Summary of a lesson in mathematics with logical blocks of Dienesh in the middle group "Travel with Mickey Mouse to a magical land." Lesson outline on the topic: Mathematics classes with Dienesh blocks

Plan and outline of a lesson in mathematics in middle group

Traveling with Mickey Mouse to a magical land

Program content

1. Develop in children the ability to classify and generalize shapes according to three properties (color, shape and size).

2. Practice counting objects from a larger set within six.

3. Practice counting within six.

4. Strengthen children’s ideas about geometric shapes Oh.

1. Learn to name geometric shapes and describe their properties.

2. Accustom to use words in speech that characterize quantitative and spatial relationships.

1. To increase the cognitive activity of children due to the attractiveness of the learning process, its emotional motivation, and plot content.

2. Develop perception, attention, the ability to analyze and compare objects according to independently identified properties, and generalize.

3. Develop combinatorics and spatial thinking.

4. Continue to teach how to act according to the teacher’s verbal instructions.

Methodical techniques

Depositing a parcel from Mickey Mouse

Reading a letter with an invitation to a magical land.

Flying on a magic carpet.

Problems No. 1.4

On the doors to the hall there is an image of a castle with 4 geometric figures, one of which differs in color and size. Children are asked to find the extra figure on the combination lock and open it.

Children find themselves in the city of Geometric shapes.

Task No. 1

On the floor is a schematic representation of a city of geometric shapes: a logical tree is laid out using colored ribbons. Dienesha blocks are divided by size, color and shape. Under each block there is a picture of an animal.

Children are told about the principle of classifying figures, the symbols of their properties, then they are asked to find a block house using the named properties or name the properties of the specified block themselves.

Children go to the City of Masters. They are met by Palochkin-Schitalochkin.


Children float on a boat on the river, do tilts.

Children sail into a mysterious forest and meet Magpie with a shiny bag in his beak.

Problem 3.4

In the bag there is a letter from a bear and a fox with a request to collect them from the figures that the evil sorcerer scattered throughout the forest, ready-made images of animals. 2 magnetic boards.

Children collect figures, classify them by color, place them in a row on a magnetic board, count the number of figures in the “photo” and on the board, and make up images of a bear and a fox.

Summary of the lesson.

Analysis of children's work on behalf of Mickey Mouse.

Flying on a magic carpet to a kindergarten.

Lesson notes

The teacher brings the package to the group. Children play on the carpet.

Mickey Mouse sent us a package! And there is also a letter in it.

Let's read it:

“Guys, I invite you to visit me - a magical land. I will show you a lot of interesting things"

Shall we accept Mickey Mouse's invitation?

Let's stand up, take hold of the magic carpet, and say the spell:

Oh magic carpet!

Take flight!

Music - let's fly.

We fly over the city, we fly over the fields. We hold the carpet tightly. We might fall if we let him go.

They approach the music room.

Here we are in a magical land. Let's carefully place the carpet next to it.

Oh! There is a lock on the door. Magic.

Probably, to open it, you also need to say a spell. But Mickey Mouse didn’t write anything to us.

Let's think about how to open it?

*children's suggestions.

Let's take a closer look at the lock. What is drawn here? And in one word?

Let's think, perhaps you need to click on some figure to open the lock? Which one?

How are these figures different? What figure is missing here? Not like everyone else?

*Extra small figure! All the figures are large, but this figure is small.

What figure is this?

*Little red circle!

Or all the figures are yellow, and this figure is red. It is different from others in color. And what else?

* Size. She is small, but the other figures are large.

Press, Katya, quickly!

Now the door has opened!

Enter a magical land! And here comes Mickey Mouse!

M: Hello guys! What a great fellow you are for being able to open the door to a magical land! You guessed it! You will probably be wizards.

M: I want to invite you to the city of geometric shapes.

Why do you think this city is called that?

What do you see here:

Look, this is the main road in this country. (Points with a pointer) And to the right and left are districts. What kind of figures do you think this area (on the right) is in?

Small or large? (shows a symbol: small, then large)

We are now in the area of ​​small figures. Like any city there are streets. The streets have names. There are even signs here:

What street is this? Color?

*Blue, yellow and red.

Let's now go to the area of ​​large figures. Where is the red street? Blue? Yellow? Show the sign on the yellow street.

There are houses on every street and each house has an address. What figure is this? All houses are different geometric shapes. If they stand in the area of ​​large figures, what size are they all?


