Formulation of direct and indirect speech. Topic: ways of transmitting someone else's speech. basics of Russian punctuation

Methods of transmitting someone else's speech

1) the topic of someone else's speech is conveyed using a deliberative object in a simple sentence: He told me about his trip to the mountains;

2) by means of an objective infinitive in a complicated simple sentence it is expressed general content someone else's speech, represented by an expression of will: I asked him to go get some bread;

3) literal, literal transmission of someone else's speech - direct speech: He asked the girl: « Where is your mother?»;

4) the most complete transfer of the content of someone else’s speech without preserving its form and style – indirect speech: He asked the girl, where is her mom.

Terms and concepts of linguistics: Syntax: Dictionary-reference book. - Nazran: Pilgrim LLC. T.V. Foaling. 2011.

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    ways of transmitting someone else's speech- 1) the topic of someone else’s speech is conveyed using a deliberative object in a simple sentence: He told me about his trip to the mountains; 2) through the objective infinitive in a complicated simple sentence the general content of someone else’s speech is expressed,... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

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In the process of communication, we often have the need to convey someone else’s speech (this term usually means both the speech of another person and our own speech, but spoken earlier). Moreover, in some cases it is important for us to convey not only the content, but also the very form of someone else’s speech (its exact lexical composition and grammatical organization), and in others - only the content; therefore, in some cases, accurate reproduction of someone else's speech is mandatory, but in others it is not necessary.

In accordance with these tasks, the language has developed special ways of transmitting someone else's speech: 1) forms of direct transmission (direct speech), 2) forms of indirect transmission (indirect speech). Sentences with direct speech are specifically designed to accurately reproduce someone else's speech (its content and form), and sentences with indirect speech are only intended to convey the content of someone else's speech. These two forms of transmitting someone else's speech are the most common.

In addition to these two main forms, there are other forms designed to convey only the theme, the subject of someone else’s speech, to include elements of someone else’s speech in the author’s speech and to solve other expressive-stylistic tasks. Thus, we can talk about a whole system of forms of transmitting someone else's speech.

Direct speech.

Sentences with direct speech are a non-union (intonation and semantic) combination of parts, in one of which - the author's words - the very fact of someone else's speech is established and its source is named, and in the other - direct speech - the alien speech itself is reproduced. For example: Kirov replied: “Astrakhan will not be surrendered” (Vishnevsky); “Hurry!.. Hurry!..” shouted Levinson, constantly looking around and spurring his horse (Fadeev); “We should send for the second brigade, otherwise they will take all the grain,” thought Davydov (Sholokhov); “Leave him alone!” shouted the girl who ran up. “The Cossacks have already knocked down the castles and are dividing the bread!” (Sholokhov).

In addition to words indicating the very fact of someone else’s speech and its source, the author’s words may include words indicating the addressee of direct speech, various circumstances accompanying it, as well as words characterizing the person pronouncing it, the manner of pronunciation, etc. For example: - What it is? - Sokolovich asked sternly and even anxiously, stopping (Bunin).

Words introducing direct speech can accurately denote processes of speech or thought (said, ordered, thought, asked, etc.). Such words usually require mandatory dissemination; the part containing direct speech makes up for their semantic deficiency. The connection between the author's words and direct speech in such sentences is closer.

In other cases, words introducing direct speech do not denote the processes of speech and thought themselves, but the actions or feelings accompanying them (grin, laugh, stand up, squint, wink, etc., be offended, happy, upset, horrified, etc. .). Such words usually do not necessarily need to be distributed in a part containing direct speech; therefore, the connection between the author's words and direct speech in these cases is less close. This method of conveying someone else’s speech is close to the direct inclusion of someone else’s speech in the author’s narrative. For example:

1) Znobov furiously threw his cap to the ground.

Imperialism and the bourgeoisie - to hell! (Vs. Ivanov).

2) Having slashed, he threw away his saber, threatening with his eyes:

Show your style Now with your fists (Bagritsky). In the first example, the author’s and someone else’s speech are not combined into

one sentence. In the second example - connected, this is a sentence with direct speech.

Note. Sometimes in works of art when depicting crowd scenes, the author's words contain an indication of several sources of speech; such author's words introduce several seemingly homogeneous parts containing direct speech various persons. For example:

Shouts sounded like hail on an iron roof:

Give me the keys!..

Katisya otsedova! Who... asked you?!

Come on Semenov!

Why don't you let us sow? (Sholokhov).

