Natural sorbents for cleansing the body. Natural sorbents for cleansing the body - application. Activated carbon and its modern analogues

Adsorbents are a group of medications that absorb toxins, heavy metals and allergens in the intestines. The drugs remove unwanted substances naturally and do not irritate tissues or nerve endings. Doctors prescribe them for poisoning, immunopathological processes, and intestinal infections. Adsorbents are used to cleanse the body strictly according to indications.

Adsorbents carry out adsorption of the gastrointestinal tract from gases, pathogenic substances and microelements, toxins and allergens. This group of medications is confused with drugs with similar names – absorbents. They have the same task, which is to remove poisons from the body. They differ in their principle of action, and the difference is taken into account when choosing a drug.

Classification of sorbents:

  1. Adsorbents. Their outer surface has a sorbing effect. They are indicated for chronic diseases of the digestive system and poisoning with alkaloids, sleeping pills, glycosides and heavy metals.
  2. Absorbents. To combat poisons, they use the entire volume, and not just the outer surface. Used for severe intoxication.
  3. Enterosorbents. Absorb toxic substances both in volume and surface. They are used simultaneously for intoxication, pathologies of the digestive system, disinfection and treatment of open wounds.
  4. Antacids. They are of natural origin. Used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Adsorbents are produced in various forms: tablets, gels, powders, pastes, etc. Each type differs in its speed of action and efficiency indicator. In difficult situations, doctors prescribe droppers with adsorbent substances.

Operating principle of adsorbents

Adsorbents cleanse the intestines and restore natural microflora. The medicine improves blood composition, eliminates toxic gases and poisons from the body. The action is different, since each adsorbent works differently.

The drugs are prescribed to healthy people to prevent pathologies, strengthen the immune system, and normalize the intestinal microflora. When harmful substances accumulate, a person is exposed to infections and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. Adsorbents prevent the occurrence of diseases and support the proper functioning of the body.

Medicines can be taken after consultation with a medical specialist. It will take into account various factors: the severity of intoxication, chronic pathologies, and the patient’s age. Depending on the situation, an active substance that has the desired effect will be selected.

Indications and contraindications

Doctors prescribe adsorbents for certain health problems.


  • acute food intoxication;
  • medication overdose;
  • excessive gas formation in the intestines;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • poisoning by poisons, gases and chemicals;
  • radiation exposure;
  • exacerbation of pathology of the digestive system;
  • allergy.

All groups of adsorbents have similar contraindications for use. Absolute: bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal obstruction, individual intolerance to the components of the composition. Relative contraindications include defecation disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcers during an exacerbation.

Adsorbents can have undesirable effects on the body. A common reaction is constipation. To prevent side effects, you need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of clean water per day.

In rare cases, other side effects may occur:

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. Diarrhea.
  3. An allergic reaction in the form of rash, itching, redness.
  4. Excessive gas formation.

With prolonged use without a specific system, the absorption of beneficial elements, minerals and vitamins is disrupted. They are eliminated from the body in excessive quantities.

Drugs are prescribed only if there are allergens, heavy metals, toxins and allergens in the gastrointestinal tract. If the intestines are clean, then the adsorbents are removed from the body in their original form. Additionally, they are able to eliminate some useful elements.

Features of use for various diseases

A specific adsorbent is prescribed depending on the pathology. For intoxication, silicon-containing drugs are suitable - Enterosgel, Smecta. They are allowed for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines, and are not prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The drugs absorb bacteria and viruses, the active ingredients absorb toxins and metals, preventing them from negatively affecting the nerve roots and mucous membrane. The medication should be taken within 2 hours of intoxication.

For allergies, doctors recommend natural sorbents with polymers (Filtrum-STI) and disaccharides (Lactofiltrum). Both drugs effectively absorb poisons and restore healthy microflora. Binds and eliminates allergens from the intestines, preventing negative effects on health.

Lactofiltrum is taken an hour after meals. It is able to absorb the contents of the stomach, which will reduce the pharmacological effect. For drug allergies, it is recommended to take up to 3 tablets three times a day for 2 weeks.

To cleanse the body, synthetic silicon-containing sorbents, such as Polysorb, are recommended. It has an absorbing surface of 300 m2 per 1 g. It envelops toxic substances and safely removes them from the body. The course of treatment is a week. It is recommended to take 1 large spoon three times a day.

Natural adsorbents

Treatment must be safe, otherwise there will be a risk of worsening your health. Natural adsorbents for cleansing the body have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and eliminate poisons. They have virtually no side effects and are allowed in childhood.

  • Bran. Used for the treatment of chronic intestinal intoxications. Use up to three times a day. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the patient.
  • Apple pulp. Effectively absorbs poisons in the gastrointestinal tract. Recommended for infants during the introduction of complementary foods. For therapeutic purposes, the pureed pulp is taken half an hour before meals three times a day. The course ranges from several weeks to a month.
  • Rice water. Useful for diarrhea and food infections. Apply up to three times a day for 3-4 days.
  • Vegetable juices. With their help, chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are treated. Cabbage, beet and carrot juices are drunk before meals. The course lasts up to 3 weeks.

