How to repay a loan on a Sberbank card in full. Conditions for repaying a loan on a Sberbank visa credit card. How to close a credit card

When choosing a credit institution, potential borrowers prefer to apply for a credit card from Sberbank of Russia. And there are obvious reasons for this: each plastic card has fairly acceptable service conditions, the bank offers one of the best online services, and is available to every category of the population, regardless of age and income level. But each product has the same terms of service and return of borrowed funds. Let's consider the conditions, repayment terms of a credit card from Sberbank, and other nuances of service.

What Every Borrower Should Know

Usually, when filling out the application, the borrower does not know what card limit and interest rate the lender will determine based on his documents. For any type of card, no matter whether it is a classic version or a premium card, the lender reserves the right to decide on the maximum loan amount and the loan rate. After completing payment transactions using the card The borrower is obliged to regularly make payments to the loan account and repay the debt on a timely basis.

Please note that the borrower must know the minimum payment amount and the payment date - this is his responsibility to the lender.

The peculiarity of the bank is that it notifies its borrowers through the Sberbank Online remote system about upcoming payments and their amounts. The user just needs to log into his account and look at the nearest payment date and payment date.

Grace period

Each credit card has a grace period; this is the period when you can use borrowed funds for free. That is, if within 50 days the client returns all the funds spent to the credit account, then the bank does not charge interest. The only difficulty is that not everyone understands how to correctly calculate this period. For a visual example, there is a photo below; please note that the countdown does not start from the date of purchase, but from the first day of each month.

Another nuance of credit cards from Sberbank is that the grace period does not apply to cash withdrawals. That is, when cashing out a credit card, interest begins to accrue immediately. By the way, it is unprofitable to withdraw borrowed money from a credit card, because the transaction costs quite high commission, minimum 390 rubles, provided that the client uses an ATM of the issuing bank. Third-party banks charge an additional fee.

Monthly payment amount

The minimum payment is per credit card from 5 to 10% of the debt amount. This amount is calculated for each lender individually, and the lender notifies the borrower in advance.

Please pay special attention that the minimum payment is basically payment of interest on the loan; the minimum payment goes towards repaying the principal debt; if it is in your interests to repay the loan as quickly as possible and save on interest, make payments in large installments.

It is in the client’s interests not to violate the terms of the agreement with the bank, because the bank imposes sanctions on the unscrupulous borrower for late payments. In addition, if payments are not made on time, the bank will not increase the limit and will transfer the data to the credit history bureau, and there it will be stored for 15 years, during which time the path to bank loans will be closed for the client.

General conditions for credit cards


If you fail to make a credit card payment on time, the borrower will face a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • increase in interest rate;
  • penalties and interest (their amount is in the loan agreement);
  • refusal to renew the credit line and early termination of the loan agreement;
  • refusal to increase the limit on the card if you do not pay the loan on time for several months.

The bank may blacklist the client, after which lending here will be unavailable for him.

Payment methods for a card loan

Sberbank differs from many other banks in its developed network of ATMs and many ways to repay a loan on a card. That is, no matter where the client is, he will always have the opportunity to pay the creditor. So, how to deposit funds into a credit account:

  1. The most convenient and accessible payment method is Sberbank Online remote service. This option is suitable for owners of debit or salary cards. Sending a transfer is quite simple; first you need to log in to the system, look at upcoming card payments, and use the prompts on the site to carry out the operation.
  2. The second remote method, similar to the previous one, is mobile banking. This is an application for smartphones; any Sberbank Online user can install it and make any payment transactions using it.
  3. If you do not have a debit or salary card, then payments can be made in cash through a cash register, ATM or terminal. This method is still more popular; to use a cash register, terminal or ATM you only need the card itself and its PIN code.
  4. The last method is mobile banking. There is only one condition: the debit card must be linked to the phone number from which the client will send an SMS message to number 900. The text of the message is “Credit credit account number amount.”

Loan payment via Mobile Banking

Pay attention to the timing of payments, they can vary from a few minutes to 5 days, so it’s better not to wait until the last day, but to make the payment in advance.