1) When prepositioning the author's words, the sentence can be divided: a) into two parts (the author's words - direct speech) or b) into three parts (the author's words - direct speech - continuation of the author's narration). For example: /i> a) And everyone always raised their eyebrows and asked: “Are you really a doctor? And I thought that you were still a student” (M. Bulgakov); b) Then I shouted: “In that case, take your ring back!” - and forcibly put it on her finger (Bunin).

In these cases, direct speech explains, reveals the content of the word in front of it with the meaning of speech or thought.

3) When interposing the author's words, the sentence is divided into three parts (direct speech - author's words - continuation of direct speech). For example: “This is really stupid...” he thought as he signed for the receipt. “You couldn’t think of anything more stupid.”(Chekhov).

In interpositive author's words there can be two verbs with the meaning of speech or thought, the first of which refers to direct speech standing before the words of the author, the second - after the words of the author. For example: “Have you ever smelled copper on your hands? - the engraver asked unexpectedly and, without waiting for an answer, winced and continued: “Poisonous, disgusting” (Paustovsky). Such cases represent a mixture (contamination) of the positional types discussed above.

Direct speech is intended to accurately reproduce someone else's speech in form. Direct speech may include one or more sentences, different in their structure, intonation, modality, and time plan. In direct speech, any constructions of live spoken speech are reproduced, including those that include interjections, address, various introductory words and other elements characteristic of live speech communication (see examples above).

In direct speech, pronouns are used not from the point of view of the author conveying someone else's speech, but from the point of view of the one to whom it belongs. Wed: Petya said: “I’ll take your book, Seryozha.” From the point of view of the author, conveying someone else’s speech, the pronoun he would equally indicate Petya and Serezha (He, Petya, will take him, Serezha, the book).

Note. IN Lately In journalistic, especially newspaper, genres, the so-called open, or free, direct speech has become widespread. In contrast to direct speech itself, open direct speech allows for a freer transmission of someone else's speech, in particular its abbreviation, generalization of individual provisions, is devoid of the literalism of direct speech and at the same time is capable of conveying all the features of the form of someone else's speech. In their structure, sentences with open direct speech are close to sentences with actual direct speech.

In writing, open direct speech is not enclosed in quotation marks. For example: Experience came to us gradually,” says Luigi Gaiani. “Small groups merged and turned into combat detachments. Alexandre Biancochini has achieved many feats(From the newspaper).

Indirect speech.

Sentences with indirect speech are complex sentences with explanatory-objective subordinate clauses (see § 78). For example: Petya said that he would wait for me in the evening; Petya asked when I would be free; Petya asked me not to be late.

Sentences with indirect speech, even the most complex in composition, do not accurately reproduce someone else’s speech, but only convey its content. Many forms of lively colloquial speech cannot be included in indirect speech at all, for example, addresses, interjections, many modal words and particles, forms imperative mood, a number of infinitive constructions, etc.

In indirect speech the intonation originality of someone else's speech cannot be expressed.

Pronouns and personal forms of verbs in indirect speech are used not from the point of view of the person who owns someone else’s speech, but from the point of view of the author conveying the content of someone else’s speech. Wed. in a sentence with direct speech: Petya said: “I’ll take your book, Seryozha” - and in a sentence with indirect speech: Petya told Seryozha that he would take his book (1st person and 2nd person is replaced by 3rd). Wed. also: Petya told me: “I will take your book” and Petya told me that he would take my book(1st person is replaced by 3rd, and 2nd by 1st).

In the smooth part of such sentences the same information is given as in the words of the author in direct speech.

The subordinate part containing indirect speech refers to one of the words of the main one, which requires mandatory distribution. Therefore, the circle of words introducing indirect speech is much narrower than the circle of words introducing direct speech: indirect speech is introduced only by words that directly indicate speech or thought (says, said, thought, asked, asked, ordered, question, thought, etc.).

Unlike sentences with direct speech, in sentences with indirect speech the relative position of the parts is more constant: the part that conveys the content of someone else’s speech is more often in postposition.

Sentences with various conjunctions are intended to convey the content of types of foreign speech of different modalities. Sentences with a conjunction that convey the content of narrative sentences with affirmative or negative modality. For example: Yes, she admitted to us that from the day she met Pechorin, she often dreamed of him in her dreams and that no man had ever made such an impression on her(Lermontov).

Sentences with conjunctions seem to also convey the content of narrative sentences, but with a tinge of uncertainty and conjecture. For example: Someone told him that the general had been dead for a long time(Hermann).

