Strabismus with astigmatism: causes of development and methods of treatment. Are astigmatism and strabismus the same thing or not? Similarities and differences Correction of strabismus with astigmatism using optical means

Visual impairment associated with astigmatism can be significantly reduced, and sometimes eliminated, by diligently doing exercises to restore visual abilities and ensure that the eyes and mind work naturally and normally. Exercises that are especially valuable for astigmatists have already been described (remember dominoes), so there is no point in returning to this subject again...

Those suffering from severe forms of strabismus should understand that self-retraining in their case is extremely difficult, and they would be better off finding an experienced teacher who will show them how to achieve dynamic relaxation, how to strengthen the vision of the weaker eye, and how - the final and most difficult stage! - regain the mental ability to combine two sets of sensations transmitted by two eyes into a single idea of ​​​​an external object.

For those who suffer from mild eye muscle incoordination, even subtle discrepancies can be a source of extreme discomfort and serious impairment. The double image exercise will bring them significant benefits.

Relax your eyes and mind with palming; Take the pencil in your outstretched hand, pointing the tip towards your nose. Blinking, bring the pencil closer to your face. When the pencil is already close, change its position from horizontal to vertical and hold it three inches in front of the nose. Focus on the pencil; To avoid staring, quickly move your attention from top to bottom and back. Do this six times, then, passing the pencil with your gaze, look at some object at the far end of the room. When the eyes focus on it, the pencil placed in front of the nose will be perceived as two pencils. To completely normal eyes these pencil images will appear about three inches apart from each other, but where there is inconsistency in the working of the muscles, the distance between them will be much less. And with pronounced strabismus, “split” will not be observed at all.

If two images appear too close to each other, close your eyes, relax and imagine yourself looking at a distant object - with the same two images of a pencil located "under your nose", but slightly more apart than in reality. After a minute or a minute and a half, open your eyes and look at the real object that you imagined. If your visual representation was clear and distinct, the two pencil images will appear noticeably more separated than they were before. Close your eyes again and repeat the process, imagining the images even further apart than before; open your eyes again and check. Continue the exercise until you have moved the images to a more or less normal distance. When this is achieved, begin, while continuing to look at the object at the end of the room, shake your head rhythmically and smoothly, remembering to blink and monitor your breathing. The pencils will now appear to move in the opposite direction of the head, but maintaining their position relative to each other.

This exercise (if all conditions are met: palming, blinking, breathing) can be repeated throughout the day. Its immediate consequence will be relaxation and relief of tension, and in the long term - a complete correction of long-standing habits of uncoordinated work of the eye muscles.

Eye diseases

Exercises to restore visual abilities are not therapy and they are not aimed, let’s say, at curing the sensory apparatus from various pathologies. Their purpose is to promote the normal and natural functioning of the organs of vision: the sensing eyes and the selecting, perceiving, interpreting mind. When normal and natural functions are restored, then, as a rule, a noticeable improvement in the organic state of the tissues (in particular, nerve and muscle) involved in the visual process is also detected.

When people re-master their visual abilities and conscientiously follow simple rules, their eyes, if they are sick or suffer from an illness rooted in some other organ, as a rule, begin to see better. Of course, this technique is not able to completely eliminate the painful phenomenon, but it is able to help the eyes while the main cause of their disorder is cured, and can do a lot to prevent vision from permanent deterioration.

When the pathological condition of the eyes is not a symptom of a disease of another organ, restoration of normal and natural functions can lead to complete healing. This, as I already said, is not surprising, since ordinary dysfunctions threaten chronic neuromuscular tension and a reduction in blood circulation. And any part of the body in which

blood circulation is insufficient, especially susceptible to disease; In addition, if the disease has begun, the organ’s natural ability to self-regulate and self-heal decreases. So the consequence of any procedure that promotes the normal implementation of the functions of the psychophysical organs of vision will be an improvement in blood circulation and the return of the vis medicatrix naturae to its original strength. Experience shows that this is exactly what actually happens when people suffering from glaucoma, cataracts, iritis* and other things, having learned how to use their eyes and mind correctly, begin to retrain.

Yes, the methods described in this book are not therapy, but, albeit indirectly, they lead to the relief of suffering and the healing of many eye diseases.

The vast majority of children with concomitant strabismus have ametropia, which reduces visual acuity to varying degrees and complicates the normal interaction between accommodation and convergence.

Optical correction of ametropia helps to increase visual acuity, normalizes the interaction between accommodation and convergence, ensures the restoration of symmetrical eye position in cases of accommodative strabismus and reduces deviation in partial accommodative strabismus.

The effectiveness of optical correction can be significantly increased by the additional use in the indicated cases of certain types of special therapeutic correction - prismatic, bifocal, contact, penalization, decentration of optical lenses, and their partial switching off.

If possible, spectacle correction should be used from the first stages of treatment for concomitant strabismus. When prescribing glasses, you need to strive not only to increase visual acuity, but also to simultaneously influence accommodation - convergence so that the angle of deviation is reduced as much as possible, and in the best case, eliminated.

Based on these positions, approaches to prescribing glasses for convergent and divergent strabismus are different. Convergent strabismus in most cases is combined with hypermetropic refraction and is accompanied by increased accommodation-convergence.

Divergent strabismus is often combined with myopic refraction; accommodation and convergence in these patients are sharply weakened.

The combination of convergent strabismus with hypermetropic refraction, and divergent strabismus with myopic refraction is considered corresponding refraction. Other combinations between the form of strabismus and the type of refraction - inappropriate. With appropriate refraction, optical correction becomes an important therapeutic factor.

Correction of convergent strabismus

At convergent strabismus glasses should provide maximum relaxation of accommodation and associated convergence. In case of divergent strabismus, on the contrary, the prescribed glasses, while improving vision, should force accommodation to constantly work and stimulate convergence.

