How to strengthen the astral body. Astral mental body. Viruses of consciousness or how malware is formed in the human mind


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Human astral body

Astral matter penetrates into the physical in such a way that each physical atom with its etheric shell is separated from each other atom by an infinitely more subtle and mobile astral matter. But this matter has completely different properties than physical matter, and it is invisible to us because we have not yet developed organs to perceive it. We stand to astral world in exactly the same position in which a person born blind faces the physical world, he does not see it, although this world still exists. Or in what way we stand to the world of infinitely small quantities: they did not exist for us until such auxiliary devices were invented that greatly enhance our vision, such as microscopes. But even at our stage of development there are people who are able to perceive subtle vibrations astral world and to some extent see astral phenomena. Such people are called clairvoyants.

But although we don't see astral world, we constantly live in it, since all our feelings, passions, emotions and drives belong to this world and have their centers in our astral body. All our properties, colored by the element of passion, everything that can be called the thirst for sensual existence, the thirst for material pleasures, the greed of the flesh, has its source astral origin of man. In fact, the crudest of our principles is not physical matter, but precisely this average astral beginning, which is the true center of the whole animal, while the physical body is only an irresponsible conductor through which the passionate animal principle acts during the earthly life of man.

Most of our everyday thoughts are so closely mixed with a passionate principle, so imbued with astral vibrations, that Eastern psychology has strictly demarcated our earthly, or small, mind, which works under the impulses of our lower, egoistic nature, from higher intelligence, which receives impulses from the higher, superpersonal nature of man. Astral body is a transmitting authority between the highest principle of man, between the Thinker himself, and his physical brain. Every time we think, we cause vibrations in mental matter, but in order to manifest at the physical level, our thought must make a circle: having caused vibrations in mental matter, it then causes corresponding vibrations in astral matter and through astral centers comes into contact with the physical, acting first of all on the etheric substance of our body and only after that on coarser, physical matter, i.e. on the gray matter of the brain.

The observations made by clairvoyants are quite consistent with each other: in the waking state astral body penetrates the human physical body, but it is larger in size than the latter and surrounds the person with a light cloud, which is called the human aura. Astral body of an undeveloped person is a cloudy, vaguely defined mass astral matter of the lower type, the fabric of which is relatively dense and rough and is capable of responding to all irritations associated with animal lusts. Its color is of dull shades: brown, dull red and dirty green are the predominant colors. They are devoid of the play of light, and various passions appear in them as heavy waves, or, if the passions are strong, like explosions of lightning; Thus, sexual passion causes a wave of a dull carmine color, and a gust of anger causes red lightning with a bluish tint.

Astral Body

Astral body looks like an egg-shaped cloud of energy. This is the body of emotions. All our emotional conflicts and quarrels are reflected in the physical body - it weakens. The essence of the astral body is our feelings, experiences, emotions, and idea of ​​the world. The formation of the astral body occurs between the ages of 14 and 21. It is believed that on the fortieth day after the death of a person astral body dies.

Studying astral body Psychologists do this because... The neuropsychic state of a person directly depends on the state of this body. The color of the astral body is changeable - it all depends on the person’s mood.

Higher education centers astral activities called in the East chakras, or luminous wheels, are barely noticeable in an undeveloped person. At this stage, a person requires for his development strong sensations of all kinds, so that his inner nature does not cease to receive energetic impulses to activity. The more diverse and stronger the sensations, the better for a person’s internal growth.

Astral body constantly changes its composition under the influence of the play of passions, desires and emotions. If they are benign, they strengthen the finer particles astral body, and the coarse components are thrown away and replaced with finer materials. All other passions are caused precisely reverse action: strengthening the coarse particles, they at the same time displace the finer ones, replacing them with a lower type astral matter. When a person is sleeping, astral body frees himself from his physical vehicle, leaving him and his etheric double in bed. In an undeveloped person astral body remains unconscious during sleep and hovers close to the physical.

