What ceiling to make in the bathroom. Should they install a suspended ceiling in the bathroom: advice from the experts. Stretch ceiling in the bathroom - a modern classic

Or the apartment does not have any strict restrictions, therefore, which ceiling is better to make in the bathroom can only be decided by the person who lives in this area. However, the choice is always connected with something, and in this case you will have to take into account the increased humidity of the room, the overall interior, the complexity of the work, the cost of materials, and, of course, personal preferences. I want to say that the options proposed in this article have been tested by personal experience and have been successfully used for decades with or without cosmetic repairs.

What ceilings can be made in the bathroom

In this case, the choice is quite large, although there are restrictions taking into account high humidity, but this almost does not affect the number of options - it just adds some nuances during installation and operation. The most common methods of rough and front finishing are listed below.

Floor finishing:

  • Plastering floors with conventional mineral or polymer putties for painting.
  • Plastering floors with decorative mixtures for painting.
  • Plastering floors with cement putty for leveling under facing with ceramic, polystyrene foam or vinyl (PVC) tiles.

Suspended (frame) ceilings:

  • Stretch glossy, satin or matte PVC ceilings.
  • Finished with glossy plastic panels.
  • Slatted ceilings.
  • Suspended plasterboard ceilings*

*Explanations. Suspended plasterboard ceilings are installed as a leveling base for further finishing. This can be paintable putty, decorative plaster, ceramic, polystyrene foam or vinyl tiles.

Plastering floors

Lighthouse plaster of ceilings is a very common method of leveling floors.

For low bathrooms, the option of leveling lighthouse floors is most often chosen. Judge for yourself - if the height of the rough ceiling is no more than 250 cm, and sometimes even less, then reducing this parameter with a suspended structure is not only wrong, but somehow not entirely aesthetically pleasing. Leveling the plane with gypsum or cement plaster will reduce the height of the room from the lowest point by no more than 10 mm. So in this regard, this finishing method is the most acceptable.

If leveling is done for painting, this means that mineral mixtures (gypsum and cement compounds) can be used. In addition, leveling with finishing putty (gypsum or polymer) remains to be done, but this layer will be no more than 1-2 mm. Both polystyrene foam and vinyl tiles can be glued to any mineral plaster. But in the case where the front finish is tiled, then only cement putties can be used for plastering, since when installing ceramics on a gypsum base, a cohesion process will occur, that is, the tile adhesive will simply tear out the gypsum surface.

Stretch ceilings for the bathroom

Stretch glossy ceilings are in perfect harmony with ceramic tiles

In 99% of cases, if a suspended ceiling is chosen to decorate a bathroom, preference is given to glossy polyvinyl chloride and this is not without reason. The fact is that bathrooms usually do not have a large area, especially in apartments in multi-storey buildings, and gloss has a mirror effect, reflecting all the details of the interior, which visually enlarges the room. The color design of PVC mainly depends on the color of the ceramic tiles with which the walls and floor are lined, as well as on the personal preferences of the owner of the house or apartment. The ceiling height is calculated taking into account the recessed lamps (the length of their hidden part).

Two-level figured ceiling in the bathroom

If the height and area of ​​the room allows, then you can make a figured suspended ceiling. In such cases, the lower tier is always made of plasterboard, and the upper one is made of polyvinyl chloride film inserts, as in the top photo, although this is not the only solution in terms of materials (sometimes they do without PVC. It should be noted that it is better not to lower the tiers below 240 cm from the floor, in otherwise, the room will not look very attractive from an aesthetic point of view. It is very easy to wipe or wash the polyvinyl chloride film, although this should be done extremely rarely, since all the “dirt” on the ceiling is alkali-salt deposits after the condensation evaporates. Watch the video clip , which is below and you will certainly approve of this option.

A selection of ideas for suspended ceilings in the bathroom

Ceilings made of PVC panels

Ceiling made of plastic panels in the bathroom

Glossy PVC panels, just like a suspended ceiling, harmonize perfectly with the cladding. It turns out that such decoration also visually increases the volume of the room due to the reflection of the interior. In addition, glossy polyvinyl chloride lining not only comes in different colors, but can imitate building materials such as wood, stone, marble, sand and even ceramic tiles.

