A gentle, thorough and vulnerable Cancer man. Zodiac sign Cancer: characteristics of a man according to the horoscope

Changeable Cancer man ( June 21 – July 22) is very charming and romantic. Beneath childish naivety hide ambition, demandingness and the desire for power.

Character traits

The astrological profile of men is largely determined by the influence of the Moon on this zodiac sign. This is expressed in a combination of opposing character qualities, which manifest themselves in various life situations. The character flaws of a Cancer male are:

  • strong dependence of behavior on other people;
  • tendency to exaggerate the scale of the problem;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • touchiness and capriciousness;
  • inability to objectively assess the situation.

But it is worth considering that the sign shows its worst qualities only in an unfavorable environment for it.

The emotional Cancer man is very vulnerable, he needs protective “armor”. The lack of love and the feeling of uselessness are destructive for him. This sensitivity makes Cancer cautious and secretive. Over the years, men of this sign gain experience and wisdom, become tougher and learn not to react to criticism.

The Cancer man is faithful and trusted friend ready to do anything for a friend. WITH strangers He does not stand on ceremony, considering his interests most important. Their desire for power is explained by a lack of self-confidence and a desire to assert themselves.

Appearance and health

Characteristics of Cancer's appearance can be given in just one word: neatness. This sign prefers a classic style of clothing. He likes things that will always look appropriate and elegant. At the same time, Cancer does not pay attention to brands or the cost of clothing. A man of this astrological period keeps his shoes clean.

Most of Cancer's health problems appear due to his low stress tolerance and susceptibility to the slightest negativity from the outside.

They often have allergies and problems with the kidneys and liver. Lymphatic system- Another weakness Cancer. Representatives of this zodiac sign quickly catch infections, and due to suspiciousness, the slightest ailment can develop into a chronic disease.

It is important for a Cancer man to reduce communication with sick people and those who make him nervous or upset. If the sign eats properly, sleeps enough and good mood, he is recovering quickly.

Work and business

The personal characteristics of a Cancer man allow him to achieve great success in his favorite business. But for this he needs to learn to control his emotions. Having set a goal, Cancer stubbornly goes towards it. Sometimes he may be hampered by modesty and reluctance to use new ways to solve old problems.

A man of this zodiac sign should not be placed at the head of a creative team or innovative production. In this case, his inherent conservatism and desire to control everything will only do harm. For this zodiac sign, it is important not just to earn money, but also to be a respected person in a professional environment. Cancers rarely become workaholics; family comes first for them.

Representatives of this zodiac sign should not become doctors, since they are very susceptible to other people's grief and pain. The characteristics of astrologers say that the professions of a psychologist, diplomat, advertiser, salesman or banker are more suitable for them.

Love, family, sex

The Cancer man needs love like he needs air: he needs the attention and affection of the opposite sex. Usually, he likes women younger than himself. A Cancer man in love will move mountains to conquer the object of his passion. A guy of this zodiac sign is not afraid to show feelings, so you can expect a sea of ​​flowers and a serenade under the window from him.

Usually a Cancer man in love and sex, first of all, cares about his own pleasure. Their passion is manifested in many sexual relationships before marriage; in marriage, representatives of this zodiac sign calm down somewhat. How to win a Cancer man intimately? He does not tolerate vulgarity and flashy sexuality. A woman needs to be gentle, slightly naive and ready to experiment.

Because of its thoroughness and slowness, the sign takes a long time to choose a suitable candidate for the role of a future wife. He is demanding and somewhat selfish, so he believes that his interests are more important than the girl’s needs. In his personal life this zodiac sign often leaves broken girls' hearts in its path, because it does not particularly care about women's feelings.

How to win a Cancer man and not become another victim of his charm? He makes decisions based not on logic, but on feelings. You need to play them, creating the right impressions from the first acquaintance. Perfumes, words of admiration, romantic places for dates - and Cancer is already enchanted. In the future, he needs to make it clear that the girl is ready to take care of him, support, love and appreciate him. Hints about the presence of a rival may push the sign to take more decisive action in terms of starting a family.

