How doctors are certified for category. Regulations on the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers

Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated July 25, 2011 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 23, 2011 Registration No. 21875. Published in "RG" No. 216 dated September 28, 2011 on p. 21)

I. General provisions

1.1. The Regulations on the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determines the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers (hereinafter referred to as specialists).

1.2. Obtaining qualification categories by specialists is carried out on the basis of checking the conformity of professional knowledge and their professional skills (hereinafter referred to as the qualification exam).

1.3. The qualification exam aims to stimulate the growth of specialist qualifications, improve the selection, placement and use of personnel in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation, and increase personal responsibility for the performance of professional and job responsibilities.

1.4. The process of obtaining qualification categories is ensured by certification commissions and includes procedures for obtaining qualification categories - stages of assessing the conformity of professional knowledge and skills of specialists (hereinafter referred to as qualification procedures).

1.5. Certification commissions in their activities are guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, these Regulations, departmental regulatory legal acts, regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

1.6. Principles of the qualifying examination:

independence and objectivity of expert assessments;

openness of qualification procedures;

sequential assignment of qualification categories;

compliance with professional ethics;

compliance with the strict sequence of qualification procedures provided for by these Regulations;

high qualifications and competence of persons carrying out qualification procedures.

1.7. The system of certification commissions includes:

The Central Attestation Commission, created by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;

certification commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, created by healthcare management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

departmental certification commissions, departmental certification commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in healthcare institutions, scientific and educational medical institutions, created by federal executive authorities and other departments according to their affiliation.

1.8. Certification commissions consist of expert groups corresponding to the specialties (areas) for which the certification commissions carry out established qualification procedures, and the Coordinating Committee of the Certification Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), which coordinates the work of the expert groups.

1.9. The expert groups include employees of healthcare authorities, members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, managers and specialists of medical, scientific and educational organizations with knowledge sufficient to conduct a qualifying exam in the declared specialties.

1.10. The Committee includes a chairman - chairman of the certification commission, deputy chairman - deputy chairman of the certification commission, executive secretary - executive secretary of the certification commission, deputy executive secretary - deputy executive secretary of the certification commission, members of the Committee.

The expert groups include a chairman, deputy chairman, secretary, and members of expert groups.

In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee (expert group), his powers are exercised by his deputy.

1.11. The personal composition of certification commissions and the regulations on their work are approved by order of the body under which they are created. The personnel of certification commissions is updated as necessary.

Changes in personnel are approved by order of the body under which they are created.

1.12. Certification commissions carry out their activities in accordance with the sequence of qualification procedures established by these Regulations. Qualification procedures are aimed at assessing the professional qualifications and competence of specialists.

1.13. The specialist can receive qualification category both in the main and combined specialty.

1.14. Qualification categories are assigned in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties.

II. The procedure for obtaining qualification categories

2.1. Qualification categories are assigned to specialists who have a level of theoretical training and practical skills corresponding to qualification characteristics specialists, and work experience in the specialty:

the second - at least three years for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education;

the first - at least seven years for specialists with higher professional education and at least five years for specialists with secondary vocational education;

higher - at least ten years for specialists with higher professional education and at least seven years for specialists with secondary vocational education.

2.2. When assigning qualification categories, the following sequence is used: second, first, highest.

2.3. Specialists who have expressed a desire to receive (confirm) a qualification category submit to the certification commission:

an application from a specialist addressed to the chairman of the certification commission, which indicates the qualification category for which he is applying, the presence or absence of a previously assigned qualification category, the date of its assignment, the specialist’s personal signature and date (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations);

a completed qualification sheet in printed form, certified by the HR department (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations);

a report on the professional activities of a specialist, agreed upon with the head of the organization and certified by its seal, and including an analysis of professional activities over the last three years of work - for specialists with higher professional education and beyond Last year work - for workers with secondary vocational education with their personal signature (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations). The report must contain the specialist’s conclusions about his work, proposals for improving the organization of the provision and quality of medical care to the population. The report must contain reliable data in the description of the work performed by the specialist, rationalization proposals, and patents. If the head of a medical organization refuses to approve a report on the specialist’s professional activities, the head issues a written explanation of the reasons for the refusal, which is attached to the rest of the examination documentation;

copies of education documents (diploma, certificate, certificates, specialist certificates and other documents), work book, certified in accordance with the established procedure;

in case of change of surname, name, patronymic - a copy of the document confirming the fact of change of surname, name, patronymic;

a copy of the certificate of assignment of a qualification category (if available) or a copy of the order of assignment of a qualification category.

2.4. The head of the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities creates conditions for:

submission by the specialist of qualification documentation drawn up in accordance with the requirements of completeness and correctness;

interaction between the organization and the certification commission regarding the procedure for obtaining a qualification category by a specialist;

submission to the certification commission of information on the number of specialists carrying out professional activities in a medical organization and who have undergone the procedure for obtaining a qualification category (indicating the certification commission and the received qualification category), as well as specialists wishing to receive (confirm) the qualification category in the next calendar year;

notification of a specialist who has expressed a desire to receive a qualification category.

2.5. The requirements specified in paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 of these Regulations, regarding the need to certify documents submitted by a specialist and ensure the organization’s interaction with the certification commission, do not apply to specialists carrying out professional activities in the private healthcare system.

2.6. The documents that make up the qualification documentation must be neatly executed and bound.

2.7. Qualification documentation is sent to the certification commissions by post, as well as directly by the specialist, an official of the organization authorized to interact with the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities with the certification commission.

2.8. In order to maintain a previously assigned qualification category, the specialist sends qualification documentation to the certification commission no later than four months before the expiration of the qualification category. When submitting examination documentation later specified period the date of the qualifying examination may be set after the expiration of the qualification category.

