Methods for diagnosing professionally important personality traits. Methods for diagnosing professional suitability. Documentary support for personnel diagnostics

Compiled by: Ph.D.

Date posted on the website: 02/25/2014

Diagnostics of professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher

In order to diagnose the professionally significant personal qualities of a preschool teacher, we propose to use a scheme for studying the professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher. The teacher studies such PLCs as: empathy, reflexivity, sociability, personality flexibility, ability to cooperate, emotional appeal.

Table 1.

Scheme for studying professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher.

PZLK teacher

Psychodiagnostic technique


GOKK method ()

Methodology for determining the level of reflexivity (, eva).

Determining the level of formation of pedagogical reflection ().


GOKK method ()

Diagnosis of the level of empathy ().

Emotional empathy ().


GOKK technique

Test to assess self-control in communication (M. Snyder)

Personality flexibility

Methodology for measuring rigidity ()

Ability to collaborate

GOKK technique

Test "30 proverbs"

Methodology for diagnosing a communication installation ()

Emotional appeal

GOKK technique

Let us present some of the indicated techniques.

GOKK method ().

According to the GOKK (group assessment of communicative competence) methodology, each expert is asked to consider six professionally significant qualities of a teacher and three communicative functions. The characteristics of each of them consist of eight indicators, which the expert must evaluate with a certain number of points. The names of qualities and communication functions are not given on the numbered registration forms. Form No. 1 serves to assess empathy, No. 2 – the ability to reflect; No. 3 – sociability; No. 4 – personality flexibility (in thinking, behavior) No. 5 – ability to cooperate, contact; No. 6 – emotional attractiveness of the teacher; No. 7 – functions of influence; No. 8 – functions of the organization; No. 9 – information transfer functions.

Each quality and function is assessed on a 6-point scale:

Often, pronounced – 5

It appears more often than not – 4

Intermittent, situational – 3

Very rarely – 2

Never – 1

I can’t rate it – 0.

There is no time limit for answers.

To obtain an objective opinion about the teacher’s manifestation of PLC and the level of his communicative competence, it is necessary that there be at least 15 experts from each group (teachers, parents).

Frequency of occurrence, points

1. Well understands the child’s mood

2. Attentive to the child and his problems

3. Shows love and respect for children

4. Be attentive to the child’s mood

5. Takes into account the child’s emotional state during the lesson

6. Ready to respond emotionally to your interlocutor’s problems

7. Sympathizes with the child during his failures

8. Shows respect for the child’s personality

Total points

Average quality score

Communicative qualities of a teacher

Frequency of occurrence, points

1. Is interested in and takes into account the opinions of children

2. Knows how to restrain himself, even when children are wrong.

3. Can publicly admit his mistakes.

4. Takes into account the interests and inclinations of the children

5. Considers his previous mistakes

6. Shows calm and restraint in difficult situations

7. Seeks constant feedback

8. Is critical of his actions and actions.

Total points

Average quality score

Communicative qualities of a teacher

Frequency of occurrence, points

1.Talks about his difficulties and experiences to his interaction partners

2. Easily connects with most children

Questions :

10. Test “Test your leadership qualities and knowledge of management” M. Yarmarkt 11. Test “Leadership style” A.A. Zhuravleva

12. Test "Assessing your leadership style"

13. Test "Diagnostics of the level of self-esteem of a leader's personality"

14. Test "Check what kind of leader you are"

15. Test "Assessment of personal qualities of a leader"

16. Test “Methodology for assessing the empathy of a leader” by A. Mehrabian and N. Epstein

Part 1: (1 – 9 questions)

1. Methodology for determining the management style of a work team

2. Test “Diagnostics of professional competence and effectiveness of managers at different levels”

3. Test “Assessing the competitiveness of a company”

4. Methodology “Need for restructuring”

5. Test “Test yourself - your readiness to start your own business” F. Sram

6. Test "Are you capable of becoming a leader"

7. Test "Characteristics" (to assess the business and personal qualities of a manager)

8. Test "Assessment of predisposition to management activities"

9. Methodology for determining organizational and communication qualities of L.P. Kalininsky



Diagnostic purpose. Identify several styles of workforce management.

