How does fate influence a person's life? Children. Child-parent relationships. The influence of gender on fate

Our destiny is the events of our life from childhood to death. We all want these events to be favorable - a good family, love, successful children, an interesting profession, good relationships at work, with friends, enough money, etc. What does all this depend on? Of course, external circumstances, the social environment, our surroundings somehow influence our destiny. But this is just a background that can be unfavorable or favorable. Basically, we and only we are the reason for what happens to us in this life.

At first glance, this thesis destroys the usual way of thinking. After all, most people are accustomed to shifting the blame for their failures and problems onto someone else. And although this way of thinking does not help solve problems, moreover, it fills life with disappointment, people continue to live by stereotypes that hinder their progress. Until a person understands that his thoughts are active programs that determine his future, his destiny, he will not achieve success in life. I’ll try to tell you with examples how human self-programming occurs.

Imagine a situation where you have planned some kind of event, say, to go to nature on such and such a day of the week. But a few days before that, you received a more interesting, more tempting offer for the same day of the week. You have a choice - where to go? And you choose the first, planned one, despite the fact that the second is more interesting for you. As a rule, people act this way in such situations. Why? The fact is that when you were planning, you created a mental form of a country trip with images of relaxation, clean air, forests, and fishing. This thought form has penetrated your subconscious, set your body up for a trip, taken possession of your being and it is difficult to change anything. And if you change, you will have to face a lot of body tension. From an energetic point of view, planning a trip to nature is recorded in the form of information or a program on the human biofield, and then this information also affects the body.

Any of our thoughts, especially emotionally charged ones, influence our further behavior and actions. When meeting, for example, with friends, you discuss prices, how difficult it has become to live, how little money there is and how it is not enough to live on. The more often you participate in these discussions, the stronger our thought forms become: “life is difficult”, “I don’t have enough money”, etc. Then these thoughts, penetrating into the subconscious or recording on your biofield, begin to live their own lives, being reflected outwardly and creating a reality in which you really don't have enough money, in which your life really becomes difficult.

The reasons for failures in life are pessimism and self-programming. A girl who wants to get married and considers herself ugly and incapable will find it difficult to do so. Because she radiates this “program” and will not arouse the interest of the guys around her. A businessman who starts a business and thinks more about difficulties and possible failures is doomed to failure of his business. The reason is the same, negative self-programming affects both his actions when conducting business and all those associated with his business.

Our thoughts are powerful when they are emotionally charged. Desire is a strong emotion, a motivation that makes our thoughts strong and, with positive thinking, lead to success. Without desire, we cannot solve a single problem. It often happens that a person tries to solve some problem, but cannot due to a lack of desire somewhere at the deep levels of the subconscious. Sometimes a person himself does not understand this, it is so deeply hidden inside. For example, some people cannot find a job not because it is impossible, but because they subconsciously do not want to work. The same applies to health. There are patients who have no subconscious desire to get well. For some reason, it is beneficial for them to be sick or to be in this state. They gain something from this - attention from loved ones, others, social material aid etc.

When a person has many desires, this is already an active life position, and with positive thinking it brings a person success in life. A lot of desires, interests and aspirations create a huge biofield around that person, which allows him to work for a long time and not get tired. Such a biofield is the key to health. It activates all systems of the body and no diseases can penetrate it.

An active lifestyle is also the key to longevity, and this is confirmed by the lives of many scientists. And vice versa, lack of desires, apathy in life, weakened body. Such people get sick more often, get tired at work, because they work without desire, and are often subject to failure. Just recently I went to St. Petersburg and learned news that at first shocked me. One of my acquaintances, 48 ​​years old, died. I knew him from a long time ago: I didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, led a healthy lifestyle. And suddenly - liver cancer. Everyone around me and relatives were in bewilderment, I must admit, and for the first five minutes I didn’t could come to his senses, but then everything became clear to me. Being a good engineer, he had no interests in life, and he worked only because he had to work. He had no desire to change something for the better, he had no vitality impulse. But this vital impulse is exactly what we need. Without it, the body weakens and then anything can happen...

Some readers may object to me. What if during my life I haven’t found an interesting job, a job that I like? What if I would like to, but have no desires or aspirations. What should I do? My dear readers! And in this case everything depends on ourselves. In this case, through what eyes we look at the world. Let's say two people came into the forest. One admires the diversity and beauty of the trees, enjoys the smell of the forest and the singing of birds, and leaves the forest happy and full of strength. And the other looks at the forest as wood, raw material for furniture and paper, and leaves the forest bored. Or, say, living with your wife, you can see more of her positive qualities and not pay attention to her shortcomings. In this case, the person is happy.