In case of convergent strabismus, combined with high or moderate hyperopia, glasses should be prescribed 1.0 D weaker than the refraction detected at the height of cycloplegia (1.0 D is undercorrected to maintain the usual tone of the ciliary muscle).

For mild hypermetropia, glasses are prescribed 0.5 D weaker, or full correction is given.

When convergent strabismus is combined with myopic refraction (which is quite rare), incomplete correction is prescribed only in cases of high myopia to improve the child’s vision and eliminate the need for the eyes to move too close to the object in question, which is accompanied by unwanted convergence tension.
For patients with mild myopia and converging strabismus, spectacle correction is not recommended, since using it will cause tension in both accommodation and convergence.

Correction of divergent strabismus

Exotropia, as already noted, is often combined with myopic refraction. In these cases, complete correction of myopia is recommended, causing tension in accommodation and convergence.

With hypermetropic refraction, glasses are prescribed only in cases of high degree and low vision of the patient. In this case, 2.0 - 3.0 D of hypermetropia should be left undercorrected for constant tension of accommodation and convergence.

Astigmatism in case of convergent and divergent strabismus, it is corrected according to generally accepted rules.

Correction of anisometropia with concomitant strabismus, it requires an individual approach, taking into account the degree of anisometropia and the age of the child.
If the difference in refraction of both eyes is up to 4.0 D, in most cases we prescribe tolerable spectacle correction; for higher degrees of anisometropia, correction with soft contact lenses or anequidistant glasses.

Optical spectacle correction for children with concomitant strabismus should be prescribed as early as possible, especially in cases of appropriate refraction. In such cases, we prescribe corrective glasses immediately after atropinization and an ophthalmoscopic examination of the child. In order for the child to “accept” the glasses, we put them on the wide pupils when the effect of cycloplegia has not ended and continue it for another 2-3 weeks by injecting 0.1% atropine into both eyes once every three days.

For young children, the selection of eyeglass frames is very important. It is unacceptable to receive glasses only with a doctor's prescription without trying on the frames for your child! If the frame of the glasses presses somewhere or, conversely, slips, this causes the child to protest against putting them on. Parents should be warned that they should go with their child to the optician to order glasses.
Parents also need to keep their glasses clean. Dirty glasses impair vision and this may be the reason for a child to refuse them.

A refraction study before prescribing glasses for children with convergent strabismus should be carried out in a state of resting accommodation using drops of atropine according to the rules set out in the manuals on eye diseases.

Atropinization is contraindicated for children with divergent strabismus! By paralyzing accommodation, atropine also turns off convergence, increasing the angle of strabismus. In our practice, there were observations when, during atropinization, periodic divergent strabismus became permanent.
Taking this into account, to objectively determine refraction in case of divergent strabismus, only short-acting cycloplegic drugs should be used.

After receiving the glasses, the doctor must check the correctness of their manufacture, the compliance of the glasses with the prescription data, the fit of the frame, and whether it is skewed. In case of any defect, the glasses must be returned to the optician for correction.

Within a month, the child adapts to glasses and to wearing them constantly. A month later, a second medical examination of the child is required. The correctness of the prescribed glasses is clarified by skiascopy with glasses. If there are questionable movements of the skiascopic shadow or when the child tries to look past the glass, it is necessary to repeat atropinization within 3 days to clarify the correctness of the correction.

The influence of glasses on the angle of strabismus is determined, and it is measured according to Hirschberg with glasses and without glasses. If the angle of strabismus with glasses is less than without glasses, this means that correction of ametropia has a positive effect on the deviation and this makes it possible to make a favorable prognosis.

It is imperative to check whether the strabismus is unilateral or intermittent; if possible, visual acuity is determined without glasses and with glasses.

When the vision of the squinting eye decreases and in cases of monolateral strabismus in young children, switching off the best, non-squinting eye (direct occlusion) is prescribed. Shutdown can be constant (from morning to evening) or intermittent (half a day or several hours a day). Preference should be given to constant occlusion and carried out until the visual acuity of both eyes is equalized, and in young children in whom visual acuity cannot be tested, until monolateral strabismus transitions to alternating.

Experience shows that direct occlusion in young children prevents the development of severe amblyopia in the squinting eye, which greatly facilitates subsequent treatment.

With alternating strabismus, it is useful to periodically perform alternating occlusion of both eyes. It promotes a more rapid increase in visual acuity in each eye and prevents the development of abnormal retinal correspondence, which complicates subsequent treatment of strabismus.

If it is possible to place a child with concomitant strabismus in a special kindergarten, then this will be the best option for treating the child and monitoring him. If this is not possible, a child with strabismus should be observed by an ophthalmologist monthly.

The doctor monitors the development of vision in both eyes, changes in the angle of strabismus, and, if necessary, makes additional prescriptions that increase the effectiveness of treatment.

5-08-2011, 17:46


Farsightedness There are two main types - hypermetropia, which is often found in young people and persists into later life, and presbyopia, which usually begins in old age. These disturbances can be mitigated or eliminated until normal vision is restored.

Hypermetropia often causes discomfort and headaches, and when combined (as often happens) with a mild form of strabismus, then frequent, severe migraines, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting. Neutralization of hypermetropic symptoms with artificial lenses stops these painful manifestations, but sometimes lenses do not help, and headaches and nausea persist until the person undergoes a course of visual retraining.

Presbyopia is generally regarded as one of the inevitable results of aging. Just like the bones of the skeleton, the lens of the eye hardens with age, and this hardening is believed to prevent the eyes from accommodating at the near point. However, when older people do the appropriate exercises, they regain the ability to read at a normal distance and without glasses.

Palming, solarization, swaying And movements will do much to reduce the discomfort associated with hypermetropia and bring the eyes and mind into a state of dynamic relaxation that makes normal vision possible; all this should be supplemented by imagination exercises, which are especially valuable for improving the reading ability of farsighted people.