Installation of plastic panels in the bathroom on wooden sheathing

Plastic panels can be mounted either on a wooden or metal sheathing - this does not affect the technology in any way, since the area is small and the panels are very light, so make the frame from whatever you want, without hesitation. In some cases, waterproofing is installed, for example, on a wooden or clay ceiling and it does not have to be a plastic film. For example, the top photo shows that the subfloor is insulated with penofol - foil-coated PPE (foamed polyethylene). Here, it’s as if two birds were killed with one stone - the heat can be preserved and the condensation will not reach the base.

Slat ceilings

Slatted ceiling with inserts in the bathroom

Slat panels can be made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), steel or aluminum, although it is almost impossible for a person inexperienced in finishing to determine visually. In appearance they are very similar to plastic ones, but at the same time they differ in technique and installation technology, although only slightly. Some slatted panels are mounted with inserts, as in the photo above, that is, there is a gap between them, which is covered with a thin strip (this can be seen quite well in the image). But there are also slats that are mounted without a gap, joint to joint.

Installation of sheathing for battens made from stringers

In this case, to install the panels, you also need a sheathing, but it is somewhat different from the same frame for PVC lining or drywall, but not in terms of the assembly principle, but in the configuration of the profiles. Here, instead of a smooth profile, a stringer is used - this is a guide with cutouts (locks) into which the panel snaps into place. But in this case, the cladding is monochromatic - glossy, matte, golden, silver, and the like.

Suspended plasterboard ceiling

Single-level plasterboard ceiling in the bathroom

A plasterboard ceiling has very wide possibilities, since, in essence, it is the same lighthouse plaster, only dry, and at the same time there is a cavity where you can hide communications (pipelines, cables with or without corrugations) and install recessed lamps. In addition, gypsum plasterboard can be finished with finishing putty and decorative plaster for painting, as well as covered with ceramic, polystyrene foam or vinyl tiles.

In this case, the question of which ceiling is better to make in the bathroom will have to be considered from a qualitative perspective. Let me explain. If the drywall is designed for puttying with painting or, then ceiling sheets are used, and if the thickness of European manufacturers varies between 8-9.5 mm, then the gypsum board made in China has 6.5 mm, although I don’t see this as a particular problem. It’s another matter if the ceiling is to be finished with ceramic tiles - the mass of tiles and tile adhesive is too much for thin sheets, so in such cases they use a moisture-resistant version (GKLV) with a thickness of 12.5 mm.

Installation of ceiling lathing under plasterboard

As ceiling lathing for plasterboard sheets, only galvanized structures made from CD and UD profiles are used, and there are no options - wooden slats cannot be used here! But if you are planning to make a two-level or even figured ceiling, then in this case you can use CW and UW profiles. The full version of the installation can be viewed in the articles “” and “” located on this resource.

Note. I have heard more than once that you should choose only moisture-resistant drywall for a bathroom, but this, alas, is not true. GKLV is only needed for ceramic tiles, but even here, as an exception, even Chinese 6.5 mm GKL can be used, although, of course. you will have to thin the adhesive layer.

False ceiling ideas for bathrooms

Some features of finishing on plaster and gypsum board

Plasterboard ceiling putty

If on plaster the layer of finishing putty is 1-2 mm, then on plasterboard 0.5-1 mm is enough, not taking into account the joints with the seam edge (there is a depression there). This finish is needed for painting and is used in approximately 50% of all cases! Perhaps this may seem too conservative to some, although by and large I also think so, but here, in fact, it is a win-win option in terms of durability and design, for example, you can always paint it in any color, add or remove lighting fixtures without leaving a trace. And the price is also inexpensive and depends mainly on the choice of putty, where gypsum is cheaper, but polymer ones (acrylic, silicate, latex, etc.) are much more expensive, but they are ready for use and are sold in the form of a paste in buckets.