There are figures on the red street - what color are the houses?


And on the yellow one? Blue? (I show with a pointer)

And who lives in these houses? Do you want to know? Listen, I'll tell you.

Sasha, find me a round house, it’s on the yellow street in the area of ​​big houses. Where is this house?

Pick up this figurine. Who lives there?

Close the house and let him rest there.

And now, Anechka will find the house.

Blue square, on a blue street in an area of ​​small houses.

Who lives there?

Natasha, in the area of ​​small houses on the red street, find a rectangular house.

Who lives here?

Open any house. Who lives there? Explain where the house is. On which street? In the area of ​​which houses? What shape is the house? Triangular.

M: Do you want to know where I live?

Mickey Mouse lives in the area of ​​large houses on Red Street, in a square house.

*Nobody here.

That's right, because Mickey Mouse is with us now.

Did you like the city of geometric shapes? Let's go further - to the city of Masters. To Palochkin-Schitalochkin.

(I place the children around the tables on which there are counting sticks in trays.)

You need to take a hacksaw and plywood,

take nails and a hammer.

It doesn't matter that we are not engineers,

An hour has passed and the house is ready!

P-S: Hello guys, I'm glad to see you in our city. There are chopsticks on the table. Count out 6 sticks and place them in front of you. And I'll see what you think. 6 sticks are on everyone's table. Place excess chopsticks back into the tray.

It was my birthday yesterday. They gave me gifts: a letter, a bow and a TV.

Make my gifts from your sticks: a letter, a bow and a TV.

What did you do?


Did you get a bow?

(Children construct according to their ideas. A sample can be shown only if some children have difficulty.)

P-S: And I also have a gift for you. Takes 6 large gymnastic sticks.

P-S: How many sticks do I have? What size are they? I'll make a boat out of these big sticks. And you will float down the river.

That's how big the boat turned out to be.

Let's get into the boat. Let's say goodbye to Palochkin-Schitalochkin!

The soundtrack of the river flows.

Fast river, strong current. Rocks our boat. Leaned right, left!

So, we sailed into a mysterious forest. Let's get out of the boat and take a walk along the forest edge.

Look, the magpie has arrived! Magpie, white-sided magpie, what did you bring us? (The magpie has a shiny pouch in its beak)

I get the letter:

I'm a bear, clubfooted, cheerful and shaggy

Lived quietly in the forest

I was friends with the little fox.

And the evil sorcerer once

ruined us all.

You guys will help,

assemble us from figures!

Here is a photo of a bear and a fox. (take it out of the bag)

Walk around the forest and look for the figures. You need to disenchant the fox and the bear!

Children place figures on a magnetic board. In 2 rows. -Sit around in the clearing, look at the photo.

Let's count how many figures there are in the image of a bear.

What color are the figures?

* brown

What are these figures called?

*squares and rectangles.

How many figures did we find?

*6. All 6 figures were found.

Let's make a bear from the photo.

Now count how many figures there are in the image of a fox?

Shows the figures below. How many did we find? Have you found everything or do we still need to look? Let's look for 1 figurine. Who saw which figure was missing?** We are looking for an orange triangle.

Well, we have disenchanted the forest animals, well done!

Guys, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. We stayed in a magical land. Let's say goodbye to Mickey Mouse!


M-M: Goodbye! It was interesting with you. You know the figures, you know how to count, even how real wizards cast a spell on little animals. Well done! Come again! Write me letters and draw pictures!

Let's fly home on our carpet - an airplane. Let's go. Grab the carpet.

Let's say a spell:

Oh magic carpet!

Take flight!

Music - let's go to the group.

Integrated lesson for middle group children with

using Dienes blocks.

Adventure in a fairy forest

Goal: Development of cognitive activity with the help of logical

Dienesha blocks.

Tasks : Educational:

Develop the ability to distinguish the basic properties of objects: color, shape and size of objects.

Fix the names of geometric shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, highlight their properties: shape, color, size.

Ability to recognize numbers up to 5 and relate them to the number of objects.

Develop imagination, observation, and decision-making skills logic problems, reason,

Form an idea of ​​the symbolic image of objects.


Ability to work independently and make decisions.

Ability to strictly follow instructions and adhere to established rules.


Strengthen the ability to reproduce a familiar object in construction, select the blocks needed for construction in accordance with the graphic image.

Develop hand-eye coordination when connecting blocks

Cultivate attention, perseverance, and logical thinking.

