Ksenia Sobchak who was born. Ksenia Sobchak became a mother: it became known how much the birth cost. Pregnant Sobchak spends millions on a new wardrobe

Some modern stars have built a career thanks to the famous TV show “Dom-2”. Our today's heroine is no exception. Ksenia Sobchak was presented to viewers as a chocolate blonde, but at the moment, she has changed her image and is engaged in journalism and social movements. By the way, she adheres to the opposition ranks. The actress tries not to limit herself to one creative ability, but leads a varied life. In addition, many note her ability to pull off some original and unexpected act.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ksenia Sobchak

It is clear that an actress with excellent shape becomes a fashion model. Ksenia is no exception, and therefore often appears in photo shoots for various magazines. Fans admire her figure. That is why people are often interested in such numerical indicators of the model as height, weight, age. How old is Ksenia Sobchak - a question that often flashes in fan circles. You asked - we answer. At the moment, the TV presenter’s height is 168 centimeters and her weight is approximately 58 kilograms. This November, she will celebrate her 36th birthday.

Biography and personal life of Ksenia Sobchak

The biography and personal life of Ksenia Sobchak is full of various interesting points, which we will discuss below. The future TV star was born in 1981. It should be said right away that the family did not belong to theatrical circles.

During her studies, the girl changed several schools. While there, she attended a ballet studio, where she studied with the best teachers. Those who knew her as a teenager say that Ksenia had a naughty character. Disrupting a lesson was not a new thing for her, and did not pose any great difficulties. It is impossible not to mention her sharp tongue, even among her family.

Having not yet gained popularity, Sobchak was familiar with Vladimir Putin. Their life paths crossed a long time ago, when she was a young girl.

Since 1998, she studied at St. Petersburg State University. When Ksenia had studied for about three years, she transferred to Moscow, because... I had to move there permanently. Her educational journey ends in 2004, when Ksenia received a master's degree from the Faculty of Political Science.

Our heroine has been familiar with media life since she was 16 years old. The first tabloid news reports reported the kidnapping. After some time, newspapers began to publish information about her marriage. Of course, the parents wanted to protect their daughter from journalists, but the opposite picture emerged - Ksenia herself was more than happy with these attacks.

The future actress wanted to achieve popularity that would not depend on her family and big name. Once in the capital, she begins to show herself, speaking at political events and meetings. Relatives note that such shocking behavior is associated with the character that she developed since childhood.

Upon completion of her studies, Ksenia appears on television as one of the presenters of “House-2”. Participation in this project brought great popularity, and at the same time, criticism in huge quantities. The more famous she became, the more often she was invited to television to host programs on other channels.

After that, she acted as the host of various popular TV shows, such as “Two Stars”, “The Last Hero”, etc. Viewers have always been attracted to Ksenia, thanks to her “sharp tongue” and communication skills. But it is worth noting that this popularity was, for the most part, negative.

In 2010, Sobchak hosted an entertainment program called “Girls”, which was broadcast on “Russia-1”. After some time, she leaves this TV show due to disagreements with Solovyov, which arose right on the air.

In addition to television projects, Ksenia starred in several videos and in “Circus with the Stars.” 2012 was marked by his departure from Dom-2.

Ksenia Sobchak has been acting in films since 2005. Her debut role was as a journalist in “Thieves and Prostitutes.” In 2006, she was the voice of Paris Hilton in Russian dubbing. “The Best Film” also brought the actress great popularity.

After some time, Ksenia plays Hitler's mistress. In 2009, several films were shot in which she played episodic roles.

In addition to cinema, the TV presenter often appears in commercials. The most famous among them are advertising of mobile network stores. So-called viral advertising is popular on the Internet, in which Sobchak sometimes appears.

The television screen is not the only way she gets her point across. Ksenia has 5 books by her, which describe various factors in the life of show business stars, touching on social issues that take a satirical description.

Personal life is full of various scandals and dark sides. In 2005, the actress was going to have a wedding, but at the last moment it was canceled. Then, she met with Kapkov, who heads the cultural department of Moscow, but this relationship did not lead to anything serious.

In February 2013, the presentation of the next film took place, and Ksenia spoke about her secret marriage in the same year. Everyone was shocked, even close people who did not know about it.