Testing procedure. The test includes several groups of questions, each of them is divided into 3 statements, conventionally designated by the letters a, b and c. In order to answer the questions correctly, you need to carefully read the proposed text and, from the three answer-statement options, choose only one that most matches the leadership style in your work team. Testing can be carried out either by the entire team or by each individual individually. In the first case, the test results will be more convincing, since they will be more devoid of subjectivity.

Stimulus material.

Test text.

1. Your company produces a group of goods that are not in great demand among customers. Competitors have developed a new technology for producing the same goods, which are of high quality, but require additional capital investment. What would your manager do in this situation?

a) will continue to produce goods that are not in demand among buyers;

b) issue an order for the speedy introduction of new technologies into production;

c) will spend additional funds on developing its own new technologies in order to ensure that the products are superior in quality to those of competitors.

2. Imagine that you work in a car factory. One of your employees recently returned from a business trip to attend an exhibition of new automotive products. He proposed to modernize one of the car models produced by the plant. Your plant manager:

a) will take an active part in the development of a new idea and will make every effort to quickly put it into production;

c) will order the development of a new idea to the appropriate personnel;

c) before introducing this innovation into production, your manager will convene a collegial meeting, at which a general decision will be made on the advisability of modernizing the car you are producing.

3. At a collegial meeting, one of the employees proposed the most rational solution to one of the problems that arose in your work team. However, this decision is completely contrary to the proposal that your manager previously made. In this situation he:

a) will support a rational solution proposed by the employee;

c) will defend his point of view;

c) conduct a survey of employees that will help to reach a consensus.

4. Your team has done a lot of labor-intensive work, which has not brought you the desired success (profit). Your leader:

a) will ask you to redo all the work by hiring new, more qualified personnel;

c) discuss the current problem with employees in order to find out the reasons for the failure in order to avoid them in the future;

c) will try to find the employees responsible for the failure (who failed to do their job).

5. A journalist who works for a newspaper that is popular with readers has come to your organization. If you were asked to list the valuable qualities of your leader, which ones would you name first:

a) qualifications, exactingness;

c) awareness of all difficulties arising at the enterprise; the ability to quickly make the right decision;

c) equal treatment of all employees, the ability to compromise.

6. One of the employees made a minor mistake in his work, but it will take a lot of time to eliminate it. What do you think your manager will do in this situation?

a) reprimand this employee in the presence of his colleagues, in order to prevent similar mistakes in the future;

c) make a remark in private, without attracting the attention of other employees;

c) will not attach much importance to this event.

7. A position has become vacant at your company. Several employees of the company are applying for it at once. Your manager's actions:

a) would prefer that a worthy applicant be selected by collective voting;

c) he will be appointed by the leader himself;

c) before appointing a person to this position, the manager will consult only with some members of the team.

8. Is it customary in your team to show personal initiative when solving an issue that is not directly related to the activities of the entire enterprise?

a) all decisions are made only by the head of the enterprise;

c) our company welcomes the personal initiative of employees;

c) when making an independent decision, before taking action, an employee of the enterprise must consult with the manager.

9. In general, assessing the activities of your manager, you can say that he...

a) is completely absorbed in the problems that arise in your production, so that even in his free time he thinks about their reasonable solution. He is as demanding of others as he is of himself;

c) refers to those managers who believe that for fruitful work in a team there must be equal, democratic relations between employees;

c) your manager does not actively participate in the management of the enterprise, always acts according to a certain scheme, and does not strive to improve in areas little known to him.

10. The manager invited you and other employees to the anniversary. Usually in an informal setting he:

a) speaks with employees only about work, about plans to expand production, about increasing the workforce, etc., while it is he who sets the main tone of the conversation;

c) prefers to remain in the shadows in order to provide an opportunity for interlocutors and work colleagues to express their point of view on an issue that interests them, to tell an entertaining episode from their life;

c) takes an active part in the conversation, without imposing his opinion on other interlocutors, without defending a point of view opposite to all other participants in the conversation.

