How tobacco ladies affect the respiratory system

Detailed solution part 1 (page) 3 around the world workbook for grade 4 students, authors Vinogradova N.F., Kalinova G.S. 2016

  • Gdz around the world for grade 4 can be found
  • Gdz workbook on the world around you for grade 4 can be found

1. Task. Consider the drawings. What important object of wildlife has not been drawn by a person? Draw this object.

Answer. This object is a person

2. Task. Complete the diagram.

3. Task. Write what substances the human body exchanges with the environment.

Answer. Nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins, water - enter the human body with food. In the process of breathing, oxygen enters the body, and oxygen is also partially absorbed by the skin.

From the body stand out: undigested food residues, urine, which is formed in the kidneys; in the process of respiration - carbon dioxide and water; skin secretes sweat, fat; the lacrimal gland secretes tear fluid that wets the eye; salivary glands - saliva.

4. Task. Cross out the names of those organs that do not belong to the nervous system.

Answer: heart (cross out), trachea (cross out), muscles (cross out).

5. Task. Complete the chart.

6. Task. Write the numbers that are indicated in the figure: brain, spinal cord, nerves.

Answer. Brain - 1, spinal cord - 2, nerves - 3.

7. Task. Explain why nerves are compared to electrical wires. Prepare an oral presentation.

Answer. In the human body, information is transmitted along the nerves along the nerves. A nerve impulse is nothing more than an electrical discharge. The peculiarity of the transmission is that this discharge is not transmitted from nerve to nerve directly, but through chemicals located on the border between the nerves.

Exercise. Express your opinion. From the brain and spinal cord, signals are transmitted to the organs at a very high speed. What significance does this have for a person?

Answer. Signals are transmitted at high speed in order to enable the body to respond in a timely manner to any stimuli. For example, a person touches a hot object and immediately withdraws his hand. The eye saw a flying mote and immediately closed. You were told something and you immediately answered. Thus, we protect ourselves from any danger, navigate the environment, lead a certain lifestyle.

8. Task. Label the parts of the skeleton indicated by numbers in the figure.

2. Spine

3. The ribs that make up the chest

4. Upper free limb (shoulder, forearm, hand)

5. Lower free limb (thigh, lower leg, foot)

9. Task. Answer the questions. Discuss the answers.

How do you understand the expression: "He has good posture"?

Asya spends all her free time in front of the TV or at the computer, and Alyosha loves to play football. Explain which of the children will be developed physically.

Good posture - this means the correct location of the parts of the skeleton relative to each other and in space. There is no curvature of the spine, defects in individual bones of the skeleton. This is achieved through physical education and sports, constant concern for one's physical form, adherence to work culture, and the ability to choose a working position.

Alyosha, of course, is better developed physically. This is due to the fact that regular physical education and sports are necessary for the development of the skeleton and muscles (musculoskeletal system). When a person goes in for sports, blood vessels are regularly dilated in his muscles and bones, through which building substances (beks, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts) enter, as well as oxygen, which ensures metabolism. Consequently, bones and muscles will grow. During physical education, the nervous system gives signals that satisfy the needs of the muscles in development. That is, the whole organism is tuned for development.

Asya is not physically engaged, so her development will lag behind Alyosha.

10. Task. Mark the correct answers to the question: “What contributes to the development of the human skeleton and muscles?”

Physical exercise and sports games (correct).

Proper nutrition (correctly).

Question. How was task 10 completed? Mark only one statement.

11. Task. Explain how you understand the words of the ancient Greek scientist Aristotle: "Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity."

Answer. In order for the human body to be in good physical shape, to maintain working capacity for a long time, to cope with various diseases, it is necessary to constantly engage in physical culture and sports. Classes allow the muscles to be in the right tone, the nervous system to be ready for a quick response to external manifestations, and to perform a large amount of physical work. In trained muscles, muscle fibers, blood vessels are elastic, the heart muscle is strong, the vital volume of the lungs is significant.