But you can look at the same wife with different eyes, concentrating on the shortcomings and suffer from it. The person is the same, but perceptions may be different. The same applies to those people who cannot find an interesting job. Again, through what eyes do you look at the work? An interesting example in this regard is given in his book “Health and Spirituality” by my friend, writer V. Lobodin.

Once in his youth, he was forced to work as a janitor. At the very beginning, this work caused him negative feelings and reluctance. But realizing that it was impossible to work like that, he filled this work with his own content. Here is an excerpt from the book: “After half an hour, I already knew what to do so that a pile of garbage would not ruin my character forever. I began to clean not the garbage chute, but... my conscience; I took out not buckets of garbage, but my illnesses. I was sweeping not the floor, but my destiny, separating not food waste from non-food waste, but my sins from my soul. I cleaned with gusto left kidney and clearly felt how she was simply squealing with pleasure, I scraped out stones from the liver with a shovel.... In the end, I got so carried away and loved this work that I seriously began to think about making this work my profession.”

This funny example shows that any work can be filled with meaning and content and you can find your own interest in it. It all depends on the person himself.

Boris Arapovich

Vedic numerology differs from Pythagorean (Western) in that it has a closer connection between numbers and planets (numerology and astrology). Each number from 1 to 9 has its own vibration that cannot be avoided. These vibrations exist regardless of whether we feel them. You can use them positive properties and curb the negative ones by knowing when they will appear.


But Vedic astrology not only includes calculation of planetary movements and their interpretation, but also many other prediction techniques such as Shakunishastra (omens reading), Swapnashastra (dream interpretation), numerology, etc. Numerology, the simplest of them, does not require complex calculations and can be applied anywhere and at any time.

In Indian numerology, nine numbers correspond to nine planets in astrology: 1 – Sun 2 – Moon 3 – Jupiter 4 – Rahu 5 – Mercury 6 – Venus 7 – Ketu 8 – Saturn 9 – Mars

Rahu and Ketu are the lunar nodes. Rahu is the ascending lunar node, Ketu is the descending lunar node. They are the intersection points of the orbits of the Sun and Moon.

In Hindu astrology the sign of the Moon is the sign of the Soul. In the Western tradition, people try to understand the Soul through the sign of the Sun. Numerology has almost nothing to do with the signs of the Sun, Moon or other planets; it is directly related to a person’s personality through numbers. But the numbers themselves are associated with the influence of the planets and only in a certain combination affect human behavior, his desires, needs and ambitions.

Vedic numerology believes that a person has three main numbers: Soul, Fate and Name. Your Soul Number is your birthday. It is believed that a person’s life figure, composed of two numbers, carries their influence too. For example, the dates 8, 17 and 26 form the number 8. But these eights are slightly different. If you were born on the 8th of any month, then your number is a pure eight. If the 17th and 26th, then your eight is formed by adding the numbers - 1+7 and 2+6. These numbers also have their impact.

The Soul Number is the strongest of human vibrations. The Personal Soul Number reveals the path that a person chooses for himself. It plays important role for friendship, marriage, ambitions and desires, for choosing a sexual partner. This number remains in effect throughout human life and especially shows its strength at the age of 35–40 years.

After 40 years, another number comes into play, which is called the Destiny Number. A person begins to feel certain changes in his destiny. The Soul Number, however, does not lose its importance.

People with an odd Soul Number are restless, well-educated, love to travel, and constantly strive for change. For them, their own life experience carries more weight than outside advice and teachings. They are ruthless towards others, but carefully weigh their decision in the current situation. They have great self-control, have a craving for antique things and sensual pleasures. Such people are liked, but not always loved. People with an even Soul Number have an explosive character. They have a pronounced inclination towards management and planning. Always ready to step up and take what is theirs.

Each “life number” carries a characteristic influence and endows its owner with certain properties.

Soul Number 1

Soul number 1 belongs to those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th. People with Soul Number 1 are ruled by the Sun, which gives them clarity of purpose and thought. They are simply full of new ideas, especially when they are convinced that they are on on the right track. It is very difficult to convince them to change their behavior, opinion or decision. They collect ideas from everywhere and create their own way of thinking. They always care about the impression they make on others. They are characterized by selfishness and a desire for leadership; individual people are almost not susceptible to outside influence. As a rule, they have a clear, personal understanding of life and those around them. In general, one is one. These people always strive to be first and independent. They love to argue and are very stubborn. These are quite energetic and ambitious individuals with a creative way of thinking. Few can be good journalists. and scientists. They are charming and erudite, free from sanctimonious and religious prejudices, yet they can be believers. Few people face the ups and downs of their lives with courage, without losing courage and without unnecessary nervousness. They don't like criticism, but they like to criticize others. Laziness, slowness, false pride, false promises, and idleness are alien to them. They want unlimited freedom. They are clear in everything that concerns self-expression and like short answers to their questions.