11. The manager asked you to quickly complete the work that you started very recently, which will take you additional time, your actions:

a) immediately begin to implement it as quickly as possible, since you do not want to seem like a non-performing employee and value the opinion that your manager has about you;

c) complete this work, but a little later, since the boss will first of all evaluate the quality of its performance;

c) try to meet the deadlines proposed by the manager, but do not guarantee the high quality of its implementation. In our team, the main thing is to complete the work on time.

12. Imagine that your manager’s office is temporarily occupied (it is being renovated), so he will have to work in your office for several days. How will you feel?

a) you will constantly be nervous, afraid, afraid of making any mistake in his presence.

c) you will be very happy about this, since this is another opportunity to exchange work experience with an experienced, interesting person;

c) the presence of the manager will not affect your work in any way.

13. You returned from advanced training courses and learned a lot of useful and valuable things for your future work. The manager gave you a small assignment, and you used the knowledge acquired in the courses to complete it. What do you think your management will do?

An aerosol can (Fig. 1) consists of a body 1, a valve 6 with a removable head 7 and a siphon tube 2. The body contains a mixture of saturated vapors of the defectoscopic material and propellant 5. When the valve is pressed, the solution of the defectoscopic material 4 is pressurized by the propellant 5, being in a gaseous state, passes through a siphon tube and reaches the controlled surface of the product in a finely dispersed form.

The conversion of flaw detection material into an aerosol occurs as follows. When valve 6 opens by pressing it from above with the removable head 7, the contents of the cylinder communicate with the atmosphere through a siphon tube. The solution, entering conditions of normal pressure, instantly loses the easily volatilizing propellant, and the stream turns into many tiny particles of the mixture, the composition of which changes as it moves away from the cylinder. At a distance of about 100 mm (zone A), aerosol particles 8 have not yet been formed; at a distance of about 200 mm (zone B), the aerosol is already a mixture of 9 flaw detection composition with freon vapor; at a distance of about 300 mm (zone C), aerosol 10 does not contain freon - at this distance controlled products should be placed, for example welds 11.

During operation, the freon in the cylinder gradually changes from a liquid to a gaseous state at a constant pressure inside the cylinder, so the spray of the mixture remains constant as the materials are sprayed. During operation, the volume occupied by freon gradually increases as a result of the consumption of mixture materials. The main condition for reliable operation of the cylinder is the cleanliness of the valve assembly and the serviceability of the removable head, which is removed when recharging the cylinders. To clean, the valve assembly is removed after removing the head, washed in acetone or some other solvent, then blown with compressed air. Flaw detection materials in the form of aerosols retain their properties for a long time and are always ready for use. In addition, during use, their loss is eliminated, since they do not dry out or spill. An aerosol flaw detection kit usually includes one bottle with penetrant, two with cleaning liquid and three with developer (developing varnish). Standard cylinders have a capacity of 208, 385 and 575 cm3
Aerosol kits are used to control various products. For example, parts made of heat-resistant alloys are controlled using the Aero-12A (a) kit, and parts made of light alloys - using the Aero-12A (k) kit.

There are limited and complete analysis of indicator patterns of defects.

In a limited analysis, only the geometry and dimensions of the pattern are studied. Products are rejected if the number and sizes of detected strokes, lines and dots exceed the permissible specifications. Such an analysis provides high control performance, allows the use of specialists with low qualifications, but can lead to unreasonable rejection of products with a complex surface or low processing cleanliness.

A complete analysis of a drawing involves studying its location, direction, color, brightness and other features. Such an analysis requires a more thorough inspection of products using sophisticated equipment, performed by highly qualified inspectors.

The specialist must be able to distinguish between real and imaginary defects. Imaginary defects include various changes allowed by specifications in the quality of the material of products, their microgeometry, minor damage and contamination of the surface, causing the formation of indicator patterns, the main features of which are similar to the patterns of real defects. Imaginary defects appear when the penetrant is incompletely removed from the surface of the product, as well as when it is impossible to remove it from narrow deep damage to the surface layer of the material, especially those containing traces of contamination and corrosion. Therefore, defect analysis is performed using additional features, the main ones of which are the following:

  • location of the drawing;
  • the direction of the lines of the drawings relative to the axis of symmetry of the product and the current loads;
  • color, brightness and saturation of the picture;
  • the rate of formation of the pattern and the nature of its change over time;
  • configuration of drawing lines, presence of kinks and branches;
  • clarity and degree of similarity of the contours of the drawing lines;
  • developer microrelief in the drawing area;
  • the presence of a similar pattern in adjacent areas of the product.
Sometimes it is enough to consider two or three additional signs. In difficult cases, an analysis is carried out based on all additional characteristics or additional control of the product by other methods is used.