Natural adsorbents also include flax seeds, pumpkin, charcoal, and white clay.

Products cleanse the body without eliminating beneficial substances. In severe pathological conditions, it is recommended to use medications, as they have a more pronounced effect.

Effective drugs

Medicinal adsorbents for cleansing the body are prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. At home, medications are used in emergency situations.

All drugs have a unique effect and fight the emerging pathology. During the use of sorbents, constipation should not be allowed, since the poisons will be reabsorbed in the intestines.

Preparations of natural origin are safe for the body, as they contain natural substances. When choosing a medication, you should rely on indications and contraindications.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is a natural adsorbent drug that helps eliminate intoxication and cope with diarrhea. Used for high acidity, food infections, bronchial asthma, poisoning of various origins.

You cannot combine charcoal with other drugs, as they are adsorbed, reducing its effect on toxins. The product is excreted in the feces, turning it black.

Smecta is of natural origin, adsorbs and fights intestinal disorders. The main component is dioctahedral smectite. Excipients: flavorings and sweeteners.

Smecta is produced in the form of a gray-yellow powder, which is diluted in 100 ml of water and mixed until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.

Filtrum-STI contains hydrolytic lignin, which has adsorbing properties. When used correctly, the medicine does not irritate the intestinal walls and removes toxic substances. Available in tablet form. Sold without a doctor's prescription.

The medication is indicated not only for poisoning and allergies, but also for liver and kidney failure. Filtrum-STI is prescribed for preventive purposes to people living in cities with poor ecology and working in hazardous industries.

The drug should not be used for diabetes, stomach and intestinal ulcers and individual intolerance. Filtrum-STI is allowed during pregnancy, but must be taken under the supervision of a medical specialist.

Enterosgel has a detoxifying effect, therefore it is indicated for poisoning and bacterial lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. The active component is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate.

The medication absorbs and removes toxins, improves urine and blood counts, and normalizes liver function. Reduces the likelihood of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Stimulates the functioning of the immune system, normalizes liver function.

Polyphepane was created by hydrolysis of coniferous wood. The active component is lignin. Effectively cleanses the body, reduces cholesterol and bilirubin levels.

The drug eliminates ammonia, allergens and radionuclides from the body. It has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and activates the immune system at the cellular level. Polyphepane is produced in the form of tablets, powder and granules. Taken an hour before meals.

Polysorb is an antitoxic medicine that contains colloidal silicon dioxide. It is produced in the form of a white powder, packaged in jars or disposable bags. Before use, 1 large spoon of the product is diluted with clean water until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Prescribed for poisoning with alcohol, drugs, food. Polysorb fights diarrhea and is used as an additional treatment for allergies.

The drug is approved for use in children, but the dosage is calculated separately depending on body weight.

A large selection of adsorbents allows you to effectively fight various diseases, cleanse the body and prevent the development of allergic reactions. The specific drug is selected depending on the pathology. In severe situations, complex treatment using drugs from other groups is indicated.

The end products of metabolism and harmful substances entering the human body accumulate in cells and tissues in the form of waste and toxins. Their effective removal is facilitated by sorbents to cleanse the body.

Sorbents are drugs on a synthetic or natural basis that can absorb toxic and harmful compounds and remove them naturally through the digestive tract.

They are used to treat food and chemical poisoning, allergic reactions, to support the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys.

Pectins and fiber contained in fruits and vegetables have similar properties, but they are not able to cope with severe poisoning.

Sorbents intended for oral administration in the form of tablets, powders, suspensions are called enterosorbents.

Mechanism of action of sorbent drugs

Experts identify 4 groups of mechanisms that provide the sorbing function of pharmaceuticals.

  1. Absorption of toxic substances, potential allergens, and pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines.
  2. Normalization of digestion by changing the concentration of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract that help combat harmful substances.
  3. Strengthening the removal of toxic compounds from tissues and internal organs into the intestinal cavity with subsequent removal from the body.
  4. Stimulates metabolism, promoting natural cleansing of internal organs.

In addition to the cleansing effect, enterosorbents gently envelop the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, preventing their irritation and the reabsorption of toxic compounds.

The scope of application of sorbent agents is extensive and does not have strictly established indications. Most often they are prescribed in the following cases:

  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, when internal systems cease to cope with toxins on their own;
  • dysbacteriosis and changes in metabolic processes;
  • all types of allergic reactions;
  • intoxication due to the intake of alcohol, medications, narcotic or toxic substances;
  • food poisoning;
  • infectious diseases of the digestive system;
  • bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis.

Sorbents can be used to relieve withdrawal and hangover syndromes.

Sorbents for cleansing the body are distinguished by the method of absorption:

  • absorbents - react with toxic components, forming one compound;
  • adsorbents – attract toxins to their surface due to a large absorption area;
  • chemical agents - act through chemical interaction with pectins;
  • Ion exchangers – work on the principle of substitution, replacing harmful ions with safe ones.

Sorbent preparations are classified according to their release form - powder, tablets, granules, capsules, slurries, suspensions, pastes.