Number 1 people are very kind and easy to work with. Like the Sun, they are a source of light and joy and are intended to serve all humanity. Number 1 people join religious and public organizations, but if they are not given key positions there, they easily part with them. As a rule, people with number 1 are noticed and loved by members of the opposite sex. The most active years of their life are 35–39 years.

Basic vibrations of number 1: independence, individuality, achievement, leadership, guidance.

Cautions. People with Soul Number 1 must be very careful about their finances. They should spend money carefully and not engage in financial scams. They should not make hasty judgments because it will bring them failure. They cannot be: too ambitious too independent careless wasteful too domineering overly sensual too critical Also, people should not demand attention to their person all the time, brag, fight alone and refuse help.

Soul Number 2

Character traits and abilities. Two is the Soul Number of people born on 2, 11, 20, 29. Two is under the protection of the moon. She is changeable and adaptable, but sometimes indecisive. It is an important representative, mediator, diplomat and peacemaker, because unity can only be achieved by bringing together different opinions and compromise. Two accumulates and assimilates energy. Her slogan is loyalty and partnership, as she maintains a balance between opposition forces. Unity is her goal, so she is submissive and responsive to others. Above all, she values ​​harmony and assimilation. This is more of a follower than a leader.

Twos are idealists and romantics. And also dreamers. They have developed imagination and intelligence. You like order and punctuality. You are attentive and purposeful. You like interesting and extraordinary people. You are also inclined to travel, which satisfies your rich imagination and brings positive emotions. You are a contemplative and can admire the beautiful view from the train window for a long time. You are also a born peacemaker and came into this world to resolve disputes and reconcile opponents. You do this very well thanks to your natural gift of influencing people.

Twos are attractive, have an eye for art, and know how to turn others' heads. They have a kind heart, they are gentle, faithful and always ready to help. They consider friendship sacred and sacrifice everything they have for the sake of others. Such people are sociable and easy to socialize. They are emotionally connected to other people and adhere to the philosophy of peaceful existence: “Live and let live.”

Twos are secretive, but never lie and do not tolerate lies from other people. And these qualities are sometimes used by dishonest people who seek to exploit them and, on occasion, denigrate them. If the Moon is not well placed in the birth chart of twos, they become easy prey for people who flatter them. If the Moon is well placed in the birth chart of twos, then they have good intuition and are well aware of the intentions of those who flatter them. But they are silent and allow themselves to be deceived, because they are polite and love flattery. The good placement of the Moon in their birth chart also makes twos good communicators and outstanding speakers. Their mind is clear and clear, and reason and intuition work together.

Basic vibrations of number 2: cooperation, intimacy, sensitivity, balance and harmony, benevolence. Cautions. People with Soul Number 2 must cultivate self-confidence, will and certainty, maintain independence, avoid haste, control their actions, and adhere only to their own decisions. They need to avoid swimming or boating in deep places and avoid foods that are not suitable for the stomach and heart.

They should not: lose courage or quickly fall in love put aside your work for the sake of others rely on someone's help in your work leave work unfinished due to loss of interest in it

Twos should avoid people who are suffering infectious diseases, due to his susceptibility to infections and weakness immune system. To strengthen the immune system, they should take morning walks and get a massage. They need to take care of their throats. Number 2 people should engage in sports that can be practiced outdoors. They should constantly take care of maintaining their body in proper shape.

Soul Number 3

Character traits and abilities. Soul number 3 belongs to those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th. If you were born on one of the above days of the month, you are: Creative and bright. You have a sharp mind and natural intelligence. You also have an excellent sense of humor and charm. Possessing insightful intelligence and remarkable intuition, you know how to see people “through and through.” But sometimes you are too harsh in your assessments and expressions, which can accidentally offend someone. You should not resist fate and from time to time allow it to carry you along with the flow in order to achieve success and prosperity. People with number 3 are independent, firm, active, loving hard work. They are reliable, disciplined, self-confident, proactive, and ambitious. They love to be first always and everywhere. They dream of doing something great in life so that their descendants will remember them. Therefore, they constantly think about the future.