With a complete analysis, the greatest reliability of control is achieved, losses from unreasonable rejection of products are reduced, and it is possible to control products with a complex surface, as well as those that have been in use.

Sometimes defect analysis is performed by comparing the resulting defectograms with reference ones, which are produced as follows. In color control, liquid K and paint M are used as a penetrant, and the developing paint is applied with a paint sprayer in a slightly thicker layer than in conventional control. After drying, the paint film is carefully cut off and placed between two plexiglass plates. In such defectograms, the pattern of cracks is preserved for one to two years.

For luminescent testing, to produce reference defectograms that last for a long time, any of the following liquids are used as a penetrant:

amyl alcohol - 40%; butyl acetate - 20%; xylene - 20%a; diethyl phthalate - 15%o; emulsifier OP-7 (OP-10)-5%Q; phosphor 490RT - 20 g/l;

acetone-50%; ethyl acetate-20%; benzyl acetate-20%o; di-ethyl phthalate-5%; emulsifier OP-7 (OP-10) - 5%; phosphor 490RT - 20 g/l;

acetone - 55%; xylene - 25%; dimethylformamide -15%; emulsifier 0P-7 (OP-10) - 5%4; phosphor 490RT - 20 g/l.

These liquids have the same sensitivity and the same luminescence color as the LV-6A liquid. PR-1 paint with the addition of 10...15% acetone is used as a developer. A paint film with a crack pattern is obtained and stored in the same way as for color control.

There are visual, photoelectric, television and instrumental methods for detecting indicator traces.

In the visual method, the operator examines the visible indicator trace of a discontinuity identified by the luminescent, color, fluorescent-color or brightness method.

In the photoelectric method, the results of measuring the luminous flux with a photocell are analyzed. To do this, the product is placed in a darkened chamber and exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The photocell registers the glow in the visible region.

In the television method, the signal from a visible indicator trace of a discontinuity is displayed on a display screen or recorded on magnetic tape for subsequent playback. Television detection allows you to adjust the contrast and brightness of the defect image, which increases the sensitivity of inspection and improves working conditions. operator.

With the instrumental detection method, a signal about the presence of a defect is obtained by registering it using special instruments that take into account radioactive radiation or acoustic pulses of indicator substances located in the defect cavities.

If it is necessary to fix indicator traces of defects, coatings are used that form a thin film after drying. Typically the following composition is used:

ether-alcohol solution of collodion (70%), benzene (20%), acetone (10%) and 50 g of thickly ground zinc white per 1 liter of mixture. Sometimes inspection of indicator patterns is accompanied by their photographic registration with special light filters.

When using aerosol kits, the surfaces of the controlled products are thoroughly cleaned of carbon deposits and paint coatings, degreased and wiped. Penetrant is periodically applied to the cleaned surface from an aerosol can from a distance of approximately 300 mm in several layers with breaks of at least 2 minutes. Then the product is washed with warm water or wiped with a wet rag. Finally, it is washed generously with the contents of an aerosol can with a cleaner, left for 30...60 s, after which the cleaning composition is quickly removed with warm water.

The controlled area of ​​the surface is wiped with a gauze swab slightly moistened with a cleaning composition, after which the swab is examined (in the case of using colored materials - in daylight, luminescent - in ultraviolet irradiation). If traces of penetrant are visible on it, then the previous operations are repeated, doubling the exposure time of the cleaning composition. Then the product is quickly wiped with a dry cloth or dried in a stream of clean air, and to remove moisture, the drying time should be minimal (usually 3 ... 5 minutes). After drying, a developing varnish is applied to the surface of the product from an aerosol can, shaking it thoroughly before doing so. To avoid the formation of large drops of varnish, which impair the quality of development, the aerosol jet is turned on and off away from the product. The developer is applied in a thin, uniform, shiny layer, then dried for 15...30 minutes. To obtain the highest sensitivity of control, 15 minutes after the start of drying, the product is heated and then inspected in daylight or ultraviolet irradiation.