If you do not engage in physical culture, the muscles become flabby, more cells die than are formed, blood vessels are brittle and fragile. The vital volume of the lungs is constantly decreasing. Even a slight load causes shortness of breath, increased heart rate, fatigue.

12. Task. Underline the name of the products that you need to include in the menu in order to get the required amount of protein daily.

Answer. Fish, meat, eggs, cheese, milk.

13. Task. Fill in the table, arranging the names of the listed products in accordance with what vitamin they contain in large quantities.

14. Task. Write in the numbers that are indicated in the figure: stomach, esophagus, large intestine.

1. Esophagus

2. Stomach

3. Large intestine

Question. What other digestive organs are shown in the diagram? Write their names.

Answer. The oral cavity (it contains teeth, tongue, salivary glands), pharynx, pancreas, small intestine, liver.

Question. How was task 14 completed? Mark only one statement.

Quickly, correctly, independently.

15. Task. Prepare an answer to the question: “Prepare an answer to the question: “Why is it not recommended to read, watch TV, talk while eating?”

Answer. While eating, it is not recommended to read, watch TV, because when performing these actions, information enters the brain, which becomes the main one, and this leads to the fact that the secretion of saliva, gastric juice, digestive juices of the pancreas and liver is inhibited. The walls of the stomach and intestines work more slowly.

If you talk while eating, then food can get into the larynx or even the trachea, which is very dangerous.

Exercise. Let's work on the project.

Project topics

Definitely not. The thing is that the human body itself does not synthesize vitamins, but receives them from food. The amount of a particular vitamin can significantly affect a person's health and mood. You can buy vitamins in a pharmacy, but many scientists believe that this creates a load on the liver. Ideally, you need to eat the right balanced food. For example, citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, fish have a lot of vitamin D, carrots have a lot of vitamin A, and so on. The lack of these substances in the body leads to diseases such as scurvy and rickets.

Scurvy is a disease caused by an acute deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). A lack of vitamin C leads to a violation of collagen synthesis, the connective tissue loses its strength. Symptoms - lethargy, fatigue, weakening of muscle tone, rheumatoid pain in the sacrum and extremities (especially the lower ones), loosening and loss of teeth; fragility of blood vessels leads to bleeding gums, hemorrhages in the form of dark red spots on the skin. Treatment and prevention - the normal supply of the body with vitamin C.

There is also evidence that sailors often suffered from scurvy due to a lack of table salt.

Saturation of food with vitamins is one of the conditions for a healthy diet that allows you to maintain physical and mental activity. Vitamins are substances that have certain similar properties:

- occupy an important place in the metabolism;

- are produced in the human body in small quantities, which necessitates their targeted intake;

- manifest their role in microscopic quantities.

The importance of vitamins for optimal human life is evidenced by the fact that when they are deficient in the body, diseases called avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis develop.

Causes of vitamin deficiency in humans:

1. The presence of diseases of the digestive system, as a result of which vitamins in food are poorly absorbed, partially destroyed, and also synthesized by the intestines in a low amount. For example, helminthic diseases are a serious obstacle to the absorption of vitamins. Some medicines inhibit the activity of vitamins.

2. Vitamin deficiency of the diet, due to:

Wrong set of products. Lack of fruits and vegetables leads to vitamin C deficiency. If you follow only a vegetarian diet, there is a lack of vitamin B12. If you prioritize refined foods (wheat flour, refined rice, sugar), you are more likely to be deficient in B vitamins.

Seasonal changes in the content of vitamins in foods. In spring and winter, the level of vitamin C in fruits decreases, and the assortment of this group of products also decreases. In the same period, eggs and milk are poor in vitamins A and D.

Improper cooking and storage of dishes, leading to a decrease in vitamins B, C, A in food. For example, with prolonged heat treatment of berries in the process of making jam, the amount of vitamin C is significantly reduced.

Diet imbalance. Vitamins in food may be present in sufficient quantities, but their absorption will be difficult due to the wrong amount (both excess and deficiency) of other vitamins, as well as due to a long-term shortage of complete proteins.

