When to vaccinate a cat. What vaccinations are given to kittens, at what age, kitten vaccination schedule. Vaccinations against fungal diseases in cats

It has long been accepted that cats are pets, and in their life they actually never leave the apartment. Because of such judgments, the myth was born that cats do not need to be vaccinated, only those that communicate with other animals and can pick up some kind of disease. Many owners do not know what vaccinations are given to kittens, and do not always consider it necessary to bother about this and figure it out. But in fact, the carrier of infection can be not only animals, but also the people themselves who are in contact with the outside world. For these reasons, all kittens should be vaccinated.

When should a pet cat be vaccinated?

It is difficult to say in a nutshell, They are different. Both standard, and from more rare diseases. And yet, when should kittens be vaccinated? The very first vaccination should be done at the eighth week after birth, that is, a small kitten. This primary vaccination includes vaccination against three major feline diseases. These include:

  • viral rhinotracheitis;
  • panleukopenia;
  • calicivirus infection.

You can also talk to your veterinarian about getting vaccinated against feline chlamydia. After the first vaccination, a second one is prescribed, which is called revaccination, after three or four weeks. A month later, the kitten already develops strong immunity, and such a vaccination will need to be repeated when the cat reaches one year of age.

But it won't be the last time. The vaccination process should be carried out for an adult cat every year.

Vaccinations for kittens depending on the breed

It doesn't matter the breed of the animal. Vaccinations for Scottish kittens are the same as for non-pedigreed ones. There are no peculiarities in dealing with purebred animals before or after, the main thing is to provide them with care and love, regardless of the pedigree. British kittens are vaccinated in the same way as everyone else.

What vaccinations does the animal need

Most vaccines today are designed to protect against more than one disease. Vaccinations for kittens are of a different nature, as a pet can succumb to many dangerous diseases. Among them are leukemia, rabies, viral diseases, infectious peritonitis, panleukopenia and many others. The vaccines will be the same for everyone, whether British kittens or Scottish kittens are being vaccinated.

Rabies vaccinations

It is mandatory for a small pet to be vaccinated against rabies. It is not known what kind of cat he will grow out of, whether he will participate in exhibitions, what other animals he will communicate with, and so on. Such vaccination is necessary in any case, because rabies is a very dangerous disease that can be transmitted to humans. And, as you know, the disease has a 100% lethality.

Vaccination can be both domestic and foreign manufacturers. It needs to be done to a kitten at the age of three months. If he does not come into contact with other animals, the visit to the doctor can be up to eight months. You should be prepared for anything, as the vaccine is strong and can cause minor health problems due to the effect on the body. Rabies vaccinations for kittens should be done once a year, as their validity is limited.

How to vaccinate a kitten

In fact, they don’t do anything supernatural with a kitten. First, the animal is examined by its owner, then by the doctor. If the examination does not reveal any abnormalities, a vaccine is prepared. It consists of two parts - dried and liquid. Both parts are mixed and drawn into a syringe.

The kitten is given the vaccine at the scruff of the neck because that is where the skin is thinnest. It does not hurt at all, and the process itself lasts no more than a couple of seconds. Usually the animal feels well during the procedure and does not suffer at all. You need to be vaccinated to maintain health once a year, in case of other diseases or moving to another country, vaccinations of a different nature will be required.

Basic rules to follow when vaccinating

It is better to get vaccinated by a specialist, in no case on your own at home. Only an experienced doctor knows how and what to do, and will help to avoid negative consequences for a pet. Do not vaccinate pregnant cats and kittens that are changing teeth, usually between four and seven months of age. Such restrictions are necessary in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for small kittens and for the offspring of a pregnant cat. And, of course, we must not forget that after the vaccination, you should carefully monitor the condition of the pet and, if you feel worse, contact your veterinarian.

kitten after vaccination

Animals require very careful care after vaccination. It is important to provide him with love and care from all sides. This procedure is stressful. A kitten after vaccination may be frightened or not feel very well. It is necessary to monitor the nutrition of the pet, you need to give high-calorie, but at the same time easily digestible food. Even if the cat does not want to eat the food that is offered to him, you need to ensure that he always has access to fresh water in a bowl. The animal should drink enough fluids, but if this does not happen for more than two days, it is worth contacting a doctor for help. Also maintain a favorable climate in the apartment, it should not be too cold, it is worth eliminating drafts in the room to avoid catching a cold for the animal. Immediately after the procedure, it is better to limit the cat from communicating with other animals, since immunity may be weakened for some time after vaccination, or the animal simply does not want to communicate with anyone.