When using aerosol cans with a useful volume of 340 cm 3, the penetrant is enough to control a surface area of ​​6 m 2, and the developer is 4 m 2.


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  • n1.doc

    UDC 378 .l (075) BBK 74.584 i 73

    Published by decision of the Editorial and Publishing Council of Belgorod State University

    Shapovalova, I.S.

    Ш 24 Diagnostics of professionally important qualities of co-

    Social worker: Educational method, manual / I. S. Shapovalova. - Belgorod: BelSU Publishing House, 2004. - 80 p.

    This educational and methodological manual is intended for students studying in the specialty “social work”. It proposes a comprehensive program for diagnosing the professional suitability of potential specialists and a methodology for constructing a personal professional profile.

    UDC 378.) (075) BBK 74.584 i 73

    © Belgorod State University, 2004


    We offer you methodological developments, the purpose of which is to determine the level of development of professionally important qualities in a social worker (present or future).

    Here you will find a description of the special qualities of a social worker, a rationale for their necessity in his professional work, a diagnosis that is accessible even to a non-specialist, an interpretation of its results and proposals for correcting or developing the qualities necessary in social work.

    Our developments will help you get a more complete understanding of the professional personal qualities of a social worker, his moral and ethical character and check how your own psychological portrait fits into this framework. Thanks to your own professional profile built as a result, it will be easier for you to work on yourself or you will be able to come to terms with the difficulties that you may encounter in the workplace.

    The manual focuses on diagnosing the qualities of the tolerant-empathetic block, which are professionally important for students of the specialty “social work”.

    As studies conducted among students majoring in social work show, the main problems of professional compliance are identified precisely among the indicators of tolerance and empathy of future specialists (Table 1).

    Table 1

    Analyzing the average indicators, one cannot help but pay attention to the following problematic issues:

    1. low level of altruism;

    1. the categorical nature of others’ assessments and the tendency to evaluate people based on one’s own “I” are quite strong;

    1. low level of communicative tolerance;

    1. the level of empathy for older people is very low (these are the first clients of a social worker);

    2. the general level of goodwill does not exceed average indicators;

    3. the average professionalism index for the tolerant-empathetic block reaches 5.3 points.
    Based on the data obtained, we will construct a diagram of the special professional qualities of the future social worker (diagram 1).

    Diagram 1


    Professionalism as one of the leading components of social work is formed on the basis of personal and professional qualities, value orientations and interests of a social worker. The development of these qualities and formations, entry into the real model of professional activity is facilitated by solving the following tasks:

    1) development of personal interest in the chosen profession;

    1. formation of initial ideas about the basics of professional work;

    2. formation of professional and motivational attitudes for future activities;
    4) formation of professional and personal “I-concept”.
    To decide on your future profession, you need

    Construct a vector of your professional goal, i.e. answer the following questions:

    1. What do you expect from your future profession? (Form a system of expectations.)

    2. What do you need to do in your professional activity to achieve success?

    3. What can you do to realize your own personal interests and qualities?
    When considering the unity of personality and activity as an important basis for the professional and personal development of a social work specialist, it is necessary to take into account such essential characteristics as professional competence and professionalism.

    Under professional competence is understood as a system of scientific and practical knowledge, skills and abilities formed in the process of training and self-education that influence the quality of solving professional problems, the presence of personal and professional qualities necessary in business and partner communication with people when solving their life problems.

    Professionalism - this is a high, stable level of knowledge, skills and abilities, allowing to achieve the greatest efficiency in professional activities. This is not only the maximum development of abilities, but also deep and extensive knowledge in the field of activity in which this professionalism is manifested, as well as non-standard mastery of the skills that are necessary for this activity to be successful.