If we go to astral body averagely developed person, we will find in him a big difference compared with astral body primitive man. It is larger in size, the presence of finer particles gives it a luminous appearance, and the appearance of higher emotions causes a beautiful play of colors in it. Its outlines are definite and clear, and it resembles its owner. While maintaining great plasticity, it constantly returns to its normal form and does not cease to vibrate and glow in various changing shades, and the wheels in it are already clearly visible, although they are not yet rotating. The purification process occurs in the same way as in the previous case, but the construction itself astral body at this stage is left to the personal control of the person himself. By careful observation of his thoughts and feelings and the conscious direction of them, a person can most decisively influence his astral body and quickly improve it. So developed in a dream astral body does not linger near its physical counterpart, as in the previous case. It wanders into astral world, wearable astral currents, while human consciousness (higher Manas, which does not need mediation) is capable of perceiving impressions and even imprinting them in the brain, such as, for example, prophetic dreams or visions.

Astral Yoga

Astral Yoga designed to eradicate karma in the Astral plane, just as it is done with the help of Jnana Yoga in the world of Phenomena. Experience Astral Yoga completely different from the experience you have when leaving your physical body. Human consciousness, as a rule, leaves the physical body and observes various phenomena.

On the contrary, a person enters the Astral world, transferring his consciousness into a body called in Astral Yoga Body Rewards. And then he can really experience the phenomena himself, and not just observe them.

Those who are loved by everyone, or those around whom there are many people who can say: " I can die for him".

Astral body a spiritually developed person consists of the finest particles astral matter and is a beautiful sight in its radiance and color, and shades unprecedented on earth appear in it under the influence of pure and noble thoughts. The rotational movement of the wheels indicates the activity of higher centers. In a dream, a person with such astral consciousness does not stop as a conductor; having left its ponderous physical shell, it can freely soar in astral sphere, moving with great speed. Lack of coarse particles in it astral body makes him unable to respond to the vibrations coming from the lower objects of desire, and they rush past him without being attracted to him or touching him. This astral body obeys a person, reflects his thoughts and submits to them, which gives him the opportunity to be consciously active in astral plan.

When the physical body dies, the etheric body, released, takes with it prana, which, as we have already seen, is an organizing and connecting life beginning inside the physical body, and together with prana it carries away all the higher principles of a person. Everyone leaving the physical body vital energies are drawn into one center and collected by prana, and their release from the body is expressed by numbness of the physical sense organs. The latter remain unharmed, but inner lord gone, the one who through them saw, heard, smelled, tasted and touched, and without him they are only random compounds of physical matter, incapable of organized life. The ruler, clothed in gray-lilac, is slowly removed from the body etheric body and busy contemplating the picture of his entire lived life unfolding before him. This picture captures all the events of his earthly existence, all the disappointed expectations, all the triumphs and failures, all the attachments and antipathies, the meaning of his entire experienced life appears clearly before him: its guiding thought is imprinted in the soul and determines the area in which the afterlife will take place. deceased For a short moment, he sees himself as he is, recognizes the true purpose of life and is convinced that the laws of life are unchangeable and fair. Following this, the magnetic connection between the physical and etheric bodies is interrupted, the comrades of earthly life are separated forever, and man, except exceptional cases, immerses for a while in peaceful unconsciousness. In these solemn dying minutes, silence should not be broken around the dying person. All manifestations of personal grief, gusts of despair and loud crying can interfere with the review of the expired life flashing before his inner gaze, and therefore the wise injunction of religion: to read the prayers of departure over the dying should be performed in complete silence.

After death, when a person is freed from physical body , and after that from ethereal, he remains clothed in his astral body.

During physical life astral body of a person consists of particles of varying quality, after death, when a person finally passes into astral sphere, in his astral body the following change occurs: previously mixed particles astral matter, gross and subtle, begin to unite in accordance with their relative density and form a series of concentric shells, or shells, as they are often called, around the person. Because astral matter exists in seven states, then astral body the deceased is a combination of seven compounds in which the person remains imprisoned until the disintegration of this complex cover frees him.

