Cleansing the lungs with breathing exercises. Cleansing the lungs and bronchi at home: traditional medicine recipes Breathing exercises to cleanse the lungs

Hello, dear readers! In this article we will talk about the basics of breathing exercises for cleansing the lungs, which can eliminate diseases of the respiratory system and improve overall human health.

The most famous and effective gymnastics:

  • Gymnastics Pranayama;
  • Buteyko gymnastics;
  • Qigong gymnastics.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are also highly effective.


Pranayama is the art of controlling one's breathing, which is used in Ayurvedic medical practices. Pranayama, with the help of various exercises based on proper breathing, allows you to control the vital energy Prana, affects the doshas (three vital forces - body, mind and spirit) of a person, harmonizing his emotional and physical state.

The essence of the technique

The purpose of pranayama is to cleanse the physical body of toxins accumulated in it. Thus, food and inhaled harmful substances can contribute to excessive mucus formation in the lungs. Mucus can have adverse effects on the entire human body.

Pranayama suggests the use of special breathing exercises that allow you to remove this mucus and cleanse the airways and nasal passages. Regular exercise will greatly improve the removal of toxins from the body.


Pranayama is used for the accumulation of mucus in the lungs and stomach, flu, asthma, and colds.


Note! Pranayama is not just meditation, when a person completely turns off consciousness. Here it is important to observe your breathing, consciously controlling each inhalation and exhalation.

Various techniques involve either long holds in breathing or, conversely, performing a large number of inhalations and exhalations in one minute.

The duration of use depends on the goal that the person sets. If you just want to clear your lungs of mucus, it is enough to perform the exercises after 1 day until your breathing and general well-being improve, this depends on the amount of accumulated mucus, concomitant diseases, and the individual characteristics of the body.

Regular practice of pranayama can completely eliminate shortness of breath, relieve colds and lung diseases, increase the supply of oxygen to the blood and tissues, and sometimes people even manage to completely get rid of asthma.


Contraindications to performing breathing yoga exercises:

  • Organic heart lesions.
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  • Increased intracranial and intraocular pressure.
  • Diaphragm diseases.
  • Retinal detachment.
  • Severe traumatic brain injuries.
  • Inflammatory processes of the brain.
  • Chronic inflammation of the lungs and middle ear.
  • Acute pathologies of the abdominal cavity.
  • Postoperative period during abdominal operations.
  • Acute neurotic conditions.
  • Adhesive process.
  • Body schema disorders.
  • Severe vegetative-vascular dystonia or neurocircular dystonia.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Neuroinfections and mental illnesses.
  • Malignant neoplasms.

If you have lung disease or asthma, be sure to consult your doctor before using any breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises using the Buteyko method

Breathing exercises developed by Buteyko are one of the most used domestic gymnastics, which allows not only to cleanse the lungs and eliminate diseases of the respiratory system, but also normalizes metabolic processes throughout the body.

The essence of the technique

The technique involves avoiding deep breathing; healthy breathing consists of short inhalations and exhalations. As a result of research work, K. Buteyko proved that deep breathing is harmful, and healthy people have smaller lungs than sick people.


The main indication for the use of breathing exercises using the Buteyko method is bronchial asthma, being a scientist - physiologist and doctor, he himself got rid of this disease with the help of correct breathing, which he described in his method.

The method also allows you to relieve some symptoms of pneumonia, breathing allows you to clear the lungs of accumulated mucus in case of colds, impaired nasal breathing, rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, and allows you to cure respiratory arrhythmia.


Breathing exercises are allowed only after prior consultation with a doctor. Before performing the exercise for the first time, a test must be carried out to determine the depth of breathing.

You should continue the course of exercises until the symptoms of the disease go away and your general condition improves. Breathing exercises can also be performed daily.


Contraindications to the use of the method:

  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.
  • Mental illnesses.
  • Conditions and pathologies accompanied by severe bleeding.


Qigong is based on deep breathing; it is a very effective breathing practice that has come to us from China. Qigong strengthens not only the physical, but also the emotional body; after just 3-4 sessions, beginners feel improvement, the lungs are cleansed, and the body is filled with energy.

The essence of the technique

Qigong combines breathing and health-improving physical exercises. They help strengthen the lungs and improve ventilation in them. Practitioners learn to breathe correctly - from the stomach, which provides powerful ventilation and releases accumulated mucus from the nasal cavity and respiratory organs.