If you are planning a long-term relationship with a lender, then try not to violate the terms of the agreement. The bank notifies you of payment with the minimum amount. That is, in fact, this is interest; it is better to pay off the debt in large amounts, because if it is not possible to make the next payment, the bank will not count the minimum payment, for the reason that it was paid in advance.

As you can see, the Sberbank credit card differs little from the offers of other banks; the loan repayment conditions are the same everywhere, the main thing is to make the payment on time and not less than the specified amount. On the other hand, banks actively compete with each other and treat their conscientious clients with care, this suggests that after some time the bank will make a more advantageous offer for its client, for example, in the form of a new loan product, an increased limit or a reduced interest rate.

Purchasing things and real estate on credit has long become commonplace. This is a fairly simple and very convenient way to buy what you need right now, without worrying about having the required amount on hand now.

They are no less popular. However, it will not be possible to spend the funds provided by the bank indefinitely. In addition, refunds are processed differently than when you simply apply.

At the same time, a credit card can be used for several years and the ability to borrow money will be renewed every time the debt is eliminated. To avoid getting into trouble when applying for a credit card, you need to carefully study all the conditions for providing funds. They may vary depending on the type of card.

Sberbank credit card - loan repayment terms

The first thing you need to do is check the card balance using online banking, or by submitting your passport to any. Also, when applying for a card, you can ask to send a monthly report on expenses, as well as the current account status.

It is best for new clients to repay the debt during the grace period. It usually lasts about three to six weeks and during this time the interest rate is much lower than usual.

If the loan is not repaid on time, a delay occurs and the bank applies an increased interest rate to return the funds. The normal rate is 23%-24%. If payment is delayed, it increases to 36%-38%.

In order not to “miss” the moment when you can painlessly return the money, it is recommended to set up an SMS notification about the account status. Then a few days before the end of the payment period you will receive a message.

If, despite all efforts, you cannot arrange payment of the card loan on time, you should increase the amount of contributions. This provides tangible benefits:

  • the loan will be repaid faster;
  • The bank will be much more loyal to those clients who do not delay payments.

The repayment period of a loan on a Sberbank credit card depends on the type of card chosen, how long you have been using it and what limit is set. Owners of Momentum, etc. can find out the loan repayment date by email, via Internet banking and also by calling the bank.

Making a credit card payment is easy. There are different methods, both for those who like to pay online and for those who prefer traditional methods:

  • Sberbank online banking – you must have internet, user login and password;
  • using terminals in cash or by card;
  • by bank transfer from an account in another bank;
  • depositing funds with the help of an operator at a bank branch;
  • USSD request using a mobile phone in the format “credit-space-credit account number-space-debit amount.

According to customer reviews,

The process of paying off card debt with a line of credit is fundamentally different from the process of closing any other bank loan. When applying for a conventional loan, the borrower receives a clear payment schedule that he must comply with. There is no schedule for repaying a credit card; the client himself regulates the process and amount of payments. And every cardholder with a line of credit should become familiar with the debt closing process.

Monthly payment amount

As with any other loan, the minus on a credit card must be repaid by making monthly payments. But banks do not set a fixed payment amount for this product: the borrower himself regulates the amount, paying in amounts that are convenient for him. In this case, the bank indicates the minimum monthly payment limit that the product holder must comply with.

Each bank regulates the minimum payment amount itself. For example, there may be such options for calculating it:

— 5-10% of the total debt, but at least 500 rubles;
— 5-10% of the principal debt plus the amount of interest accrued for the month;
- fixed fee, for example, no less than 3000-5000 rubles per month.

Important! The bank summarizes the results for each reporting month and indicates to the borrower the amount of the minimum allowable payment. For example, for March you need to pay before April 20, for April transactions until May 20, etc. The bank closes the reporting period (month), generates a statement and waits for the payment to be made.

It is better not to do the calculations personally - you may misinterpret the algorithm for calculating the minimum monthly payment. If you pay less than expected, it will be regarded as non-payment and the bank will apply a fine.