Now it becomes clear what great value has purification astral body during earthly life. The purgatory through which the deceased passes represents extremely varied conditions, and all the experiences of the deceased are composed according to what kind of astral vibrations prevailed during his life astral conductor. In the lowest region of purgatory, conditions are extremely difficult: it seems to be filled with emanations of evil passions and brutal lusts; while the highest region of purgatory seems so attractive that among spiritualists it has earned the name countries of eternal summer. A spiritually developed person who has purified his astral body so much so that its composition includes only the finest particles, it passes through purgatory without any slowdown, without entering into communication with its gross phenomena, since the vibrations of its finer composition do not respond at all to the gross vibrations. Wherein astral body is destroyed quickly, and a person is soon freed from it in order to enter the boundaries of a higher bright life.

Untrained experience accumulated in astral body, influences our lives. Our dreams are work astral body at the subconscious level. Astral energies create astral plane, on which entities live (ghosts, ghosts and objects seen in dreams. The astral plane is two-level. The first level is emotions and feelings (grief, joy, anger). The second level is a state (love, happiness).

A less developed, but not bad person will pass by gross phenomena astral the world is also unconscious, and his awakening will come only when he comes into contact with vibrations corresponding to his nature, which he will now perceive directly with his freed from the physical body astral conductor. As for people who gave themselves up to animal passions during life, they will awaken in the area suitable for them, for every person is literally directed towards your own place.

Each deceased person remains in an area suitable for his passions and desires astral peace until these passions are eliminated, until he, due to the impossibility of satisfying them, becomes weaned from them. But for everyone - sooner or later - except for those few who throughout their earthly lives have not experienced a single glimmer of selfless love or spiritual aspiration, the time comes when connection with astral body finally breaks and the soul plunges into a short unconsciousness, similar to that which comes after throwing off the physical body, and then the soul awakens from a feeling of bliss, unimaginable for earthly consciousness - the bliss of the higher, or heavenly, world, to which in its own way true essence and belongs human soul. And no matter how base the earthly passions of another soul, there are still glimpses of it higher nature, and for these glimpses the harvest comes, the soul begins to transform everything that it has experienced on earth, unselfish and noble, into the enduring properties and inclinations of its immortal nature.

Astral the corpse, or shell, left after a deceased person begins to gradually disintegrate, wandering vaguely in astral world and automatically repeating the vibrations familiar to him. Such shells can be temporarily restored to a semblance of life and even activity - if they are not too badly decomposed - by the magnetism of incarnated souls. The magnetism of living people is absorbed astral a corpse, like water like a sponge, and then the astral shell takes on a deceptive appearance of vitality and mechanically repeats those vibrations that were characteristic of the deceased person during life. Such vibrations can be caused by a current of thoughts familiar both to the deceased and to the relatives and friends who remained on earth, as a result of which such a temporarily revived shell can very satisfactorily play the role of a communicating spirit; an astral-seeing person can easily distinguish it, but in addition to clairvoyance , it can be recognized by the automatic repetition of thoughts common to a deceased person and by complete absence originality and any knowledge that the deceased did not possess on earth.

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Anatomy of Yoga


Azhn - the sixth chakra of a person

Sixth chakra located in the pituitary gland, behind the frontal bone. The chakra is called " Azhna" and is translated as " infinite power" Sixth chakra- center intuition, inner voice and knowledge. A well-developed talent for intuition leads us to people and places where we find the greatest personal expression of ourselves and opportunities for life and growth, both material and spiritual. It is the talent to be lucky and fearless because we “know” everything and trust the hand that guides us.

The human astral body - what is hidden under the definition and what significance does it have for the subtle plane. Let's consider what the astral body is, what it looks like, what a person is like on the subtle plane, how to develop and cleanse the astral part.

In the article:

What is the human astral body

Man has seven bodies, just like chakras. The astral body is the second in a row among the subtle components - after the etheric. Each is controlled by one of the .

Externally energy body looks like something like a shell of a physical body. The thickness can be from 20 to 40 cm, sometimes more. The thickness of the astral body depends on the degree of development. There are various holes and damage after energy or magical attacks.

The astral body is controlled by Manipura - the solar plexus chakra. Manipura is responsible for energy strength and protection. The astral component performs similar functions: with its help, rituals are performed and conspiracies are read. Personal energy that magicians turn to as a source acting force spells, and there are reserves of the astral nature. Prerequisites for events physical world are laid on the astral plane.