    The mission of a social worker is noble, but the conditions for its implementation are far from ideal: by solving other people’s problems, considering it his professional duty, on the one hand, and his destiny, on the other, the social worker helps socially ill people and society to free themselves from negative phenomena: ineffective life positions , imperfect social relations, behavioral stereotypes, negative attitudes, aggression, fears, tension, etc. By teaching people to solve their problems independently, a social worker thereby raises social consciousness to a new level; he uses his professional ideas and personal capabilities to influence the growth of self-awareness of an individual, community, nation and humanity. Only a mature person, internally and professionally prepared to solve the social problems facing him, is capable of fulfilling this mission.

    Surely this maturity can come with experience. But how likely this “could” is is difficult to predict with certainty. The profession of a social worker belongs to the category of professions that require not only knowledge, skills, and abilities, but above all desire, drive, and attitude towards their work. Social work does not tolerate indifference; it requires love and complete dedication. In this activity, more than in any other, internal motivation is necessary (love for people, the desire to help them, the desire to communicate with them), because the external motive (prestige, convenience, earnings, etc.) will turn, first of all, against the specialist himself, so how to pretend to be humane and sociable is actually not so simple.

    Undoubtedly, an internal desire for activity can appear in a specialist along with experience, but for this, from the very beginning a person must have the appropriate inclinations.

    These inclinations must first of all be reflected in the empathic abilities of the individual: the ability to sympathize, the ability to empathize, to put oneself in the place of another person, to see a social problem not only from the practical (business, bureaucratic) side, but also from the psychological side.

    But at the same time, and this is the paradox of the profession of a social worker, a specialist must have the ability to self-regulate emotions, restraint, calm, prudence (even some coldness), the ability to quickly restore the psychological balance of feelings, and forget about the emotions that he saw. This is a very important property. Its necessity is obvious for a number of external and internal reasons:

    1. External reasons:

    A) an excessive emotional reaction can turn on the mechanism
    emotional contagion and strengthening of those negative feelings that
    the client experiences

    B) despite the fact that clients like the way their situation is
    causes an emotional reaction, they come to people for help
    ku, capable of bringing order to their feelings, and not exacerbating chaos
    own emotions, which may result in doubt
    in the competence of a specialist.

    2. Internal reasons:

    A) violent emotional reaction to the social situation
    tion of the client may affect the quality of counseling and acceptance
    solutions to problems with which the client turns to social

    B) long experience of the problems of one client can say -
    on the effectiveness of working with other clients;

    C) the inability to forget emotions, to “throw off” unnecessary
    information, the accumulation of an “emotional coma” leads to
    “burnout” of a specialist, to stress, depression, illness, professional
    nal unsuitability.

    There is also no doubt that a social worker must have appropriate communication skills. And here the matter is not limited only to a person’s sociability. You may want to, but not be able to communicate. Communication abilities consist of a combination of all of the above inclinations: the desire to communicate, empathy in communication, the ability to support a person through communication, help him, but at the same time these are also qualities such as tolerance in communication (the ability to accept other people, treat them tolerantly) , the ability to restrain oneself (one's emotions, aggressiveness, conflict), etc.

    Of course, the profession of a social worker puts forward a number of general requirements for a specialist (activity, flexibility of thinking and flexibility in activity, low fatigue, etc. - we will talk about them below), but the above four groups of characteristics are the most important for a specialist in the field of social work .


    In the previous section, a lot was said about the qualities necessary for a social worker and the specifics of his work. The difficulty of diagnosing the professional suitability of a specialist lies in the fact that all the variety of requirements must be reduced to specific requirements that characterize various aspects of the development of a person’s personality. Only after this it becomes possible to formulate methodological support for the vocational guidance procedure.

    All the qualities necessary for a social worker can be divided into 6 main blocks:

    1. Features of temperament.

    2. General personality characteristics.

    3. Motivational attitudes of the individual.

    4. Communication characteristics and personality abilities.

    5. Emotional personality characteristics.

    6. Level and characteristics of personality tolerance. Let us dwell in more detail on the description of each block, then
    Let's move directly to the psychodiagnostics of personal qualities related to each of them. Below will be methods that will allow you to learn more about yourself, many of them will contain indicators that will then be included in your personal profile of compliance with the requirements of the profession. Therefore, when answering test questions, write down your final results, rating them on a ten-point scale, in the tables provided for this.