Based on their origin, they are divided into natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic. Drugs of synthetic origin have the greatest activity, but complex drugs have a wider range of action.

The most popular sorbents

Medicinal adsorbents, drugs and their names are indicated by the doctor after collecting a thorough patient history and conducting diagnostic procedures. At home, the products can be used exclusively as first aid. Each of the drugs has its own spectrum of action and effectively copes with a specific medical problem.

At the stage of using sorbents, it is necessary to avoid constipation, otherwise toxic substances can be reabsorbed in the intestines.

Activated carbon

An adsorbent substance of animal or plant origin, previously purified from impurities. Coal is capable of absorbing alkaloids, sulfonamides, hydrocyanic acid, natural and chemical toxins, heavy metal salts, sleeping pills, acids and alkalis.

The drug is effective for dyspeptic disorders, salmonellosis, dysentery, hepatitis, asthma, chronic cholecystitis and cirrhosis of the liver. It is used during preparation for endoscopic diagnostics - it is able to effectively remove gas accumulations.

It is produced in the form of tablets, granules, powder and paste. To enhance the sorbing properties, it is recommended to crush activated carbon in tablets.

Activated carbon can turn stool black; this phenomenon should not frighten the patient.

Activated carbon


A drug of natural origin with absorbent and antidiarrheal properties. The main active ingredient is dioctahedral smectite, supplemented with auxiliary components - sweeteners and flavorings.

Smecta is produced in a grayish-yellow powder. Before use, the powder should be diluted in half a glass of water and stirred vigorously until a suspension is formed.

Indications for the use of Smecta are intestinal disorders in the form of chronic, acute or infectious diarrhea, dyspeptic syndrome, accompanied by bloating, heartburn, and heaviness.


Polysorb is an antitoxic drug that is colloidal silicon dioxide. Dry white powder is packaged in disposable sealed bags and jars and diluted immediately before use with clean still water.

Polysorb is prescribed for poisoning by any type of poison, alcohol and any food, acute infections and other diseases accompanied by diarrhea. It demonstrates good results in the treatment of allergic reactions, dysbiosis, renal and liver failure.

Polysorb can be prescribed to children - the dosage is calculated according to the child’s weight.



The active substance of the enterosorbent drug is lignin, which is obtained by hydrolysis of coniferous wood.

This sorbent for effective intestinal cleansing neutralizes almost all toxic substances that enter the digestive tract. It reduces cholesterol, bilirubin and urea levels, removes ammonia, radioactive isotopes and allergens. It has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and strengthens the immune system at the cellular level.

Polyphepan can be taken in the form of tablets, granules and powder one hour before meals. Studies have shown that a lignin-based drug is 5-10 times more effective than activated carbon against pathogenic bacteria.


Enterosorbent with a gel or paste structure in the form of a molecular sponge. It actively absorbs poisons and antigens, neutralizing their toxic effects on the human body. It contains polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate and purified water as an excipient.

The medication removes excess cholesterol and bilirubin from the blood, helps with drug and food poisoning, intestinal infections, improves the functioning of the digestive organs, kidneys and liver, and stabilizes immune reactions.

Enterosgel can be used by workers in hazardous industries and residents of regions with unfavorable environmental conditionsin order to prevent poisoning by harmful substances.


Filtrum is a medicine of natural origin that effectively eliminates constipation and dysbacteriosis, normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach. It contains a proven hydrolytic lignin sorbent, which is converted into easy-to-use tablets by pressing - Filtrum STI. The same drug, produced in the form of lozenges, is called Filtrum-Safari, it is used in pediatric practice.

A medication is prescribed for the treatment of poisoning with dysentery bacillus, salmonella, drugs, and alcohol. It successfully fights the consequences of purulent-inflammatory diseases of a viral and bacterial nature.



Lactofiltrum is a combined pharmaceutical preparation that combines the properties of a prebiotic and sorbent. Sorbent substances bind poisons and wastes on their surface, and the prebiotic lactulose promotes the growth of healthy microflora in the intestines. The double action of the drug helps strengthen the immune system, cleanse tissues and cells, eliminate signs of allergies and dysbacteriosis.

Release form: dark brown tablets. Suitable for treating adults and children.


Other drugs

Other sorbents are also available for sale - the list of modern drugs can be supplemented with the following:

  • Karbolen, Sorbex - made on the basis of activated carbon;
  • Neosmectin, Diosmectite are analogues of the drug Smecta;
  • Atoxyl – contains silicon salts;
  • White coal is a bioadditive based on silicon and microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Polyfan is a natural enterosorbent containing lignin;
  • Chitosan - obtained from chitin, which acts as a natural magnet for excess fats, salts and toxins;
  • Pectovit – contains pectin, lactose and fructose, which have detoxifying properties.

The best sorbents for children

Children's sorbent substances are used at the first signs of poisoning, infectious diseases, to combat signs of allergies and diathesis. Some sorbents for children are available in the form of sweet lozenges and suspensions, which make taking the medicine pleasant (Filtrum-Safari, Smecta).