The energy body performs protective functions. If a person, for example, ever imagined a mirror between himself and, an obstacle appeared on the astral plane. Natural protection is enhanced by special rituals or talismans; you can use special methods for developing the astral body.

The astral essence is involved in any energetic and magical confrontations. The astral body provides the necessary level of protection from foreign attacks and provides resources for attacks on enemies. In the normal state, when energy protection is not required, it manifests itself in the form of feelings and emotions.

In the worst case, the thin body looks like an old, equal rag hanging around a person. People cannot stand up for themselves either physically or energetically. A person with a harmoniously developed astral body is strong physically, spiritually and energetically, is not used to indulging weaknesses, and is endowed with a strong will and bright temperament.

What is the subtle plan of a person

Subtle plane - subtle bodies. Their totality forms , which is visible if you develop or . There are seven bodies in total, and each corresponds to one of the chakras.

Most modern witchcraft traditions do not divide the aura or subtle plane into components. They work with the aura as a whole: they cleanse and strengthen, tuning in. The aura has many different functions, just like the seven bodies.

Working on a subtle plan for separate parts more effective by focusing on individual problems. Everyone has problems with their energy system. Long-term work on yourself can eliminate shortcomings.

How to develop the astral body

The degree of development of the astral body is as useful as working on strengthening the physical body. It is a part of the body, like an arm or a leg. The subtle plane provides the level of magical power, personal energy protection, the ability to influence people, charisma and the ability to make an impression. Personality with weak astral constantly suffers from troubles designed to give rise to the development of the subtle plan. Emotions are raw and primitive. People with a weak astral prefer spicy and heavy foods.

On life, well-being and character
significantly influencesstate of the subtle plane and astral essence. The development of the astral essence strengthens character and will, has a positive effect on health and immunity, communication with people and the growth of authority. If this is a magician, there is no way to increase energy reserves and magical power impossible.

How to develop the astral body? Strengthening is closely related to development work. Learn information related to the chakra. They develop the qualities necessary for normal work of the subtle plane: courage, responsibility, self-discipline. Exercises for developing energy potential, which are aimed at strengthening subtle energies, will be useful.

Natural training of the subtle bodies occurs during fights of any nature. A person must defend his own opinion, learn to convince other people, influence and show strength. Finding an opportunity to enter into a dispute is not difficult - there are a lot of forums on the Internet on various topics. You should learn to defend your own ideals. Physical fights are no less useful, as well as physical activity. you need to sign up for sports classes or train at home.

Meditations have a positive effect on the layers of the subtle plane. Training in awareness in a dream, astral projection and other techniques develops the astral body. If the astral component is too weak, it is difficult to achieve anything meaningful in the direction. If you take up the study of the astral plane, you should perceive not only the physical body, but develop holistically, so that development becomes complete.

Cleaning the astral body - what is it for and how to do it

The body on the astral plane needs care. It must be nourished, cleansed of impurities, and given rest. Physical food component is not capable of receiving - required positive emotions and impressions. They are obtained from listening to pleasant music, watching films, reading books, visiting various exhibitions and museums, and beautiful places in nature. Measures prevent contamination on the subtle planes and help heal damage.

Absorb the energy of the Universe through your breaths.

Cleansing the astral body is aimed not only at cleansing, but also at development. The subtle plane becomes contaminated with heavy negative emotions, while staying on lower levels astral, harmful entities, low-spiritual actions and feelings of guilt.

It is advisable to be able to sense impurities so that the question of how to cleanse the astral body is not pressing: the solution is clear on an intuitive level. Flair comes with experience if you practice hard. On exhalation, release through Manipura negative emotions, experiences, bad thoughts, while inhaling, absorb through the chakra the energy of the Universe, which is scattered around, spreading it throughout the astral body. Repeat the exercise every day for several minutes.

Positive thinking prevents the energy structure from becoming polluted. You should pay less attention to negative thoughts. Thinking in a positive way will affect your quality of life, character, energy level and even magical abilities.

