Uncertain. Indefinite stress, word forms

Uncertainty is a lack of information about the conditions under which the activity will take place, a low degree of predictability and anticipation of these conditions. Uncertainty is associated with risk in planning, decision-making, and taking action at all levels.

Synonyms for the word “uncertainty” are inaccuracy, vagueness, indistinctness, vagueness, inexplicitness, uncertainty, vagueness, streamlining, ambiguity, evasiveness, wobbling, vagueness, indistinctness, unreliability, unreliability.

In relationships between people, as practice shows, uncertainty manifests itself mainly as human unreliability.

The concept of uncertainty comes from the Latin words vertibilis and variabolis, meaning variability.

Changeability itself can be a very good quality for people who are trying to develop and grow. However, there is a category of people for whom such “variability,” that is, uncertainty, is the most stable personality quality. They live in this uncertainty. Without taking any steps, without saying yes or no to anyone (including yourself). Almost never!

It's a pity for such people. It’s even more pity for those who interact with such people (relationships), since it is almost impossible to “move” them from the point of uncertainty FROM THE OUTSIDE.

Either accept that your partner will never make any decisions - and you will always do this (for yourself, for him, for both of you), or leave (if it is impossible to accept this).

Of course, you can try to create certain(!) situations in which a person will learn a different type of behavior. But at the same time, remember that a PERSON WILL LEARN IF THEY FEEL THE NECESSITY FOR IT. Otherwise, you will have to devote YOUR entire life to this. Whether you have the extra life for this is up to you to decide.

However for those who are interested in how to get out of eternal uncertainty, I want to inform you: uncertainty, like the right to choose, provides a person with a feeling of inner freedom and stimulates the creative process.

But this is for those who are not afraid to make a mistake. And whoever is afraid gets stuck. So, For those who are afraid of making a mistake, I would like to remind you of the following: Every person has the right to make mistakes, no one gives it, so no one takes it away.

And the right to make mistakes is a wonderful thing, because once you make a mistake, you begin to take action to overcome it. And the path of overcoming is the path to truth. The very one so necessary on the path of spiritual growth and human development.

Therefore, my friends, on the eve of the New Year I especially want to wish all of you (or those who need it, who feel that they need it) - get rid of uncertainty in your life, try, make mistakes, overcome your mistakes. Don’t turn your life around into a stagnant swamp, because it is so short! Move towards the truth. Enjoy life. I sincerely wish only the best to everyone!

Do you know what I'm afraid of? Living in limbo

constantly waiting and feeling like I'm going crazy.

Biba Merlot. love potion

Uncertainty as a personality quality – a tendency to make evasive promises, speak vaguely, not entirely clearly, streamlined and non-specific; the tendency to put others in a suspended, incomprehensible position, to make them “hang in the air”; put others in a state where they it is unclear what the next day has in store, it is unclear what is happening now, it is unknown what scenarios their lives will unfold according to.

The husband goes on a business trip for one day and asks a friend to follow his wife with binoculars. Having returned, he listens to his friend’s report: “I settled in the attic with binoculars.” I am waiting. At seven in the evening your wife goes into the hallway and opens the door. Some Georgian man comes in in a white suit, with flowers and wine. We set the table and had dinner by candlelight. Let's dance. And then the Georgian picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. - What was in the bedroom? - I didn’t see it - they immediately curtained the windows. - Again this damn uncertainty!

Uncertainty is everything that is beyond our control. This is the energy of darkness and ignorance. Living in uncertainty means living in complete darkness. The darkness is scary. Those who want goodness and light will not darken things. We enter a dark, unfamiliar room, the fear of uncertainty arises, but as soon as we light a match, the uncertainty, and with it the fear, disappears.

Blacksmiths of fear of uncertainty are the most dangerous individuals in the world. You can make good money from the fear of uncertainty. Fraudsters and manipulators know very well what huge profits can be made if they keep their victims in fear of uncertainty.