The main indications for the use of qigong practice are diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma, as well as colds, runny nose, sinusitis, flu, ARVI.


Just like other breathing techniques, you can practice qigong until your symptoms go away and your overall health improves, or you can practice it continuously and set yourself on the path to good health.


Contraindications to the use of qigong techniques:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  • Neuroinfections.
  • Complex traumatic brain injuries.
  • Oncological diseases.

Now you know what breathing exercises can be effective for cleansing the lungs. Health to you and your loved ones!

Breathing exercises for expectoration

With pulmonary diseases, a large amount of mucus is released, which clogs the bronchial passages and interferes with normal breathing. Then a cough occurs - the body’s attempt to expel accumulated mucus from the lungs.

Most sputum is produced in diseased lungs during sleep. At night, a person is in a horizontal position, which does not contribute to the separation of sputum. Therefore, coughing attacks are especially severe in the morning.

You can expel phlegm from the body with the help of massage and breathing exercises in the morning, when a person has just woken up. Therefore, it is impossible to spend it on the seashore. But if your home is nearby, open the window so that the invigorating smell of the sea and fresh air will contribute to your recovery.

Immediately after waking up, lie on your back so that your upper part and head are at the same level. This position is necessary so that breathing exercises promote better sputum separation.

If you sleep on a flat pillow stuffed with aromatic herbs and dry seaweed (I already talked about this above), place it under your head. It is better not to use a pillow that is too large or too soft.

Inhale deeply through your nose, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds and exhale. Try to exhale twice as long as your inhalation. Do 10 times.

Next exercise: try to breathe like this - one inhalation - two exhalations. That is, release the air that you took into them when you inhaled from your lungs in two steps. Repeat also 10 times.

Now, on the count of “one-two-three,” draw air into your lungs and on the count of “four-five-six-seven-eight-nine” exhale it in portions. Do 10 times.

Turn to your side. Try inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. In this case, the inhalation should be short and energetic, and the exhalation should be long and calm. Do 10 exercises. The same thing - on the other side.

Next exercise: draw air into your chest, hold your breath, counting to yourself to five, and then slowly release it from your lungs through your mouth, pursing your lips like a tube, as if pronouncing the letter “o.” Exhale the air to the very end, even when it seems to you that there is no air left in your lungs. Calmly inhale and exhale, then inhale and exhale again. Repeat 5 times.

After doing all the above exercises, hang the upper half of your torso off the bed so that your head is almost at the floor. This position promotes better sputum separation. Try clearing your throat. You will feel the mucus filling your lungs being released and released when you cough.

If your child coughs, teach him minimal breathing exercises and combine them with gentle massage, which will help promote better mucus production. Lay him on the bed on his back, remove the pillow, show him how to breathe, and give him a massage. The baby will be more happy to engage in exercises if they are associated with playful moments.

For example, tell him to take as much air into his chest as possible and try to blow out two imaginary candles (the child inhales once and exhales twice). Increase the number of imaginary candles each time. The record number of “blown out” candles is five.

After breathing exercises, place a large pillow on the bed and place your baby on it, belly down, so that his head hangs over one edge of the pillow. Lightly tap your fingers on the back, making a “drum roll”. Movements should in no case be sudden, so as not to cause pain to him. Stroke the baby's back, lightly pat it. This gentle massage will help him clear the accumulated mucus from his lungs.

Breathing exercises cannot be neglected. This applies to both pulmonary patients and healthy people who want to increase their immunity, restore strength after great psychological stress, etc.

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Breathing exercises improve your well-being and lift your mood. Breathing exercises for bronchitis in combination with drug treatment contribute to the rapid recovery of the body. It helps relieve inflammation and has a positive effect on all vital systems of the body.

Such gymnastics will perfectly help with chronic and acute disease. Breathing exercises have also proven effective for obstructive bronchitis. The use of breathing exercises for children is especially important to prevent colds and strengthen the respiratory muscles.

Objectives of breathing exercises

For childhood bronchitis, breathing exercises in combination with therapeutic treatment help to quickly and effectively overcome the disease. The result is achieved due to the fact that with the help of breathing exercises many problems are simultaneously solved:

    • The inflammatory process in the bronchial tree is reduced.
    • Blood circulation improves.
    • Hemoglobin increases.
    • Immunity is strengthened.
    • Sputum discharge improves.
    • The drainage properties of the bronchi are restored.
    • Prevention of complications is carried out.

