Why do nails break? What is missing in the body if nails peel off? Treatment of brittle nails

Violation of the strength and integrity of the nail plates associated with exposure to external and internal factors. Brittle nails often break off, flake, crack, and present difficulties with growing and high-quality application of decorative varnish. To find out the causes of brittle nails, it is necessary to exclude chronic diseases, deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body, and fungal diseases. Treatment of brittle nails involves eliminating etiological factors, performing therapeutic baths, paraffin therapy, strengthening nails, using nourishing creams for nail care, etc.

General information

Brittle nails are a defect in the nail plates associated with their weakness and increased fragility. The nail plates on the hands and feet originate from the matrix area located at the base of the nail. The white crescent-shaped area of ​​the nail root - the lunula - is the visible part of the nail matrix. Nail growth occurs due to the division of germ cells in the matrix, which gradually push the old nail plate forward. The structure, shape, thickness and growth rate of the nail depend on the condition of the matrix. The basic substance of the nail plate is keratin, and the hardness and density of the nail plate depends on the amount of cysteine, a sulfur-containing amino acid. Between the layers of keratin there are layers of water and fat, giving the nails shine and elasticity. In healthy nails, in addition to sulfur, there are other microelements - calcium, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, selenium, the deficiency or absence of which negatively affects the condition of the nail plates, making them brittle and flaky.

Causes of brittle nails

Nails can become brittle for external and internal reasons. Nails have a porous structure and easily absorb moisture and various chemicals that your hands come into contact with. Therefore, brittle nails occur in people who, due to their professional activities, come into contact with solvents, acids, alkalis and other aggressive substances. In addition, brittleness and splitting of nails can occur due to frequent contact with household chemicals (washing powders, detergents and cleaners), prolonged exposure of hands to water, etc. Nails are weakened by physical factors such as low ambient temperature in winter years, dry indoor air. As a result of chronic hypothermia and drying out, nails become thin and brittle.

A common cause of increased fragility of nails is poor care: improper cutting of nails, the habit of biting nails with teeth. Frequent nail extensions, the use of cheap varnish and nail polish remover leads to the fact that harmful components (acetone, formaldehyde, etc.) penetrate deep into the nail, disrupting its structure and making it more vulnerable. In addition, mechanical stress from the outside can lead to cracking of the nail.

The problem of brittle nails may be associated with endogenous factors, among which the leading role is played by a deficiency of microelements and vitamins. The condition of the nail plate is especially adversely affected by a lack of vitamins A, D, E, calcium, selenium, silicon, zinc, and iron. Brittle nails may increase during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is understandable - at this time the female body “shares” its resources with the baby’s body, therefore it is extremely important that the mother’s diet is of high quality and complete in composition. In addition, increased fragility of nails can be observed during hormonal changes - during puberty and menopause. The cause of brittle nails can be thyrotoxicosis, diabetes, anemia, gastrointestinal diseases, and stress.

Characteristics of brittle nails

The problem of brittle nails is familiar to many women firsthand. In this case, the free edge of the nail often breaks off along its entire thickness or delaminates, i.e., the damage concerns its upper (shiny) layer. At the same time, the nail plates are thin and grow slowly. Increased brittleness of nails does not allow a woman to enjoy beautiful, long natural nails. Often, brittle nails are combined with deformation of their surface, changes in color and shape.

Splitting of nails in the longitudinal direction (onychoclasia, onychorrhexis) often leads to a painful crease in the nail plate. Vertical cracks originate from the free edge of the nail and extend to varying distances in the proximal direction. In this case, as a rule, the lesion concerns individual nails of the fingers or toes. With onychoschisis, the nails split in the transverse direction. This problem can occur with a poorly executed manicure, playing stringed instruments, typing, etc.

In dermatology, brittle nails are considered a manifestation of onychodystrophy, requiring identification of the causes and proper treatment. With the problem of brittle nails, a woman can turn to a nail service specialist, but it would be better to first visit a dermatologist. Only a medical specialist can properly understand the severity of the problem. Taking into account the rate of nail growth (on the hands 1-2 mm per week, on the feet - 0.25-1 mm per week), you can calculate the approximate time of exposure to the pathological factor.

To find out the true causes of brittle nails, additional consultation with a mycologist, endocrinologist, or gastroenterologist may be required. In order to obtain objective data, the patient may be prescribed a spectral analysis for trace elements, scrapings from the nail plates for pathogenic fungi, a blood test for thyroid hormones and other necessary tests. Brittle nails should be distinguished from onychomycosis, changes in nails due to skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus, congenital epidermolysis, etc.).

Treatment of brittle nails

A competent approach to treatment should begin with eliminating the main cause of brittle nails. In all cases, it will be useful to temporarily avoid contact with chemicals and coating your nails with decorative varnishes; enhance nail protection and care. Useful home remedies for brittle nails include warm hand baths (oil, salt) - this will help replenish the deficiency of nutrients in the nails. Daily care for brittle nails should be nourishing creams and balms with keratin, vitamins, and proteins, which should be applied to the cuticle area, since in this place the nail is most susceptible to the supply of nutrients. However, nutrition of nails should be carried out not only from the outside, but also from the inside. That is why, if you have a problem with brittle nails, you need to take care of changing your diet, including foods rich in vitamins A, C, E, B5, etc., as well as taking additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

When manicuring brittle nails, you must adhere to certain rules. Nails should only be cut with sharp scissors; It is recommended to avoid using pliers, which put too much pressure on the plate, causing it to delaminate and become brittle. For filing brittle nails, glass or ceramic files with fine grain are better suited, as they do not damage the fragile nail plate so much. In this case, filing movements should be made in one direction, with a large amplitude, from the edge to the center. Before applying colored varnish, nails must be coated as a base with a special protective and strengthening agent. All products used for manicure procedures should not contain substances harmful to the nail plate.

Specialized care for brittle nails can be carried out in a nail studio at a beauty salon. For brittle nails, spa manicure and Japanese manicure procedures, paraffin therapy, and masks for hands and nails are recommended. Therapeutic massage of the nail plate and cuticle area using a keratin complex, polishing the nails using fortified creams or oils, and sealing the nails are useful. To strengthen natural nails on the hands and feet, acrylic, gel, and biogel are used. If a crack occurs in the nail plate, the nail is repaired using silk or fiberglass. As the plate grows, the damage site is gradually cut off.

650 10/08/2019 5 min.

Beautiful and healthy nail plates are the ultimate dream of many people who continually experience cracking or peeling nails.

Such a nuisance can be caused by a lack of vitamins or improper care of the plates. One way or another, it is important to know why trouble arises and how to deal with it?

Why do nails crack, peel and/or break?

Everything in the human body is interconnected, so the occurrence of any problems immediately affects the appearance.

Often the problem occurs due to the use of nail polish remover containing acetone. The chemical composition of such a product is overly aggressive, which affects the condition of the nail and leads to peeling.

The main causes of brittleness and cracks in nails are as follows:

  • lack of useful microelements such as calcium, silicon, iodine;
  • the problem may also arise due to a lack of vitamin D3;
  • if, in addition to peeling, a person notices pits or dents on the nails, then we are probably talking about psoriasis;
  • similar tubercles develop during a fungal infection, but then the nail itself becomes yellowish;
  • The blue color of the nail and cracks on it indicate poor circulation in the body.

If, in addition to fragility, a person notices white spots of different sizes on the plates, then we can talk about a lack of silicon and calcium in the body.

In such cases, it is recommended to drink mineral-vitamin complexes, as they help quickly restore well-being and improve the appearance of the nail plates. Platinum depletion often happens if you do it for a long time.

The reasons are not always internal and are caused by a lack of beneficial microelements or the development of fungus. Sometimes external aggressive factors affect the condition of the marigolds. What factors usually cause the problem:

  1. The influence of household and industrial chemicals, for example, various powders and cleaning products.
  2. Using nail polishes containing formaldehyde.
  3. Extended nails or failure to properly remove them.
  4. Bruises, compression of the plate.
  5. Industrial or occupational injuries. For example, musicians or milling operators often injure their fingers, which is why their nail plates are in poor condition.

Not only fingernails, but also toenails can crack and break. However, problems with plates on the legs most often arise due to fungal diseases, but the hands can suffer due to poor manicure technique or lack of vitamins. Even excessive hypothermia can have a negative impact.

In children, this problem most often arises due to the fact that they love to bite their nails. Constant external influence leads to deformation of the plate, its thinning and deterioration in appearance.

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Revitalizing foundation

What to do

Damage to the nail plates is a problem that is difficult to ignore. That is why many girls prefer to quickly get rid of troubles with the help of salon procedures.

Nowadays, sealing nails with wax is very popular. You can resort to diathermy, a special salon procedure that activates blood circulation and improves metabolism.

