Who is a diplomat? (creative work). Diplomats


Which universities teach diplomacy? Which faculties teach the basics of the profession? In which institute today can one obtain a diplomat profession? Don’t think that this is only the famous MGIMO. There are many more options.

When the conversation turns to diplomats, everyone has their own image. Who represents the brilliant 19th century polymath and poet A.S. Griboyedov, who is a friend of Theodor Nette, a man and a ship, and many of them are the hero of the comedy “Three Plus Two,” a student at a prestigious Moscow university.

The hero is an elegant and sophisticated young man demonstrating good manners and high intelligence even in the conditions of a wild holiday at sea. Many people associate this image with the diplomatic profession, and many young people would like to be like such a hero. In addition, the diplomat profession has a reputation for being elite and difficult to achieve. For many years, the country's leading and most famous university was surrounded by rumors that it was almost impossible to enter there, and that studying was even more difficult. But, nevertheless, everything is real and in Moscow there are universities that successfully and diligently train diplomats.

Universities for a diplomat

Of course, MGIMO should be named first on this list. The vast majority of employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are graduates of this institute. But it is still not the only “institute of diplomats” in the capital. The Faculty of International Relations or the Faculty of Regional Studies is suitable for a future diplomat; you can also enroll in a faculty with an economic focus, master economics in international relations and then work along this line.

Another very prestigious university where diplomats are trained is the Diplomatic Academy under the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “Academy of Diplomats” - it is informally called by applicants and their parents. Highly qualified teachers with extensive experience in international work will teach students all the nuances of foreign policy relations. The Academy of Diplomats provides both the first basic full-time education and the second higher education and advanced training for employees of diplomatic structures. The Academy dates back to 1934. Today it is one of the largest and most authoritative centers for training professional diplomats, international relations specialists, experts in the field of the world economy, public administration, and international law. Academy graduates know several foreign languages.

Faculties for a diplomat

There are also faculties suitable for studying to become a diplomat in the following universities:

  • Moscow State Linguistic University - at the Faculty of International Relations you can get a good education in any region. This university also has a very good Faculty of Translation and Translation Studies. Its graduates know several foreign languages ​​and are gladly hired to work in diplomatic structures.
  • The Institute of Oriental Countries is another university for diplomats. As the name already implies, the institute trains diplomats to work in Eastern countries. At the Faculty of Foreign Regional Studies you can get good knowledge oriental languages and, subsequently, work in a country with which Russia is building promising relations. The East is a delicate matter, as the famous movie character said, and this makes it very interesting for a diplomat a good place to show off yourself.
  • Moscow University for the Humanities is a university for diplomats and more. The Faculty of International Relations and Tourism in the field of “World Politics and International Business” trains specialists for government authorities and management (work in international departments), foreign missions, international organizations (translators, secretarial assistants, experts), for Russian and foreign business structures supporting international relations (information gathering experts, assistant coordinators, etc.).
  • The university also has a Foreign Regional Studies program in China. Regional scientists are engaged in ensuring diplomatic, informational, foreign economic, and cultural relations with regions, in this case with China, and work in government bodies and public organizations, commercial enterprises as referents, translators, analysts, consultants, etc.
  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov also has the Faculty of Political Science to study as a diplomat. It provides training in the areas of “International relations, world politics and political global studies”, “Political regional studies and ethnopolitical science” and others. Graduates of Moscow State University are in demand in government organizations and in the diplomatic service; they are well versed in world politics and international relations, regional political processes. Moscow State University provides excellent language training.

A graduate can easily get a job at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international organizations, think tanks, business structures, and can teach at Russian and foreign universities.

The Russian State University for the Humanities includes the Institute of History and Archives, which also has a department of International Relations. As you can see, there is a choice of universities for diplomats. Whichever one your heart is most passionate about is the university you should choose.

And their representatives. Diplomats can be either employees of a state's diplomatic mission abroad, or some employees of the central apparatus of a foreign policy department.