Special measures to prevent vitamin deficiency in food. In order to increase the value of some food products, they are specially fortified. This is how many products for baby food are enriched with vitamins: cereals, mashed potatoes, nutritional mixtures, drinks. For example, vitamin D2 is added to milk for children's consumption in such a way that half a liter of the drink contains the daily dose. The need for fortification of products also arises if they are intended for use in special conditions (on expeditions, during wintering). Special enrichment of food with vitamin C is carried out in sanatoriums, maternity hospitals, hospitals, dietary canteens, as well as canteen educational institutions.

16. Task. Underline the name of the organs of the digestive system.

Answer. Stomach, esophagus, teeth, small intestine.

17. Task. Mark the correct statements.

Caries is a disease of the teeth. (right)

Caries occurs in people who do not take good care of their teeth. (right)

18. Task. Mark the correct statement.

In the process of digestion, proteins, fats and carbohydrates break down (split) into simpler substances. (right)

19. Task. Finish the offer.

Answer. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, our body needs water, vitamins, and minerals.

20. Question. In 1860, a dental drill appeared. What century was it? Could teeth be treated with a drill in the 16th century?

Answer. 1860 is the 19th century, so in the 16th century they could not treat their teeth with a drill.

21. Task. Mark the correct statements. Prepare explanations for your answers.

The liver cleanses the blood of harmful substances. (Blood is filtered in the liver, almost all blood is cleansed of harmful substances here). (right)

Bad teeth are a source of infection. (with food, pathogens of infectious diseases enter the esophagus and further the stomach, intestines). (right)

22. Task. Finish the offer.

Answer. In the nasal cavity, the air is warmed and purified. When breathing, oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is released.

23. Task. Note the rules for respiratory protection.

You need to breathe through your nose. (right)

No smoking. (right)

It is necessary to do wet cleaning of the room. (right)

You can not stay in an unventilated room for a long time. (right)

24. Task. Write the names of the organs of the respiratory system. Label them on the picture.

Answer: larynx, lungs, nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi.

On the image:

1. Nasal cavity

2. Larynx

Question. How was task 24 completed? Mark only one statement.

Quickly, correctly, independently. (+)

25. Task. Mark the correct answers to the questions.

How does tobacco ladies affect the respiratory system?

Reduces protective properties.

Why is it important to cover your nose with a tissue when sneezing and coughing?

so as not to infect others.

What gas is absorbed during respiration?


Where is the air warmed and cleaned of dust and bacteria?

In the nasal cavity.

26. Task. Prepare a memo "How to protect the respiratory system."

1. It is necessary to breathe through the nose.

2. When coughing and sneezing, cover your nose with a handkerchief.

3. Systematically engage in physical culture and sports.

4. Ventilate the premises.

5. Do not smoke yourself and do not be in a room with smokers.

Exercise. Let's work on the project.

Project themes.

The consumption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide as a by-product is called the process of respiration. The main respiratory organs of fish are gills.

Fish have two sets of gills - one on each side of the body behind the head. These delicate organs are protected by hard plates called operculums.

Each set of gills includes four bony arches. Each of these arches supports two rows of feather-shaped gill fibers called primary lamellae (petals).

Each primary lamina, in turn, is lined with tiny lamellae (secondary lobes) through which narrow blood capillaries pass.

It is through the thin shell of the secondary lobes that gas exchange occurs between the blood and the external environment. The blood in the secondary lobes flows in the opposite direction to that of water flowing over the surfaces of the lamellae.

As a result, a large diffusion gradient of oxygen and carbon dioxide arises between these two liquids. This "counter-flow" system greatly increases the efficiency of gas exchange.

