Young Hollywood mestizos with Indian roots. Major language families. Other language families

America's strength comes from its diversity, and some of this country's most prominent celebrities come from extraordinarily diverse national backgrounds—even if you wouldn't know it. So, peer into the melting pot of nations and trace the diverse family trees of these celebrities - and you may find that their history, talent and beauty come from different parts of this world, in this case, Asia.

14 Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods lists his ethnicity as "Kavcherindziat", an acronym for a mixture of Caucasian, Black, American Indian and Asian.

13 Vanessa Hudgens

Disney Princess Vanessa Hudgens' father is Irish, but her mother was born in the Philippines and her ancestry includes Filipino, Chinese and Spanish - great company!

12 Keanu Reeves

Keanu actually knows kung fu. Okay, Matrix joke aside, Keanu was born in Lebanon, but he's one-fourth Chinese, one-fourth Hawaiian, and half English. Did we already mention he's from Canada?

11 Rob Schneider

Rob Schneider's father may be Jewish, but his mother Pilar is Filipino. Schneider is so proud of his Filipino heritage that he asked his mother to write a screenplay about her life in the Philippines so he could one day direct her story.

10 Kristen Kreuk

After her first appearance on Smallville, she became considered one of the most beautiful women on television. What is her secret? It combines the heritage of Danish, Chinese and Jamaican ancestors.

9 Dwayne The Rock Johnson

Dwayne Johnson, also known as “The Rock,” has a Black Nova Scotian (Canadian) father and a Samoan mother.

8 Enrique Iglesias

He may sing mostly in Spanish and be from Madrid, but Enrique Iglesias' mother Maria Isabel Preysler Arrastia is of Filipino descent, born into a mixed-race family in the Philippines.

7 Dean Cain

Born Dean George Tanaka - and this should make things clear - the Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman star has Japanese roots, inherited from his paternal grandfather, who was born in Japan.

6 Chad Michael Murray

Chad Michael Murray quickly became the obsession of most of the college girls during the TV series One Tree Hill - but most do not suspect that this quintessentially American boy is actually a quarter Japanese.

5 Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars (born Peter Hernandez Jr.) was born in Hawaii to a father of Puerto Rican, Hungarian, and Ukrainian descent and a Filipino mother. We knew these dance moves couldn't possibly be from here!

4 Naomi Campbell

It's no surprise that Naomi Campbell, considered one of the world's most famous supermodels of all time, combines Jamaican and Chinese ancestry.

3 Kirk Hammett

You might be surprised to learn that the lead guitarist of the heavy metal rock band Metallica, Kirk Hammett, is half Irish and half Filipino.

2 Sharon Leal

The magnificent actress Sharon Leal was born in Tucson (Arizona) to a Filipino mother and an African-American father - she is the girl of your dreams.

1 Nicole Scherzinger

Often called one of the sexiest singers to grace the American stage, lead singer of the Pussycat Dolls Nicole Scherzinger was born in Hawaii to parents of Filipino-Hawaiian-Russian descent.

Semitic-Hamitic (Afroasiatic) family

Afroasiatic languages ​​are a macrofamily (superfamily) of languages, which includes six families of languages ​​that have signs of a common origin (the presence of related root and grammatical morphemes).

Afroasiatic languages ​​include both living and dead languages. The former are currently distributed over a vast area, occupying the territory of Western Asia (from Mesopotamia to the coast of the Mediterranean and Red Seas) and vast territories of East and North Africa - right up to the Atlantic coast. Separate groups of representatives of Afroasiatic languages ​​are also found outside the main territory of their distribution.

The total number of speakers currently, according to various estimates, ranges between 270 million and 300 million people. The Afroasiatic macrofamily includes the following language families (or branches):

Berber-Libyan languages. Living languages ​​of this family are distributed in North Africa west of Egypt and Libya to Mauritania, as well as in the oases of the Sahara, as far as Nigeria and Senegal. The Berber tribes of the Tuareg (Sahara) use their own script, called Tifinagh, which dates back to the ancient Libyan script. Libyan writing is represented by short rock inscriptions discovered in the Sahara and Libyan Desert; the earliest of them date back to the 2nd century BC. e.

Ancient Egyptian language with its later descendant, the Coptic language, is a dead language. It was distributed throughout the middle and lower Nile valley (modern Egypt). The first written monuments of ancient Egypt date back to the end of the 4th - beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. e. It existed as a living and spoken language until the 5th century AD. e. Monuments of the Coptic language have been known since the 3rd century AD. e.; by the 14th century it fell out of use, surviving as the cult language of the Coptic Christian church. In everyday life, Copts, who number about 6 million people at the end of 1999, use Arabic and are now considered an ethno-confessional group of Egyptian Arabs.