Basics of proper breathing

Any breathing exercises for bronchitis will be effective only if the patient begins to breathe correctly when performing them. When performing breathing exercises, the inhalation through the mouth should be sharp and strong. Exhalation after each breathing movement is passive, voluntary, and is performed through the mouth. Inhalations should be done alternately through the mouth and nose. When inhaling air through the mouth, the nose does not participate in the respiratory process.

Basic principles of breathing:

  • Taking into account the general condition of the person and the stage of the disease, the patient can begin performing breathing exercises from any convenient starting position - sitting, lying or standing.
  • The rhythm of breathing is maintained by a count similar to the rhythm of a march.
  • Inhalation must be performed in conjunction with the movement.
  • Inhalation through the nose is short, sharp, energetic and quite strong.
  • You need to actively and noisily draw in air through your nose; breathing through your mouth should be soft and inaudible.
  • Exhale through your mouth - slowly, calmly and smoothly. Air leaves the lungs freely and unhindered.

Strelnikova complex

Vocal teacher A. N. Strelnikova believed that most diseases are associated with improper breathing, stagnation of air, insufficient ventilation of the lungs and disruption of the diaphragm. Based on this assumption, she developed a special breathing system.

By repeating breathing exercises every day, you can significantly improve your well-being and improve your mood. Therapeutic exercises restore the proper functioning of the lungs, normalize nasal breathing, and reduce inflammation. Therefore, Strelnikova’s gymnastics for bronchitis is recognized as irreplaceable and very effective in complex treatment.

The main clinical manifestation of bronchitis is a severe cough with sputum production. This breathing exercise facilitates coughing and improves the removal of mucus from the body. The main principle on which breathing exercises are based is that the inhalation through the nose is sharp and short. Thanks to this, the blood is enriched with oxygen, hemoglobin increases, blood composition improves, and the heart rate returns to normal.

How to do the exercises?

During complex treatment of bronchitis, it is necessary to perform a complex of breathing exercises 2 times a day. Course duration is from 14 to 21 days. The most effective breathing exercises for bronchitis are “hug your shoulders” and “pump”, so it is recommended to complete each session with them.

Take 16 nasal breaths one at a time, followed by 16 mouth breaths. After a short break (3-5 seconds), repeat both exercises - 3 sets of 32 inhalations and exhalations. When a large amount of phlegm accumulates in the bronchi, you should do the figure eight exercise more often.

Basic exercises

Starting position – arms are freely lowered along the body, the body is slightly tilted forward. Take a noisy breath through your nose, leaning down slightly, as if smelling flowers. As you exhale, rise slightly. The exercise should be performed without tension, freely. After every 8 breaths, take a short break. If you feel unsatisfactory, the exercise can be performed from a sitting position.

Exercise "hug your shoulders"

This is the most effective exercise that includes breathing exercises for bronchitis. Starting position – sitting or standing, bend your arms at the elbows and raise them to shoulder level. Taking a sharp breath, direct your arms crosswise towards each other, as if trying to hug yourself by the shoulders. Exhale as you open your arms slightly. You should not strain or change your hands, they should move in parallel. To improve mucus removal, when doing this exercise, alternate 16 nasal breaths and 16 mouth breaths.

Figure 8 exercise

Starting position: tilt your body forward. Take a sharp and quick breath through your nose and hold your breath. After which you need to count out loud to eight several times - the more, the better. This exercise is not included in the main set of exercises, but it helps to effectively remove mucus from the lungs.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises for bronchitis should be performed regularly. It is better to conduct the first classes under the supervision of an instructor, or before starting breathing exercises, you should consult with your doctor. It takes half an hour to complete a set of exercises.

Features of working with children

Therapeutic breathing exercises are one of the effective and safe methods of treatment. It is especially important for children. The respiratory system of babies is more vulnerable; it is difficult for it to cope with the removal of mucus from the lungs and bronchi, so the healing process is slower.

In case of acute obstructive bronchitis in children, therapeutic exercises can be started only after the acute process has subsided, when the body temperature has normalized and the child’s condition has improved. It is better to start breathing exercises a few days after starting drug therapy.

First, you should pay attention to static breathing exercises, gradually moving on to dynamic ones. At the first stages of performing gymnastics, you need to especially carefully monitor the correct exhalation and discharge of sputum. Then you can move on to general strengthening activities.

In case of chronic disease in children, the respiratory muscles should be strengthened. It is worth including drainage exercises in your set of exercises to make coughing up mucus easier.

