Medical certificate for bride price. An original bride price in hospital style. Texts of posters, signs, their location

The wedding day is the first step leading to family happiness. And, of course, the newlyweds want to spend this day as best as possible, so that everything is just perfect. And the first thing that happens to the couple on this day is the bride price. In this case, you can “use medicine” in an original way when buying a bride.

A ransom carried out in a medical style is an excellent solution both for people treating and saving lives, and simply for those who like to joke and have fun.

Necessary details will be needed for redemption

In order for everything to work out flawlessly, you should stock up on accessories that will come in handy during a medical-style ransom:

We decorate the room

  • Before the groom arrives for the ransom, you need to properly decorate the room. Signs should be posted with the names of the offices and the names of the doctors receiving today. To create a complete feeling that arriving guests become visitors to a real hospital, we attach to the walls and doors signs “no entry”, “laboratory”, “do not enter, quartzing is in progress”, as well as signs with the image of a red cross and an ambulance call number "03".
  • It will be very interesting if the bridesmaids make a board of honor on which they themselves, as well as the bride’s parents, will show off in white caps and robes.
    You can attach the inscription “Hospital” or “Quarantine” to the entrance door.

Disinfection of the groom

  • The groom should be met at the entrance by the bridesmaids, dressed in white coats and with all the necessary props.
  • Before entering the entrance, the guest will have to undergo a disinfection process. To do this, juice is injected into the patient's mouth; apple or grape juice is best suited for these purposes. Of course, it should be administered from a syringe from which the needle has been removed. Next, the patient should take some vitamins; for a better effect, you can write “Viagra” on the jar of ascorbic acid.
    The role of the therapist is played by a witness who will give directions to the groom at the entrance, where various doctors are already waiting for him, who will direct him to the bride’s apartment.

Checking your vision

X-ray room

  • The next stage (and, if possible, floor) will be the x-ray room. If the groom wants to get to his bride faster, he must choose an x-ray of his beloved.
  • Since getting pictures is not an easy task, they can be replaced with something else, for example, printing pictures found on the Internet. But you can do this in another way, for example, take black sheets of paper and leave white handprints on them. Accordingly, one of the prints was left by the bride, and the rest will belong to everyone present at the ransom. But, in order to completely confuse the groom, let there also be male prints.
    If the groom does not recognize the hand of his beloved, then let him give a medical bribe to pass to the next level: chocolate, money in an envelope or alcohol.

Aren't you getting nervous?

Finding a buyout idea is not such an easy task, because there are so many interesting and funny options. You may like a floral bride ransom scenario, a theatrical one, or a police or medical style ransom. If you really like the idea of ​​a medical bride price, you need to come up with a scenario that is not only funny, but also witty. This idea is often chosen by medical workers who are very devoted to their profession and want to play it off in a humorous way. The groom's knowledge is tested by the witness and bridesmaids. However, even those who are completely unrelated to the healthcare sector can choose a medical-style buyout: creative people, future scientists and workers. Perhaps you once really dreamed of becoming a doctor, but your dream did not come true. Such a funny, stylized bride price will allow you to create the atmosphere of a hospital and feel like real doctors and nurses.

On the wedding portal site you will find information on how to conduct a ransom on a medical theme, as well as what props and what competitions to use to make the ransom the most interesting and fun.

Medical-themed ransom: script

A medical style bride price script should have a clear and structured storyline. Everything, from the meeting of the groom to the long-awaited reunion of the newlyweds, must fit within a certain time frame so that the newlyweds can arrive at the registry office on time. To have some fun before the official part of the celebration, you can conduct a ransom in the style of a thorough medical examination of the groom and his friends.

Props for ransom

  • medical-style outfits (coats and caps for doctors and nurses);
  • toy medical instruments: thermometer, injection, stethoscope, etc.

Meeting the groom

According to the bride price scenario in the style of a medical examination, the groom and his friends are met at the entrance by a “team of doctors” who are going to carefully check the health of the “patient” before allowing them to approach the bride. At the entrance you can hang a large sign with the words “Quarantine”. The therapist is the first to address the groom:

- « Oh, groom, how pale and tired you are! It’s not a good idea to go to the bride looking like that. Well, take a pill under your tongue and some medicine. V Have a drink!”

With these words, the presenter gives the groom a sweet candy instead of a pill and a glass of champagne instead of medicine and lets him into the entrance for further examination by doctors.