The so-called Japanese manicure, in which a hand massage is performed using jojoba oil, is gaining popularity. Next, a mineral mask and polishing powder containing beeswax are applied to the nails.

At home, you can take care of damaged nails using folk recipes and ready-made cosmetic formulations.

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Medical cosmetics

Since this problem is relevant for both adults and children, cosmetics manufacturers have long begun to produce healing compositions with natural ingredients. Such varnishes and masks help improve the condition of the nail, restore strength to the plate, and prevent further delamination.

What varnishes are especially popular:

  1. Dance Legend, which helps get rid of both cracks and flaking of nails.
  2. No. 17 Strengthening Conditioner with silk Lambre with silk proteins, which transforms nails in just a couple of weeks.
  3. Restoring “Argan Extract”, which can be used both as a decorative coating and as a therapeutic option for nail care. The composition contains vitamins A, B5 and C.
  4. Restoring varnish from, which helps even in the most advanced cases, when nails completely lose their former attractiveness.

Therapeutic cosmetics help to quickly eliminate signs of nail detachment, it prevents the appearance of fungus, and instantly improves the condition of the plate. But before using the products, it is better to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

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Folk recipes

There are many folk remedies that have long proven their effectiveness in the fight against the beauty of marigolds. The only thing you should be aware of before using such products is the need for long-term exposure. Recipes are only effective when they are used for several weeks.

Here are just a few tips that have long proven their practical value:

  • Every day you can immerse your hands in a bath with warm water and sea salt, and to increase efficiency you can add 2 drops of iodine to the composition;
  • You can heat olive, almond or peach oil in a water bath, placing marigolds in this mixture every day for 20 minutes;
  • A small piece of beeswax (the size of a matchbox) needs to be melted in a water bath, adding 1 yolk and a spoonful of olive oil to the composition. This product must be used to treat your nails every day at home;
  • to strengthen your nails, you can add a little crushed red pepper to your regular hand cream;
  • You can apply blue clay to the skin of your hands and nails.

You can apply lemon juice and pulp to your nail plates, which will make them much stronger and grow more actively.

You can use home remedies in combination, or you can separately from each other, and here it is important not to forget about individual intolerance to certain components.

Homemade beauty recipes

You will find a review of Nitrogen hand creams.

Rules for nutrition and vitamin consumption

It was already mentioned above that to improve the condition of nails, it is recommended to drink ready-made vitamin complexes. Doctors have long proven that the deterioration of the condition of nails and hair occurs due to a lack of calcium in the body, as well as vitamins A, C and E. It is the complex of these vitamins that you should pay attention to in order to transform your nails, make them stronger and more beautiful. Separate ones that need to be addressed.

We must not forget about the correct diet, on which the condition of the marigolds largely depends. What foods should you consume daily?

  1. Gelatin is very useful, as it strengthens nails and prevents them from becoming brittle.
  2. Large quantities of white fish, eggs, carrots, as these products are rich in vitamins A and D.
  3. The diet should also include a sufficient amount of dairy products, as they are rich in vitamin C.
  4. More vegetables and fruits due to the fact that they consist entirely of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Egg shells, which contain the maximum amount of calcium, have a positive effect on strengthening nails. That is why it can be eaten in crushed form every day and added to dishes.

The result of proper care

Consumption of spinach, chicken, and vegetable oil will also have a positive effect on your health. Doctors recommend drinking enough fluids and not forgetting to use cosmetics and traditional recipes.

Dealing with the poor condition of your own nails is not that difficult. Sometimes it is enough to change your diet a little and listen to current recipes from the folk medicine cabinet.

Brittle nails are characterized by dryness, discoloration and the formation of bumps on the nail plate or their separation. Therefore, treatment for this problem will depend on the specific cause of their fragility.

In medicine this problem is called onychorrhexis. It "also known as brittle nails, is the brittleness of the fingernails or toenails that may be caused by excessive contact with detergents or water, nail polish remover, hypothyroidism, anemia, anorexia nervosa or bulimia, or occur after pre-oral retinoid therapy "


Nails can become brittle and brittle for a number of reasons, some of them related to daily hand care and too frequent manicures, and others due to health problems.

Environmental exposure

One of the common factors that cause brittle nails is chemical exposure. Aggressive substances may be contained in cleaning or detergents. Sensitive cells in the nail plate easily absorb them, resulting in decreased nail quality, dehydration, and peeling from the nail bed. The peeling process may begin unexpectedly.

Excessive exposure to water

Too frequent contact with water has a detrimental effect on the quality of fingernails and toenails, leading to dryness and brittleness, as well as cuticles and hand skin.

Water, especially cold water, has a detrimental effect on the cells of the nail plate and causes peeling, peeling and brittleness of the nails.

Swimming, hand washing and washing dishes are directly related to hand contact with water and therefore cause this problem.


Drying your nails with cheap polishes (including “medicated ones”) and nail polish remover makes your nails brittle after a few months

Some types of nail cosmetics, including polishes and nail removers, and disinfectants, contain alcohol, which leads to dehydration.

If used frequently, these products can cause drying and damage to the nails. Not all products will cause breakage, but frequent use may make the situation worse. For example, many people use nail polish remover that does not contain acetone, but the solvent present in such a product can dry out the nails.

Destruction of nail tissue

In addition to drying out, frequent use of nail polish removers can cause damage to the tissue of the nail plate, which will lead to its delamination. Try to use such products no more than once a week.


Vertical stripes on nails are a sign of aging.

This is another reason for brittle nails, since with age the body loses its ability to retain moisture in the body. This is perhaps the only factor that we cannot control.

Most often, people over 30 years old face this problem. The only thing that can be done in this case is to regularly use moisturizing creams, this will help slow down the effect of drying out nails.

But sometimes vertical stripes on the nail plate may not be associated with age, but may be a sign of thyroid dysfunction, the effects of stress, hormonal changes or diabetes.


Severe fragility and brittleness of nails can be caused by diseases affecting the nail plate.

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is accompanied by yellowing, flaking, and brittleness.
Psoriasis causes excess cell growth. Unlike fungus, it is a non-contagious (non-infectious) disease. May occur simultaneously with psoriasis on the skin, or may appear only on the nail plates

Raynaud's syndrome

Nails may turn blue with Raynaud's phenomenon and may develop raised lines over time

According to Dr. Lowry, a disease such as Raynaud's syndrome, can cause brittle, thin, and weak nails that are prone to splitting.

This syndrome is usually characterized by poor circulation in the fingers and toes. The lips, ears and nipples may also be affected.

Changes in the color of the nail, tingling, a feeling of cold, or burning pain in the fingers after warming up near a heat source are all the main symptoms of Raynaud's syndrome.

Although the actual cause is unknown, doctors have linked the disorder to exposure to cold, chronic injuries, endocrine disorders, stress, and occupational activities that place stress on the fingers.


Before starting treatment, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis. This will help you choose the right treatment tactics, which will facilitate and speed up your recovery.

Vitamin supplements

Vitamins are often prescribed to treat brittle nails. In particular, for adults, a doctor may prescribe a course of vitamin B.

Another vitamin that will help cope with the problem is biotin. This water-soluble vitamin is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats from foods, and also regulates their balance.

In the course of research, it was found that patients who took a course of biotin significantly improved the condition of their nails. About 2.5 grams of biotin supplement per day will help strengthen fragile nails. The course of treatment with this supplement is about 6 months, or until a healthy nail grows completely.

Drug treatment

There is also a treatment option with medications. These medications are designed to strengthen fragile, brittle, and peeling nails. According to drdanabeauty.com, “these products contain hydroxypropyl chitosan (HPCH), which penetrates into the intercellular spaces and superficial grooves of the nail, providing physical support and creating a barrier against external factors.”

Another effective nail product is Nuvail. It provides protection against substances that dry out the nail plate.

Unfortunately, most of these products often come with a high price tag.

Nail strengthener

For people who suffer from brittle nails, the cosmetics market offers special products whose main function is to strengthen the nail plate.

However, they should be used with great caution.

The recipes described below for home use can improve the condition of your nails.

Liquid paraffin baths + heated hand pillows

Heated mitts

Warming paraffin baths or heated hand pillows (available on Amazon) will strengthen your nails and cuticles. For greater effect, you can use cuticle oil.

Use of rubber gloves

We recommend using rubber gloves when handling chemicals, household cleaners and when washing dishes.

Moisturizing hand cream

Using fragrance-free moisturizers will keep your cuticles looking healthy and prevent flaking. In addition, this will partially prevent your nails from drying out too much.

Diet rich in vitamin A

Vitamin A strengthens the nail plate and also reduces the risk of infection with certain diseases that negatively affect the health of the nails.

Foods rich in vitamin A include:

  • grapefruit;
  • most leafy green vegetables such as spinach;
  • broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • apricot;
  • sweet potatoes (yams).