The following drugs are safe for young patients:

  • Sorbovit-K;
  • Lactofiltrum;
  • Polysorb MP.

These drugs can be prescribed to children of any age; they are practically not absorbed in the digestive tract and do not have a general effect on the body.

If there are no modern sorbent preparations at hand, crushed activated carbon diluted with water is suitable as first aid for the child.

Contraindications for use and possible adverse reactions

The action of all sorbents is aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition, but experts do not recommend abusing them or self-medicating.

Sorbents for cleansing the body cannot be used if:

  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients included in the medication;
  • peptic ulcer of the intestines and stomach;
  • bleeding of the digestive tract;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • tendency to constipation and decreased intestinal motility;
  • erosive gastritis.

With long-term use, sorbent medications can cause constipation, dyspeptic disorders, impair the absorption of nutrients and accelerate the excretion of vitamins.

In order for the enterosorbent to be as effective as possible, you must follow the rules of administration:

  • the calculation of the drug is carried out in accordance with the patient’s body weight - 0.2-1 g per 1 kg of weight;
  • the daily dose recommended by the doctor is divided into 3-4 times;
  • take the drug with plenty of water;
  • in case of allergies, sorbents are combined with vitamin complexes; after a week, the consumption of sorbents is gradually reduced until completely eliminated;
  • other medications are taken two hours after consuming sorbents;
  • to reduce the absorption of alcohol, the detox drug is taken 25 minutes before the feast;
  • for preventive purposes, taking absorbent and adsorbent agents lasts from one week to ten days.

In general, the duration of detox therapy is determined individually, in accordance with the pathogenesis of the disease and the presence of concomitant disorders.


A wide range of modern sorbent preparations can successfully combat various pathologies, strengthen the body’s defenses and improve the well-being of allergy sufferers. But any disease requires a professional, comprehensive approach, so in most cases it is not possible to manage with enterosorbents alone without visiting a doctor.

What is a sorbent? Many people ask this question when they are looking for drugs to improve their health and do not have complete information. A sorbent is a substance that has the property of selective absorption and can bind, absorb or enter into a chemical reaction with the absorbed substance. There are 2 types of sorbents, technical and medical purposes. With the help of technical sorbents, the consequences of man-made disasters are eliminated: oil spills, acids, alkalis.

Medical sorbents protect human health. Each of us makes mistakes in nutrition, some lead a sedentary lifestyle, consume foods with large amounts of preservatives and flavor enhancers, drink contaminated water, others poison their bodies with alcohol and tobacco. Every day, pathogenic microbes, toxins, and allergens enter the human body. Gradually, the level of harmful substances goes beyond the permissible limits. And then the person gets sick, and his condition noticeably worsens.

The use of sorbents is indicated for the following conditions and diseases:

  • all types of allergies;
  • poisoning;
  • intestinal infections;
  • consequences of alcohol intoxication;
  • diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, it is important for healthy people to take sorbents regularly to prevent diseases. These substances bind and remove metabolic products from bacteria, fungi, and microbes from the body. Sorbents increase a person’s immune status and improve the state of microflora.

Modern enterosorbents

On the modern market of medical drugs, sorbents are represented by both the well-known activated carbon and new generation enterosorbents, which are characterized by an immediate effect on the body and high sorption capacity, therefore sorbents are especially necessary for poisoning (Polysorb, Enterosgel). In case of poisoning, it is important at the initial stage to collect as many toxins as possible and remove them from the body.

Types of sorbents

Depending on the active substance, the following types of sorbents can be distinguished:

  • Carbon-containing sorbents, the action of which is based on the fact that they have a porous structure, due to which their absorption capacity is increased (Activated carbon, Sorbex).
  • Natural sorbents: pectin, bran, fiber. Found in vegetables and fruits, bran is a waste product from the flour milling industry. Once in the stomach, natural sorbents swell and, passing through the intestines, dehydrate it and absorb toxins.
  • Sorbents based on the silicon structure of the active substance. A special feature of this type of sorbent is its ability to capture molecules of toxic substances of different sizes, as well as pathogenic bacteria. In case of poisoning, sorbents act instantly and effectively (Polysorb, Enterosgel).
  • Clay is the basis of some sorbents (Smecta, Neosmectin). The principle of high sorption of such drugs is based on the structure of clay particles, which have a lamellar structure, with the upper layers having a positive ion charge, and the inner ones having a negative charge. Therefore, the clay plates attract and hold polar molecules.

Regardless of the active substance, sorbents protect human health and help him with the first symptoms of the disease.

Classification of sorbents

Modern industry produces a large number of different substances with different levels of sorption. Therefore, the classification of sorbents is given below:

  • Absorbents are substances that absorb, thicken or enter into a chemical reaction with other substances over their entire surface. Absorbents are used not only in medicine to cleanse the body of bacteria, toxins and gases, but also to purify water, air, and soil in case of contamination with oil, combustion products, acids and alkalis.

Absorbents have a large sorption area. Thus, carbon-containing materials undergo special activation to increase the sorption area. Ordinary carbon becomes activated.