Take a look at one of the large numbers on the wall calendar, close your eyes, relax and, remembering the thick blackness of printing ink, think: exactly the same ink is used to print small numbers and letters that you see as if through fog. Next, involving your imagination in the game, imagine one of these small letters or numbers and mentally place two dots of rich black color - one above the letter, the other below. After moving your attention from one point to another several times, open your eyes and look for the same letter in the book. Having done the same with it as you did with the imaginary one, you will soon notice how it turns black and becomes more and more distinct, and with it the other letters on the page. Then the text will blur, and you will have to repeat the exercise to improve your vision again.

Here's another similar one. Look at the letters; Noting the blackness of the font, focus on the background around and inside the letters; closing your eyes, try to imagine it much whiter than it really is. Now open your eyes and repeat the same thing with real letters and a real background. After several such trainings, the ability to read, write or do other similar work will noticeably improve. And no wonder, since there is a two-way connection between the eyes and the mind.

Mental stress causes physical tension and deformation in the eyes, and this leads to the fact that the mind is forced to perceive a distorted image of the object, which causes the degree of its tension to increase. But if the mind, through memory and imagination, forms an accurate image of the object in question, then this will automatically improve the condition of tense and deformed eyes. Therefore, the more perfect the image, the better the condition of the eyes. And on the contrary, the better the condition of the eyes, the more perfect the image.

The reversible, two-way connection between the eyes and the mind makes possible both mutual benefit and mutual harm. The eyes and the mind can harm each other, but they can also help. An unstrained mind has undeformed eyes, and undeformed eyes do their work so well that they add no burden to the worries of the mind. But if for some reason the deformation of the eyes does occur, the mind helps to eliminate the accident, performing something like rescue operations at its end of the two-way communication line. He can engage in recollection, which is always accompanied by a state of relaxation, allowing the eyes to return to their normal form and normal functioning; can conjure up a clear and distinct image of an object, which the deformed eyes are painfully aware of, and this, as you know, stimulates their return to the state in which they could transmit raw materials of proper quality.

Just as emotions and their external physical manifestations are connected, so is the visual image connected with the physical state of the eyes. Make your mental image worse or better and you will automatically make your eyes worse or better. By repeating the activities of recollection and imagination, it is possible to improve (at first temporarily, then permanently) the quality of mental representations of external objects. When this is achieved, there is an (at first temporary, then permanent) improvement in the physical condition of the eyes.

Hence the value of exercises on recollection and imagination in cases such as hypermetropia, when sensation and the perception based on it are of low quality. Exercises that force the eyes to quickly change focus when sensing objects of varying distances are as useful for those suffering from hypermetropia as they are for myopia. These exercises were described in the chapter on myopia.

Presbyopia, in essence, is the inability to accommodate the eyes so that they have clear and accurate sensations at close range. The inability to accommodate is, most likely, the result of a habit that middle-aged and elderly people are forced to create by the hardening of the lens. This habit, as experience shows, can be modified, despite the fact that the physical state of the lens remains the same. Like everyone who suffers from visual impairments, people with presbyopia should follow the basic rules for restoring their visual ability, adapting and supplementing them according to your needs and needs. In addition to exercises that are useful for all farsighted people, they are recommended to master several more that will contribute to better reading.

Those suffering from presbyopia are able to read without excessive strain from a shorter distance than they are used to, which provides them with relative comfort. They can "coax" their eyes and minds into the habit of seeing at this closer distance - provided that reading is regularly interrupted by palming, rocking and solarizing to give the visual organs rest and relaxation. In this way, the distance required for comfortable reading can be significantly reduced, while the eyes and mind regain their mobility.

Oliver Wendell Holmes recorded an incident that occurred with a certain elderly gentleman, his acquaintance: “Feeling that his eyesight was deteriorating, he immediately began to exercise it, writing out the smallest letters, which clearly discouraged nature from her stupid habit of behaving so unceremoniously at the age of forty-five or so. And now this gentleman works truly miracles with his pen, making you think that instead of eyes he has a pair of microscopes. I want to be precise and therefore I am afraid to say how much he can fit into a flap equal in area to a nickel - or separately psalms and the Gospel separately, or all this together.”

Apparently the old gentleman himself had discovered what was subsequently rediscovered by Dr. Bates and proclaimed to the whole world by him: the value for the visually impaired of very small, even microscopic, print. Oliver Wendell Holmes is wrong, however, when he claims that he "discouraged nature from her habit" of endowing people with presbyopia. The sensing eyes and the perceiving mind cannot be discouraged; any attempt to force them to feel or perceive always leads - and very soon - not to an improvement in vision, but to its deterioration. The old gentleman, who had trained his eyes like a pair of microscopes, could not discourage them, he had to persuade them. If presbyopic sufferers followed his example, they could perform similar miracles.

Place a book with the smallest print in front of you.(Such books are not a problem; in any second-hand bookstore you will find plump volumes in one-twelfth-page format; published at the beginning of the 19th century, they contain complete works of the great and forgotten and are printed in a font so small that our ancestors must have had truly excellent eyesight, to read such volumes from cover to cover). Close your eyes and let the sun shine on them, or, if there is no sun, bathe them in the light of a strong electric lamp; After two or three minutes of palming, give your eyes still closed a few more seconds of light.

Now, having relaxed, you can get to work. Hold the page so that it is brightly lit and look at it easily, without effort, breathing and blinking regularly. Don't try to make out the words, let your eyes wander back and forth along the white spaces between the lines; there is nothing in looking at a clean surface that would tempt the eyes and mind to strain. Bring the page closer to your eyes (but no closer than a foot), still paying more attention to the white space than the type, and still paying attention to your breathing and blinking to prevent your attention from becoming fixated. Take frequent breaks for palming and sunbathing. This is essential, for, as we have seen, the sensing eyes and the perceiving mind cannot be turned away. To do the work of sight well, they must be relaxed and persuaded to serve as they are meant to serve.