Use Internet banking and activate the SMS notification service. These services will help you always keep your finger on the pulse. The bank will inform you about the minimum amount you need to deposit at the end of the reporting month.

Pay more than the minimum amount!

The repayment terms of a credit card allow you to pay off with a minus gradually, depositing only small amounts close to the minimum. But if you stick to exactly this pattern, your debt will decrease extremely slowly.

Your monthly credit card payment consists of principal and interest. If we consider the minimum payment, then it largely consists of interest. That is, if you adhere to the minimum level, you will pay off the main debt extremely slowly, the debt will practically stand still.

Many borrowers pay off their debt with minimal periodic payments, and then blame the bank for not reducing their debt. Everything is logical: the citizen repays the interest accrued during the reporting month, and the amount of the principal debt practically does not change.

Important! Don't stick to the minimum monthly payment, pay more. Thus, a large amount will be spent on paying off the principal debt. This means that for the next month the bank will charge less interest, the overpayment will be lower and more profitable.

Credit cards with the most favorable conditions

Bank's nameSumInformationDecor

up to 300,000 rub.Market leader
Individual rate 15%-29.9%
Grace period up to 55 days
Service 590 rub. in year
Registration without certificates
From 18 to 70 years old
Repayment throughout Russia without commission
24/7 support

up to 600,000 rub.Grace period up to 100 days
Rate from 26.99%
Free card issue
Waiting for approval up to 30 minutes
By passport
From 21 to 60 years

up to 300,000 rub.Cash Back MasterCard
Loan rate from 26.99%
10% refund to the card when paying at any gas stations
5% refund when paying in any cafes and restaurants
Grace period up to 60 days
Discounts up to 15% with partners
Cash Back up to RUB 36,000 in year
Having a permanent job
From 21 to 60 years
Continuous work experience of 3 months

up to 600,000 rub.Rate from 29%
Your income should be from 20,000 rubles.
Grace period up to 50 days
2 Personal income tax, Certificate on bank form
Help in free form
Review 1 day
From 25 years old
Continuous work experience of 4 months

up to 350,000Installment card "HALVA"
Limit - from 5,000 to 350,000 rubles
Usage rate - 0% per annum
Installment period - up to 12 months

Citizenship: Russian Federation
Annual maintenance - 0 rubles

up to 300,000Installment card "CONSCIENCE"
Limit - from 5,000 to 300,000 rubles
Annual maintenance - 0 rubles
Installment period - from 1 to 12 months
Payment fee - None
Card validity period is five years
Citizenship: Russian Federation

Credit card due date

The same scheme applies here as with conventional lending. The bank indicates the date by which the next payment must be made. For example, the 22nd of every month.

When choosing a deposit method, keep in mind that not all of them involve instant deposit of funds, then you need to pay in advance. Money arrives instantly when paying through a cash register or ATM of the bank that services the card, online banking, or through card-to-card transfer services. In all other cases, the operation can be performed within 1-3 days.

The bank does not provide an exact deadline for repaying credit card debt: this is regulated by the borrower himself. You can drag out the matter and pay off the debt for years. Or you can make higher payments and deal with the debt in a couple of months. In addition, given that the card limit is renewable, the exact expiration date cannot be determined.

Repayment within the grace period

If the bank includes a grace period with your credit card, you can use the line of credit for free. Deposit money to repay the credit card in full, pay off the debt in full before the end of the grace period, then the lender will not charge interest.

What you need to know about the grace period:
- usually lasts 55-60 days, some banks issue cards with a discount of 100-120 days;
— the benefit applies only to non-cash transactions. Cashing out and making transfers are not covered by it;
- It is important to comply with the terms of the benefit. Each bank interprets them differently; be sure to check with the bank about the exact expiration date of the interest-free period.

How to close a card debt early

You can completely pay off your card debt at any time. To pay off your credit card early, contact your bank and find out how much you currently owe. Place this amount on the card and wait for the next monthly payment to be written off. After this, the debt will be cleared. The specifics of the product are such that the bank can charge interest next month if the debt flows into the next reporting period. Cover this amount too.

