External eye muscles, their innervation and functions. Muscles of the eyeball and their oculomotor functions. Diseases caused by improper functioning of the eye muscles

Oculomotor apparatus- a complex sensorimotor mechanism, the physiological significance of which is determined by its two main functions: motor (motor) and sensory (sensitive).

The motor function of the oculomotor system ensures the guidance of both eyes, their visual axes and the central fossae of the retinas to the object of fixation; the sensory function ensures the merging of two monocular (right and left) images into a single visual image.

The innervation of the extraocular muscles by the cranial nerves determines the close connection between neurological and ocular pathologies, as a result of which an integrated approach to diagnosis is necessary.

The constant stimulus for adduction (to ensure orthophoria) caused by the divergence of the orbits explains the fact that the medial rectus muscle is the most powerful of the rectus extraocular muscles. The disappearance of the stimulus for convergence with the onset of amaurosis leads to a noticeable deviation of the blind eye towards the temple.

All rectus muscles and the superior oblique begin in the depths of the orbit on the common tendon ring (anulus tendineus communis), fixed to the sphenoid bone and periosteum around the optic canal and partially at the edges of the superior orbital fissure. This ring surrounds the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery. The muscle that lifts the upper eyelid (m. levator palpebrae superioris) also begins from the common tendon ring. It is located in the orbit above the superior rectus muscle of the eyeball, and ends in the thickness of the upper eyelid. The rectus muscles are directed along the corresponding walls of the orbit, on the sides of the optic nerve, forming a muscular funnel, pierce the vagina of the eyeball (vagina bulbi) and with short tendons are woven into the sclera in front of the equator, 5-8 mm away from the edge of the cornea. The rectus muscles rotate the eyeball around two mutually perpendicular axes: vertical and horizontal (transverse).

Movements of the eyeball are carried out with the help of six extraocular muscles: four straight - external and internal (m. rectus externum, m.rectus internum), upper and lower (m.rectus superior, m.rectus inferior) and two obliques - upper and lower ( m.obliguus superior, m.obliguus inferior).

Superior oblique muscle of the eye originates from the tendon ring between the superior and internal rectus muscles and goes anteriorly to the cartilaginous block located in the superior internal corner of the orbit at its edge. At the pulley, the muscle turns into a tendon and, passing through the pulley, turns posteriorly and outward. Located under the superior rectus muscle, it is attached to the sclera outward from the vertical meridian of the eye. Two-thirds of the entire length of the superior oblique muscle is between the apex of the orbit and the trochlea, and one-third is between the trochlea and its attachment to the eyeball. This part of the superior oblique muscle determines the direction of movement of the eyeball during its contraction.

Unlike the five muscles mentioned inferior oblique muscle of the eye begins at the lower inner edge of the orbit (in the area of ​​the entrance of the nasolacrimal canal), goes posteriorly outward between the orbital wall and the inferior rectus muscle towards the external rectus muscle and is fan-shaped attached under it to the sclera in the posteroexternal part of the eyeball, at the level of the horizontal meridian of the eye.

Numerous cords extend from the fascial membrane of the extraocular muscles and Tenon’s capsule to the orbital walls.

The fascial-muscular apparatus ensures a fixed position of the eyeball and gives smoothness to its movements.

Some elements of the anatomy of the extrinsic muscles of the eye


Superior rectus muscle (m. rectus superior)

Start : Lockwood's superior orbital tendon (a fragment of the common tendon ring of Zinn) in close proximity to the perineural sheath of the optic nerve.

Attachment : to the sclera 6.7 mm from the limbus at an angle to it and slightly medial to the vertical axis of rotation of the eyeball, which explains the variety of its functions.

Functions : primary - supraduction (75% of muscle effort), secondary - incycloduction (16% of muscle effort), tertiary - adduction (9% of muscle effort).

Blood supply: the superior (lateral) muscular branch of the ophthalmic artery, as well as the lacrimal, supraorbital and posterior ethmoidal arteries.

Innervation: superior branch of the ipsilateral oculomotor nerve (n. III). Motor fibers penetrate this and almost all other muscles, usually at the border of its posterior and middle thirds.