The astral body is one of the seven components of the subtle body or aura. Performs protective and offensive functions if the conflict comes to energy or magical attacks. This is a natural protection that is given from birth. The astral plane is also responsible for magical abilities, energy levels, health and well-being, willpower and character.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will answer the questions: what is the human astral body, what are its main functions and how are virus programs formed?

Astral body (astral)− this is one of the subtle bodies of a person, which is part of the subconscious and is the second, after the ethereal. The space of the astral body itself is the space of our emotions.

Energetic protection, confidence and energetic influence on others largely depends on the astral body, as it is connected to the Manipura chakra, which is the energetic source of strength. The color of astral energy is silver-blue.

The development and periodic cleansing of the astral body allows:

  1. Improve memory and expand personal astral space;
  2. deactivate malicious programs (turn off their power supply);
  3. gradually transform and free your consciousness from various rubbish.
  4. improve intuition (be able to read feelings and emotions not only of your own, but also of others). And the first thing you need to learn here is to determine which chakra is active in a person at the moment of interaction with him;
  5. establish subconscious contact with anyone;
  6. improve ;
  7. receive information from the soul and various collective levels of consciousness that is blocked.

The development and cleansing of the astral has a beneficial effect on all overlying subtle bodies, since all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, feed on the energy of the astral.

Viruses of consciousness or how malware is formed in the human mind?

The human astral body contains low-frequency (negative emotions) and high-frequency (positive) vibrations. In most cases, low-frequency vibrations cause harm to a person, but there is a certain category of people who experience problems in the astral body when high-frequency vibrations predominate there. Before working with the Astral, you need to know exactly what energy your subconscious is powered by.

Due to energy disruptions, some experienced emotions are not digested by the astral body, just like in the physical body - a problem arises called allergies. The physical body, in this case, is not able to consume certain foods in the same way as the astral body - to assimilate and process certain emotions (energies).

This undigested emotion falls on the astral plane like a dead weight and begins to poison it. In other words, the astral was unable to divide the emotion into separate parts (separate energy and information separately).

Such an emotion not only occupies a place in the astral space, but also, after a certain period of time, acquires the quality of primitive consciousness (such consciousness makes the inanimate alive). Thus, the emotion turns into a virus-like living creature whose only goal is to survive.

In order to survive, this virus begins to look for patrons in other overlying subtle bodies of a person and finds them, for example, in the mental body, in which there are mental programs (constructs) that also want to live.

For a mental program to exist, it must have an uninterrupted power supply. That same “canned” emotion becomes such a source of nutrition. And what is called - they found each other, a mental program that does not want to be destroyed and a low vibration of the astral plane that does not want to be removed.

The viability of such a virus-like program in the human mind is explained by the fact that, having found an energy source of nutrition, it is able to act independently, i.e. survive. To strengthen its position, the virus also grows down to the level etheric body, causing discomfort in the form of malaise and outflow of energy.

Because of high level In order to survive, it is extremely difficult to remove such virus programs from the mind if you do not know the technology. The technique, which is usually used by psychologists and psychotherapists, takes a lot of time. Working at the level of the mental body, they try to disassemble the problem (program), decompose it into its components, without paying attention to the energy (etheric and astral body of a person) and informational (causal or buddhial body) sources of power for this program.

The article below will talk about such an interesting phenomenon as the astral body. We'll talk about what it is. How does it relate to body and soul? What can influence it? How can it be cleansed of negative energy, and what happens to it after a person’s death?

What is it - the human astral body

Esotericists (however, many ordinary people have recently begun to think in exactly the same way) believe that the physical, visible body human is far from the only thing. According to one common theory, there are several additional layers around the material. They are called subtle bodies or otherwise energy bodies. For most people they are, of course, invisible.

Thus, a person is a multi-layered structure, which is an integral indivisible system - all its parts must be in harmony with each other. Otherwise, dysfunctions of the body may occur on a physical or spiritual level, which often leads to big troubles.

