Compression tights for varicose veins: how to determine the size. Choosing stockings for varicose veins. How to wear underwear correctly

Compression tights have been used in medicine for many years. Their irreplaceable therapeutic effect has been proven in practice. Tights are recommended to be worn by patients with varicose veins, weak blood vessels, as well as pregnant women. Compression garments are used during operations and childbirth to prevent blood from stagnating in the veins.

Features and Benefits

Compression tights, despite the name, are suitable for both men and women. They are similar to regular tights, but have therapeutic properties. Compression garments improve blood circulation, warm up, maintain the tone of the lower extremities, facilitate movement, relieve pain, swelling and discomfort in the legs. Such tights create special pressure on areas of the skin, due to which the speed of blood circulation in the veins increases.

The pressure of the tights is distributed evenly. It is stronger in the ankles and ankles, minimal in the hips, and completely absent on the stomach. If spider veins appear on your legs, purchase preventive compression tights. They will protect against more serious problems. It is necessary to choose underwear taking into account the problem and size.

Compression classes

Compression garments have their own classification. It depends on the specific application and disease.

  • 1 class. Preventive tights are prescribed if the saphenous veins increase in size and small vessels appear on the legs. First class underwear creates minimal pressure, relieves fatigue, minor swelling, and maintains normal pressure in the veins.
  • 2nd grade. Therapeutic compression tights are recommended if venous disease worsens. The pressure is higher than first class. Prescribed to wear for varicose veins at the initial stage.
  • 3rd grade. Hospital compression garments are used during/after operations, for moderate varicose veins and to prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins. Produces the most uniform pressure on the surface of the veins.
  • 4th grade. Compression tights are prescribed for severe stages of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers and the consequences of thrombosis.

You can buy compression tights yourself only if you notice the initial stages of varicose veins. Choose the degree of compression – from 8 to 15 mm. mercury column, it is indicated on the product packaging. Such compression garments are used for preventive purposes.

Indications and contraindications

Compression tights are a therapeutic agent that has contraindications. You cannot buy underwear yourself and wear it if your doctor has not recommended such treatment. Buying and wearing tights is prohibited for patients with arterial diseases, open wounds on the legs, skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema), high skin sensitivity and a tendency to allergic reactions.

  • For varicose veins. Varicose veins, regardless of severity, are a direct indication for wearing compression garments. The doctor selects the required class, taking into account the picture of the disease.

  • Preventive. They are used if the patient is engaged in heavy physical labor or has to sit a lot during the day. Tights effectively relieve swelling and fatigue. Preventive compression is prescribed if there is a hereditary predisposition to varicose veins.

  • Medicinal. Compression tights, which have a therapeutic effect, are prescribed to patients who have undergone surgery, patients with varicose veins, thrombosis and other diseases of the lower extremities. Basically, indications for therapeutic compression are disturbances in blood flow in the veins.

  • Pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, with accelerated fetal growth, a woman may experience fatigue in her legs and progression of varicose veins, even if the woman previously had no problems with the veins. Movement during pregnancy is sometimes difficult, so the specialist recommends wearing compression tights for pregnant women to maintain healthy legs. They are anatomically comfortable and have special pressure that prevents the veins from swelling. Tights do not constrain and facilitate movement, preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

How to choose

The selection of compression tights is huge. Models may differ from each other in the degree of compression, design and wear resistance. Medical products made in Germany are considered to be of the highest quality. Remember that tights create pressure, which causes discomfort in healthy people. Before you decide to spend money on compression garments, consult with a specialist.

The choice of medical tights for women is much larger. They produce products not only in plain colors, but also with patterns in various colors. For men, compression knitwear in standard, strict shades. When purchasing tights, choose those models that will last longer and will not lose their therapeutic properties.

Please choose your size before purchasing. Measure the circumference of your hips, waist, upper and lower ankles, the length of your leg from hip to foot, and the length from knee to foot at home. Do not forget that foreign manufacturers have different sizing charts from domestic ones, so carefully study the packaging. The advantage of compression models is that they also produce tights in very large sizes.

How to wear and dress

It is not recommended to sleep in compression tights. You should put them on after you wake up. Do it right: without getting out of bed, carefully gather the tights into an accordion, as usual, insert your palms inside the product and pull it over your foot. It is recommended to put on tights while lying down. The accordion should be evenly distributed along the leg, pulled up to the hips, then to the waist.