Anatomy details: Attached behind ora serrata. As a consequence, perforation of the sclera when applying a frenulum suture will lead to a retinal defect. Together with the levator palpebrae superioris muscle, it forms the superior muscle complex

Inferior rectus muscle (m. rectus inferior)

Start: inferior orbital tendon of Zinn (fragment of the common tendon ring of Zinn).

Attachment: to the sclera 5.9 mm from the limbus at an angle to it and slightly medial to the vertical axis of rotation of the eyeball, which explains the variety of its functions.

Function: primary - infraduction (73%), secondary - excycloduction (17%), tertiary - adduction (10%).

Blood supply : inferior (medial) muscular branch of the ophthalmic artery, infraorbital artery.

Innervation : inferior branch of the ipsilateral oculomotor nerve (n. III).

Anatomy details : forms the lower muscle complex with the inferior oblique muscle

Lateral rectus muscle (m. rectus lateralis)

Start : main (medial) leg - the superior orbital tendon of Lockwood (a fragment of the common tendon ring of Zinn); non-permanent (lateral) leg - a bony protrusion (spina recti lateralis) in the middle of the lower edge of the superior orbital fissure.

Attachment : to the sclera 6.3 mm from the limbus.

Function : primary - abduction (99.9% of muscle effort).

Blood supply : superior (lateral) muscular artery from the ophthalmic artery, lacrimal artery, sometimes infraorbital artery and inferior (medial) muscular branch of the ophthalmic artery.

Innervation : ipsilateral abducens nerve (n.VI).

Anatomy details : has the most powerful fixing ligament

Medial rectus muscle (m. rectus medialis)

Start : Lockwood's superior orbital tendon (a fragment of Zinn's tendon ring) in close proximity to the perineural sheath of the optic nerve.

Attachment : to the sclera 5 mm from the limbus.

Function: primary - adduction (99.9% of muscle effort).

Blood supply : inferior (medial) muscular branch of the ophthalmic artery; posterior ethmoidal artery.

Innervation: inferior branch of the ipsilateral oculomotor nerve (n. III).

Anatomy details: most powerful oculomotor muscle

Inferior oblique muscle (m. obliquus inferior)

Start: the periosteum of the flattened area of ​​the orbital surface of the upper jaw under the anterior lacrimal ridge at the opening of the nasolacrimal canal.

Attachment : the posterior outer surface of the eyeball slightly behind the vertical axis of rotation of the eyeball.

Function : primary - excycloduction (59%), secondary - supraduction (40%); tertiary - abduction (1%).

Blood supply : inferior (medial) muscular branch of the ophthalmic artery, infraorbital artery, rarely - lacrimal artery.

Innervation: the lower branch of the contralateral oculomotor nerve (n. III), running along the outer edge of the inferior rectus muscle and penetrating the inferior oblique muscle at the level of the equator of the eyeball, and not at the border of the posterior and middle third of the muscle, as happens with all other extraocular muscles. This 1–1.5 mm thick trunk (containing parasympathetic fibers innervating the pupillary sphincter) is often damaged during reconstruction of a fracture of the inferior wall of the orbit, leading to postoperative Adie syndrome.

Anatomy details: the absence of a tendon explains the bleeding that occurs when the muscle is cut from the sclera

Superior oblique muscle (m. obliquus superior)

Start : periosteum of the body of the sphenoid bone above the superior rectus muscle.

Attachment: sclera of the posterior superior quadrant of the eyeball.

Function: primary - incycloduction (65%), secondary - infraduction (32%), tertiary - abduction (3%).

Blood supply : superior (lateral) muscular artery from the ophthalmic artery, lacrimal artery, anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries.

Innervation: contralateral trochlear nerve (n. IV).

Anatomy details: longest tendon (26 mm), pulley - functional origin of the muscle

All these nerves pass into the orbit through the superior orbital fissure.

The oculomotor nerve, after entering the orbit, divides into two branches. The superior branch innervates the superior rectus muscle and the levator palpebrae superioris, the inferior branch innervates the internal and inferior rectus muscles, as well as the inferior oblique.