In total, people have, in addition to the material, 6 additional bodies: etheric, astral, mental and several others. They overlap each other like a nesting doll. The further the body is from the center of human essence, the thinner and more transparent it is, and the easier it is to damage. Each of them is endowed with its own specific features and characteristics. But all of them can be controlled. In this article we will pay most attention to the astral body. In addition, it is one of the most famous.

Astral body

So, we found out that it is second after the broadcast. What features does it differ from? So, what is the human astral body? Another name for it is the emotional body, since it contains all the emotions and characteristics of our essence. It has a strong influence on emotions, but is itself affected by them. Therefore, in mentally immature people, especially young people, the astral body may look like a vague, cloudy cloud, while with increasing emotional stability it becomes more and more transparent, clear and similar in outline to the physical one. Thus, a strong and charismatic person has a much more powerful aura than a weak-willed and spineless person.

Origin of the term

The concept of the “astral body” comes from Platonic philosophy, where it is applied to the astral plane. In the nineteenth century the term became widely used by Theosophists and Rosicrucians.

The very idea of ​​numerous subtle bodies goes back to ancient religious ideas about the coming afterlife, in which one of the elements of human essence continues to exist.

Main characteristics

So, we have found out what it is - the astral body. Let's continue. The aura surrounds a person at a distance of approximately thirty to forty centimeters. Although this characteristic may vary depending on the state of mind. After all, the slightest change in the emotional background modifies the astral body. The soul is clearly and clearly reflected in it. Sensitive people can feel the emotional projections of others, especially if they are negative outpourings, and especially sensitive people - even if the person has already calmed down after a surge of negative emotions. Thus, with the help of aura we exchange energy with other people.

It is believed that negativity is expressed in this area in the form of dark, gloomy colors, and if a person is filled with happiness and joy, then this will be expressed in pure, ringing colors. The main shade of the aura is silver, with small splashes of blue and cyan. Thus, most often it looks like a multi-colored cloud, with outlines more or less resembling a person.

The formation of this subtle body occurs between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one.

We get what we give

So, all human emotions are accumulated here, including suppressed fears and anxieties. Since our childhood, the emotional body has been absorbing a wide variety of emotions, grievances, stereotypes and old beliefs. Often this information penetrates into the outside world, coming into conflict with it. It is important to remember this, since the astral body unconsciously transmits vibrations to the Universe, and their nature directly depends on our emotions. It is generally accepted that these messages attract positive or negative events into our lives, depending on what we broadcast. And if these vibrations are repeated for any period of time, then at this time we will always be faced with certain situations, people and problems, constantly attracting them to ourselves, without even noticing it.

Since our lives are filled with emotions, the astral body is one of the most important components of the human essence. It affects a person’s mood during the day, his view of the world and his own life. There is also no doubt that emotional stability also affects physical health, and it, in turn, affects the length and well-being of life.

Two levels of emotional layer

By the way, there is a theory that in the astral plane, emotions manifest themselves on the first, more superficial level. The second, the deep, reflects deeper feelings, for example, love or happiness.


In order to make your astral body stronger and more powerful, it, like your physical body, must be subjected to constant training. Thus, its persistence can be achieved by increasing discipline and responsibility. However, these qualities in any case will not interfere with any person. You can also gain experience in this area during verbal and emotional fights, when you have to defend your opinion and values, develop resilience and fortitude. Of course, we must not forget about meditation, which is, in principle, useful for restoring and cleansing the astral body.


Indeed, one should regularly cleanse the emotional body in the same way as the physical body. But how to do that? There are special techniques for cleansing the astral body, which involve complete relaxation and visualization. Of course, the main emphasis in such exercises is on working with emotions. Some healers specialize in cleansing the subtle bodies, but choosing professionals in this field must be done with extreme caution.

However, there are more realistic methods. For example, control over your emotions in order to avoid further accumulation of negativity and neutralize what is already stored in the aura. In the end, it is we who choose what our reaction will be to this or that event in the outside world.

You can try to take the position of an observer in a situation that causes negative emotions in you, and evaluate it from the outside. Perhaps this can change your attitude towards her. There is even such a thing as “culture of the astral body,” which involves taking care of it and keeping it clean. It's worth remembering. After all, this body is an instrument that connects us with the outside world on a more subtle level.