III. Procedure for meeting of certification commissions

3.1. A meeting of the certification commission is scheduled within a period not exceeding three months from the date of registration of the examination documentation.

3.2. Federal specialists government agencies, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, submit qualification documentation to the Central Attestation Commission.

Specialists of state institutions under the jurisdiction of other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit qualification documentation to the relevant departmental certification commissions.

Specialists providing medical and pharmaceutical activities in organizations of the state healthcare system of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal healthcare system, as well as specialists carrying out professional activities in the private healthcare system, submit qualification documentation to the certification commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the territory of which they carry out their activities.

3.3. Qualification documentation received by the certification commission is registered in the document registration log (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 4 to these Regulations) after checking its compliance with the requirements of completeness and correctness of execution within 7 calendar days. If the qualification documentation does not meet the specified requirements, the person who submitted the qualification documentation ( official the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities, authorized to interact between the organization and the certification commission) are informed of the reasons for the refusal to accept examination documentation with an explanation of the possibility of eliminating them.

A refusal to accept qualification documentation received by the certification commission must be sent to the specialist no later than 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the examination documentation by the certification commission.

To eliminate the shortcomings of the qualification documentation, the specialist is invited to month period eliminate identified deficiencies.

3.4. Monitoring compliance with the registration procedure, completeness requirements and correct execution of qualification documentation submitted to the certification commission is carried out by the executive secretary of the relevant certification commission.

3.5. The executive secretary of the certification commission, no later than one month from the date of registration of the qualification documentation, determines the expert group of the certification commission corresponding to the specialty (direction) declared in the qualification documentation, and agrees with its chairman on the timing of the specialist’s qualification examination.

3.6. Based on the results of reviewing the qualification documentation, the chairman of the expert group determines the members of the expert group to review the report on the specialist’s professional activities.

3.7. The chairman of the expert group determines the need to attract independent specialists (experts) to review the report on the specialist’s professional activities.

3.8. A review of a report on the professional activities of a specialist is signed by members of the expert group participating in the review or independent specialists (experts) and the chairman of the expert group.

3.9. The review should reflect:

possession of modern diagnostic and treatment methods that meet the qualification requirements for specialists of the second, first and highest categories;

participation of a specialist in the work of a scientific society or professional medical association;

availability of publications and printed works;

duration and timing of the last advanced training;

forms of self-education used by a specialist;

compliance of the volume of theoretical knowledge, actually performed diagnostic and therapeutic practical skills with the qualification requirements for specialists in the declared qualification category.

3.10. The period for examination of qualification documentation by an expert group cannot exceed 14 calendar days.

3.11. Based on the results of the review, the expert group prepares a conclusion on the evaluation of the specialist’s report and, together with the executive secretary of the certification commission, determines the date for the meeting in the specialty stated in the qualification documentation.

The secretary of the expert group notifies the specialist about the date of the meeting.

3.12. During the expert group meeting, the specialist is tested and interviewed.

Testing involves performing test tasks corresponding to the declared qualification category and specialty, and is recognized as a passed specialist subject to at least 70% correct answers to test tasks.

The interview involves a survey of a specialist by members of an expert group on theoretical and practical issues relevant to the specialty stated in the qualification documentation.

3.13. At a meeting of the expert group, the secretary of the expert group keeps individual protocols of specialists undergoing qualification procedures (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 5 to these Regulations). Each individual protocol is certified by the members and the chairman of the expert group.

3.14. The decision on the compliance of a specialist with the declared category is made based on the results of testing, interviews and taking into account the assessment of the report on the professional activities of the specialist and is entered into the qualification sheet.

3.15. At the meeting, the expert group of the certification commission makes one of the following decisions:

assign a second qualification category;

improve the second qualification category by assigning the first;

upgrade the first qualification category with assignment to the highest;

confirm the previously assigned qualified category;

remove the first (highest) qualification category and assign a lower qualification category;

deprive of qualification category (second, first, highest);

reschedule certification;

refuse to assign a qualification category.

3.16. In case of deprivation, downgrading or refusal to assign a higher qualification category, the specialist’s individual protocol indicates the reasons why the expert group of the certification commission made the corresponding decision.

3.17. The assessment of a specialist’s qualifications is adopted by open voting if at least 2/3 of the members of the expert group of the certification commission are present at the meeting.

3.19. When making a decision to assign a qualification category to a specialist who is a member of the certification commission, the latter does not participate in voting.

3.20. A specialist has the right to take a re-qualification exam, but not earlier than one year after a decision is made about non-compliance with the qualification category.

3.21. Individual protocols of the specialists being examined are sent to the executive secretary of the certification commission for the preparation of minutes of the meeting of the certification commission (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 6 to these Regulations). The minutes of the meeting of the expert group are certified by the members of the expert group and approved by the deputy chairman of the certification commission.

3.22. Replacing a member of the expert group with another person who is not part of it is not permitted.

3.23. A draft order for the assignment of a qualification category is prepared by the executive secretary of the certification commission based on its decision. The body under which the certification commission is created issues an order to assign a qualification category within one month.

3.24. Within a week from the date of issuance of the order to assign a qualification category, the executive secretary of the certification commission draws up a document on receipt of the qualification category, which is signed by the chairman of the certification commission and certified by the seal of the body under which it was created.

3.25. A document confirming the assignment of a qualification category is issued to a specialist or a person authorized by him (based on a power of attorney) upon presentation of an identification document of the recipient, or sent via postal service(with the consent of the specialist).

3.26. The issued document on assignment of a qualification category is registered in the document registration journal.

3.27. In case of loss of a document on assignment of a qualification category, based on a written application from a specialist to the certification commission, a duplicate is issued within a month. When registering it, the word “Duplicate” is written on the top left side.

3.28. Qualification documentation, copies of orders for the assignment of qualification categories and other organizational and administrative documents relating to the work of the certification commission are stored in the certification commission for five years, after which they are subject to destruction in accordance with the established procedure.