Note. You can also mention decorative plasters, although they are more used as wall decoration. But, nevertheless, when creating an unusual interior (VIP) in the bathroom, they can also be used.

Beautiful ceiling decoration with foam tiles

Or polystyrene foam is ideally suited for decorating a ceiling in a bathroom, and the only drawback in this case is the need to spray paint it. The problem is that spraying paintwork materials is accompanied by a cloud of micro droplets that settle on the floor and walls, but... Firstly, painting work can be done not only with a spray gun, but also with a brush or a small brush, and, secondly, in the bathroom such Repairs will be required no more than once every 4-5 years. In addition, in rooms with a small area, the false ceiling can be glued directly to the ceilings, having previously covered them with a primer, unless, of course, there are strong differences at the junction of the reinforced concrete panels.

Installing ceramic tiles on the ceiling is becoming more and more popular

There is another option for covering the leveled surface of the ceiling - ceramic tiles, which are currently incredibly popular, although for some reason many do not dare to lay them on the ceiling. There may be several reasons for this, and here are two main ones: the first is conservative thinking and the second is the fear of performing work for technical reasons, or, more simply, because of doubts about one’s skills. But, relying on my own many years of practice, I can say with confidence that both of these obstacles are most likely in our heads, and not in real space. So put aside your prejudices and fears, and as a result you will get cladding that will not have to be repaired for decades.

Perhaps someone is confused by the cost of ceramic tiles, but I hasten to assure you that for a square meter of tiles you will have to pay the same amount as for the same area of ​​​​a stretch PVC ceiling. Of course, for both one and the other material, prices will vary depending on its quality and the brand of the manufacturer, but... PVC, as a rule, is given no more than 15 years of warranty (some may even increase it to 20), but with ceramic tiles this question is not raised at all - there is no point. No one has yet calculated the service life of ceramics under natural conditions and you can use such a ceiling all your life, unless, of course, you want to change the interior.

A few nuances of ceiling lighting

Overhead lighting fixtures on the ceiling in the bathroom

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that lighting can be primary or secondary, that is, intended for a local area, for example, near a mirror, or performing decorative functions. Therefore, when purchasing such devices, it is very important to pay attention to their technical characteristics, where the lamp power must be indicated. According to SNiP 05/23/95, one square meter of bathroom requires 100 lumens (lm), which means the lamps in general should have a power (W/m2):

  • halogen – 5;
  • tungsten - 6.7;
  • LED – 1.67.

For example, if your bathtub has 5 m2, then the main lighting, excluding secondary lighting, depending on the lamps, in total should be:

  • halogen – 25 W;
  • tungsten - 33.5 W;
  • LED – 8.35 W.

But, as you understand, these are parameters that are necessary for safety and this is quite enough to do laundry, take a bath or shower. But for the same shaving, this may not be enough, so you will have to either install a sconce near the mirror, or increase the power of the main lighting, although in most cases they are inclined to the first option.

Well, you have learned about the most popular options, but you will have to decide for yourself which ceiling is best for the bathroom. The most important thing is that the cost or “coolness” of the finish should not be in the foreground - keep in mind that in many cases modesty is an adornment! But if you suddenly doubt your design abilities or aesthetic tastes, you can always turn to friends or good acquaintances for advice, although, of course, you can also pay for the services of a professional designer.

The bathroom has its own microclimate, which differs from other rooms in high humidity and temperature changes. This circumstance should be taken into account when choosing finishing materials. Next, we will look at successful and unsuccessful types of ceilings for the bathroom and dwell in more detail on some of them.

We will talk about those types of coatings that are not friendly with the humid air of the bathroom. And then we will consider in more detail the suitable materials - their types, costs, advantages and installation features.

Requirements for finishing wet rooms

In addition to the fact that the bathroom is a room that is constantly exposed to water and steam, it can also be flooded by neighbors from above at any time. In addition, it is subject to more dramatic temperature changes. That is why the answer to the question of which ceilings are best for a bathroom requires detailed explanations.