Moisturizing hand cleanser

Instead of sanitizers, choose moisturizing products for your body and hands, such as those from Dove.

Precautions during treatment

  • You should avoid acrylic coating until your nails are completely healed.
  • With calcium deficiency, the condition of the nails will deteriorate significantly, although this is not the main reason for their fragility.
  • Some remedies for treating and strengthening nails can significantly worsen the situation and even lead to serious damage.
  • The most common cause of brittle and split nails is dryness of the nail plate. In this case, high-quality moisturizing will be sufficient.
  • In rare cases, problems with nails are a consequence of diseases of the internal organs.
  • Sometimes the quality of the nail plate is determined by genetic predisposition.
  • Following a proper diet, protection from environmental factors, and proper health care in general will help maintain the strength and quality of your nails.

Modern women are extremely careful about the condition of their nails, and everyone wants to see them strong and healthy. In addition, many people prefer to do manicures on long nails, choosing their own unique design. If nails begin to break or peel, this is an indication that a person is affected by various negative factors. This can be either external or internal influence. In this article we will look at what to do if your nails are crumbling, we will talk about possible causes, treatment and prevention.

Fingernails break: reasons

Brittle nails can occur for many reasons. External ones include:

  • Contacts with substances containing large amounts of chemicals. This can include cleaning without gloves, in which your hands come into contact with household chemicals, and removing manicures using a liquid containing acetone. It deforms the nail plate due to caustic chemicals, which contributes to splitting of nails and makes them weak.
  • Changes in temperature and weather conditions. Cold has a negative impact not only on nails, but also on the skin of the hands. Therefore, in winter it is necessary to wear warm gloves to protect yourself from frost. In addition, use a moisturizer both in summer and winter.
  • Incorrect manicure cutting technique. Women who remove the length with nippers injure the nail plate. This should be done more carefully using a nail file. It will help not only adjust the length, but also give the desired shape to your nails.
  • Frequent use of varnish and removal of coatings. After gel polish, gel or regular polish, your nails get tired, so they need to be given rest, taking a break between coats.

Internal reasons are due to:

  • Vitamin deficiency. What is missing for strong and healthy nails? First of all, these are various vitamins and microelements. Such as calcium (found in cottage cheese, dairy products, eggs and nuts), sulfur (found in meat and poultry, fish, beans and milk), magnesium (its sources are wheat, cereals, bananas, beans), phosphorus (seeds, seafood, meat and poultry), silicon (carrots, radishes, onions, mushrooms) and many others. Thus, it becomes obvious that only a balanced diet, including a variety of foods, will help cope with this problem.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine or nervous system.
  • Hormonal imbalances. Thus, nails become brittle and grow slowly during pregnancy or adolescence.
  • Smoking, which not only negatively affects the general condition of the body, but also affects the condition of the nails, causing them to become brittle and yellowing.

Fingernails break: what to do?

The problem of weak, breaking nails needs to be solved with an integrated approach, which includes not only a healthy diet, but also, for example, medicinal coatings. This procedure can be carried out in beauty salons or at home. You can strengthen your nail plates with regular gel, biogel or other coatings. This makes nails not only stronger and healthier, but also accelerates their growth.

If you don't want to spend too much money, you can use various baths designed to improve the condition of your nails. Next we will give you several recipes.

Bath with vitamins

To preheated 3-4 tablespoons of sunflower oil, add vitamin A, sold in liquid form, 5-6 drops, and a few drops of iodine. Keep your hands there for 15-20 minutes, and then, without rinsing, dry your hands with napkins.

Salt bath. For this you will need salt, preferably sea salt. Mix one spoon of salt in a glass of warm water. You can add squeezed half a lemon there for better effect. You can also use iodine instead of lemon. Mix one teaspoon of iodine with 3 tablespoons of salt (sea or table). The procedure time is 10-15 minutes.

Olive oil bath

Pour half a glass of olive oil, warm it in the microwave and put your hands in it for about 10 minutes. The oil will have a beneficial effect not only on the nails, but also on the skin of the hands, making it softer.

Vegetable juice bath

It is necessary to mix the juice squeezed out of potatoes with cabbage juice. Afterwards, warm the resulting broth a little and hold your hands there for 15 minutes.

In addition to baths, other means are used to strengthen nails. The vitamin A already mentioned above can be rubbed into your nails, alternating it with vitamin E every other day. The course lasts 8 days. In addition, ordinary glycerin, known for its softening properties, can be used for rubbing.

There are a wide variety of approaches to treating brittle, weak nails. However, it is important to remember: if this problem bothers you for a long time, it is best to consult a doctor. After all, sore nails can indicate serious problems in the body, and in this case you should not self-medicate.

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Nails perform a protective function, protecting the skin tissue of the fingers. Also, by the condition of the nails, one can largely judge the general state of a person’s health. A number of diseases not directly related to nails also affect them. Therefore, if you notice that your nails look unhealthy, you should consult a doctor who can help determine and eliminate the cause of this disease.
One of the most common problems is cracks in the nail plate. Cracks can be vertical or horizontal. In the first case, they usually start from the tip of the nail, and in the second they can appear anywhere on its surface.
Let's find out the main causes of cracked nails and methods of treatment.

Causes of cracks in fingernails

Nails are constantly exposed to environmental influences, and, unfortunately, most often this has a negative effect. Also, as mentioned above, nails reflect the health of internal organs. Taking this into account, we can conditionally divide the causes of cracks in nails into two groups: external and internal.

External causes of cracks:
- fungal infection of the nail plate - mycosis;
— excessively frequent or prolonged contact with water;
— influence of household chemicals;
— a sharp change in temperature conditions and/or air humidity;
— contact with chemicals such as glue, paints, varnishes and other construction and repair materials;
- using low-quality nail polish or nail polish remover;
- improper nail care or lack thereof.

Internal causes of cracks:
- one of the manifestations of dermatological diseases such as neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and others, accompanied by dry skin.
— various hormonal disorders, including menopause in women;
- diabetes;
- poor nutrition and, as a result, vitamin deficiency;
— Dehydration of the body;
— diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- liver diseases.

If, after studying the list of the most likely causes of cracks in nails, you were able to discover yours, then do everything to eliminate it. Most likely, after this your nails will delight you with their beauty and health. If, in addition to the cosmetic problem of cracked nails, you feel that there are health problems, then you should not self-medicate - consult a qualified specialist.
Even if the cracks are very small, and you know that they appeared after home renovation, for example, you should not ignore it. Any damage to the nail plate increases the risk of various pathogenic bacteria and viruses entering the body.

Treatment and prevention of cracked nails:

Try to protect yourself as much as possible from the negative effects of the environment. For any contact with household and other chemicals, use rubber gloves. If you are working with soil, also use gloves to avoid fungal infections.

Try to diversify your diet, eat more foods containing vitamins B, E, A, C, iron, calcium, biotin. Twice a year, take a course of vitamin and mineral complexes. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Manicure accessories are considered personal hygiene products, just like a toothbrush. Each family member should have their own nail file and scissors. If not, then at least disinfect all manicure accessories before each use. Get your nails done at least once a week.

To wash your hands, use mild natural or baby soap. Afterwards, rinse your hands with a decoction of herbs that have an antiseptic effect (linden, chamomile, plantain).

After each hand washing, moisturize them with a special cream with a healing effect.

Vegetable oil is an affordable and good remedy for treating cracked nails. Soak a cotton swab in oil and apply it to your nails. Repeat this procedure several times a day.

To treat and prevent cracks, use salt baths. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of sea salt in warm water and soak your hands in this solution for 15 minutes. After this, lubricate your hands with oil or rich cream.

Traditional healers recommend a decoction of oak bark for cracks. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of oak bark with boiling water and keep in a water bath for 20 minutes. Close the container with a lid and let the broth brew for 30 minutes. Soak a cotton swab or soft cotton cloth in the healing broth, wrap your fingers in it, secure it, put on cotton gloves and leave overnight.

If, in addition to cracks, you notice that the nail plate has become thicker, has acquired a yellow tint, and the skin between the fingers is irritated and itchy, then there is reason to believe that it is a fungus. Contact a dermatologist, get tested and start treatment with medications.

Modern methods make it possible to hide this cosmetic defect under varnish or extended nails, but this will not save you from health problems if cracks are a consequence of them. Remember this and take care of yourself.

From the comments: I had the same problem. I cured it with the simplest and most accessible method: I soaked my finger in soda water for about 15 minutes, then put a completely soaked swab on the nail with the composition (sunflower oil and apple cider vinegar 1:1 ratio, pre-mixed well), bandage it and leave it overnight, and so on until the nail grows without cracks.

What can our nails tell us?

For many centuries, doctors of the famous Celestial Empire, as China has been called since ancient times, studied the hands of their patients, as a result of which they came to the conclusion that they completely convey the state of their health. With the same accuracy as x-rays, test results and magnetic resonance imaging results can confirm a particular diagnosis.