A career does not come to them without struggle, but it is the struggle that inspires them and has a beneficial effect on their growth. Threes do not like to obey and prefer freedom, so they strive to create their own business in which they would be absolute masters. They direct their energy to creating comfortable conditions in life, trying to make it more joyful and more attractive. Their innate keen instincts and logic help them achieve success. They very quickly understand what benefits them. Such people become good teachers, speakers and writers.

Number 3 people are friendly and expansive, and they thrive on their sociability and versatility. They never sit idle, they work hard throughout their lives. Even if they feel the need to rest, they simply cannot relax. They may sleep fitfully at work. If the task at hand becomes tedious for them, they switch to another, but always finish what they start. In this way, they make and at the same time receive money from different sources. They often receive protection and help from relatives who occupy a good position in society.

They always follow their word and keep their promise, so they are very reliable. They value order and discipline. They follow orders only from those they respect and dream of surpassing them. This desire sometimes turns them into dictators. Threes have good health and are full of energy. They make friends easily and have a wide circle of acquaintances. They are lucky in love. Always surrounded by members of the opposite sex. This often creates problems for them. But in general they are chaste and pure, faithful to family vows and loyal to their partners. They treat their relatives well and are strongly attached to the family. They happily observe family responsibilities and sacrifice their personal comfort to maintain an atmosphere of love and harmony in their own family. They are always ready to come to the aid of their loved ones, even their enemies, but only when asked.

Basic vibrations of number 3: cheerfulness, enthusiasm, optimism, creativity, sociability.

Cautions. Threes should spend money carefully, control anger, passion, sensitivity, and temperament. They should not boast about their achievements and lose their heads at the slightest difficulties.

They may be hindered in life by: impatience optimism and ambition dictatorial tendencies disrespect for one's life partners pride illegal financial fraud

Such people need to correctly assess their strengths and not take on more work and responsibility than they can handle. Otherwise it will cause stress. If they begin to feel that the situation is unfavorable for them, they should take a break to rest.

Soul Number 4 Character traits and abilities. Soul Number 4 people were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st. You are a fairly decent and honest person who knows how to keep other people's secrets and be a reliable friend. By the way, you don’t have many friends, but you will have them for life. You do not like to take risks; you would rather carefully weigh and think through everything. But this can sometimes hinder you in life, since due to excessive caution you may miss a profitable chance. You cannot stand squabbles, intrigues and envy. You may be too tyrannical with your loved ones. You lack romance in your relationships. Sometimes you look at things too realistically. You are an excellent organizer and manager. You are destined to do everything thoroughly and reliably.

Number 4 is ruled by Rahu, which is constantly changing - it never stands still, always moving either forward or backward. The influence of Rahu brings 4 sudden changes into people's lives. Fours will constantly experience ups and downs. Because of this, they develop a certain duality of nature and distrust. Constant uncertainty forces them to ask others for advice and act in accordance with their recommendations.

Fours are stubborn and persistent. Rahu gives them firmness, courage and patience, so they can withstand pain and any suffering. They accept any changes, ups and downs with ease and unprecedented patience. Fours will be criticized throughout their lives. However, their intentions are honest and they are not quarrelsome by nature. These are reliable and patient people who can adapt to any conditions. They often feel lonely and abandoned.

Fours have no passion for accumulating treasures. If they receive money, they spend it immediately. Their lifestyle makes others think that they are rich. But they give away money not because there is a lot of it, but because of their ability to compassion. Their friendly relations last throughout their lives, although they have few real friends.

Fours are very secretive. They do not reveal their secrets even to those who are dear and close to them. This brings them heart problems, but they love to bear all their suffering alone. They are quite selfish and can do anything to fulfill their selfish desires, even if it causes harm to others. They are capable of making false promises and make many opponents during their lives.

At the end of their lives, people of number 4 achieve success and fame. They can also become rich by receiving an inheritance.

Basic vibrations of number 4: love of order, constraint, hard work, practicality.

Cautions. Fours should avoid unnecessary disputes, waste of money, and learn to appreciate other people. To keep calm, they must drink water from a silver goblet and eat food from a silver dish.

It would do well for such people to judge others less and make false promises less often. They should not blindly trust others.

Soul Number 5 Character traits and abilities. People with Soul Number 5 were born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd. Fives are very energetic and need adrenaline. Easily excitable and emotional. You often make spontaneous decisions following an inner impulse. A's can easily learn foreign language. Making money is not a big problem for you; saving it later is much more important. They are quite partial to material wealth. A player by nature. To those around you, you seem self-confident and maybe even arrogant. But they often do not suspect that internally you are quite timid. You should choose a career that is dynamic and interesting. Because routine and passivity are not for you. Your purpose is to encourage other people to take action, to show others that you can develop spiritually without losing your love of life and enthusiasm. In their personal life they should strive to pacify their restless and changeable nature.

