Personal relationships and love. In financial matters

Eight Denarii means the beginning of some promising business. This is the card of a Student who is ready to begin long and difficult, but extremely important work for him. Thus, the card combines the motives of the beginning and a wonderful prospect for the future. In addition, it shows that we are interested in our work, enjoy it and are proud of the first results. It can also mean beginner's luck.


Go to new job or performing a new task that is unusual for us. We begin it without yet having the necessary skills or experience, but with ardent desire and interest. In practical terms, this card can represent a literal tuition fee - or the psychological “fee” that it costs us to enter a new field. However, the main meaning of the map is the bright prospects that open up for us in this new area.


Here, the Eight of Denarii means that we will have to sit down at our desk again - literally or figuratively. The period of study begins, and we have to either master a new area of ​​​​knowledge or gain new life experience. And, depending on our readiness to perceive new things, this period will bring us the joy of discovery or seem painful and difficult. But in any case, this knowledge and experience will be valuable and useful for us.

Personal relationships and love

In the area of ​​personal relationships, this card also marks the beginning of a new, promising stage. This may be a new acquaintance, or perhaps a qualitatively new stage in the development of the previous union, during which far-reaching and, as a rule, encouraging prospects open up for us.

Inner meaning

Skill and knowledge, as already said, are the key to ultimate success, but here success is closer. The Eight of Pentacles Tarot states that you know where you are going and how to get there; Whether you realize it or not, you have the necessary skill, you just need to apply it. Success here is based on your personal knowledge and experience. You honestly and legally deserve the status that you have or will soon receive.

Combinations with other cards


7 of cups: laziness, loss of incentive

Moon: inactivity

4 of Cups: loss of interest, indifference, apathy

2 of Wands: negligent attitude towards the work performed


Magician: Focus and Concentration

Court: passion for your work

Priest: teaching, comprehension

9 of Wands: stick to your guns, persevere




Sun in Virgo

0°—10° Virgo

Original title: Lord of Prudence Original composition in the Golden Dawn system: from the clouds at the bottom of the map a hand is extended holding a branch of a rose tree. There are four white roses on the branch, touching only the four lower discs

Color Stroke on the Princess scale: yellowish brown, flecked with white
Colors of the Sun on four scales: orange; golden yellow; juicy amber; amber with streaks of red
Virgo colors on four scales: green (yellowish); lilac-gray; greenish-gray; plum
Formula: Eight (Hod) + Disks (Asia) + Sun in Virgo = PRUDENCE.

Why is the Eight of Disks, Prudence, so harmless if the Seven of Disks, Failure, is so terrible? Both of these cards are located low on the Tree of Life and away from the Middle Pillar. What's the difference? The answer to this question is given by the map formula.

Hod is the sphere of Mercury. Mercury rules the sign of Virgo and is exalted in it. Virgo is a mutable Earth sign (and therefore has a stabilizing influence). And Earth is the element of the world of Asia and the suit of Disks. (Cozy, isn’t it?) And, finally, all this mental (Mercury) fertility (Virgo/Earth) is illuminated by the life-giving rays of the Sun.

Of course, there is no complete perfection here, and there cannot be. The number eight still remains weak and unbalanced. However, there are enough mitigating factors here that Crowley can rightfully say: “In general, this combination means a mind lovingly directed towards material affairs, especially those connected with agriculture, technical and engineering work."

The discs are depicted as dark purple flowers on the branches of a tree, the powerful trunk of which is firmly rooted in the ground. As in the Golden Dawn card, the arrangement of the discs corresponds to the Populus figure, one of two geomantic figures associated with the Moon. To tell you the truth, I don't know exactly why this is so. Maybe because of the connection between the Moon and the agricultural cycle.

The name for this card is chosen very well, since prudence is, so to speak, a passive activity. It is calculated and unhurried: throw a seed into the ground and see what comes out of it. Watch and wait. However, you can also place bets - but only if you play with a marked deck yourself.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

This man walking through the forest shows us that beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things in life. We accept this so easily beautiful world, in which we live as a matter of course. Cleaning the house, tending the garden, cooking - the most earthly things take on the quality of the divine when you put your whole self into them, the fullness of love, when you do it for the sake of the process itself, without thinking about recognition or reward.

Straight position

You are now experiencing a time when this simple, natural and completely ordinary approach to the situations you face will bring you much more top scores than any attempt you make to be bright, smart or unusual. Stop showing off or trying to dazzle your friends and colleagues with your unique qualities. Accept everything easily and simply, this will be the special gift you have to offer.