3.29. The specialist has the right to familiarize himself with the documents submitted to the certification commission.

3.30. Decisions of certification commissions, within thirty days from the date of their adoption, can be appealed by sending an application justifying the reasons for disagreement to the bodies under which the certification commissions were created, as well as to the Central Certification Commission.

3.31. In cases of conflict, an employee can appeal the decision of the certification commission in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.32. Information (certificate, extract from the protocol, etc.) about specialists who have received a qualification category can be issued upon a written request from the specialist himself or at the request of law enforcement agencies.

IV. Forms of work of the certification commission

4.1. Certifying commission:

analyzes the activities of specialists with higher and secondary vocational education who have submitted documents for obtaining qualification categories;

summarizes the experience of work and implementation of qualification procedures and provides an annual report to the body under which it was created;

considers the need to hold off-site meetings.

4.2. The need to hold an on-site meeting is determined by the certification commission based on requests from organizations and other structures representing the interests of specialists. When studying the issue of the need to hold an on-site meeting, the certification commission has the right to request data on the quantitative composition of specialists wishing to receive a qualification category, and the specialties (directions) declared for the qualification exam.

4.3. The chairman of the certification commission sends to the body under which the certification commission was created a justification for the need (or lack of need) to hold an on-site meeting of the certification commission.

4.4. When preparing a justification for the need (lack of need), the following are taken into account:

the level of workload of the expert groups of the certification commission and their members at the main place of work;

circumstances due to which specialists wishing to pass the qualification exam cannot appear at the meeting place of the certification commission;

the quantitative composition of specialists wishing to pass the qualification exam;

information about the qualifications of these specialists, provided by the organizations in which they carry out professional activities;

the ability to comply with the requirements, including the qualification procedures established by these Regulations, during the on-site meeting of the certification commission.

4.5. The body under which the certification commission is created makes a decision to hold an on-site meeting of the attestation commission and, by its order, approves the personal composition of the attestation commission and expert groups, the timing of the on-site meeting of the attestation commission and its tasks.