Possible Complications

It also happens that there are complications after vaccination. The reasons for their appearance can be very different, one of them is vaccination during illness. It is imperative to conduct an examination of the animal in order to exclude this factor in the future in case of complications. The second reason is the appearance of an allergic reaction to one of the components of the vaccine. This happens extremely rarely, but it is necessary to observe the animal after vaccination in any case. Also, on the first day, symptoms may appear that are not dangerous to the health of kittens:

  • slight inflammation at the injection site;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • severe thirst or refusal of water;
  • lack of appetite.

They occur due to the normal reaction of the kitten's immune system. These signs of the vaccination pass within a day, so there is no reason to worry in such cases.

Should a kitten be vaccinated?

So, summing up, you can answer the question of whether to vaccinate a kitten. Undoubtedly, vaccination should be carried out even at a very young age, when immunity has not been established, and the kitten no longer supports it through mother's milk. The breed in this process does not play any role, here all the kittens are the same. Before carrying out this procedure, you need to contact an experienced specialist who can tell you in detail what vaccinations are given to kittens. Thanks to professional advice from a doctor, the owner can figure out for himself what will be done with his pet, and will not worry about his health and well-being.

Vaccinating kittens is the right decision, it is necessary in order to maintain the health of the pet and prevent it from possible diseases. By vaccinating at the age of two months, and then every year, the owner can be calm and confident that even if the cat communicates with other animals, people, or just goes outside to eat grass, he will not pick up any infection or disease. The cat will feel great for many years, delighting its owner.

Vaccinate kittens, let them grow up healthy and cheerful!

A kitten is a fragile creature whose immunity has not yet been fully formed. His body is not able to properly cope with viruses, so vaccination of a small pet should be given a special place. First of all, you should pay attention to what vaccinations are given to kittens and according to what rules the vaccination takes place.

Vaccinations for kittens

A kitten needs to be vaccinated so that his body can create a stable defense against major diseases. At the same time, there are vaccinations that are mandatory. Others the owner of the animal can make at will or need. The necessary vaccinations for kittens, which are indispensable when mating animals, traveling with them, visiting exhibitions and just for the daily maintenance of a pet, correspond to the following list:

  • Comprehensive vaccination against three major diseases - panleukopenia, calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis. Vaccination occurs in two stages. A kitten at 2.5 months is given the first vaccination. Revaccination with the same vaccine is given after 2 weeks. Subsequent injections are administered annually, following the rule of the same time. Most often, Russian clinics prefer drugs such as Multifel-4, Leukorifelin and Vitafelvak.
  • Rabies vaccination. This vaccination is enough to do once, followed by repetition every year. For the first time, it is used separately from other vaccines. Then it can be entered simultaneously with them. Some clinics offer free vaccinations with domestically produced medicines. If we talk about paid medicines, then Nobivak Rabies is preferred.

If we talk about optional vaccinations, then they include:

  • Vaccine against trichophytosis and microsporia. It is used a month after the kittens are vaccinated against rabies, followed by an annual revaccination. Vakderm and Triviak are administered most often.
  • Chlamydia vaccine. It is used in conjunction with complex vaccinations, but it is not necessary to do it. Immunity to the virus is developed after the introduction of Vitafelvac, ChlamyCon and other vaccines.

The owner has the right to choose which production to vaccinate the kitten. Their main difference is cost. The components of complex vaccinations are the same.

Names and descriptions of kitten vaccines

Each vaccine, despite the almost identical composition, has its own characteristics. Let's consider some of them:

  • "Nobivak Triket". Dry type of combined action vaccine. Designed to trigger the production of antibodies against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus infection. It is injected under the skin or into a vein no later than the moment the kitten is 12 weeks old. The vaccine does not cause side effects and allergic reactions.
  • "Leukorifelin". Rabies vaccine. The drug is divided into liquid and dry parts, which are combined immediately before administration. This increases the effectiveness of the solution.
  • "Square". A drug that can replace Leukorifelin. It is administered to a kitten at the age of three months.
  • Felovax-4. The vaccine has a short-term effect. Strong immunity against rabies is not formed in this case. The effect of the drug is designed for 1 year, so after this period it must be used again.
  • "Felocel CVR". Vaccine of new generation of live type. The first vaccination is done at 3 months. The subsequent vaccination scheme may differ. It can be two more vaccinations with intervals between them of 2 weeks, or one in a month, and the other at the age of one.