The meaning of the card

Sometimes it happens that you become one; this is a rare moment. Look at the ocean, at its endless power - and suddenly you will forget about your duality, about your schizophrenia; you will relax. Or, traveling in the Himalayas, seeing virgin snow on the tops of the mountains, suddenly you will feel cold and you will not have to lie, because there will be no one to lie to. You will become completely whole. Or by listening to beautiful music you will become one. Whenever, in any situation, when you become whole, peace, happiness and bliss arise within you and surround you. You will feel full. There is no need to wait for these moments - they can become your natural life. These extraordinary moments can become ordinary moments - that is the whole effort of Zen. You can live an extraordinary life in a very ordinary life: by trimming trees, chopping wood, carrying water from a well, you can be in perfect agreement with yourself. When you are mopping the floor, cooking food, washing clothes, you can feel very easy - because the whole point is to do your work totally, enjoying it, admiring it. (Osho)

Description of the lasso:

This man walking through the forest shows us that beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things in life. We so easily take this beautiful world we live in for granted. Cleaning the house, tending the garden, cooking - the most earthly things take on the quality of the divine when you put your whole self into them, the fullness of love, when you do it for the sake of the process itself, without thinking about recognition or reward.

Upright position of the Eight Rainbow card - Common:

You are now experiencing a time when this simple, natural and completely ordinary approach to the situations you face will bring you much better results than any attempt on your part to be bright, smart or unusual. Stop showing off or trying to dazzle your friends and colleagues with your unique qualities. Accept everything easily and simply, this will be the special gift you have to offer.

Meaning of the card:

Sometimes it happens that you become one; this is a rare moment. Look at the ocean, at its endless power - and suddenly you will forget about your duality, about your schizophrenia; you will relax. Or, traveling in the Himalayas, seeing virgin snow on the tops of the mountains, suddenly you will feel cold and you will not have to lie, because there will be no one to lie to. You will become completely whole. Or by listening to beautiful music you will become one. Whenever, in any situation, when you become whole, peace, happiness and bliss arise within you and surround you. You will feel full. There is no need to wait for these moments - they can become your natural life. These extraordinary moments can become ordinary moments - that is the whole effort of Zen. You can live an extraordinary life in a very ordinary life: trimming trees, cutting wood, carrying water from a well, you can be perfectly at peace with yourself. When you are mopping the floor, cooking food, washing clothes, you can feel very easy - because the whole point is to do your work totally, enjoying it, admiring it.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

There was a very lively discussion about this collection; here I am posting an edited and (slightly) trimmed version. Co-authorship: frosya11 , dagaz_jera , no4naya_reka , gorynychh .
This selection is united by the theme of glass. Here I understand glass as the theme of separation from oneself, the duality of consciousness, the division into I and non-I, into the observer and the observed, and the impossibility (at the moment reflected by the cards) of uniting these opposites.

In The Hanged Man, this separation is not yet so obvious - to an outside observer, it probably seems that “everything is under control”, but the germs of it, apparently, are already there - which will then be expressed in dissociation and the projection of one’s will / ability to act on others.
On the 8 of Pentacles and 10 of Wands - men are behind the glass and in a passive role (and don't tell me the 10th is active. His "ah-ah-ah! save-help" is just more energy in the suit, so he is not curled up in a ball under the door, but is hysterical with all his might). By this side- women. In both cases, their relatedness to looking-glass characters: in one case - with a tattoo, in another - with clothes.
A man is an active force, an action in the practical sense of the word. That is, there is an obvious prohibition/impossibility of acting in the real world. What is the reason for this/does anything need to be done about it? Eight and ten are even, i.e., in principle, static, female cards. AND characters- women. But they don't seem to do anything - they just watch.
Wands, the fiery suit, are closest to the manifestation of the Spirit, to creativity. That is why, it seems to me, there is an Anima-child here, i.e. The need to turn not only to intuition in general (as a feminine quality of personality), but to its even more open, childlike hypostasis is emphasized even more. And I would consider the colors of Uranus in this quality - the quality of accepting the Uranian revelation, as it was with the Magician. However, something still needs to be done with this revelation, somehow adapted to the world - otherwise you will be hysterical, like an eccentric, not being able to say/do something useful.
Pentacles are the earth suit, i.e. also touches on issues of socialization. A man here is introduced to a certain social circle. I think that a certain marginality of this circle may not have any negative connotation (or be in the “shadow” positions of the alignment), but can be taken to enhance the effect, emphasizing the aspect of socialization. Therefore, the woman here is an adult - and already has a good idea of ​​what kind of social circle this is, knowing its rules and values ​​(tattooed, even if I don’t want to). The man trusted her - it is unknown yet, for better or for worse, but all he can do now is not to interfere with the master, i.e. allow certain external forces to perform certain manipulations on yourself under the supervision of your intuition-anima. (As the saying goes, “if violence cannot be avoided, try to relax and have fun”). Almost the same idea was expressed frosya11 : “In the Eight of Pentacles one can also see such a social accent: a man is in a hurry to be like (well, or not like, but tuned in tonality) to a woman who captivated him with her energy (like, her Mars turned on his Venus). He “ripens” for glass, and she is waiting for him - there is no discrepancy here with the traditional meaning of the Eight of Pentacles - “blooming”..."
UPD. dagaz_jera insists on the alternativeness of his opinion. Here I go: Look, three women. On the lasso of the Hanged Man, purple is unisex or asexual (I’m assuming here the Oedipus complex of the one in the aquarium, and the ban on incestuous relations with purple’s father - well, these are working assumptions for building reflection).
At the 8 of Pentacles - a woman in red. Color of Mars. Right ear pierced. She may be an active lesbian. Yes, and she is only recognizable as a woman because of her protruding breasts.
A (normal) guy getting a tattoo in her understanding of a “smelly goat.”
On the 10 of Wands, the young man is gay. I think the little girl is his underdeveloped anima. This is what came to my mind. And the woman in the foreground is dressed in the colors of Venus. This is a normal woman."