Astrological characteristics indicate that the Cancer husband is quite jealous, he is very afraid of deception or betrayal in marriage. But he himself can commit adultery, while sincerely believing that he is not doing anything wrong. The Cancer husband carefully hides his adventures, avoiding family scenes and scandals. If he is in trouble or unwell, his wife should be there with a hot meal and words of encouragement.

A problem in marriage may be that the Cancer husband is very attached to his parents, especially his mother.. His wife needs to try to find mutual language with her and come to terms with frequent comparisons with her beloved mother. A Cancer husband can easily lead new family to my parents' house. The greatest happiness for him in marriage will be if all his relatives find a common language with each other.

Cancer husband is always ready to listen to his wife, give wise advice or just regret it.

A woman will truly be with him as if behind a stone wall.

But she will have to work hard to match high requirements, which the Cancer husband presents. Representatives of this zodiac sign become caring parents with an inexhaustible supply of patience.

Famous men of the Cancer sign

Our planet makes a year around the Sun full turn. On her way every month she meets new constellations. The ancient Greeks called this circle of constellations the Zodiac.

Cancer man. Characteristics of the Zodiac sign

People born under the constellation Cancer are talkative, but a little shy, good-natured and sincere. They are reserved in their manners, decisive, proud and thrifty. Slowly walking towards their goal and avoiding all obstacles along the way, they grab luck by the tail. Cancer is a symbol of return movement. Its ruler is the fickle Moon, which changes 4 phases during 1 cycle. He is always tastefully dressed and neat. He has a small wardrobe, but if he buys something, it is of high quality. Loves to live in natural environments or near bodies of water. Doesn't like being rushed, can't stand shouting and criticism.

Cancer man. Personality characteristics

Under the influence of the Moon, Cancer is able to constantly take on opposite appearances. Even close people cannot predict his mood. A minute ago, a depressed Cancer can laugh cheerfully. He is prone to withdrawal and melancholy, since his own anxieties come first for him, and needs understanding and constant support. Very important for Cancer financial well-being. He saves every penny he earns or tries to invest it securely. He always has a stash. He will never get involved in an adventure, as he thinks about all his steps.

Cancer man. Characteristics as a friend and family man

Cancer has few friends, but those that he has have been faithful to him for many years. He can tell them about some plans and have a lot of fun. Cancer is looking for his only beloved woman, who will resemble his mother. The wife must constantly support him, be gentle, affectionate, calm, economic and capable of sincere love. He greatly values ​​the comfort of home and family happiness.

Cancer man. Characteristics of psychosexual state

Cancer is a promiscuous sign. He is attracted to older women, of the maternal type. He is able to play a love game for a very long time. Cancers love to be petted.

Cancer man. Characteristics in the professional field

Cancers often do not want to grow up for a very long time. They can follow in their parents' footsteps. They are decisive and obedient in their work. They can prove excellent in areas related to children, food, animals and clothing. They will be happy to breed horses, dogs, work in a zoo, circus or kindergarten. They can make good teachers, psychiatrists, psychologists, watchmakers, foresters, historians, sailors, archaeologists, fishermen, and lawyers. They can have a restaurant business or find themselves in trade.

Compatibility of Cancer man with other zodiac signs

Cancer is compatible with Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, but Taurus suits him best. Cancer man and Taurus woman are made for each other. The love of accumulating material values ​​will become their bond. They will adore their children. Instead of visiting entertainment venues, they will happily spend the evening having dinner together.

The ruling planet for those born from June 22 to July 22 is the Moon. Its influence causes variability of mood, a tendency towards mild melancholy. What a Cancer man is like, his characteristics demonstrate polar qualities. This person is contradictory, extraordinary, which should not be confused with the duplicity inherent in Gemini. Opposite traits are combined harmoniously in the personality of the water element, determining the urgent need for him to be tough in appearance and loyal in the soul.

Defining Qualities

External impressions are considered deceptive, but Cancers are characterized by constancy in this regard. Coldness, restraint, silence in the business circle of communication and in the environment strangers- a natural manifestation caused by the need to protect the inner world with a “shell”. Personal horoscope Such people are defined by a sensitive, vulnerable, sensitive mental organization. Male representatives born under the sign of Cancer are prone to touchiness and suspicious perceptions, do not tolerate criticism, and are surrounded by people looking for support, approval, and a reliable rear. The outer ephemeral shell in the form of a reasonable pragmatist hides a soft sentimental essence.