After a short time devoted to this phase of the exercise, it is often found that individual words and entire phrases suddenly become clearly visible. Don't allow yourself to celebrate your first success and try to read continuously. Your goal is not to read the page in front of you, no, you should acquire the skills with which you will read entire volumes without stress and fatigue, with increased efficiency. I repeat: do not try to read immediately, but continue to effortlessly look at the page - and especially the spaces between the lines - from various distances. From time to time, when some word printed in small print becomes clearly visible again, take an ordinary book and read a paragraph or two. It is very likely that now you will be able to read it easier and closer to your eyes than before working with miniature font.

Astigmatism and squint

Visual impairment, Related astigmatism, can be significantly reduced, and sometimes even eliminated, if you diligently do exercises to restore visual abilities and ensure that the eyes and mind work naturally and normally. Exercises that are especially valuable for astigmatists have already been described (remember dominoes), so there is no point in returning to this subject again...

Suffering from severe forms of strabismus must understand that self-retraining in their case is extremely difficult, and it would be better for them to find an experienced teacher who will show them how to achieve dynamic relaxation, how to strengthen the vision of the weaker eye, and how - the final and most difficult stage! - regain the mental ability to combine two sets of sensations transmitted by two eyes into a single idea of ​​​​an external object.

For those who suffer from mild eye muscle incoordination, even subtle discrepancies can be a source of extreme discomfort and serious impairment. Exercise "double image" will bring them significant benefits.

Relax your eyes and mind with palming; Take the pencil in your outstretched hand, pointing the tip towards your nose. Blinking, bring the pencil closer to your face. When the pencil is already close, change its position from horizontal to vertical and hold it three inches in front of the nose. Focus on the pencil; To avoid staring, quickly move your attention from top to bottom and back. Do this six times, then, passing the pencil with your gaze, look at some object at the far end of the room. When the eyes focus on it, the pencil placed in front of the nose will be perceived as two pencils. To completely normal eyes these pencil images will appear about three inches apart from each other, but where there is inconsistency in the working of the muscles, the distance between them will be much less. And with pronounced strabismus, “split” will not be observed at all.

If two images appear too close to each other, close your eyes, relax and imagine yourself looking at a distant object - with the same two images of a pencil located "under your nose", but slightly more apart than in reality. After a minute or a minute and a half, open your eyes and look at the real object that you imagined. If your visual representation was clear and distinct, the two pencil images will appear noticeably more separated than they were before. Close your eyes again and repeat the process, imagining the images even further apart than before; open your eyes again and check. Continue the exercise until you have moved the images to a more or less normal distance. When this is achieved, begin, while continuing to look at the object at the end of the room, shake your head rhythmically and smoothly, remembering to blink and monitor your breathing. The pencils will now appear to move in the opposite direction of the head, but maintaining their position relative to each other.

This exercise (if all conditions are met: palming, blinking, breathing) can be repeated throughout the day. Its immediate consequence will be relaxation and relief of tension, and in the long term - a complete correction of long-standing habits of uncoordinated work of the eye muscles.

Eye diseases

Exercises to restore visual abilities- not therapy and they are not focused, let’s say, on curing the sensory apparatus from various pathologies.

Their purpose is to promote the normal and natural functioning of the organs of vision: the sensing eyes and the selecting, perceiving, interpreting mind. When normal and natural functions are restored, then, as a rule, a noticeable improvement in the organic state of the tissues (in particular, nerve and muscle) involved in the visual process is also detected.

When people re-master their visual abilities and conscientiously follow simple rules, their eyes, if they are sick or suffer from an illness rooted in some other organ, as a rule, begin to see better. Of course, this technique is not able to completely eliminate the painful phenomenon, but it is able to help the eyes while the main cause of their disorder is cured, and can do a lot to prevent vision from permanent deterioration.

When the pathological condition of the eyes is not a symptom of the disease another organ, restoration of normal and natural functions can lead to complete healing. This, as I already said, is not surprising, since ordinary dysfunctions threaten chronic neuromuscular tension and a reduction in blood circulation. And any part of the body in which the blood circulation is insufficient is especially susceptible to disease; In addition, if the disease has begun, the organ’s natural ability to self-regulate and self-heal decreases. So the consequence of any procedure that promotes the normal implementation of the functions of the psychophysical organs of vision will be an improvement in blood circulation and the return of the vis medicatrix naturae to its original strength. Experience shows that this is exactly what happens in reality when people suffering from glaucoma, cataracts, iritis and other things, having learned how to use their eyes and mind correctly, begin to retrain.

Yes, the methods described in this book are not therapy, but, albeit indirectly, they lead to the relief of suffering and the healing of many eye diseases.

Article from the book:

The human visual system is very complex. About 40% of the cerebral cortex is involved in servicing the visual system, and the remaining 60% performs other tasks. An ordinary metal spoon will help parents understand the essence of the deviation.

In a normal state, the lens of the eye and the cornea have a smooth spherical surface, so light rays converge, focusing on one point, and a clear image is formed on the retina. When a disease occurs in the organ of vision, the following occurs:

  1. The cornea has an oblong shape, resembling an oval.
  2. If the lens or cornea is of irregular shape, there will be several focusing points.
  3. As a result, the image is unclear, blurry or ambiguous. For example, a point may look like a blurry ellipse, line segment, or figure eight.

An optical defect appears as a result of the irregular shape of the eyeball.

Strabismus is a physiological deviation in the position of the eyeballs.

Most often it happens to both eyes at once. There is a distortion of the shape of one eye when looking straight ahead.

During a deviation of this kind, the binocular image does not merge in the cortical regions. In this regard, the human nervous system, in order to protect the brain from splitting the image visible to the eyes, excludes one of the parts of the image. Therefore, the squinting eye turns out to be blind during some periods of work.

What are the differences between the development of diseases and their treatment?

The difference between these diseases, judging by the definitions, is obvious.

