McEdit - creating your own Minecraft maps. How to create maps for Minecraft correctly

Today I will talk about the MC Edit program, with which you can create your own maps and mount downloaded objects! I’ll start from the very beginning so that you don’t have any difficulties when working with the program!

So what is MC Edit? Mcedit is an open source world editor for anyone Minecraft versions. Mcedit was first created to allow players to create their own Minecraft maps and customize existing worlds! MC Edit allows you to work with tools for stacking blocks in various forms, integrated with the Minecraft server to create terrain! There is support for multiplayer worlds and editors for certain blocks! You can download the program from the official website!

Let's get to work!

So, after you have downloaded MC Edit from the link above, installed it on your computer, launch the program from the shortcut on your desktop - mcedit.exe, we see this window:

Click "Open a Level..." And select the level.dat file in the save folder of your Minecraft client!

Your Minecraft map opens before us, which we have to edit!

Let's look at the controls: Movement is carried out using the W A S D buttons, as in the usual lane! The camera is rotated by holding RMB, selecting a region is done by LMB!

On the right - we have a window for working with the selected region, there we can: remove the selection, delete selected blocks, copy this region, paste it to another location and export the diagram to the computer!

The second icon on the hotbar allows you to create mountains from different materials, in this case I have stone. The choice of material is made on the panel on the left!

Next comes cloning - that is, transferring the selected region to another location, which I talked about earlier!

We'll skip the next button and move on to import! This button allows you to import ready-made diagrams or your own blanks!

Well, the last buttons allow you to transfer the player’s spawn!

In the upper left corner click on the menu - MCEdit

There we click “save” and the world will begin to be generated! After successful completion, press Alt+F4 to exit!

Now let's go into the game and choose our world!

That's all, actually! I think you have mastered the basics of working with this program and I helped you at least a little!

Happy card making, dear readers!

Everyone knows very well that Minecraft has 100% replayability - this project has a random terrain generator that randomly generates your world every time. And every time you start new game, you will be operating in a completely new world. And whatever its size, you still will not be able to retain in memory all the key points that you will find during the research process. So you need a map that can show all your movements - with its help you can imagine where exactly what area is, how to find a certain important object, or how far you left a chest with important things. Accordingly, you need to know how to make a map in Minecraft and how to use it.

Card crafting stages

If you are wondering how to make a map in Minecraft, then you have a rather long crafting chain ahead of you, since you will not be able to create this item right away. You will have to start small, namely by collecting reeds. Three blocks of reeds will give you three sheets of paper. But what do you need them for? First, take care to create a lot more sheets, as this will be the most used material when crafting the card at all stages. After this you will need a compass - this item is already needed only in singular, so make sure you have at least one redstone and four iron ingot. Once you have a compass, you can combine it with eight sheets of paper - this is how you will get the desired object. Now you know how to make a map in Minecraft, but so far it is completely empty and, therefore, unusable. You need to learn how to use it.

Using the card

Seeing an empty sheet of paper in front of you, you will understand that it is not enough to know how to make a map in Minecraft - you also need to activate it. To do this, you will need to pick it up and right-click on it. Immediately after this, it will be filled with a fairly detailed display of a small region nearby to you. Please note that the area you explored before creating the map will not appear on the map, so if you want to document everything as accurately as possible, you will need to create the map before you set out on your trip, otherwise you will have to repeat your route. However, are the capabilities of the map for Minecraft really so small? After all, only a tiny region is displayed on it, and the rest is simply inaccessible. In fact, you have one more stage ahead - expansion.

Map expansion

As mentioned earlier, you need to initially stock up on quite a lot of paper. When creating a map, only eight sheets are used, but you will need at least three more sheets of the same amount. As you already understand, initially the map displays only your small region where you are located. but if you place it in a workbench and surround it with additional sheets of paper, you will expand it - unexplored areas will appear on it. The larger your world, the more map expansions you will have to do. But then you can explore the world, without remembering the surrounding area, since everything will be displayed on your map.

Other card type

It is definitely worth noting that the item described above in the game is far from the only type of card that can relate to Minecraft. There are also special maps that users develop by changing the randomly generated landscape to suit their ideas. This is how survival maps and adventure maps appear in the Minecraft project, which you can then download and try out yourself.

Minecraft is one of the most popular indie games (these are computer games created by individual developers or small teams without the financial support of a publisher computer games) over the past few years. The style of play is entirely up to you, and there are no special rules to follow. Some players even create their own games using Minecraft. The most popular play style is Adventure mode play. The map in this mode must be passed with certain restrictions from point A to point B. The restrictions are expressed in the fact that you cannot destroy the area without the appropriate tools, you cannot switch to the “Creative” mode, you can only explore the interior of the map itself, and so on Further. This article answers the question: "How to create a Minecraft map in Adventure mode?"