  • Adsorbents are substances that are highly dispersed. In other words, they are capable of capturing very small particles by the force field of their surface, which can be very large in size. Adsorbents are used in the gas industry to separate gases, in medicine - to purify blood and insulin, as well as for the production of drugs to cleanse the body for various poisonings with gases and poisons.
  • Enterosorbents are allocated in a special group to separate them from other sorbents, since they have a narrow medical focus. Enterosorbents remove toxins and poisons that enter the body with poor quality food, water, and air.

New generation sorbents are capable of absorbing not only chemicals, but also biological ones, which is widely used in practical medicine and in various industries.

List of sorbents

The main goal when taking sorbents is to cleanse the body, however, the methods and mechanisms of the cleansing process are different. Modern sorbents differ from each other in their chemical structure, sorption mechanism, and release form. Which sorbents are better?

It is important for the consumer that the drug acts as quickly as possible and is effective. The presented list of sorbents meets all buyer requirements. Most drugs act immediately, have high sorption, that is, they absorb harmful substances over a large area, are suitable for children and adults, and are safe for use during pregnancy.

Having understood the question of what it is - sorbents, let's move on to specific representatives:

  • Polysorb is a modern drug of a new generation among enterosorbents. It has increased sorption and detoxification properties. A preparation based on highly dispersed silicon. This means that it easily absorbs and removes not only toxins, but also allergens, medications, metabolic products of bacteria, and alcohol.

Polysorb can be used by children of any age, adults and pregnant women. The instructions for use indicate the dosage for each specific pathological condition and age group. The drug is available in the form of a white powder, but should be taken as an aqueous suspension. Polysorb is available in plastic jars of 12, 25, 35, 50 grams and in single sachets of 3 g. A 50-gram jar is the norm for a course of treatment for an adult;

  • Enterosgel is an enterosorbent with a gel structure that works on the basis of silicon. The gel is odorless and colorless; it can be taken independently, or dissolved in water or juice and given to a child.

Enterosgel is indicated for use against poisoning, for the rapid elimination of alcohol and its breakdown products, for allergies, indigestion, and diarrhea. The drug acts selectively and does not remove vitamins, macro- and microelements along with toxins and allergens. Completely safe for use by pregnant women and children, starting from infancy.

Enterosgel is produced in tubes of 90 or 225 grams, they are placed together with instructions in a cardboard package. The drug is taken by adults at 1-1.5 tbsp. l. 3 times/day. Children's dosage depends on age. For acute poisoning, treatment lasts from 3 to 5 days, for chronic conditions - 2 weeks. Repeated treatment is prescribed by the doctor. Read the instructions for use carefully.

  • Smecta is a drug of natural origin, based on white clay. Packaged in 3 gram bags. The contents of the sachet are white or slightly gray in color with a subtle aroma of vanilla or citrus, dissolved in water before use. Smecta is an antidiarrheal agent.

It is prescribed for children from birth to 1 year, 2 sachets per day, for children after one year - 4 sachets per day, for adults - 6 sachets per day. Treatment lasts 3 days. The prescribed dose for treatment is dissolved in 100 g of water and applied 3 times during the day. The children's dose is dissolved in 50 g of water and divided into 3 doses.

  • Polyphepan is an enterosorbent of natural origin; its action is based on lignin, a polymer substance that is a component of wood. It is used for poisoning with alcohol, drugs, and poisons. Removes allergens, bilirubin, urea, cholesterol from the body.

The drug is non-toxic and is eliminated from the body within 24 hours. The release forms are very diverse: bags of powder of 10, 50, 100,200, 250 grams, plastic containers with the drug in the form of granules (100 pieces), tablets (60 pieces) for oral administration. The tablets are also packaged in blisters of 10 pieces.

How to take the sorbent correctly is indicated in the attached instructions. The dose depends on the severity of the disease and the weight of the patient. Typically adults take 1 tbsp. l. the drug 3 times a day for acute conditions up to 5 days, and for chronic diseases - up to 2 weeks. Polyphepan can be used in pediatrics from infancy;

  • White coal is an enterosorbent that operates on the basis of silicon dioxide. Although there is a common word in the name, white charcoal and activated charcoal are different preparations. However, both drugs belong to the group of enterosorbents.

The drug improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Release form - tablets in blisters of 10 pieces. White coal is not recommended for children under 14 years of age; other age categories take 3 tablets 3 times a day.

When taking sorbents there are several general rules that should be followed. They are usually taken 2 hours before or after meals, washed down with plenty of water. You should not use enterosorbents at the same time as other medications.

Pulmonologist, Therapist, Cardiologist, Functional Diagnostics Doctor. Doctor of the highest category. Work experience: 9 years. Graduated from Khabarovsk State Medical Institute, clinical residency in therapy. I am engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organs, and also conduct medical examinations. I treat diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, and cardiovascular system.

is a group of drugs that can absorb and retain particles of gaseous and liquid substances. In medicine they are used to remove allergens, microorganisms, poisonous and toxic components from the intestinal lumen or from the wound cavity (less commonly).

