How you perceive the world is a lesson. Lesson summary. The topic is "How we perceive the world." lesson plan on the surrounding world (grade 1) on the topic. III. Research

Completed by a primary school teacher

Rostov-on-Don MBOU "School No. 22"

Agapova A.I.

Lesson topic: How we perceive the world.

Lesson type : a lesson in the formation of new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson: introduce the senses and their importance in human life.

Planned results:

Subject : students get the opportunity to explore the senses through practical activities;

Personal : students determine the importance of the senses for human life and health;

Metasubject (UDD):

REGULATORY : students practice setting goals for the lesson and drawing up an activity plan;

COGNITIVE : students draw an analogy between the material being studied and their own life experience, based on existing knowledge, the material is incremented;

COMMUNICATION: students build simple arguments and provide evidence of their point of view.

Forms of organizing educational activities:frontal, work in pairs.

Equipment: presentation “How do you perceive the world”; interactive board; video “Gymnastics for the eyes”; research set No. 1 – sheets of paper and pencils (according to the number of students); research set No. 2 – cardboard with velvet paper, cotton wool and ribbon (one per desk); mandarin; printed images of sensory organs; blackboard.

During the classes .

I. Organizational moment.

- Hello, sit down, my name is Anastasia Igorevna, today we will teach you an unusual lesson: we will be researchers, and our class will turn into a research laboratory.

– Do you know who researchers are? (People who study something.)

– What does it mean to explore? (Study a problem.)

II. Choosing a topic, setting the purpose of the research work.

- Look around, what do you see? What's outside the window? How can we call everything that surrounds us? (The world)

And with what help do we perceive everything that is around us?

This is what we have to figure out today. Let's read together the main question of our research: How do we perceive the world?

– Tell me, what does it mean to perceive the world?

(Feel and assimilate the world around you.)

III. Research work.

1. - Let's start research.

Guess the riddle: There are two windows at night -
They close themselves
And with the sunrise -
They open on their own.

- What is this? (Eyes.)

– Why do we need eyes? (To see everything that surrounds us)

Everyone knows the poem about the little man (I start drawing):

Dot, dot, comma,

Minus, crooked face

Sticks, sticks, cucumber

- it turned out to be a little man.

Did I get a little man? (Yes)

Now take a piece of paper and a pencil that is on your desk, close your eyes, and start drawing with me:

Dot, dot, comma,

Minus, crooked face

Sticks, sticks, cucumber

- it turned out to be a little man.

Open up, did you get the little man? (No.)

Hold up and show your drawings. Why couldn't you draw a man? (Because the eyes were closed.)

Why do we need eyes?

– So, how do we perceive the world?(Using the eyes.)

This is one organ connection through which we perceive the world.

The eyes are the organ of vision.

Our eyes are protected from dust, wind, and bright light by eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids.

In order for our eyes to remain healthy, we need to protect and take care of them, and therefore we will now do eye exercises.

Fizminutka (gymnastics for the eyes). Video

2. “Now close your eyes so they can rest a little.”

(I walk around the class with the tangerine)

Tell me, did you feel anything now? (Yes.)

And what? (The smell of tangerine.)

What did you use to smell it?(Using the nose.)

– Why does a person need a nose?(To smell different smells, to breathe)

– The smells of what objects do you like? Which ones are unpleasant?

(Using your nose)

The nose is the organ of smell.

Now we’ll play a game: Name which smells you like and which ones you don’t?

(Pleasant smells: cake, flowers, cheese;

unpleasant odors: garlic, newspaper, fire, car exhaust.)

3. – Can we taste garlic? What will it be like?(yes, bitter)

What about the taste of the cake? (yes, he's sweet)

What did you use to get the taste? (using tongue)

Can we say that we perceive the world through language?(Yes)

The tongue is a taste organ.

What else can you do with your tongue? (talk)

4. – I was telling you now, and you told me listened , what did you use to do this?

(using ears)

Why do we need ears? (to listen)

How do we perceive the world?(using ears)

The ears are the organ of hearing.

5. Let's continue our research.

- There is a special cardboard on each table, touch the velvet paper, what did you feel? (she's rough)

Touch the cotton wool, what is it like?

(She's soft)

Touch the tape, what is it like? (Smooth)

How did you understand this? (we touched)

What did you touch? (with hands)

Now bring this cardboard to your chin, what did you feel? (the same)

What is on the hands, and on the chin, and on any part of our body? (leather)

Yes, that's right, skin, it is with it that we feel various objects.