Bride ransom competitions

ENT The first person to meet the future spouse at the entrance is an “otolaryngologist” who wants to check if the groom’s throat is healthy:

- “Come on, groom, tell me A-ah-ah... interesting, interesting. Sing us a song, preferably a beautiful one, about love, and sing it so loudly that the bride can hear you!”

The groom begins to sing a song, after which the ENT diagnoses him as “hopelessly in love” and sends him to an ophthalmologist.

Oculist. The ophthalmologist is going to check the groom's vision. A competition for accuracy is offered to his attention...

Cupid's arrows

  • Participants: groom and his friends.
  • Props: darts, darts.

The groom is invited to play darts to test his accuracy. For each hit on the target, he receives a gift - a carrot to improve his vision. For each mistake, the groom must give one reason why he decided to marry the beautiful bride.

Favorite kiss

  • Participants: future husband and his friends.
  • Props: Whatman paper, lipstick.

Before the competition, the presenters prepare whatman paper with kisses, which the bridesmaids can leave with different lipstick colors. The bride herself must leave her kiss. The groom has to guess where his future wife's kiss is. For each mistake, friends will have to pay a monetary contribution for the groom.

At the end of the competition, the ophthalmologist makes a conclusion: “visual impairment due to falling in love” and sends the groom to a neurologist.

Neuropathologist. The next test for the groom will be a meeting with a neurologist, who must check why the future spouse is so agitated. The groom is offered a memory test:

Remember all

  • Participants: groom.
  • Props: Whatman paper with questions.

The groom is shown a large Whatman paper on which pieces of paper with numbers are glued, each of which means some memorable date for one of the newlyweds: the mother-in-law’s birthday, the date they met, the day on which the proposal was made, etc. You can prepare quite complex and tricky questions so that the groom gets confused. After the end of the test, the neuropathologist renders a verdict: “ Definitely in love

A young man who voluntarily decides to say goodbye to his freedom and bachelor habits undoubtedly experiences a slight nervous breakdown.

Anyway, certificate of mental health and readiness to tie the knot he definitely needs it.

This is how the medical ransom of the bride should be carried out. How else? Some incomprehensible guy, without a certificate - and to our sweetheart bride?

This will cost him dearly!

Preparation for bride price in medical style

The main character of any medical examination is the doctor. But, since our medical examination is comic, the doctor at first glance should evoke admiration and a smile.

Sample costume for the presenter - good doctor Aibolit, that is, you will have to acquire not only a robe and a cap, but also glasses, a false mustache, and an additional red “potato” nose.

The “junior medical staff”—the bridesmaids—should be dressed in short robes to look like frivolous fifa-nurses.

The presenter can play the roles of all the doctors himself or distribute them to other participants in the performance. It’s a good idea to attract one of the groom’s friends to your side, whose funny answers will be in harmony with the host’s remarks.

It is also necessary to think about how many and what “specialists” the groom will have to go through.

In accordance with this, signs need to be hung in different places: “ophthalmologist”, “neurologist”, “otolaryngologist”, “psychiatrist” and so on.

You should stock up on props in advance. Only this should be a prop for everyone: if a tube for listening to the heart is a child’s trumpet, or even a saxophone, if a neurologist’s hammer is a hefty hammer, the mere sight of which should not bode well.

Medical bride ransom scenario

The groom drives up to the bride's house and sees... two doors: one real, the other fake. Blocking the real door, there is a table behind which “Doctor Aibolit” is located. He is surrounded by charming nurses.

The “doctor’s” task is to expose the groom to ill health.. One of the newlywed's friends who participates in the performance must “justify” the groom.

The doctor may cling to the “patient’s” appearance and claim that he is too frail and pale. The friend retorts that it is out of love.

Uneven breathing is explained by the desire to see the bride as quickly as possible. A bouquet in the hands is a reason to accuse the groom of having crooked hands, but the friend replies that this will go away as soon as the “patient” gives the bouquet to the bride.

When asked how many doors he sees in front of him, the groom, of course, will say that there are two. At the same time, both the “medical staff” and everyone around will unanimously declare that there is only one door.

So, the diagnosis: weakness, intermittent breathing, probably tachycardia, double vision, hand painfully twisted. Without a certificate of the patient’s health status, you can’t let him near the bride! From this moment on, the groom’s ordeal in the “offices of specialists” begins.

A prerequisite is to extract “redemption” money or sweets from the groom whenever possible.

At the end, the host solemnly brings the groom to the bride and issues a pre-issued certificate stating that the patient is chronically and incurably ill with love.