The respiratory system of amphibians is represented by lungs and skin, through which they are also able to breathe. The lungs are paired hollow sacs with a cellular inner surface, which is dotted with capillaries. This is where gas exchange takes place. The mechanism of respiration in frogs is forced and cannot be called perfect. The frog draws air into the oropharyngeal cavity, which is achieved by lowering the floor of the mouth and opening the nostrils. Then the bottom of the mouth rises, and the nostrils are again closed with valves, and air is forced into the lungs.

Let's take a whale as an example.

The skull of whales is adapted so that breathing takes place when the nostrils are exposed from the water without bending the neck (the nostrils are shifted to the top of the head).

The maxillary, intermaxillary, and mandibular bones are elongated due to the development of the sieve apparatus (whalebone) or numerous unimodal teeth. The nasal bones are reduced, the parietals are shifted to the sides so that the superior occipital bone is in contact with the frontal.

The blowhole - one or two external nasal openings - is located at the top of the head and opens only at the moment of a short respiratory act of exhalation - inhalation, produced immediately after emerging. In cool weather, when exhaling, condensed steam flies up, forming a so-called fountain, by which whalers distinguish between the type of whale.

Sometimes atomized sprays of water also take off with this steam. The rest of the time, while the respiratory pause lasts and the animal dives, the nostrils are tightly closed with valves that do not let water into the respiratory tract. Due to the special structure of the larynx, the airway is separated from the food. This allows you to breathe safely if water or food is in your mouth. The nasal canal of most species is connected to special air sacs and together with them plays the role of a sound-signaling organ.

The lungs of cetaceans are very resilient and elastic, adapted to rapid contraction and expansion, which provides a very short respiratory act and allows you to renew the air in one breath by 80-90% (in humans, only 15%). In the lungs, the muscles of the alveoli and cartilaginous rings are strongly developed, even in small bronchi, and in dolphins - in bronchioles.

Cetaceans can stay under water for a long time (sperm whales and bottlenose up to 1.5 hours) with the same air supply: a large lung capacity and a rich content of muscle hemoglobin allow them to carry away an increased amount of oxygen from the surface, which is consumed very economically: during diving, activity of the heart (pulse) slows down by more than half and the blood flow is redistributed so that oxygen is supplied primarily to the brain and heart muscle. During prolonged immersion, these organs also receive oxygen with arterial blood from the reserves of the "wonderful network" - the thinnest branching of blood vessels.

Tissues less sensitive to oxygen starvation (especially the muscles of the body) are transferred to starvation rations. Muscle hemoglobin, which gives the muscles a dark color, supplies the muscles with oxygen during the respiratory pause.

Air enters the open tracheal system through spiracles, the number of which varies from one or two pairs to eight to ten pairs. The number and location of spiracles reflect the adaptation of insects to habitat conditions. Each spiracle leads to an atrial cavity, the walls of which form a closing apparatus and an air filtration system. The tracheae branch and entangle all the internal organs. The terminal branches of the trachea end in a stellate tracheal cell, from which the smallest branches extend, having a diameter of 1-2 microns (tracheoles). Their tips lie on the cell membranes or penetrate into the cells. Many well-flying insects have air sacs, which are extensions of the longitudinal tracheal trunks. Their cavity is not permanent and may collapse when air escapes. Air sacs take part in the ventilation of the wing muscles and perform an aerostatic function, reducing the specific gravity of flying insects.

27. Task. Write the name of the organs of the circulatory system on the picture. Using a picture, describe how blood moves through the body. Explain why the heart is compared to a pump?

1. Arteries

Blood moves throughout the body within the circulatory system. The human circulatory system is closed. It is made up of the heart and blood vessels. Blood vessels are divided into arteries, veins and capillaries. Arteries move blood away from the heart. Veins carry blood to the heart. Inside the organs, muscles, skin, blood moves through the capillaries. There are two circles of blood circulation - small and large.

The heart is compared to a pump, because the speed with which the blood will move through the body, pressure depends on its work. The heart has muscular walls and when it contracts, blood is released into the blood vessels. The heart beats about 100,000 times a day. Throughout life, the heart works and pumps tons of blood. That's why it's called a "pump".