Since the number 5 is the middle of the number series from 1 to 9, this position allows her to make decisions instantly. She gets it fast necessary information and is a natural patron and adviser to many people. Number 5 people have a gentle and vulnerable character and try to learn something every minute. They love entertainment and try to create a cheerful and happy atmosphere around themselves. They do not make long-term plans (which involve patience), although they are always busy developing new ways to get money. Constant desire earning money pushes them to gamble. And if they get involved in these games, they can lose everything.

Fives very easily make friends with any number. But due to the fact that they are fickle, such friendship is short-lived. They have great intuition and can accurately understand the intention of any person and are able to anticipate the maneuvers of their competitors. They give answers before they even finish listening to the question. They do not like change and do not tolerate people touching their things or changing the order in which they are. Fives can easily make their enemies friends and force them to accept their point of view.

They are thrifty and able to save money for a rainy day, but sometimes become extravagant. In general, they always manage to get money. They have no single source of income. They cannot sit idle and love to develop various methods for quick money. They always invest money in business and succeed in it thanks to their adventurous nature. These are partners you can rely on.

Fives are punctual and always in a hurry to get somewhere. Fives sometimes prefer to live away from their families in other countries, enjoy life and study.

Fives are very health conscious and careful in their food choices. Take care of their appearance, have a strong physique, and they remain healthy and active until old age. They usually live long. Since Mercury is exalted in its own sign, Virgo, two A's are the best of friends.

Basic vibrations of number 5: constructiveness, love of freedom, progressiveness.

Cautions. People with Soul Number 5 should not: lose their sense of humor, use their caustic, stinging and sharp tongue, be too critical, succumb to depression, experience cardiac and nervous stress, avoid children and avoid entertainment, rush somewhere all the time, constantly be stubborn, strain their eyes when reading at night , while watching television programs it is wrong to judge people, instead they should create an atmosphere of trust towards their friends and well-wishers by making false promises and getting irritated over trifles

It is recommended not to impose your ideas on others, to be inattentive when traveling and not to trust strangers.

Fives should: take long morning walks drink more juices and take care of the purity of the blood, because they easily catch skin and heart diseases take short trips, avoid the company of losers and pessimists to strengthen the nerves and improve metabolism twice a week massage the body using olive oil study be content, grateful towards friends and appreciate others

Soul Number 6

Character traits and abilities. Six is ​​the Soul Number of those born on the 6th, 15th or 24th of any month. Their keywords: family and social responsibility, service, love, compassion, healing, creativity.

Frank, honest, but rather delicate people. A great friend and people feel your positive, warm energy. You are hospitable and sociable and have a lively and cheerful disposition. You can give your loved ones your endless care and friendship, feel that you are able to make the life of your loved ones convenient and comfortable - this gives you special pleasure. Always strive to pass on your experience to others; you are selfless and not calculating. Such people attract others, they are polite, artistic, and have delicate taste. They spend money easily. They love to travel and often go abroad. They care too much about their appearance and always try to dress presentably.

People with Soul Number 6 are smart and tactful. They do their work very slowly, but they believe that this is their advantage, not a disadvantage. When they are expected to be quick, they get nervous and ruin everything by making a lot of mistakes. They do not tolerate it when someone acts against their will and can hide their feelings and anger behind a sweet smile.

They do not tolerate disorder and are neat. Decorate their homes, rooms, offices, workplaces. These are universal friends, good family members. Caring and attentive towards their own. Friends love them for their refined taste, good manners, courtesy and gentleness. Sixes are quite lucky and are able to receive all the benefits and all the luxuries modern life at a fairly young age.

Basic vibrations of number 6: responsibility, love, favor, peace, help.

Cautions. They need to learn to check the people with whom they have business first. And women, before entering into financial or personal relationships, need to check what others say. People of number 6 are contraindicated from being lazy and giving in to persuasion and avoiding pressure, so as not to spoil their projects. They must forget the people who have wronged them and not waste their energy in vain by embarking on the path of revenge.

They should avoid: hard physical work using drugs because they are addictive excessive love affairs sweet foods, oils and fats, and very spicy foods

They need: take regular morning walks organize your life properly, make schedules and not spend too much time on water sports save money for a rainy day

Soul Number 7 Character traits and abilities. Seven is the Soul Number of people born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month. The vibration of this number gives people diligence, a penchant for analysis, rich imagination, and developed intuition. These are born philosophers, interested more in issues of thought and spirit than in the material side of life.