  • Modernization of healthcare in the Russian Federation. The purpose and objectives of the program.
  • Modernization of healthcare in the Russian Federation. Introduction of modern information systems and standards of medical care.
  • Sanitary statistics: definition, sections, role in assessing public health and the activities of health care institutions. Organization of statistical research and its stages.
  • Comparative characteristics of methods for collecting statistical material.
  • 15. General and sample population. Formation methods. The concept of representativeness.
  • 16. Main elements of the first, second and third stages of the study. The concept of a unit of observation.
  • 17. Features of clinical and statistical research. Errors in statistical research.
  • 18. Relative indicators in sanitary statistics: types, calculation methods. Practical use.
  • 19. Graphic images in sanitary statistics.
  • 20. Average level of the trait. Average values: types, properties, practical application. Mean square deviation. Assessing the reliability of the research results.
  • 21. Diversity of a characteristic in a statistical population: criteria characterizing the boundaries and internal structure of a variation series, their practical application.
  • 22. Methods for studying the relationship between phenomena and signs, practical application. Assessing the strength and nature of the correlation. Pairwise and multiple correlation.
  • 23. Standardized indicators. Stages of the direct standardization method. Practical use.
  • 24. Public health. Definition. Modern ideas about health as the most important characteristic of living standards.
  • 25. Public health. Development of concepts of health and illness. Factors influencing population health, health functions.
  • 27. Lifestyle – concept, main elements influencing the health of the population.
  • 28. Lifestyle and living conditions of the population of the Russian Federation.
  • 29. Epidemiology as a branch of public health and healthcare that studies the ways of occurrence, spread and measures of public prevention of diseases.
  • 30. Risk factors, their signs, classification. Risk groups for developing diseases. Basic indicators for assessing disease risk.
  • 31. Healthcare – concept. Social functions: management of living labor, reproduction, personal development.
  • 32. Prevention: concept, types, use of the preventive method in the work of medical organizations. Issues of prevention in legislative documents.
  • 33. Rehabilitation: concept, types, modern features of organizing rehabilitation assistance to the population.
  • 34. Lifestyle and living conditions of the population of the Russian Federation. Lifestyle categories. The influence of lifestyle on the health of various groups. Centers for promoting a healthy lifestyle for citizens, their functions.
  • 35. Demography: concept, main sections. Using demographic data to characterize population health.
  • 36. Medical demography. Social and hygienic problems of demography.
  • 37. Patterns and trends of demographic processes in the world.
  • 38. Population census and methodology. Basic demographic data for Russia and the Krasnodar Territory.
  • 39. Indicators characterizing population reproduction: calculation methods and assessment. Levels by country of the world.
  • 40. Current trends in population mortality in economically developed and developing countries.
  • 42. General and age-specific mortality of the population: calculation methods, causes of death in various age groups.
  • 43. Infant mortality: study methods, causes. Characteristics of infant mortality in Russia and the Krasnodar region.
  • 44. Perinatal mortality: study methods, causes. Modern approaches to registration and assessment of perinatal mortality in Russia.
  • 45. Fertility: study methodology, assessment of the indicator, level by country of the world.
  • 46. ​​Average life expectancy: concept, level by country, data for the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 47. Indicators characterizing the health of the population.
  • 48. Types of age structure of the population. Medical and social aspects of the “aging” of the population.
  • 49. Morbidity, pain, pathological involvement: concept, calculation method. Methods for studying morbidity, their comparative characteristics.
  • 50. Morbidity by appeal: study methodology, types, registration forms, structure.
  • 51. Morbidity according to medical examinations: study methodology, registration forms, structure.
  • 52. Morbidity based on causes of death: study methodology, registration forms, structure.
  • 53. “International statistical classification of diseases and health-related problems”: history of creation, principles of construction, significance in the work of a doctor.
  • 54. Tuberculosis as a socially significant disease, forms of tuberculosis, place in the ICD system - 10. Dynamics of tuberculosis incidence, factors contributing to the increase in incidence.
  • 55. Planning and organizing care for patients with tuberculosis. The most important methods for diagnosing and preventing tuberculosis. Dispensary registration groups.
  • 57. Risk factors contributing to the growth of diseases of the circulatory system. The most important measures to prevent diseases of the circulatory system.
  • 58. Organization of medical care for patients with pathology of the circulatory system. An integrated approach to combating circulatory diseases.
  • 60. Epidemiology of malignant neoplasms, forms most common in men and women. Dynamics of morbidity, structure of morbidity, and mortality from cancer in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Basic measures to prevent carcinogenic hazards
  • 62. Planning and organization of medical care for cancer patients. Oncology dispensaries
  • 63. Groups for dispensary registration of cancer patients. Dispensary observation of cancer patients, purpose. Plus see question 63
  • 65. Alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, smoking and their impact on health. Problems, ways to overcome, prevention.
  • 66. Health care authorities, structure and functions.
  • 67. Unified nomenclature of healthcare institutions.
  • "On approval of a unified nomenclature of state and municipal healthcare institutions"
  • 2. Special types of healthcare institutions
  • 3. Health care institutions for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being
  • 4. Pharmacies
  • 68. Main types of outpatient clinics.
  • 69. Main types of hospital organizations.
  • 70. Basic types and principles of operation of dispensaries.
  • 71. Emergency medical care, blood transfusion and sanatorium and resort institutions according to a unified nomenclature.
  • 72. Structure and organization of the clinic. Performance evaluation indicators. Current trends and problems in organizing outpatient care for the population.
  • 73. The main tasks of a polyclinic operating independently or as part of a joint hospital. Functions of the accounting and medical statistics office of the clinic.
  • 74. Local doctor-therapist: size of the area, workload standards, sections of work. Therapeutic site passport. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of a local physician-therapist.
  • 75. General practitioner: size of area, workload standards, sections of work. Therapeutic site passport. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a general practitioner (family doctor).
  • I. Characteristics of the medical therapeutic area
  • II. Characteristics of the population attached to the medical (therapeutic) site
  • 76. Inpatient care to the population: principles of organization, current trends and problems.
  • 77. Structure and organization of hospital work. The procedure for referral and discharge of patients. Performance evaluation indicators. The concept of “optimal” bed capacity.
  • 78. The work of a doctor in a hospital: main sections, performance assessment indicators. The main functions of a medical document in a hospital are medical records.
  • 79. Functions of the medical commission (subcommittee) of a medical organization.
  • 80. Clinical examination: concept, groups of clinical registration, use of health care facilities in the work.
  • 81. Dispensaries: types, forms, methods of work. Dispensary registration groups in oncology and anti-tuberculosis dispensaries.
  • 82. Medical and preventive care for the rural population: principles of organization, features, current trends and problems.
  • 83. Stages of providing medical care to the rural population, the volume of medical care at different stages. The work of a general practitioner.
  • 84. The role of regional (regional) medical institutions in medical care of the rural population.
  • 85. Regional (regional), republican hospitals: categories, structure, organization of work.
  • 86. The main tasks of the obstetrics and gynecology service. Medical institutions providing medical care to women.
  • 87. Structure and organization of work of residential complexes, performance assessment indicators, estimated levels of indicators.
  • 88. The work of an obstetrician-gynecologist in a residential complex: size of the area, workload norms, main sections of work, performance assessment indicators.
  • 89. Inpatient maternity hospital: structure, main tasks, performance assessment indicators, estimated levels of indicators.
  • 90. Continuity in the activities of a residential complex, a maternity hospital, a children's clinic.
  • 91. Types and forms of medical activities. Conditions for providing medical care in the Russian Federation.
  • 92. Primary health care to the population - concept, principles of organization.
  • 93. The procedure for providing medical care - concept, basic elements.
  • 94. Standards for the provision of medical care in the Russian Federation - the concept, the role of standards in the provision of medical care.
  • 95. Palliative care.
  • 96. Examination of temporary and permanent disability. The procedure for filling out and issuing a certificate of incapacity for work.
  • I. General provisions
  • 97Question. - 100 questions
  • 101. Social insurance: concept, basic principles, types of benefits.
  • 102. Types and forms of social insurance and security.
  • 103. Object and subject of health insurance. Rights and obligations of subjects.
  • 104. Relationships between health insurance subjects.
  • 105. Insurance risk: concept, types. Conditions for payment of compensation to the insured.
  • 106. Medical personnel, training system, specialization and improvement, certification and certification of doctors.
  • What is needed for category certification?
  • 1. Have an idea of ​​the procedure for obtaining qualification categories.
  • 2. Meet the qualification requirements for your specialty.
  • 3. Undergo training to update existing theoretical and practical knowledge.
  • 5. Write a certification paper.
  • 6. Submit the necessary documents to the certification commission.
  • 109. Program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • 110. Types and conditions for the provision of medical care within the framework of the program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation, standards for volumes and financial costs.
  • 111. Criteria for the quality and availability of medical care provided to the population within the framework of the program of state guarantees for the provision of citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Healthcare: concept, role in society. Key core values ​​of healthcare in countries with different types of healthcare systems.
  • Factors that determine the nature of the health care system. Factors determining the medical needs of the population.
  • Models of healthcare systems around the world. Characteristic. Advantages and disadvantages.
  • 1 Type. State-budgetary.
  • The inability to independently comprehend the results of one's activities is a reflection of intellectual and professional wretchedness.