Cushitic languages of which only living ones are known, distributed in Northeast Africa: in the northeast of Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, northern Kenya and western Tanzania. According to data from the late 1980s, the number of speakers is about 25.7 million.

Omoto languages. Living unwritten languages, common in southwestern Ethiopia. The number of speakers according to the late 1980s is about 1.6 million people. They began to stand out as an independent branch of the Afro-Asian macrofamily only recently (G. Fleming, M. Bender, I. M. Dyakonov). Some scientists attribute the Omot languages ​​to the Western Cushitic group, which separated from Prakushitic earlier than the others.

Semitic languages. The most numerous of the Afroasiatic language families; is represented by modern living languages ​​(Arabic, Maltese, New Aramaic dialects, Hebrew, Ethiosemitic - Amharic, Tigre, Tigrai, etc.), widespread in the Arab East, Israel, Ethiopia and North Africa, and islands in other countries of Asia and Africa. The number of speakers varies according to different sources, amounting to approximately 200 million.

Chadian languages alive; This family includes more than 150 modern languages ​​and dialect groups. Distributed in Central and Western Sudan, in the Lake Chad region, Nigeria, Cameroon. The Hausa speakers are the most numerous, numbering about 30-40 million; For most of them, Hausa is not their native language, but a language of international communication.

Semitic branch - divided into subgroups: Akkadian, or northeastern (Akkadian language); Canaanite-Aramaic, or Northwestern (Amarean, Hebrew or Canaanite, Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew and Assyrian); Arabic, or central (Arabic and Maltese); Abyssinian, or southern (Minean, Sabaean, Ethiopian);

Egyptian (ancient Egyptian, Coptic languages); Berber; Chadian; Cushitic

5. The Caucasian family of languages ​​unites three branches of languages:

Western Caucasian (Abkhazian, Adyghe and Kabardino-Circassian);

East Caucasian (Circassian, Ingush, Avar, Lezgin languages);

South Caucasian (Georgian, Zan, Laz, Svaneti).

6. Altai language family:

Turkic branch (Chuvash, Tatar, Bashkir, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Kumyk, Kazakh, Yakut, Turkmen, Turkish, Azerbaijani; dead Pecheneg, Polovtsian and Khazar);

Mongolian (Mongolian, Buryat, Kalmyk);

Tungus-Manchu (Nanai, Udege, Evenk).

7. The Sino-Tibetan family is divided into two branches:

eastern(Chinese, Dungan and Karen); western(Burmese, Tibetan, Kachin).

47. Typological classification of languages.

CLASSIFY (from the Greek “category” + “to do”) - distribute any objects into classes (departments, orders) depending on their common characteristics and natural connections between them. CLASSION OF LANGUAGES is the determination of the place of each language among the languages ​​of the world.

TYPOLOGICAL (MORPHOLOGICAL) CLASSIFICATION OF LANGUAGES - classification of languages ​​based on similarities and differences in morphological and grammatical structure, i.e. in the ways of forming the forms of individual words. regardless of genetic or territorial proximity.

Based on these differences, languages ​​are usually divided into the following classes:

1. Root or isolating tongues most languages ​​of the Southeast. Asia (China, Vietnam) They are characterized by: no word forms. The words don't change. A root word consists only of a root. Order and intonation play a big role (West African languages). Mao ra doi, doi vi ra tao (cats are afraid of dogs, dogs are not afraid of cats); grammatical the significance of the word order in a sentence (the word “hao” can be a different part of speech and have different meanings “hao zhen” is a good person, “zhen hao” a person loves me)

2. Affixing languages In grammatical structure, affixes play an important role, the connection between words is more grammatical, affixes have forms

1) agglutinative languages, the formation in languages ​​of grammatical forms and derivative words by attaching affixes that have grammatical meanings to the root or stem of a word. Affixes are unambiguous, that is, each of them expresses only one grammatical meaning, and the same affix always serves for a given meaning. Affixes follow each other, do not merge with roots or other affixes, and their boundaries are distinct. The vowels of affixes can undergo phonetic changes depending on the sound composition of the base (see synharmonism), consonants at the junctions of morphemes can also change, but all these changes are subject to purely phonetic patterns characteristic of a given language. This is observed, for example, in most Altai and Finno-Ugric languages: ish- “business”, “work”, -chi- derivational affix ( ishchi- "worker"), -ler, -imiz, -den- (plural), accessory (1st person plural) and case (original case). Features: each morpheme almost always has the same meaning. Morphemes can be used in all parts of speech.

Example: bash – head. I.p., units h.

Turetsk bashlar – head, plural, im.p.

Bashtyn – r.p., units.

Bashlartyn – r.p., plural.