Before any vaccine, the kitten must undergo some preparation. Only in this case he will transfer the vaccination without consequences.

Features and procedures for vaccinating a kitten

Before vaccinating a kitten, you need to take preparatory measures. The following factors are taken into account:

  • The kitten must be completely healthy.
  • The pet should not communicate with sick animals before vaccination.
  • If any operation was planned, it should not be done for the next 25 days after vaccination.
  • If the operation has already been done, you need to postpone the vaccination itself for a period of about a month.
  • In the case of animals taking antibiotics, vaccination is carried out only 2 weeks after they have stopped giving them.
  • For the period of changing teeth in a kitten, vaccination should be postponed.
  • It is necessary to monitor the expiration date of the vaccine. If it has expired, the medicine must be disposed of.
  • Vaccination is contraindicated for animals under 8 weeks of age.
  • The kitten should not be in a state of stress. He should not be afraid, scream and break out during the procedure.

Deworming a kitten before vaccination

The kitten is anthelmintic in two stages with intervals between procedures of 2 weeks. When giving him medicine, the main thing is to observe the dose and take into account age characteristics. So, if the kitten is only 3 weeks old, "Kanikvatel" and "Febtal" are used as an anthelmintic. "Milbemax" is given to the animal only from 6 weeks of age.

Drops at the withers are very popular, which are used for kittens that are already 5 weeks old ("Profender"). Their difference from substances used orally is that there is no need for repeated deworming. This is due to a residual effect lasting about a month. A kitten can be vaccinated 1.5 weeks after it has been dewormed.

Kitten vaccination scheme

Kittens receive their first vaccination at 9 to 12 weeks of age. By that time, the antibodies received from the mother will already be partially excreted from the body. If the animal was born from an unvaccinated cat, then vaccination can be done earlier. In this case, the kitten must be at least 6 weeks old. You also need to pay attention to the general condition of the kitten. If he is too lethargic, sickly or was born small, it is better to postpone the vaccination.

Knowing what vaccine and when to do it is not enough. It is necessary to follow the vaccination schedule so that the cat can more easily endure this procedure. The grafting scheme must follow this sequence:

  • From 2 to 2.5 months - the first vaccination of complex action.
  • After 3 weeks - revaccination (re-introduction of a complex vaccine, to which a rabies vaccine is added).
  • One year later. Re-vaccination (complex vaccine in combination with a rabies drug).

Unlike in the case of an adult, after revaccination, the kitten must be quarantined for a month. At the same time, he should not meet with other animals or their owners. In walks, it should also be limited. Postpone visits to the vet for a while.

Features of rabies vaccinations

Rabies is a disease that is transmitted to an animal through direct contact with a carrier of the infectious agent. Therefore, if your pet does not go out or in any way can meet other animals, he will not get sick.

A kitten should be vaccinated against rabies when he begins to communicate with other pets. Most often this age is from 3 months. If contact with foreign animals is limited, vaccination can be delayed. Then you can put the vaccine when the cat is 8 months old. Then it will be necessary to repeat the procedure annually.

The rabies vaccine is highly effective. Therefore, after its introduction, the behavior and well-being of the animal may change. The pet may be lethargic, drowsy, which is associated with an increase in body temperature. This state can last from a few hours to a whole day. Since the rabies virus in the vaccine is quite active, it can affect the kitten's health. Therefore, if possible, it is better to do such a vaccination at a later age.

Regardless of which vaccination you choose to give your kitten, it will help build immunity against common feline diseases. How the animal's body reacts to the vaccine depends on how responsibly you approached the preparation for it. Remember to bring your pet to the veterinarian for a checkup before vaccinating and following the vaccination schedule. Then your kitten will be protected from the development of an infection in the body.


So, you have a kitten in your house, and you are faced with the choice of whether or not to vaccinate British kittens? There are many posts on thematic forums on the topic of what vaccinations are given to kittens, and believe me, I studied most of them before I vaccinated my British kitten.