It is worth mentioning that Ksenia also has a strong civic position and participates in the political life of the country. Since 2011, she took an active part in the State Duma elections, until on May 8, 2012, she was detained as a participant in a rally. After this, his television career collapsed. But such events did not stop her, and she continued to express political views. She hosted her own program called “Sobchak Live” - here they discussed the problems faced by society and the state. Zyuganov was invited to the debut episode of the television show.

Family and children of Ksenia Sobchak

The family and children of Ksenia Sobchak is an interesting topic that should be mentioned when telling the life of the actress. For example, her family were not connected with cinema or the big stage. His father is a lawyer and deputy who served as mayor of the Cultural Capital for 5 years. Mother - Lyudmila Narusova, a historian by education, holds the position of senator of Tuva and is a member of the State Duma of Russia. This environment contributed to the fact that the future model and actress studied at the best schools and universities. In addition, she is fluent in English, Spanish and French.

At the moment, Ksenia has one child - a son, who was born in November 2016. In addition to her family, she lives with her husband’s children - they quickly got along.

Son of Ksenia Sobchak - Plato

As mentioned a little earlier, Ksenia Sobchak’s son, Platon, was born last year, and at the moment, he is not even a year old. As is currently known, the boy was named Plato, and from the photographs we can say that the star mother copes well with her duties. However, there are no full photographs yet - the parents are hiding the baby’s face from the press. But fans do not despair and are waiting for full photographs closer to the first birthday. Therefore, fans do not get tired of following the news using the popular query “Ksenia Sobchak with her son, photo 2017.” They are interested in who the child is more like - mom or dad.

Ksenia Sobchak's husband - Maxim Vitorgan

The fact that Ksenia Sobchak’s husband is Maxim Vitorgan became known after the wedding ceremony. The marriage took place secretly, not even all friends knew about it. Among other things, the wedding was democratic - elegant guests and modest celebrations. It is worth noting that Maxim already had two marriages, from which he left two children. At the moment, the whole family gets along well with each other and lives under one roof. In addition to roles in films, my husband has several works where he acts as a director - “Blue Light” and so on. Like Ksenia, he participated in many television shows, thanks to which he gained some popularity.

Ksenia Sobchak, latest news for today

For those who are interested in Ksenia Sobchak, the latest news for today will be very relevant. Recently, as is known, the TV presenter has come to a calmer and more measured life, although she continues to give interviews and comment on various news from the lives of other stars. In addition, journalists continue to follow Ksenia’s life - she recently vacationed with her whole family in Malibu. Back in 2014, the publication of one fashionable and popular magazine recognized Sobchak as one of the most influential girls in the Russian Federation - 21st place in the ranking. As for family life, social networks are often updated with photographs of their son and husband. It becomes clear that the actress is trying to spend as much time with them as possible. The news that she was pregnant did not shock people too much, because... at that time she was already legally married. Ksenia gave birth to a son on November 18, 2016, and at the moment, little Plato is 8 months old.

Photo by Ksenia Sobchak in Maxim magazine

In 2007, the actress starred in candid photo shoots. For example, Ksenia Sobchak in Maxim magazine, whose photos have been popular among fans for a long time. Of course, this news and role delighted the fans, because many have long dreamed of seeing her figure in a swimsuit. The almost naked Ksenia Sobchak on the pages of a popular magazine was discussed for a very long time and in various strata of society - from show business to ordinary fans. It should be mentioned that these photos can be easily found in the public domain, because they do not violate generally accepted norms of media life.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ksenia Sobchak

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ksenia Sobchak are very popular among those who follow the life of the actress. There are a large number of photographs on social networks showing a happy family, together with Plato and her husband. In addition, photographs from the filming of a film often appear, thanks to which you can find out in advance about the release of the film. Wikipedia contains basic information regarding life, family, education and other aspects in Ksenia’s life. Many will be interested to know that in addition to various scandals and intrigues, Sobchak carries out civic activities, acts in opposition, etc. In addition, she has her own investments that generate sufficient income.

During her fame, Ksenia Sobchak has undergone an incredible transformation - from a scandalous participant in the television project “House 2” to a restrained and sensible woman. Today Ksyusha is not only a well-known presenter and socialite, but also a “style icon”, without whom not a single important event in the world of show business can do. The girl also became famous for her disdainful attitude towards small children: from her lips there were many provocative statements regarding the smallest inhabitants of the planet. Therefore, society had no doubt that she was a so-called “childfree” - a woman free from children; many could not even think that she would decide to become a mother. However, in 2016, stunning news about Sobchak’s pregnancy appeared in the media, which was preceded by another sensation - the wedding of Sobchak and Vitorgan in 2013.