The main functions of a diplomat are to represent and protect the interests of his country and its citizens, collect information about the host country, and promote the establishment of friendly, cultural, trade and other ties between countries.

A diplomat has a diplomatic rank determined by international treaties and enjoys diplomatic immunity. The diplomatic rank is not necessarily associated with a specific post held; it represents a special legal status that ensures that the diplomat is granted special privileges by the accrediting state, such as personal immunity, immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the host country, and exemption from customs inspection. At the same time, the scope of diplomatic privileges (diplomatic immunity) is the same for diplomats of all ranks.

Diplomats (ambassadors) historically preceded other forms of foreign relations organization such as foreign ministries.


One of the main ways to represent and protect the interests of one’s country is to collect information about events in the host country that may affect national interests, present recommendations to one’s foreign policy department on how to respond to such events, and, after the foreign policy agency has formulated its position, communicate it to government of the host country, participation in negotiations and other methods of conducting foreign policy. The strategy of interstate relations and specific goals are formulated by the central foreign policy apparatus, but the implementation of policy depends on diplomats representing the country abroad. To a large extent, their work depends on their personal qualities, on the ability to maintain personal, trusting relationships with various representatives of society in the host country.

Murders of Russian diplomats in chronological order

  • Assassination of the Russian ambassador Alexander Griboedov in Persia on January 30 (February 11).
  • Assassination of Soviet plenipotentiary Vaclav Vorovsky in Lausanne (Switzerland) on May 10
  • Murder of Soviet diplomatic courier Theodor Nette in Latvia on February 5
  • Murder of Soviet diplomats in Canton (China) in December.
  • Kidnapping and murder of 5 Russian diplomats in Iraq on June 3

see also


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See what “Diplomat” is in other dictionaries:

    diplomat- a, m. diplomate. 1. A person authorized by the government to communicate with a foreign state. Sl. 18. Igeltrom was afraid that any immodest news about his relations with the Swedish army had not reached foreign diplomats. Dolgoruky... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (this, see diploma). 1) a dignitary who conducts negotiations and relations with foreign governments. 2) in the hostel they generally call a resourceful, cunning person. 3) a special cut coat, long, as if hiding the whole person. Dictionary… … Dictionary foreign words Russian language

    See cunning... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. diplomat, politician, cautious, cunning; suitcase Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    - (French diplomate) an employee of the department of external relations (central or foreign apparatus), who, by virtue of his position, directly performs the functions of this department in the field of official contacts with foreign states and... ... Legal Dictionary

    - (French diplomate) an official of the department of external relations, including the diplomatic mission of a state abroad, having a diplomatic rank or class. As a rule, has diplomatic immunity... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Dictionary Ushakova

    1. DIPLOMAT1, diplomat, male. (French diplomate, lit. equipped with a diploma, diploma, see diploma). 1. Executive, authorized for relations with foreign states; diplomatic official. 2. transfer Man, subtly and... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    DIPLOMAT, huh, husband. 1. An official, a specialist engaged in diplomatic activities and work in the field of foreign relations. 2. transfer About a person acting diplomatically, subtly. 3. A flat suitcase for carrying papers, notebooks, books... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    DIPLOMAT, USSR, VGIK/Lenfilm, 1961, color, 15 min. Novella. Based on the story by A. Chekhov. Cast: Sergey Gurzo (see GURZO Sergey Safonovich), Alexander Susnin (see SUSNIN Alexander Alexandrovich). Director: Sergey Gurzo (see GURZO Sergey Safonovich).... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

Beginning: 20000 ⃏ per month

Experienced:⃏150,000 per month

Professional:⃏300,000 per month

Demand for the profession

The profession is quite in demand; you can get a job in diplomatic missions of the state abroad (embassies, representative offices), or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Where to study to become a diplomat in Moscow

15 universities

Average Unified State Exam score: 222

Who is the profession suitable for?

To work successfully, you must have good intelligence and intuition, a broad outlook, and a good understanding of the changing political situation.