Material: cards with the number of circles from 1 to 5, Dienesh's logic blocks, writing, counting sticks, apples, house diagrams (photos), pictures with noisy animals.

Preliminary work . Working with children on sensory skills through teaching aids and toys. Conversation about animal life. Reading fairy tales. Looking at illustrations. Working with the album “Little Logics”


A set of logical blocks. Code cards indicating color and shape, size of geometric shapes. Counting sticks. Sample diagrams of houses. Apples. Pictures with noisy images of animals.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group and notice an envelope.

Guys, I came to work today, and there was an envelope lying near the door, I took it. How do you think we can find out where it came from and who it was addressed to? (Must read. Let's read this letter).

The teacher reads the address: “Children of the 4th group from the animals of the Fairytale Forest.”

Guys, what news do you think is in this letter? How did you guess? (The envelope has a sad face). Let's quickly open it and find out what happened? The teacher opens and reads the letter.

We are forest animals

They lived and did not grieve.

In the Fairytale Forest

They did a round dance!

But the evil Grandmother-Ezhka

I enchanted everything!

And now in the forest

It became boring, sad...

Dear children,

Help us and find us all quickly!

What to do? (We need help: defeat Baba Yaga, go to the Fairytale Forest...). Shall we help the animals? Do you think Baba Yaga will allow us to get to the forest so easily? (No). I also think so, that she will build various obstacles for us along the way. But I’ll tell you a little secret: every time we overcome her obstacle, she will lose her strength, and after we find the animals, she will completely disappear! So, are you ready to go to the Fairytale Forest and free it from Baba Yaga’s witchcraft? (Yes).

How can we get to the Fairytale Forest? I suggest getting there by car. Because we are going to the Fairytale Forest, our cars will be magical, very fast! Start your engines and let's hit the road! (Children move in a circle).

1. We've arrived! But what is this, we can’t go any further, there are some castles lying around. This is the first obstacle that I prepared for B-Ya. To go further we need to open all these locks, and this can only be done if we find the key for each lock. The keys are not simple, they are coded, they are in the box and of course everything is mixed up.

Each of you must take one lock and unravel the code of your lock and find the right key.

Children complete the task and use the code on the lock to find the key.

Nastya, what is the key to your lock (red triangle, large, thin)

What key opens your lock, Dasha? (blue rectangle, small and thick), etc.

Well done! We found the necessary keys, opened the locks and found ourselves in the Fairytale Forest.

How can we solve this problem? (children's answers).

Or maybe there is a clue in the envelope? (I show a sample of a boat). Let's each build a boat for ourselves. How many counting sticks will we need for this? (5 sticks)

Children each build their own boat using counting sticks. Now the boats are ready! Then we swim to the other side! You and I have passed one more obstacle of B-Yaga - and her strength has decreased!

Physical education minute. Let's take a break. Let's rest and move on. Come to me and close your eyes....Exercise for the eyes.

3. In front of us is an apple tree with plump apples.

The apples on the apple tree are unusual, let's pick an apple and see what's so interesting about them. B-I wants to know if you can count. Count the number of seeds on your apple. Children count bones. I'm checking.

Now, find a card on the table with the same number of circles as there are seeds in your apple. Go to this card.

Children count the bones and go to the tables where there is a card with the same number of circles.

Katya, how many seeds are in your apple? Which card did you choose?

Maya, which card did you choose? Why?

Your apple Arseny has how many seeds? So you went to the card with 3 circles.

Well done! You and I have dealt with another witchcraft.

4.- Near the card with the circles there are these photographs. These are photographs of houses in which animals lived. Where are the houses themselves? B-I destroyed them and again prepared a new trap for us!

We need to help the little animals rebuild their houses. Shall we help them? (Yes). How can we do this? Using these photographs, we can build houses for animals (children build houses according to the diagrams from Dienesh blocks).

What parts did we need when building these houses? (rectangles, squares, triangles)

Well done! We have overcome another obstacle.

5. You made great houses. And we don’t know which of the animals lives in each of them. Would you like to know (yes). Again, a new test awaits us; there are still pictures of animals hiding in the forest. Let's guess what animal is hiding here and put it in the house that you built for it.

The teacher shows the noisy figures of animals. Children determine which animal is shown in the picture.

The teacher checks the completion of the task.

Sonya, what animal did you find? (bear).

What animal did Katya build a house for? (foxes)

The house that Arseny built is intended for which animal? (hedgehog), etc.