In a week, nails grow by a millimeter; in winter, growth slows down significantly due to the slowdown of all metabolic processes in the body. The growth of fingertips also slows down during pregnancy and lactation. So why do nails crack and what to do in this case?

What can our marigolds tell us about health?

Take a closer look at your fingertips: if the nail on one of them constantly peels or cracks in the same place, or a dent or line forms somewhere, your body is telling you that it has already begun to fight the disease.

The nail of each finger is responsible for certain organs in the body. If you have marks on your big toe or hand, then you have problems with the respiratory system. On the index finger - some problems with the intestines. The condition of the plate on the ring finger indicates disorders of the endocrine and nervous system. The little finger will tell you that you have pathologies of the small intestine and heart.

But the most important thing is that such marks along the nail very often appear long before you feel a certain discomfort. Eastern doctors have learned to recognize dozens of different diseases by the condition of their fingertips!

How to care for your hands

Your fingertips will be less of a hassle if you really feed them properly: chicken broth and eggs are rich in biotin and cysteine, they give the plates elasticity and shine. They will benefit from various dairy products, jellied meats, jellies, fish, vegetables and fruits, cereals, seeds, nuts, mineral water and freshly squeezed in the quantities required by our body. Quite often, problems with plates begin due to the habit of eating dry food, simply forgetting that we need to drink a certain amount of water every day.

If your nails break and peel, oriental doctors in such cases recommend “leaning on” seafood, herbs and mushrooms.

To quickly get rid of problems with cracking nails, you need to consult a doctor. Only he can advise you on methods that can restore a healthy appearance to the plates.

nail care

If your nails are cracking, then take gelatin for a whole month. A balanced diet will benefit your fingertips and your entire body. Include almonds, dairy products, cabbage, liver, dates, figs, carrots, egg yolks, sweet bell peppers, pumpkin and other foods in your diet.

Olive oil is endowed with useful microelements and vitamins. You can rub it into the plate, or make baths with a few drops of lemon juice.
Buy special hand and cuticle care creams containing protein. Do all housework related to chemicals and detergents only with rubber gloves.
Salt baths also have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails.

In beauty salons, you can do a special sealing procedure to prevent splitting and brittleness of your fingertips!


Nails peel and break: reasons

There are several factors that influence the normal condition of nails. Finding them out is extremely important. After all, if you continue to ignore this phenomenon, then you will not only never be able to give yourself a beautiful manicure, but also, quite possibly, you will miss a clear sign of a serious abnormality in the body.

So, the first reason that your nails constantly peel and break is a health problem. In this regard, it is recommended to undergo a full medical examination, after which it will be clear in which system of the body the failure occurred.

If your nail breaks lengthwise or crosswise and is very peeling, then perhaps you lack vitamins, proteins or microelements. After all, its main building material is keratin, consisting of amino acids, which, in turn, contains sulfur atoms that make the nail plate hard. In addition, nails also contain microelements such as zinc, selenium, calcium, chromium and phosphorus. Insufficient intake of them into the body quite often leads to the plates becoming fragile and constantly peeling off.

What other factors influence a person’s nails to break? The reason for this phenomenon may be hidden in the fact that there is a clear lack of iron in the blood of a woman or man. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor for treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

Other causes of brittle nails

Severely peeling nails quite often indicate the presence of such serious diseases as diabetes, endocrine and metabolic disorders, anemia, fungi, etc. But often this phenomenon is observed not because of internal problems in the body, but as a result of external influences.

Thus, a likely cause of peeling and brittle nails may be the regular use of household chemicals without gloves (for example, detergents for floors, dishes, washing clothes, etc.). To understand why this happens, we must return to the structure of the plate. The fact is that the fat molecules that are located between the keratin are quite easily washed out under the influence of surfactants (surfactants). In turn, this process leads to the fact that a person begins to constantly complain that his nails are peeling and breaking. What to do in this situation? To do this, it is recommended to use household gloves, as well as restore the damaged plate by consuming vitamins and minerals.

By the way, this phenomenon is often observed among those representatives of the fair sex who use low-quality cosmetics to care for their nails. In this case, it is advisable to abandon nail polish remover containing acetone, toluene, formaldehyde and their derivatives.

Another cause of this problem is mechanical damage. After all, if you constantly tap your nails on any object (be it typing on a computer, playing a musical instrument, telephone, etc.), then as a result, cracks will certainly appear on the plates, which will subsequently lead to their fragility and delamination.

It is also worth noting that this phenomenon is often observed in those who incorrectly adjust the length of the nail. Thus, in order to prevent the formation of cracks and scratches, experts recommend only sawing off the plate, and not cutting it with scissors, and, of course, not chewing them off.

Nails peel and break: what to do if you have thyroid disease?

If you have such a deviation due to a lack of minerals or as a result of any diseases, you should first consult a doctor. This could be a therapist, an endocrinologist, or a gastroenterologist. After diagnosis, the doctor is obliged to prescribe a course of treatment for you.

To normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, the patient may be recommended the herbal medicine “Alba”, which is based on the extract of white cinquefoil root. It should be especially noted that this plant has been used in alternative medicine for a very long time. But in the form of a pharmaceutical product it appeared in pharmacies relatively recently. After clinical studies, experts found that this drug normalizes the functional state of the thyroid gland, and also contributes to a significant improvement in the patient’s well-being, alleviates the symptoms of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis, preventing relapses.

Each capsule of Alba contains about 300 milligrams of white cinquefoil extract, as well as half the daily requirement of iodine. In addition, this medication includes iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and other microelements, which are necessary not only for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, but also for restoring the hardness of the nail plates.

Vitamin deficiency

If a medical examination does not reveal any pathologies in you, then most likely the problem presented is associated with a lack of nutrients. In this case, your doctor may prescribe a course of vitamins and microelements. It should be noted that modern pharmacies offer an incredible selection of such products. However, they are all synthetic and are eliminated from the body quite quickly. In this regard, some experts recommend purchasing dietary supplements or including more fruits, vegetables, dried fruits and nuts in your diet.

Other methods to solve the problem

If your nails break badly, what should you do? In order to solve this problem, one should adhere to general principles, namely:

  • eat a balanced diet;
  • sleep no less and no more than 7-8 hours a day;
  • eliminate all bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • try to get rid of negative influences from the outside and not be exposed to stress;
  • eliminate exposure to harmful chemicals;
  • Take proper care of your nails using high-quality cosmetics.

Nails peel and break: what to do in this case? If you have had this problem for quite some time, and you just can’t get rid of it, then you can try to adjust your diet and add foods containing calcium and phosphorus to it. Such ingredients include milk, meat, cottage cheese, eggs, hard cheese, nuts, fish, soy, beans, gooseberries, dried fruits, broccoli, cabbage, poppy seeds, celery and almonds. As you can see, the choice of healthy products that have a positive effect on the condition of your nails is huge. In this regard, treating brittle and peeling plates can be a rather pleasant process.

If your nails begin to peel due to a lack of zinc, then you can supplement your usual diet with foods such as shrimp, cheeses, seaweed, beets, soybeans, tomatoes, oranges, raspberries, garlic, ginger, blueberries, etc.

If your body does not have enough chromium, then you can treat yourself to hazelnuts or Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds (not fried), dates, cherries, plums, etc.

External nail treatment

Now you know how to strengthen peeling nails by eating certain foods. But it is advisable to treat diseased plates in a complex manner. In this regard, people with this problem are recommended to use special hand baths. They will contribute to the external nutrition of the nail plates, not only making them strong and beautiful, but also significantly increasing their growth rate.

So, let's look together at several proven and effective recipes for medicinal baths.

Salt bath

Salt strengthening baths for nails are considered the most effective. To make them, you will need to dilute a large spoonful of sea salt in one glass of warm water, and then mix thoroughly until the bulk component is completely dissolved. After this, you should soak your nails in the liquid for 10 minutes. At the end, you need to blot the plates with a napkin and apply any fatty cream to them. By the way, if you don’t have sea salt, you can use regular table salt instead.

Oil bath

Strengthening nail baths with oil will not only help restore the nail plates, but will also make the skin of your hands softer, more delicate and silky. To prepare such a liquid, you need to pour ¼ cup of vegetable oil into a bowl, then heat it slightly and gradually add the same amount of apple cider vinegar. After receiving a homogeneous warm mass, you need to release your hands or just your fingertips into it and keep it in this state for about a quarter of an hour. Finally, pat your nails well with a paper towel, and after half an hour, wash your hands with glycerin or baby soap.

Iodine bath

To make such a bath, pour 1/3 cup of warm boiled water into an enamel bowl, add 2 dessert spoons of table salt, 1/3 cup of natural orange juice and 3-5 drops of iodine. After this, you need to dip your fingertips into the bowl so that the nail plates are completely immersed in the resulting mixture. It is advisable to hold your hands in this position for about 10 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wipe your fingers dry and lubricate your nails generously with any fatty and nourishing cream.