A diplomat needs energy, resourcefulness, ability to work, responsibility, and psychological stability. And, of course, charm and a sense of humor.


Diplomatic activity presupposes a strict service hierarchy. In addition to the position held, depending on work experience, length of service and success in the field, employees are assigned certain ranks. Heads of diplomatic missions are usually given the following classes: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Charge d'Affaires. Other employees of the department also have a rank (counsellor-envoy, adviser of the first or second class, secretary of the first, second or third class, attaché). The salaries of ministry employees are high, however, in the case of transfer to foreign service, income increases several times. For example, the highest-ranking diplomats receive full state maintenance and almost untouchable immunity. A high diplomatic rank is the goal of many career specialists.


A foreign policy specialist takes part in international campaigns, peacekeeping trips, deals with issues of foreign and domestic policy, resolves international conflicts, controversial situations, improves international relations, etc.

He also provides advice to migrants in obtaining visas, residence permits and citizenship. Therefore, it is so important to know not only the legislation of your country, but also those of the states in which you will work, and also understand international law. And, of course, you can’t cope without knowing foreign languages.

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A diplomat is a civil servant who is the official representative of the state in the foreign policy arena.

Features of the diplomat profession

The profession of a diplomat is special. It places enormous responsibility on a person, because he has to represent the interests of his country abroad. Abroad, diplomats work in embassies, diplomatic missions, representative offices or international organizations. Job responsibilities diplomats are establishing interstate relations, conducting negotiations to resolve interethnic conflicts, explaining the foreign policy of one’s country and defending its internal interests, protecting compatriots located on the territory of a foreign state, etc.

To freely carry out activities of this kind, the diplomat is protected by special diplomatic immunity, which provides the right to inviolability of the person, official premises, home and property, as well as immunity from the jurisdiction of the courts of the host state and a number of other privileges.

As a rule, a diplomat does not remain on the territory of a foreign state for more than five years. After that, he goes to his homeland and serves in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or is sent as a diplomatic representative to another country.

There is a certain hierarchy in the diplomatic profession. Each diplomatic worker has his own diplomatic rank: ambassador, envoy, charge d'affaires, resident minister or attaché. Rank is a special legal status that provides a diplomat with various privileges, so all diplomats strive to achieve the highest diplomatic rank.

Personal qualities of a diplomat

The profession of a diplomat requires a whole set of diverse qualities:

  • patriotism
  • huge responsibility
  • communication skills
  • tact
  • psychological stability
  • charm and charisma
  • ability to make contacts
  • high work capacity
  • broad outlook and erudition
  • sense of humor
  • developed intuition
  • knowledge of etiquette.

A diplomat representing his country abroad must know everything about his country and have an excellent understanding of the political situation.

Diplomat's profession: pros and cons

The undoubted advantages of being a diplomat include high salaries. When transferred to foreign service wage number of diplomatic workers increases several times. And high diplomatic ranks even provide full state support.

Diplomatic immunity is also a big plus. In addition to the basic rights to immunity from jurisdiction and inviolability of person, home and property, it exempts the diplomat from paying taxes, undergoing customs inspection, etc.

The profession of a diplomat is very responsible and interesting. It involves communication with the most important people at the highest level. However, on the other hand, this profession is considered one of the most risky. Diplomats on the territory of foreign countries often have to fear for their lives and the lives of their relatives. In addition, the profession requires private business trips, meetings and conferences at any time of the day - not everyone is able to withstand such a busy schedule.

The relevance of the diplomat profession in our time

The profession of diplomat has many centuries of history. However, so far it has not only not lost its relevance, but, on the contrary, is becoming increasingly important. In conditions of active interstate communication, as well as increasing interethnic conflicts, it is the activities of diplomats from different countries of the world that can lead to the resolution of conflicts, the establishment friendly relations between states and world peace.

Profession diplomat: where to study?

To become a diplomat, you must obtain higher education in one of the following specialties:

  • Foreign Regional Studies
  • International relationships
  • Translation and translation studies
  • Political science
  • Regional Studies of Russia.