The main thing to understand is that if you are going to seriously engage in breeding and participate in exhibitions, then vaccinations for British kittens are a must, because without them they will not be taken to any exhibition, and the owners may refuse to mate. Also, British kittens need to be vaccinated if you are going to travel with an animal by train or plane.

But, even if you bought a British kitten as a pet, this is still no reason to ignore kitten vaccinations. The British cat breed is artificially bred, and their immunity is not the same as that of yard cats, therefore, British cats are more likely to get sick. Therefore, if you do not know whether it is necessary to vaccinate kittens, or are not sure about the benefits of vaccination in principle, then I recommend that you read the article to the end, or consult a veterinarian.

Why vaccinate cats that live in an apartment?

You can bring viruses and microbes into the house along with shoes, and without knowing it, but maintaining sterility in the house as an operating room is unrealistic, so British kittens need to be vaccinated, this is a guarantee of health and longevity of your animals. Next, I will tell you in detail what vaccinations a kitten needs and when a kitten needs to be vaccinated for the first time.

Immediately after birth, kittens receive antibodies in their mother's milk that protect babies from major infectious diseases (colostral immunity). And if British kittens are vaccinated too early, then the kitten's natural immunity can be violated, and the vaccination will harm, not benefit. Therefore, it is better not to rush to vaccinate a kitten in order to achieve the most favorable conditions.

You can find out in more detail what a vaccine is, how a kitten's immunity is formed, and why revaccination is needed in the article.

At what age are kittens vaccinated?

Probably, most of you, dear cat owners, are interested in the question: when should a kitten get its first vaccinations and which ones. Let's first figure out at what age kittens are given their first vaccination, and with a list of diseases against which kittens are vaccinated, I will tell you later. So, how many months are kittens vaccinated?

Vaccinations can be given to a kitten no earlier than at the age of 2-2.5 months (8.5-10.5 weeks). But by the time the kitten's teeth begin to change - this is 4 months (16-17 weeks), vaccination should not only be completed, but a strong immunity to the infectious diseases against which the kitten was vaccinated should also form.

During the period when the kitten's teeth are changing - from 4 to 6 months it is impossible to vaccinate, because the kitten's immunity is weakened, and weakened kittens are not vaccinated. If you have small children, then you are probably familiar with the principles of vaccination, and it will be a little easier for you to figure out when to vaccinate a kitten.

In reputable British catteries, owners know best when to vaccinate British kittens, and what vaccinations are given to kittens up to a year old, so they vaccinate kittens on their own, and a kitten enters a new family with all vaccinations and immunity formed at the age of 4-4.5 months.

Preparing a kitten for vaccination

As you already understood, you do not need to wait until the kitten is 2-2.5 months old (8.5-10.5 weeks) to take the kitten for vaccination. It is worth thinking about vaccinating a kitten much earlier, 2-3 weeks before vaccination, that is, about 1.5-2 months old. The first thing to do is to eliminate the worms.

If you are not sure if the kitten has worms, take a calla sample to the laboratory for analysis, where you will definitely confirm the presence of worms in the kitten.

If you know for sure that the kitten has worms, then you must definitely give an anthelmintic for kittens before vaccination according to the following scheme:

  • The first time we give the kitten a pill and kill all live worms. We are waiting for 10-14 days until the young hatch.
  • Then we give the pill again.
  • We are waiting for another 5 days, so that they will probably get sick, and the kitten will come to his senses.
  • Then you can go for vaccinations.

List of drugs for deworming kittens:

  • Profender drops from worms for kittens at the withers (kittens can be from 5 weeks)
  • Kanikvatel (it is possible for kittens from 3 weeks old)
  • Troncil-K (it is possible for kittens from 3 weeks old)
  • Febtal (for cats and dogs from 3 weeks)
  • Milbemax (for kittens not earlier than 6 weeks of age)

Deworming of kittens before vaccination with drops on the withers of Profender is carried out once according to the following scheme:

  • When the kitten is 1.5-2 months old, we drip Profender drops on the withers of the kitten according to the instructions.
  • We wait 15-20 days and go for vaccination.

What vaccinations should a kitten get?

Now let's talk about what vaccinations a kitten needs to get. Conventionally, all preventive vaccinations can be divided into two groups: mandatory and optional (additional vaccinations).