The nucleus of the oculomotor nerve and the nucleus of the trochlear nerve located behind and next to it (provides the work of the oblique muscles) are located at the bottom of the aqueduct of Sylvius (aqueduct of the brain). The nucleus of the abducens nerve (provides the work of the external rectus muscle) is located in the pons under the bottom of the rhomboid fossa.

The rectus oculomotor muscles of the eye are attached to the sclera at a distance of 5-7 mm from the limbus, the oblique muscles - at a distance of 16-19 mm.

The width of the tendons at the muscle attachment site ranges from 6-7 to 8-10 mm. Of the rectus muscles, the widest tendon is the internal rectus muscle, which plays a major role in the function of bringing together the visual axes (convergence).

The line of attachment of the tendons of the internal and external muscles of the eye, i.e., their muscular plane, coincides with the plane of the horizontal meridian of the eye and is concentric with the limbus. This causes horizontal movements of the eyes, their adduction, rotation to the nose - adduction during contraction of the internal rectus muscle and abduction, rotation towards the temple - abduction during contraction of the external rectus muscle. Thus, these muscles are antagonistic in nature.

The superior and inferior rectus and oblique muscles of the eye perform mainly vertical movements of the eye. The line of attachment of the superior and inferior rectus muscles is located somewhat obliquely, their temporal end is further from the limbus than the nasal end. As a result, the muscular plane of these muscles does not coincide with the plane of the vertical meridian of the eye and forms an angle with it that is on average 20° and open to the temple.

This attachment ensures rotation of the eyeball under the action of these muscles, not only upward (during contraction of the superior rectus muscle) or downward (during contraction of the inferior rectus muscle), but simultaneously inwardly, i.e. adduction.

The oblique muscles form an angle of about 60° with the plane of the vertical meridian, open to the nose. This determines the complex mechanism of their action: the superior oblique muscle lowers the eye and produces its abduction (abduction), the inferior oblique muscle is an elevator and also an abductor.

In addition to horizontal and vertical movements, these four vertically acting oculomotor muscles of the eye perform torsional eye movements clockwise or counterclockwise. In this case, the upper end of the vertical meridian of the eye deviates towards the nose (intrusion) or towards the temple (extortion).

Thus, the extraocular muscles of the eye provide the following eye movements:

  • adduction (adduction), i.e. its movement towards the nose; this function is performed by the internal rectus muscle, additionally by the superior and inferior rectus muscles; they are called adductors;
  • abduction (abduction), i.e. movement of the eye towards the temple; this function is performed by the external rectus muscle, additionally by the superior and inferior oblique muscles; they are called abductors;
  • upward movement - under the action of the superior rectus and inferior oblique muscles; they are called lifters;
  • downward movement - under the action of the inferior rectus and superior oblique muscles; they are called lowerers.

The complex interactions of the extraocular muscles of the eye are manifested in the fact that when moving in some directions they act as synergists (for example, partial adductors - the superior and inferior rectus muscles, in others - as antagonists (superior rectus - levator, inferior rectus - depressor).

The extraocular muscles provide two types of conjugal movements of both eyes:

  • unilateral movements (in the same direction - right, left, up, down) - so-called version movements;
  • opposite movements (in different directions) - vergence, for example, to the nose - convergence (bringing together the visual axes) or to the temple - divergence (spreading the visual axes), when one eye turns to the right, the other to the left.

Vergence and version movements can also be performed in the vertical and oblique directions.






External straight

Fibrous ring of Zinn

Lateral wall of the eyeball

Abduction of the eyeball laterally (outward)

Abducens nerve (VI pair of cranial nerves)

Inner straight

Fibrous ring of Zinn

Medial wall of the eyeball

Adduction of the eyeball medially (inward)

Bottom straight

Fibrous ring of Zinn

Inferior wall of the eyeball

Lowers the eyeball, slightly moves it outward

Oculomotor nerve (III pair of cranial nerves)

Top straight

Fibrous ring of Zinn

Raises the eyeball, slightly brings it inwards

Oculomotor nerve (III pair of cranial nerves)

Inferior oblique

Orbital surface of the maxilla

Inferior wall of the eyeball

Lifts, abducts and slightly rotates outward

Oculomotor nerve (III pair of cranial nerves)

Superior oblique

Ring of Zinn - block on the orbital surface of the frontal bone

Superior wall of the eyeball

Lowers, adducts and slightly rotates medially

Trochlear nerve (IV pair of cranial nerves)

The functions of the oculomotor muscles described above characterize the motor activity of the oculomotor apparatus, while the sensory one is manifested in the function of binocular vision.