Absorbents are necessary to eliminate the following pathological conditions:

Types and list of absorbent drugs

Absorbents differ in nature:

  • carbon (activated carbon);
  • organosilicon (“Polysorb”);
  • with magnesium and/or aluminum ions (“Almagel”);
  • based on polyvinylpyrrolidone and iodine (“Enterodes”);
  • containing lignin and/or cellulose (“Polifan”);
  • based on smectite (“Smecta”);
  • containing zeolite (“Bactistatin”).

Activated carbon

This is a drug of natural origin that is non-toxic. It is not absorbed in the intestines and is excreted in the feces, turning them dark. The drug is safe for pregnant and lactating women and is approved for use in pediatrics.

The use of coal is effective for poisoning caused by various reasons (poor food, medications, alcohol), and digestive disorders.

But there are also contraindications: hypersensitivity to the product (allergy), the presence of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and gastric bleeding.

"Polysorb MP"

“Polysorb” acts not only in the intestinal lumen, but also participates in osmotic processes: this drug promotes the movement of toxic substances from the blood and lymph into the gastrointestinal tract, exhibiting a complex effect on the body. The drug is not absorbed by the intestinal walls. The powder must be diluted with water before use.

Indicated for food poisoning, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by diarrhea, as well as viral hepatitis.

“Smecta” not only has an absorption effect, but also stabilizes the mucous barrier of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the amount of mucus.

Indications for use: acute or chronic diarrhea, pain due to intestinal diseases.

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, intestinal obstruction, fructose intolerance. Approved for use by pregnant women, lactating women and children from birth.


The drug is available in powder form, which must be diluted in 50 ml of cold water. It acts in the intestinal lumen and is excreted unchanged. Used as an adjuvant for acute infectious gastrointestinal infections: salmonellosis, dysentery, food toxic infections.

The drug may cause a short-term feeling of nausea, which quickly disappears and should not serve as a reason for withdrawal. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Ukrainian drug, analogue – Polysorb. It can be used both internally (acts in the intestines) and externally - applied to the wound. Absorbs toxic substances and waste products of microorganisms.

Indications include acute intestinal diseases, hepatitis, the presence of purulent wounds and burns.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the drug, ulcerative disease of the digestive organs, erosive intestinal lesions, intestinal obstruction. Not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Features of the use of absorbents

  • When using drugs from different groups simultaneously with absorbents, it is necessary to observe a break between doses of drugs: absorbents are capable of absorbing not only harmful substances, but also medications. Therefore, it is worth using them 1-1.5 hours before or after taking the main product.
  • Absorbents can remove vitamins and microelements from the body, so the treatment period should not exceed 5-7 days.
  • To ensure that nutrients from food enter the bloodstream, you need to use sorbents between meals.
  • The use of absorbents must be accompanied by mandatory water consumption (up to 2-2.5 liters of water per day) to avoid dehydration.

Below we will consider the advisability of using absorbents in individual cases.

In case of poisoning

Regardless of which group the absorbent belongs to, the most effective use of the drug will be in the first hour after consuming low-quality food, alcohol, or medicine. This is explained by the fact that molecules of toxic substances are quickly absorbed through the intestinal mucosa into the blood. If symptoms of intoxication are detected early, then almost any absorbent will help - from the latest generation of drugs.

But it is not always possible to quickly track the development of unfavorable processes in the body. All absorbents act only in the intestinal lumen and are not absorbed into the bloodstream, so there is no point in using them if more than 2-3 hours have passed after poisoning, when toxins have already entered the bloodstream. In this case, hemodialysis will help.

Treatment with absorbents at home should not last long: if the symptoms of poisoning (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) do not disappear within 12-24 hours, you should urgently seek qualified medical help.

To cleanse the body

Absorbents of natural origin containing activated carbon (Sorbex), lignin (Filtrum-STI) or smectite (Smecta) are suitable for purification.

It is necessary to use absorbents with caution to cleanse the body: since these drugs also remove useful substances (vitamins, minerals), the period of their use should not exceed 7 days. In this case, you need to replenish the missing substances by taking multivitamin complexes.

To maintain a healthy balance of microflora, it is recommended to use. Or use sorbents that additionally contain substances to feed beneficial bacteria, for example, “Lactofiltrum” (contains lactulose), “Acipol Active” (with).

For allergies

Absorbents are capable of binding allergen particles and immune complexes formed as a result of an allergic reaction. Due to this, the body is able to recover faster and accelerate detoxification processes.

For weight loss

But the use of absorbents for weight loss is a myth. The effect of reducing volumes occurs due to the banal ability of the drugs to eliminate the manifestations of increased gas formation. The bloating is eliminated - the waist size is “decreased”. Of course, for general cleansing of the intestines, you can use sorbents for a while. But to lose weight, it’s worth reconsidering and possibly changing your lifestyle.

For children

Not all absorbents are suitable for use in pediatrics - this is directly stated in the instructions for the drug. In emergency cases (for example, on vacation, where there is no hospital nearby), you can give the child a sorbent of natural origin, following the dosage (usually it is 1.5-2 times lower than for an adult), fractionally throughout the day. But, if your baby shows symptoms of poisoning, you should consult a doctor at the first opportunity: a child’s body is more sensitive to microbial invasions.