After an examination, the attending physician may prescribe breathing exercises for children. He will determine the type of exercises required and give recommendations for their implementation. It is better to conduct classes in a special exercise therapy group under the supervision of an experienced specialist who can monitor the correct implementation of the entire complex.

If this is not possible, you need to do the exercises at home. In this case, it is worth convincing the baby of the need for gymnastics and getting him interested. If the child refuses to do the exercises, transform them into a game form and do them together with the baby.

Play and strengthen your baby's breathing

It is very difficult to interest a child in breathing exercises, so it is better to conduct classes in the form of a game. You can invite your child to inflate colorful balloons in a race. Or get him interested in blowing soap bubbles, let the child try to blow the biggest bubble. You can also float paper boats in a basin of water, and ask your child to temporarily turn into the wind and direct the sailboat.

Do not be upset if a child with bronchitis cannot play healthy games for a long time.

It is important to remember that 10 minutes of such exercises is enough to provide the necessary additional oxygen to the lungs and strengthen the respiratory muscles.

Breathing exercises must be completed with a drainage massage, which is performed by patting the chest in front and behind. This simple procedure will help your child clear phlegm more easily when coughing.

If you quit smoking, but don’t know how to clear the pulmonary duct, then breathing exercises will come in handy. The lungs are a unique organ that is capable of self-recovery. This effect will be enhanced if you choose the coast or a house among the trees as your home.

Breathing exercises for the lungs are recommended to be performed daily in the morning. The muscles working during this period train the heart in every possible way and increase ventilation of the lungs. It is very important to carry out all procedures accurately. For example, it is recommended to yawn every day for 5 minutes. Swimming is of great benefit for cleansing the lungs. Simply swimming in sea water is enough.

Naturally, it is advisable to carry out all exercises in the fresh air. At this moment, try to be in a calm state. If you have already decided to study at home, then it should be in perfect order and the room should be ventilated.

If you want to cleanse your lungs, it is very important to breathe correctly. Breathing exercises help restore the functioning of not only the lungs, but also the entire body as a whole.

It is strictly forbidden to conduct such classes for people with chronic heart diseases. During classes, everyone will have to monitor their pulse. If it beats quickly, then the set of procedures should be abandoned.

How to properly prepare for breathing exercises?

Exercises for proper breathing should be performed for 10 minutes. Then rest for a while. After which you can begin exercises to ease the work of your lungs.

The best exercises to cleanse your lungs

Few people know, but it is the rib muscles that help the lungs breathe freely. To achieve this effect, you need to do aerobics regularly.

Exercise No. 1

There is a very effective exercise that allows your lungs to breathe. Do the exercise in a calm environment. Before you start, you will need to relax. After classes, you will feel a surge of strength, and your body’s condition will improve. Exercises will help slowly but effectively cleanse the lungs and improve the condition of the skin and muscles.

There's no need to rush. If after a few sessions there is no improvement. The result may appear in three months. It is advisable to carry out the gentle impact exercise in the fresh air or on the coast.

Bring your exercise mat with you. Then sit on your heels. At the same time, your back remains straight and your hands are placed on your knees.

If it is not possible to go outside, then classes can be done at home. But first you should clean the room from dust and ventilate it. A chair with a backrest may be required for exercise. Sit on it and try to relax. Slowly inhale and exhale clean air. Try to take deep breaths.

Count to three and inhale. Then count to three again and exhale. 4 sets of such exercises will be enough. In the second week, the number of classes needs to be increased. That is, at the end of the week you will have to inhale and exhale at the count of “six”. At the end, the arms are spread apart as you inhale, and they are brought together as you exhale. After the exercise, the upper limbs should be lowered to the knees and breathe at a random rhythm.

Exercise No. 2

You can use the simplest method of proper breathing. The exercise can be performed sitting or standing. Close your eyes and try to relax. Breathing should be smooth. Every minute you need to increase your breathing. But you should exhale sharply. It is recommended to keep this pace for about 5 minutes. Then gradually bring your breathing back to normal.

Exercise No. 3

For the next exercise we will need potatoes. You should carefully prepare for this procedure. Boil the potatoes in advance. After which you need to bend over this pan with potato broth and wrap yourself in a towel. It is recommended to carry out such inhalation for 10-15 minutes, depending on how long you can stand it. A procedure familiar to everyone since childhood will help cleanse the lungs. Inhalations are allowed once a week. As a result, phlegm may appear. It must be spat out immediately.