What else can we feel with our skin? (Cold, hot, hard, etc.)

So how else do we perceive the world? (Skin.)

Skin is an organ of touch.

IV. Reinforcing the material learned

So our research ends, the lesson comes to an end.

MBOU Krasnosadovskaya Secondary School

An open lesson about the world around us.

Topic: “How do you perceive the world around you”

Teacher: Kolbasova O.A.

Lesson type: combined

UMK "Planet of Knowledge" ed. I.A.Petrova

Textbook “The world around us” by G. G. Ivchenkova, I. V. Potapov

The purpose of the lesson: form an idea of ​​the sense organs and their significance in human life.

Lesson Objectives.


1. Give a basic idea of ​​the external structure of a person.

2. Show the importance of the senses in human life.


1.Develop oral speech.

2.Culture of behavior in the classroom.

3.The ability to hear and listen to teachers and classmates.


1. Cultivate an attentive attitude towards your body.

Equipment for the lesson: textbook “The World Around us”, grade 1 “Planet of Knowledge by G.G. Ivchenkova, I.V. Potapov, educational and methodological publication based on the textbook “The World Around us” by G.G. Ivchenkova, I.V. Potapov, handouts ( flowers, apples).


    Org. moment.

Teacher: Stand near your seats and check your readiness for the lesson.

The bell has rung for you!

You calmly entered the classroom,

Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,

Greeted politely (turn to the guests and say hello)

Quietly sit back straight.

Let's take a deep breath and begin the lesson.

2. Updating basic knowledge.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, we will learn about ourselves. Let's become little explorers of our bodies. And I will be your supervisor. Let's not waste time and start researching.

3. Work on the topic.

Look at the blackboard. What shapes do you see?

Children answer (circle, rectangle, triangle)

Teacher: Well done! How are these figures different?

Children: They are different colors.

Teacher: What color is the circle, square, triangle? How are they different?

Children: Form.

What helped us see the color and shape of our figures?

Children: Eyes.

Teacher: It turns out that our eyes help us understand the world around us. Show me your eyes. How do you feel when you rub along the edges of your eyes?

Children: Eyelashes above and below.

Why do humans need eyelashes?

Children: To protect your eyes.

Teacher: What if it’s snowing outside? What are we doing?

Teacher: Guys, what else is above the eyes?

Children: Eyebrows.

Teacher: Run your fingers along your eyebrows. Why do people need eyebrows?

Eyebrows protect our eyes from sweat. You can also recognize a person’s emotions. So, we are researchers and this magical branch will come to life at the end of our lesson.

So, the eyes are a sensory organ (I open the picture on the board). For our research we will need a textbook. Open your textbook to page 34.

Teacher: What do we see in the illustration? (children’s answers are heard and sentences are made)

4. Physical minute"Cilia". Let's help you rest your eyes.

Teacher: We continue our experiments.

So, young researchers, your next task. Close your eyes, determine what is on the plate (the teacher brings an apple, the children sniff). I removed the apple. Open your eyes. I’ll walk by now, and you whisper in my ear what this object is.

Teacher: Children, how did you guess that it was an apple? What helped you determine?

Children: The smell.

Teacher: How does a person smell?

Children: Using the nose.

So, we got acquainted with two sense organs - the eyes and the nose.

Teacher: Guys, when do apples ripen?

Children (summer, autumn).

Teacher: Does autumn have its own smells? What attentive researchers you are.

5. Physical minute “Bug”.

Teacher: And again autumn apples will help us. Tell me, guys, what do apples taste like?

Children: They are sour and sweet.

Our tongue contains many taste buds that help us recognize the taste of a particular product.

The tongue helps us recognize the taste of food. Look in the textbook on page 35. A girl Masha came to visit us. Let's help which of the drawn foods taste sweet, salty, bitter.

6. Lesson summary

Teacher: What organ helps us recognize the taste of food?

Children: Language.

Teacher: What helps you identify the smells of the surrounding world?

Children: Nose.

What helps you recognize the color of objects?

Children: Eyes.

Thanks to our senses, we perceive the world around us. So. Our research is coming to an end. Thank you for your cooperation.

7. Reflection.

As the director of the study, I wanted to know how you liked our study. If you like it, take a flower. If difficulties arise - sheet.

Thank you for your scientific cooperation.

Topic: “How do you perceive the world”

Lesson type : Lesson in the formation of new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson: introduce the senses and their importance in human life.