Well done! We passed all the obstacles that B-Ya had prepared for us and she completely lost her power and disappeared! Now the Fairytale Forest is free from her spell! And the animals will live, not bother, in their new houses. And we're heading back to kindergarten. Start your engines, Let's go!

Guys, did you like our trip around Fairytale forest(Yes). What was the most difficult obstacle you faced? (children's answers)

Title: Lesson summary on FEMP using Dienesh logic blocks in the middle group
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, mathematics, secondary

Position: teacher 1 qualification categories
Place of work: KGKP nursery garden No. 8 “Teremok”
Location: Ekibastuz city, Pavlodar region, Republic of Kazakhstan

Summary of a lesson on FEMP using Dienesh logic blocks in the middle group.


1. Form elementary mathematical representations.

  • Teach children to compare objects and geometric shapes based on two or more properties (shape, color, size);
  • Develop the ability to identify a given geometric figure using 3

characteristics (shape, size, color);

  • Practice ordinal and quantitative counting within 5;
  • To consolidate the concept of “near-far”; about temporary representations;
  • Teach children to navigate in space (middle, top right, top left, bottom right, bottom left).

2. Develop initial appointments logical thinking (to form the ability to observe, compare, generalize, classify); develop speech as a means and form of mental activity.

3. To cultivate curiosity and interest in travel as a form of learning about the world around us.

Material:“Dyenesha” blocks, cards with encoding of “Dyenesha” blocks

Progress of the lesson:

Circle of Joy

How long is the year?

What time of year is it now?

How many months are there in winter?

Name the winter months.

What month is it now?

Name the signs of winter.

Surprise moment.

Children, have you heard that someone is knocking?

I'll go see who's there.

Look, children, the postman brought us a letter. I wonder who you think the letter is from?

Do you want to know who wrote us a letter?

Then let's open the letter and read it.

"Hello children! I need your help. An evil sorcerer bewitched the animals and locked them in a chest. We need to free them and feed them. Greetings, grandfather Lesovik"

Well, children, let's help the animals?

We need to divide into two groups.

Group 1 goes to make treats for the animals

Group 2 goes to save the animals.

It's time for us to hit the road, but the forest is far away. How do we get there, do you think?

Let's go by bus.

But to travel by bus, what do you need to buy?

The task is performed with Dienesh blocks. Children are given cards with the encoding of the figures.

Attention! Checking tickets.

What color is your ticket?

What shape?

Show blue tickets only.

And now the red and yellow tickets. etc.

Well done! You have all found your seats correctly, you can go.

(Stop. Arrive at the forest)

Children, we have arrived in the forest, but where should we go, who will help us?

Look how beautiful the Christmas tree is, maybe it will help us?

The Christmas tree told me that in order to help the little ones, we need to correctly complete all the tasks that the snowflakes have prepared for us.

Takes snowflake No. 1 and reads the task.

1 – task: logical problems: “How much?”

Snowflake No. 2

Task 2: count forward and backward within 5.

Now treat the bunnies with carrots, how many bunnies? How many carrots? Did everyone have enough carrots? Why?

D/game “Find your place.”

Snowflake No. 3

Task 3: “Make a picture”

And this snowflake wants us to make a picture where the bunny is in the middle, the house is at the bottom right, the tree is at the bottom left, the sun is at the top right, the cloud is at the top left.

Now paint your own picture.

Well done! You all did a good job.

Snowflake No. 4

4-task: “Physical minute”

This snowflake asks to dance with her.

Snowflake No. 5

Task 5: “What has changed?”

(On the left is a house, and on the right are 2 toys. They are at different distances from the house)

This snowflake wants to test how attentive you are.

Tell me who is closer to the house and who is farther from the house?

Now everyone close your eyes.

(rearranging toys)

Now open your eyes and tell me what has changed? (exercise repeated 2-3 times)

Well done! You completed all the tasks correctly. Now let's go find the chest and save the animals.

Here is the chest, but it is locked. Children, there is a note here that says that the key is hidden under geometric shapes, you must guess

right where the key is hidden.

Well done! You guessed right, here is the key.

Children, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten, let’s take the little animals with us. Get on the bus, let’s go.

Where we were?

Why did we go to the forest?

What did we do to save the animals?

What were the tasks?

Sarantseva Elena Gennadievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 87" Samara
Locality: Samara
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Abstract play activity in mathematics using Dienes blocks
Publication date: 11.04.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of a game lesson in mathematics using Dienesh blocks.