Combined bath

If your nails are very peeling, it is advisable for you to use the following recipe: you need to combine in one bowl 2 large tablespoons of olive oil (unrefined), a dessert spoon of iodine, 10 g of sea salt and 2 cups of warm boiled water. After thoroughly mixing all the components into the container, you need to dip your fingers, let it sit for a quarter of an hour, and then wipe it dry with napkins and use a nourishing cream.



A nail breaks under the influence of various factors. They can be external and internal. Depending on why the pathological process occurs, a specific treatment method may be chosen. External factors most often involve eliminating negative impacts, but internal causes need to be treated.


A fingernail can break as a result of external factors. In most cases, the fracture occurs in the middle or along the plate. Experts identify several external reasons that can change the structure of the plate.

  1. Household chemicals. Modern detergents contain chemical elements in high concentrations, which causes nails to break.
  2. Mechanical damage. If a person has thin nail plates, then any careless movement can lead to injury.

The most common reason why a plate breaks is manicure. This procedure is very popular among women. Many women prefer extended nails. But it is the extended nails that cause the most harm. After the extended nails are removed, their own plates are in poor condition. They have an uneven surface, break and peel. Injury can also occur as a result of an incorrectly performed manicure.


Brittle nails can be caused by internal reasons. Medicine has confirmed that it is the condition of the nail plates that affects many pathological processes that occur in the body.

Internal reasons include several factors:

  • avitaminosis;
  • pathologies of the internal organs responsible for the distribution of useful elements in the body;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • fungal disease;
  • immune system failures;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • intoxication of the body.

Very often, internal causes also affect the condition of the hair. Hair loss and brittle nail plates are the main symptom of the disease.

Reasons for a child

Many parents are concerned about why their child has thin nails, which also often break. Identifying the reason why a child’s nail breaks is more difficult than determining what causes the pathological process in an adult. Children often break their fingernails lengthwise.

External damage very rarely affects plate fragility in children. Most often, internal factors influence.

In most cases, it is the child’s nutrition that leads to the fragility of the plate on the thumb. A lack of vitamins causes the child to have thin nails that peel and break lengthwise. Less common is a pathology such as a fungus.

Troubleshooting the problem should not be done on your own. More serious diseases can also affect the fact that a child has thin and brittle nails.

Features of treatment

Restoring brittle nails is easy. To begin with, it is worth identifying why the nail broke. Particular attention should be paid to associated factors: hair loss, poor skin condition, etc. Such signs indicate the presence of internal factors.

If fingernails break due to a malfunction of the body, then the patient must go to a medical facility, undergo diagnostics and begin treatment. Medical methods against brittle nails can be combined with the use of folk remedies.

When diagnosing the internal causes of brittle nail plates, the doctor prescribes treatment for the patient depending on the pathology that provoked the disorder. Treatment methods may vary.

  1. If vitamin deficiency leads to brittle nails and hair loss, it is recommended to take a course of vitamin supplements and also change your diet.
  2. Iron deficiency anemia is treated by taking medications containing high amounts of iron. With anemia, hair loss occurs and nails break.
  3. Restoration of immunity and hormonal balance is eliminated by long-term use of drugs.
  4. More serious pathologies may require treatment using different methods.

Until the reason why a person has brittle nails is eliminated, no treatment will produce results. Therefore, self-diagnosis and self-medication are not recommended.

Traditional methods

When a person has a weak nail plate and also suffers from a problem such as hair loss, then traditional methods can be used in conjunction with drug treatment.

Before starting treatment with alternative medicine, it is necessary to identify why pathological processes are progressing.

If the doctor finds no contraindications to the use of folk remedies, then additional treatment can be confidently begun.

In order to restore the condition of nail plates and hair, people often use masks, compresses, infusions based on herbs and natural products. Their effectiveness lies in the presence of a large amount of vitamins with which they nourish a weakened body.

Restoring the strength of the nail plates can take a long time. In order to increase the effectiveness of drug treatment, it is recommended to change the diet. Nutrition should be complete and rich in various vitamins.

If a person has brittle nails, then he can take special vitamin complexes for prevention.

  1. Lady - S.
  2. Vitrum - Beauty.
  3. Evisent.
  4. Nagipol.


What external causes lead to brittleness and splitting of nails?

Violation of the structure of the nail plate can be caused by the following aggressive external causes, leading to dry and brittle nails:

  • prolonged contact with water;
  • frequent exposure to low or high temperatures (dry and hot air, hot water, etc.);
  • aggressive exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • contact with aggressive chemicals (household chemicals, nail polishes, nail polish remover, building materials, etc.);
  • use of low-quality nail files;
  • improper care of hands and nails;
  • improperly performed manicure or nail extensions;
  • mechanical injuries.

The external factors described above lead to overdrying of the tissues of the nail plate or its mechanical damage. As a result, the nail begins to peel, becomes dry and brittle.

What internal reasons lead to brittleness and splitting of nails?

Violation of the structure of the nail plate can be caused by various internal reasons that provoke a malnutrition of the nail tissue. These include:

  • poor nutrition or aggressive diets leading to insufficient intake of minerals and vitamins from food (deficiency of vitamins B5, B3, B1, A, C, E and D, iodine, silicon, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus, iron);
  • period of active growth of children or adolescents;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs);
  • onychomycosis (fungal diseases caused by Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton schoenleinii, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermaphyton flocсosum, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Alternaria, Aspergillus and other types of fungi);
  • hormonal disorders and endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction, etc.);
  • psoriasis;
  • diseases of the kidneys and digestive organs (intestines, pancreas, etc.).

The reasons described above lead to disruption of the nutrition of the nail plate and changes in its structure. As a result, the nails begin to peel and break, and grooves, depressions, or areas of discoloration appear on them. In such cases, it is not possible to improve the appearance of nails with the help of external means, and you can get rid of the problem that has arisen only after eliminating the cause of its occurrence (i.e., treating the underlying disease, giving up bad habits, normalizing nutrition).

What do nails look like with certain diseases?

Overdrying of the nail plates, caused by insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals or exposure to aggressive factors and chemicals, is manifested by delamination and increased brittleness of the nails. They lose their integrity, become dull and grow poorly. In such cases, a person needs to eliminate aggressive external factors, normalize nutrition and properly care for nails.

With the development of diseases of the internal organs, in addition to delamination and increased fragility, the condition of the nail plates can change as follows:

  • the appearance of dents and depressions on the nail - with psoriasis;
  • yellowish tint of the nail - with liver diseases;
  • cyanosis or paler color of the nail - in diseases associated with circulatory disorders;
  • shiny, brittle and soft nails without a hole (sometimes with tubercles) - with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • thickened, peeling nails with transverse grooves in the form of stripes - with hidden or recently suffered infectious diseases;
  • a yellowish nail with white spots and bumps on the surface - with diabetes;
  • yellow spots on the nails - with lung diseases;
  • concavity of the nail (the surface looks like a spoon) – with iron deficiency anemia;
  • a nail with a small scattering of white (pearl-like) convex tubercles - with a hidden viral infection;
  • discoloration to yellow, gray and blackish, porosity, delamination and peeling of the nail (up to its loss) - with fungal diseases.

Based on the signs described above, the doctor may suspect one or another disease of the internal organs and prescribe a number of additional studies that will help determine the true cause of the change in appearance and delamination of the nail plates. After this, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment for the underlying disease, which will not only eliminate dysfunction of organs and systems, but also guarantee an improvement in the appearance of the nails.

When nails become split and brittle, it is important to eliminate external aggressive factors that may affect their health:

  1. When coming into contact with aggressive detergents or other chemicals, soil, building materials, hard or metal sponges, use rubber gloves.
  2. Avoid prolonged contact with water.
  3. Limit exposure to high and low temperatures (wear gloves, use protective creams, etc.).
  4. Careful use of graters for cooking.
  5. Wearing comfortable shoes.
  6. Carefully trim your nails with high-quality nail scissors. The optimal shape for nails is oval or rectangular.
  7. Use only high-quality nail files (it is better to purchase glass ones). When filing nails, movements should be directed from the corner of the nail to the center. You should not file the sides of the nail plates.
  8. Learn how to do a manicure correctly or contact only an experienced specialist.
  9. Do not use low-quality nail polishes or nail polish removers containing acetone.
  10. Do not paint your nails constantly (it is advisable not to apply polish more than once a week). Give your nails a complete “rest” from polish 1-2 days a week.
  11. Before applying brightly colored varnishes, apply a special base for colored varnish.
  12. Avoid frequent procedures such as acrylic nail extensions and shellac-type coatings. It is better to avoid such procedures altogether if you have brittle and split nails.