The treatment of both diseases is also radically different:

  • Deformations of the cornea or lens can be treated without any problems using laser technology. The shape is corrected with special glasses or lenses, in case of non-critical changes.
  • Treatment of eyes looking in different directions has more nuances, which depend on the nature of the disease.

Illness from birth

In children, these diseases are treated with more gentle methods, since the visual organs are still developing.

In critical cases, appropriate measures are taken - surgery.

In addition to changes in the functioning of the organs of vision, this pathology without treatment can cause severe headaches for no reason with an unpleasant sensation in the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Contact your doctor on time and fix the problems!

Astigmatism and strabismus have a number of differences; they are not the same disease. Their main difference is a deviation in the physiology of the eyes. Strabismus is a complication due to astigmatism if left untreated.

The most common cause of visual defects is heredity or formation as a result of injury, inflammation or improperly performed surgery. Any diseases of the visual system significantly reduce the quality of life; timely diagnosis and correction will ensure good vision for many years.

In this article, we will look at the similarities and differences between astigmatism and strabismus, and get acquainted with the methods of their treatment. After all, by starting vision correction earlier, there will be a high probability of curing defects, especially such unpleasant ones as those mentioned above.

Unlike nearsightedness and farsightedness, astigmatism is characterized by a partially or completely blurred image when focusing on an object. The problem is the irregular shape of the eye's cornea or lens.

With corneal astigmatism, a person sees a partially blurred image. This is all due to the high refractive power of the curved cornea of ​​the eye.

With lenticular astigmatism, vision impairment is caused by an irregularly shaped lens, which causes the image to be poorly focused on the retina.

With astigmatism, as a rule, a person sees a blurry, unclear, sometimes ambiguous image. Usually the disease is partly associated with nearsightedness or farsightedness.

If objects are seen unclearly, with a blurred silhouette, then perhaps this is a common visual impairment - astigmatism. The pathology occurs frequently, including in childhood. There are several varieties of this ophthalmological disease.

The causes of poor vision can be different. So, if there is incorrect refraction of light in the medians of the lens or cornea, a disease such as astigmatism develops. In this case, a person sees objects with blurred contours, which creates a lot of inconvenience. In addition, the disease is manifested by fatigue of the eye muscles and headaches.

In a normal state, the eyeball has a smooth spherical surface without defects, so light rays connect at one point, and a clear image is formed on the retina of the eye. But if the cornea or lens has irregularities, then there will be several focusing points, which means the image will be blurry.

Causes of astigmatism

In the vast majority of cases, astigmatism is a congenital abnormality, although sometimes it can be acquired. If there is a carrier of this disease in the family, then it will definitely manifest itself, not necessarily from parent to child, it is possible to inherit the disease from a grandmother/grandfather, bypassing the mother/father, or not at all in a straight line (from an uncle, aunt, etc.) , and the causes of acquired astigmatism can be: trauma, viral and bacterial lesions.

The essence of the disease

Astigmatism: description, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

When there is astigmatism in only one eye and not in the other, the brain understands that a good signal is coming from one eye, it works with it, but from the other eye the picture is blurry and indistinct. After some time, the brain stops paying attention to this eye, and the eye, left without control, begins to look in different directions, which is where strabismus occurs.

In the absence of a timely reaction, a person gets used to the incorrect image and begins to consider it the norm, just as the brain begins to consider it the norm, in which case it is already quite difficult to correct anything. Therefore, now all children under the age of one year need to be examined by an ophthalmologist in order to detect congenital astigmatism in time.

Diagnosis of astigmatism

In order to diagnose astigmatism, parents need to pay attention to their children’s perception of colors, fonts, and objects. You can arrange “pirate” games at home, closing one eye and playing toys with the child, while noticing whether the child can equally well distinguish colors, shape, and distance of an object with both eyes. And if any irregularities are noticed, for example, with one eye closed the child will be able to reach out with his hand and take a toy, but with the other he will not be able to, or will squint when looking at objects, then he should definitely be shown to the doctor.

Methods for correcting astigmatism

Using a well-known method - wearing glasses or contacts - it is possible to correct vision, help to see the picture clearly, in order to prevent the affected eye from becoming “lazy” and strabismus from appearing.

There are special eye drops that help keep the cornea clear and prevent severe vision loss.

It is also necessary to do special exercises for the eyes every day, which includes the following simple exercises:
Rotate your eyes in a circle in different directions;
Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, then open them, and so on several times;
Focus on some point in the distance (for example, a birdhouse on a tree outside the window), look at this point for a few seconds, then look at the finger of the hand extended in front of you, then again into the distance and at the finger.

Treatment of astigmatism

Astigmatism can only be cured with laser surgery. A special excimer laser is able to evaporate part of the cornea, thereby leveling it. But such operations are performed only after reaching the age of 18, when the eye has already grown, formed and stabilized.
Therefore, if a child has been diagnosed with astigmatism, then it is necessary to correct vision using the methods outlined above until the moment when surgery can be performed.

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The eye is one of the most important organs through which a person perceives the world. If it is damaged, the effectiveness of the other senses is lost. Perception occurs, but not in the way we would like.

Astigmatism is a pathology that appears due to distortion of the lens or cornea. Experts believe that astigmatism, caused by a violation of the sphericity of the cornea, significantly worsens the quality of vision, since it is the first component in which the refraction of light rays occurs. The degree of astigmatism is determined by the value characterizing the strength of optical refraction - diopters (D).

When determining the acuity and quality of vision, 3 degrees are determined:

  • Weak. Vision decreases to 3 D.
  • Average. Reduced visual acuity from 3 inclusive to 6 D.
  • High. From 6 D and above.

The origin of the disease may vary. It can be congenital and occurs as a result of any pathological effects on the organ of vision, that is, the pathology is acquired. Congenital astigmatism is usually transmitted genetically, and there will definitely be people in the family with this pathology.