Sentences with the conjunction to convey the content of the incentive sentences of someone else's speech. For example: “Okay, I’ll do it,” Osipov said, and in my presence he ordered that the high school student be released(Bitter).

Sentences with various allied words (interrogative-relative pronouns) convey the content of interrogative sentences in someone else's speech ( indirect question). For example: Ivan Ilyich asked her where the headquarters was (A.N. Tolstoy).

If the question in someone else’s speech is framed only intonationally or with the help of interrogative particles, then in an indirect question the particle-conjunction is used (or the combination whether... or). For example: I was asked if I would agree to give another lecture. Wed: -Would you agree to give another lecture?

Improperly direct speech.

In the language of fiction, there is another way of conveying someone else's speech - improperly direct speech. In this case, someone else’s speech seems to merge with the author’s, without being directly distinguished from it either by words indicating the fact of uttering someone else’s speech and its source (as in direct and indirect speech), or by a change in the pronominal plan (as in direct speech and with direct inclusion someone else's speech into the narrative), nor a special form of subordinate clause (as in indirect speech). In such cases, the author, as it were, transforms into his heroes and, talking about their thoughts, conveying their speech, resorts to the grammatical, lexical and phraseological means that his heroes would resort to in the depicted situation. Such transmission of someone else's speech (indirect speech) is a literary device with which a writer can introduce the specific speech of the characters into the author's narrative, thereby characterizing his characters. For example: The wick of the lamp hisses... Stesha is in the kitchen now, when she comes in, she’s fresh from the stove, her whole face is flushed, if you press her close, her skin is hot... How long has she been there? Good home!(Tendryakov).

In the last three sentences of this passage, someone else's speech is conveyed as improperly direct.

Improper direct speech has no special syntactic forms. It is similar to indirect speech by the use of pronouns, and to direct speech - by comparative freedom in conveying the features of someone else's speech: in improperly direct speech, various intonation types of speech can be conveyed, including various constructions of interrogative and exclamatory sentences; interjection sentences, addresses, various particles characteristic of lively colloquial speech, which cannot be conveyed in indirect speech.

Much more freely than in indirect speech, various phraseological units and non-fluent syntactic patterns characteristic of live spoken language.

Improperly direct speech usually represents an independent sentence or a series of independent sentences that are directly included in the author’s narration, or continue one of the ways of conveying someone else’s speech, or follow the mention of the subject, topic of someone else’s speech, developing this topic. For example:

“What is not a blemish in my past?” - he asked himself, trying to cling to some bright memory, like someone falling into an abyss clings to the bushes.

Gymnasium? University? But this is a lie. He studied poorly and forgot what he was taught. Service to society? This is also a deception, because he also did nothing in the service, received his salary for nothing and his service is a vile embezzlement for which they will not be brought to justice (Chekhov).

In this passage, improperly direct speech (2nd paragraph) replaces direct speech; it represents, as it were, an internal dialogue answering a question posed in the form of direct speech.

She went out and looked at her watch: it was five minutes to six. And she was surprised that time is running so slowly, and was horrified that there were still six hours left until midnight, when the guests would leave. Where to kill these six hours? What phrases should I say? How to behave with your husband?(Chekhov).

In this paragraph, the description of the heroine’s thoughts and feelings is replaced by improperly direct speech.

As can be seen from the examples, the hero’s unspoken thoughts are more often conveyed in the form of improperly direct speech. Therefore, the previous sentences often (but not always) use verbs such as think, remember, feel, regret, worry and etc.

Transferring the subject, topic of someone else's speech.

The subject of someone else's speech can be expressed in a simple sentence using additions to verbs with the meaning of speech or thought. For example: The young ladies and Gnecker talk about fugues, counterpoints, about singers and pianists, about Bach and Brahms, and the wife, fearing that she will not be suspected of musical ignorance, smiles sympathetically at them and mutters: “This is lovely... Really? Tell...(Chekhov).

In the first part of a complex sentence, only the objects of someone else’s speech are named, and in the second, someone else’s speech is reproduced in the form of direct speech.

The topic or subject of someone else’s speech can be indicated in the subordinate explanatory part if it corresponds to it in the main part demonstrative words with prepositions about, about (about that, about that). For example: And mom told about the elephant and how the girl asked about his legs(Bunin).