On the morning of November 18, 2016, the long-awaited birth of the famous socialite, journalist, and TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak took place in the maternity hospital in the Moscow region in Lapino. As the TV personality herself admitted, femininity and love for children awakened in the once convinced childfree, and finally she decided to move to a new level - to experience the delights of motherhood. Although Ksenia and her husband Maxim carefully concealed being in an “interesting position,” everything became known when, on the air of one of the entertainment shows, Ksenia herself admitted that she was pregnant. And so, in the second half of November last year, the TV personality pleased her mother and fans with the birth of her first child - desired and long-awaited. Happy parents shared the good news on their Instagram pages:

11/18/16 is now the happiest day. I am the mother of a beautiful boy.

Son's mother. Happy sailing! ;-)))

What is the gender of baby Ksenia and Maxim

Everyone began guessing about the gender of the star couple’s future baby by looking at their belly, asking clairvoyants, and coming up with other methods. Curious media representatives and spectators took into account all sorts of factors that could provide at least some help in finding the answer. This is the position of the stars at the time of conception, the location of the navel, the shape and size of the abdomen, the zodiac signs of the parents and other indicators that contribute to the accurate determination of the sex of the child.

All the facts pointed to the fact that Ksyusha was carrying a boy under her heart, and after all, the folk signs did not lie, the “diagnosis” was finally confirmed on November 18.

How was the birth

Ksenia Sobchak, from the first months of pregnancy, decided that the child would be born in Russia, although there were every opportunity to give birth abroad. The birth took place naturally, without a Caesarean section and painkillers (as Ksenia herself said, “this may not happen again, but I want to experience the pain that every woman is able to endure”). Ksenia Sobchak’s husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan, and her mother, Lyudmila Borisovna, were present at the birth, and after the birth of the baby, the girl said that she felt simply wonderful, and the baby did not have any developmental abnormalities.

How much did Ksenia’s birth cost?

As already mentioned, the medical center in Lapino “Mother and Child” is popular among celebrities: it was there that the children of Galkin and Pugacheva, the daughter of Ivan Urgant, and the daughter of Garik Kharlamov were born. Another advantage of this maternity hospital for the new mother personally is that she always wanted to give birth in Russia, because although she does not believe in omens, she is convinced that she has a special connection with the place in which a person was born . A VIP class birth cost 930,000 rubles, to this amount are added procedures for caring for the child and monitoring his condition - another 500,000 rubles. And for the management of the pregnancy itself, the star mom had to shell out about 600,000 rubles, so the total cost of pregnancy and childbirth is very impressive. The clinic offers complete care for the health of mother and baby, here they feel comfortable. Ksenia chose a VIP class apartment with several rooms for the birth. The room has its own shower, bathroom, TV, upholstered furniture for the comfort of visitors and everything else that is necessary for the comfort of the expectant mother and child.

What did the couple name the baby?

Ksenia and Maxim hesitated for a long time when choosing a name for the boy; they had a wide choice: for example, there was a proposal to name the child Anatoly - in honor of the deceased grandfather Anatoly Sobchak. Ksenia also wanted to name the baby Anton for the reason that the patronymic name Anton Maksimovich sounds very respectable and impressive, Maxim was not against it. There is a version that the couple wanted to name their son, like their father, Maxim; the choice also fell on several modern fashionable names, such as Plato, Mark, Matvey. Ultimately, the actor and TV presenter chose a name and did not inform their fans about the decision for a long time, but news flashed in the media that the name of the newborn was Plato. These prerequisites were later confirmed by happy parents, who decided that such a complaint would ensure a happy fate for the baby and life in general.

Ksenia's life on maternity leave

Ksenia’s love for work speaks for itself: a few days after the birth of her baby, Ksenia began appearing in public and does not miss a single event. On this occasion, critics “attacked” the new mother. Ksenia herself claims that she copes well with all roles and manages everything.