Usually, poisoning is easier and simpler to prevent than to treat: it is enough to pay attention to the quality of food (and alcohol) consumed, observe hygiene and safety measures when working with chemicals.

Features of absorbents such as the ability to absorb toxic substances, harmful gases and other harmful elements that negatively affect the body make them popular in human life. Absorbing agents are characterized by high activity of their surface and are able to prevent irritation of nerve endings by neutralizing chemical compounds.

Recently, people are less and less trying to resort to synthetic antibiotics in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and cleansing the body, and absorbents for cleansing the body are increasingly coming to the fore. Preparations of such action, accordingly, are necessarily available in home first aid kits. Anyone who wants to be healthy and cleanse the body from time to time should have information about the peculiarities of the action of these remedies.

It is important to know the characteristics of different groups of these funds in order to use them for their intended purpose. Correct identification of medications and their properties is the main step in properly cleansing the body of harmful toxins and substances. According to the international anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification absorbent preparations are divided into three groups:

  • carbon preparations;
  • bismuth sublagate;
  • other absorbents for the intestines.

Add to list carbon preparations includes:

  1. Activated carbon , which has a high sorption effect. The drug reduces the level of absorption of toxic substances by the gastrointestinal tract. It qualitatively cleanses the body, absorbing substances inappropriate for the body on its surface and removing them out.
  2. Sorbex is able to neutralize the negative effects of toxins, eliminating their toxic properties. Cleanses the body by quickly removing negative particles from the body.

The products are not absorbed into the blood and leave the body, picking up harmful substances on their surface, containing absorbents to cleanse the body. Drugs that act in this way are reliable and safe.

Preparations containing bismuth sublagate are used to optimally dry the body, cleansing it of toxic gases and unacceptable microorganisms. They also have anti-inflammatory properties and are actively used in the treatment of skin dermatitis, eczema and other diseases.

There are a number of contraindications to taking absorbents

Other intestinal absorbents include many other drugs with similar effects. The most popular are:

  1. Medetopect. A powerful absorbent that removes heavy metals from the body.
  2. Neointestopan. The active substance of the drug has a broad absorbent effect and eliminates pathogenic microflora in the intestines, balancing the functioning.
  3. Smecta. A natural remedy that stabilizes the mucous barrier in the body, which reduces it due to its high absorbent effect.

There are other classifications of similar drugs, but the drugs remain the same. They are produced in different forms:

  • granules;
  • pills;
  • gels;
  • powders;
  • pasta.

Optimal cleansing for the body can be achieved using different preparations with an absorbent effect, all of them are interchangeable. The main thing is to follow your doctor's recommendations and instructions for use.

When to use absorbents

If we look at the indications, then Almost all means of this kind of action are relevant for:

  • infectious intestinal diseases;
  • poisoning;
  • allergies of various kinds;
  • ailments of the kidneys, liver;
  • disorders of fat metabolism;
  • prevention of coronary heart disease and atherosclerotic abnormalities;
  • obesity.

At the same time, it is important to find out which particular remedy among its analogues is suitable in a particular case, and only the attending physician can help do this.

Prohibitions on use and possible negative reactions


The general positive effect of absorbents for cleansing the body (preparations) may not be justified in cases where a person has certain contraindications:

  1. Excessive sensitivity to components drugs.
  2. Intestinal obstruction.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an erosive and ulcerative nature.
  4. Bleeding in the stomach or intestines.
  5. Pathological processes in the bile ducts.
  6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding(preparations containing anion exchange resins).

There are also situations when the use of absorbent drugs can lead to adverse reactions:

  1. Manifestation deficiency of nutrients, constipation and impaired blood clotting processes in case of too long, unauthorized use.
  2. Black feces when using activated carbon.
  3. Dyspeptic disorders when using products with anion exchange resins.
  4. Other negative phenomena when combining absorbent drugs with other drugs. To level out their interaction, it is necessary to correctly set a break between their doses (at least two hours).

Cleansing the body with absorbents based on magnesium and aluminum

By right, absorbent preparations with the active elements of magnesium and aluminum are considered the most suitable for cleansing the body. To narrow down the consumer’s search, it is worth highlighting the most popular among them:

  • "Phosphalugel";
  • "Almagel";
  • "Gastal."

"Phosphalugel" is made in the form white, homogeneous gel for internal use . The active substance of the drug is aluminum phosphate. Phosphalugel particles are not absorbed in the intestines, but are excreted along with feces. When discussing its positive effect on the body, it is worth focusing on the fact that it:

  1. Quickly neutralizes acidity , bringing the alkaline-acidic environment into balance.
  2. Envelops the intestines and stomach, thereby building barrier to penetration of pathogenic microorganisms .
  3. Promotes regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines .
  4. Deletes from the body with feces toxins, viruses, bacteria .
  5. Cleans organism from allergens of different origins.

The drug, being an absorbent, is safe to use to cleanse the body and does not cause negative reactions with adequate, controlled use.