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A girl heads to the tattoo artist's salon. The card reflects the desire to receive something. The girl has already approached the salon - this card often plays out people who are literally “standing on your doorstep” with their requests to get what they want.
The tattoo artist is a specialist in his field, he has a flow of people, and in this moment he is busy with another client - this indicates that he is successful, experienced and authoritative; people repeatedly come to him with requests to get what they want.
Judging by the client who decided on such a large tattoo, he completely trusts the artist, relies on his experience and skill. A master, a knowledgeable person, you can trust him

Characteristic: a person who comes to someone to receive something for money, as a gift or as a loan (provided that the person being approached is potentially capable of fulfilling this). A person walks with hope, and sometimes with full confidence that he will not be denied and he will get what he wants. The surrounding SA and MA can show what exactly a person wants to receive, and the accompanying court cards can show who is addressing whom. The nature of the court card character addressed by the 8 of Pentacles can reflect the potential likelihood or conditions under which that character may fulfill a request or assist in achieving a desired goal. For example, in the layout a request is made to the King of Swords (8 of Pentacles + King of Swords), such a combination often shows that he can refuse the request, or set strict conditions for its fulfillment (for example, he will lend money, but with a high interest rate), since this is the behavior most likely for a character characterized by the King of Swords card.

Business: desire to make a deal; steps to purchase goods and services (for example, contacts with suppliers); indicates the liquidity of a given company in the chosen area.

Relationship: can act out situations when one partner asks the other for something - from “buy cheese on the way”, “put up a shelf in the kitchen” to “I would like to receive a fur coat as a gift, preferably a mink one..”))
At the same time, the card reflects that the partner is potentially capable of fulfilling this desire.

Advice: seek help from a competent person; get in touch with a person who is able to fulfill your desire and discuss the conditions with him.

Warning: the person you want to contact may either agree or set conditions that do not suit you, or refuse altogether.

© Loki

Door– Continued action to achieve positive results.

Key– Skill, professionalism, patience.

Straight position. Hard work. Monotonous work. The benefit obtained as a result of painstaking, routine work. Craving for something unusual; the desire to stand out from the crowd and attract attention. The desire to look better, more interesting. Tendency to experiment on oneself. Sometimes waiting, patience, studying the situation. Striving for a goal, nurturing an idea, a dream. Question: “Will the doctor perform surgery on me?” The answer is “yes.”

Inverted position. Perform duties as needed. Unsatisfying work. Lack of clients. Experiments on one's appearance take on frightening forms.

P. Makarov

Work not for oneself, but for others (material or spiritual values ​​that other people will use). There is no desire for achievements, just doing your job, so peace reigns in your soul. He knows that work will not be wasted and people need it. Don’t rely on money, don’t hoard it, raising it to the skies. They won't save you, but they will help others.

On practice. Success, provided there is no personal gain. Especially in terms of enrichment. Any self-interest can nullify everything planned. Work will be rewarded, but most likely not in the way and not where you expect. Therefore, do not expect a reward in advance.

In reverse position- wasted work.

IN financial matters

Your earnings may require additional investment. This card advises you to put all-in and go further as much as necessary to achieve success in financial affairs. Financial enterprise may require significant effort and concentration. In some cases, the number eight indicates a lack of competence necessary to obtain greater profits.