Schematic representation of the movement of the eyeballs during contraction of the corresponding muscles:

The extraocular muscles help coordinate the movement of the eyeballs, and at the same time they provide high-quality perception. To have a three-dimensional image of the surrounding world, it is necessary to constantly train muscle tissue. A specialist will tell you what exercises to do after a thorough examination. In any situation, self-therapy should be completely avoided.

general information

There are six types of eye muscles, four of them are straight and two are oblique. They are called so because of the peculiarities of the course in the cavity (orbit) where they are located, as well as because of their attachment to the organ of vision. Their performance is controlled by nerve endings that are located in the cranial cavity, such as:

  1. Oculomotor.
  2. Abductors.
  3. Block.

The eye muscles have a large number of nerves that are capable of providing clarity and precision when moving.


Thanks to these fibers, the eyeballs can perform numerous movements, both unidirectional and multidirectional. Unidirectional turns include turning up, down, left, and others, while multidirectional turns include bringing the organs of vision to one point. Such movements help the tissues work harmoniously and present the same image to a person, thanks to its falling on the same area of ​​the retina.

The muscles can provide movement of both eyes, while performing the main function:

  1. Movement in the same direction. It is called versioned.
  2. Movement in different directions. It is called vergent (convergence, divergence).

What are the structural features?

As mentioned earlier, the extraocular muscles are:

  1. Direct. They have a direct focus.
  2. The oblique muscles have an uneven course and are attached to the organ of vision by upper and lower tissue.

All of these eye muscles begin from a dense connecting ring that surrounds the external opening of the optic canal. In this situation, the exception is the lower oblique. All five muscle fibers form a funnel, which inside has nerves, including the main optic one, as well as blood vessels.

If you go deeper, you will see how the oblique muscle deviates upward and inward, creating a block. Also in this area there is a transition of fibers into the tendon, which is thrown through a special loop, and at the same time a change in its direction to oblique is observed. Then it attaches to the upper outer quadrant of the organ of vision under the upper direct type tissue.

Features of the inferior oblique and internal muscles

As for the inferior oblique muscle, it originates at the inner edge, which is located below the orbit and continues to the outer posterior border of the inferior rectus muscle. The oculomotor muscles, the closer to the apple, the more they are surrounded by a capsule of dense fiber, that is, the shadow membrane, and then they are attached to the sclera, but not at the same distance from the limbus.

The performance of most fibers is regulated. In this situation, the external rectus muscle is considered an exception; the superior oblique muscle is also involved in its provision, which is provided by nerve impulses from the Internal muscles of the eye are located closest to the limbus, and the superior rectus and oblique muscles are attached in the middle to the organ of vision.

The main feature of innervation is that the branch of the motor nerve controls the performance of a small number of muscles, so maximum accuracy is achieved when moving the human eyes.

Features of the structure of the upper and lower rectus, as well as oblique muscles

How the extraocular muscles are attached will determine the movement of the apple. The internal and external straight fibers are located horizontally relative to the plane of the organ of vision, so a person can move it horizontally. These two muscles are also responsible for providing vertical movement.

Now let's look at the structure of the oblique-type oculomotor muscles. When contracted, they are capable of provoking more complex actions. This can be associated with some peculiarity of location and attachment to the sclera. The oblique muscle tissue, which is located on top, helps the organ of vision to lower and rotate outward, and the lower one helps to rise and also move outward.

It is necessary to take into account one more nuance that affects the upper and lower rectus, as well as the oblique muscles - they have excellent regulation of nerve impulses, there is coordinated work of the muscle tissue of the eyeball, and a person is able to perform complex movements in different directions. Therefore, people can see three-dimensional pictures, and the quality of the image also increases, which then enters the brain.

