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Libra born in the year of the Monkey Chinese horoscope, is a balanced and at the same time energetic person who is many times able to calculate his every step. That is why it is so difficult to confuse her. In the combination of Libra and Monkey, the influence of the zodiac sign is to humble the mischievous nature of the year, while the Monkey makes Libra more sociable. In general, the result is a very favorable union that keeps a person from going to extremes. In addition, the Libra-Monkey character is also distinguished by excellent business qualities: she is quite energetic and is accustomed to relying primarily on logic and sober calculation.

Libra-Monkey is pleasant to talk to. She is reasonable and sweet, and thanks to her innate eloquence and optimistic attitude, she will not let her interlocutor get bored. If you think that this type of character speaks of simplicity, then you are very mistaken. Being cheerful and outwardly open, Libra-Monkey always maintains prudence and prudence; it is difficult to compete with her in rational thinking and logic. However, she does not forget about her own interests: Vaska, as they say, listens and eats.

The Eastern Zodiac horoscope especially highlights amazing ability Libra-Monkeys make long-term plans in which there is unlikely to be a weak link. When she begins to analyze or predict the development of events, she is able to take into account the most insignificant details and will not get down to business until she has mentally eliminated any possible risk.

However, despite the pronounced need to put everything in order, you can’t call her a bore. Libra-Monkey does not like monotony and sameness; on the contrary, she strives to get as many vivid impressions from life as possible. Relaxing in her company is cool and easy: any party or trip where Libra-Monkey is present will be perfectly organized and go off with a bang!

Libra-Monkey Love

In love, the wise Libra-Monkey prefers to choose the golden mean: she is looking for a partner who will be able to kindle her tender heart, but will not burn it to the ground! She is not interested in “smooth” relationships without emotions, but she will not tolerate daily scenes and playing on nerves. By nature, Libra-Monkey is inclined to look for love for a long time, preferably for life.

Don't expect to impress the Libra-Monkey woman with your hussar's childish antics. The moral maturity of her loved one is important to her: she will prefer sanity to youthful ardor. The Libra-Monkey man wants both partners to be comfortable in the relationship. He does not pull the blanket over himself, but expects you to behave the same way as him.

Libra-Monkey Sexuality

In bed with a loved one, Libra-Monkey is a great dreamer, but is often not ready to admit her deepest desires even to herself, not to mention her partner. In order to become an active participant in what is happening, she needs to get rid of her complexes and gain the approval of her partner.

Celebrities of the Libra sign born in the year of the Monkey:

Ilya Lagutenko, Soviet and Russian musician and singer.
Kim Kardashian, American actress and model.
Michael Douglas, American actor.
Mika Hakkinen, Finnish racing driver.
Naomi Watts, English-Australian actress.
Roman Trakhtenberg, Russian actor, showman.
Will Smith, American actor.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald, American writer.
Hugh Jackman, American and Australian actor.

Zodiac horoscope: sign Libra

Sociable and eloquent, Libra-Monkeys often show themselves to be real talkers. They pride themselves on their ability to get along with people. They tend to exploit those who are weaker than them and manipulate those who are stronger.

The Monkey in Chinese astrology is considered a symbol of fun and energy, they are very loving and sociable. In this combination, Libra-Monkey men and women are friendly and affectionate people. These people beautiful nature, in combination with Libra, this Monkey is a little calmer and less mischievous.

The Libra Monkey is a cheerful person with a bright outlook on life. These people are able to see things from all sides, so they are fair and get along easily with many other people. They have a lot of energy and tolerance, these qualities allow them to occupy almost any profession. Their strong tendency to compromise makes them brilliant companions. Such people have many friends and lead an active social life. They like to keep abreast of all events and always show interest in current events in the world.

These people are attracted to any type of information and are avid readers. Their collected nature allows them to look at things calmly, so their assessments of people or events tend to be very insightful. They often use their instincts and perceptions to evaluate people, which is how they decide who is trustworthy.

In personal relationships, they need to be loved and desired. They hate being on their own, and strive for long-term serious relationship from the very beginning. In personal relationships, they blossom and grow, treating their partners to the sensual and romantic side of their character.

The main weakness in the personality of these people is that they are not able to argue, so if they believe that they are right and the other person is wrong, they become very uncompromising and stubborn. It is best not to provoke a verbal fight with them, as this weakness is very easily activated.

The combination of the year of the monkey and the zodiac sign Libra gives a contradictory personality, who, in the pursuit of everything at once, often gets nothing or encounters serious disappointments.

The Libra Monkey woman is, of course, charming and knows how to make the right impression - smile at the right time, say a compliment, show interest, but her words almost never reflect real thoughts - they always hide one benefit or another.

The Libra monkey can chirp sweetly, but in fact, he can calculate in his mind how to turn the conversation in the direction he wants. And I must admit, she masterfully manages to play her game. The only thing that can let her down is passion; she is capable of getting carried away and taking risks, and in the end shows her true nature.

The Libra Monkey, especially the Libra man, often has a confusing and complex personal life, and relationships with friends are not going too smoothly either. However, all this is quite in the spirit of such people.