What words can be made from the word typesetter? Compose words from the given letters typesetter Compose 5 words from the word typesetter

na b o r sh i k consists of 8 letters.

You have entered the letters “typist”, from them you can make the following words in any case, number or gender from 8 to 2 letters:

7 letter words


6 letter words

banker bathhouse attendant borshchka borschtki Iranian carbon konischa nakroi obshchak obshchnik okarin windows of the outskirts

5 letter words

arnik banks cans barki barok tag birok borka borki marriages brika icon monk cabins carib cobra koira konishch koran korna roots krain krina crown side mink mink common fund oknisch orkan ranki ranok rinka timid timid

4 letter words

arches arches tanks bank bark boka marriage brik ikar icon caviar inca monk kain kari kina cinema cobra koir kona horses bark kori corn crab cran kroi kron nakr nika noka noki windows crayfish rink roka rocky

3 letter words

aki acre arc bak bok ikr ink kan kar kin koi kon kor nok oka cancer rock

2 letter words

ik co

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Composing words from given letters using our service is as easy as shelling pears. To search for all words made up of the letters you specify, enter them into the search bar on our website and click the "Search" button. We will show a list of all possible combinations of words from the letters you specify. The answers are selected from a database of 2 million words and contain all possible words in any case, number or gender.

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I advise anyone who wants to start working as a typist to familiarize themselves with my experience in this direction.

I sent out dozens of applications for typist jobs, but only one of them turned out to be real. And even she did not live up to my expectations.

It seemed to me that there was nothing difficult about retyping words from a picture into a text file. But there are pitfalls in this work that are not visible until you try to work. It is better to learn about them in advance than from your own experience.

How to find a job

You can find a lot of vacancies on the Internet for the query “typist needed,” but almost all such advertisements are posted by scammers. Divorce schemes are very different, but there are similar features that can be used to detect deception:

  • Overpayment– they promise to pay from 50 rubles per sheet or 1000 characters, and sometimes they offer 10 times more. No customer will agree to pay a lot of money for simple typing, because for this you do not need to have any special knowledge, which means there will be people willing to do it at a low price.
  • New account with the customer– if a new user added an ad on the exchange, it is most likely a scammer.
  • Mailing address from available mailers like mail.ru, which can be registered in a few minutes. Often, scammers don’t even bother to come up with a readable email, limiting themselves to a set of symbols and signs like “Izdatel.mangr15225”.
  • Instant response– if a response letter arrives within a couple of minutes, it is most likely the work of an answering machine. It contains template text that describes the working conditions and mentions mandatory prepayment.

If in doubt, copy part of the text and look for similar advertisements through the search. Often, scammers are too lazy to change the text and simply duplicate other people’s texts.

There will most likely be messages in the comments that the customer received an advance payment and disappeared. Then you will save your time and money.

The most important sign of scammers is that sooner or later they will ask you to pay money. Various excuses can be used as a reason: insurance premium, payment of taxes, or even card confirmation. The most annoying thing is when they ask for an advance payment after typing.

Once I came across such a customer, and I didn’t find the ad on the Internet - they stuck it on the entrance. She was wary, but there were no hints about prepayment - she specifically clarified it. I was assured that this was an honest company and that I would not have to pay any insurance premiums. I relaxed and got to work.

The texts were in English. Very clear printed scans of the text, so there were no problems with decoding. After writing a few paragraphs, I decided, out of curiosity, to look for the text on the Internet. The search turned up thousands of sites that contained what turned out to be a popular children's story.

I copied the information from the sites, sent it to the customer and realized what exactly the scam was.

My proposal to deduct the commission from the remuneration or pay in another way was answered with a categorical refusal. I’m very glad that I didn’t have time to manually type all the text.

I found only one site on the Internet that offers such work and looks reliable. The site typing-texts.rf has been registered for a long time, they promise a small payment, there are telephone numbers and addresses in the public domain.

After my first typing experience, I lost the desire to do it, so I didn’t try very hard to get on their staff. I applied, but they never responded. But if you are serious, you can try to get in touch and offer your services. I saw a lot of positive reviews from employees on the Internet.

How to work as a typist

No special skills are required for this work. It is enough to be able to work in Word: format text, work with tables, make graphs and formulas. All the necessary information can be found on the Internet when this knowledge is needed for a specific task.

It is advisable to be able to type quickly without typos and errors. Personal qualities include perseverance and attentiveness, because you will have to spend a lot of time looking at texts and deciphering them.

There are special programs for scanning and text recognition. One of the most famous is abbyy finereader. With such programs you can quickly “type” printed texts, and even some tables. With their help, you can simplify the work, or even transfer it entirely to the computer.