Recovery is impossible, and in order to maintain the patient in a normal state, he is prescribed a bride, who is obliged to: give the patient artificial respiration as often as possible, feed him healthy food and have a beneficial effect on the shattered psyche.

Options for “examinations” in “specialists’ offices”

  1. Examination by an ophthalmologist. The “ophthalmologist” shows the groom a poster with various numbers written on it. The young man must guess what they mean (the bride's birthday, the date of the first meeting, the mother-in-law's birthday, etc.). For an error, of course, a fine is paid.
  2. Another, much funnier, option is “examination by an ophthalmologist.” Pre-prepared bridesmaids are wrapped in curtains or pieces of fabric so that their faces are not visible. There is no bride among them, but the groom is offered to find his betrothed. For a mistake there is a fine. The diagnosis is “defocus of the eyes due to falling in love.
  3. “Examination by a neurologist”. The “neurologist” takes a huge hammer and pretends that he is going to hit the groom on the knee. In order to avoid this barbaric procedure, you will have to pay. The young man is given a piece of paper on which are written in random order: kind and angry words. For example: “darling, little bunny, we’ll eat, my love, my dear, I’ve spent my entire salary on cosmetics again.” The groom must read kind words as they are written, and replace evil ones: “When are we going to have lunch?”, “Darling, to go with your new lipstick, I bought you a new fur coat.” If the groom fails to complete the task, there is a fine. If the test is successful, the diagnosis will read: “the patient is wishful thinking.”
  4. "Examination by a psychiatrist". The “psychiatrist” offers the groom pre-prepared collages, each of which has a photograph of the bride pasted against a background of landscapes, and asks him to describe what he sees. After the young man says that each photograph shows a bride, the psychiatrist writes a diagnosis of “manic love, the patient seems to see his future wife everywhere.”
  5. "Examination by an otolaryngologist". The groom is invited to perform a serenade, or karaoke.

When a bride plans to have a ransom at her wedding, it becomes a problem for her bridesmaids or sisters. After all, they want the holiday to be interesting, and for this they need to use unusual competitions, which is quite difficult to do.

To facilitate this process, they came up with the idea of ​​disguising the tests as different situations from life. A ransom in a medical style, for example, choosing a medical examination procedure as the basis for the plot, also applies to such events. Medicine is one of the industries that weddings rarely encounter, making it the perfect way to create a special start to the day.

When drawing up a script for an event, you should decide in what manner it will take place: will it be a medical examination, or formal scenes with just one or two doctors.

All stages must be done in the same style, so the organizers should agree among themselves how they will conduct the buyout.

And only after that you can create props and assign roles.


To create the right bridal experience, bridesmaids will need to put in a lot of effort. First, you should make a plan for the meeting, trying to organically fit all the competitions into it.

Conventionally formatted questions and competitions will not work, so they must be carefully selected and disguised as medical topics. To conduct a medical ransom, you need to prepare:

  • 5 white coats;
  • 5 medical masks;
  • 5 hats per head;
  • stethoscope;
  • paper strips;
  • lora head mirror;
  • rubber mallet;
  • scapula for closing the eye;
  • 2-3 plastic balls (can be replaced with apples);
  • posters with the words “quarantine” and “no entry”;
  • many plates with the names of medical professions, size 10 by 5 cm;
  • outpatient sheet;
  • posters with calls to lead a healthy lifestyle or with first aid methods;
  • a list of riddles on a wedding or family theme;
  • several soundtracks for famous love songs (preferably with a funny plot);
  • printed love song lyrics;
  • several printed poems;
  • music Center.

All decorative elements are evenly hung around the entrance area, so as to create the impression of a hospital.

To complement this, signs are hung next to neighbors’ doors with the names of doctors or office premises that are “located” inside.

List of characters and their roles

The most important place in the ransom is occupied by the presenters. After all, they are the ones who set the whole mood when the groom goes through competitions.

To carry out this, you will need 5 girls, but some professions can also be performed by men. This will look especially impressive if the bride’s relatives or cousins ​​act as doctors.

Who will the presenters portray:

  • nurse;
  • therapist;
  • Laura;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist.

These are the main professions, but additional doctors can be added. At the same time, the number of competitions held by each presenter is reduced.

It is important that the ransom is dynamic and does not take more than half an hour. If the organizers want to conduct more than 6-7 tests, then they can only be very short, otherwise the groom and the witness will be very tired.