Union Sobchak-Vitorgan

Ksyusha and Maxim got married in 2013 secretly from everyone, and this news was shocking not only for TV viewers, but also for the secular world, including close friends of the couple. In 2016, due to Ksenia’s voluminous outfits at events, rumors began to circulate that the Vitorgan family was expecting a new addition, and they turned out to be true. For Ksyusha, this is the first child; as for her husband, he already has two children from previous marriages - a twenty-year-old daughter, Polina, and a 16-year-old son, Daniil.

The example of Ksenia’s birth is wonderful for girls who do not dare to have children after 30 years: the new mother does not regret anything and feels great. Many predicted a short-lived existence for this marriage, because Ksenia spoke with hatred about children, and there were rumors in the media about Ksenia’s inability to conceive a child. Fortunately, at the age of 35, the girl herself wanted to experience the happiness of motherhood and become a mother (according to the TV personality, “having a child because you HAVE to is wrong, you have to want it yourself”).

How was Ksenia’s pregnancy?

Ksenia’s pregnancy became a real obsession for the public: many skeptics, even after seeing her photograph on the cover of a magazine, could not see the belly and believed that the child was being carried by a surrogate mother. And some even stated that the girl was using this move for PR and nothing more; Maxim did not like such a statement, he stood up for the honor of his family and gave a response on the social network Instagram. But Ksenia herself, being immersed in family troubles and beginning to experience maternal happiness, hardly notices this excitement around her person.

The socialite is not a supporter of the belief that pregnancy is a disease, so from the first months of her “interesting situation” right up to the birth, the girl had fun, broadcast and was active in her career. She gave herself an indulgence only in the eighth month, when she stopped traveling, but she did not slow down the speed of life, because even in Moscow the socialite has something to do. Once, live, a girl joked that she was afraid to give birth right on stage - she continued to work so hard, even while “deeply pregnant.”

The TV personality did not forget about taking care of herself: she believes that regardless of pregnancy and childbirth, a woman should not lose her natural attractiveness. Therefore, while expecting a baby, she did not forget about playing sports: Ksyusha did yoga, stood on her head while doing exercises, walked a lot, swam in the pool and carefully monitored the quality of her diet. As a result, Ksyusha developed “excess weight” only in the abdomen area, and after giving birth, her figure practically did not change - she remained as slim as she was.

A couple's plans for raising a child

Despite Ksyusha’s love for work, many colleagues wished her not to rush to go on stage, but to fully enjoy all the delights of motherhood and be with the baby when he overcomes his first obstacles and makes his first successes. The girl will be helped in raising the child and caring for him by her mother, Lyudmila Narusova. The woman admitted in an interview that Ksyusha is not the kind of person who would ask for help, but Lyudmila’s wisdom allows her to take part in this process without hurting the pride of the proud body of the star.

Lyudmila Borisovna told the media that with the appearance of Maxim in Ksenia’s life, not only the girl’s life changed, but she herself changed in terms of character and attitude towards life. Ksyusha became more reasonable, objective, she began to look at things from several positions, and Ksenia herself more than once confessed that next to her husband nothing could disturb her comfort and tranquility. Despite the star’s previous provocative statements about children, she has managed to acquire a wealth of experience in communicating with them, for example, she is the godmother of two children, whom she loves madly and maintains contact with them. Ksyusha also has a good relationship with Maxim’s children, who were born in his previous marital relationship, so both the girl’s mother and she herself are confident in their readiness for the birth of a child.

Her mother is 100% sure of Ksenia’s maturity for motherhood. The girl has already “walked up” and can now experience all the delights of family life. The girl’s mother is also convinced that Ksenia will be a wonderful example for her boy. Lyudmila Borisovna herself does not know how actively she will take part in caring for Plato, because everything depends on the decision of the newly made parents. The new grandmother is immensely happy and will do everything possible to ensure that her grandchildren are the happiest, as she said in another interview.

On the morning of November 18, Maxim Vitorgan and Ksenia Sobchak became parents. For the scandalous journalist, the newborn boy became the first child, and the actor is already raising a son and daughter with actress Victoria Verberg. Ksenia's pregnancy, perhaps, came as a surprise not only to her fans and critics, but also to herself - Sobchak has always openly expressed her dislike for children. But what does love do to people? We decided to remember this love on the heir’s birthday.