At work and in personal life

They invariably try to provide their loved ones with everything necessary for a prosperous life. This desire strengthens them in the acceptable, desirable traditional role of breadwinner for men. Being polite and gallant, sometimes Cancer abruptly throws off the guise of good nature and takes on gloominess and irritability. This is determined by the influence of the changeable Moon.

The trusting nature of cancer men, determined by the constellation, demonstrates developed imagination: minor problems and failures can take on a significant scale and be positioned as a serious fiasco.

With parents

Cancers are very attached to their mother and family. Letting a new person into their personal space, they tend to experience some semblance of dependence in love.

The likelihood of prolonged separation becomes stressful and provokes strong emotions, so representatives of this water sign try to be closer to their family and loved ones.

With friends

Cancers are secretive in their relationships with friends. Often comrades find that they cannot understand what their motives and true feelings really are. When choosing between company and the girl they love, Cancers will prefer their soulmate. Despite their love for parties, holidays, and noisy gatherings, it is important for them to have a place in life where they can safely return and take a break from the human cycle and bustle.

Interaction with the opposite sex

The heart of Cancer is subject to the influence of feelings, he does not resist this, he completely surrenders to sentimental captivity. He is dreamy, inclined to create an image and look for it in reality. Often finds: women, captivated by the charm of a gallant suitor, try to adapt as much as possible to the ideal idea that determines behavior in society, everyday life and in bed, respectively.

One of the few signs who consider organizing romance the optimal opportunity to express feelings, which invariably evokes a grateful, admiring response from the fairer sex. A cautious Cancer man in his relationship with a woman tries to avoid intrigue, falsehood, hints of deception and secretive behavior. He wants to be an object of care and attention, and thanks in return if he observes sincerity and dedication.

Cancers have a special attitude towards adultery, calmly and indifferently. The majority believes that you can “feed” yourself in sex and satisfy your desire on the side, and love your only chosen one. He will return to her, as if to a quiet haven after an exhausting storm of passions on the high seas of strangers. In rare cases, he leaves his family and children: the priority of home warmth and comfort is strong.

To understand how to find the key to the heart and how to communicate with a cancer man on a wave of interest and sympathy, you need to be active and observe the reaction.

The initiative on the part of the Cancer girl is welcomed and supported. An unambiguous show of interest is flattering and makes you take a closer look at the brave young lady.

Opportunities for a harmonious union

The chances of building a long-term relationship depend on the temperament and disposition of the potential companion, which is determined to a large extent by her zodiac sign. In the future, the girl will often have to take on the responsibilities of a spiritual leader and independently move her partner towards something. He will turn out to be demanding, but it is enough to see the efforts, the desire to please him, and Cancer will appreciate the work and help his beloved feel like a princess.

On the same wave

You can confidently determine exactly what kind of women Cancer men like on an intuitive level. These include those born under the constellation of the elements of water. Pisces is a perfect match. With them, Cancer becomes the owner unique opportunity communicate at the level of the sixth sense, without using words. This is comparable to the telepathic nature of mutual understanding and harmony.

Passionate and impetuous Scorpios face the risk of suppressing Cancer. For the union to be long and strong, it is important to initial stage distribute conditional responsibilities, maintain unique roles, and not violate the boundaries of outlined roles.

Relationships with representatives of a similar constellation are simple and easy. There is no need to rack your brains about how to attract attention and how to attract a man to a Cancer girl. It will happen naturally, due to similarity recognition. In the future, we will have to make “shake-ups” so as not to get bogged down in boredom and routine.

In an effort to find out whether others have a chance, and which zodiac sign is suitable for Cancer men to find personal happiness, it makes sense to pay attention to the “points of contact” with the element of Earth. Taurus are able to create and give the desired comfort, a reliable fortress in the form of a warm homely atmosphere. This is equally accessible to Virgos, whose willingness to make concessions and sacrifice their own interests to please their partner will appeal to Cancer. Capricorn may suspect weakness and create far-fetched obstacles in order to awaken activity that is not inherent in Cancer. This can cause conflicts beyond serious reasons.