Map creation plan

    Plan your map creation. Planning is the most important step in creating a map. You can create a map out of a burst of creative inspiration, but most likely its quality will be low.

    Select a game mode for the map. There are several game modes for the cards in this game; The most popular modes are:

    • Survival. This game mode involves a play style in which the player needs to survive using the resources located on the map. Players can destroy game blocks, create items, and do whatever they want.
    • Adventure. This game mode makes the game more linear. Typically, the player is not given the ability to destroy or create blocks, and must follow the game logic set by the map creator.
    • Parkour. A variation of the "Adventure" game mode, in which you must achieve certain goals by passing various tests (for example, mastery of a filigree jumping technique).
  1. Create a backstory for the card. Write down in advance everything that is necessary for this: the backstory itself, clues that the player will find, dialogues, and so on.

    Draw a map. Once you've written down the background and decided on the type of game mode on the map, draw a "floor" plan of the map. Include everything you think is necessary there.

    • To do this, it is recommended to use paper with checkered margins.
    • Decide what features the card will contain. Look at the gaming options provided latest update, and decide how you can use them. Remember that different versions of the game are different from each other, and features may change either in your favor or against you. If there's a game-changing update coming out, you might want to wait for it to come out. You need to understand what requirements you place on the card itself.

    Creating a map

    1. Create a map. After preparing the plans, you are ready to actually create.

      Draw a landscape. Before constructing the various buildings, it would be a good idea to draw the general landscape. There are several ways to do this.

      Create buildings. This is the next, completely logical step.

      Add background/details. After building and creating everything, you can add a backstory. There are several ways to do this:

      Add loot and various chips. Now all that remains is to add loot to the players (if required by the terms of the game), as well as other chips, for example, red stone schemes.

      • Redstone circuits make a strong impression on players, so it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with how to work with redstones.

    Publishing a map

    1. Post your map on the Planet Minecraft sites or Minecraft forums. Once the map is completed, the whole world will be able to play it.

      Test the card. This is also an important step. If the card does not work, it will upset users and require further modifications to the card itself.

      Open your saves folder. It can be found in the .minecraft folder in the game directory.

      Archive the folder with the map. You need to archive the map folder into a .zip or .rar file.

    2. Create a map in Creative mode, as creating one in Survival mode will be very difficult!
    3. Try to keep it simple but unusual. The scope for imagination is unlimited!
    4. You can also create a map texture set, but this is optional. At the same time, such a set will give the card a special flavor.
    5. Make sure you know what you want to build.
    6. Don't be afraid to add something new to the map after it's published. Who knows, maybe this will make the map even better!
    7. Monitor responses to your map, look for errors and ways to make it even better.
    8. Do not copy the ideas of others, as this may not please the players who played on the original map!
    9. Command blocks can be used to create a backstory by typing /say (message to player) (in multiplayer mode typing /tell @p<сообщение для игроков>.
    10. When using map mods and plugins, make sure they will load with the map and are compatible with the game and players' computers.
    11. Animal mods will definitely add to the fun.
    12. Save and make backups often.
    13. Try some cool mod on the map. For example, a mod on the theme of the Middle Ages, if your map is more historical, or something unusual if the map is about the future.
    14. Always respect other players.

Hello and welcome to everyone who is interested in the Minecraft theme. If you are new to the game and are just starting to understand all its intricacies, then the new guide will teach you how to create a map. It is worth noting that its creation becomes possible only if you have a compass. We discussed how to assemble it in the previous review.

The player needs a map to record all the locations visited in the game world. Remember that to record coordinates when visiting a new area, you must pick up the map. If the map is inactive, data about the new location will not be added to it. It is also worth considering that after you hit the border of the card, you will need to make another one, and so on.

Let's move on to creating the item. The first thing you will need is a compass. Without it, you cannot start collecting a map. You also need to have 8 sheets of paper. Paper can be made from sugar cane.

Now that you have everything you need, you can start crafting:

Nothing complicated, right?

The place where the map was created automatically becomes its center. If you pick up the card, it does not obstruct your view. To check the map, you need to look down.

One map pixel represents a square of 8 by 8 blocks. The map size provides navigation on an area of ​​1024 by 1024 blocks. Each world requires a new map. When moving between worlds, the map will not be supplemented with terrain from another world.

How to make a map in Minecraft for passing

First you need to create on Creative new world. You can fill it with any objects and objects, just without using cheat codes. Essentially, you create your own map. Upon completion of construction, save it as usual in standard mode.

The next step is to launch the toomanyitems mod, where a Survival map is created. Save it again, after which the map you created will appear in the MineCraft/saves directory.

I advise you not to get too carried away with creating maps, as they can significantly reduce the amount of free disk space.