28. Task. Finish the offer.

Answer. The circulatory system is made up of the heart and blood vessels - arteries, veins, capillaries.

Practical work

29. Task. Underline the names of the organs of the circulatory system.

Answer: heart, blood vessels.

30. Task. In 1908, the Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov believed that white blood cells protect the human body from pathogenic microbes. What century was it.

Answer. It was in the XX (20) century.

31. Task. Draw a line between the name of the organ and its function.

32. Task. Mark the correct statements.

What is the main function of the circulatory system?

Transport of substances and gases. (+)

What should be done to stop bleeding from a cut?

Apply a bandage or clean handkerchief to the wound. (+)

33. Task. Write down the function of these organs.

Heart - performs the work of the "pump" of the circulatory system, pumps blood throughout the body.

Stomach - produces gastric juice, digests food.

The brain - processes information coming from the senses, "manages" the work of internal organs.

34. Task. Make a plan for a story on the topic "The human circulatory system."

Answer. Plan:

1. What is the importance of the circulatory system?

2. What organs make up the human circulatory system?

3. In what direction does the blood move through the blood vessels?

4. How does blood differ in composition?

5. What circles of blood circulation are there in the circulatory system?

6. How blood moves through the circulation.

7. What is the role of the heart in circulation?

8. What are the rules of circulatory hygiene?

35. Task. Underline the name of the excretory organs.

Answer: kidneys, ureters, bladder.

36. Task. Mark the correct statements.

What is the role of the kidneys in the body?

Removes waste products from the body. (+)

In which organ is urine produced?

In the kidneys. (+)

37. Task.

one). The microscope was invented in Holland in 1590. What do you think, could Peter I work with a microscope?

2) The famous Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov was the first to use a plaster cast for fractures, as well as iodine and alcohol to treat wounds. This was in 1855. In what century did N.I. Pirogov?

Answer. N.I. Pirogov lived in the century.

38. Task. Mark the correct statement.

The skin does not allow pathogenic bacteria to enter the body. (+)

39. Task. Write down in the tables the methods of hardening of the body and the functions of the skin known to you.

Exercise. Make a drawing "The structure of the skin." Look at the diagram on p. 31 textbooks.

Job 98. Locate the parotid salivary gland (2) and the submandibular gland (3).

The sublingual salivary gland (1) lies deep and cannot be palpated.

Indicate what color the salivary glands are shown in the figure.

In a circle, mark (+ or -) whether the mouth filled with saliva when pressure was applied to the area of ​​the parotid gland + , to the area of ​​the submandibular gland + .

If you bring the tongue to the upper teeth, then at the root of the frenulum (the cord that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth), the outlet of the duct of the sublingual gland opens. Find it in the picture.

With a sharp seizure of the tongue with teeth and pressure on it, a fountain of saliva is sometimes thrown out.

Make several attempts. In case of success, put a cross in a circle.

Work 99. Indicate the number of the organ of the digestive system in accordance with the picture. If there is no position number in the figure, put a dash.

Work 100. Write down the numbers of the digestive glands and indicate with an arrow where their ducts flow, using the drawing for work 99.

Work 101.

1. Indicate which number is indicated in the figure:

upper gum - 1;

lower gum - 5;

hard sky - 2;

soft palate - 3;

tongue - 4;

tonsils - 7;

2. What is the name of chronic inflammation of the tonsils?

3. Why is it dangerous?

Their functions are impaired and they become a reservoir of infections.

Work 102. Look at the picture.

1. Determine which subject (A or B) has made a swallowing movement, and which one is breathing calmly.

A is breathing.

B - made a swallowing movement.

2. Write the names of the organs.

1 - epiglottis.

2 - hyoid bone.

3 - thyroid cartilage.

3. Indicate the position of the uvula of the soft palate and the epiglottis during quiet breathing:


and while swallowing:

the epiglottis closed the entrance to the larynx, the tongue rose.