Accessory muscles

In addition to the above fibers, other tissues that surround the palpebral fissure also take part in the work and mobility of the eyeball. In this case, the orbicularis muscle is considered the most important. It has a unique structure, which is represented by several parts - orbital, lacrimal and eyelid.

So, the abbreviation:

  • the orbital part occurs due to the straightening of the transverse folds, which are located in the frontal region, as well as by lowering the eyebrows and reducing the eye slit;
  • the secular part occurs by closing the slit of the eyes;
  • lacrimal part is carried out due to the enlargement of the lacrimal sac.

All three of these areas that make up the orbicularis muscle are located around the eyeball. Their beginning is located directly near the medial angle on the bone base. Innervation occurs through a small branch of the facial nerve. It is necessary to understand that any contraction or tension of the extraocular muscles of any type occurs with the help of nerves.

Other accessory muscle tissues

Also included among the auxiliary fibers are unitary and multi-unitary fabrics, which are of the smooth type. Multiunitary - these are the ciliary muscle and iris tissue. The unitary fiber is located near the lens, and the structure is capable of providing accommodation. If you relax this muscle, you can transfer the image to the retina, and if it contracts, this leads to a significant protrusion of the lens, and objects that are closer can be seen much better.

Functional Features

The function and anatomy of the extraocular muscles are interrelated. Since due attention has already been paid to the structure, now we will analyze in more detail the function of this type of muscle tissue, without which a person will not be able to correctly perceive the world around him.

The main functional feature is the ability to provide full movement:

  • Bringing to one point, that is, there is a movement, for example, to the nose. This feature is provided by the internal rectus and additionally the superior inferior rectus muscle tissue.
  • Abduction, that is, movement occurs to the temporal region. This feature is provided by the external rectus muscle and additionally by the superior and inferior oblique muscle tissues.
  • The upward movement occurs due to the correct functioning of the superior rectus and inferior oblique muscles.
  • The downward movement occurs due to the proper functioning of the inferior rectus and superior oblique muscle tissue.

All movements are complex and coordinated with each other.

Training exercises

In any situation, a violation of eye movement can occur, so at the first manifestations of a deviation, you should immediately contact a specialist who, after a thorough examination, will be able to prescribe effective treatment. In most cases, diseases and pathologies of muscle tissue are eliminated surgically. To avoid any complications and interventions, constant training of the extraocular muscles should be carried out.


  • Exercise 1 - for external muscles. To relax not only muscle tissue, but also the eyes, you need to blink quickly for half a minute. Then rest and repeat the exercise again. Helps after a working day and long periods of sitting at the computer.
  • Exercise 2 - for internal muscles. You need to place your finger in front of your eyes at a distance of 0.3 m and look at it carefully for several seconds. Then take turns closing your eyes, but continue to look at him. Then look carefully at the tip of your finger for 3-5 seconds.
  • Exercise 3 - to strengthen the underlying tissues. The body and head should be motionless. You need to move your eyes right and left. Abduction to the side should be maximum. You need to do the exercise at least 9-11 times.

The extraocular muscles include the four rectus muscles - the superior (m. rectus superior), lower (m. rectus inferior), lateral (m. rectus lateralis) and medial (T.rectus medialis) and two obliques - upper and lower (m. obliguus superior et m. obliguus inferior) (Figure 1.14, see insert). All muscles (except the inferior oblique) begin from the tendon ring connected to the orbital periosteum around the optic nerve canal. They move forward in a diverging bundle, forming a muscular funnel, pierce the vaginal wall of the eyeball (Tenon's capsule) and attach to the sclera: internal rectus muscle - at a distance of 5.5 mm from the cornea, lower - 6.5 mm, external - 7 mm, upper - 8 mm. The line of attachment of the tendons of the internal and external rectus muscles runs parallel to the limbus, which causes purely lateral movements. The internal rectus muscle turns the eye inward, and the external rectus muscle turns the eye outward. The line of attachment of the superior and inferior rectus muscles is located obliquely: the temporal end is further from the limbus than the nasal end. This attachment ensures rotation not only up and down, but at the same time inward. Consequently, the superior rectus muscle ensures the rotation of the eye upward and inward, and the inferior rectus - downward and inward. The superior oblique muscle also comes from the tendinous ring of the optic nerve canal, then goes upward and inward, is thrown over the bony block of the orbit, turns back to the eyeball, passes under the superior rectus muscle and is attached like a fan behind the equator. When contracted, the superior oblique muscle turns the eye downward and outward. The inferior oblique muscle originates from the periosteum of the inferior inner edge of the orbit, passes under the inferior rectus muscle and attaches to the sclera behind the equator. When contracted, this muscle turns the eye upward and outward.