Training in these and similar specialties can be completed in many Russian

  • St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law.
  • Vachaeva Maria,

    10th grade student of the Yedogonskaya Municipal Educational Institution

    comprehensive school"


    There are no professions with a great future,

    But there are professionals with a great future.

    Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov

    A person’s life is a series of numerous choices, and choosing a profession can be considered the most difficult. It is very difficult to choose an activity that you will enjoy throughout your life. Some people find their life's work in their later years. I am now just a 10th grade student, but this issue worries me very much. I often replay in my head the lines of Vladimir Mayakovsky, who wrote “all works are good, choose according to your taste...”. Yeah... There are many of them, but you need to choose the one and only one. For some reason, I didn’t think about such a profession as a diplomat, but I became interested in it when a history teacher held a series of events dedicated to the week of “Diplomacy”. Who is this diplomat? What traits will I need to have? What will I have to learn? These are the questions I decided to reflect on and draw a conclusion for myself: is it worth it or not to take this path.

    The diplomat as a profession arose with the advent of the state, in order to be in good relations with other countries. After all, he is the authorized representative of the interests of his country and the interests of citizens of his country living abroad.

    So, what does the word “diplomat” mean? If you look at Ozhegov’s dictionary, it has several lexical meanings:

    1. An official, a specialist engaged in diplomatic activities and work in the field of foreign relations.
    2. Translated: A person who acts diplomatically subtly.

    In fact, it is not very easy to become a highly qualified specialist in this field, since this profession places exclusivity and high responsibility on the person holding this position. Moreover, being an official representative of his state, a diplomat has no right to make a mistake or even delay, since all his actions will be studied and analyzed in detail. That is why the sharp mind, high level self-control, self-control and composure, together with the talent to skillfully express one’s thoughts and win people over are the basic requirements for the personal characteristics and skills of a diplomat.

    The unique and prestigious profession of a diplomat has always attracted people with its mystery and wide possibilities, but it also has its risks. The main disadvantage of the profession is the need for heavy daily work over oneself, the desire for self-improvement.

    The diplomat profession can be obtained at various higher education institutions. educational institutions in foreign economics, political specialties or at the faculty of international relations. I think that if a person has received the title of diplomat, he will always find a job. After all, he can engage in one of certain types of activities: participate in international companies on foreign and domestic policy issues, support emigrants and participate in resolving international conflicts or some controversial situations, advise foreigners and his own compatriots on issues of obtaining visas and residence permits , citizenship, participate in missionary peacekeeping trips. There is also a choice of place of work. Either an embassy or a government organization. But for you to be in demand as a diplomat, it takes years, during which your qualities and skills must reach a certain level of development and strengthen.

    So, in some details it is already clear who a “diplomat” is, but what is “diplomacy”?

    Diplomacy is a means of implementing the foreign policy of states, which is a set of practical activities, techniques and methods used taking into account the specific conditions and nature of the tasks being solved. In International Relations, the concept of “diplomacy” is associated with the art of negotiating to prevent or resolve conflicts, finding compromises and mutually acceptable solutions to expand and deepen international cooperation.

    Thus, a diplomat must be a comprehensively developed person, with the ability to adapt to any, even the most unexpected situation. A good diplomat must have a number of personal qualities: charm, sense of humor, decency, tact, to be a hardworking person, strong-willed, resourceful, psychologically stable and responsible, to have good memory and intuition. In addition, he must know the culture and traditions of foreign countries, as well as master foreign languages, because without this communication and mutual understanding are impossible.

    A diplomat is a difficult profession; not everyone can fulfill this mission. And if I want to become a real diplomat, I will need to work a lot on myself, on developing the necessary qualities. As they say, “patience and work will grind everything down.” And if you want to achieve something, then you must achieve your goals. It’s not without reason that it is said that “there are no professions with a great future, but there are professionals with a great future...”. It's hard to disagree with these words.