Remember that paying off the debt in full does not mean closing the card. You will still have to pay for maintenance, SMS notifications and other services. If you do not need the card, contact the bank and write an application to close it.

Repayment of credit card debt from any bank is usually carried out according to the same scheme: by replenishing the account within a specified period. This can be done either by bank transfer or in cash at a branch of a banking organization.

However, it is worth understanding that each bank has the right to establish its own nuances for debt repayment, stipulating them separately in the agreement. Such features may include: the payment period for debt obligations, the interest rate, the amount of other charges and commissions.

How to find out the amount of debt?

The basic rule that a plastic holder must remember is: you must always be aware of the amount of debt and know the amount of the minimum monthly payment. With this information, you can plan your personal budget, which must include monthly contributions. You can find out the exact amount of loan payments by entering your card details at an ATM. The amount owed will be displayed on the screen and will be available on the printed receipt.

As an alternative way to obtain information, you can consider the Sberbank Online and Mobile Bank systems. For example, the terms of loan repayment and the amount of current debt can be clarified at any time in your personal account on the official website.

By logging into the application, you can view your account balance, the amount of debt, or display the history of completed transactions.

In addition, Sberbank practices sending both traditional postal envelopes and electronic notifications to its clients. They indicate comprehensive information about all financial transactions for the past period, as well as the amount of upcoming payments. This is not only convenient, since it does not require any action from the card holder, but it is also always timely, since it will not allow you to forget about the need to repay the debt.

There are two main options for how to pay off Sberbank credit card debt:

  1. Pay off the debt in equal installments every month. Most often, this is 5-10% of the total loan amount. The nominal variation of debt repayment provides for the traditional scheme of paying interest under the agreement.
  2. Repayment of a Sberbank credit card can be made at a time and in full within the so-called grace period, which can reach 55 days. In this case, the borrowed funds are used without interest.

The second option on how to quickly pay off a credit card is, without a doubt, the most beneficial for borrowers. In this case, they do not lose anything, but only take Sberbank funds for free use. That is, with the subsequent return of exactly the amount that was spent, without interest.

However, the problem may be that not everyone is able to fully pay off the debt within the specified repayment period. Bank clients often violate the rules for repaying a loan on a Sberbank credit card and are deprived of preferential lending. If you use plastic to withdraw cash from an ATM, the cashed funds will not fall under the terms of interest-free debt repayment. If you cannot repay the entire loan amount at once, then the option of paying in minimal installments is not so bad.

A particularly convenient nuance is the ability to pay off debt in any amount, from the minimum (usually 5% of the total amount) to any other amount feasible for the plastic holder.

Most of the minimum payment often consists of interest, which is why it is worth depositing the maximum possible amount of money to speed up the full refund. This will allow you to avoid dragging out the process for months.

Be careful not to make any delays, otherwise the financial institution may charge penalty interest or even increase the interest rate. For unscrupulous payers, Sberbank provides the opportunity to increase the rate by tens of percent per month of the total debt. In this case, penalties are accrued daily.

Scheme for generating the payment date for a credit card from Sberbank.

Moreover, when delays occur, the holder’s credit history suffers and in the future will become a serious obstacle to obtaining a new card or loan. Considering that the history record is stored for 15 years, it will either be impossible to obtain a loan, or the conditions will be extremely unfavorable. It is better to avoid such situations.

For those who suffer from forgetfulness, the bank provides SMS alerts. They will notify you in advance of the need to deposit the required amount into the account.

Convenient repayment options

Let's look at your options for paying off credit card debt. Knowing them, each client will be able to choose the most appropriate method for himself.