    Diagnosis of psychodynamic personality properties

    Purpose. The technique is aimed at determining the basic psychodynamic personal properties that determine the specificity of the activity-based personal-group style.

    Instructions. You are asked to answer questions regarding your usual behavior. Try to imagine typical situations and give the answer that comes to mind first.


    1. Do you like to be in company often?

    2. Do you avoid having things that are unreliable, fragile, although beautiful?

    3. Do you often have ups and downs in your mood?

    4. Do you speak very quickly during a conversation?

    5. Do you like work that requires full exertion of your strength and abilities?

    6. Does it happen that you spread rumors?

    7. Do you consider yourself a very cheerful and cheerful person?

    8. Do you get very used to certain clothes, their color and cut, so that you are reluctant to change them to something else?

    9. Do you often feel that you need people who understand you, who can encourage you or console you?

    10. Do you write very quickly?
    P. Are you looking for a job or occupation for yourself, although you could relax?

    1. Does it ever happen that you don't keep your promises?

    2. Do you have a lot of good friends?
    14. Do you find it difficult to tear yourself away from a department in which you are engrossed?
    and switch to something else?

    15. Do you often feel guilty?

    1. Do you usually walk very quickly, regardless of whether you are in a hurry or not?

    2. At school, did you struggle with difficult problems until you solved them?

    1. Does it happen that sometimes you think worse than usual?

    2. Is it easy for you to get along with strangers?

    1. Do you often plan how you will behave during a meeting, conversation, etc.?

    2. Are you quick-tempered and easily vulnerable? Are you offended by any hints or jokes made about you?
    22. During a conversation, do you usually gesture quickly?

    1. Do you most often wake up fresh and well rested in the morning?

    2. Do you ever have thoughts that you would not want others to know?
    25. Do you like to make fun of others?

    26. Are you inclined to thoroughly check your
    thoughts before telling them to anyone?

    1. Do you often have nightmares?

    2. Do you usually remember and assimilate new educational material easily?

    3. Are you so active that it is difficult for you to be idle even for a few hours?

    4. Have you ever lost your temper when angry?

    5. Is it easy for you to bring some life into a rather boring company?

    6. Do you usually think for quite a long time when making even a not very important decision?
    33.You have been told that you take everything too personally


    1. Do you like to play games that require speed and good reactions?

    2. If something doesn’t work out for you for a long time, do you usually still try to do it?

    3. Have you ever had at least a short-term feeling of irritation towards your parents?

    1. Do you consider yourself an open and sociable person?

    2. Do you usually find it difficult to take on new business?

    3. Does the feeling that you are somehow worse than others bother you?

    1. Do you usually find it difficult to do things with slow and unhurried people?

    2. During the day, can you do something productive for a long time without feeling tired?

    1. Do you have habits that you need to break?

    2. Are you sometimes mistaken for a carefree person?
    44. Do you consider someone who likes you to be a good friend?
    reliable and verified?

    45. Can you get angry quickly?

    46.During a discussion, do you usually quickly find an appropriate answer?

    1. Can you force yourself to do something for a long time and productively, without distractions?

    2. Does it happen that you talk about things that you don’t understand at all?

    Processing and interpretation of results

    Verification of test results begins with determining the reliability of the test subject's answers based on the sincerity indicator. To do this, for this indicator, the numbers matching from

    Vetov “yes” to the questions posed (counting is done line by line according to the sincerity indicator in key to the questionnaire). The resulting numbers are multiplied by the corresponding coefficients (3, 2 or 1 point). The same is done with the answer “no” (in our case, if the subject’s answer to question 23 coincides with the answer “no”, then he is assigned 1 point). After this, the total points for the “yes” and “no” answers are calculated.

    If the total score is 13-20 points, this means that the answers are quite reliable. With 8-12 points, answers are considered doubtful, with 0-7 points - unreliable.

    In the same way as described above, the total points for the remaining indicators (temperament properties) are calculated.