Looking in different directions

A typical Cancer man demonstrates compatibility with other signs at the stage of complex opposition. Water eliminates flame: it is difficult to get along with the fire element. Aries show a keen intention to re-educate, Cancers, accordingly, hide in a shell in order to avoid aggressive pressure. Leos constantly need to feel admiring glances and be the center of attention of the wider society. Cancers, who prefer home life to the noise of the crowd, will not like life on display. Sagittarius' craving for adventure, travel, and extreme recreation equally confuses Cancer.

Frankly polar views on life and worldview arise with “airy” representatives. It will be difficult for them to make doubting Cancers fall in love with them, and to feel the harmony next to them. Libras often find themselves in disgrace due to their tendency to instability, anxiety, and contradictions of all kinds. Strong-willed, stubborn, frivolous Aquarians act as a provocateur, bringing Cancer to strong negative emotions leading to quarrels. Geminis offend by their lack of depth of feelings, irresponsibility, and frivolity.

Methods of influence

There is no clear statement about who is more likely to make a couple and who is suitable unconditionally. Any girl is capable of showing due loyalty, flexibility, and showing herself in a favorable light, relying on the unshakable foundations of the behavior that Cancer expects from her.

Arouse sympathy

If astrologers do not predict compatibility by natal charts, it makes sense to take fate into your own hands: Cancers are an enviable match. They will be attracted to wise actions and confident actions. The girl should exclude sharp negative statements, compromising actions, and critical remarks addressed to her potential passion. At the stage of forming sympathy, the priority is to gain trust and have no grounds for doubt. Will scare away:

  1. Indifference.
  2. Stiffness.
  3. Modesty bordering on shyness.

It is important to avoid rudeness and vulgarity, since it is necessary to behave with him with inner respect and dignity. Demonstrating a sense of humor by telling a funny and touching story from childhood, emphasizing femininity by choosing the appropriate outfit, showing sincere interest by maintaining a conversation is the optimal start, since this is the only way to please a Cancer man. There will be no recognition from the man; he will wait for the cherished words from the chosen one.

Having made a choice and succumbing to feelings, Cancer begins to show jealousy and suspicion, which often has no basis in fact. It is worth being careful and not ignoring obvious signs, since it is very easy to understand that he is in love: Cancers become embarrassed, blush, and periodically fall silent, creating a sweet and touching impression.

On the way to marriage

At the stage of close acquaintance, it is important not to make annoying mistakes that lead to the transience of the romance. There is no need to relax, the urgent task is to maintain the interest that has arisen, initiate pleasant events, feel self-confident and spread the appropriate vibes, which Cancers, looking for reliable support and a stable refuge, sensitively pick up. Once at the stage of active courtship, a woman feels like a queen, since a Cancer man in love behaves tactfully and beautifully, to the envy of all her friends. Flowers, gifts for any occasion, unforgettable dates - there will be no shortage of romance. However, by nature, such guys demand more than they give in return: soon you will have to think about how not to miss out on a “valuable specimen.”

It’s not enough to understand how to attract and win the man you like; you need to consolidate the results. The topic of family, relatives and past experiences is taboo. You shouldn’t pry into the circumstances of your personal life in an attempt to get closer, this will only do harm and make Cancer think. Support, listen, show empathy, feel sorry - Cancer always returns to a woman who is capable of this for care and long-awaited peace.

Manifestations in marriage

Once you have succeeded in marrying an attractive man, the whole range of advantages of married life with Cancer opens up for your new wife. From the point of view of the emotional background and material aspects of marriage, such men are responsible heads of families and exemplary fathers. Initially focused on creating a full-fledged unit of society, they happily accept the birth of children and try to make every effort to create comfort and financial well-being.

A particularly difficult stage family life becomes the growing up of children, since they try to keep them near them for as long as possible by any method. It’s hard for Cancers to accept the fact that they need to let their children go on their own: they invest mental and physical strength in their upbringing, and spare no time to be there and help.