      Examples of doctors' certification reports [go]

      Examples of nurses' certification reports [go]

    5. Write a certification paper.

    It should be said that the vast majority of certification works of doctors are uninteresting. Because usually colleagues limit themselves to a simple listing of statistical facts. Sometimes, to add volume, statistics are diluted with inserts from textbooks. Some doctors actually engage in outright plagiarism: they go to the archives, take reports from other doctors for the past years and just change the numbers. I even saw attempts to hand in sheets copied on a Xerox machine. It is clear that such a “creative approach” only evokes contempt. Well, completely stupid and lazy medical workers simply buy (for example, via the Internet) ready-made certification papers.

      What to write about in your certification report is described in the document “Approximate scheme and content certification work"

      What it should look like certification work can be found in the file “Standards and registration requirements certification report"

    6. Submit the necessary documents to the certification commission.

    The papers that must be submitted to the certification commission are contained in List of documents for medical certification.

    List of orders for certification

    The very first order that I know of is dated January 11, 1978. This was the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 40 “On the certification of medical specialists.”

    Four years later, the USSR Ministry of Health issued order No. 1280 “On measures to further improve the certification of doctors.” The order provided for 2 types of certification: mandatory and voluntary ( more details...).

    At the beginning of 1995, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 33 “On approval of the regulations on the certification of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists with higher education in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation." This order left only one certification - voluntary.

    In 2001, Order No. 314 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” was issued.

    After 10 years, the old order was replaced by a new one - Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 808n “ About the procedure for obtaining qualification categories", which is still in effect today.

    107. Remuneration medical workers. Principles of forming a system of remuneration for employees of budgetary institutions.

    Features of the formation of payment systems for employees of state and municipal healthcare institutions

    38. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, heads of state and municipal health care institutions must take into account the following when forming employee remuneration systems:

    a) an increase in wages for employees of healthcare institutions operating in the compulsory health insurance system is carried out at the expense of subventions from the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, taking into account the increase in financial support for expenses carried out within the framework of the basic compulsory health insurance program, as well as interbudgetary transfers from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation for additional financial support for Territorial State Guarantee Programs;

    b) making cash payments to local general practitioners, local pediatricians, doctors general practice(family doctors), local nurses, local therapists, local pediatricians and nurses of general practitioners (family doctors) for the services provided medical care V outpatient setting; medical workers of feldsher-midwife stations (heads of feldsher-midwife stations, paramedics, obstetricians (midwives), nurses, including visiting nurses) for medical care provided on an outpatient basis; doctors, paramedics and nurses of medical organizations and emergency medical services for emergency medical care provided outside a medical organization; medical specialists for medical care provided on an outpatient basis are paid at the expense of compulsory health insurance, taken into account in terms of wage costs in the tariffs for payment of medical care, formed in accordance with the methods of payment for medical care adopted in the territorial compulsory health insurance program;

    c) the formation of staffing schedules for healthcare institutions is carried out taking into account the recommended staffing standards contained in the procedures for providing medical care and the Nomenclature of Positions of Medical Workers and Pharmaceutical Workers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 20, 2012 N 1183n;

    d) when establishing incentive payments, provide indicators and criteria for the performance of employees aimed at achieving specific results of their work, reflected in the Model Regulations on the remuneration of employees of institutions, local regulations and employment contracts with employees of institutions;

    e) in order to preserve personnel potential, increase the prestige and attractiveness of work in institutions, it is recommended to improve the procedure for establishing the amounts of official salaries of employees by redistributing funds in the structure wages for a significant increase in official salaries.

    For these purposes, it is recommended to revise the mechanism for establishing official salaries depending on the qualifications and complexity of workers’ work, to optimize the structure and size of incentive payments, based on the need to focus them on achieving specific results of workers’ activities.

    Remuneration of health workers.

    When calculating the wages of medical workers, the accountant of a budgetary institution is primarily guided by the Regulations on the remuneration of healthcare workers in the Russian Federation. This Regulation was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 15, 1999 No. 377, as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 26, 2003 No. 160.

    Healthcare institutions receiving budgetary funding, within the allocated budgetary allocations, independently determine the types and amounts of allowances, additional payments and other incentive payments. The following may be added to the salary of medical workers:

    > salary increases;

    > bonuses for length of service;

    > surcharges for special conditions;

    > allowances for additional work;

    > incentive bonuses;

    > additional payments for night work;

    > cash payments under the state program, etc.

    The introduction of new salary levels (rates), additional payments and bonuses for the duration of continuous work is carried out within the following periods:

    1) when changing the level of remuneration, the amount of additional payment - according to the date of the order for the institution;

    2) when conferring the honorary title “People’s Doctor” and “Honored Doctor” - from the date of conferring the honorary title;

    3) when assigning a qualification category - from the date of the order of the body (institution) under which the certification commission was created;

    4) when awarding an academic degree - from the date of entry into force of the decision on awarding an academic degree by the certification commission;

    5) when changing the length of continuous work - from the day the length of service is reached, giving the right to increase the size.

    The qualifications of employees and the complexity of the work they perform are taken into account in the amounts of salaries (rates) determined on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule.

    From May 1, 2006, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2006 No. 256, the tariff rate (salary) of the first category of the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of employees of federal government institutions was established in the amount of 1,100 rubles. and inter-category tariff coefficients of the Unified Tariff Schedule were approved.

    Rates and salaries for employees of healthcare institutions are determined on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule:

    From October 1, 2006, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 30, 2006 No. 590, the categories were increased by a factor of 1.11.

    Salaries for positions of medical and pharmaceutical workers are established according to the categories of the Unified Tariff Schedule, taking into account the availability of a qualification category, academic degree and honorary title.

    Specialists working in rural areas are paid 25% higher salaries (rates) compared to the salaries (rates) of specialists engaged in these types of activities in urban areas.