A quotation is a verbatim excerpt from a work that the author of another work cites to confirm or explain his thoughts. Along with this, a quotation can also play an emotionally expressive role - to strengthen what was said earlier, to give it a particularly expressive character. Finally, a quotation can be a source, a starting point for reasoning, especially if the work from which it is taken is the subject of special consideration, for example: in literary or linguistic-stylistic analysis, in works of a historiographical nature.

In its structure, a quotation can be one sentence (simple or complex), or a combination of sentences, or part of a single sentence, up to individual phrases and even words that are specific and key to a given text. For example:

1) The abuse of such templates in the author’s language of a work of art kills the simplicity and naturalness of the narrative. Plekhanov wrote very sharply about lovers of lush but cliched speech: “The late G. I. Uspensky noted in one of his few critical articles that there is a breed of people who never and under no circumstances express themselves simply... In the words of G. I. Uspensky, people of this breed try to think in a deep voice, just as other schoolchildren who want to appear big try to speak in a deep voice.”

2) But if the homeland is as Lermontov said about it in the poem “Farewell, unwashed Russia...”, then where does “strange love” arise, contrary to consciousness, “contrary to reason”?

1. Sentences with a quotation are two-part (the author’s words are a quotation) and in their structure and punctuation are no different from sentences with direct speech (see the first example). The differences between the two are only in special purpose quotations and particularly precise indication of the source of the quoted statement. This is especially true for citations in scientific works, where the source of the quotation is indicated in special footnotes.

If a sentence representing a quotation is not given in full, then an ellipsis is placed in place of the omitted members of the sentence. For example: N.V. Gogol admitted: “I still, no matter how hard I fight, cannot process my syllable and language...”

2. Quotes can be included in the text as relatively independent parts of it, without the author’s words (cf. direct inclusion of someone else’s speech in the text, § 105); for example, in the already cited work of V.V. Vinogradov “On the language of fiction” on p. 44 we read: The differences in the genres of literary artistic speech depend on the differences in the methods of depicting characters - lyrical, epic and dramatic. “In a literary work, the language of the people depicted in it is primarily motivated by the characters with which it is associated, the properties of which it individualizes... Character passes into language”.

Note. Epigraphs represent a special type of quotations - both in their function and in their place in the text. Epigraphs are placed before the text of the entire work or its individual parts(chapters) and serve to reveal the main idea of ​​the work or its part, as well as to show the reader the author’s attitude to what is depicted, to establish deep connections with other works, and to discover what is commonly called the subtext of the work.

This is, for example, the epigraph to A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Blackamoor of Peter the Great”:

By the iron will of Peter, Russia was transformed.

N. Yazykov

3. Quotes can be introduced into indirect speech. In this case, the quotation usually follows the explanatory conjunction and begins with a lowercase letter. For example: In his memoirs, he [Grech] says about Kuchelbecker that “his friend was Griboyedov, who met him at my place and at first glance took him for a madman.”(From the book by Yu. N. Tynyanov “Pushkin and his contemporaries.” - M., 1969. - P. 354.)

4. Special introductory words and sentences may also indicate the source when quoting (see § 64-65). For example: According to V. A. Goffman, “Khlebnikov’s linguistic position is thoroughly, fundamentally archaistic”. (From the cited book by V.V. Vinogradov, p. 53.)

To include quotations in the text, the forms of quoted words, such as nouns, verbs, etc., can be changed.

Dialogical unity.

Dialogical unity is the largest structural and semantic unit of dialogical speech. It consists of two, less often three or four sentences-replicas, closely related to each other in meaning and structure; in this case, the content and form of the first replica determine the content and form of the second, etc., so that only in the combination of replicas is the completeness of this part of the dialogue necessary for understanding revealed. For example:

1) - Who is speaking?

Non-commissioned officer Turbin (Bulgakov).

2) - Congratulations! - he said.

With victory... (Chekhov).

In the first example, the content and form of the response sentence-sentence are determined by the content and form of the first interrogative sentence: the second incomplete sentence consists of one subject, since in the first interrogative sentence it is asked about the subject of the action (the interrogative pronoun who); the predicate in the second sentence is omitted, since it is named in the first.

In the second example, all the replicas are incomplete sentences: the first one lacks a complement, which causes the second replica - interrogative sentence(the predicate is omitted, since it is in the first replica); finally, the third replica is an incomplete sentence, consisting of one addition, which is missing in the first replica and which represents the answer to the question contained in the second replica.

Thus, in both the first and second cases, the full meaning of the message is extracted precisely from the combination of replicas and sentences.