They met at an opposition rally

On her political path, Ksenia Sobchak had romantic encounters more than once. In 2012, Sobchak fell in love with a member of the Russian Opposition Council, Ilya Yashin, with whom, however, she did not stay together for long. Shortly before the start of her affair with Yashin, during a rally on Sakharov Avenue in December 2011, Sobchak first met actor Maxim Vitorgan, who also took part in the event. A year later, Maxim and Ksenia met again - and this time they decided not to part again. True, the lovers, like real spies, hid their relationship even from those closest to them. Before the wedding, the couple went out only once: together with Vitorgan’s son Daniil, the future spouses attended a film premiere.

They hid the wedding even from their relatives

On February 1, 2013, Sobchak and Vitorgan became husband and wife. The cunning newlyweds invited their guests, including their parents, to the Fitil cinema - supposedly to the premiere of a new film with Vitorgan's participation. At the “premiere”, a bride in a lace dress and veil from Ulyana Sergeenko and a happy groom were waiting for them. Of course, few people in the party believed in the sincerity of the union: he is a theatergoer from a famous acting dynasty, closed from the public; she is a flamboyant media personality who loves to show off her life. But the marriage changed both: Vitorgan began to go out more often and even agreed to take part with his wife, who had no theater education, in the play “Marriage” at the Theater of Nations, and Ksenia allowed her husband to come to the fore and stopped taking part in dubious adventures.

They love to argue

A couple of months after the wedding, in an interview with Vokrug TV magazine, Maxim Vitorgan said: “Ksyusha and I sometimes argue very harshly and for a long time, breaking the word “worldview” into separate fragments. But this is not my conversation with her as a man with a woman - this is my conversation with an interesting person.” Why aren't we surprised?! Ksenia is not one of those women who will rely in everything on the opinion of her beloved man and unconditionally agree with the word of the head of the family. And, by the way, many men value obstinacy and having their own position in their girlfriends.

They are on good terms with each other's parents

As Vitorgan himself admits, he often acts as a mediator in disputes between Ksenia and her mother Lyudmila Narusova. The tense relationship between mother and daughter in the party has already become the talk of the town, but Maxim decided not to take sides, and his mother-in-law often uses his neutrality to complain about her daughter. His new daughter-in-law also made the most pleasant impression on Emmanuel Vitorgan. “I am very pleased to look at Maxim and Ksyusha, it is very pleasant to listen to them. They speak well, and their point of view on any situation is very important to me. Like any of us, Ksyusha can be wrong about something, but in ordinary life she is gentle, warm, beautiful,” the actor said in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

They planned emigration, but not children

After the murder of Boris Nemtsov, Sobchak believed that her name was on the so-called “hit list.” The TV presenter seriously feared for her life and even hired security. “Would I like her to shut up and go with me to the village, where we would live quietly, calmly and happily? I probably would. But it won’t be her then... There are unpleasant sensations associated with this. It’s unpleasant to feel helpless,” Maxim Vitorgan shared his experiences in an interview on Radio Liberty at the end of August. Because of the current situation, the couple began to seriously think about emigration. Ksenia was not averse to getting a second passport and moving to Israel. Sobchak believed that she would not have problems with this, since Maxim has Jewish roots. The journalist also considered the USA or Latvia. “There is a large Russian diaspora in the USA. I would make a career on a Russian TV channel there. There is also Riga. I would go to work at Meduza as an editor. London is very expensive. I can’t handle it,” Sobchak said.

But children were not included in Ksenia’s family plans: “I understand that I am 33 years old, and nature has decreed that I need to somehow resolve this issue before I turn 40. But I have a big contradiction between biological necessity and the fact that I like my life today.” Maxim, apparently, did not insist on pregnancy, but the miracle still happened.

They did it

On June 8 in St. Petersburg, Ksenia appeared before the guests of the Sobaka.ru magazine award in a tight dress that emphasized her rounded belly - the rumors were confirmed, Sobchak is expecting a child! All summer, the star's position was the number one topic in social circles, tabloids and gloss. Ksenia was accused of forgery and wearing a false belly, they assured that she would give birth to twins, and the biggest lovers of intrigue (including blogger Lena Miro) suspected that the TV presenter was not pregnant from her legal husband. The culmination of the epic entitled “Sobchak’s Pregnancy” was the cover of the December Tatler, which was decorated with a photograph of a completely naked expectant mother. The photo was taken in the style of the famous photo shoot of Demi Moore, who starred completely naked for Vanity Fair in 1991.