Unsuitable bathroom coatings

So, first, let's talk about what kind of ceiling you should not make in the bathroom.

Here is a list of not very good options:

  1. Lime whitewash. This type of coating was very popular in the recent past. But there are many better options available these days, many of which don't cost much more and yet look much better and last longer. Lime quickly acquires a yellowish tint. As a result, it needs to be washed off and whitened again periodically. And this is a waste of time and money.
  2. Whitewashing with chalk. This method of treating the ceiling has the same disadvantages as lime whitewashing, but in addition to them, mold can settle on the chalk surface. This is a completely unsuitable material for a bathroom.
  3. Oil paint or enamel. These types of paints, when exposed to moisture, begin to crack, peel and crumble.
  4. Wallpapering. The glue that holds the wallpaper becomes saturated with moisture and ceases to perform its function. As a result, the coating simply falls off.
  5. Suspended ceiling made of materials vulnerable to moisture. These include plasterboard, chipboard, fiberboard. Such a ceiling will not only quickly deform and become unusable, but will also require complete replacement if you are flooded from above.

Reliable materials for bathroom ceilings

Let us now dwell on those materials that are not sensitive to moist air. Modern industry offers a wide variety of bathroom ceiling options that have practicality and high aesthetic qualities. All you have to do is choose from the entire range of possibilities the material that suits you best in terms of price and appearance.

Water-based or latex ceiling paint

Painting allows you to beautifully decorate the ceiling without reducing the height of the room. In addition to enamel and oil paint, which, as already mentioned, are not suitable for the bathroom, there are more modern compositions, for example. They not only do not lose their properties under the influence of humidity and temperature changes, but also remain invulnerable to mold.

Painting work is not difficult, it does not require special skills:

Finishing with expanded polystyrene boards

Practical, easy to install material. A great example of which bathroom ceiling is better and cheaper than whitewashing. Expanded polystyrene tiles fit especially well into classic interiors. The main advantage of the material is that it requires a minimum of time and effort to arrange the ceiling. The tiles are simply glued to the concrete surface using liquid nails or universal glue. There is no need to level the ceiling.

Ceiling made of plastic panels

This type of covering is the simplest option for a suspended ceiling. Unlike previous options, this design requires a frame, so the height of the room is slightly reduced.

Installation of such a ceiling consists of several stages:

Magnesium glass sheet ceiling

Glass-magnesium sheet (abbreviated as SML) began to be used in interior decoration quite recently. If you are considering bathroom ceiling options, we recommend that you pay attention to this material. It resembles drywall, but differs favorably from it by being more flexible, durable and easy to install.

LSU does not transmit or absorb moisture, which means it is excellent for finishing bathrooms and bathrooms. This covering, like any suspended structure, requires the creation of a frame. Installation of glass-magnesium sheet is similar to the technology for installing a plasterboard ceiling. In this case, the frame must be designed to withstand a greater load than when using plastic panels.

After installation, this material is puttied and painted. The advantage over conventional ceiling painting is the ability to integrate lamps into the suspended structure.

Cassette ceilings

The main advantage of slatted and cassette aluminum structures is the ability to easily install such a ceiling with your own hands without the involvement of professionals. Only the installation of the frame can be considered a relatively difficult stage of work. The panels themselves are simply snapped between the guide rails. The result is a durable and beautiful coating without cracks.

The frame system of such ceilings is often made open. In this case, the frame slats become part of the decor. If you choose a closed option, then the metal cassettes are installed on the frame using fasteners.

Stretch ceiling

Many are sure that no type of ceiling in the bathroom can compare with a tension surface. It's hard to argue with that. Stretch ceilings are durable, reliable, beautiful and easy to maintain.

Well, their main advantage is that in the event of flooding by neighbors, neither the bathroom interior nor the ceiling itself will be damaged. To eliminate the consequences of a leak, it will be enough to simply release the water that has accumulated under the canvas.