To more effectively restore nail health, these recommendations must be supplemented with the following measures:

  • normalization of nutrition;
  • replenishing the lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • proper nail care;
  • salon treatments (if possible).

How to balance nutrition when nails are brittle and split?

With increased brittleness and splitting of nails, you definitely need to think about the quality of your diet. It is an unbalanced diet and the abuse of strict diets for weight loss that often lead to the fact that the body receives an insufficient amount of those substances that are needed for the normal development of the nail plate.

To prevent and eliminate splitting and brittleness of nails, introducing into your daily diet foods that are rich in the following substances:

  1. Keratin: eggs, sea fish, poultry and meat.
  2. Calcium: cheese, dairy products, sesame seeds, egg whites, spinach, legumes, white cabbage and cauliflower, nuts and figs.
  3. Magnesium: buckwheat, oats, beans and soybeans, nuts, whole wheat grains, brown rice and spinach.
  4. Silicon: radish, radish, lettuce, nettle shoots, mushrooms and leeks.
  5. Sulfur: oats, buckwheat, seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, milk, legumes, garlic, onions, radishes and radishes.
  6. Phosphorus: seafood, meat, fish, eggs, seeds, nuts and unrefined grains.
  7. Iodine: seaweed, seafood, sea fish, feijoa.
  8. Zinc: liver, meat, poultry, legumes, pine nuts and peanuts, wheat, oats, barley and buckwheat.
  9. Iron: liver, lentils, pistachios, buckwheat and barley, whole wheat, oats, cashews, peanuts, corn, dogwood and pomegranate.
  10. Vitamin B5: kidneys, beef liver and beef, eggs, sea fish, milk, brewer's yeast, legumes, rye flour, mushrooms and nuts.
  11. Vitamin B3: liver, chicken meat, peas, porcini mushrooms and champignons, eggs, nuts, corn, whole wheat and oats.
  12. Vitamin B1: pork, liver, nuts (pine, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, cashews), lentils, cereals and pasta.
  13. Vitamin A: liver, butter, garlic, wild garlic, broccoli, processed cheese and feta cheese, sour cream, viburnum, seaweed and seafood.
  14. Vitamin C: bell pepper, rose hips, black currants, kiwi, sea buckthorn, oranges and broccoli.
  15. Vitamin E: nuts, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, whole wheat, rose hips, spinach, viburnum and sorrel.
  16. VitaminD: eggs, liver, sea bass, butter, sour cream and cream.

How to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals with split and brittle nails?

For faster nail restoration, it is recommended to take special vitamin and mineral complexes, which contain the “building material” necessary for the formation of normal nail plates. Only a specialist can determine the lack of a particular vitamin or mineral, and that is why the selection of such drugs should be carried out by a doctor or in consultation with him.

The most popular and effective vitamin and mineral complexes for restoring the structure of nails are the following drugs:

  • Vitasharm (Veropharm, Russia);
  • Perfectil and Perfectil Plus (Vitabiotics, UK);
  • Revalid (Biogal, Hungary);
  • Lady'S formula (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Healthy hair and nails (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Ageless Skin (PharmaMed, Canada);
  • Volvit (Kusum Healthcare, India);
  • Biotin (NOW Foods, USA);
  • Medobiotin (Medopharm Arzneimittel, Germany);
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed (Nycomed Pharma, Switzerland), etc.

The duration of taking such vitamin-mineral complexes is determined individually and depends on the degree of deficiency of vitamins or minerals. Before taking the drug, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions and follow all rules of administration.

How to properly care for split and brittle nails at home?

Despite the fact that splitting and brittleness of nails is a purely medical problem, proper cosmetic care and therapeutic procedures can make a significant contribution to the restoration of their structure. There are many recipes for strengthening nail plates that you can use at home and prepare yourself from foods, medications and oils.

Healing bath for nails with vegetable oil and green tea

Mix vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) and green tea (1:4 ratio) in a bowl. Heat the resulting solution to a comfortable temperature and place your hands in it for 15-20 minutes. It is better to do the procedure before bedtime. Dry your hands with a paper towel and put on cotton gloves.

The oil and tea solution can be reused. It must be stored in the refrigerator (but no more than 3 days). The procedure is carried out daily for 10 days.

Salt baths for nails

Dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of very warm water and dip your fingers into the resulting solution. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Gelatin baths

Dissolve ½ tablespoon of gelatin in ¾ glass of warm water, heat it and dip your fingers in the resulting solution for 20 minutes. Carry out the procedure 3 times a week for a month.

Bath of infusions of pine needles and green tea

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of chopped pine needles and leave for 20-30 minutes. Add ½ cup of strongly brewed green tea to the infusion. Heat the resulting solution and dip your fingers in it for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out every other day for 1-2 months.

Applications with burdock oil, iodine and lemon juice

Add 8 drops of iodine and a teaspoon of lemon juice to 200 ml of burdock oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Perform the procedure before bedtime. Moisten cotton pads in the resulting oil solution and secure them to your fingertips with an elastic band or thread (without squeezing your finger). Wear cotton gloves and do not take them off until the morning. Wash off the oil solution with soap and water. Apply applications 2-3 times a week for a month.

Applications based on olive oil, lemon juice and vitamin A

Take 10 ml of olive oil and add 10 drops of lemon juice and vitamin A to it. The procedure is best done before bed. Lubricate the nail plates with the resulting oil and wrap them with cling film. Wear cotton gloves and do not take them off until the morning. Such applications should be performed 4-6 times a month.

Applications of vitamins A and E

Purchase capsules of the drug AEvit at the pharmacy. Open the capsule, apply the oil solution to the cuticles and nails. Rub in with massage movements. Carry out this procedure daily (preferably before bedtime). The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

Applications of olive oil, iodine and lemon juice

Add 4 drops of lemon juice and 3 drops of iodine to 20 ml of olive oil. Mix, apply to the nail plate and rub in. Leave for 10-15 minutes and remove any remaining product with a paper towel. Such procedures can be carried out daily for a month.

Cranberry juice applications

Apply cranberry juice to your nails and rub in with massage movements. Carry out the procedure daily before going to bed. The course of treatment is a month.

Instead of cranberry juice, you can use lemon, black or red currant juice.

Applications from cactus juice

Apply cactus juice to the nail plates and rinse off after 10 minutes with warm water. Perform the procedure 2 times a week for 10 days.

Sealing nails with wax at home

Carefully file your nails with a glass file (movements should be directed from the edge of the nail to the center). Make a healing bath for your nails (for example, in a solution of sea salt) and rub vitamin oil or other caring agent into the cuticle. Melt beeswax and mix it with vitamin oil (in a ratio of 1:4). Rub the resulting composition into the nail plates using a soft suede polisher.

What salon treatments are useful for brittle and split nails?

To restore nails, the salon can offer a number of procedures:

  1. Paraffin therapy. Paraffin is heated in a special electric heater, to which substances beneficial for nails and skin are added. After cleansing, hands are dipped into the heated mixture, removed and the resulting “gloves” are left for 20 minutes. The paraffin film is carefully removed and the hands are lubricated with a moisturizer.
  2. Strengthening nails with soft biogel. The biogel contains substances that strengthen the nail platinum, which after application remain on the nails for a long time and protect them from microcracks.
  3. Sealing the nails. To perform this procedure, formulations are used that include vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for nails. The nail is first polished and only after that a special paste is applied to its surface. This procedure is effective for 14 days. After completing it, you cannot do a manicure.

In addition to the procedures described above, salon clients may be offered services for applying professional nail masks. Such therapeutic measures are always highly effective, but do not require a one-time application, but a course of treatment.


Main reasons for weakening

The general condition of the marigolds is influenced by both external and internal negative factors. The nail plate consists of keratinized scales, keratin and water layers tightly adjacent to each other. As a result of constant exposure to aggressive substances, a lack of useful microelements or a serious illness of the body, gaps form between the layers of scales, which over time turn into cracks. Due to the violation of the homogeneity of the plate, the nail becomes dull, brittle and weak, the regrown edge is comparable in density to paper. When faced with trouble, do not rush to panic - it can be easily eliminated, the main thing is to engage in restorative therapy only after determining the specific cause of the pathology.

Why do fingernails break?

  • unbalanced diet;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • regular contact with harmful alkaline and acidic substances;
  • overwork and stress;
  • exposure to high or low temperatures;
  • fungal infection;
  • lack of protein, sulfur, magnesium and calcium;
  • building up and removing the coating with low-quality materials;
  • using poor quality nail files for manicure.

Why do fingernails peel? The main reason is insufficient or illiterate care of the nail plate, regular mechanical damage and lack of nutrients. In addition, nails can break due to undiagnosed pathologies in the functioning of internal organs.