Representatives of this number are most often people who strive to know and penetrate into the essence of everything unknown and mysterious. Usually they are gifted with intuition and psychic abilities, they love solitude and loneliness.

These people are independent and individualistic, they are difficult to understand because they are silent and withdrawn. Therefore, they often go through life alone; loneliness is never a burden for them. They like to be in the company of only a small circle of loyal friends who share their interests with them. These people are original, proud and independent to such an extent that they are very reluctant to accept advice and help from others. They have magnetism, as well as insight and intuition, often bordering on clairvoyance, so nothing can escape their attention. They do not believe what they do not know and in order to believe in something, they must first study and understand it. Many of them are gifted poets, artists, thinkers, orators, judges, numerologists, reformers and scientists.

Number 7 people have a good heart. They are romantic, sentimental and noble. They are distinguished by originality in their self-expression and independence in their approach to life. Philosophical view on things gives them a unique personality. They find new meaning for old values ​​and old truths, and do not tolerate injustice. They have the ability to convince people so much that even their opponents are forced to accept their point of view. Sevens do not like crowds and try to be in contact with nature. She seeks friendship among equals in spirit. Despite their insecurities, inside they are well-organized people with constancy. life principles, with the help of which they maintain physical and mental health. They skillfully make plans.

Many of them are thrifty and quickly find use for unnecessary things, even those thrown away by other people. They love change and love to travel. They go on a trip with the hope of learning something new and making money. And they do it better than other numbers. They are brave and easy to take risks. They try to learn something from everyone and are very interested in occult sciences. These are true life scientists, which can bring many discoveries to life.

Sevens are peace-loving, but do not tolerate being bossed around. They can do a lot of good for the person with whom they are friends, and also cause a lot of trouble when they break off friendships. In any job, as a rule, they achieve a high position. They usually settle into their lives closer to the age of 34, and achieve real success and wealth quite late.

They are attractive, pleasant and charming. They are not easily deceived because they can read other people's thoughts but do not know how to understand their own.

Basic vibrations of number 7: analysis, understanding, contemplation, search for truth, spiritual understanding.

Cautions. Before accepting any projects, Sevens must carefully delve into their essence, weigh the positive and negative aspects of the work, and evaluate the time and labor that will be required to complete the tasks.

They are recommended: do not waste energy and do not take on impossible tasks; accept any changes with joy and do not cling to your own thoughts; work independently, trying to be self-sufficient and bravely start your own projects; do not let your guard down; be sincere and dedicated to your work and do not get carried away by fruitless fantasies; do not be too sentimental, do not rush and make decisions quickly

Sevens should be very careful and avoid meeting people who abuse alcohol and drug addiction, as they themselves can get drawn into this lifestyle. They should have flowers and green plants around them and look at them every morning to gain inner strength. Number 7 people should avoid water sports, deep water and traveling on boats and ships.

Soul Number 8

Character traits and abilities. Eight is the Soul Number of people born on the 8th, 17th and 26th of any month. Eight is the sign of infinity. Therefore, people - eights are two-faced and can go from one extreme to another, surprising others with such drastic changes, sometimes five times a day. Eights are clearly distinguished expressed feeling justice and a desire to help less fortunate people. Eights are tycoons. If you are an Eight, you can achieve a lot in material terms, you just have to want and make an effort, although not particularly great. Money loves you and willingly comes to you in due time. You have an amazing ability to turn your dreams and ideas into real things. Your charisma and individuality can attract the opposite sex like a magnet.

Number 8 people are hard workers. They prefer to do everything themselves and do not accept help from others. Secretive, patient, assertive, serious, melancholic, thoughtful, sincere, cheerful; have inner peace and balance. Their life is full of struggle, but they do not give up until they achieve their desired goal. They have very few true friends who are able to recognize their tender and vulnerable nature. They boldly face any difficulties and stand up for the interests of their friends, saving them in any situation, but in this way they make worse enemies for themselves.

Eights are very vindictive, do not forgive insults and harbor anger in their hearts until the end of their lives, patiently waiting for the right moment to attack the offenders. They do not rest until they defeat their enemies. They face defeat with a smile and change their strategy, but do not calm down until they take revenge. These are extremists who go to extremes of both friendship and hatred.

In the profession, they are not satisfied with small success, but strive for the greatest honors. Being very honest, practical and smart, they hate hypocrisy and deception.