And, of course, you should enrich it with positive impressions and emotions that can be gleaned from everywhere - from good books and films, music and visiting exhibitions, being in nature and with family. Such measures will prevent contamination thin bodies, and will also heal wounds caused by negative impressions. And do not forget that positive thinking in some cases is truly useful and effective.

Access to the astral plane

How can a person use the capabilities of his astral body? This question probably interests many. In esotericism there is also such a thing as “astral projection”. This is closely related to what is called lucid dreaming. Unlike the latter, where a person acts within the boundaries of sleep, without going beyond its framework, projection presupposes a very real separation of the etheric part from the physical.

Since the aura has incomparably more possibilities for moving in space, this allows the astral traveler to pass through walls, instantly move from one place to another and thus get to any point in the Universe that is inaccessible to us in reality. Although inexperienced travelers often move in space under the influence of astral currents, regardless of their own desires, the ability to move at their own discretion comes with experience.

Possible dangers

But, like lucid dreams, entering the astral plane may not have the best consequences - various entities live in the astral plane. They may notice the traveler and follow him, perhaps without causing any real harm, but causing a lot of trouble. In addition, the exit of the astral body from the physical body for the first time can often be accompanied by not the most pleasant sensations. They sometimes turn people away from such experiences forever.

You can often hear stories about how a person enters the astral space by accident, without having the relevant experience. Usually such spontaneous actions frighten and puzzle travelers. But often the reasons for such a strange condition become clear, and one single solution becomes only the first on a long journey. astral travel. Often this accidental entry into the subtle world occurs soon after extensive practice. lucid dreams. But this does not mean that such experience is required before mastering astral projection.

However, it is no less rare for people for a long time they try to get into the astral plane, but their attempts do not always end in success. It is unknown what this depends on. There are a huge number of different manuals, courses and seminars that outline the practices of entering the subtle world, as well as safety precautions and the experience of experienced travelers.

What happens after death?

According to various theories, the astral body after the death of a person leaves the material shell in different time: someone claims that simultaneously with the soul, someone - that forty days after death. At this moment, the etheric immediately begins to break down, and after 2-3 days it is usually completely destroyed. But the astral separates a little later. In any case, sooner or later it enters the first energy layer of the Earth, changing its shape and then ending up in other worlds, depending on the nature of human life and death. However, there is also information that on the fortieth day after death the aura completely disintegrates.

The astral body is the second energetic body, also called the emotional body. This body carries all our emotions and also contains all the characteristics of our nature. It is directly affected by emotions and itself influences them. When a person is not particularly mature emotionally and spiritually, one can imagine his astral body as a kind of cloudy cloud moving in different directions. The more mature a person is in his feelings, thoughts and character traits, the more transparent and more definite in form the astral body will look.

Structure of the astral body

The aura of the astral body has oval shape and surrounds the body at a distance of 30-40 cm. Any change in emotions, any state of emotional imbalance spreads to the entire aura through the astral body. This process is carried out mainly by the chakras and to a lesser extent by the pores of the skin. Outwardly, a person's emotional state is reflected in the environment, and our senses can easily tell when a person is angry, upset, agitated, or discouraged, even if they appear calm on the outside. Sensitive people easily recognize the impact on the environment of others' unbalanced emotional projections; Some people feel anxious and uncomfortable if they are around someone who has negative emotions. Particularly sensitive people are able to feel this even when a person is calm and serene, but still carries residual unfavorable emotions from previous events.

The astral aura is in constant motion. Since the main character traits of a person are expressed in the aura using primary colors, the astral aura can change depending on the experiences and emotional status of the person. Negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear and anxiety are expressed by dark colors and spots on the surface of the aura. On the contrary, when a person is in love, happy, experiencing joy, confident in himself and in his surroundings, and feels courage, bright, motley, “pure”, shining colors appear on his aura.

We can say that of all the auras, the astral one most energetically influences a person’s general worldview, the reality in which he lives.

"Composition" of the astral body

The astral body contains all repressed emotions; conscious and unconscious fears and experiences associated with feelings of rejection and loneliness; aggressiveness, lack of self-confidence. This emotional mass transmits its vibrations to the world through the astral body, sending unconscious signals to the universe.