Exercise #4

Tapping is also an effective lung exercise. Choose any finger, tense it and start knocking. Knocks should be carried out in the chest and back. Such manipulations should be carried out for about 5 minutes. You can divide 3 minutes for each area. It is advisable to lie down during the procedure. This exercise can be combined with others. As a result, phlegm will appear that will need to be removed.

We all know that our health largely depends on the condition of our lungs. It is this organ that conducts oxygen into our body. Due to prolonged exposure to a polluted atmosphere, the lungs may lose their abilities. This is why they should be cleaned regularly. The above exercises do an excellent job with this task.

But this is only an addition to the main cleansing therapy. Plus, you need to try to spend time outdoors, in the mountains. Exercise will only give strength to your body. After a while, you will feel how it will become easy to breathe, and shortness of breath will no longer bother you.

Holding your breath is good for your lungs

You can try to hold your breath. Such exercises help strengthen the muscles of breathing and lungs. When performed regularly, the chest expands. Holding your breath helps your blood absorb oxygen better. The exercise is performed in a standing position. Then take a deep breath and hold your breath. After which the air is exhaled.
You can hold your breath as long as you like.

Everyone determines the time for themselves. As a result, you will feel invigorated. Try to carry out such manipulations regularly to achieve the desired effect. If you feel dizzy, pause the session. Such symptoms appear extremely rarely.

Heavy breathing can be a consequence of a severe illness. Typically, these symptoms occur in asthma or chronic bronchitis. Any of these diseases is accompanied by viscous sputum. And sometimes a dry cough can even cause attacks of suffocation.

In such a situation, you can improve sputum discharge with the help of breathing exercises. Diaphragmatic breathing is considered the most effective. In other words, belly breathing.

  • When exhaling, resistance should be felt. This exercise strengthens the properties of the lungs and improves gas exchange. Exhalation accompanied by resistance can be done at any stage of the disease. To carry out restorative therapy, you will need a container of water and a straw. Then take a deep breath and gradually, very slowly exhale through the straw into the water. Do the exercise up to 5 approaches. It is advisable to spend up to 15 minutes on the lesson every day.
  • The next exercise is called “belly breathing.” You need to lie on your back. Count to three and take a deep breath. The whole point is that the stomach should be pulled in as much as possible at this moment. At “four,” another breath is taken, and the stomach protrudes. After which you need to cough. Everyone does this exercise differently. Some people like to stand, others prefer to sit. Such exercises can be carried out even while walking.
  • You need to lie on your back. Your knees should touch your chest. Wrap your hands around them. Then take a deep breath and lower your legs and straighten your arms. When your stomach begins to contract, you will need to cough.

Loud exhalation exercises

There are very good exercises for the lungs. They are performed in a standing position. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.

  1. Stretch your arms to the sides. In this case, your palms should be up. It is advisable to spread your fingers so that they do not touch. Then quickly hit your shoulder blades and exhale loudly.
  2. Rise up on your toes and bend over. Join your hands into a “clasp” and raise them up. Get down on your feet and lean forward, and lower your arms. At this point, you need to release the air loudly. After which you calmly return to your starting position.
  3. For this exercise, you need to spread your arms to the sides and stand on your toes. Bend well and lower your entire leg. Then bend forward with a loud exhalation. Next, open the lock from your hands and spread it to the sides. Then connect again in front of the chest and exhale. At the end it is worth returning to the original position.

Do breathing exercises regularly and you will feel much better!

The use of an integrated approach in the treatment of bronchitis, both in the acute stage and in the chronic course, can lead to a speedy recovery and restoration of respiratory function. Along with drug treatment, exercise therapy is prescribed. Physical exercises are aimed at training the pectoral muscles, opening the lungs, normalizing blood circulation in the tissues, and freeing the bronchi from mucus. Breathing exercises for bronchitis are included in exercise therapy. It is prescribed after the start of drug treatment. As a result of exercise, the lungs are saturated with oxygen, gas exchange accelerates, and blood circulation is activated. All together contributes to better mucus removal, cleansing of the bronchi, reducing inflammation, facilitating breathing and normalizing the general condition.

Daily exercise speeds up recovery and prevents complications after bronchitis. Thanks to active blood circulation, tissue regeneration occurs faster, which prevents the development of degenerative processes in the lungs and the formation of adhesions.