For Eights, there are no norms and rules; they do not like to obey and often conflict with government officials. Eights primarily care about their financial security, although they do not chase money. They do any work for the sake of money. Until the age of 35, they generally do not know how to save money and encounter several financial crises throughout their lives. But after 35 they start saving. They like to see their account increase, and they stop throwing money around.

Basic vibrations of the number 8: satisfaction, achievement; desire for success, power, recognition.

Cautions. They should not take on work that is beyond their capabilities. They must trust their loved ones and subordinates, expand their circle of friends and acquaintances. They should not rely on gratitude and help from relatives. Eights must put aside vindictiveness, throw off the mask of gloominess, seriousness, and sobriety. They need to learn to smile and try to be happy.

They need: cultivate tolerance, friendliness, prudence and not get irritated so easily follow the advice of wise people who know more than themselves; get rid of the habit of thinking about the past and try to cope with imaginary fears respect your life and business partners do not get involved in love affairs more often travel stop spreading rumors give up canned, old food and food instant cooking; they should eat more coarse grains, drink more fresh juices to avoid constipation and other problems

Soul Number 9

Character traits and abilities. Nine is the Soul Number of people born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month. Mars is a planet of fire and heat, it creates a strong flow of energy that is not easy to cope with. It makes people with Soul Number 9 restless. They do not rest until they succeed in achieving their desired goals. Their keywords: compassion, patience, versatility, selflessness.

The number 9 contains the qualities of all other elementary numbers, it is the most powerful of them. You are very sensitive and loving. Your rare penchant for the problems of others makes you great friend. You are prone to mysticism and the unknown. Would you like to be free as the wind and travel around different countries, continents and maybe even planets... romantic love plays such a significant role in your life that it can spread to many people at the same time, without dissipating at all. Your life is full of bright and interesting events and this attracts the attention of others.

A person with Soul Number 9 has a strong authoritative character and high ideals. Nines are born with leadership qualities and can easily control the stubborn. People with number 9 are born to succeed: they have all the necessary qualities for this. Nines, like athletes, are no strangers to competition. They are very brave and love adventure. Ambitiousness and strong will allow them to quickly achieve their goals. They quickly react to any situation and go into a state of readiness at the first signal, and are always able to repel an attack. Nines are not particularly burdened by their own problems and do not waste energy. Nines are optimistic, independent, free, sincere, fearless, impetuous; they have an inexhaustible source of energy. They don’t like to be obligated to anyone, they’re not afraid of anything.

Such people are full of enthusiasm, inspiration, and are always in a hurry to achieve their intended goal. They do not tolerate interference in their work, hate criticism, and always do things their own way. They have a very developed sense of responsibility. In their youth, they experience many difficulties in communicating with other people, so it can be difficult for them to achieve a worthy place in society, at home, at work. But after 40 years they achieve success.

Nines are outwardly firm, disciplined, unshakable, but at heart they are soft and compassionate. Good organizers and capable administrators. If they are given full power, the organization they lead will always make good profits. They spend a lot of time and energy to keep their homes and workplaces extremely clean and tidy, but are unable to create order and peace in their family life.

Basic vibrations of number 9: selflessness, compassion.

Cautions. Nines should be wary of fires, bomb explosions, storms, hurricanes, floods and road accidents. They must be alert at all times when using a firearm and must drive with extreme caution. When signing official papers, they need to be careful and study them carefully until the act of signing. If necessary, you can consult with a lawyer before signing. They should not avoid showing humor - it will bring them good luck.

Nines need: avoid any provocations and thoughts of revenge give up false pride, hypocrisy learn to find emotional calm and not lose courage avoid reckless actions, anger, arrogance, aggressiveness avoid complaints, discussions and gossip about your colleagues, partners love your life partners, create peace in the family life and remember the axiom: “To err is human, but God is to forgive” learn to overcome your anxiety expand the circle of your friends and acquaintances maintain a smile on your face respect your bosses and do not get involved in unnecessary disputes with them adhere to discipline that creates order in their lives avoid everything new during periods when Mars is not in the best position in the birth horoscope forecast; avoid drugs because they have a predisposition to them

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"Eternal Word"


“What shapes a person’s destiny”

Municipal educational institution secondary school of Bagrationovsk

Head: Moskvicheva E.A.

What shapes a person's destiny?

People have long been trying to predict their fate using various magical actions and so-called innate abilities. Perhaps this makes some sense, but personally I can only rely on reliable facts...