  • According to Order No. 377, pay grades according to the unified technical system are established for this category of workers, taking into account the qualification category, within 5 years from the date of issuance of the order of the health care body (institution) on the assignment of the qualification category.

    Three months before the expiration of the qualification category, the employee has the right to apply in writing to the certification commission to undergo re-certification in the manner established by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 9, 2001 No. 314 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” (hereinafter referred to as Regulation No. 314).

    The certification commission is obliged to review them within three months from the date of receipt of certification materials for assignment of a qualification category.

    In the presence of good reason upon the proposal of the head of the institution, the period for recertification of a specialist may be postponed by three months. During this time, the employee is paid a salary based on his qualification category.

    If a specialist refuses the next recertification, the previously assigned qualification category is lost from the moment the five-year period for its assignment expires.

    In accordance with Regulation No. 314, upon receipt of a qualification category, professional qualification, the employee’s competence, as well as his ability to perform official duties in accordance with his position.

    A specialist has the right to receive a qualification category in specialties that correspond to both the main and combined positions.

    Specialists who have expressed a desire to receive a qualification category must submit the following documents to the certification commission: an application, a completed certification sheet and a report on work for the last three years - for specialists with higher vocational education and for the last year - for workers with secondary vocational education, approved the head of the organization in which the specialist works.

    The certification sheet is filled out in the form provided by Appendix No. 1 to Regulation No. 314.


    1. Last name, first name, patronymic ________________________________________

    2. Year of birth ________________ 3. Gender __________________________

    4. Information about education ________________________________________________

    (educational institution, year of graduation)

    (specialty in education, diploma number, date of issue)

    Information about postgraduate and additional vocational education(internship, clinical residency, postgraduate study, advanced training)

    Type of education

    Year of study

    Place of study

    5. Work after graduation (according to work book entries and part-time certificates):

    (position, name of institution,


    from _________ to _________ ________________________________________

    from _________ to _________ ________________________________________

    from _________ to _________ ________________________________________

    from _________ to _________ ________________________________________

    from _________ to _________ ________________________________________

    6. Work experience in healthcare institutions ___ years.

    7. Specialty _________________________________________________

    (according to certification profile)

    8. Work experience in this specialty is _________ years.

    9. Other specialties ________ Work experience - _______ years.

    11. Qualification categories for other specialties


    (indicate existing one, year of assignment)

    12. Academic degree _________________________________________________

    (year of award, diploma number)

    13. Academic title ___________________________________________________

    (year of award, diploma number)

    14. Scientific works (printed) ________________________________________________

    15. Inventions, innovation proposals, patents _________ ____


    (registration numbers of certificates, date of issue)

    16. Knowledge of a foreign language _____________________________________________

    17. Honorary titles ________________________________________________

    18. Business address, phone number _____________________________________

    19. Home address, phone number _____________________________________________

    20. Characteristics of a specialist:


    (The effectiveness of a specialist’s activities, business and professional qualities (responsibility, exactingness, volume and level of skills, practical skills, etc.): medical errors leading to undesirable consequences, knowledge and use of deontological principles, increasing professional competence, use in practice modern achievements medicine and so on. Sections of the specialty, methods, techniques that the specialist is fluent in, unique methods, techniques, technologies mastered by a specialist, etc.).

    Head of the organization _____________ __________________________

    Place of printing Date

    21. Conclusion of an independent specialist of the certification commission on

    report on the doctor’s activities:





    ____________________________________ ____________________________

    (signature of an independent specialist) (last name, first name, patronymic)

    Application for confirmation of an existing qualification category or for obtaining more highly specialist has the right to submit to the certification commission three months before the expiration of the qualification category.

    In accordance with clause 2.3. Regulation No. 314, a specialist has the right:

    “- obtain a qualification category in the certification commission created in accordance with these regulations;

    - get acquainted with the documents submitted to the certification commission;

    - receive a written explanation from the manager if the manager refuses to sign the work report;

    - undergo advanced training in the specialty;

    - submit an application to the Central Attestation Commission or the body under which the attestation commission was created, in case of disagreement with the decision of the attestation commission.”

    To exercise the rights of specialists to obtain a qualification category, the following certification commissions can be created:

    · Central Attestation Commission - the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

    · certification commissions - by health authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Federal Department of Medical-Biological and Extreme Problems under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    · certification commissions in healthcare institutions, educational and scientific medical institutions - the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, other ministries and departments according to their subordination.

    The structure and composition of the certification commission is determined and approved by the body under which it was created.

    In its activities, the certification commission must be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Regulation No. 314, as well as orders of the body under which it was created.

    In accordance with clause 3.4. Regulations No. 314 by the certification commission:

    The order, procedures and methods of work of the commission are determined;

    Independent specialists are invited to provide opinions on work reports;

    Submitted documents are reviewed within two months from the date of their receipt (registration);

    Decisions are made on assignment, confirmation or removal of qualification categories;

    A certificate of the established form is issued, and if necessary, an extract from the order for obtaining a qualification category is provided;

    Office work is underway.

    A sample certificate is presented in Appendix No. 2 to Regulation No. 314.



    (Full Name)


    Solution __________________________________________________________

    (name of the certification commission)


    dated _____________________ protocol No._____________________

    assigned ___________________ qualification category

    by specialty _________________________________

    Order _________________________________________________________________

    (indicate the name of the health authority (institution))

    from _________________ No.________________

    ________________________________ ___________________________

    (position of the head of the body (last name, first name, patronymic)

    (institutions) of health care)

    Qualifications are assessed and recommendations are given for further professional training of a specialist by voting in the presence of at least 2/3 of the number of members of the approved composition of the certification commission. The results are determined by a majority vote of the members of the commission present, and in the event of a tie, the decision is considered to be made in favor of the specialist.

    If a decision is made to assign a qualification category to a specialist who is himself a member of the certification commission, then this specialist does not participate in the voting.