Planned results:

Subject : students get the opportunity to explore the senses through practical activities;

Personal : students determine the importance of the senses for human life and health;

Metasubject (UDD) :

REGULATORY : students practice setting goals for the lesson and drawing up an activity plan;

COGNITIVE : students draw an analogy between the material being studied and their own life experience, based on existing knowledge, the material is incremented;

COMMUNICATION : students build simple arguments and provide evidence of their point of view.

Forms of organizing educational activities: frontal, work in pairs, work in groups, individual.

Equipment: presentation “How do you perceive the world”, research set No. 1 - according to the number of students (sheets of paper), research set No. 2 - 3 sets (orange, perfume, onion), research set No. 3 - 1 on the desk ( candy, a circle of lemon), booklets “Take care of your senses.”

Lesson stage


Activities of a teacher

Student activities

Formed UUD (Result)

Organizational stage

Organizing focused attention at the beginning of the lesson

Students, I am glad to welcome you to the lesson of the surrounding world. Today we have a fascinating journey into an unusual world... which one we will find out a little later...

In the meantime, check your readiness for the lesson

Students check their readiness for the lesson.

Regulatory UUD:

Formal readiness for upcoming activities;

Attracting arbitrary attention:

Independent organization of the workplace

Setting a goal

To form children’s ideas about what new things they will learn and learn in the lesson.

Today our office will turn into a scientific laboratory, and you and I will become researchers.

Who are researchers?

- Today we will learn to explore the world around us. For this we need some organs of the human body. They are called sense organs.

What goal of the lesson will we formulate?

Students, with the help of the teacher, formulate the purpose of the lesson and suggest the content of the lesson.

Goal: get to know the senses; find out their importance for human life and health.

Cognitive UUD:

Formulation of the educational purpose of the lesson

Communication UUD:

Answers to teacher questions

Regulatory UUD:

Setting a learning goal.

Mastering new material

To introduce students to the senses and their importance in human life.

Develop a caring attitude towards your health.

Guys, I suggest you write your name beautifully on pieces of paper. But you must complete this task with your eyes closed.

Did you manage to complete the task?

Completing the task

Cognitive UUD:

Increase in knowledge – sense organs and the name of the process of perception by them;

Comparison (eye) for external similarities and differences.

Communication UUD:

Students construct speech statements (answers to questions, reasoning)

Regulatory UUD:

The ability to act according to the algorithm specified by the teacher.

Personal UUD:

Meaning formation (awareness of the need to take care of one’s health)

Why did the difficulty arise?

The eyes are the organ of VISION. With the help of our eyes we see everything that happens around us.

Let's pair up and look at each other's eyes - let's compare. Which parts of the eye are the same? Which ones are different?

It is very important that our eyes are always healthy!

There are people who see poorly. Is there any way to help them? And also preserve your vision?

Students face a problem - with their eyes closed - difficult and uncomfortable.

Comparison for external similarities and differences.

Similarities: + eyelashes, + eyebrows, + eyelids.

Difference: eye color, etc.

Function: protection from external factors (sweat, dust, etc.)

I will introduce you to a set of simple exercises that will help our eyes get less tired and stay sharp.


1. Do not sit for a long time at the computer, TV or telephone!

3. Do eye exercises regularly!

Performing gymnastics for the eyes.

Let's continue our acquaintance with the next sense organ.

We work in groups - in rows. I need 1 assistant from each row

I give the group several items: an orange slice, a quarter of an onion, a perfume sample.

Students, you need to, with your eyes closed, without using your hands, determine what items we have prepared for you.

Which sense organ helped you now?

Work in groups. The assistants organize the work within the group (monitor discipline, control the correctness of assignments, take turns inviting all the children to work with the objects prepared by the teacher)

Students identify an object by smell

The nose is the organ with which we distinguish smells. The perception of smells is called SMELL.

Are there any problems with this organ? (Do we perceive smells poorly?)

Why are these situations dangerous?

You need to take care of your nose!

Problems: runny nose, flu, nasal congestion

It is difficult to recognize stale food, detect harmful odor in the room, etc.

To get acquainted with the next sense organ, we need to pair up again.

First option 1 will be researchers, then you will switch roles.

For researchers, I suggest recognizing objects by taste.

Now switch roles

Which sense organ helped you complete the task?

The tongue is the organ of perception of TASTE.

What did the food taste like?

Well done!

Recognize sweets - candy

Recognize sour - lemon

Picture “Structure of the tongue”

Each part of the tongue feels only one taste. The tip is sweet, the back is bitter, the sides of the tip are salty, the far sides are sour.