The cause of astigmatism lies in the improper formation of eye structures during its development. Children are born with a curved cornea and sometimes an irregular lens. Due to such deformations, the refraction of rays in these formations is disrupted, and the images recorded by the retina of the eye are distorted.

In newborns and infants, the degree of astigmatism rarely exceeds 0.5 D. This type is “functional”, or reversible. It does not have a serious effect on visual acuity, and by the age of one year it decreases. If the score is 1 D or higher, correction with glasses is required. Astigmatism detected after two years is accompanied by more serious disorders: deformation of the lens may occur.

Acquired astigmatism can develop in both adults and children. It can be the result of surgical interventions on the organ of vision, trauma, as well as certain diseases and conditions; infectious lesions, hyper- and hypovitaminosis, various etiologies of conjunctivitis.

Treatment of astigmatism

This pathology, of course, should be treated at any age. It significantly impairs the ability to navigate and perform simple tasks such as reading or drawing. There are several types of treatment for astigmatism:

  • Medication.
  • Surgical (laser correction).
  • Using contact lenses or wearing special glasses.

Oral medications and eye drops alone are unlikely to be sufficient to treat astigmatism. These methods are only complementary.

Until a certain time, astigmatism was treated with hard contact lenses. This caused discomfort in the person's eyes and had a negative effect on the cornea. Recently, toric lenses have been used for vision correction.

  1. Glasses for treatment are prescribed “complex” with cylindrical lenses. You may feel dizzy and experience discomfort in the eyes in the form of pain. The instructions provide special information about the cylinder itself and the axis of its location.
  2. Laser correction is used to treat mild astigmatism. This manipulation takes place from ten to fifteen minutes under drip anesthesia. The impact of the laser on the eye does not exceed forty seconds. This usually takes half a minute. It all depends on the complexity of the procedure.

If you have been diagnosed with astigmatism, you should consult an ophthalmologist. After treatment is prescribed, you should visit your doctor regularly. Delayed diagnosis and treatment can lead to complications such as strabismus.

For reference. Toric contact lenses - have a spherical shape and different optical powers in the vertical and horizontal directions.


Strabismus is a disorder that is expressed by abnormal position of the eyes. Manifested by alternating deviation of the eyes when looking straight.

With this disease, the picture turns out to be bifurcated. The nervous system excludes the image of a slanted eye for protection. If not treated in a timely manner, amblyopia occurs - a condition of the visual system when one eye practically does not function.

There are quite a few causes of strabismus. This may be due to psychological stress, trauma, paralysis, or a central nervous system disorder. But the most common is considered to be a decrease in visual acuity.

Symptoms of strabismus are visible “on the face”. When looking straight ahead, only one eye will look normally.

Etiology of the disease

Based on their origin, there are two types of strabismus: concomitant and paralytic.

With a concomitant deviation, either the left or the right eye occurs. It is worth noting that the angle of repose is the same in both eyes. Reasons include:

  • Central nervous system disorder.
  • Retinal disorder.
  • Optic nerve disease.
  • A situation in which the acuity of one eye is lower than that of the other.

During paralytic strabismus, only one eye squints. This is due to the restriction or absence of eye movement towards the defective muscle. The reasons for such a deviation may be:

  • Damage to the anatomical morphology of the visual system.
  • Dysfunction of the oculomotor muscles.

Symptoms of paralytic strabismus include lack of movement of one eye; double vision, dizziness and deviation of the head towards the affected muscle.

Treatment of strabismus

Treatment for this disease is varied. Simpler methods include optical correction (glasses or lenses) and the development of binocular vision.

A difficult method is surgery. The essence of the process is aimed at strengthening or weakening one of the muscles of the affected eye.

This operation does not provide a 100% guarantee of the return of binocular vision. The surgeon determines all the complexity already at the moment when the patient is on the surgical table.

For reference. Binocular vision is the ability of the visual system to simultaneously see a clear picture with both eyes.

Astigmatism and squint

If astigmatism is complicated by strabismus, you first need to diagnose the appearance of strabismus. If the cause is astigmatism, it is necessary to begin treatment with it. In this situation, special “complex” glasses are best suited. Thus, by normalizing visual acuity, strabismus may disappear.

If strabismus appears independently of astigmatism, it is necessary to treat strabismus and then astigmatism.

Treatment of astigmatism in adults is carried out taking into account the cause of the disease. Astigmatism is an eye pathology associated with deformation of the cornea and lens. The main symptoms of the pathology are migraine and pain in the eyes. A complication of astigmatism is strabismus.

Medical indications

Elderly people should know what eye astigmatism is in an adult. The pathology in question causes discomfort only to some people. In other cases, the disease does not manifest itself, since the level of astigmatism does not exceed 1 diopter. An altered cornea impairs vision and eye function.

Scheme of normal vision and astigmatism

Astigmatism is characterized by blurred vision, blurred vision, double vision, and distortion in the eyes. This disease is not farsightedness or nearsightedness. People see both near and distant objects equally. The causes of astigmatism are associated with a violation of the sphericity of the lens or cornea. Normally they have a smooth spherical surface.

Astigmatism (taking into account the nature of its occurrence) is classified into the following types:

  1. Acquired, which appears after damage or injury to the eye. In this case, rough scar changes appear on the cornea. The acquired form of the pathology often develops after unsuccessful eye surgery.
  2. Congenital, which is more often diagnosed in children.

Eyesight check

If 0.5 diopters is set, this indicates the development of a functional type of pathology. If the value exceeds 1 diopter, vision correction is required. The patient is prescribed glasses or contact lenses.

Course of pathology (symptoms)

Astigmatism can be reverse or direct. Taking into account the degree of change in refraction, mixed, simple and complex forms of the disease are distinguished. The stronger the astigmatism, the more pronounced the blurriness of the “picture”. The disease in question is characterized by distorted and crooked lines of objects.

When stressed, the patient experiences irritation and discomfort in the eyes. This condition quickly tires. Migraines may occur. It is difficult for the patient to focus on a specific line of text when writing and reading. Such signs can be eliminated by squinting your eyes, but this only partially helps.