4. Indicate the color of the epiglottis and uvula in Figures A and B.

5. Feel for the thyroid cartilage and swallow. You can feel it moving up. What happens with this?

swallowing. The epiglottis closes the entrance to the larynx, the tongue rises.

Write down the definitions of the following concepts in your notebook and memorize them.

Digestion a set of processes that provides mechanical grinding, splitting of nutrients into components suitable for metabolism and their absorption.

Enzymes - substances that speed up the process of digestion of food (accelerate the breakdown of substances).

2. The structure and functions of the organs of the digestive system

  1. Consider the drawing. Write the names of the digestive organs indicated on it.

2 . Write down the numbers that are indicated in the figure.

3 . Write the names of the parts of the tooth indicated in the figure.

4 . Write down in a notebook the basic hygiene rules that must be observed when caring for your teeth.

Rinse your mouth after eating, brush twice a day with toothpaste, change your toothbrush every 2-3 months, remove plaque, and avoid temperature changes.

5 . After studying the material of § 39 of the study guide, fill in the table.

Organs and functions of the digestive system

Organ Structural features Performing functions
Oral cavity limited to the upper palate, cheeks and lips grinding, mixing, food wetting, chemical processing
Pharynx connects the oral cavity to the esophagus and the nasal cavity to the larynx swallowing
Esophagus muscular tube - 25 cm, walls secrete mucus carrying food into the stomach, wetting with mucus
Stomach expansion of the esophagus, consists of several layers of muscles mixing, storing and digesting food
small intestine 5-6 m, divided into duodenal, thin, mucous membrane contains villi digestion and absorption of nutrients
The intestine is thick 1.5-2 m, has no glands and villi, has a protrusion - a caecum with appendicitis regrowth absorption of water, minerals; formation of feces

6 . How does the act of swallowing take place?

The tongue pushes food into the pharynx, the entrance to the trachea is covered by the epiglottis, the food bolus is pushed into the esophagus.

7 . Write down the definition of the concept in your notebook and memorize it.

Caries - a disease caused by the dissolution of the membranes of the tooth by the acids of the oral cavity.

3. Digestion process

1 . Write what chemical changes occur with food in:

a) oral cavity mechanical processing (grinding, mixing, wetting), partially chemical processing.

b) stomach accumulation and retention of food, mixing, disinfection, breakdown of proteins and fats.

2. Write down the definitions of the concepts in your notebook.

gastric juice - colorless liquid consisting of digestive enzymes, mucus and 0.5% HCl solution.

Pepsin - an enzyme that converts complex protein molecules into simple ones.

Lipase - an enzyme in the stomach that breaks down fats.

3 . What glands are involved in the digestion of food?

Liver, pancreas, salivary glands, glands in the walls of the stomach and intestines.

4 . Consider the drawing. Sign the organs of the digestive system, indicated by numbers.

5 . The juices of what digestive glands enter the duodenum?

Liver, pancreas.

6 . What digestive enzymes are found in pancreatic juice? How do they act on food nutrients?

Lipases and steapsin $→$ fats; nucleases $→$ DNA and RNA; amylase $→$ carbohydrates; proteases $→$ proteins.

7 . List the functions of the liver in digestion.

Activation of enzymes of the small intestine and pancreas, emulsion of fats, alkalization of food porridge.

8 . Write down the definitions of the concepts in your notebook.

intestinal juice - a substance secreted by glands in the walls of the small intestine.

Bile - the secret produced by the liver cells emulsifies fats.

9 . Study the material in § 40 of the study guide and answer the questions.

What are the functions of the villi of the small intestine?

Increased surface area, participation in the absorption of substances.

What is the mechanism of absorption of nutrients by the villi of the small intestine?

In each villus there are microvilli, to which a capillary approaches, and nutrients are absorbed into the blood.

10 . Consider the drawing. Where is the absorption of amino acids, glucose, fatty acids and glycerol? Underline what is needed.

11 . In what parts of the digestive tract are water and mineral salts absorbed?

In the large intestine.