Mandatory vaccinations for a kitten , which are needed to visit the exhibition, for mating, as well as for traveling with an animal by train or by plane:

Vaccination against panleukopenia, calcivirosis and rhinotracheitis. This comprehensive vaccination is mandatory for British kittens, and is carried out in two stages. The first vaccination of a British kitten takes place at 2-2.5 months, then two weeks later they are revaccinated with the same vaccine. Only after revaccination will the kitten develop immunity to these diseases. Further vaccination is carried out once a year. The most common vaccines are: Multifel-4, Nobivak Triket, Leukorifelin, FEL-O-VAKS, Vitafelvac.

Rabies vaccination. This vaccination is mandatory for British kittens, and is administered once, followed by revaccination a year later with the same vaccine. Most often, the Nobivac Rabies vaccine is used, and in state veterinary clinics, kittens are vaccinated with a free vaccine of domestic production. For more information about vaccinating kittens against rabies, you can read in the article.

Vaccinations not required or optional:

Vaccination against trichophytosis, microsporia. This is a vaccination against ringworm (trichophytosis, microsporia). Vakderm, Trimivak, Polivak-TM and other vaccines are used. Vaccination is carried out one month after the introduction of the rabies vaccine. Subsequent revaccination once a year.

Chlamydia vaccination for kitten. It may be included in the complex vaccine against panleukopenia, calcivirosis and rhinotracheitis, but is not mandatory. For the prevention of chlamydia in cats, the following vaccines can be used: Katavac Chlamydia, ChlamiKon, Multifel-4, Felovax-4, Vitafelvac.

Vaccinations for kittens: schedule and timing

So, you have an unvaccinated kitten in your hands. You already know what vaccinations are given to kittens, but with the time frame everything is somehow foggy and blurry. To finally answer the question of when the kitten should receive the first vaccinations and which ones, I will give a graph:

1.5-2 months - deworming kittens before vaccination.

2-2.5 months– the first comprehensive vaccination against panleukopenia, calcivirosis and rhinotracheitis

After 21-28 days– revaccination: the second complex vaccination against panleukopenia, calcivirosis and rhinotracheitis + vaccination against rabies.

30 days quarantine. The kitten should not be in contact with other animals, as well as with people who have animals in the house. During quarantine, you can not walk with a kitten on the street, visit a veterinary clinic and travel by public transport.

1 year after revaccination, re-vaccination with a complex vaccination against panleukopenia, calcivirosis and rhinotracheitis + vaccination against rabies.

Revaccination and annual vaccination should be with the same vaccines, or compatible vaccines.

How much do kitten vaccinations cost?

The cost of vaccinations for kittens depends on the quality of the vaccine, on the service of the veterinary clinic, and also on the location of the veterinary clinic. So, to vaccinate a kitten in Moscow, or St. Petersburg will be more expensive by default than in the region. And in Europe and the USA, the order of prices for vaccinations for kittens is completely different.

Therefore, when you have decided to vaccinate a kitten and have chosen a vaccine, call the veterinarians you are interested in and ask how much it costs to vaccinate a kitten with a particular vaccine. You will definitely be answered how much the first vaccination of a kitten with subsequent revaccination costs. Then choose the cheapest option, because it doesn’t matter which veterinary clinic to vaccinate, the main thing is that the vaccine is injected with exactly the one you need.

kitten after vaccination

Most of all, the owners are afraid of how the kitten behaves after vaccination. Using the example of my cat, I will say that everything depends on the vaccine. We gave the vaccine Nobivac Tricat (Netherlands), and the cat did not react to the vaccine in any way - he played, ate, ran as before.

But acquaintances who made the widespread American vaccine Fel-O-Vax and the domestic Multifel-4 noted that the kitten became lethargic after vaccination, he had no appetite, and he slept all the time, but after 6-8 hours everything returned to normal.

Therefore, owners need to carefully monitor the kitten after vaccination. During the day after immunization, the kitten may be lethargic after vaccination. If this condition lasts longer, or other clinical signs appear (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, numbness of the limbs), the kitten must be urgently shown to the veterinarian. Only a doctor will be able to adequately assess the complications after vaccination in a kitten. Do not forget that no vaccination gives a 100% guarantee that your cat will not get sick.

Often, cat owners believe that once a cat is vaccinated, it means that it can communicate with anyone and will not get sick. But it's not. Vaccination is a preventive measure, not a curative one. Therefore, try as far as possible to exclude communication with possibly or really sick animals.