Although customers themselves know such programs and actively use them. And people are given either handwritten or poorly printed pages. They may be asked to type tables, draw graphs or diagrams, and sometimes formulas. The computer can hardly cope with such tasks, so customers are willing to pay for manual labor.

My work experience

I came across a customer with a handwritten task. It was necessary to decipher the notes of some geological lecture. It contained abbreviations, technical terms, and complex surnames. But the most inconvenient thing is the unreadable handwriting.

To decipher an incomprehensible term, you had to enter its beginning and end into a Google search, look through the answer options and look for the appropriate one. It took a lot of time to clarify the information.

In some places I could not decipher the handwriting, so I highlighted the words in a different color in the text and circled them in red on the sheets of paper. The customer complied and accepted it in this form.

Payment for typing

I was paid 10 rubles for one A4 sheet, there were 10 of them in total, and for 3 hours of work I received 100 rubles. Maybe I was just unlucky with the text and the task, but this experience completely discouraged me from typing.

For real work as a typist, they rarely pay more than 10-20 rubles per A4 sheet. Sometimes they can charge a premium for formulas or other complex elements, but the prices never reach 50 rubles.

When I sent the typed text, the customer offered to continue cooperation, but I refused. After that, I saw other similar advertisements, albeit with a higher pay, but did not respond anymore.

What words can be made from the word typesetter?

    From the word compositor you can make the following words: 1) set, 2) boron, 3) cinema, 4) tap, 5) bank, 6) ban, 7) grove, 8) crown, 9) bark, 10) borscht, 11) rock, 12 ) hole, 13) cancer, 14) slave. I managed to compose only 14 words.

    The word typesetter has only 8 letters, so you won’t be able to create many words. Let me give you an example of words that I managed to make up from the word typesetter:

    As I see from the proposed answers to this question, there are indeed a lot of words that can be collected, but do all these words exist in nature? But that's not the point.

    Here are my answers to the word Typesetter:

    • Borsch;
    • Icon;
    • Bath attendant;
    • Grove;
    • Set and many others.
  • From the letters of the word typesetter you can make the following words:

    Korba, roba, kob, bar, rink, orc, naib, ICAO, Nika, community, cobra, caviar, Roshchinka, koba, Ira, baron, master, bona, krin, Kiba, bon, bark, nok, icon, banker, Koran, crab, tag, slave, rock, ion, borscht, norischa, Oka, Cancer, Cobra, tank, they, okra, kaon, bora, narik, bok, Cain, Kan, bathhouse attendant, cinema, kir, set, bank, kor, obschnik, obi, NIR, marriage, acre, nora, crane, carbon, sconce, ban, Kira, carib, Iraq, boa, con, crown, cancer, Aron, Bira, calamus, crown, grove, monk, Nora, Cree, Bark, Bor, Mink, Kan.


    A = B = I = K = N = O = P = Ш

    The letter A is ar (I thought there would be more, but nothing else comes to mind);

    Letter B - tank, bar, baron, sconce, marriage, side, boron, borscht, bank, banker, tag;

    Letter I - caviar, ion;

    Letter K - crown, con, crane, crab, carbon, cinema, crown, Koran, cobra;

    Letter N - set, mink;

    Letter O - or, orc;

    Letter R - grove, cancer, slave, rock, robe;

    Letter Ш - cabbage soup.

    It seems like everything I could come up with, only 33 words, I can’t do any more...

    24 rink (room with a skating rink)

    28 krin (lily)

    31 corn (weight of metal in a coin)

    50 brika (cart)

    54 fellow (conversation, dialogue, obsolete)

    56 Carboniferous (some Paleozoic period)

    57 bracon (insect)

    58 baryon (elementary particle)

    That's it, it doesn't work anymore...

    Using the letters of a word compositor You can make up various other words that will mean something significant:

    • kit;
    • banker;
    • bath attendant;
    • community;
    • baron;
    • master;
    • icon;
    • tag;
    • Koran;
    • cobra;
    • bank;
    • crown;
    • borsch;
    • caviar;
  • These words came to my mind:

    Borscht, cabbage soup, set, robe, bark, grove, mink, burrow, cinema, tag, marriage, banker, bank, caviar, bath attendant, side, sides, tank, horse, horses, crayfish, crayfish, bar, slave, cobra, sconce, windows, baron.


    1. movie;
    2. kit;
    3. robe;
    4. bark;
    5. crown;
    6. Nora;
    7. mink;
    8. carbon;
    9. community;
    10. borsch;
    11. baron;
    12. master;
    13. icon;
    14. bank;
    15. tap;
    16. crab;
    17. grove;
    18. banker;
    19. caviar;