"I am the mother of a beautiful boy"

“11/18/16 is now the happiest day. I am the mother of a beautiful boy,” Ksenia shared her happiness on Instagram. As the young mother herself admitted a few days before giving birth, she did not want to give birth with anesthesia. “What if this doesn’t happen a second time, but I want to feel what kind of severe pain a person still endures,” Sobchak shared in that very interview with Tatler. It is known that until recently, Ksenia led an active lifestyle - and this is not only going out and filming. The expectant mother literally stood on her head, performing asanas from her favorite yoga. We are sure that for such a brave mother, natural childbirth was possible. And the reward for their efforts was a healthy son, whose name is still kept secret.

Fans of the famous presenter Ksenia Sobchak are sure that she will soon become a mother for the second time. They started talking about Sobchak being pregnant for the second time back in the spring of this year, and now the rumors are only being confirmed.

The presenter is silent about the upcoming event in life and tries to hide her belly under shapeless outfits. The public is trying to understand whether Sobchak is pregnant again, or whether her style has completely deteriorated. There is also a third option - maybe the woman has simply gained weight or can’t get rid of the consequences of her first pregnancy?

They started talking about the fact that Sobchak was expecting a child again during the election race, in which Ksenia Anatolyevna acted as a direct competitor to the current president of the country, Vladimir Putin. Ksyusha went to the elections at the head of the opposition forces, but lost on all fronts. She managed to attract attention to herself, although this was not required - she has already been on the lips of the media and a large audience of viewers for many years and has both thousands of fans and thousands of spiteful critics watching her every step.

Ksyusha always appeared in public in formal suits and elegant dresses, but suddenly she “jumped” into wide, voluminous and even shapeless outfits. The presenter tried not to place emphasis on her belly, but she did draw attention to it - she covered it in the photo or “decorated” it with an accessory in the form of a belt bag and the like.

Initially, the public accepted the news about the woman’s possible pregnancy with doubt - Sobchak always said that she did not like children and did not want to have children. But maybe the first son changed the star’s worldview so much that she wanted a big and friendly family?

The day before, a charity concert was held in the Hermitage Garden in Moscow, hosted by Sobchak and her husband - the star appeared in public in a green dress of an incomprehensible shape, which once again confirmed rumors about her pregnancy.

“Giving birth tomorrow))”, “The collective farm is away”, “Damn... outfit...”, “Is Ksenia pregnant or what?))) well done!!!”, “It seems to me that she is pregnant”, “Wow! The second one is coming! Congratulations!!!,” fans en masse congratulate the star on the Internet.

Ksenia is usually silent and does not comment on the situation, but the day before one of her friends spilled the beans about Sobchak’s pregnancy.

The TV presenter's dress at the famous magazine's awards placed a bright emphasis on her rounded belly. And, as Sobchak’s fans noted, the point is clearly not that Ksenia ate heavily before the event.

The wife of rapper Dino MC Mishanya Mishina, who was also present at the award, put an end to the discussion. She posted a photo from the party on her Instagram page, and when one of the users asked if Mishani’s colleague Ksenia was pregnant, the rapper’s wife answered in the affirmative “Yes.”

The public rejoices and congratulates the star on his imminent addition, and skeptics say that Sobchak is simply promoting himself, because he has not seen the noise around his name for a long time.

The personal life of Ksenia Sobchak has always been a secret to the public

Back in the days when Sobchak was the host of the Dom-5 project and an active socialite, her personal life was kept under seal for the public. Yes, photos and videos of a drunk or naked Sobchak often appeared on the Internet, but no one could say for sure what was going on in her soul and who was sleeping in her bed.

Subsequently, Ksenia also got married secretly - the affair with the actor Maxim Vitorgan was not public knowledge, and the family told about the wedding as a fact even to the closest people.

In 2016, the Network stirred up news that Sobchak was expecting her first child, but until recently no one could believe that the woman had decided to have a child. Many assured that she was lying and spinning her head, that a surrogate mother would give birth, and after that Ksenia even put on a “false belly.” As a result, in November of the same year, a baby was born - the boy was named Plato. Ksenia rarely gives the public the joy of seeing her son, leaving the personal private.

It’s not surprising, but there was so much hype around Sobchak’s second pregnancy - if there is any, then fans will definitely find out about it just before the birth, when the star can no longer hide her belly under any outfits.

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