How is a kitten vaccinated?

You already know what vaccinations a British kitten should be given, and it's time to find out how a kitten is vaccinated. First of all, you need to sign up for a vaccination at the veterinary clinic. Then come at the appointed time to see the doctor. First of all, the doctor examines the kitten, measures the temperature, asks you the age of the kitten, what was the anthelmintic, what feed the kitten.

Then he takes the vaccine out of the refrigerator, and injects the kitten subcutaneously into the withers. The whole procedure takes no more than five minutes. Without fail, the kitten's veterinary passport makes a record of the vaccination, a sticker from the vaccine bottle is pasted, and a wet seal is affixed with the doctor's signature.

Friends, now you know when you can vaccinate a kitten, as well as what vaccinations are given to British kittens. Vaccinate British kittens on time, and then they will live a long and happy life with you. If you still have questions after reading the article, please ask in the comments. I wish health to you and your cats!

What vaccinations are given to kittens and when to vaccinate kittens

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Before you get a cat, you need to be familiar with the concepts of pet care. Vaccination is an important part of a pet's life. Every pet owner should know how and when to vaccinate a pet.

Cats need to be vaccinated to build immunity to diseases. Even if the cat never leaves the apartment, he can get sick from germs and viruses brought in with human shoes.

It is safer to get vaccinated than to get sick and get immunity. Since according to statistics, cats are prone to death in 70% of cases of diseases. Vaccination is best done in veterinary clinics, but you can do it yourself, at your own peril and risk.

Vaccinations for kittens

Before you vaccinate, you need to know that only healthy animals are allowed to be vaccinated. The cat should have a healthy temperature, should not be sick or be in a state after suffering a recent illness.

Kittens are vaccinated the following diseases:

  • Panleukopenia.
  • Viral rhinotracheitis.
  • feline leukemia.
  • infectious peritonitis.
  • Plague.

After vaccination, there may be minor side effects. They go away in 2 weeks. Do not allow the animal to walk after vaccination for 24 hours. A week before vaccination, it is necessary to carry out prophylaxis against worms.

Kitten's first vaccination

Doctors give a recommendation to vaccinate a kitten at 2-3 months of age. Also, to consolidate immunity, it is necessary to do revaccination after 3 weeks. For revaccination, you must use the same vaccine that the kitten was vaccinated with.

After the procedures, it is desirable to establish a quarantine for the kitten within 14 days. During this time, the kitten will develop immunity.

After the first vaccination, you can vaccinate against chlamydia and in the future, vaccinate annually.

There are some rules that it is advisable to follow during vaccination:

  • It is necessary to adhere to the terms of vaccination, to know what vaccinations to give to kittens up to 1 year old.
  • Use only quality products.
  • Do not vaccinate animals after surgery. And also it is impossible to carry out vaccination before operations.
  • Pregnant or lactating cats should not be vaccinated.
  • The vaccine is not a cure for the disease, therefore it is impossible to treat with drugs intended for vaccination.

Only completely healthy and prepared for vaccination animals are allowed to the procedure. To instill immunity against rabies in a kitten, you can use the drug Nobivac rabies.

It is advisable to inject this vaccine into 8-12 weeks of age.

The vaccine creates immunity within two weeks, and maintains it for from 1 year to 3. In disadvantaged neighborhoods, it is advisable to revaccinate the animal every year.

An injection from microsporia is done to both domestic cats and street cats. After all, this disease is dangerous not only for animals, but also for people.

Some of the symptoms of microsporia are: hair loss, peeling of the skin. These can be either single spots or spread throughout the body of the pet. But even in long-haired cats, this disease can occur without visible symptoms.

Side effects

Often during the day after vaccination, animals are lethargic, lose strength and appetite. This is a common reaction that should completely disappear within a day. If the pet does not get better after a few days, it must be taken to the clinic.

For kittens, vaccination is a big stress, they are afraid of a second visit to the doctor, they show distrust of their owners.

To reduce stress, you can call a doctor at home. But still, it would be best to visit the clinic yourself and not leave it yet. 15-30 minutes after injection vaccinations. Since the most serious allergic reactions develop at this time, the doctor will help the animal.

Often after the injection there are complications for various reasons. The vaccine should not cause side effects, but it is still a foreign protein in the body, and the consequences of its administration may be different.