In my opinion, to a greater extent, a person creates his own destiny. Of course, surrounding factors also influence it, but man is its most important designer. By setting goals, achieving them and setting new ones, a person gradually shapes his destiny. Many people try to do a lot of things in their lives: start a family, have a good income, do good to people, fulfill their deepest dreams. And some simply “go with the flow.” They are least concerned about what is happening around them; sometimes they even turn a blind eye to themselves. Such people only exist as plants, without bringing any benefit to anyone...

Many factors influence a person’s life and destiny. The people around you, nature, even your own character have an influence.

One of important factors is family. Many of us do not understand such happiness that we have a loving family, and treat each other with disdain due to our interests and character. Yes, there are examples of dysfunctional families where children sometimes have a hard time, but even in such a situation you must remember to respect those who gave you the opportunity to live in this world, to enjoy the sun, green grass, earthly and human beauty.

Modern youth are in no particular hurry to start a family. Nowadays, most adhere to the principle: first make a career, make capital, become a respected person in society... However, sooner or later, the majority still create families. And it is the family that is the main engine in achieving this or that goal for the majority of people; it is the family that provides a person with a full life. Of course, there are people for whom family is not the main thing. For them, the mercantile and down-to-earth come first: eating sweets, sleeping, having fun, picking flowers of pleasure as often as possible. There is no talk of love, sacrifice, or the desire to recognize oneself in one’s children! But the main function of a person is to continue his lineage, which means to create his own family.

I, like many others, believe that family is the most precious thing in a person’s life. But it takes a lot of effort to create it. Both moral and material benefits are necessary to ensure a decent life in your family. When I become a parent, I will try my best to help my child. It is he who will carry a piece of me, my relatives, and our ancestors into the future. After all, it is this little man who will be the continuation of my life.

In my opinion, care, education, communication are very important for the moral and physical development of an individual. Therefore, in this sense, I will devote as much time to my children as is required for this. You can’t feel sorry for something for your child, in the good sense of the word. Parents are sometimes capable of making any sacrifice for the sake of what is most precious in their lives.

Fate is when a person creates one out of many. This is the realization of plans, dreams, and if a person sets goals for himself, then he lives!

The choice of path, which means the influence on the factor of fate, depends only on ourselves. “Every person passes through the fire of fate alone.” And so it is. We humans are carriers of a way of life.

From the above we can conclude: a person should live his life the way he wants. Yes, you need to listen to others, but more importantly you need to listen to your heart. It’s better to regret later what you did than what you didn’t do...

“Fate” is a very complex and ambiguous term. Is it possible to shape destiny? Shape, mold, as if from raw clay, your life. Some people are sure that they “make their destiny” themselves; for others it’s karma, their destined future. Therefore, I will call my work: “What shapes a person’s personality.”

A personality is considered to be a set of character traits that a person displays in different situations, and the more such traits, the more interesting this person is, as a rule, to us. “It’s a personality!” - they say about an extraordinary person, self-confident, having influence on other people, authority. The formation of personality is influenced not only by upbringing and the situation in the family, but also later, already at a conscious age, by the desire to develop culturally, to achieve some ideals, the desire to be needed and useful person for society, and maybe gain respect and honor, become famous.

It is on what we want to get from life, on our demands, that our destiny depends. Contrary to the prevailing opinion that a person matures by the age of eighteen, I will say that personality is formed throughout life. And if they say that nothing will change him, he is already thirty, this is terrible! After all, from year to year we develop, enrich ourselves with new knowledge, analyze it, react somehow, and therefore change.

That is, from all of the above, I can summarize that, first of all, a person forms his personality himself, and therefore “creates” his destiny. In addition, primary education, the first impetus for development, has a great influence. On the other hand, there are circumstances beyond our control. As they say, “life throws us from side to side.”

For some reason, most often an “interesting person” turns out to be a person who has experienced many sorrows and misfortunes, a person with a tragic fate and a difficult childhood. This is already becoming some kind of stereotype. Many teenagers are sure that to become a star, they need to run away from home, quarrel with all their friends, etc. The tragedy of life becomes an integral component of the path to achieving success or fame. And the most important thing is often forgotten - talent.

Yes, I can agree: adversity hardens a person, makes him tougher and more critical, but it is not they that give rise to talent, these are things independent of each other.

A person’s destiny is shaped, if one can put it that way, by himself and by various circumstances and situations into which he finds himself through no fault of his own. That is, there are two principles of fate: personal and random; we can call it destined, since cases rule us or a higher law is not known to anyone.

We have a direct influence on fate, we can change it, striving for certain ideals, achieving certain goals.

All in our hands!