Wear compression tights with special gloves, which you should purchase in advance at the pharmacy. They will protect against fabric damage, stretch marks and scratches. In the evening, tidy up your heels and the skin of your feet: it should be smooth, without roughness. Put tights or stockings on clean and dry legs.

Brand overview

Quality and price largely depend on the country of origin and the technologies used to create medical knitwear.

  • Medi (Copper). A German manufacturer that produces medical knitwear. Copper products of excellent quality fully correspond to the declared cost. Copper compression knitwear is easy to care for and durable.
  • Relaxan (Relaxan). The products manufactured by this company have certificates and certificates: CEmark, IQNet, FDA. If the operating requirements are met, the company provides a guarantee for the preservation of compression properties for up to 6 months for therapeutic products and up to 3 months for preventive ones. The company also confirms the guaranteed number of washes in accordance with the instructions included with the product.
  • Venoteks (Venotex). Popular American compression knitwear, thanks to its wide range, models and sizes. Cost and shelf life are average.
  • Ortho. Spanish medical knitwear, which has an average cost and high quality. Compression tights retain their healing properties for up to four months of daily wear.
  • Ergoforma. Italian compression tights are made from natural fiber that allows air to pass through. They are usually recommended for sports and pregnant women. The tights are comfortable and highly wear-resistant.
  • Solidea (Solidea). Italian tights for therapeutic purposes are no different in appearance from ordinary tights. Available in various colors.
  • Sigvaris. The Swiss manufacturing company produces elite quality compression hosiery. The products have a beautiful design, the price is high.

How much are

Compression underwear is sold only in pharmacies and is not cheap. Therefore, it is recommended to buy tights with a therapeutic effect only as prescribed by a doctor. It is possible to order compression garments that will be made to your individual measurements. The cost of tights starts from five hundred rubles in the regions. In Moscow, the average cost of compression is from three thousand rubles. The price depends on the quality, class and size of the compression hosiery.

Compression underwear , According to experts, it is an excellent tool for additional correction in the treatment of varicose veins. However, when choosing such knitwear, a number of factors should be taken into account, otherwise the therapeutic effect will not be achieved; on the contrary, the condition of the veins may worsen.

The choice of product is made based on its purpose:

  • Knitted underwear for hospital use. Used only in medical institutions, for example, after surgery.
  • Prophylactic underwear.
  • Special underwear for pregnant women.
  • Knitwear for professional athletes.
  • Therapeutic compression jersey.

Knitwear for varicose veins. About compression classes

To achieve a good effect:

  • proper selection of compression garments is necessary;
  • competent care of knitwear;
  • ability to put it on correctly;
  • compliance with wearing rules.

The most important factor is the purchase, which should be made only in specialized stores (shops, pharmacies, etc.). Only in this case can you avoid purchasing a fake.

Orthopedic centers and salons offer products from well-known brands that have the required certificates and are approved for use. In such establishments, specially trained staff will help you select the size of knitwear, which is extremely important to ensure the desired result.

Important! Underwear of the wrong size does not have therapeutic and prophylactic qualities! You cannot buy compression hosiery on the advice of friends or, especially, wear someone else’s underwear.

It is not recommended to purchase maternity underwear for therapeutic purposes on your own. Only a doctor can determine the advisability of prescribing therapeutic compression hosiery and select the size, as well as select the optimal degree of compression. In this case, the duration of pregnancy and the characteristics of its course must be taken into account.

  • First trimester. Preventive knitwear in the absence of signs of varicose veins. Medicinal products - as prescribed by a specialist.
  • Second and third trimester. Wearing therapeutic underwear and selecting the degree of compression is on the recommendation of a phlebologist. You can purchase a prophylactic one yourself.

Attention! Knitwear for pregnant women differs from conventional models of underwear intended for the treatment of varicose veins.


  • At the top of the tights there is a special bandage made of hypoallergenic elastic materials.
  • Belly supporting qualities.
  • The use of materials with increased breathability.

Attention! Some pregnant women prefer stockings to tights. In this case, it is easy to choose a more comfortable model that will not compress the stomach. The leggings part of tights has limitations in stretching, so stockings in some cases are a more optimal option in relation to physiological characteristics during this period.

Modern models of compression hosiery for pregnant women may have:

  1. Silicone rubber band that holds the product on the leg
  2. Special corset belt and Velcro fastener.
  3. Open toe.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. You have chosen the manufacturer.
  2. We settled on any model of the product.
  3. The doctor determined the required compression class.