Middle group.

Topic: "Tricks of the sly fox."






logical conclusions;


make up

recognize symbols;

mastering the ability to classify sets according to two properties: color

and shape, size and shape;

Development of spatial imagination, ingenuity;


Logical task tables, “Wonderful bag”, Dienesh blocks, two

hoop different color, sheets in a cage, logic problems.

Progress of educational activities.


A very cunning fox came to visit us today.

This red-haired cheat is good at math.

And I decided to check on you, I brought you envelopes,

I posted it all over the group, I just forgot what went where.

Are you guys ready to find her surprises?

And what did you learn to show that little fox?

The first envelope in my paws is with a logical task (they fall) - oh,

I'm awkward..

A game “Which figure is next?”









are the pictures different? What is the same about them? What shape should you draw?

in the next one and why? (Fig. 1)

Fox brings "Wonderful bag":

I brought you riddles - aren't you smart guys?

I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

Who am I, friends? (Circle)

He's known me for a long time

Every angle in it is right.

All four sides

Same length.

I'm glad to introduce him to you,

And his name is..... (Square)

Three corners, three sides

Can be of different lengths.

If you hit the corners,

Then you’ll quickly jump up yourself. (Triangle)

Game “Make an Animal”.

Children at the tables make up a fox, a bear, a squirrel,

using only identical shapes - triangles, squares, circles.

Fox: I suggest a physical minute, you need to stretch your bones

You played great and were able to prove to me

That the country of mathematics is important to each of you.

The sun looked into the crib...

One two three four five.

We all do exercises

We need to sit down and stand up,

Extend your arms wider.

One two three four five.

Bend over - three, four,

And stand still.

On the toe, then on the heel -

We all do exercises.

At the edge of the carpet, children find an envelope with symbols. Children

They understand that this is another trick of the sly fox.

Game "Flower Glade"(Dyenesha blocks).

An adult places two hoops of different colors on the carpet. Inside the blue

hoop needs to be assembled blue flowers(shapes). And inside the red is everything

round. Then, at the intersection of two hoops, figures with

common characteristics: color (red) and shape (round).

Educator: while you and I were arranging flowers in the flower beds, the fox ran away

and left a big mushroom. Let's see what's hidden in it.

The teacher reads a letter in which they can find it if they draw it

a scheme for moving through the forest, focusing on the fox’s story. Educator

hands out sheets of checkered paper on which a fox's house is drawn, explaining that

every cell is a step. Reads the fox's story, and the children indicate the direction

movements and landmarks: walk five steps forward to two trees, three steps

to the left to the old stump, from the stump five steps forward to a lawn with flowers,

to the right five steps to a large fly agaric. Four steps forward from the fly agaric

to a large oak tree, three steps to the right to a fast stream. Without crossing it -

five steps forward to the strawberry bush, and then right five steps to the house

The fox appears:

I thank all the guys, and, of course, I will reward you!

People say that I am a sly fox,

And you handled everything even more cunningly, friends!

Gifts for you from me!

Program content:

Help you learn to correctly name the parts into which hoops divide the plane; consolidate the names of the seasons, counting down, the ability to encode and decode blocks according to four properties (color, shape, size, thickness); develop the ability to classify objects according to four properties; ability to analyze, compare, generalize; develop thinking, attention, imagination; cultivate friendly relationships, caring attitude towards methodological manuals, independence; bring joy and pleasure from educational games.

Materials for the lesson:

Illustrations for the seasons: girl-autumn, girl-winter, girl-spring, girl-summer;

Sample image of "Time Machine";

Game "Tangram" (one set for two children);

Game “Blocks of Dienesh” (one set for two children and one set for the teacher);

Basket with a set of vegetables and fruits;

Pictures for the game “Fourth Wheel”;

Cards for the game “Make Beads”;

Cards for the game “Put the birds in the houses”;

Cards-symbols corresponding to the properties of the blocks: color (red, yellow, blue), shape (circle, square, triangle, rectangle), size (large, small), thickness (thick, thin);

–Three hoops: red, blue, yellow.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.

Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle, facing the teacher.

Educator: Children, tell me, why do people smile? (Children's answers)

Smile at each other, smile at your guests.

Game "Greeting"

Turned their faces to each other,

We smiled.

They offered their right hand,

And then they shook her

And we hugged each other, walked away and bowed,

And we spun around a little

Is everyone ready to practice?
Children: We will try very hard

I wish you Have a good mood and I invite you on a fun journey through the seasons on the “Time Machine”. Children, do you want to go on a trip with me? (Children's answers).