Thus, the upward movement of the eye is carried out by the superior rectus and inferior oblique muscles, and downward by the inferior rectus and superior oblique muscles. The abduction function is performed by the lateral rectus, superior and inferior oblique muscles, the adduction function is performed by the medial superior and inferior rectus muscles of the eye.

The innervation of the eye muscles is carried out by the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves. The superior oblique muscle is innervated by the trochlear nerve, the lateral rectus muscle by the abducens nerve. All other muscles are innervated by the oculomotor nerve. The complex functional relationships of the eye muscles are of great importance in associated eye movements.

49. Binocular vision, advantages of binocular vision over monocular vision. Determination methods. Significance in human life.

Binocular vision means vision with both eyes, but in this case the object is seen individually, as if with one eye. The highest degree of binocular vision is depth, relief, spatial, stereoscopic. In addition, with binocular perception of objects, visual acuity increases and the field of view expands. Binocular vision is the most complex physiological function, the highest stage of the evolutionary development of the visual analyzer.

Full depth perception is possible only with two eyes. Vision with one eye - monocular - gives an idea only of the height, width, shape of an object, but does not allow one to judge the relative position of objects in space “in depth”. Simultaneous vision is characterized by the fact that in the higher visual centers, impulses from one and the other eye are perceived simultaneously, but there is no fusion into a single visual image.

The mechanism of binocular vision. If both eyes fixate on point A, then its image is focused on the central fossa of the retinas (a and a1), and the point is perceived as one. This is due to the fact that the central fovea are corresponding (identical) or corresponding points of the retinas. In addition to the macular zones, the corresponding points include all points of the retinas, which will coincide if both eyes are combined into one, superimposing the central fovea, as well as the horizontal and vertical meridians of the retinas.

The remaining points of the retinas that do not coincide with one another are called inappropriate (non-identical), or disparate. If the object in question is focused on disparate points, then its image is transmitted to different parts of the cerebral cortex, and therefore does not merge into a single visual image and double vision occurs, or diplopia 1 . This can be easily checked by fixing an object with both eyes, and then using a finger (outside, through the upper or lower eyelid) to move one of the eyeballs from the common point of fixation. Double vision is also possible when the functional state of the cortical analyzer is disrupted, for example, due to fatigue, intoxication (including alcohol), etc.

To get a visual representation of binocular vision in yourself, you can do Sokolov’s experiment with a “hole” in the palm, as well as experiments with knitting needles and reading with a pencil.

Sokolov’s experiment consists of having the subject look with one eye into a tube (for example, into a notebook rolled up into a tube), to the end of which he places his palm on the side of the second, open eye. In the presence of binocular vision, the impression of a “hole” in the palm is created, through which the picture visible through the tube is perceived (Figure 16.2). The phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the picture visible through the hole in the tube is superimposed on the image of the palm in the other eye. With simultaneous vision, unlike binocular vision, the “hole” does not coincide with the center of the palm, and with monocular vision, the phenomenon of a “hole” in the palm does not appear.

An experiment with knitting needles (they can be replaced with ballpoint pen refills, etc.) is carried out as follows. The needle is fixed in a vertical position or held by the examiner. The task of the subject, who has the second knitting needle in his hand, is to align it along the axis with the first knitting needle. If you have binocular vision, the task is easily accomplished. In its absence, a miss is noted, which can be verified by conducting an experiment with two and one eyes open.

The test of reading with a pencil (or pen) consists of placing a pencil a few centimeters from the reader’s nose and 10-15 cm from the text, which naturally covers part of the letters of the text. Reading in the presence of such an obstacle without moving your head is possible only if you have binocular vision, since letters covered with a pencil for one eye are visible to the other, and vice versa.