To accurately select the size, you need to measure your foot.

The sizes of tights, as well as stockings or knee socks are selected only after measuring the legs! Measurements can be taken at home or in a specialized center that offers compression garments.

Compression socks. To select golf, the following is done:

  1. Measure the circumference of the shin in the area above the ankle.
  2. Measure the circumference of the shin just below the knee.
  3. Measure the distance from the knee to the foot.

Compression stockings. For selection you need:

  1. To the measurements of the first two positions (item “knee socks”) add a number equal to the circumference of the hips (the place located at a distance of 25 cm from the knee, which corresponds to the standards of a normal figure). For people taller than 180 cm, measurements are taken at a distance of 30 cm from the knee joint.
  1. Measure the length of the lower limb from the feet to the point where the thigh circumference is measured.

All measurements are taken in centimeters.

Compression jersey. Special table - what is it?

An example of a table of measurements and product sizes from a popular German manufacturer - the Copper company.

Attention! It is mandatory to take measurements before purchasing. Please note that size charts from different manufacturers may not be the same.

If you purchase jersey for varicose veins in a specialized center (orthopedic salon), they will select the appropriate option for you based on your “home” measurements.

High quality compression hosiery from a reputable manufacturer cannot be too cheap. But such products often cause some discomfort when worn, even if they are chosen correctly.

In many cases, adaptation is required, which can take several days or even weeks. But if you experience pain or other too negative sensations when wearing underwear, you should consult a specialist; perhaps this knitwear is not suitable for you.

  1. First grade. Prophylactic knitwear –18– 21 mm Hg. Art.
    Wearing such underwear is recommended for everyone who has a tendency to varicose veins of the lower extremities, these are:
  • pregnant women;
  • persons whose work involves being on their feet for a long time (hairdressers, salespeople);
  • “sedentary” work (office workers, drivers);
  • patients with initial signs of varicose veins;
  • persons who, for some reason, periodically or constantly suffer from heaviness and pain in the legs.
  1. Second class. Knitwear for treatment – ​​23 – 32 mm Hg. Art. The most popular category of products prescribed by doctors for the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  2. Third class. Underwear for the treatment of severe conditions – 34 – 46 mm. rt. Art. Indicated for complex thrombophlebitis, trophic disorders, high-grade venous insufficiency.
  3. Fourth grade. Knitwear 49 mm. rt. Art. and higher. Not used often, indicated for lymphedema (impaired outflow of lymphatic fluid).

Expert advice . If the purchase is made for the first time and its purpose is preventive measures, you should not opt ​​for expensive knitwear of the second degree of compression (with the exception of a doctor’s prescription).

In any case, you should first visit a specialist - a phlebologist. If you are diagnosed with varicose veins, you should purchase knitwear with a higher degree of compression, which will be prescribed by your doctor.

Attention! Compression hosiery is not an independent measure for the treatment of varicose veins, it is only an additional effective measure that serves both as a good prevention against varicose veins and is part of its complex treatment.

You should not limit yourself to wearing only one underwear, even the highest quality from a reputable manufacturer, since knitwear in itself does not heal.

Treatment of varicose veins and other problems associated with venous insufficiency should include the mandatory use of special medications (internally) under the supervision of a doctor and creams, gels (externally).

The reasons for the development of varicose veins include many factors. External influence using compression hosiery can influence the further course of the disease towards its worsening. Knitwear that is selected correctly can stop the further development of the disease and remove to some extent negative symptoms, namely:

  • The appearance of new spider veins.
  • Pain and heaviness in the legs.
  • Feeling of tingling and fullness, etc.

In the summer, in extreme heat, wearing such knitwear is not always comfortable. Therefore, during this period more attention should be paid to other treatment methods.

Attention! Any compression hosiery has its own service life - usually no more than seven months (the terms depend on the manufacturer and are indicated on the label).

Comparison of some types of compression hosiery

  • Sigvaris company. A well-known Swiss manufacturer, the cost of the products is quite high. The quality is high.
  • Medi company. Good quality products from a German manufacturer at a more affordable price than Sigvaris.
  • The Russian company Intex is a worthy competitor to imported companies. Good quality at a more than affordable price.
  • Spanish company "Ortho" and American "Venotex". High quality at fairly reasonable prices.
  • Italian company "Tiana". Less popular products, but the quality of the linen meets international standards. The price is reasonable.