Business qualities

Cancers are the embodiment of an analytical mind, which ensures success in multitasking. In the business sphere, cold calculation, clarity and dryness of judgment come to the fore. Thinking about how to win a discussion, argument and how to gain authority, Cancers turn to the important distinctive feature- excellent memory.

These men record small details and circumstances, then use the most complete picture to voice arguments and categorical decisions. TO positive properties, helping Cancer move through career ladder, relate:

  1. Passion for your favorite activity.
  2. Diligence and healthy stubbornness.
  3. The ability to maneuver to gain advantage.

Excessive emotionality sometimes harms business contacts and forces Cancer to take a step back, since it is possible to understand the correctness of the choice and determine the prospects of projects only in a cool-blooded state. They move forward only when they are confident in the safety of the intended path.

Related nuances

In the intimate sphere, Cancer men pleasantly surprise with appropriate manifestations of sensitivity and sensitivity. Lack of positive emotions it won’t, because it’s possible to conquer and force Cancer to predict desires in a simple way. You need to try on the role of an obedient and pliable student, unquestioningly obeying a wise mentor. If a man notices that his partner’s knowledge and experience significantly exceeds his skills, he will withdraw and begin to experience discomfort. It is important for Cancers to be in a leadership position when relationships shift horizontally.

In addition to traditional romantic gestures in the form have a delicious dinner by candlelight (Crayfish will gladly take on this responsibility) and baths with flower petals, a man allows room for experimentation. Unexpected locations and spontaneity are welcome and allow you to seduce a gentle and attentive man, and remain alluring and attractive in his eyes. The same thing makes Cancers skilled lovers unique ability remember details, little things, nuances. Such men quickly find an approach to the woman they love.

If Cancer decides to break up with a girl, he will do it quickly, without unnecessary conversations or unnecessary clarifications. Having clearly defined their conclusions, they do not intend to provoke quarrels. Her unacceptable behavior, repeated throughout long period. The guy will remain silent, observe, and if there are no expected changes, he will leave. To prevent this, it is important to be attentive to the mood of the chosen one. In case of an ordinary disagreement, you need to delicately resolve the emerging conflict, since it is easy to make peace with a cancer man, providing him with the former confidence that he is right. Noisy arguments with saucers flying overhead, shouting, and physical assault are unacceptable options for solving problems.

If a breakup happens, you shouldn’t give up and slide into hopelessness. It is necessary to use every opportunity to demonstrate what was previously an element of an attractive girlish image for the ex.

Ease of communication, absence of personal claims, refusal of reproaches, loyalty, willingness to act and seek restoration of relationships will help restore lost trust and reassure Cancer of its significance.

Cancers are perfectly adapted for family life. The only aspect that requires work on yourself is uncontrollable change emotional state. Few Cancers consider this a disadvantage, but their loved ones often suffer from sudden changes and are forced to silently adapt so as not to inadvertently offend. Cancers, who have learned to masterfully “master themselves” in relationships, represent a valuable example of caring family men, tender, sensitive lovers, pleasant interlocutors and reliable life partners.

Video on the topic:

All zodiac signs are interesting in their own way: all of them have some character traits, which others do not have, but they, of course, can be both positive and negative. In this material we will tell you about what kind of character a Cancer man has and how to understand his subtle and interesting nature.

Cancers (from June 22 to July 22) are very similar to Pisces, they are mysterious and other people cannot always understand their inner world. Cancer is greatly influenced by the Moon, giving him a subtle, sensitive and vulnerable nervous system, emotionality and romance.

Cancers love dreams and fantasies, and often need privacy. Even when they become adults, they perceive the world like children: they are interested in everything incomprehensible, mysterious, strange, although they probably hide it from others. But at the same time, such individuals cannot be called fruitless dreamers - on the contrary, they are true realists.

Cancers are distinguished by strong impressionability and vulnerability. It is very easy to offend such a person; moreover, they have a heightened perception of even minor details in the change in the spiritual atmosphere around them, and they tend to subtly sense changes in the mood of others and changes in attitude towards them.