You have become familiar with the various options for arranging ceilings in the bathroom, the advantages and features of different materials. We hope this article will help you make your choice.

Repairing a shower room is a rather labor-intensive and costly process. In addition to installing plumbing, finishing the floor and walls, you need to pay attention to the ceiling covering. How to make a bathroom ceiling with your own hands? Many people ask this question. However, only an experienced specialist can give the correct answer, since the choice of material will depend on various parameters.

Today, few people think about finishing the ceiling in the shower. Although the room is an important and indispensable part of the overall design of the room. Currently, there may be several design methods. The relatively limited choice is based on the difficult operating conditions of the premises. High humidity, temperature changes, steam and condensation are just some of the obstacles that the finishing material will have to face.

There is a way out of this situation, and more than one! A high-quality ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands is a reality. However, first you need to carefully approach the issue of selecting raw materials, consult with specialists, and also decide on the stages of installation. Repairs must be carried out correctly, taking into account all the complexities of the shower room. In addition, it is necessary to decide in advance on the choice of material.


The standard choice of ceiling covering is no finishing. During renovations in the bathroom, a large amount of work is carried out and there is not always the desire, opportunity or means to decorate the ceiling. In this case, it is usually leveled, whitewashed or carefully painted. It looks quite fresh and stylish depending on the chosen shower interior. Advantages:

  • no costs;
  • fresh appearance;
  • speed of finishing.

In addition, such coating can be easily repaired in case of damage or flood from the upper floors. In addition, it will not be as bad as, for example, expensive options, and restoring its original appearance is quite easy and inexpensive. This ceiling is very unpretentious in maintenance; there is no need to think about the choice of design and type of installation. Flaws:

  1. fragility;
  2. lack of presentable appearance;
  3. all surface imperfections are visible.

Need to know! In order to hide uneven ceilings and save money, it is best to lay moisture-resistant plasterboard.

Tension material

Installation of a suspended ceiling in a bathroom is easy and quick. This material will add originality to the shower and also emphasize the dignity of the room. From the name it follows that the design is carried out using the technology of tensioning a special fabric made of fabric or plastic. The last option is considered the most relevant for the bathroom today.


  • Maintains the height of the space.
  • Installation of any type of lighting.
  • Perfectly flat surface.
  • Aesthetics.

Installation of the product is carried out using special equipment, which allows installation in a short time. Specialists carry out the installation of the material efficiently, however, it is impossible to repeat the procedure on your own, especially without the appropriate tools. In addition, tension types have a number of disadvantages. Weak sides:

  1. high price;
  2. weak strength;
  3. possibility of melting.

Plastic decorative panels

Properly carried out renovations will not only transform the shower room into an attractive space, but will also provide an opportunity to significantly reduce budget costs. Installation of plastic panels can be done independently. The advantages of the material include the following criteria:

  • low cost;
  • attractive appearance;
  • possibility of installing various types of lighting.

The products are attached to each other with special fasteners that have a reliable grip. By appearance, we can say that the joints are not particularly noticeable or look quite organic. In addition, plastic materials for repairs, as well as consumables, are characterized by an inexpensive price. However, in addition to the positive aspects, there are also negative ones. For example:

  1. Possibility of deformation during transportation.
  2. Poor assembly makes the seams more noticeable.

Self-assembly from plastic

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic panels in a shower room is rightfully considered the simplest of all. Other materials require special tools, as well as some skills and dexterity. In this case, absolutely anyone can handle bathroom renovations. In order to correctly install the panels you must:

After completing the stages of work, you can proceed directly to the wall repair itself - finishing the shower with plastic panels.

Rack frame

Suspended ceilings made of slats are a structure in the form of aluminum elements attached to stingers, which, in turn, are installed on the ceiling parallel to each other. The distance between the stingers should not exceed a gap of 0.4–1.2 m. They are equipped with a special spring-like mechanism that allows the products to be leveled to the same level.