Funny medical style bride price scenario

First of all, you should properly decorate all the rooms in which the groom will be.

And they start doing this from the local area so that he sees the posters before he gets out of the car. Therefore, it is necessary to hang a “quarantine” banner on the entrance canopy.

And on the road leading to the yard, place signs “No entry” or “For staff only.” The door to the entrance is fenced with white curtains, taking into account that a table can fit in the created space. When the groom and his witnesses arrive, they see a fenced area.

When they pull back the curtain, they find themselves in a waiting room with a nurse sitting in it.

Nurse: Good afternoon, why are you here?

Groom: For the bride!

M: Oh, we’re in quarantine, we can’t let anyone in. What to do? Could you come another day? Preferably next week, when the ban on visiting is lifted.

The groom gives a negative answer and says that they are having a wedding today and are expected at the registry office.

M: Oh-oh-oh, what a pity. Well, I can talk to some doctors to check you out. But you understand that no one will do this for nothing.

Witnesses place a bottle on the table or put several banknotes in the nurse's pocket.

M: Well, since you are serious, let's go inside. You will be examined, and if you pass all the medical tests, you will be allowed in to see your beloved.

The group, led by a nurse, enters the entrance and encounters a therapist on the first floor.

T: Yes! I don’t understand why there are strangers on the premises?! Zhannochka, what kind of violation of the regime, did you want to talk to the head doctor?

M: Tamara Georgievna, look at the young people, they came for the bride. Well, how could you not put yourself in their position? Maybe we can do an unscheduled inspection so they can get to the girl?

T: Eh, Zhannochka... Well, okay, who is the groom? Come over, I’ll see that you’re not sick, and I’ll decide what other doctors you should see.

So, the lymph nodes are normal, look up... The whites of the eyes are clean. Now open your mouth, you don’t seem to be sick. Well, then visit an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. If they confirm that he is healthy, then I will let you go to the bride. Keep the directions, I'll go and have some tea.

Zhannochka, escort the young people, otherwise they will get lost like the girl last week, then we will look for them on all floors.

Everyone goes up to the next floor and sees the ENT office. The doctor looks up and asks the nurse: Did something happen? What the men came with, I thought we were closed.

M: Yes, they urgently need to get into the territory, Tamara Georgievna said to undergo an examination.

L: I see, well, we’ll check. Let's start with hearing, groom, turn around. I will ask you riddles, and you must hear them and answer them correctly.

The doctor asks a riddle in a whisper, and the man must give the correct answer. If he didn’t hear the question, guessed incorrectly, or couldn’t figure out what to say, then his friends should put a bill in the nurse’s pocket for each such case.

L: Well, your hearing is normal. Ultimately, it can be developed, but this is your own business. Now let's check how healthy your throat is. You need to read the text or sing a love song as quickly and loudly as possible. Here I have several to choose from.

The man chooses a verse or song, after which the nurse turns on the desired melody. After this, the groom must sing the text loudly and expressively.

I hear that your ligaments are fine. Thank you for pleasing us with your soulful performance. Now let's check your nose, and you are free to go.

Here are some paper strips, each of them smells like a certain perfume. You need to choose which scent your loved one prefers.

The groom sniffs all the strips and gives the doctor the one that smells like the bride. If he is mistaken, then the witnesses will have to pay a fine “for inattention.” When a man guesses the right scent, he is sent to the next doctor.

There is an ophthalmologist on the next floor: Good afternoon, have you decided to have your eyes checked? Well, that's commendable. Stand behind the line and close one eye.

Zhanna, please take the eye scapula to the patient.

Now look at the board with your left eye and read what this number is. – The doctor points to the largest number. – Great, but what is this number associated with? I can give you a little hint, it refers to your beloved.

The numbers hide the bride's physical parameters, favorite day of the week, parents' birthdays, etc.

Well, your eyesight is good, as is your memory. Now I will record this on the outpatient sheet, and you can undergo your final examination.

Participants rise to the platform in front of the bride's door.

A neurologist is waiting for them there: Hello, are you ready to test your nerves? Sit down on a chair and let me knock you lightly. Well, the reflexes are normal. What about the reaction speed?

The doctor moves away from the patient and throws him a ball, and the man must catch it. After this, the doctor moves further away and repeats the procedure. This happens 2-3 times until the inventory runs out.

If they want to complicate the competition, then the groom is given balls and asked to use themjuggle. When a man has experience, then you can give three objects, but if he has never done this, then you should limit yourself to two balls.