    Enter your result in the table. 2, multiply by the proposed coefficient and write down the final result in a ten-point system.

    table 2

    Translation of indicators of psychodynamic personality properties into a ten-point system

    Properties of temperament

    Answers "yes"


    Answers "no"







    1,7.13,19.25. 31,37,44,3







    8, 26, 32, 2.14,20,38.44

    3 2

    37 19,46

    2 1



    Emotional excitability

    15, 21.33, 39,45, 3,9, 27

    3 2 1



    Rate of reactions

    4,16,28, 10.22,34,40. 46, 17,29,37

    3 2





    5,11, 17,23,29, 35,41,47,10

    3 1






    30,36,42,48, 6,12, 18,24.25

    3 2 1




    Analysis of results

    1. Indicator extraversion makes it possible to assess how much a person strives to interact with people, to communicate with

    Nimi. With high scores, a person is considered an extrovert and belongs to sanguine or choleric people - it will be easier for such people to fulfill the duties of a social worker, contacts with people will not be a burden to them.

    1. Rigidity - this is a state in which there is a decrease in switchable™, adaptability of mental processes to changing environmental conditions. The higher its indicator, the more difficult it is for a person to maintain the pace and quality of activity for a long time. This characteristic is important for any type of activity that requires long-term concentration and interest in the process. Ideally, its score should not exceed 3 points. The higher the rigidity, the more often you will have to take breaks in your activities, the higher the likelihood of errors, i.e., if you have high rigidity, do not look for a field of activity where you need to produce quick and accurate results throughout the entire work process.

    2. Emotional excitability. Its excess can lead to the problem of containing emotions and feelings in a situation where it is necessary to soberly assess the client’s problem and find an option to help him. The lack of this characteristic will lead to difficulties in understanding the client's condition. Therefore, it is best if the indicator of emotional excitability is within 5 points.

    3. Rate of reaction. It is better if the indicator of this characteristic is above 6 points. Echo will allow you to quickly and effectively find a solution to any issue and respond to difficult situations that may arise when working with a client.

    4. Activity. For any activity, an active worker is preferable. Therefore, it is best if the activity indicator exceeds 6 battles. this will allow you (with the appropriate character traits) to take initiative in your work, fulfill the work assignments assigned to you and, most importantly, infect your clients with your activity (and most of them are socially inactive people).
    Speaking about the temperament of a social worker, we can distinguish two main types, preferable in various types of social work:

    1. sanguine - necessary when working with people, when organizing social projects;

    2. phlegmatic - necessary for document management and management of social assistance institutions.
    Definition of activity style

    Purpose. The methodology is intended to determine various ways of perception, thinking, communication, etc. and is known as the AOSO method - analytical review of learning style. Based on the analysis of your behavior in five activity types, it is possible to assess your preferred activity style.

    Instructions. In each of the five points of the proposed program, circle the number that is the answer to the question posed. Fill out all the points in the program this way. As a result, you will have a self-calculated key to interpreting the AOS results.

    The total time of working with the texts of the methodology should not exceed 30 minutes. Do not hesitate for a long time, immediately move from one answer to another.

    In each paragraph, circle the number that expresses the method of memorization that is acceptable to you:

    1. - never;

    2. - Sometimes;

    3. - Often;

    4. - Always.
    Type of activity No. !





    I use colored pencils to highlight what I need to remember.






    I need clarification on the exercises I do






    Extraneous noises irritate me during class






    I must look at people to understand what they are talking about






    I work better in a room with posters and illustrations on the walls






    I remember better if I read information out loud






    I I learn better by listening to lectures and educational tapes than by reading






    I need verbal instructions for exercises






    Listening helps me think






    I love to study and think to music






    I can easily understand what is said, even if I don’t see the person speaking





    I usually don't remember the people themselves, but I remember what they said






    I have a good memory for an anecdote or joke I once heard






    I easily recognize people by their voices






    When I turn on the TV, I listen more than I watch.






    I start the exercise without paying attention to the explanations for it






    I need frequent breaks during classes or work






    I move my lips when I read to myself






    I don't like studying at a desk and avoid it whenever possible.






    I get nervous when I don't move for a long time






    I think better if I'm on the move






    Moving objects help me remember