  • Cash is the most common choice of customers. This method has its advantages, but it is quite time-consuming, since this requires visiting a bank or getting to an ATM. Payment in cash is possible both through the terminal and through the cash desk. If repayment is made at a branch of a third-party bank, then a transaction fee may be charged to the credit card holder.
  • A personal account in Sberbank Online and a credit card linked to a regular one is a convenient and fast way that you can use at any time, without being distracted from your main business. It only takes a couple of minutes to authorize and fill out the form, and payment from a debit or salary card will be made instantly after submitting the application.
  • The Mobile Bank application makes payments available not only on a desktop PC, but also on a smartphone or tablet. Wherever you are, you can transfer money in just a couple of clicks. This is an excellent choice for those who are constantly on the move or simply do not have enough time to regularly visit a branch of a financial institution.
  • Having linked a debit account to a mobile phone number, paying a loan is very simple using one short SMS command: “CREDIT [account number] [amount]” (example: 412331515151323296 10000) sent to service number 900. The specified amount will be written off to the desired account in a few seconds, and you will not have to worry about the debt for the next 30 days.

The options listed above for how to repay a Sberbank credit card make using plastic simple, understandable and comfortable. The main responsibility of the holder will only be to monitor the timely deposit of amounts, and which method will be chosen for this does not matter.

To reduce the amount of overpayment on interest, it is best to pay the maximum possible amount, and not the minimum payment that is specified in the notice. This way, you will be able to close your loan faster and lose less money on fees. However, if it is impossible to pay more, it is enough to pay only the minimum established amount. Then the bank will not charge a fine or apply other sanctions to you.

The loan must be paid in advance, and not on the day the funds are written off. This will allow you to insure yourself against failures in payment systems, which could lead to arrears.

The use of credit lines is extremely common today, but it is impossible to use them endlessly. In order to correctly return the borrowed funds to the bank and not end up on the “black list”, you need to consider in advance all possible options for the debt repayment procedure.

Repayment methods

Modern technologies make it possible to use remote options for interaction with financial institutions. This is why today you can literally repay a bank loan without leaving your home laptop. Sberbank is no exception in this sense.

However, in addition to the online option, there are at least five more ways to repay a loan taken:

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  • special service “Mobile Bank”;
  • cashless payment through the terminal;
  • non-cash transfer of funds to a Sberbank account through another bank;
  • cash payment via terminal;
  • repayment of part or all of the loan in cash through the operator.

The choice of method depends only on the client’s capabilities and desires: the bank does not regulate debt repayment options for any category of individual borrowers.

A modern smartphone allows you to use online opportunities almost to the same extent as a desktop computer. If you have an income (salary) card with a sufficient balance, you need to send an SMS message like “Credit - space - account number - space - write-off amount” to number 900.

Terminal settlement through any branch of Sberbank is a reliable way to repay debt. Payment can be made either through a plastic card with a positive sufficient balance, or in cash. Mandatory information: contract or card number.

You can top up your credit account by non-cash transfer of funds through another bank whose client is the payer. You just need to indicate the account number for replenishment and transfer the required amount of money to it through the operator of a third-party financial institution.

In cash, you can pay the debt directly to the operator of the borrowing bank. If this is done ahead of schedule, you must fill out the appropriate paper form and repay the loan in full.

Video: Early repayment rules

Terms of receipt and use

Wide opportunities have been created for clients when using credit products.

The main conditions for issuing credit cards to individuals are::

  • passport age of at least 21 years (with the exception of youth credit cards, which are issued from the age of 18);
  • the maximum upper age limit is 52 years;
  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • work experience of at least six months;
  • confirmation of income in Form 2 of personal income tax (with the exception of the Momentum card).

If the applicant's income is considered low, he will not be able to receive approval. The Bank strives to minimize its risks. Therefore, the only option for this category of people is the Momentum instant card, for which proof of income is not required.

If an individual entrepreneur needs a loan, he must provide the specialist not only with civil documents, but also with additional information:

  • registration certificate for entrepreneurial activity;
  • income statement for the previous reporting year.

If the declaration is zero, the loan will be denied.

The terms of use include several main points: the amount of the credit limit, the validity period, the need to confirm income, the possibility of using a grace period when eliminating debt.