According to their meaning and formal features, including intonation, dialogical unities are divided into a number of types. These are, for example, the most common question-answer dialogic unities (see above); unities in which the second replica continues the unfinished first; unities in which replicas are connected by one subject of thought are statements about it; unities in which the second replica expresses agreement or disagreement with the statement contained in the first, etc. For example:

1) T a t i a n a. He is beautifully dressed... T e t e r e v. And cheerful (Gorky)

2) - You can go crazy... - I whispered.

No, you don't need to go. You just don’t know what theater is (Bulgakov).

The intonation and semantic incompleteness of the replicas, the connecting conjunction in the first (1), lexical repetition (pickup) in the second (2), etc., as well as the parallelism in the structure of the replicas characteristic of most dialogic unities and the natural incompleteness of the second replica - all this closely connects one replica on the other, turns their combination into a single structure.

However, not all replicas coming one after another have these characteristics. There are replicas that are complete sentences, each of which contains its own message. For example:

- Comrade Maksudov? - asked the blond.

“I’m looking for you all over the theater,” a new acquaintance spoke up, “let me introduce myself - director Foma Strizh (Bulgakov).

In this part of the dialogue, of the three replicas, only the first two represent dialogical unity; the third, although closely related to the first, represents a new stage in the conversation: the director first made sure whether this was the person he was looking for, and then moved on to the conversation he needed.


Vinogradov V.V. On the language of fiction. - M., 1959. - P. 203.

Korovin V. I. Creative path M. Yu. Lermontov. - M., 1973. - P. 67.

G o g o l N. V. Poli. collection op.- M. 1952.- T. 8,- P. 427

Timofeev L.I. Theory of literature. - M. 1945 -P. 120.

Grech N.I. Notes about my life. - M.; L., 1930.- P. 463.

Goffman V. A. Language of literature. - L., 1936. - P. 214.


1. Type of text according to the purpose of the statement.

3. Number of components (sentences).

4. Connection between sentences: chain, parallel, mixed type.

5. Ways of expressing semantic relations: lexical, grammatical. Name it.

5. Paragraph (German indent) is a red line, an indent at the beginning of a line and a piece of writing from one red line to another. It is used to separate dialogue lines or compositional and semantic segments of a monologue text from each other in writing, which may include one or more complex syntactic wholes, may consist of parts of the STS or individual sentences (see: works of literature!)

3. Sentences with indirect speech.

4. Constructions with improperly direct speech.

5. Conveying the content of someone else’s speech in sentences... (independently: R.N. Popov et al. - P. 448).

6. Principles of Russian punctuation. Punctuation marks and the main cases of their use.

1. Beloshapkova V.A. and others. Modern Russian language. Textbook allowance for philologist specialist. Univ.-M.: Education, 1989. –800 p.

2. Valgina N.S. and others. Modern Russian language. –M.: Higher. school, 1987. –480 p.

3. Vinogradov V.V. Modern Russian language. –M.: Higher. school, 1986. –640 p.

4. Galkina-Fedoruk E.M. Modern Russian language. –Part 1. – M.: MSU, 1962. – 344 pp.; Part 2 – 638 p.

5. Graudina L.K. and others. Grammatical correctness of Russian speech. –M.: Russian language, 1976. –232 p.

6. Dudnikov A.V. Modern Russian language. – M.: Higher. school, 1990. –424 p.

7. Kasatkin L.L. and others. Russian language. Textbook for students ped. Inst. –Part 2. –M.: Education, 1989. –287 p.

8. Lekant P.A. Modern Russian language. –M.: Higher. school, 1982. –400 p.

9. Modern Russian language. Textbook for universities/Under the editorship of D.E. Rosenthal. – M.: Higher. school, 1984. –736 p.

10. Shapiro A.B. Modern Russian language. –M.: Education, 1966. –156 p.

1 . In the Russian language there are sentences in which, in addition to one’s own, the author’s speech, the speech of another person is conveyed.

In someone else's speech- is called the statement of another person conveyed in the author’s narration (someone else’s speech can be the statement of the author himself, if this statement is reproduced as a fact that has become extraneous to the moment of speech).

Someone else's speech can be transmitted different ways. If it is necessary to accurately reproduce it, sentences with direct speech are used. If it is necessary to convey only the content of someone else's speech, sentences with indirect speech are used. In works of fiction, constructions with improperly direct speech are used, combining the characteristics of direct speech and indirect speech, when the author’s statement and someone else’s speech merge together. The content or general meaning of someone else's speech can be conveyed using introductory words indicating the source of the message. The topic, the subject of someone else's speech, can only be named and expressed with the help of an addition.