Weak nails as an indicator of disease

If your fingernails constantly break, the reason is most likely not of a cosmetic nature. By visual modification of the nail plate, a number of hidden diseases can be diagnosed. What problems with internal organs are suggested by visually assessing their condition:

  • dents and depressions appear – psoriasis;
  • pallor or bluish color – problems in the circulatory system;
  • shiny, too flexible, thin and brittle fingernails - the reason is hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • there are yellow spots - complications in the liver or lungs;
  • peeling, blackening, and porosity of the nail indicate fungal infection;
  • nails break along the nail plate - the cause is infections - recently suffered or occurring in a latent form;
  • yellowing and the appearance of hard bumps and light spots indicate possible diabetes mellitus;
  • concavity indicates iron deficiency anemia.

If your fingernails are brittle, the causes of this condition can be determined through medical consultation. By selecting complex therapy, restoring the aesthetic appearance and strengthening the nail plate will not be difficult.

Methods for solving problems with brittleness and delamination

If your nails are splitting and breaking, what can you do to strengthen them? Therapy should begin with a visit to a mycologist or dermatologist, who will understand the causes of the problem. Specialists will prescribe effective treatment after conducting the necessary research:

  • examining the nail plates for the presence of pathogenic flora;
  • having studied a biochemical blood test;
  • evaluating the data from spectral analysis for microelements.

You should immediately understand that if the nails peel and break for a long period, the treatment will be long-lasting. What methods does the medical practice offer?

Therapeutic baths

What to do to prevent your nails from peeling? Various baths have a good effect. They are easy to make at home, stocking up with the necessary ingredients for cooking. There are many effective recipes that can quickly help the nail plate recover and become stronger. To prevent your nails from breaking, pamper them with baths.

1. Oil

Mix 2 tbsp in a container. sunflower or olive oil, add a couple of tablespoons of tea, preferably strongly brewed green tea. Carefully move the mixture and heat to 37-38 degrees. Soak your fingertips in the liquid for 15-20 minutes.

2. Gelatin

Dilute 1 tsp in 100 ml of warm water. gelatin, wait until it swells and add hot water. Dip your fingers into the resulting mixture. After 20 minutes, remove and carefully remove any remaining product with a napkin. Repeat three times in 7 days.

3. Salt

Dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of heated water. sea ​​salt. Dip your fingers into the solution for a quarter of an hour. Repeat the procedure daily for 10-14 days.

Redefining nutrition

What causes fingernails to break? This phenomenon can be explained by the intake of insufficient vitamins and minerals. To restore their beauty and health, doctors recommend balancing the diet. Are your nails peeling and breaking due to poor nutrition? Change the menu! It must contain:

  • sea ​​fish, eggs, poultry are sources of keratin;
  • spinach, cottage cheese, fermented milk products, cheeses - to replenish calcium reserves;
  • buckwheat, radishes, garlic, red meat - foods rich in sulfur;
  • wheat, oats, liver, nuts - contain a lot of zinc;
  • seafood, seaweed, walnuts are a storehouse of iodine.

If the cause of brittle fingernails is a lack of microelements, it can be easily eliminated. Additionally, it is necessary to consume B vitamins and take courses of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Paraffin therapy

What to do to prevent your nails from breaking? Sign up for paraffin therapy or perform a beneficial procedure at home. All you need is cosmetic paraffin and a pair of waterproof gloves. The solid substance can be bought at a pharmacy, melted at home in a water bath and, heated to 55 degrees, used for baths. After heating in the molten wax mass, you should put cellophane gloves on your hands. This procedure is useful not only for nails, but also for the skin of the hands.

Pharmacy products

What can I do to prevent my legs from peeling? You can purchase products to strengthen them at any pharmacy. These can be special creams and oils that need to be rubbed along the contour and surface of the nail plate. Cosmetic muds sold in powder form are no less effective. You can also purchase medicinal varnishes, which contain growth activators and special substances that seal the nail plate, protecting it from aggressive environmental influences.


Reasons why nails crack

First, make sure that it is not the gel polish or regular nail polish that is cracked, but the nail plate. If it is clearly clear that the nail is damaged, then first of all, you should pay attention to the influence of external factors. Quite often, people ignore proper hand environment and care so that their hands and nails remain well-groomed and healthy. External stimuli include:

  • Exposure to chemicals;
  • Long stay in water or contact of hands with water;
  • Change of temperature;
  • Interaction with harmful chemical compounds that are used for repairs (glue, paints and similar things);
  • Improper care of hands and nails;
  • Poor quality nail products;
  • Fungal disease.

But there are also a large number of internal reasons. If external stimuli can be quickly eliminated and the situation corrected, then with this type of reason the situation is more complicated. These include:

  • Skin diseases (dermatological);
  • Diabetes;
  • Hormonal imbalances in women;
  • Water scarcity;
  • Insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals;
  • Liver problems;
  • Disorders of the digestive system.

Appearance of longitudinal cracks

You can often encounter split nails and small cracks in them. But sometimes it happens that the nail cracks lengthwise.

This disease can manifest itself in thin cracks, but this problem should not be overlooked. As a rule, the nail splits along its entire length, and not just in some area. In a more advanced form, the crack causes pain and discomfort.

The disease can be caused by:

  • Infections;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Mechanical damage (trauma);
  • The appearance of fungus;
  • Interaction with strong chemicals;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Metabolic disorders in the body, and therefore in the nails.

Nail treatment at home

Treatment can be carried out independently if you know exactly the cause of the crack. First, you should eliminate the cause itself, and then begin to correct the situation.


Any problem should begin to be corrected by reviewing the diet. Perhaps your body lacks vitamins.

  • Vitamin A found in carrots, tomatoes, apples, apricots, zucchini, peaches.
  • Vitamin E can be found in dairy products, meat, vegetable oils, and cereals.
  • Vitamin C found in citrus fruits, cabbage, sea buckthorn, bell pepper.
  • Vitamin B most of all in bread from durum wheat, grains, eggs, dried fruits, nuts.
  • Very important for healthy nails Omega-3 fats. They are found in fatty fish (sardines, salmon) and seafood. They help restore the lack of nutrients in the damaged nail, promote healing and fusion.
  • Calcium is a constituent element of the entire bone tissue of the human body, to which the nail plates belong. It is contained in cottage cheese, cheeses, nuts, beans, peas, and oatmeal.
  • Iron helps tissues build and cells renew faster. It is found in liver, legumes, cereals, corn, nuts, and spinach.

Also, do not forget about the required amount of water per day. Its lack negatively affects the health of the entire body, and serious problems can begin. For an adult, the daily norm is two liters. At the same time, you need to know that juices, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks do not replace water.

Home treatments

Baths are good for treating cracked nails.

Various ointments that can be made at home actively combat cracks. Here is the recipe for one of them. You will need one tablespoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive) and a teaspoon of castor oil.

  1. Add 3-4 drops of iodine to the oil mixture and mix well.
  2. To thicken everything, add a little flour and bring the ointment until smooth.
  3. The resulting product should be applied to the base of the nail plate once a day.

You can carry out the procedure before bedtime. The course lasts several weeks until the nail begins to recover. All components influence recovery, they help the nail begin to grow intact, and thereby eliminate cracks.

An effective way is to seal the nails with wax. This procedure is easy to do at home, but takes time. As a result, nails stop peeling and cracking. Wax envelops the entire nail plate and prevents the external environment from harming it. In addition, a special cosmetic wax is used, which contains many nutrients. For the procedure you will need some cosmetic wax, sea salt, nail buffer, a brush or spatula.

  1. First you need to remove any remaining polish and make a nail bath with sea salt.
  2. After 15 minutes, do a salt scrub. Undissolved salt is useful for this.
  3. Apply a little onto the nail plate and rub in circular motions. This peeling will even out the nail and make it smooth.
  4. Next, shorten the length of your nails with a nail file.
  5. After all the preparations, a thick layer of wax is applied to the nails using a brush or small spatula.
  6. Use a soft cloth or polishing pad to rub the wax into your nails.
  7. Once each nail is finished, run your hands under cold water.

The effect of this procedure lasts for a couple of weeks. It is best not to coat your nails with polish. They will look well-groomed.

Mud baths can be used to treat the disease. Healing mud is sold in pharmacies. It is written on the packages in what proportions it should be diluted. Such procedures will fill your nails with life, help heal and strengthen them.

Nail repair at home

It is not necessary to turn to professionals to repair the crack. This can be done at home, but you will need special tools. To repair a nail, you will need a special mixture designed specifically for such purposes, a thin cloth for nails, nail files, a polishing tool, and cuticle sticks.

  1. First, you need to properly level and polish the nail so that the edges of the crack do not bristle or cling.
  2. Apply nail glue to the crack itself and its edges and let it dry.
  3. Now the fabric is applied. It should not lie exclusively on the fault, let it cover a larger area.
  4. Smooth the fabric over the nail and remove excess with scissors.
  5. Next, apply a couple more thin layers of glue after each has dried.
  6. Go over the nail again with the buffing file to make it smooth.
  7. Then you can apply any varnish.