Those who like to speak in the language of uncertainty cleverly avoid responsibility. They are experts at making vague promises. For example, they will promise to get your son into university or out of the army. They will take the money, but do nothing, hoping that everything will work out on its own. This often happens. It didn't work out, well, sorry. I'll give you the money if I don't forget.

Language is given to them in order to hide their thoughts. – If you understand me, then I let you down with uncertainty. By generating uncertainty, scammers of all stripes persistently remind their victims that they live in an environment where the invisible hands of uncertainty - risks - are in full force. If rain is the milk of heaven, then risks are the milk of uncertainty.

Reasonable risk taking is an adequate human response to the uncertainty of the world. Uncertainty is one of the aspects of our life. Therefore, a person is obliged to weigh the risks and insure against the possibilities of their implementation. Under certain circumstances we need to be apprehensive, cautious and restrained. This is natural for a reasonable person.

An inexplicable phenomenon, uncertainty and associated risks always cause a certain fear in any person. Only the insane are not afraid. Everyone experiences fear. Cowards die many times. However, a courageous person, through an effort of will, overcomes the fear of uncertainty, forcing himself to fulfill his duties and duty. Cowardice has atrophied muscles of the mind, it is suppressed by fear, its willpower does not work and its conscience is silent. When the fatal moments come, she does what is due only under external coercion, “under pressure.” F. M. Dostoevsky wrote: “A coward is one who is afraid and runs; and whoever is afraid and does not run is not a coward.”

When faced with uncertainty, most people experience fear, uncertainty and some discomfort. That is, uncertainty forces a person to be outside his area of ​​competence. For example, an oligarch’s beloved dog became seriously ill. He is literally “shaking with confidence.” Of course, there was no trace of confidence left. Fear and uncertainty appeared. He found himself in a turbulent zone of uncertainty. And so he calls the best veterinarian. And the veterinarian is unsure of his financial affairs man, but real professional in your business. And so it turns out: a veterinarian in the field of finance experiences uncertainty and the uncertainty associated with it, and the oligarch experiences uncertainty and uncertainty in the field of medicine, where the veterinarian feels confident.

What could be worse for a woman than an uncertain relationship? Elchin Safarli in the book “They Promised You to Me” he writes: “Son, remember, a man should not force a woman to live in uncertainty. Then love will definitely be replaced by hatred, sooner or later. They know how to love even while waiting. It’s us, men, when a woman leaves for a while, we begin to mentally or openly look for a replacement for her. If you know you won't come back, better tell the truth. She will cry, but she will accept it. Just don't neglect her. This is something women definitely don’t deserve.”

A woman’s nature is not only the ability to build relationships, but also when uncertainty arises, is it necessary to dot all the i’s? Only caution, flexibility and natural cunning encourage her to live in hateful, humiliating uncertainty?

The truth can be unwanted and bitter, but its uncertainty is worse. Alison Ware writes: “Truth, no matter how painful, is infinitely better than the cruel torment of uncertainty.” How to live with “missing”, “loves - doesn’t love”, “maybe I’ll come”, with an unanswered SMS, with the phone not picked up? How to be in a state of uncertainty, that is, between heaven and earth?

Being a mistress... how scary it is!
wait forever... and fear retribution.
and never know what will happen tomorrow...
either an unearthly paradise or hell...
Maybe dark nights of separation...
maybe a sunbeam in the darkness...
or your gentle hands...
or sadness about a broken fate...

Writer Koji Suzuki writes in The Ring: “Uncertainty is the hardest thing to bear. When you know exactly what is happening - even if it is something irreparable - you can accept it and just endure it. But a person is designed in such a way that in a multivariate situation he immediately loses his head.”

In other words, the one who puts others in an uncertain position thereby plunges them into a difficult, difficult situation, forcing you to make a choice, make a decision, and begin to act. The social color of a person who generates uncertainty for others depends on what motives he was guided by. Maybe he wanted a person to learn to overcome difficulties, accept the challenges of life and be responsible for everything that happens in his life. Or maybe he acted out of envy, hatred, self-interest or revenge?