"Almagel" is another drug with an aluminum-magnesium base. Available in the form suspensions for internal use .

The drug gives a positive result when:

  1. The need to normalize the acid-base environment of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Ulcerative diseases.
  3. Gastritis.
  4. Neutralization of the irritating effect of other drugs on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

“Almagel” has a general positive effect on the body and its cleansing. But, being a medicine, requires consultation with a doctor before starting the course of use.


"Gastal" - tablet absorbent agent with active components of magnesium and aluminum. It is an analogue of the two previous drugs and is used to prevent diseases of the stomach and intestines associated with increased acidity:

  • gastritis;
  • reflux;
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • diaphragm hernia.

Gastal rarely causes side effects, but carefully it is needed use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 12 years of age. The beginning of a course of treatment should be discussed with the attending physician.

The presented absorbents for cleansing the body (drugs) do not linger in the body, since they are not absorbed in the intestines, but are excreted along with negative particles that are absorbed on their surface. The products are widely used in medical practice and have collected many positive reviews about their effect on cleansing the body.

Polysorb - a new direction in cleansing the body


Medical developments do not remain stagnant, but are constantly progressing in different directions. Today, a recently developed method for cleansing the body using the absorbent drug “Polysorb” is entering the market. The developer emphasizes that the product helps restore former freshness, remove extra pounds and years .

"Polysorb" launches the rejuvenation mechanism thanks to:

  • liberating the body from waste and toxins;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • increasing the body's resistance to pathogens;
  • cleansing the skin from negative manifestations, refreshes it;
  • no need for a prescription for the drug.

Reproducing in many ways the effect of other absorbents, Polysorb is several times stronger, without damaging the beneficial microflora. The drug is developed exclusively on the basis of natural ingredients, therefore indicated for use from birth .

The uniqueness of the technique is that the drug, when used rationally, stimulates the body to independently fight for recovery.

Activated carbon as a means of cleansing the body

Activated carbon

Modern traditional medicine says that there should be no toxins in the body of a healthy person. But often the body does not have time to react in time and efficiently, and pathogens penetrate and begin to act. The simplest and most effective way to combat them today is to use activated carbon.

Cleansing the body with the help of this product is activated due to its properties. He collects all negative elements on its surface and brings them out without being absorbed into the blood . Smart use of the drug will promote high-quality cleansing and even weight loss.

It is important to create a rational, balanced diet with limited fat intake and plenty of water (at least 2 liters per day). It is necessary to take coal twice a day based on 1 tablet (diluted in 100 ml water) on every 10 kg weight .

But you shouldn’t go too far and cleanse the body with this absorbent. To achieve the effect, it is enough to take it courses for 3 weeks followed by a break of 2 weeks , during which it is important to use preparations with live bacteria, since activated carbon can negatively affect positive microflora.

More loyal in this regard is white coal. By absorbing all the beneficial properties of black coal, it has fewer side effects .

Action of Enterosgel and Polyphepan as absorbents

Enterosgel and Polyphepan

The drugs “Enterosgel” and “Polyphepan” are enterosorbents and naturally remove waste, bacteria and toxins from the human body. Such drugs are characterized by a relatively fast and mild effect. They significantly improve lipid metabolism and have virtually no contraindications .

Enterosgel is a drug based on silicic acid that effectively cleanses the body by absorbing harmful substances. Its action boils down to:

  1. Elimination of negative, pathogenic microflora.
  2. Detoxification from the body and their waste products.
  3. Elimination of radionuclides.
  4. Balancing microflora.
  5. Eliminating allergens of different nature.
  6. General cleansing and normalization of the body’s activity.

The drug works quickly and effectively and, if used optimally, does not cause adverse reactions.

"Polyphepan" is a drug capable of purifying not only intestinal microflora, but also blood along with plasma , which puts it in the forefront among products with a similar effect. "Polyphepan" is good regulates fat metabolism in the body and enhances overall metabolism . The synthesis of protein structures in the body also lends itself to the positive influence of the drug. The uniqueness of the product is also that it compensates for the lack of dietary fiber , and eliminates excess fluid . All this stimulates the process of losing excess weight in a natural way.

The wide spectrum of action of enterosorbents actualizes their importance in modern medicine.

Sorbents for children with allergies

Each age, characterized by the developmental characteristics of the body, has its own useful sorbents that can help cleanse the body of allergenic substances. Quite often the question arises regarding young children. Is it possible to use absorbents to combat their allergies, and which ones? You can, and here is a list of them:

  • "Polyphepan";
  • "Smecta";
  • "Polysorb";
  • "Enterosgel".

All these means have an extremely positive effect on the baby’s body . They effectively cleanse their small organisms of harmful microelements that cause allergic reactions and poisoning.

But it's important to remember that Too long use of even the most harmless drugs in the treatment of children can cause a risk of impaired absorption of nutrients.

Absorbents are new generation drugs that promote high-quality cleansing of the body. But for their use it is important to consider all the pros and cons by consulting with a specialist , since these are still medicines, and their use requires compliance with precautions in the first place.

Health to you, dear readers.