This procedure is suitable for small cracks. It is better not to treat longitudinal cracks this way, and even if there is a strong discrepancy, nothing will work. Experts do not recommend applying polish to nails if there are cracked areas in order to hide them. This can make the situation worse. The nail cannot breathe.


To avoid such problems, you should follow some simple rules and tips:

  • Always protect your hands from chemicals and water when cleaning;
  • Moisturize your hands every time after contact with water;
  • Use special nail oils to strengthen and nourish them;
  • Periodically take baths with sea salt, they perfectly strengthen your nails;
  • Don't forget to protect your hands during the cold season;
  • Try to diversify your diet and eat foods that contain nutrients for your nails.

It’s good when the problem is fixed at home and there is a visible result of the procedures. But it happens when the body does not cooperate, and the situation worsens. In this case, you should not refrain from seeking professional help. The doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of the problem and prescribe treatment.


Why do fingernails and toenails peel?

External provoking factors

The structure of the nail plate may change for the worse for the following external reasons:

These factors can lead to dryness of the nail plate and injury. The result will be nail separation, severe dryness and brittleness.

Internal triggers

Any health problems can lead to malnutrition of the nail plate. But doctors identify the most common of them:

  • adolescence and childhood;
  • strict diets that lead to insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals into the body;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • stress and any psycho-emotional disorders;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (for example, diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland);
  • any hormonal system;
  • deficiency of vitamins B3, B5, A, E, C;
  • lack of potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, sulfur and phosphorus in the body;
  • a person has bad habits – alcohol addiction, smoking, drug addiction;
  • progressive psoriasis;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system;
  • fungal diseases.

These internal provoking factors lead to disruption of the structure of the nail plate - grooves, areas with an unnatural color, roughness and depressions appear on it. In this case, no modern external use or cosmetic procedures will help correct the situation; only a thorough examination of the whole body and a full course of treatment will solve the problem of the condition of the nails.

If the cause of the condition in question is internal diseases, then the appearance of the nail plates will change as follows:

  • with progressive psoriasis - dents and depressions of unclear localization appear on the plates;
  • circulatory disorders - the color of the nail becomes pale, a bluish tint appears;
  • progressive or recent infectious diseases - the nail plate thickens, peels off, and depressions appear on it in the form of longitudinal stripes;
  • liver pathologies - the color of the nail becomes yellowish;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland - nails become soft and brittle, a constant shine on the surface of the plate becomes characteristic;
  • with diabetes mellitus – small bumps and whitish spots without clear boundaries appear on the nail plate;
  • a progressive viral infection (it can occur in a secretive mode) – small tubercles in the plural are clearly visible on the nail (imitation pearls);
  • diseases of fungal etiology - the color of the nail can be brown, black or gray, the plate becomes very stratified and thickens.

The above-described external changes enable the doctor to suspect one or another internal disease. Then a full examination of the patient’s body is carried out, the true cause of the structure of the nail plates is identified and a course of treatment for the underlying disease is prescribed. Such a competent approach will help not only normalize and stabilize the body’s functioning, but also solve the problem of split and brittle nails.

What will help in the fight against splitting and brittle nails

Before you start taking any medications or carry out specialized procedures, you need to eliminate external triggers that aggravate the problem. General recommendations from experts include:

  1. When working with steel wool, detergents/cleaning agents, any chemicals, or construction materials, you should use rubber gloves.
  2. Avoid contact with water for any length of time.
  3. You need to trim your nails as carefully as possible and use sharp, high-quality nail scissors.
  4. You need to grate vegetables for food very carefully.
  5. You only need to file the nail plate with a high-quality tool - the best choice would be a glass file with a special coating. The sides of the nails are not filed; during the procedure, the movement of the file is directed from the edge of the nail to its middle.
  6. Avoid using low-quality decorative varnishes and removers containing acetone.
  7. Avoid exposing your hands to extremely high or extremely low temperatures.
  8. You should not use decorative varnish too often - you can apply this product only once a week, and for 10-15 days a year you must give your nails a complete rest and keep them in their natural state.
  9. You should not overuse nail extensions or gel-shellac coating; if delamination of the plate is already present and pronounced, then it is better to avoid such procedures altogether.
  10. Before applying brightly colored decorative varnish, you need to apply a layer of a special protective agent to your nails.

Diet correction

If the cosmetic defect in the nail plates in question already exists, then it is worth radically reconsidering your diet - most likely, it is monotonous and does not provide the body with the required amount of vitamins and minerals. A similar correction will be needed if it is decided to prevent splitting and brittleness of the nails. In both cases, you need to remember which products must be on the menu:

  • Spinach, cheese, figs, egg whites, nuts, sesame seeds, cauliflower - they contain a lot of calcium;
  • any seafood, buckwheat, radishes, onions and radishes are foods rich in sulfur;
  • poultry, meat, chicken eggs and sea fish are sources of keratin;
  • beef liver, pine nuts, wheat, meat, buckwheat and peanuts - they contain zinc;
  • beans, soybeans, red rice, whole wheat grains, oats are sources of magnesium;
  • young shoots of nettle, any mushrooms, leeks - will saturate the body with silicon;
  • feijoa, seafood, kelp (sea kale), walnuts are sources of iodine;
  • dogwood, peanuts, pomegranate, milk, legumes, brewer's yeast, liver, apples - contain iron.

If we talk about vitamins, then you also need to be able to correctly create a menu. And to do this, remember which foods contain which vitamins:

  • B1: pasta, any nuts, lentils, beef and poultry liver, pork;
  • B3: champignons, liver, corn, chicken liver, nuts, peas, wheat;
  • B5: sea fish, mushrooms, rye flour, nuts, beef liver, brewer's yeast;
  • A: greens, butter, garlic, feta cheese, wild garlic, seaweed, processed cheese, seafood;
  • With: oranges, kiwi, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, rosehips, blueberries, bell peppers;
  • E: dried apricots, nuts of any kind, spinach, sea buckthorn, whole wheat, viburnum, sorrel;
  • D: sour cream, sea fish, cream, seafood, chicken eggs, liver.

Vitamin complexes

To restore damaged nails, stop and eliminate delamination and brittleness of the nail plates, you can take special vitamin complexes. The most effective specialists include:

  • Revalid;
  • Biotin;
  • Vitasharm;
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed;
  • Perfectil and Perfectil Plus;
  • Medobiotin;
  • Lady C formula;
  • Ageless skin;
  • Volvit.

Note:Only a doctor can determine which specific vitamins and minerals are missing in the body after a full examination. And only a doctor has the right to determine the required daily dosages and duration of taking these vitamin complexes.

There are a lot of products that can be prepared at home and actively used as part of caring procedures for split and brittle nails. Here are just a few of the popular and effective ones:

  • 200 ml of burdock oil, 8 drops of iodine, a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • 10 ml of olive oil, 10 drops of vitamin A and the same amount of lemon juice;
  • 20 ml olive oil, 3 drops of iodine, 4 drops of lemon juice;
  • cranberry juice or lemon juice or blackcurrant juice.
  1. Wax. We are talking about sealing nails with wax at home, although this procedure applies to salons. You need to make a bath for your nails (for example, from sea salt), then rub any vitamin oil into the cuticle (you can also use regular vegetable oil). Beeswax is heated, vitamin oil is added to it in a ratio of 1:4 - this product is rubbed into the nail plate using a piece of suede fabric.

Salon treatments

Of course, salons offer a lot of procedures that will help solve the problem of delamination and brittleness of the nail plates. But the question arises about the feasibility of carrying them out - it’s no secret that beauty salons often simply “extract” money from clients. In order not to fall into such a trick, you need to know exactly which salon procedures will be really useful in combating the problem in question. There are only a few of them:

  1. Sealing the nails. For this procedure, special formulations based on beeswax and various vitamin supplements are used, but a little higher in the text there is a recipe for sealing at home - the choice is up to the client.
  2. Paraffin therapy. Paraffin is heated on the equipment, various vitamins are added to it, and the hands are treated with the resulting product. After 20 minutes, the paraffin is removed in one layer, and hands and nails are treated with moisturizer or vitamin oil.
  3. Strengthening nails with biogel. This product contains substances that are designed to strengthen the nail plate. After applying such a biogel, these same substances remain on the nail for a long time and “do their job.”

In addition, clients in a beauty salon may be offered to take a course of professional nail masks - they, according to experts, are quite effective, but also very expensive.

The problem of splitting and brittle nails is very relevant at any time of the year. This cosmetic defect can seriously complicate life, so you need not only to know how to fix the problem, but also to study ways to prevent the occurrence of delamination and brittleness of the nail plates.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category