12 . Write down the definition of the concept in your notebook.

Suction - transfer of substances from the digestive tract to the internal environment.

4. Regulation of digestion

1 . Read § 41 of the study guide and complete the diagram.


salivation center - a center in the medulla oblongata that regulates the production of saliva.

Food Center - part of the CNS responsible for feelings of hunger and satiety.

Appetite - emotional sensation associated with the desire to consume food.

5. Fundamentals of rational nutrition. Food hygiene

1 . Read § 42 of the study guide. Formulate the principles of rational nutrition.

Moderation in quantity; diet; variety of food; harmlessness and environmental friendliness; compliance with energy costs.

2 . What are the consequences of increasing or decreasing the caloric content of food, if physical activity remains at the same level?

To increase or decrease in weight, in rare cases, obesity and malnutrition.

3 . Explain the meaning of the concept of diet.

The distribution of the daily ration over time.

4 . Explain the words and P. Pavlova: “If an excessive and exceptional passion for food is animalism, then an arrogant inattention to food is imprudence, and the truth here, as elsewhere, lies in the middle: do not get carried away, but give due attention.”

Food should not be the goal of life, but it must be given due attention, because health depends on it.

5 . Fill the table.

Anatomical and physiological substantiations of food hygiene rules

Basic rules of food hygiene Anatomical and physiological justification
1 2
Part of the food should be consumed boiled or fried. food is partially processed, which makes it easier to digest
Vegetables and fruits must be present in the diet source of essential vitamins and fiber
It is harmful to eat a lot of food at one time load on the gastrointestinal tract, food is poorly processed
Don't force your child to eat it can form the habit of eating a lot and lead to obesity
Storing perishable food outside the refrigerator is dangerous they can go bad before the expiration date
Don't talk or read while eating so as not to be distracted and digest more carefully
It is important to chew food well, eat slowly it facilitates digestion in the following sections of the gastrointestinal tract
Wash your hands before eating avoiding infection


Vertically: 2. The totality of the processes of mechanical and chemical processing of food (digestion).

Horizontally: 1. The soft part in the center of the tooth (pulp). 3. Enzyme of gastric juice ( pepsin). 4. Muscular tube that conducts food to the stomach ( esophagus). 5. Teeth used to bite off food ( incisors). 6. The process of the entry of substances through the villi into the blood and lymph ( absorption). 7. The result of contraction of the muscles of the pharynx ( swallowing). 8. Human quarantine disease ( cholera). 9. The largest glandular organ ( liver). 10. Part of the tooth covered with hard enamel (crown). 11. Inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis). 12. A dangerous infectious gastrointestinal disease (dysentery).

6. Metabolism. vitamins

1 . Study the material in § 43 of the study guide and fill in the table. Comparative characteristics of substances

Comparative characteristics of the substance

2 . Write down the definitions of concepts in your notebook and memorize them.

Vitamins - low molecular weight organic compounds that are part of enzymes.

Hypovitaminosis - lack of vitamins.

Hypervitaminosis - excess intake of vitamins.

3 . Fill the table.

Vitamins and their importance

Vitamin name Sources of income Meaning Signs of hypo- or beriberi
$C$ sour fruits, vegetables (onions), red wine needed for protein synthesis, antibodies development of scurvy
$B_1$ rice, vegetables and poultry increases enzyme activity take-take
$B_6$ meat, fish, liver, milk takes part in protein metabolism dermatitis
$A$ carrots, tomatoes, spinach supports dim vision development of night blindness
$D$ fish oil, liver, yolk regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism rickets

Name the type and phase of cell division shown in the figures. What processes do they represent? What do these processes lead to?


1) Type and phase of division: Meiosis - prophase1.

2) Processes: crossing over, exchange of homologous regions of chromosomes. Mutual exchange of sites between homologous (paired) chromosomes.