Rules for performing breathing exercises

Breathing exercises for bronchitis are recommended in both acute and chronic cases of the disease. The complex is selected by a doctor at a physical therapy office. But some exercises are harmless, so you can do them yourself, observing the following conditions:

  • Gradually increase the intensity of exercise. Exercises should be performed easily without tension
  • During classes, focus on your own well-being (it is better to postpone training if you feel weak)
  • Perform exercises in a well-ventilated area
  • Dynamic gymnastics can only be done at normal body temperature.

There are several breathing practices used in the treatment of bronchitis and recovery after recovery. Any complex requires strict adherence to the execution technique. Physical therapy exercises should not cause severe tension and pain.

It is important to monitor your breathing during exercise. It should be smooth and rhythmic. Inhalation is strong and sharp, noisy. Exhale - light, free, voluntary. Inhalation is done through the nose or mouth. You can alternate to avoid the feeling of dry mucosa. Exhalation is done only through the mouth.

The complex is selected based on the patient’s condition. Some physical therapy exercises can be performed in any position, including sitting and lying down. Others are only in a strictly defined position.

Any breathing exercises for bronchitis should begin with a warm-up. After this, the main complex is performed. Everything ends with a massage or special movements.

Warm-up can be deep, even inhalations and exhalations, performed alternately through the nose and mouth. In total, they should be done 15 times every 3-4 seconds.

Dynamic exercises

Dynamic gymnastics will be beneficial during the athermal period (with normalization of body temperature) during the treatment of the acute form of the disease and with obstructive bronchitis.


  • Walking in place. Accompanied by breathing in rhythm with the step. Take a deep breath through your nose, raise your arms to the sides. Exhale, hands lower. The duration of the exercise should be at least 2 minutes.
  • Sipping. Hands are closed. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, stretch out, and stand on your toes. Hold for a few seconds. Exhale calmly, lowering your arms.
  • Swing your arms. Inhale rhythmically through your mouth, exhale through your nose, and simultaneously swing your arms back and forth. Hands forward - inhale, hands back - exhale. If you feel dizzy, pause, take a deep breath, and exhale calmly.
  • Swinging arms. One arm is moved to the side, the other is raised up. When changing positions, inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose.
  • Tilts. As you inhale, bend forward, while stretching your arms in front of you parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position while exhaling. In the second part of the exercise, lean back with a sigh and place your clasped hands behind your back. While inhaling, take the starting position. 3-5 approaches without stopping.

Finally, bend to the sides. In a relaxed state, they deviate to the left and to the right, alternately inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.

Light respiratory complex

A simple ten-minute complex will help prevent exacerbation of chronic bronchitis:

  • You need to inflate the balloon, effortlessly exhaling a minimum number of times. Breathing should remain calm.
  • Take a deep breath through slightly pinched nostrils. To do this, close them a little by pressing with your fingers. There is no need to close it completely. Exhale through your mouth.
  • A deep breath is taken through pursed lips. Breathing is held for several seconds. Then comes the exhalation.
  • Air is drawn in through a wide open mouth. As you inhale, your stomach should rise up.
  • One nostril is pinched and inhalation is made through the second. Change position, exhale. If you have a severe cough or runny nose, the exercise is contraindicated.

For each exercise, do at least 12 approaches. By tailoring the exercises to children, you can ask them to inflate an imaginary balloon, blow on boats set to float on water, or exhale air into a glass of water through a straw. Gymnastics for bronchitis helps to evacuate contents from the lungs, cleanse the bronchi, and strengthen the respiratory muscles.

Sound gymnastics

Sound gymnastics is a form of breathing training. The exercises take no more than 10 minutes. Conducted in a ventilated area. At best, in the fresh air. During gymnastics, you can take any comfortable position. The point of the exercises is to make sounds while exhaling deeply. In this case, the sound should be very quiet, literally pronounced in a whisper.

What the exercise looks like: inhale through the nose, 2-3 second pause, exhale deeply through the mouth while making a sound, stop. Vowels and consonants are pronounced alternately. Vocal movements cause vibration of the larynx, which is transmitted to the chest wall and reaches the lungs, causing the bronchi to vibrate. Exercises help liquefy and remove viscous contents. For obstructive bronchitis, sound training is a good preventive measure against exacerbations and complications.