In matters of love

Commit yourself to developing your relationships. And if you want more love in your life, don’t skimp on love yourself. Try to see it as an opportunity for your own improvement and growth. Like any other endeavor, love requires constant care, which will undoubtedly pay off if the aspirations are sincere. Sometimes the number eight represents late love - the one that comes in later years.

In matters of work

Try to be diligent and improve your abilities. For a while, you can completely immerse yourself in work. You may need to gain additional skills or knowledge in a particular area. Set realistic goals for yourself; show in your work what you are really capable of.

Like a personal growth map

Continue your path to excellence. Don't lose sight of your goals and make every effort to achieve them. Try to gain as much knowledge as possible. Sometimes this card can also indicate the need to restore health.

Eight of Pentacles

Straight position:
Eight of Pentacles - Pettiness and craving for monotonous painstaking work. The tendency to follow the movement of the crowd and herd feelings.

© Original meanings of the cards included with the deck.
© Lo Scarabeo. Torino.
© "Avallon". Moscow. Russian version.

Rider White values:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Mercury in the 3rd house as a symbol of diligence and skill.

Eight Denarii means the beginning of some promising business. This is the card of a Student who is ready to begin long and difficult, but extremely important work for him. Thus, the card combines the motives of the beginning and a wonderful prospect for the future. In addition, it shows that we are interested in our work, enjoy it and are proud of the first results. It can also mean beginner's luck.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TUTORIAL.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

Prudence, Caution
The first decade of VIRGO is from August 24 to September 1.
Astrological equivalents: Saturn in Capricorn, Saturn in the Tenth House.
The basic earth sign Capricorn, the sign of the "circle of will", crystallizes the personality. The stable sign Taurus, the sign of the “circle of feeling,” shapes her feelings. Mutable sign Virgo, the sign of the "circle of mind", describes human activity as a process of conscious transformation of matter. Capricorn symbolizes the recreation of the past in the world, Taurus - the creative present, Virgo - work for the future.
The first decade of Virgo, ruled by the Sun, tends to see a natural natural process in the world. She considers human activity to be part of this natural process, which redistributes energy and maintains dynamic balance in the world. Therefore, this decade is characterized by hard work and a calm, modest attitude towards work, without questioning the meaning of work. This is a careful, scrupulous and cautious attitude towards the activities of your mind and hands, as well as towards all other processes of life. This decade has an inherent tendency not to leave anything unfinished: only after completing one stage, move on to the next.
The Tarot card shows a master in a leather apron making an engraving on disks. Seven completed discs speak of the conscientiousness of his work - he is finishing the eighth.
In the background of the master is the city, but he does not notice it.
The master has turned his back to him, and he is only passionate about work. The man came to “taste” his work, which turned into creativity for him, bringing complete satisfaction.
Trap. You can't see the forest for the trees. Get caught in the web of success and limit yourself to that.
EIGHT symbolizes law, logic, directness. At the level of EIGHT, a right angle reigns. Therefore, through the EIGHT OF PENTACLES, a person can be tested for directness, frankness, honesty, the ability to quickly make decisions, and professionalism.
Through the EIGHT OF PENTACLES, uncompromising social situations can occur that require a “yes” or “no” answer. EIGHT OF PENTACLES is Scorpio with pronounced planets, as well as Saturn. This card may indicate that your patience will be tested in the current situation; It’s important not to lose your temper. At the health level, the EIGHT OF PENTACLES is yoga, any practice that disciplines the mind and body. EIGHT OF PENTACLES is health, gained through first a balanced, cold decision, then long-term training. This is a person who, after a serious injury, does not become disabled, but gradually exceeds his previous level.

IN upright position the card symbolizes caution, prudence, the ability to notice everything around. Thoroughness is the key to long-term and successful work. Your entire environment - food, clothing, housing, workplace equipment - in one way or another affects the quality of what you do.
The situations set by the EIGHT OF PENTACLES may seem oppressive and cruel, but they shape a person, like a rasp that removes everything unnecessary, superficial and false. EIGHT OF PENTACLES brings you back to true essence.
In addition, these are huge ambitions, albeit well hidden. THE EIGHT OF PENTACLES is generally not conducive to the manifestation of one’s feelings and emotions, requiring great tact and restraint from a person.

In an inverted position, the EIGHT OF PENTACLES means lack of desires, ambitions, hypocrisy, falsehood, duality, vanity, intrigue, vulgarity, mediocrity.
In the field of health, this card symbolizes the destructive influence of intellectual activity on the body, which can manifest itself in renal failure, headaches, high blood pressure. An inverted EIGHT also indicates stupidity, roteness, sloppiness, lack of composure (affected Saturn in the horoscope).

From the book: Rider White Tarot.
Theory and practice.
Series "Secrets of Predictions".
Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002