are sewn, soup is cooked, a sweater is knitted - and I saw that general meaning of these verbs is that they denote actions that someone performs. For example, iron is forged by a blacksmith, clothes are sewn by a mother, soup is cooked by a housewife, a sweater is knitted by a grandmother. The suffix -sya gives this meaning to verbs.

Work by Lena Konstantinova.

I researched the verbs fight, kiss, hug, make friends and found out that they are special. One person cannot perform these actions, but several can. This means that these verbs denote actions that are performed by several persons. I think this brings meaning to the word

suffix -sya.

Work by Lena Grishina.

We all know that -sya is a suffix, which means it should add a new shade of meaning to the word. But is this always the case? After my observations, I was convinced that this is not always the case.

For example, he begs and prays, scolds and scolds. In these words, the suffix does not change the meaning of the word.

And in others it changes. Let's compare: I tear and tear, I write and write. With the addition of a reflexive suffix, the meaning “the action occurs on its own” appears.

Sometimes this value may change completely. For example, to cry is to shed tears, and to cry is to complain. Or to sell is to sell a product, but dreams can come true.

Didactic support of the lesson

Read and compare word combinations

I pour in the cereal - the cereal falls out

pour water - water pours

broke a cup - the cup broke

Think and answer the questions:

what is the difference between the actions indicated by the verbs of the first

column from actions expressed by verbs of the second column?

What morpheme gives this meaning?

Is it possible to find more similar examples?

Read the phrases, answer the questions and draw a conclusion.

What do the meanings of the verbs included in these phrases have in common?

What morpheme brings this meaning to words?

iron is forged, bread is threshed, clothes are sewn, soup is boiled, a sweater is knitted

Read the verbs and determine what is special about the actions they denote?

What morpheme brings this meaning to words? Prove your point.

fight, kiss, hug, make friends

SY – This is a suffix, which means it should add a new shade of meaning to the word. Is this always the case? Compare pairs of verbs and draw a conclusion.

prays - prays, scolds - scolds

I'm tearing - it's tearing, I'm writing - it's being written

cry - cry, come true - come true