Drainage gymnastics

For better discharge of sputum in chronic bronchitis, drainage exercises are used. Exercises are performed in the following sequence:

  • Starting position standing. As you inhale, count to 4-6 in your head. On exhalation, up to 5-7.
  • In a lying position, stretch your arms forward and reach for them, while taking a deep breath. Return to the starting position while exhaling.
  • Lying on your back, place your hand under your head and leave the other extended along your body. Slowly change the position of your hands over 60 seconds, while maintaining calm breathing.
  • While lying on your back, inhale and spread your arms to the sides. As you exhale, group yourself by clasping your knees with your hands.
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees. While inhaling deeply, lift your pelvis off the floor. Lower as you exhale.
  • In a lying position, sharply wave your arms, trying to sit up, while touching your feet. Lift while exhaling, lie down while inhaling.
  • Lying on your stomach, while inhaling, rise from the floor, arching your chest. Exhale and come back.

Therapeutic exercise for chronic bronchitis is aimed not only at restoring oxygen metabolism, but also at increasing overall tone and immunity. The exercises are of a general strengthening nature.

Strelnikova complex

One of the most effective breathing exercises is Strelnikova’s set of exercises. The author was an opera singer and, after finishing her career, became a vocal teacher. Initially, Strelnikova used exercises to restore her voice and fight asthma. Subsequently, the technique showed effectiveness in other respiratory diseases.

Strelnikova’s gymnastics for bronchitis promotes increased mucus discharge, restoration of mucous normalization of breathing, and has a general strengthening effect.

Basic rules of exercises:

  • Inhale sharply and actively through your nose or mouth. Noisy through the nose, silent through the mouth.
  • Exhalation should be free, smooth, through the mouth.
  • During exercises, maintain rhythmic breathing. Mentally keep score. Breathe at a rate of 2 breaths per second.
  • The movements are performed while inhaling. Return to the exhaling position.

During exercise, inhalation is done with a compressed chest. This promotes better opening of the lungs and saturation of the most distant areas with oxygen. Due to this practice, a good therapeutic effect is achieved.

Performing a set of exercises takes 30 minutes. For chronic and obstructive bronchitis, exercises are done twice a day. In the acute form, it can be started after three days of taking antibacterial drugs. Gymnastics is useful for both adults and children. The complex comes down to 12 exercises:

  • Fists. Warm-up exercise. Standing, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart (the starting position for all exercises), placing your hands at your sides, inhale while squeezing your fingers, exhale while opening your palm.
  • Dropping the load. Clench your fists at waist level. As you inhale, unclench your fists, throw your palms down, and straighten your fingers as much as possible. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Pumping up the ball. As you inhale, round your shoulders and back, leaning forward. Extend your relaxed, hanging arms in front of you. As you inhale, return to a standing position. It’s easy to explain this exercise to a child. Children easily form associations with blowing up a balloon.
  • Cat dance. As you inhale, clench your fingers, bending your elbows. Simultaneously rotate your body and squat. As you exhale, return to a standing position. For children, exercises take on a playful form. The child can be made a direct association and asked to pretend to be a cat.
  • Embrace. Hold your arms bent in front of you with your palms parallel to the floor. As you inhale, clench your fists and wrap your arms around yourself. Do not change the position of your hands. As you exhale, return to the starting position, unclenching your fists.
  • Tilts. As you exhale, bend over, arching your back, placing your hands behind your back.
  • Head turns. As you inhale, turn your head to one side and the other. As you exhale, return to the opposite position.
  • Similar to the previous exercise, perform head tilts.
  • Dance. As you inhale, take a step forward with your left leg, transferring your weight to it. The right leg barely touches the floor. Simultaneously bend your left arm and clench your fingers. Leave your right arm hanging along your body. Repeat similarly with the right leg.
  • Step forward. Pull your left leg as you inhale, squatting slightly. Exhale as you return to a standing position. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Step back. In the same way, just throw your half-bent leg back.

Each exercise is done in several approaches (4, 8, 16 or 32) depending on the level of training. The ultimate goal is to learn how to perform 3 circuits of 32 sets.

Since it is difficult to get children to do the entire set of exercises, you can be content with only a few minutes of practice. Even 10-15 minutes of adjusting your breathing will be beneficial in the final stages of acute bronchitis. To better free the bronchi from phlegm, classes can be completed with a drainage massage - light pats on the chest and back.

For chronic bronchitis with difficulty in sputum discharge, classes begin with static breathing exercises. After transforming the cough into a productive one, you can safely begin dynamic exercise therapy.