Blurred vision

If astigmatism is suspected, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. A comprehensive examination of the visual organs is carried out. The doctor analyzes the condition of the eye structures and examines refraction. To check visual acuity, specialists can use correction.

In this case, the patient is put on a trial frame. One eye is covered with a screen, and lenses with different refractions are installed in front of the other.

Vision testing with lenses

To determine the degree of refraction, skiascopy is performed. For this, ophthalmologists use spherical and cylindrical lenses. If necessary, refractometry is performed and the pupil is dilated. To identify the cause of the disease, eye biomicroscopy is indicated.

Fundus pathology can be excluded using ophthalmoscopy. Ophthalmometry and ultrasound are used to examine the posterior and anterior segments of the eye. Keratoconus and corneal astigmatism can be detected using CT.

Treatment of the disease

If the symptoms described above occur, it is recommended to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. The patient is examined using lenses and special tables with parallel lines. If necessary, a solution of atropine is instilled into the patient's eyes, after which a special diagnostic procedure is performed.

Eye drops

Can astigmatism be treated at home? Definitive treatment of the disease at home is impossible. Ophthalmologists use temporary vision correction techniques that help the patient lead a normal life until full recovery:

  1. Spectacle correction. Before selecting glasses, a complete vision diagnosis is carried out. Scientists have proven that wearing glasses with astigmatism can cause dizziness and pain in the eyes.
  2. Lens correction. Vision can be improved with toric contact lenses.

Each lens must have a certain curvature vertically and horizontally. If astigmatism progresses, glasses are contraindicated. The disease, which is accompanied by farsightedness, requires wearing contact lenses or glasses with spherocylindrical lenses.

For concomitant pathologies, the doctor combines cylindrical lenses with lenses that are recommended to be worn for farsightedness and myopia. Such patients are registered with an ophthalmologist.


But is astigmatism treatable in adults? The above methods can only temporarily correct vision. To get rid of the disease forever, laser correction is used - a manipulation that lasts 15 minutes and is painless. No stitches are required after the operation.

Laser vision correction

Before treating astigmatism surgically, the doctor determines the degree of pathology. For astigmatism, the following types of operations are used:

  • thermokeratocoagulation;
  • laser coagulation;
  • keratotomy;
  • laser correction.

The first and second methods of therapy are similar to each other. Thermokeratocoagulation uses a metal needle to cauterize specific areas of the cornea. When performing laser coagulation, specialists replace the needle with a laser beam. This operation is indicated for the correction of astigmatism with farsightedness.


During keratotomy or during dissection, incisions are made on the cornea to relieve the curvature. This technique is used for myopia and mixed astigmatism. Laser correction is a harmless method of surgical intervention that requires the use of special equipment. With its help, the doctor gains access to the deep layers of the cornea.

The laser vaporizes a specific area, removing part of the cornea. The process of straightening and returning the cornea to its original shape occurs individually for each patient. This technique is called LASIK.

The manipulation lasts less than 30 minutes. Anesthesia is first administered. But such correction is not carried out if the patient suffers from retinal pathology or other concomitant diseases.

Eye pathology and the army

When conscripted, the military registration and enlistment office requires passing through an ophthalmologist. The conscript can receive one of the following conclusions from an ophthalmologist:

  1. Category “D” - myopia of 1-2 eyes exceeds 12 diopters. The conscript is not fit for military service.
  2. Category “B” - limited suitability, since myopia ranges from 6-12 diopters.
  3. Category “B” - meridian of any eye - 3-6 diopters. The conscript is eligible, but there are some restrictions.

If myopia (4-8 diopters), farsightedness (above 8 diopters) or astigmatism (above 3 diopters) is detected, a person is contraindicated to engage in certain sports.

It is allowed to perform bullet and skeet shooting, play checkers and chess. Professional sports are contraindicated if the doctor has detected any degree of astigmatism. Otherwise, vision will deteriorate. With moderate astigmatism, everything depends on the level of stress applied.

Prevention methods

It is necessary to observe a regime of visual and physical activity. If your eyes are constantly tense, it is recommended to do gymnastics. To support vision, take special vitamins with lutein (Lutein Complex).

Timely treatment of eye pathologies that provoke astigmatism (keratoconus) is required. To relieve visual tension, physiotherapeutic procedures (color therapy, pneumomassage) are used. You can use the Sidorenko Glasses device.

Correction of the disease in question can be carried out using different methods. The main thing is to choose the right treatment method . Particular attention is paid to the professionalism and experience of the ophthalmologist. The choice of medical institution is made taking into account the cost of therapy and the availability of modern equipment.

Video on the topic

Astigmatism is a visual impairment. The person loses the ability to see clear images of objects. The causes of vision loss can be congenital or acquired. It is possible to restore visual acuity if modern treatment methods are used.


Refraction (refraction) of light rays at one point on the retina is a necessary condition for obtaining a high-quality image. The optical system of the eye (shape of the lens, cornea, sclera) must meet certain parameters.

In cases where light rays do not have one focus, the outlines of objects become blurred and their sizes are distorted. The diagnosis of this disease is astigmatism. The disease can be congenital or acquired. But what moderate hypermetropia with astigmatism looks like and how such a disease is treated is indicated here. There are corneal, lenticular, mixed (corneal-lens) astigmatism.

Lenticular astigmatism is less common than corneal astigmatism. The disease in all cases has the same symptoms and characteristics. Impaired corneal sphericity is the most common pathology of visual function.

Cornea acts as a lens, just like a lens. The angle of refraction of the rays depends on the uniformity of the thickness of its layer. With normal vision, the optical medium of the cornea is homogeneous, and the refraction is the same at any point. If pathological changes occur in the corneal layer, then the rays are refracted differently.

Interesting information on the topic! Find out what the test according to Rabkin's tables shows and who needs to take it.