This is very important - the messages that we voluntarily or unwittingly send to the world through the astral body bring a certain reality into our lives. Ultimately, we receive exactly what we send out. If we emit negative emotions, we attract unpleasant events to ourselves, thereby fulfilling (consciously or unconsciously) pessimistic prophecies that attract these events in the first place. The energy vibrations that we emit attract similar energy vibrations from environment. Consequently, we repeatedly encounter situations, events or people that are a mirror image of what we repress, fear or want to get rid of.

Meanwhile, the situation of “mirror” meetings with people around us or with events occurring in our lives performs a certain function. Those emotions that we have not thrown out, and which remain in our astral body, are constantly in a state of desire to disappear. When we often encounter events or people who act as mirrors for us, we get another opportunity to get rid of accumulated emotions. When we consciously strive to deal with these emotions, we again find ourselves in a situation that mirrors our unresolved internal conflicts- however, now we courageously confront the current situation and try to resolve it wisely, so these feelings may well disappear and leave our emotional body.

The mental body and the intelligent thoughts contained in it have a certain influence on the astral body, but it is relatively small. Just as the subconscious can create its own system of laws and rules, the astral and emotional bodies also operate according to their own laws. This can be seen in the example of a person who repeatedly repeats to himself that there is no reason to be afraid of cockroaches that run across the floor. Only in very rare cases does such repetition have any noticeable effect on the fear experienced by that person.

Intelligent thought has the ability to direct external behavior, but it does not have a noticeable impact on the subconscious, except through the use of various mantras, affirmations, positive thinking, which directly appeal to the subconscious and change the stereotypes previously established in it.

In the emotional body we find all the old beliefs and emotional cliches that we accumulated between childhood and adulthood. Old childhood grievances live here, as well as emotions associated with feelings of rejection, worthlessness, and other unfavorable ideas that we have formed about ourselves. These old cliches again and again collide with the world of our consciousness.

For example, a conflict when a person strives to love and be loved, but cannot understand what is preventing this. Why doesn’t love come into his life, or why does it pass him by once again? It is very likely that the subconscious conviction that he is unworthy of love or incapable of love - and this conviction may have been formed in early childhood or even in infancy - has taken root in his astral body.

Life and rebirth of emotions

However, such a situation does not form and is not resolved only during the current life. Feelings that have not found a way out, unresolved emotional conflicts and the imprints they leave on our lives and on our environment (through our worldview and our behavior) pass with us into subsequent incarnations until they are resolved. This happens because our emotional body does not disintegrate at the death of the physical body, but passes into the next body, into the next incarnation. Moreover, accumulated unresolved problems can largely predetermine the form of our subsequent incarnation and the conditions in which our life will take place.

When we internalize these laws of the Universe, we understand that our destiny is actually in our own hands. We cannot blame events and certainly cannot blame other people, because we ourselves made these events happen to us, thanks to the emotional mass that has accumulated in our emotional body during the current life or was inherited from previous incarnations .

Most emotional complexes are concentrated in the solar plexus chakra. Through this chakra we react emotionally to what we encounter in life.

If we want to rationally comprehend the emotions that rage within us, we must stimulate the third eye chakra, which characterizes higher form manifestations of the astral body so that we can gain insight into the contents of the solar plexus chakra.

However, even after we rationally comprehend the hidden and previously unconscious feelings raging within us, we must open our hearts and change existing stereotypes through conscious behavior. To do this, we need to stimulate and open the heart and crown chakras. When our heart is open and we are guided and guided by the universal mind, we can make significant adjustments in ourselves in this incarnation and greatly influence the astral body. We can begin to notice and understand many of the things that happen to us, and learn from them.

When a person's developed state of awareness and connection with the superego (Higher Self) causes the frequencies of his spiritual body to connect with the frequencies of his astral (emotional) body, the frequencies of his astral body become higher and higher. The more they increase, the more the astral body unravels the “tangles” of unfavorable emotions, unresolved conflicts and negative life experiences.