2) inflectional(from lat. flectivus“flexible”) is a structure of a synthetic type language in which inflection using inflections dominates - formants that combine several meanings at once. The inflectional system is the opposite of the agglutinative one, in which each formant carries only one meaning. Classic examples of inflectional languages ​​are Latin, German, and Russian. with help endings, including the 2000s (domO - at home, sheO -shla); with help internal inflection- grammatically significant change in the phonemic composition of the root (English) foot - feet "leg - legs"; mouse - mice mouse - mice").

3. Incorporating, or polysynthetic, eg Chukotka-Kamchatka, many North Indian languages America. Many languages ​​of the peoples of the North (Chukchi, Koryak, Kamchadal, etc.), and American Indians. A sign of the morphological structure of a word in these languages ​​is its incompleteness, “non-finality”: a word acquires a unique structure only as part of a sentence. You/mine/yvalya/mna/rkyn (I sharpen a big knife).

There is not a single language that purely belongs to one type of classification, for example Russian. Refers to inflectional, but there are elements of agglutination (read, read-a, read-and in which the suff -l- conveys the meaning of the past tense, and gender and number are expressed by inflections)

Typological classification criterion- the structure of language is analytical and synthetic ACCORDING TO SCHLEICHER. Analytical system involves a wider use of function words, phonetic means and word order to form word forms, phrases and sentences. The languages ​​of the analytical system are English, French, Italian, Spanish, Persian, Bulgarian and some other Indo-European languages. Synthetic system characterized by the fact that, along with the use of function words, word order and intonation, a large role belongs to the forms of words formed with the help of affixes - inflections and formative suffixes and prefixes. Synthetic languages ​​are Russian, Polish, Lithuanian and most other Indo-European languages; All ancient written Indo-European languages, such as Latin, Greek, and Gothic, were synthetic.

In their pure form, analyticism and synthetism are not represented in any language of the world; each has elements of both.

H. Steinthal divided all languages ​​into languages ​​with form and languages ​​without form, and by form one should understand both the form of a word and the form of a sentence. Steinthal called languages ​​without inflection "additive" languages: without form - the languages ​​of Indochina, with form - Chinese. Steinthal defined languages ​​with inflection as modifying, without form: 1) through repetition and prefixes - Polynesian, 2) through suffixes - Turkic, Mongolian, Finno-Ugric, 3) through incorporation - Indian; and modifying, with form: 1) through the addition of elements - the Egyptian language, 2) through internal inflection - Semitic languages ​​and 3) through “true suffixes” - Indo-European languages.

F.N. Fink (1909) based his classification on the principle of sentence construction and the nature of the connections between the members of the sentence. As a result, Fink shows eight types: 1) Chinese, 2) Greenlandic, 3) Subian, 4) Turkish, 5) Samoan (and other Polynesian languages), 6) Arabic (and other Semitic languages), 7) Greek (and other Indo-European languages). languages) and 8) Georgian.

In typological research, it is necessary to distinguish between two tasks: 1) the creation of a general typology of the languages ​​of the world, united in certain groups, for which one descriptive method is not enough, but the use of a comparative-historical one is also necessary 2) a typological description of individual languages ​​with the inclusion of their individual characteristics, differentiation regular and irregular phenomena, which, of course, must also be structural.

Children from mixed marriages (mestizo) always turn out amazingly beautiful or at least incredibly cute. This is an indisputable fact. In Korea, if one of the parents is Korean, they are called "chagubya" and are perceived as their fellow Koreans, but with European appearance. Chagubyas, as a rule, are very beautiful, and therefore are not deprived of the attention of others. Well, closer to the topic... below we will present to your attention 16 of the most charming celebrities who are half Korean.

Christina Kay Williams, singer, actress and presenter, was born in Yokohama, Japan in 1986. Her mother is Korean and her father is American. Both of her parents were talented musicians. Mom was a professional singer, and dad played musical instruments.

American actor, born in Los Angeles (one of the largest Korean diasporas lives there). Half Korean, half German-Scottish.

Half Korean and half Japanese. Simon is considered one of the sexiest idols in the K-POP industry.

French actor and model. Julien's dad is Korean and his mom is French. He became popular thanks to his role in the sitcom “High Kick Through the Roof” and participation in filming on Korean television.

His main profession is model, but he also took part in the filming of Korean films. Popular both in America and Korea. His mother is Korean and his father is American.

Professional American and Korean actor and model. Starred in the film "X-Men" as Zero. Dalyel's dad is Irish-American, and his mom is Korean (adopted by an American family after the Korean War).

Yoon Mi-rae (Tasha) is known as the queen of Korean hip-hop. She was born in Texas, 1981. Yoon Mire's mom is Korean and her dad is African-American.

British idol singer. At the age of 7, she took part in the musical 'Les Miserables', and in 2010 she performed on the popular Korean show 'Star King', where she amazed everyone with her vocal skills. Shannon is a former member of the Five Dolls and currently has a solo career. Her dad is Welsh (resident of Wales), and her mother is Korean.