Well, the reaction is good, you can go to Tamara Georgievna, she will look at the results of the examination.

T: Have you visited everyone? Amazing! Give us a bypass sheet here, let's see if you can be allowed to see the bride. Wow, what good results! You are completely healthy and can get married. Congratulations!

In this video there is a very funny bride price in a medical style:

A medical-style ransom is always very unusual and allows you to disguise almost any competition as an examination. At the same time, the tests look very organic, the main thing is to choose the right props. What other doctors can the groom go through, and what kind of tasks can he prepare?

Recently, before the wedding, they have come up with a rather original bride ransom scenario. This allows you to add more vivid impressions and positive emotions to the holiday. One such unique scenario is a hospital-style bride price.

Bride ransom scenario in hospital style

The ransom scenario can begin with the young man approaching the entrance where the bride’s apartment is located. A girl in a hospital gown and with a characteristic sign indicating that the medical institution is currently under quarantine does not let him in. There is a red tape stretched near the entrance to the entrance, preventing passage.

The girl with the sign (witness) does not let the groom through, finds out from him the reason for the emergency entrance to the entrance. The young man claims that today he and his fiancée are getting married. The witness at this moment shouts to the chief doctor through the window, supposedly wanting to find out if they have a patient with the last name named by her future husband. The head doctor replies that she is lying down and has already recovered, so the young man can be allowed into the hospital so that he can take the patient with him to the registry office.

The groom takes a step, but the witness still doesn’t let him in, claiming that you can’t go to the hospital without shoe covers. In addition, due to quarantine, the groom must wear a mask. The girl standing next to the tray offers to buy the groom shoe covers and a gauze bandage costing about 20 rubles for both individually. This is the bride price in the medical style.

Bride price on the 1st floor: therapeutic department

The doctor examines the future husband’s throat and claims that it is very red and he cannot go further to the hospital. To determine the severity of the disease, you need to sing a love song loudly, and he begins to sing. The therapist says that the disease is serious and pours medicine into the young man’s throat with a syringe. To go further you need to pay 150 rubles for treatment and go to the next psychiatry department on the 2nd flight.

Bride ransom on the 2nd flight of stairs: Department of Psychiatry

In the psychiatric ward, the hospital ransom script invites the groom to undergo a short medical examination by a psychiatrist (the bride's friend). The doctor shows the young man pictures symbolizing different objects. The sign of infinity is a long life together for young people, the sign of the Olympic Games is wedding rings, 2 lemons resemble a woman’s breasts. While conducting a medical examination, the psychiatrist also shows the groom different numbers, which could indicate the bride's shoe size or her mother's date of birth. If the medical examination is passed, the psychiatrist gives the groom a certificate stating that he is healthy. The young man moves on.

Bride price on the 2nd floor: maternity ward

The maternity ward scenario pits the groom against a midwife who stands next to dolls lying on chairs. She asks if he has been examined by a GP and a psychiatrist. The groom replies that he has passed and the girl asks him to help change her two babies under the pretext that she will not let the young man into the bride’s room. The groom, together with his brother or friend, must put a diaper on the dolls, swaddle them and tie a beautiful bow within 30 seconds. After the maternity ward, the scenario brings the groom and guests closer to the bride’s room (ward).

There is a sign on the door of the bride's room that says that the girl is ready for discharge and can be picked up. The groom enters and is greeted again by the witness. She asks about the medical examination and the maternity ward, the groom says that everything went well.

Next, the witness asks the patient about her health. The bride replies that everything is fine. The witness gives recommendations after discharge, telling the groom that he and his future wife should have a good rest in warm countries after the wedding, supposedly this will be good for her.

The scenario at the end of the ransom turns so that the bride’s shoes in the hospital are missing, and she has shoe covers on her feet. The witness, after searching for shoes a little, offers the groom to buy new good shoes for 300 rubles. The young man pays and is given shoes, which he then puts on his beloved’s feet. After the groom has passed the medical examination and he has already taken his beloved from the ward, the ransom participants congratulate them on their wedding and wish them never to go to the hospital.

The hospital ransom style is very original of its kind. This scenario is sure to amuse the audience. When the groom undergoes a medical examination by a therapist and psychiatrist, his friends can actively participate in helping their friend move on faster.

A charge of good mood and vivid impressions will undoubtedly be present in all guests at the wedding, and the newlyweds will remember this ransom with a smile while watching the videos in their wedding album.