Sometimes situations arise when the tongue loses its sensitivity - it does not perceive tastes well. How can we protect ourselves and our parents from this?

Examine the slide (image of a tongue)

Do not consume too hot or cold drinks or foods.

Look at the screen, close your ears and tell me what you hear?

What if we “prick up our ears”?

The ears are the organ of HEARING.

With age, many people begin to have difficulty hearing, but young people sometimes have the same problem. Because your hearing needs to be protected!

Why does it spoil? How can it be saved?

They see the picture, but do not hear the sound. It's bad without sound!

Hear the sounds of nature

Don't listen to music loudly (especially with headphones)!

In the cold season you need to wear a hat!

Clean your ears regularly with special cotton swabs!

Guys, do you want someone to draw or write something on your back?

Then I suggest pairing up again. One of you will write something, and the other will perceive.

Use your finger to write your favorite letter on your neighbor's back

Work in pairs

One student writes the letter with his finger, the second learns it by feeling.

Then the roles change.

With the help of which organ were you able to determine?

The skin helped you - it is the organ of TOUCH.

The most sensitive skin is on the fingertips, since this is where many sensitive points - receptors - gather.

Our skin also requires careful treatment. How can we protect it?

It is necessary to protect from burns and frostbite.


Assess the practical significance of the material studied

Form personal responsibility for your health

Let's remember the beginning of the lesson... What goal did we set for ourselves?

Were we able to achieve it?

Our lesson is coming to an end and I would like each of you to go home with some new knowledge and skills.

Goal: get to know the senses and determine their significance in human life.

Personal UUD:

Formation of meaning of content (the value of maintaining health)

Communication UUD:

The ability to express your thoughts.

Tell me, what useful things can you tell your parents, younger brothers or sisters?

Reception “Incomplete sentences” (possible)

And in today’s lesson I learned the names of all the senses (there are 5 of them), the name of the process of perceiving the world. I realized that only I am responsible for my health. I learned important rules for maintaining health. And I will definitely use them in my life.

I really liked your work in today's lesson! Well done boys!

Rules for caring for your senses.

Techniques and exercises for training and keeping the senses healthy.

Today in class I learned...

Today in class I learned...

Today in class I realized...

Today in class I was able...


View in the textbook pp. 34-37

Class: 1

The purpose of the lesson is to develop in students elementary ideas about the senses as necessary links in the connection of the human body with the external environment.

  • introduce students to the senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin);
  • show students the importance of the senses in human life;
  • to form cognitive activity and creative abilities of students;
  • develop general educational skills and abilities:
    – the ability to think analytically: compare and identify significant features;
    – information literacy: navigating the information space, the ability to find the necessary information in a reference book located in a textbook and systematize it;
  • develop communication skills (work in pairs);
  • develop sanitary and hygienic skills;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards man as a part of nature.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, electronic textbook “The world around us” 1st grade, musical instruments, dictionary, toys.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

- Guys, our class today is turning into a research laboratory “I want to know a lot.”

– You are not students, but researchers. And I am your scientific advisor.

– Do you know who researchers are?

(People who study something.)

– What does it mean to explore?

(Study a problem.)

II. Choosing a topic, setting the purpose of the research work.

– We need to determine the topic of our research. Look at the blackboard.

– Who will be the subject of our research?

(We will explore man.)

– What do we want to know about a person?

(What parts does our body consist of? How we breathe.)

– Read the question on the board.

How do you perceive the world?

– What will we try to figure out in class?

(How a person perceives the world around him.)

– This is the purpose of the study.

– What do you think needs to be done to achieve this goal?

(1. Find the information we are interested in in the textbook.
2. Read it, choose the main thing.
3. Remember, tell a friend, teacher.)

– Children, tell me, what does it mean to perceive the world?

- Let's try to explain the meaning of the word perceive.

Let's look in the dictionary and find out the meaning of this word.

(Feel and assimilate the world around you.)

III. Research work.

- Let's start research.

– You will find out how we perceive the world by solving the riddles.

(I read the riddle myself.)

Two windows at night
They close themselves
And with the sunrise
They open on their own.

- What is this?


– Why do we need eyes?

(To see everything around us.)

– What do you see on the board?

(Geometric figures.)

– Name them. How many are there? (3)

- What color are they?

– How else do these figures differ?

(Shape, color.)

– How are they similar?


– Why do we need eyes?