Binocular vision is a very important visual function. Its absence makes it impossible to perform high-quality work as a pilot, installer, surgeon, etc. Binocular vision is formed by the age of 7-15. However, a child aged 6-8 weeks shows the ability to fix an object with both eyes and follow it, and a 3-4 month old has fairly stable binocular fixation. By 5-6 months, the main reflex mechanism of binocular vision is formed - the fusion reflex - the ability to merge two images from both retinas in the cerebral cortex into a single stereoscopic picture. If a 3-4 month old child still has dissociated eye movements, he should be consulted by an ophthalmologist.

To implement binocular vision, which can be considered as a closed dynamic system of connections between the sensitive elements of the retina, subcortical centers and the cerebral cortex (sensory), as well as 12 extraocular muscles (motor), a number of conditions are necessary: ​​visual acuity in each eye, as a rule, not lower than 0.3-0.4, parallel position of the eyeballs when looking at a distance and corresponding convergence when looking close, correct associated eye movements in the direction of the object in question, the same size of the image on the retinas, the ability for bifoveal fusion (fusion).

The movements of each eyeball are ensured by the contraction of six striated (external, extraocular) eye muscles. These include the lateral, medial, superior and inferior rectus muscles (respectively m. rectus lateralis, m. rectus medialis, m. rectus superior, m. rectus inferior) and the superior and inferior oblique muscles (m. obliquus superior, etc.). obliquus inferior).

All rectus and superior oblique muscles begin in the depths of the orbit from the common tendon ring, covering the optic nerve and ophthalmic artery (a. ophthalmica), pass along the walls of the orbit, penetrate the vagina of the eyeball and penetrate the sclera. The rectus muscles, with the help of tendons that fuse with the sclera, are attached to the four sides of the eyeball in front of its equator. The superior oblique muscle extends over the cartilaginous ring of the trochlear (trochlea), which is attached to the trochlear fossa (fovea trochlearis) or trochlear protrusion (spina trochlearis) on the lower surface of the orbital part of the frontal bone at the border of the upper and inner walls of the orbit. The superior rectus muscle then turns sharply back and sideways, passes under the superior rectus muscle, and attaches to the sclera on the superolateral surface of the eyeball behind the equator (Figure 1.1).

M. rectus inferior M. obliquus inferior

Rice. 1.1. External muscles of the eye, a - view of the orbit from above; b - side view of the orbit

The inferior oblique muscle starts from the orbital surface of the maxillary bone, lateral to the fossa of the lacrimal sac, runs laterally, backward and upward under the eyeball between the inferior rectus muscle and the inferior wall of the orbit and is attached by a tendon to the sclera on the lateral surface of the eyeball behind the equator between the inferior rectus and lateral rectus muscles. The inferior oblique tendon, located under the eyeball, is parallel to the superior oblique tendon, located above the eyeball (see Fig. 1.1).

The eyeball is held in the orbit by a connective tissue bursa (Tenon's capsule), attached to the walls of the orbit by ligaments, and can rotate freely in all directions around three axes: vertical, horizontal and sagittal.

It should be taken into account that the optical axes and the axes of the orbits do not coincide (Fig. 1.2), therefore the result of contraction of the external muscles of the eye depends on the initial position of the eye. Fig. 1.3 demonstrates the various effects of contraction of the superior rectus muscle that occur at different initial positions of the eye in the orbit.

Rice. 1.3.

eyes (right eyeball)

A- starting position: the eye looks straight ahead. Eye movement during muscle contraction: elevation, adduction, intarsia; b - starting position: the eye is abducted. Eye movement during muscle contraction: elevation; V- starting position: the eye is adducted.

Eye movement during muscle contraction: intarsia and slight elevation

In general, the main action of the superior and inferior rectus muscles is to rotate the eyeball around the transverse axis, moving it up or down, respectively. At the same time, the eye makes a small amount of movement around the vertical and sagittal axes.