Representatives of this zodiac sign exhibit increased sensitivity regarding negativity in one’s direction, sidelong glances and hostility. They are wounded by other people's callousness, words carelessly thrown at themselves and bad jokes, because all this negatively affects their self-esteem. And even if there really is some little thing going on, Cancer will still be convinced that everyone is conspiring against him. Things can even get to the point of serious grievances because of little things and turning them into a tragedy.

Speaking about the character of Cancer, one cannot fail to mention the secrecy of such individuals. They are accustomed to reliably hiding their thoughts with grievances very deeply, and, as a rule, they experience problems alone with themselves. Such people show a distrustful attitude towards other people and do not allow them to enter their world. Therefore, they are especially careful and reluctant to tell their impressions and thoughts, because they are afraid to bare their soul to others. Because of this, real Cancers are often completely unknown even to their loved ones.

But with all this, Cancer enjoys the sympathy of other people, he knows how to win over, penetrate deeply into the souls of those around him, intuitively choosing the right words, and also due to his compassion and sincerity. Cancers empathize with people genuinely, sincerely, and you can feel it, which is why such people have good and loyal friends.

Representatives of this constellation not only readily offer their help, but also do it very skillfully thanks to their wisdom. They gain the necessary experience from personal mistakes and always take life lessons into account.

Cancers are also accustomed to clinging very securely to what they have. These individuals are easily recognized by their characteristic hoarding and frugality. This will manifest itself in different areas of their lives - in matters of property, finances, food or family values. Cancer people are not used to getting rid of old things; they also always make provisions for the future and will never be left completely without a livelihood.

The signs of this constellation are characterized by a love for everything proven, old, reliable, familiar - they do not welcome changes in their appearance, neither their tastes, nor frequent rearrangements in the home, and also reject everything sudden, various innovations and changes. They value the past too much, which is why they are distrustful of new products.

Cancers are distinguished by a love of nature and a thirst for travel. Such people will see beauty in everything that comes their way.

Over the years, Cancer does not become less romantic; he still continues to believe in his success with luck. And this is completely justified - after all, the older Cancer gets, the more luck he will attract to his side and face fewer disappointments.

Peculiarities of character and behavior of Cancer men

Representatives of the strong half of Cancers have an excellent sense of humor, they have a large number of different friends and often take on the role of ringleaders in different companies. Cancer people find it easy to carry on conversations on various topics, which indicates their excellent erudition.

If we compare the Cancer man with other men of the zodiac circle, then he will be distinguished by the most strongly expressed tenderness, sensuality and sophistication.

In addition, the obvious advantages of Cancer men include the following:

  • such men are very faithful and devoted;
  • have romance;
  • responsive;
  • attentive to your soulmate.

If we compare a Cancer man at home and at work, then we will see two radically different personalities. In his career, such a person is distinguished by categoricalness, persistence, and secrecy, although in general he is diplomatic, and in relationships he turns into a kind and loving person, ready to care for and cherish his soul mate.

But, of course, they are inherent in Cancer and negative qualities, namely:

  • he is quite jealous;
  • suspicious;
  • he is easily hurt and offended;
  • acts as an egoist;
  • terrible owner.

Cancer men in career

Work for a Cancer man is the most important part of his life. There are often cases when Cancers turn the office into their second home. They are very eager to achieve recognition from others and are accustomed to giving a million percent. Thanks to this, they often receive leadership positions.

Cancer is suitable for different professional fields of activity. So representatives of this constellation can become wonderful psychologists, politicians, diplomats, and musicians.

A union with which signs will be successful for Cancer?

Choosing a soul mate for a Cancer man is a very serious and responsible task. Such a representative of the stronger sex will spend a very long time assessing his future chosen one before moving on to active action.

It is also important to remember that Cancer people like it more when they are sought after, and they, in turn, show reciprocity.

If we talk about compatibility with other signs of the Zodiac, then it is best for Cancer to build love relationship with Pisces, Aquarius and Taurus.

Pisces and Aquarius women will be able to truly hook Cancer and arouse his strong interest, because such ladies are tender, melancholy and often cherish their loved one. Taurus girls will also give the vulnerable Cancer all their tenderness and love.