The degree of astigmatism is determined using the Tabo table: the distance between foci on the main visual meridians. The main meridians are two perpendicular axes in the eyeball. The distance between the foci is determined by the angular displacement from 0 to 180 degrees. counterclock-wise. The greater the deviation angle, the more pronounced the astigmatism. But whether glasses are needed for astigmatism and how to choose them is indicated here.

The video shows a description of the disease:

Find out everything about eye diseases: list of diseases and symptoms.

Depending on the location of the angular difference, astigmatism occurs:

  • straight line (angle with a vertical meridian);
  • reverse (angle with the horizontal axis);
  • oblique (focus axes are within 30-50 degrees or 120-150 degrees).

The disease becomes more complicated if astigmatism is combined with myopia or farsightedness. In such cases, a complex and mixed type of refractive error occurs.

  • simple farsighted (focus on one main meridian on the retina; on the second meridian the focus is behind the retina);
  • difficult farsighted (on both meridians the foci are outside the retina);
  • simple myopic (the focus of one main meridian is on the retina; the second focus is on the main meridian to the retina);
  • difficult myopic (both foci are on the meridians up to the retina);
  • mixed(the focus of one main meridian is before the retina, the other is behind the retina).

According to the level of decrease in visual acuity in ophthalmology, 3 levels are distinguished to determine treatment methods:

  • weak;
  • average;
  • high.

With a weak degree of astigmatism, vision correction of up to 3 dpt is required, with a moderate degree - from 3 to 6 dpt, with a high degree - over 6 dpt.

Most people have congenital astigmatism up to 0.5 DPT, which does not interfere with visual function.

But what high myopia with astigmatism looks like, and how such a disease is treated is indicated here.

Causes of pathology

The reasons why pathology occurs are associated with genetic developmental characteristics (congenital astigmatism) and unfavorable external factors (acquired).

In adulthood, astigmatism is a consequence of:

  • age-related changes in the cornea and lens;
  • diseases of the cornea, mucous membrane, eyelids;
  • eye injury;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • surgical intervention;
  • glaucoma. But what drugs are most often used for the treatment of glaucoma are indicated here.

Age-related changes. Senile cataracts cause hardening of the lens, which leads to impaired refraction. The refractive power of the corneal layer decreases with age due to inhibition of the functions of the lacrimal glands. Insufficient hydration of the cornea leads to uneven tear film. At the rupture site, the cornea dries out, which changes its thickness.

This is what blepharitis looks like

Blepharitis(inflammation of the eyelids), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane), barley can cause compression and curvature of the spherical surface. Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) leads to heterogeneity of the corneal layer. Traumatic damage to the eyeball may cause the lens to fall out or become displaced. Eye burns, disruption of the integrity of the cornea and its scarring disrupt the optical properties of the tissue.

Complication of diabetes mellitus is a dysfunction of the lens due to elevated blood sugar levels.

Operations on the eyeball may cause astigmatism if sphericity changes due to scarring. In glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure affects the sphericity of the eyeball and corneal layer, disrupting tissue nutrition and optical properties.

But what complex myopic astigmatism looks like and how it is treated is indicated in the article at the link.

The video shows the causes of astigmatism:


Without correcting functional changes in the cornea and lens, visual acuity will decrease, and side effects will occur in the form of strabismus and amblyopia (impaired central vision).

The consequence of astigmatism is concomitant strabismus. With farsighted astigmatism, the converging form predominates. In case of myopia – divergent. Concomitant strabismus is when the right and left eyes squint alternately. The deviation from the visual axis is the same in both cases.

Interesting on the topic! Find out how strabismus in adults is treated.

Due to refractive error, a person looks alternately with one eye and then with the other. With strabismus, there is no binocular vision. A person sees objects as flat. The ability to perceive printed text is lost due to double vision.

But the information at the link will help you understand how to use night lenses to restore vision with astigmatism.

Amblyopia or “lazy eyes” with astigmatism develops if the eyes have different visual acuity (more than 1.5 dpt.) In such cases, the brain turns off the “picture” received from one of the eyes. Information is read from the retina of the second eye.

Useful information on the topic! Causes of strabismus in children and methods of treatment.

Video shows the consequences of astigmatism:

Consequence of amblyopia:

  • monocular (planar) vision;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • disturbance of gaze fixation.

Treatment of strabismus and amblyopia without treatment of astigmatism is unsuccessful.

But how astigmatism is treated in children and by what means, the information at the link will help you understand.

Treatment methods

Existing treatments for astigmatism are most effective at an early stage, when the difference between the foci is no more than 3 dp.

Types of prescriptions for the treatment of astigmatism:

  • Non-surgical– This is vision correction using glasses and hard lenses. Advantages and disadvantages of spectacle therapy: the most affordable method, but it only helps with adjustments of up to 2 dpt; astigmatism cannot be cured. Cylindrical lenses correct vision better than glasses. The disadvantage is the high cost. You can read here how to treat complex hypermetropic astigmatism in both eyes.
  • Operating methods– microsurgery and laser correction. Surgery is indicated for high levels of astigmatism or contraindications for laser correction. During surgery, the lens is replaced with an artificial optical lens or a phakic lens is implanted.

The essence of the laser correction method is to equalize the thickness of the corneal layer, and therefore its refractive power.

Find out what mild hypermetropia is and what treatment methods exist.

But how far-sighted astigmatism is treated and by what means, the information at the link will help you understand.

Laser keratomileusis is by far the safest and most effective method of restoring visual function for astigmatism.

You may also find it useful to learn about how astigmatism is treated in adults.

The cause of astigmatism in adults can be eye injuries, diseases of the eye and its appendages, consequences of operations, and general diseases (diabetes mellitus). Refractive error, if not corrected, will lead to deterioration in visual function. Complications of astigmatism are amblyopia and strabismus. Treatment should begin as early as possible. Therapy in the early stages has a positive prognosis.