Men are less likely to wear compression hosiery for varicose veins, and in vain. The developers also took care of this group of patients, and therefore offer them the use of both special knee socks and orthopedic stockings or leggings. There is no need to suffer with an elastic bandage that does not stay on your feet.

Men can successfully use tights, there is nothing shameful here. There are also special models designed for men, but they are not always on sale. Compression hosiery in the form of tights does not stand out from under clothing, so you should take care of your health and discard prejudices.

Socks, stockings and tights for varicose veins. Which knitwear to choose?

All compression hosiery for therapeutic purposes for varicose veins from a reputable manufacturer undergoes a special test, has a certificate and meets the necessary requirements.

  • Reducing the diameter of veins.
  • Normalization of valve mechanisms.
  • Reduced blood viscosity.
  • Increasing the speed of venous return blood flow.
  • Reducing the risk of blood clots.
  • Increased pushing properties of the venous-muscular pump.
  • Increasing the ability of blood capillaries to absorb extracellular fluids and reducing leg swelling as a result.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to:

  1. What is the maximum length of the golf course, is it enough to influence the “stars” from the dilated veins.
  2. What is the length of the stockings, do you need them to reach your hips?

Attention! Tights affect all areas, therefore they are an ideal product in case of varicose veins in different areas.

Important! The product packaging must contain information about compression, which is indicated by the pressure force indicated in Millimeters of Hg (mm Hg). Ordinary, non-therapeutic and non-prophylactic tights, stockings or knee socks do not have such information on the packaging. If you are offered products where information is indicated in “dens”, then this means purely the density of the material, and not compression. Such tights are not intended for the treatment or prevention of varicose veins and can worsen the condition of the veins.

Advice. Compression jersey for the prevention of varicose veins (first class) does not require consultation with a doctor and can be purchased independently. In other cases, contacting a phlebologist is a mandatory measure.

Compression jersey. Product design

The issue of design is not relevant with respect to prophylactic and therapeutic effects. Here you can be guided by your own preferences and choose models, for example, with patterns, different colors, etc.,

To ensure and maintain the therapeutic effect throughout the entire period of use, you should follow the rules for caring for the product and learn how to put it on correctly.

Dear visitors of the Farmamir website. This article does not constitute medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician.


Consult a phlebologist who, depending on the presence of pathologies and the degree of the disease, will prescribe the appropriate product for you. It is worth noting that, like other compression products, they can have both therapeutic and preventive effects. So, if you feel heaviness in your stomach, you often have swelling, you are pregnant or you have varicose veins at the initial stage, you will need preventive tights, the compression of which is from 18 to 21 millimeters of mercury. While compression tights of classes 2-4 are therapeutic, and their compression can reach over 49 millimeters of mercury.

Buy compression tights only at the pharmacy. In this case, pay attention to the warranty period given for this product. So, if the product is of high quality, then this period should not be from six months to 10 months. In addition, a very important detail is that compression tights (as well as) should only be knitted using seamless technology.

It is also worth noting that in medical knitwear, the elastic thread has a double braid made of natural, for example, rubber or cotton, or synthetic threads. If you are pregnant, then you should undoubtedly choose only natural materials.

The most important characteristic of any compression product and a guarantee of its safety and effectiveness is the standard, which is designated on the packaging as RAL (in some cases it may be written Quality mark RAL or RAL-GZ 387). Do not purchase tights that do not bear the mark of this standard, since it is its standards that regulate the composition and strength of the material and indicate that the product has been tested.

Pay attention to whether the packaging contains the inscription Oko-Tex Standard 100. This standard is no less strict than the previous one, and indicates that the products are made exclusively from materials that are environmentally fully compatible with the human body and do not contain any hazardous substances.

Video on the topic


How to correctly determine the size and choose compression tights, stockings, and knee socks. 5XXL – XXL 105 – and above. To select the appropriate size, we recommend using the size table below, in which the sizes of compression tights and stockings are determined depending on the ratio between height in centimeters (HEIGHT CM) and weight in kilograms (WEIGHT KG).

Helpful advice

Only a highly qualified doctor can prescribe medical compression stockings to a patient. Moreover, the specialist must first collect as much information as possible about his patient, get acquainted with his complaints, and assess his general health. And now we’ll talk a little about how to choose compression stockings for surgery or other types of similar products.