Each type of card has a number of additional privileges for clients, available both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

Name Limit (RUB) Bid Confirmed

income expectation

Validity Grace period Additional conditions, services
Visa/MasterCard 600 thousand 26-34% Required 3 years 50 days Wide range of additional services (personal)
“Give Life” Visa Gold,Visa Gold 600 thousand 26-34% Required 3 years 50 days The funds received are spent on helping sick children.
Visa Classic/MasterCard Standard 600 thousand 26-34 % Required 3 years 50 days Optimal range of services
Aeroflot Visa Gold,Visa Classic 600 thousand 26-34% Required 3 years 50 days Aeroflot Bonus program
Visa Classic/Master Card Momentum 120 thousand 26% Not required, issued by passport 3 years 50 days Instant delivery, additional payment options for services (non-cash payment via the Internet)
Youth card Visa Classic/MasterCard Standard From 15 to 200 thousand. 34% Required 3 years From 20 days Discount program, cash withdrawal

Conditions for repaying a loan on a Sberbank credit card

Payment of amounts is carried out according to the usual scheme accepted by all banking structures.

The main rule: do not violate the established payment deadlines. If possible, you should pay slightly larger amounts in order to prevent the possible accrual of penalties for small delays.

According to the terms of loan repayment on a Sberbank credit card, a citizen has the right to make payments both through the creditor bank and through other banking structures of the Russian Federation.


As for the timing of debt payment, they are established upon concluding an agreement with Sberbank and are recorded in the payment schedule. This is an additional sheet to the agreement, according to which the borrower must make payments.

Payment deadlines can be changed only in one case: if the client decides not to continue the phased payment of money, but pays the entire amount in full. The possibility of early closure of the loan must be provided for in the agreement.

If the debt amount is divided into small monthly payments, then the funds must be deposited into the account exactly on the specified date or on the eve of the payment date.

Violation of established boundaries is a negative signal for a financial institution. Penalties are applied to the debtor and penalties are assessed, which may result in refusal of further loans.

For early payments, both partial and full deposits of funds are allowed. If there is a desire to close the debt ahead of schedule and in full, a corresponding application must be drawn up at the office of the institution.

Grace period

It is important to understand exactly what a grace period is when lending and how it can be used. The good news is that using a credit card can be interest-free for a certain set period. This allows you to save money on bank interest payments and improve the ease of use of the product.

The grace period is a certain sum of days during which the client can make transactions (make purchases), and the bank can generate a report on these payments.

Credit cards usually have a 50-day grace period:

  • 30 days – reporting;
  • 20 days – payment.

In this case, the reporting period (OP) refers to the time when a person can make purchases. After this period, a report on the transactions performed will be generated. To make a payment without including interest, the credit card owner has from twenty to fifty days.

What does this mean in practice? Let's assume that the beginning of the OP is the sixth of April. If a transaction (purchase) is made on the same day, then there are 50 days left for interest-free payment of the resulting debt: until May 25.

If the borrower used the card later, for example, on April 21, then there are only 35 days left for interest-free settlement with the bank: fifteen days of the reporting period and twenty days of the payment period (PP).

It should be noted that during the interest-free grace period, a minimum portion must be paid to repay the entire debt. It is indicated in the bank settlement schedule. In fact, the owner of the credit card has the opportunity to pay the bank without paying a penny of interest at all. To do this, he just needs to completely close the loan during the 20-day PP period.

Important point: the grace period is subject to restoration. As soon as the entire debt is repaid, the opportunity to use the approved limit is again given, starting from the first negative transaction.

How to close through Sberbank online

A very convenient way to pay the bank without leaving home is the Sberbank online system.. This option can only be used by those who, in addition to a credit card, also have an income card, that is, a debit card. Of course, you need to register through the online service on the official website.

Sequence of steps:

  • go to your personal account;
  • enter ID and password;
  • click on the “Payments” link;
  • select a credit line;
  • indicate the bank agreement number and credit card number;
  • enter the payment amount to top up your account;
  • Following system recommendations, complete the payment procedure.

The money will be transferred to your account instantly. This means that the loan is closed, the debt is liquidated.