3) Result: a new combination of gene alleles, hence combinative variability


in paragraph 2, the “conjugation” process was indicated, removed from the criteria, because

Chromosome conjugation is a pairwise temporary approach of homologous chromosomes, during which an exchange of homologous regions may occur between them (or may not occur).

Explanation from the "user" of the site Evgeny Sklyar- clarifications to paragraph 2. They will also be counted by the inspectors "as true"

2) Processes: conjugation (synapsis) - convergence and contact of homologous chromosomes, crossing over - exchange of homologous regions of chromosomes.

3) Result: a new combination of gene alleles, therefore, an increase in the genetic heterogeneity of chromosomes and, as a result, the resulting gametes (spores).

Without combinative variability, because one can speak of variability only judging by the new generation of organisms.

Synapsis- conjugation of chromosomes, pairwise temporary convergence of homologous chromosomes, during which an exchange of homologous regions can occur between them ... (textbook for profile classes, ed. Shumny)

Therefore, crossing over is part of the conjugation, at least in terms of time.

Source: Unified State Examination in Biology 05/30/2013. main wave. Siberia. Option 4., USE-2017

Guest 19.08.2015 17:20

There is an error in the explanation. The figure shows the process of crossing over: 1. bivalent before crossing over, 2. bivalent after crossing over.


Gulnara 01.06.2016 13:49

Crossing over is the exchange of homologous sections of chromosomes, why write crossing over separately, separated by commas, exchange of sections of homologous chromosomes ???

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

no, these are three different processes:

conjugation, crossing over, exchange of homologous regions of chromosomes

Svetlana Vasilyeva 17.11.2016 02:56

Crossing over can happen without conjugation???? Conjugation (rapprochement of homologous chromosomes) always occurs, but crossing over is not always, only in 30%! Crossing over is the contact of homologous chromosomes, after which an exchange takes place between their identical sections ... or is it not?

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

What is the essence of the question?

Crossover is cross, mutual exchange of homologous sections of homologous chromosomes as a result of breaking and joining in a new order of their threads - chromatids; leads to new combinations of alleles of different genes.

Why 30%??? Crossover probability different depends on the distance between genes. 1% crossover=1M (Morganide).

If a crossing-over has occurred - a crossover, this does not mean that an exchange will occur.

"Human Hygiene" - I don't know what it is. Skin hygiene. Hair hygiene. Very nice, very kind. In our time, health depends on the world around us. Hygiene, hygiene… Wash your hands and brush your teeth. It turned out that in hygiene, nothing animalistic. Health is a gift of nature to man. Vision hygiene. Human hygiene. Nail hygiene. We were taught hygiene by Tatyana Nikolaevna.

"Hygiene of skin, clothes" - Hygiene. Hair hygiene. Human hands. Clothing. intimate toilet. Body hygiene. The field of medicine. Personal hygiene. Keeping the whole body clean. The composition of saliva. Shoes. Teeth.

"Personal hygiene" - Take care of your teeth. Read the poem. Closed teeth. Personal hygiene. Dental care. Hands should also be washed before each meal. I brush my teeth in the morning and in the evening. Face. What do the children in the drawings do to be clean. After exercising, you need to take a shower. The washing up. Give answers to questions.

"Rules of personal hygiene" - Mental and physical labor. Physical education. The very word "hygiene" comes from the Greek "hygieinos" - healing, bringing health. Which includes personal hygiene. Personal hygiene products. What are the rules of personal hygiene? Complete sleep. Proper preparation and regular meals.

"The Science of Hygiene" - Food Hygiene develops nutritional standards, measures for the prevention of beriberi and hypovitaminosis. The study of the nutrition of a healthy person is carried out taking into account age, profession, physical and nervous - mental stress in the process of work, living conditions and utilities, as well as national and climatographic features.

"Rules of personal hygiene for children" - Brush your teeth every day. The results of the conduct. Project duration. Problem formation. Criteria for evaluating the presentation. Getting to know the requirements. The results of the project work. We invite you to cooperate. Creating a table under the guidance of a teacher. Teacher evaluation. Stages of project implementation.