Uncertainty breeds endless fear. Viktor Nekrasov in his book “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” writes: “Yes, the worst thing in war is not shells, not bombs, you can get used to all this; The worst thing is inactivity, uncertainty, lack of immediate goal. It is much more terrible to sit in a gap in an open field under bombardment than to go on an attack. But in a gap there is much less chance of death than in an attack. But in an attack there is a goal, a task, and in the gap you only count the bombs, whether they will hit or not.”

Combat-ready in relation to uncertainty - foresight. Foresight is a battle with uncertainty. Foresight is a personality quality of those who, in a pile of seemingly random facts and situations, see internal logic, the sprouts of something new, a winner and a loser. A far-sighted person inquisitively peers into the turmoil of phenomena, abstracts from the unimportant, petty, superficial and then, on the basis of a purified contemplation of reality, sees what will happen to a given object, phenomenon in the future. No mysticism, no prophecy, fortune telling, empty fantasies, unjustified dreams and fabulous predictions. Foresight is based on validity, realism, feasibility and effectiveness.

Peter Kovalev

Uncertainty is the energy of life. Don’t let her intimidate you; if she’s not there, life will be extremely sad.
R.I. Fitzhenry

A state of uncertainty is that period of time when you are not yet sure how good the result of your planned enterprise will be. Staying in this state strengthens character; in fact, it is uncertainty that gives meaning and taste to life. This is what makes our existence interesting. Well, if you knew what to expect from life at every moment, because it was very, very, very boring. Of course, there are areas of life in which uncertainty is not welcome. For example, your coffee should have the taste that you are used to, the car should start in the morning, and after visiting the doctor, it is desirable that your health should be in perfect order, without any uncertainties.

You will likely feel uncertainty if you decide to start a business, start a family, buy a home, or change careers. But you need to move past this phase of uncertainty in order to achieve something much greater in your life.

Many people are wired to see change as something bad, when in fact there is nothing special about change. By classifying events, we ourselves give them a negative or positive connotation. “Negative” events are those that take us out of our comfort zone.

But anyone who has managed to make their dreams come true will tell you that the miracle happens precisely at the moment when you find yourself outside your comfort zone.

What can the emergence of uncertainty in your life lead to?

Uncertainty leads to big breakthroughs

Think about major changes and successes in your life. Was it really at that moment when you were moving towards your goal that you were 100% sure of a good result?

Here's what Alissa Finerman, a career coach and author of the book Living in Your Top 1%: Nine Essential Rituals to Achieve Your Ultimate Life Goals, says:

“One of my clients had a pretty successful catering business in New York City, but she wanted to do something different. She wanted something better for herself. She was looking at other careers and together we decided that she could make a career in residential real estate. Everyone around told her that now best time to break into this market, but she decided and was adamant. She became a broker in a well-known company and became the 2011 Newbie Broker of the Year. This year she is already on her way to becoming the head of the office, but the most important thing is that she loves her job! But to get all this, she needed to take a step into uncertainty.”

Uncertainty leads to increased levels of self-confidence

When you successfully overcome difficulties: open your own business, or lose weight, or change your specialty, or start new project- you prove to yourself that you can do it!

Uncertainty pushes you out of your comfort zone, which is unpleasant, and you start working on problem solving to get back into comfort. By overcoming problems, you gain confidence in your abilities. Always remember your victories, this will maintain your sense of self-confidence.

Uncertainty leads to growth

After 25 years of success, Oprah Winfrey has closed her popular talk show. Few people would be willing to give up such incredible success to launch their own cable channel. Not everything goes so smoothly, but nevertheless, with small steps, the OWN channel (Oprah Winfrey Network) continues to grow and develop. Every entrepreneur, every successful person must go through a stage of uncertainty in order to continue to grow.