    The decision of the certification commission is documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the commission, the secretary and the members of the certification commission who took part in the meeting. The form of the protocol is provided for in Appendix No. 3 to Regulation No. 314:




    (name of the body under which the commission was created)

    No._______ Date___________

    Chairman _____________________________________

    Secretary ________________________________________

    Members of the commission present:




    Listened: About appropriation _____________________________________________________

    (Full Name)

    Questions for a specialist and evaluation of answers

    1. __________________________ ______________________complete, incomplete, incorrect


    2. __________________________ _______________________complete, incomplete, incorrect


    3. __________________________ _______________________complete, incomplete, incorrect


    4. __________________________ _______________________complete, incomplete, incorrect


    5. __________________________ _______________________complete, incomplete, incorrect


    6. _________________________________________________ complete, incomplete, incorrect


    Decision of the certification commission:

    Assign _______________ qualification category

    (specify which one)

    Confirm ______________ qualification category

    by specialty _____________________________________________

    (specify which one)

    Remove ________________ qualification category

    (specify which one)

    by specialty _____________________________________________

    Refuse assignment (confirmation) ________________________

    Specialist __________________________________________________

    (Full Name)

    Certificate No.______________ of assignment (confirmation) was issued

    Qualification category

    (specify which one)

    by specialty _________________________________________________

    (specify which one)

    Comments, suggestions of the certification commission ___________________



    Comments, suggestions of the certified specialist __________________



    Order ___________________ dated ______________ No. ___________________

    Chairman of the certification commission ___________ _________________________

    (signature) (last name, first name, patronymic)

    Secretary of the certification commission___________ ____________________________

    (signature) (last name, first name, patronymic)

    The body under which the certification commission was created issues an order to assign a qualification category to a specialist within one month. This order is brought to the attention of the specialist, as well as the head of the healthcare institution.

    If a specialist disagrees with the decision of the certification commission, the latter can be appealed by the specialist to the Central Certification Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation within a month from the date of the decision.

    More details on issues related to the use of the tariff system of remuneration and its constituent elements for remuneration of workers medical institutions, You can read the book of JSC “BKR-Intercom-Audit” “Labor of medical workers. Legal regulation. Practice. Documentation ".

    It is the responsibility of any medical practitioner to improve their knowledge and skills. Certification is considered one of the methods of training, which has its own requirements and characteristics, based on the results of which specialists are assigned the appropriate category. Each category of doctors occupies a certain level in the hierarchy of the medical field.

    Goal and tasks

    Participation in the certification process is voluntary. In the process, the specialist’s personal worth, level of knowledge, practical skills, suitability for the position held, and professionalism are assessed.

    Certification of doctors for a category carries with it a certain interest:

    1. It's prestigious. Allows you to occupy a higher position and allows you to draw the attention of management to yourself. Quite often, the categories of doctors are indicated on signs at the entrance to their office.
    2. In some cases, the highest category allows you to reduce moral or physical responsibility to the patient’s relatives. Like, if such a person could not solve the problem, then it is difficult to think what would have happened if a less experienced doctor had been in his place.
    3. Material side. Medical categories doctors and promotion through the levels of the medical hierarchy allow for an increase in the basic salary.

    Types of certifications

    The legislation distinguishes several types of certification activities:

    • assignment of the title “specialist” after determining theoretical and practical skills;
    • qualification category of doctors (obtaining);
    • category confirmation.

    Determining the level of knowledge for the designation of a “specialist” is a mandatory step before appointment to the position of a doctor. Conducted by special commissions in institutions postgraduate education. The following candidates will be considered:

    • after internship, master's degree, residency, postgraduate study, if there is no diploma "doctor-specialist";
    • those who have not worked for more than 3 years in a narrow specialty;
    • those who did not undergo certification in a timely manner to obtain qualifications;
    • persons who are denied the opportunity to receive the second category for objective reasons.

    Each doctor has the right to receive a category in several specialties at the same time, if they are related. The main requirement is work experience in the required specialization. The category of general practitioner is an exception.

    Basic rules and requirements

    There are second, first and highest category doctors. There is a rule of consistency in receiving, but there are exceptions. The requirements are discussed in the table.

    Qualification category of doctors Outdated requirements Requirements for current orders
    Second5 years of practicing experience or moreAt least 3 years of practical experience in the specialty
    Submitting a work reportPersonal appearance, including participation in an interview, testing
    FirstDepartment Head or Leadership level requiredAt least 7 years of practical experience in the specialty
    Upon receipt - appearance, confirmation occurs in absentia
    HigherManager position requiredMore than 10 years of practicing experience in the specialty
    Personal appearance in any casePersonal appearance, including participation in report evaluation, interview, testing

    Validity periods

    According to the old orders, there were certain circumstances that fell into the category social benefits and allowed to extend the period of the current qualification. These included:

    • pregnancy and child care under 3 years of age;
    • a month after dismissal due to reduction;
    • business trip;
    • state of temporary disability.

    On this moment benefits are not valid. The certification commission may decide to extend the validity period at the request of the head physician of the medical institution. If a doctor refuses to appear for the commission, his category is automatically removed after a five-year period from the date of assignment.


    A report on the work done over the past few years, approved by the chief physician of the healthcare facility and the personnel department where the certified person works, is also filled out. Copies of documents on education, work history and assignment of current qualifications are also sent to the commission.

    Attestation report

    The introduction includes information about the identity of the doctor and medical institution where he holds his position. The characteristics of the department, its equipment and staff structure, and the performance indicators of the department in the form of statistical data are described.

    The main part consists of the following points:

    • characteristics of the population undergoing treatment in the department;
    • possibility of carrying out diagnostic measures;
    • carried out medical work with the indicated results for specialized diseases;
    • deaths over the past 3 years and their analysis;
    • implementation of innovations.