Since our journey is unusual, I suggest you turn into blocks. You want? (children's answers) Each person choose a block from the basket and tell us who you are. (children say: “I am a blue block, big, thick, square)

As I already said, today we will travel on the Time Machine. To do this you need to build it. The success of the trip depends on how friendly and attentive you are to each other.

Children, come to the table and build your “Time Machine” from geometric shapes according to this model. (The teacher puts the sample on the easel, the children build a silhouette figure based on it).

Game "Tangram"

Don’t forget that you will be “jumping” from one season to another on your “Time Machine” at times, so work together.

Main part.

Educator: Built? Well done! Now come to me, stand in a circle, hold hands. For your cars to start moving, you need to count backwards from 20 to 1. (Children count and then sit on chairs).

Educator: Who is meeting us? (Picture showing: image autumn girls). Children's answers.

Autumn has prepared a basket of vegetables and fruits for us. (Show basket)

Find blocks that are similar in shape and color to vegetables and fruits. (Children choose the blocks they need) Now describe them and find symbol cards that correspond to the selected blocks. (Next, children find blocks and symbol cards corresponding to vegetables and fruits)

Children, look, Autumn has prepared another game for us.

Game "Fourth wheel"(The teacher shows the picture, the children find an extra item and explain why it is extra).Gymnastics for the eyes. (Children use the pupils of their eyes to draw a circle, square, triangle).

Educator: Okay! Our journey continues as we head into the next season. Who will meet us after autumn? (winter) (Picture showing: image winter girls ) Why do you love winter? What fabulous holiday happens in winter? (Children's answers) Close your eyes, imagine that it is New Year. Open your eyes. What is the main symbol of the New Year? (Christmas tree)

Guess what kind of tree Santa Claus brought for the holiday?

It is not small, not blue, not red, not yellow, not rectangular, not square, not round, not thin (answer: large, green, triangular, thick). Children find this block.

What needs to be done to make the tree become New Year's? (Children's statements) Let's decorate the Christmas tree and make beads for it according to the patterns that are on your table (optional).

Game "Make Beads"

(children draw beads from blocks according to four properties). After the children complete the task, the teacher asks questions:

How many blocks were used to build the beads?

How many blocks were used? yellow color? red? blue?

How many rectangles did you use? squares? circles? triangles?

Which figures are more numerous: yellow or red? How long?

Well done! Now there will be a jump into the next season. Close your eyes. (Picture posted: image spring girls ) Now, look who is meeting us? (Spring) In spring, many birds return to us from warmer climes.

Physical education minute(children's choice)

Educator: Children, let's help the birds find their houses.

Game “Place the tenants in the houses”

(Children are given pictures of houses; they need to find blocks that correspond to these properties; the blocks are “birds”).

While the children are working, the teacher asks questions: What bird lives here? (shows)

Why was this bird placed here? (children's answers)

Educator: Okay! We move on to the next time of year. Who's meeting us? (Summer) (Picture showing: image girls - summer ) Remember how beautiful it can be in the summer, how many flowers bloom in the flower beds. Let's plant flowers in the flower beds too.

Game with three hoops “Plant flowers in the flower beds”

Children, count how many flower beds there are. (7) Let's name them.

Think of the blocks as flowers. We will plant flowers like this: inside the red hoop - everything red flowers; inside a blue hoop- all big flowers; inside the yellow hoop - all triangular flowers.

Inside the blue hoop, outside the red and yellow(all big)

Inside the red hoop, outside the blue and yellow ( all red)

Inside the yellow hoop, outside the red and blue(all triangular)

Inside the blue and red, outside the yellow hoop - everything is not triangular, not rectangular, not round(square)

Inside the blue and yellow, outside the red hoop - all yellow

Inside the red and yellow hoop, outside the blue hoop - all the blocks that are not thick(thin)

Inside the blue, red and yellow hoops -blue, small, thin blocks

What flowers are left outside the flowerbed?

Final part.

Educator: Our journey is coming to an end! Did you enjoy our trip? What time of year is your favorite? What tasks were easy for you today? Which ones are difficult?

What time of year is it now? (Children's answers) We are staying at this time of year for now, and the “Time Machine” is going to another kindergarten. How are you feeling after our trip? Take a joyful emoticon for yourself, and let it always give you a good mood.