For example, vaccinating an animal who has already been infected, but symptoms have not yet been identified.

During this period, the vaccine begins its effect on the body and the kitten becomes ill. Immunity begins to suffer seriously, the outcome of this situation may be the death of a pet.

Therefore, when purchasing a pet, it is necessary to wait from two weeks to a month to make sure that it is healthy. And only then carry out all the necessary activities.

One of the dangerous complications after injection is allergic reactions. They can develop very quickly, cause itching, irritation, and even anaphylactic shock. The first sign of an allergy is profuse salivation, after - swelling, defecation is possible.

It is worth paying attention to the change in the behavior of the kitten. It can change abruptly from sluggish to overly active.

In order to avoid serious consequences after vaccination, the pet is under the supervision of a doctor. within 15 minutes. This period is the most dangerous for a kitten, and most allergic reactions begin during 15-30 minutes after injection.

Bumps may appear at the injection site, do not be afraid of this. Such manifestations should resolve on their own. within 2 weeks.

Should a kitten be vaccinated?

Many people do not consider it necessary to vaccinate their pet. Although cats, like humans, are at risk for diseases. Improper nutrition, stress and viruses around a cat can significantly undermine its immunity, and further lead to death.

A kitten that is at home still has a high chance of catching diseases of any kind.

Infections enter the body of a cat through the digestive tract through contact with other animals, through contact with people's clothing, shoes.

Vaccinations for animals are not only a precautionary measure to protect against diseases. But they are also a mandatory procedure for paperwork in case the owner wants to transport the pet across the border of another state.

It is also worth noting that purebred cats are more prone to diseases of various kinds. Indications for their vaccination is sometimes the only possible option when a cat can comfortably exist. Avoiding vaccinations leads to the fact that the animal is constantly sick, as its immunity is weakened. Sometimes vaccination is the only possible option to ensure a comfortable, safe life for yourself and your pet.

Fortunately, most owners understand that kittens need to be vaccinated, regardless of their breed and living conditions. This will help minimize the risk of contracting dangerous infectious diseases, which in most cases end in death. Complications can be avoided by following the vaccination schedule for kittens, properly preparing the kitten for vaccinations, and providing him with proper care after vaccinations.

Table of preventive vaccinations for cats

This table provides the necessary information about what vaccinations to give kittens, indicating the age and name of the drugs used.

DiseaseFirst vaccinationRevaccinationVaccine
panleukopenia,8 weeks10 weeks, annuallyComplex vaccines:
  1. Multifel 4
  2. Felovax 4
  3. Nobivak Triket Trio (except chlamydia)
  4. Nobivak Forcat
Viral rhinotracheitis8 weeks10 weeks, annually
Calcivirus8 weeks10 weeks, annually
Chlamydia9 weeks12 weeksKatavac Chlamydia, ChlamyCon
Viral leukemia9 weeks12-13 weeksLeukocel 2
Rabies3-6 months12 months, annuallyNobivak Rabies, Rabizin

Important! It is not advisable to vaccinate kittens before eight weeks of age, since maternal antibodies obtained during fetal development and breastfeeding neutralize the effect of the vaccine.

Rabies vaccination

Separately, it is worth highlighting such a disease as rabies. This is the only disease, the prevention of which is controlled at the state level and is mandatory for all cats, regardless of the conditions of detention. In disadvantaged areas, animals are vaccinated for the first time at the age of three months. If there is no threat of infection, then the first administration of the vaccine for kittens at 5-6 months, after the change of milk teeth, is acceptable. Follow-up vaccinations are given annually throughout the cat's life. Vaccination information is entered in the animal's passport.

Unvaccinated pets are prohibited:

  • export outside the state;
  • use for breeding purposes;
  • apply for participation in exhibitions and tournaments.

When planning a trip with an animal abroad, the owner needs to clarify in advance what and when the kittens need to be vaccinated in order to obtain the necessary documents to enter another country.

How to prepare a kitten for vaccination

Having decided on the date when to vaccinate kittens, the owner should prepare his pet for it in advance. To do this, 2 weeks before vaccination, deworming is carried out using anthelmintic suspensions approved for use in young animals from three weeks of age. These include:

  • albendazole;
  • Dirofen;
  • Caniquantel Plus;
  • Milbemax;
  • Pirantel;
  • Prazicide.