The truth is that uncertainty is the fuel that helps you grow to your highest potential and achieve your goals.

Change your attitude towards uncertainty, tune yourself to the fact that uncertainty leads to unique opportunities and increases your potential. This is one of key points success - learning to relate to the state of uncertainty correctly. Such a correct (positive) attitude will help you to open up completely, do your work brilliantly and, most importantly, not be afraid to worry regularly transition periods in your life.

I type in a notepad. I've never liked notebooks. And print. While you are typing, you forget the idea you want to convey. But...
I would say my favorite writing style is vague. There's always that dot at the end...
For some reason, I now remember how in 2008, the first thing we did when we arrived at the seaside was go for a swim. It was about 10 pm. And before that we spent a very long time looking for the way to Svetlana. Sochi seemed like a very progressive city. Everything is in its place.
It’s a pity that now it’s not possible to just take everything and leave... One thing gets in the way, then another. I'm probably not one of those who will receive everything undeservedly... Although.
I say - uncertainty. Everyone has good mood. There are almost no people left in Moscow - only foreigners walk in the center on Sundays. And I. A newly minted Moscow artist, he painted only two oil paintings: “View from the Window” and “View of Europe Square from the Opposite Bank.” Somehow the second name even turned out to be ambiguous... from the “opposite shore” - this must be from Russia.
I have no idea how books are written. I mean, in my life I have opened a lot of books and even read, but I have no idea about the “kitchen” of preparing books. Perhaps this “undecided” writing style of mine will open the way for new generations of writers - after all, many have not fully defined their style - like life itself...
Perhaps writing somewhere in Gagra or Bocas Del Toro would be more pleasant than in musty Moscow. But then the whole meaning of the “undecided” style is lost: a person spends the summer at a crossroads, burning away precious minutes of that very freedom for the sake of undecided goals. He uses the general rejoicing, the general joy and laughter to think of great plans to overthrow the kings of the world. Who are we, undecided?? Why are there so many of us and why are we so often dissatisfied with something?
Dissatisfied people rushing to work
and people snoring after it.
The fish that ended up with the idiot are dissatisfied,
the train is moving dissatisfied in the subway...
Perhaps the answer is as simple as that...
Perhaps this goes away over the years
But we are filled with gray sand
In which the bile interferes with the wires
Who are we? Undecided mass piece?
When we feel good, do we cry?
When we feel bad, do we write?
And only when our chair goes to the bottom
Are we pretending not to hear?

Poems are the salvation of such people,
which traffic lights invented for joy!
Who will never wait for news
And do all sorts of nasty things.
They're bored with everything -
But how it sometimes breaks through the soul!
That others will be tormented to read them:
And the other one -
But I'll tell these two slackers
How the grass almost curled me up
And how sick I am on Mondays...

Interactive list. Start typing the word you are looking for.



gray-brown-crimson, fuzzy, diplomatic, neither a candle nor a devil's poker, indefinite, vague, neither two nor one and a half, extensible, half the middle, neither this nor that, suspended, unclear, imprecise, indistinct, vague, damnable, foggy , neither fish nor fowl, the middle in half, streamlined, evasive, the middle in half, neither the peahen nor the crow, unidentified, ambiguous, indefinite, unreliable, unreliable, unknown, blurred, diplomatic, unspecified, unmeasured, non-specific, between heaven and earth, does not sew, does not whip, does not moo and does not calve, neither yes nor no, neither sew nor fasten, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan, in question, dark, hanging in the air. Ant. reliable, definite, reliable, clear, unambiguous

UNCERTAIN synonyms, what are they? UNCERTAIN, UNCERTAIN this is the meaning of the word UNCERTAIN, origin (etymology) UNCERTAIN, UNCERTAIN stress, word forms in other dictionaries

+ UNCERTAIN synonym - Dictionary of Russian synonyms 4