  • how to determine the size of compression tights


Today, compression products are incredibly popular. Many people are so surprised by the results of their use that they wear them almost constantly. Others, on the contrary, are very critical of such products and refuse to follow the phlebologist’s instructions. What are compression stockings, what is the essence of anti-varicose underwear, and can you buy it at the pharmacy?

What are compression stockings

Medical therapeutic and prophylactic products made of elastic material that have a therapeutic effect on the legs and veins of the lower extremities are called compression stockings. In most cases, they are recommended to be worn at the first signs of varicose veins, which is why they are also called anti-varicose veins. They replaced elastic bandages, which are impractical to use. Anti-varicose stockings do not cause allergies, are well ventilated, effective, and differ little in appearance from ordinary ones.

Compression levels

Products differ in compression level, each has its own specific class. They are divided according to the force with which they can pull. Each degree has its own characteristics:

  • First class compression is 23 mm Hg. Art. These products are recommended for people with spider veins on the skin, and if the work involves constant impact on the legs, fatigue is felt at the end of the day.
  • Compression class 2 underwear exerts a pressure of about 33 mmHg. Art. It is prescribed for thrombophlebitis and developing varicose veins.
  • Compression level 3 products have a pressure of up to 46 mmHg. Art., and is prescribed for venous insufficiency.
  • For class 4, compression is more than 50 mmHg. st (maximum pressure). These stockings are prescribed by a doctor to reduce swelling and normalize lymph circulation.

A person can choose a 1st class medical device on his own, without doctor’s recommendations, without making a mistake in choosing the size. You can purchase the correct products of compression classes 2 and 3 together with a phlebologist. Class 4 products can only be purchased with a prescription, and only in pharmacies that sell products with orthopedic effects. The doctor will tell you not only the right model, but also the rules for caring for such products.

Indications for use

Experts are of the opinion that compression products should be worn both to prevent varicose veins and at the first signs of it. Buying stockings for surgery is also sometimes necessary, when agreed with the doctor. Indications for their use are:

  • manifestation of the vascular network;
  • constant work on your feet;
  • pregnancy;
  • discomfort when walking, decompression illnesses;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • rehabilitation postoperative period.


There are a number of cases when compression products must be used with caution, under the supervision of the attending physician. It is strictly forbidden to use such products in the development of chronic diseases of the arteries of the legs, which arose due to a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels with a pressure below 80 mm. rt. Art.: aortoarteritis, atherosclerosis, endarteritis. Relative contraindications include:

  • eczema;
  • necrosis;
  • open wounds;
  • dermatitis;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes.

How to wear compression stockings correctly

Recommendations for putting on compression garments can be given by doctors, or you can study them yourself in the instructions. It is recommended to put on stockings after sleep, without getting out of bed. The main thing is to distribute the stocking correctly, because the level of compression and treatment depend on this. When first used, there may be unusual sensations of squeezing and cold. This is normal, because venous blood flow accelerates, the walls of the veins are aligned. After 2-3 days the limbs get used to it. The stocking should be positioned evenly across the entire leg, providing the correct degree of compression.

The dressing procedure takes about 15 minutes. If the size is chosen correctly, but it is difficult to do it yourself, then use a special device for putting this knitwear on the lower limbs. It is easier to put on special silk gloves, which are not recommended for use for any other purpose. The length of time you wear stockings depends on the specialist’s prescription. For sports activities, it is recommended to wear them throughout the entire training session. Pregnant women can use the products throughout the entire period of pregnancy and postpartum.

Rules for caring for stockings

Stockings for varicose veins should be washed daily. Preference should be given to hand washing in warm water, without using washing powders or soap. To ensure that the product does not lose its shape and properties, it must be dried with a towel. Medical knitwear cannot be boiled, twisted, ironed, or dried on a radiator. Stain removers and other chemicals should not be used, as they can damage the fiber structure of the product, and it will lose its healing properties.

How to choose compression stockings

In order to select the right high-quality compression products, you need to take individual measurements from the patient: the dimensions of the hips (5 cm below the gluteal cavity), calves, ankles, height from the floor to the hips. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • quality of knitwear;
  • compliance with required standards;
  • presence of rubber trim,
  • color scheme;
  • manufacturer (a counterfeit may not have a therapeutic effect).

Price for compression stockings

Many people wonder where to buy compression stockings. They can be purchased at many pharmacies, and can also be ordered from online stores throughout the country. How much do compression stockings cost? The cost varies depending on what class of compression stockings it is, the manufacturer, etc. For example, in Moscow, elastic stockings can be purchased at these prices.