Important! But veterinarians do not recommend using anthelmintics in the form of sugar cubes for kittens, as this can provoke an allergy attack.

Assessment of the state of the kitten before vaccination

The day before vaccination, the owner needs to objectively assess the condition of his pet, taking into account the following factors:

  • activity;
  • a good appetite;
  • no leakage from the nasal cavity, eyes, ears and genitals;
  • normal body temperature;
  • absence of dermatological problems (hair loss, rash, itching, hyperemia, ulcers, scratching, and so on).

On the day of vaccination, the kitten can be given a small amount of easily digestible food and sufficient water.

Important! Before the full course of vaccinations, it is necessary to exclude the contact of babies with other animals.

Immediately before vaccination, a veterinary specialist conducts an examination and thermometry.


The main contraindications for vaccination are:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • infectious or invasive disease;
  • trauma;
  • allergy attacks;
  • poisoning;
  • thermal or chemical burns;
  • severe stress;
  • exhaustion.

It is allowed to vaccinate an animal that has undergone surgical intervention only after 21 days, provided that the body is fully restored.

It is also forbidden to administer the vaccine within 14 days after antibiotic therapy.

Possible Complications

In response to the vaccine, the kitten may develop the following signs:

  • soreness, swelling and hyperemia at the injection site;
  • lethargy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increase in body temperature by 0.5-1 °.

If the injection was made in the hind limb, then short-term lameness is possible.

Do not worry if these symptoms disappear after 2-3 days. But the reason for contacting the clinic is:

  • increase in temperature indicators by more than 1 °;
  • labored breathing;
  • refusal to feed for more than two days;
  • refusal of water;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • purulent inflammation of the injection site;
  • convulsions, paralysis, impaired coordination of movements.

Note! Responsible veterinarians suggest that owners stay at the clinic for 20-30 minutes after vaccination. If during this period an allergic reaction does not occur that requires medical intervention, then you can safely return home.

In order not to provoke the occurrence of complications, it is necessary to provide the pet with peace, good nutrition and the absence of stress. Do not allow hypothermia or overheating, exposure to drafts and inhalation of harmful substances.

What to do if you miss the schedule

If the vaccination schedule was violated due to an illness or injury to the animal, then only a veterinarian can revise the timing of vaccination, taking into account the condition of the pet and the characteristics of the drug used.

But there are times when the owner does not know at what age the kitten was vaccinated. This happens if the animal was found on the street, but at the same time it looks like a home (the presence of a collar, grooming, the ability to go to the tray).

To find out exactly whether the baby was previously vaccinated, you should donate blood for the presence of antibodies to certain diseases.

In the event that this option is not possible, the veterinary specialist must decide on the advisability of completing the full course of vaccination on an individual basis.

Each owner must have a passport for the animal, which will indicate all preventive measures, indicating the name of the drug, the date of its administration and the expiration date. Some veterinarians additionally stick labels on the injected product.

Where is the best place to vaccinate a kitten - at home or in a clinic?

For overly impressionable kittens, transport and visits to the clinic where other animals meet is a strong stress that can suppress the immune system's response to the vaccine. It is better for such pets to call the veterinarian at home. The only disadvantage of this option is that in this case it is difficult to control the conditions of storage and transportation of the drugs used. You will also have to pay extra for a doctor's visit.

The cost of vaccination is determined by the selected drug, as well as the status of the clinic and its geographical location.

Approximate prices for vaccinations in the clinic:

  • complex domestic drug, including rabies - up to 1500 rubles;
  • a similar imported drug - up to 2000 rubles;
  • monovalent remedy against rabies - 700 rubles;
  • vaccination against ringworm - 400 rubles.

If a veterinary specialist is called to the house, the cost increases by 400-1000 rubles, depending on the distance of the clinic from the client's home.

Important! Only an employee of a veterinary clinic licensed to carry out this prophylactic treatment can make a mark in the animal's passport that it has been vaccinated against rabies.

The Importance of Vaccinations

Since cats have diseases that are dangerous to humans, timely vaccinations for kittens will help not only prevent infection of the pet, but also protect its owner. Such prevention is especially important if there is a pregnant woman or small children in the house, whose body is most susceptible to infections that can cause severe pathologies and irreversible processes. Therefore, for a person who is aware of the danger of these diseases, the question of whether it is necessary to vaccinate a kitten is inappropriate.