How a Cancer man behaves in love

He is distinguished by strong sensuality. But, as mentioned above, Cancers do not gravitate toward long-term courtship; they would much rather have their partner seek their attention. Cancers are not stingy and often please their beloved pleasant surprises and expensive gifts.

Cancer man in intimacy

It is very important for Cancers that they have a strong emotional connection with the people they go to bed with. If there is no trusting relationship, sensuality and affection, Cancer will not dare to have a fleeting intimate relationship.

He will also be irritated by coldness and inaction, because he prefers to be passive rather than active and strives to get maximum pleasure from his partner.

Cancer men are mysterious and sweet creatures, the following video will help you understand their behavior even better:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Ruling planet:☽ Moon. Element: Water.

Cancer man

If you dream of a man with such character traits as tenderness, caring, loyalty, and romance, then Cancer is just your lucky ticket. Even if at first glance he seems withdrawn and silent to you, even if his old friends, taking you aside, whisper to you that he is a stingy man and an inveterate bachelor, do not believe it: all this is just a false impression.

Yes, the Cancer man is not a flighty rake who chases every skirt and for whom marriage is just another adventure, but maybe this is for the better? By the way, it is the Cancer man, being an esthete, who knows how to appreciate the beauty of a woman’s body, mind and soul like no one else and is able to shower you with the most exquisite compliments.

Yes, Cancer is not inclined to throw money away, preferring to have a solid reserve in his bank account, but this only means that he is not a spender. Observe how willingly Cancer partes with money when he is sure that he is buying something really necessary, good quality and durable with it. Perhaps you will not receive gifts from him as often as your girlfriends from their more lightweight suitors, but instead of cheap Chinese consumer goods, the Cancer man will choose as a gift a European-made musical center or a magnificent antique “trinket”, which will grow tenfold over the years. price.

Being unhurried and thorough by nature, a Cancer man can spend almost all of his young years searching for his “soul mate,” but, having made a choice, he acts actively. You yourself will not notice how you will find yourself surrounded by his care and attention, how you will be conquered by the tenderness and sensitivity of his nature (qualities that Cancer carefully hides from strangers under his thick shell).

However, even despite falling in love, remember that Cancer always acts with caution. Conquering new frontiers is not as important for him as securely gaining a foothold in the old ones. Because of this, he can delay making any important decision for a long time, but he firmly holds in his hands all the trophies he has already won, be it good job, money, friends or love.

So if Cancer for some reason hesitates with a marriage proposal, the best medicine Indecision can lead to jealousy for him. Cancer is possessive, and if he notices that the prey (that is, you) is threatening to swim away from his hands, this may be the best argument not to postpone your wedding.

In general, it’s not for nothing that the Cancer man takes marriage so seriously, because home and family are everything to him. And you will have to get used to the fact that this has both its positive and negative aspects. Agree, it’s just wonderful when you are sure that your husband will prefer an evening at home to gatherings with friends. It’s also great that Cancer loves to furnish your home, making it a cozy family nest, that he knows how and loves to cook. However, we must not forget that before meeting you, the Cancer man lived in another family, with his parents, and this fact will always play a very important role important role in his life.

In other words, if you decide to become the wife of a Cancer, get ready for the fact that from now on your main rival will be his mother. And this is not surprising, because since childhood it was his mother who was the keeper of his home, the organizer of everyday life and comfort - in a word, exactly the creature that for the Cancer man personifies home and which you have now replaced. That is why, in your ability to manage a household, cook and raise children, you will hardly be able to avoid comparison with the Cancer mother. If you do not want the usually conflict-free Cancer to rebel seriously, then treat this with understanding.

It's hard to find a more attentive and caring father than Cancer! Only he has enough patience and understanding in communicating with both a screaming baby and a rebellious teenager. His child, even at forty years old, will be an object of care and sincere love for him.

The path to the heart of Cancer lies through delicious food, beautiful music, poetry, painting, gentle conversations and all other things that can caress his refined senses. Give the Cancer man all this - and in return you will forever become his goddess, the center of his home, and therefore his whole life.