The lateral and medial rectus muscles rotate the eyeball around a vertical axis, directing it to the lateral or medial side, respectively. The oblique muscles rotate the eyeball primarily around the sagittal axis, although they also cause movements around the other two axes of space (Fig. 1.4). Thus, the right superior oblique muscle normally rotates the right eye around the sagittal axis clockwise (towards the nose), lowers and abducts it. The right inferior oblique muscle rotates the right eyeball around the sagittal axis counterclockwise (away from the nose), elevates and abducts it.

a B C Where

Rice. 1.4. Action of the external eye muscles relative to the three axes of space A- m. rectus inferior, b - t. rectus superior, V- t. rectus medialis, g - t. rectus lateralis, d - t. obliquus superior, e - t. obliquus inferior

In general terms, the direction of gaze provided by the contraction of various external muscles of the eye is presented in Fig. 1.5.

Rice. 1.5. Direction of action of the external eye muscles (according to Lindsay K.W., Bone J.R., 2004)

The eye is a very delicate instrument of vision, which consists of a huge number of elements - blood vessels, nerves and, of course, muscles. The eye muscles, if classified by type, are quite diverse, each of them is responsible for its own area, but at the same time they work in a complex manner.

Anatomy of the eye

The muscles of the eye are usually called oculomotor muscles. There are a total of 6 of them in humans: 4 straight and 2 oblique. They were given such a name for a reason - everything directly depends on their course inside the orbit. In addition, various features of how they are attached to are also taken into account.

Several cranial nerves are responsible for the functioning of the visual muscles:

  1. oculomotor;
  2. abductor;
  3. side.

All muscle fibers are literally filled with nerve endings, which allows their movements and actions to be as coordinated and more accurate as possible. In essence, their work involves the most varied and numerous movements of the eyes. These can be options left-right, up-down, sideways, corners, etc. As a result of such well-established work of the visual muscles, the same images can fall on the same areas of the retina, which allows a person to see significantly better and gives an excellent sense of deeper space.

The structure of such muscles

The muscles of the eye have as their origin a dense connecting ring - it surrounds the hole located inside. The optic nerve, blood vessels and nerves pass through this opening. Depending on how the eye moves, the eye muscles are quite capable of changing direction. Oculomotor muscles - superior, internal, inferior rectus and oblique. Movement of the eyeball is determined in large part by how the eye muscles are attached. The place where the outer and inner straight versions are attached to the horizontal surface of the apple determines its more correct movement in the horizontal direction.

Eye movements in the vertical direction are provided by the inferior and superior oculomotor muscles. But due to the fact that these are attached slightly obliquely, they provide not only up and down movement, but also inward movement.

The oblique muscles of the eye are responsible for more complex movements of the apple. Doctors attribute this to the peculiarities of their location. For example, the superior oblique is responsible for lowering the eye and turning it outward, etc.

Symptoms of disorders

If your eye muscles hurt, you must definitely look for the cause. Violations of eye activity are becoming quite a serious problem.

Moreover, it is enough for only one muscle to fail for a person to feel serious discomfort.

Moreover, if the eye muscles malfunction, in most cases it will be noticeable to the naked eye.

One of these symptoms may be strabismus. Also, when the oculomotor muscles “break down,” a problem may develop with focusing both eyes on one or another object at once.

If you experience problems with your vision, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After all, with age, the eye muscles become less pliable, and it will become almost impossible to correct the situation. As a result, seeing normally will become quite problematic, and by old age you may even go blind.

How is the problem diagnosed?

Today there are many options for diagnosing problems with the eye muscles. The final diagnosis is made based on a visual examination and the completion of a number of fairly simple tasks. An important point is to determine the level of deviation of the eyeball from a symmetrical position.

Often, diagnostic techniques such as ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used for diagnosis. It is these options that allow you to most accurately and clearly determine the nature of existing damage and deviations.

How to train your eyes?

In order for the eyes to function normally, it is necessary to engage in their general strengthening and improvement.

And it’s not that difficult to do. General strengthening activities should become a daily habit. Then your eyes will be healthier.

At home, it is proposed to use a whole range of activities at once, incl. and breathing exercises. This will saturate the tissues with oxygen and significantly improve vision. The exercises must include exercises for training both the external and internal muscles of the eye. So, for example, you can use various rotations of the eyes in certain directions. To train internal options, an excellent solution would be an eye focusing exercise.