    The conclusion of the report consists of a summary of the results, indications possible problems and examples of their solutions, opportunities for improvement. If published materials are available, a copy is attached. Indicated and studied over the past few years.

    Points for promotion

    Each specialist receives points that are used in making decisions about qualifications. They are awarded for attending conferences, including international congresses, giving lectures to colleagues or secondary medical personnel, distance learning with obtaining a final certificate, training courses.

    Additional points are awarded for the following achievements:

    • publishing of textbooks, manuals, monographs;
    • publication of an article;
    • obtaining a patent for an invention;
    • presentation at symposiums with a report;
    • speaking in institutions and the media;
    • obtaining a title;
    • defense of the thesis;
    • awards by public authorities.

    Composition of the commission

    The commission consists of a committee, whose work takes place during breaks between meetings, and a narrowly focused expert group, which directly conducts certification of a specialist (exam, testing). Both the committee and the expert group consist of persons holding the following positions:

    1. The chairman, who oversees the work and divides responsibilities between the members of the commission.
    2. The deputy chairman performs the functions of the chairman in full in his absence.
    3. The secretary is responsible for registering incoming documents, preparing materials for the work of the commission, and recording decisions.
    4. The deputy secretary replaces the secretary and performs his duties during absence.

    Each expert group includes specialists from related specialties. For example, the category of dentist and its receipt/confirmation requires being in the group of a periodontist, orthodontist, pediatric dentist, or therapist.

    Order of the meeting

    Certification is scheduled no later than three months from the date of receipt of data about the specialist by the committee. If the data does not match the requirements for the latter, the documentation will be refused (no later than 2 weeks from the date of receipt). The secretary of the committee agrees with the chairman of the expert group of the required specialization on the date of the examination.

    Members of the expert group review the certification documents for the category, completing a review for each of them, displaying the following data:

    • level of practical skills of a specialist;
    • participation in social projects related to the medical field;
    • availability of published materials;
    • self-education of the certified person;
    • compliance of knowledge and skills with the declared category of doctors.

    The examination must take place within two weeks from the date of receipt of the report. The result of the review is an indicator of the possible outcome of the certification. The secretary informs the specialist of the date of the meeting, which includes an interview and testing. More than 70% of correct answers allow you to consider the test passed. The interview takes place by questioning the person being certified according to theory and practice, the knowledge of which must correspond to the requested qualification.

    The meeting is accompanied by the preparation of a protocol, which is signed by the members of the expert group and the chairman. The final decision is noted on the qualification sheet. A specialist receives the right to retake the exam only after a year. Within 7 days, the certified person receives a document confirming the promotion, reduction or refusal to assign a category.

    Extreme measures

    The administration of the medical institution can send a request to the commission so that the doctor is deprived of qualifications or promoted ahead of schedule. In this case, documents are sent to justify the decision. The commission considers the issue in the presence of a specialist. Failure to appear without a valid reason allows a decision to be made in his absence.


    From the date of the decision, the doctor or medical institution can appeal the result within a month. To do this, it is necessary to fill out an application specifying the reasons for disagreement and send it to the commission under the Ministry of Health.

    Saying a lot with little means is what skill comes down to
    (A.M. Vasnetsov)

    A doctor’s certification report on the work done is, in fact, a scientific and practical work in which the doctor analyzes the results of his professional practice and work activities over the past three years on all issues of his specialty.

    Below are the sections that a normal doctor’s certification report should consist of.

    I. Introduction

    1. Brief information about the author It is advisable to keep it to one page. Sparingly cover your career path, note the main milestones of professional growth, highlight achievements in work, remember diplomas, certificates and certificates from advanced training courses.
    2. Brief information about the medical institution Briefly and discreetly provide information about your medical institution: number of beds, number of visits, types of diagnostic and medical procedures etc. Focus on the characteristics of the institution.
    3. Characteristics of your structural unit(for example, branches) Again, in a lapidary style, present the characteristics of the department: the main tasks and principles of organizational work. Equipment of the department (for functional, laboratory, physiotherapy, etc.) Staffing structure of medical personnel and the place occupied by the doctor in the described structure. Performance indicators of the department for the reporting period by year.

    II. The main part of the certification report is the doctor’s personal work over the past three years

    All indicators are presented in comparison with annual data analysis for the last three years. It will be appropriate to compare your data with similar indicators for the institution, region or country. Each digital material (table, graph, diagram) should be followed by an analytical explanation that reveals the essence of the dynamics of the numbers (or lack thereof), which will demonstrate your ability to critically analyze.

    1. Characteristics of the contingent The structure of treated patients by age, gender, and groups, highlighting the most common nosological forms and complex cases. Features of the clinic, age-related pathology. Analysis of the contingent (in comparison with previous years).
    2. Diagnostic system Display the diagnostic system (tables, algorithms and conclusions) for profile (most common) nosological forms. Demonstrate your knowledge in modern methods diagnostics: capabilities, limitations, indications, interpretation. Give examples of the most difficult diagnostic cases from practice.
    3. Therapeutic work Display treatment work (tables, algorithms and conclusions) for profile (most common) nosological forms. Analysis of treatment results with global assessment, own experience application of certain methods. Describe clinically interesting cases from practice.
    4. Mortality analysis Analysis of fatal cases by nosological units.
    5. Innovation Rationalization work or development and implementation of new methods of diagnosis and treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. It is especially important to describe the therapeutic and diagnostic effect achieved as a result of the introduction of new methods.
    6. Advisory work See treatment work analysis
    7. Organizational and methodological work As a rule, this section of the certification report is intended for heads of departments. Development of guidelines, instructions, implementation of a system for monitoring and analyzing the quality of work, etc.

    III. Sections of the certification report that may be required

    Different regions may set their own rules of the game and require additional disclosure of certain issues in their certification report.