Sin Richard Dulake was born in Los Angeles in 1984. His mother is Korean and his father is British. Known for his role in Athena: Goddess of War.

Gained popularity thanks to the show “Law of the Jungle”. Born and raised in Hawaii. Mom is Korean and dad is American. Many fans were disappointed when they found out that he was already married and had two children.

11. Mizuhara Kiko / Audrey Kiko Daniel

Professional Japanese model and actress. Mom is a Japanese citizen of Korean descent, and dad is American. She is an exclusive model for the Japanese fashion magazine "ViVi"

She gained popularity thanks to her participation in the first season of “K-Pop Star”. She signed a contract with YG Entertainment and became a member of the group SuPearls, but after two years of preparation, the group was disbanded and the contract with YG was canceled. Currently a ward of LOEN Entertainment.

13. Gangnam (M.I.B)

11th place. Radmilla Cody- singer and model from the second largest Indian nation in the United States - Navajo. In 1997, she won the title of Miss Navajo, which evaluates not so much beauty as knowledge of the Navajo language and traditions. Radmilla's father is African American and her mother is from the Navajo Nation.

As you know, there are 4 large races in the world: Caucasian, Mongoloid, Negroid and Australoid (this includes, for example, the aborigines of Australia). The descendants of interracial marriages are called mestizos, but, as a rule, mestizos mean the descendants of Caucasians and Mongoloids. The descendants of Negroids and Caucasians are called mulattoes. As for the Australoids, for example, Polynesians (Maoris, etc.) or Filipinos are a mixture of three races: Australoid, Mongoloid and Caucasian (see photo selection of Maori girls and rating of the most beautiful Filipinas).
Negroids practically did not mix with the Mongoloid and Australoid races. This is due to the fact that the part of Africa that is inhabited by Negroids borders on territories inhabited by Caucasoid peoples to the north and east. The only region where a mixture of Negroids and Mongoloids occurred is the island of Madagascar off the southeastern coast of Africa. In the first millennium AD, immigrants from Indonesia entered Madagascar by sea, where they mixed with Negroid representatives of the Bantu tribes. The inhabitants of Madagascar are called Malagasy, there are about 20 million of them.
The second wave of mixing of Mongoloids and Negroids occurred in America through the mixing of people from Africa and Indians. The descendants of such marriages are called Sambos in Latin America, and black Indians in the USA.
Another small part of mixed Negroid-Mongoloid marriages occurs among the descendants of marriages between African Americans and Asians. The descendants of such marriages are called Afro-Asians (Malagasy also fit the definition of "Afro-Asians").
This rating contains the most beautiful, in my opinion, Afro-Asian and black Indian women. There is also a Malagasy representative. The rating includes only those girls who do not have Caucasian roots. What an Afro-Asian woman with European roots looks like can be seen in the example of Noémie Lenoir, who is included in the ranking of the most beautiful French women.

10th place. Nataly Andria(born February 3, 1985, Madagascar) is a French singer of Malagasy origin. Her real name is Andrianaivoson.

9th place. Thelma Aoyama(born October 27, 1987, Japan) is a Japanese singer. Her male grandfather is from Trinidad and Tobago.

8th place. Natasha Shanta Reid(born May 31, 1981, USA), better known as Yoon Mi-rae, is a South Korean singer. Her father is African American and her mother is Korean.

7th place. Ananda Lewis(born March 21, 1973, USA) is an American television presenter and model. She is of African American and Native American ancestry (her ancestors are Creek and Blackfeet Indians).

6th place. Anya Ayoung-Chee(born October 17, 1981, USA) is a Trinidadian fashion designer, TV presenter, model, Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2008. She has Chinese roots.

5th place. Leona Mitchell(born October 13, 1949, USA) is an American opera singer. Has African American and Indian (Chickasaw) roots.

4th place. Crystal Kay(born February 26, 1986, Japan) is a Japanese singer and actress. However, she has no Japanese roots. Her father is African American and her mother is Korean.

3rd place. Ariana Miyamoto— Miss Japan 2015, representative of Japan at the Miss Universe 2015 competition, where she entered the top 10. Ariana was born in Nagasaki (Japan) on May 12, 1994. Her father was an African American who served at the US Navy base in Japan at the time, and her mother was Japanese. After winning the Miss Japan pageant, the girl was criticized for her un-Japanese appearance. This is due to the fact that Miyamoto became the first mestizo to win a national beauty contest, although this has long become the norm in Europe, the USA and Canada.

2nd place. Julia Jones(born January 23, 1981, USA) is an American actress who became famous after her role as Leah Clearwater in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010). Has African American and Indian (Chickasaw and Choctaw) roots.

1 place. Naomi Campbell(born May 22, 1970, UK) is a British supermodel. For the most part, Naomi Campbell's ancestors are Afro-Jamaican, and also has Chinese roots (her male grandmother was Chinese).