Using self-tapping screws, these elements are installed to the ceiling, after which they are aligned vertically. Only after completing this stage of repair can you proceed to the next step - installing the slats. It is necessary to choose a product that will be the first or last in the structure, and then install it 30 mm shorter than the length of the ceiling itself.

There is a concern that the batten needs to be shortened, since its length cannot always be precisely matched to the length of the ceiling. Trimming occurs with a sharp knife and very carefully, otherwise the workpiece may be deformed. It is best to divide the intended length into smaller sections, make an incision with a knife and break them off one by one. After which the rail is installed in the end profile and fixed to the ceiling.


Today, sheets have stable popularity. In living spaces, it can bring a touch of style and practicality. To begin repairs, you need to choose a moisture-resistant material. After which the height level of the room where the ceiling will be installed is determined. You should take into account the space for lighting and wiring - this is approximately a distance of 10 cm.

Having marked the zero level, the guide profile is attached using dowels. The gaps between the dowels should not exceed 0.5 m. The ceiling profile is attached at a distance of 35-40 cm and fixed with peppered inserts. When adjusting the material, you need to make a cut, then break the first layer, and then the second. The resulting cut is cleaned with a plane.

Video instruction

Repairing a sanitary room is a long and responsible process that requires significant financial investments, as well as attention to every detail. By choosing expensive building materials, homeowners can expect the finish to last longer.

In the bathroom, ceilings are exposed to many negative factors: temperature changes, hot steam, high humidity and intense pore formation. Therefore, during renovations, the question of how to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom is considered relevant. This article will tell you how to choose the right materials for cladding and describe popular finishing options.

Bathroom microclimate

The ceilings in the bathroom are subject to significant stress due to the difficult conditions of use that arise inside this sanitary room. Increased humidity, steam, condensation and other negative phenomena lead to materials losing their aesthetic appearance and wearing out faster. Walls lined with ceramic tiles last at least 15 years, so the ceiling finish in the bathroom should last no less.

The microclimate of this room consists of the following factors:

Note! When deciding which ceiling is best to make, pay attention to moisture-resistant materials or options with hydrophobic impregnation that are resistant to high humidity, temperature changes, fungus or mold.

Finishing requirements

Taking into account the complexity of the microclimate of sanitary premises, bathroom ceilings are made from specially designed, sustainable materials. Constant exposure to wet, hot steam, possible direct contact with water, high air humidity and condensation lead to damage to materials not intended for installation inside this room. When deciding which ceiling is best for the bathroom, choose options that meet the following requirements:

Important! When deciding what to choose for finishing the ceiling in the bathtub, professional craftsmen use materials that are quickly installed. The choice is influenced by the amount of preparatory work that the bathroom ceiling requires. Some options require extensive preparation with leveling, puttying and priming the surface, while others are even installed on top of the old ceiling covering.

Types of finishing

Modern finishing materials leave a wide range of options for choosing bathroom ceilings. With their help, you can create a variety of cladding options that match the designer’s idea and the interior style of the room. The choice of finish depends on the condition of the ceiling in the bath, the type of wall cladding, as well as the preferences and financial capabilities of the customer. From a design point of view, bathroom ceilings are divided into the following types:

Please note that the possibility of one or another option for finishing the ceiling in the bathtub depends on the height and area of ​​the room. Inside bathrooms with small dimensions, it makes no sense to make massive ceiling structures with several tiers and a frame. The large area and height of the room allows the use of figured two-tier options made of moisture-resistant plasterboard or tension technologies that conceal 10-15 cm of free space. Painting or tiling is considered the best option for rooms with low ceilings.

Finishing methods

When deciding what ceiling to make in the bathroom, it is difficult not to get confused due to the variety of technologies and materials. The choice of the optimal option depends on the condition of the surface to be finished, the height and area of ​​the room, but the main factors are the stylistic preferences and financial capabilities of the customer. The following options exist for covering the ceiling in a bathtub:

Important! All materials used to create ceiling structures are highly resistant to water, so any of the listed options will last at least 15 years. The painted surface is used a little less; it has a “shelf life” of 8-10 years.

Video instruction