(With the help of our eyes we distinguish colors, the number of objects, the shape of an object.)

(Using the eyes.)

- Let's look at the textbook. What does he tell us about the eyes?

- Look at the drawing.

– Name what is indicated in the picture by the sign “?”.

(Eyebrow, eyelid, eyelashes.)

– Why do you think our eyes need eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids?

(They protect our eyes from dust and droplets of sweat.)

- Let's conduct gymnastics for the eyes.

On Wednesday we play blind man's buff,
Close our eyes tightly.
One two three four five,
Let's open our eyes.
We close our eyes and open
So we continue the game.

2. (The riddle is read by a student who reads well.)

Here is the mountain, and at the mountain
Two deep holes.
The air wanders in these holes,
It comes in and out.

- What is this?

(A picture opens on the board.)

-How did you guess?

(The children brought bottles of their mother’s perfume to the lesson.)

(Work in pairs.)

- Take bottles of perfume. Smell it.

- Swap bottles. Tell me how you feel?

(Children tell what smell they smelled.)

– Why does a person need a nose?

(To smell different smells.)

(Using the nose.)

– Now let’s find out what conclusion the textbook offers us.

(I open the electronic textbook.)

– Look at the pictures.

– What smells do you like? Which ones are unpleasant?

(Pleasant smells - cake, flowers, cheese;
unpleasant odors - garlic, newspaper, fire, car exhaust fumes.)

3. Let's read the riddle. (I open the note on the board.)

He's always at work
When we speak,
And he’s resting
When we are silent.

- What is this?

(A picture opens on the board.)

- How did you guess?

- Eat some candy. Liked?

-What did you feel?

(She's sweet.)

– Eat a piece of lemon.

– How did you feel in this case?

– Why do we need language?

(The tongue helps us taste food.)

– Look at the pictures.

– What foods taste sweet?

(Cake and jam.)

– Which ones are salty, bitter and sour?

(Salty - salt; bitter - onion; sour - lemon.)

– Can we taste the bitter-salty, sweet and sour taste?

Give examples.

– So, how do we perceive the world?

(Using the tongue.)

(I open the electronic textbook.)

– Let's read the information about the language that the textbook offers us.

4. Listen to the following riddle and think about what it is about.

Olya listens in the forest,
How the cuckoos cry.
And for this we need
Our Olya...(ears)

- What is this?

(A picture opens on the board.)

- How did you guess? What words helped you solve the riddle?

– Why do you think we need ears?

(I open the electronic textbook.)

– Look at the pictures. They will help answer my question.

(To hear what a friend says, listen to the teacher, music.)

- Let's play. I will make a sound using instruments, and you must guess the instrument. We close our eyes.

(To play I used a drum, a whistle, a pipe, a tambourine, and bells.)

– How do we perceive the world?

(Using ears.)

5. (I invite the children to hold a soft toy in their hands.)

-What do you feel?

(The toy is soft and fluffy.)

Then I offer to hold the hedgehog in your hands.

(It's made from potatoes and toothpicks.)

-What do you feel?

(It's prickly.)

– What helped you understand that the toy is soft and the hedgehog is prickly?

– What else do you think we can feel with the help of the skin?

(Smooth or rough, hard or soft, cold or hot.)

(I open the page of the electronic textbook.)

- Let's turn to the textbook.

Find the lines in the textbook and read how the skin helps us perceive the world around us.

- Now let's play.

You will take objects out of the bag and determine by touch what they are.

– How do we perceive the world around us?

(Using skin.)

IV. Lesson summary.

- Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson. What question was asked?

How do you perceive the world?

– Can you now answer the question posed?

(We perceive the world through our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.)

Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin are sensory organs.


– Have we achieved the goal of our lesson? Justify your answer.

(We learned that a person perceives the world around him with the help of his eyes, nose, tongue, ears and skin.)

– What was interesting or unusual about the lesson?

– Will the knowledge gained be useful in life?

– How should we treat the senses, in your opinion?

(You need to take care of your eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin. Keep them clean.)

- Why?

– Listen to what M. Prishvin writes and think about what he was afraid of?

“If there is water and not a single fish in it, I won’t trust the water. And even if there is oxygen in the air, if the swallow does not fly, I will not trust the air. And a forest without animals, with only people, is not a forest.”

(If all living things disappear, then man will be left alone on the planet. And then he will feel bad. He himself will die.)

– What should we know and remember while in nature?

– Man is also a part of nature. How should we treat ourselves?