(Attention! The author's narration may include the speech of another person or the statements and thoughts of the author himself, expressed in a certain situation and conveyed verbatim or in content. The statements of other persons (less often the author himself), included in the author's narration, form someone else's speech. Depending on how such a statement is conveyed, a distinction is made between direct speech and indirect speech).

The main criterion for distinguishing between direct and indirect speech is, first of all, that the first, as a rule, literally conveys someone else’s statement, preserving its lexical and phraseological composition, grammatical structure and stylistic features, while the second usually reproduces only the content of the statement, and the original words and expressions speaker, the nature of the construction of his speech changes under the influence of the author's context.

From a syntactic point of view, direct speech retains significant independence, being connected with the author's words only in meaning and intonation, and indirect speech acts as a subordinate clause as part of a complex sentence, in which the role of the main sentence is played by the author's words. These are the most important differences between both methods of transmitting someone else's speech. However, their clear distinction in a number of cases gives way to their convergence, close interaction and crossing.

Thus, direct speech may not convey someone else’s statement verbatim. We sometimes find an indication of this in the author’s words themselves: He said something like this...; He replied something like this... It is clear that in such cases someone else's speech is reproduced with greater or lesser approximation to accuracy, but not verbatim.

Naturally, we find not a literal translation, but an exact translation in those cases when the speaker expresses himself in foreign language, and the direct speech belonging to him is conveyed in Russian: - What? What are you saying? - said Napoleon. - Yes, give me a horse.

On the other hand, indirect speech can literally convey someone else’s words, for example, in an indirect question corresponding to an interrogative sentence of direct speech: He asked when the meeting would start. He asked, “When will the meeting start?”

Sometimes indirect speech differs lexically from direct speech only by the presence of a function word - a conjunction that subordinates subordinate clause to the main thing: He said that the manuscript had already been edited. - He said, “The manuscript has already been edited”; He asked if everyone was ready to leave. He asked: “Are everyone ready to leave?” ).

2. Direct speech is the transmission of someone else’s statement, accompanied by the author’s words. Direct speech is called someone else's speech, transmitted on behalf of the speaker (the person whose speech is reproduced).

Sentences with direct speech consist of two parts, united in meaning and structure, one of which (the author's speech) contains a message about the fact of someone else's speech and its source, and the other - direct speech - reproduces someone else's speech without changing its content and linguistic form.

Direct speech can convey:

1) a statement by another person, i.e. literally someone else’s words: “Iran, you’re crying again,” Litvinov began with concern;

2) the words of the speaker himself, spoken earlier: “Why aren’t you going?” - I asked the driver impatiently;

3) unspoken thoughts: “It’s good that I hid the revolver in the crow’s nest,” thought Pavel.

1) precede direct speech: The delighted mother confidently replied: “I’ll find something to say!” ;

2) follow direct speech: “I will, I will fly!” - it rang and rang in Alexei’s head, driving away sleep;

3) engage in direct speech: “We’ll have to spend the night here,” said Maxim Maksimych, “you can’t cross the mountains in such a snowstorm”;

4) include direct speech: To my question: “Is the old caretaker alive?” - no one could give me a satisfactory answer.

Direct speech is most often associated with verbs of utterance or thought contained in the author's words ( speak, say, ask, answer, exclaim, utter, object, think, decide ...), less often - with verbs indicating the nature of speech, its connection with the previous statement ( continue, add, conclude, finish, complete, interrupt, interrupt ...), with verbs expressing the purpose of speech ( ask, order, explain, confirm, complain, agree ...), as well as with phrases with nouns similar in meaning or formation to verbs of speech ( asked a question, an answer was heard, exclamations were heard, words were spoken, a whisper was heard, a cry was heard, a voice was heard... ), or with nouns indicating the occurrence of a thought ( a thought arose, flashed through the consciousness, appeared in the mind... ). Author's words may contain verbs indicating the action that accompanies the statement; verbs denoting movements, gestures, facial expressions ( run, jump up, shake your head, shrug your shoulders, spread your arms, make a grimace... ), expressing feelings, sensations, internal state speaker ( to be happy, to be sad, to be offended, to be indignant, to be surprised, to laugh, to smile, to sigh... ).

The order of words in direct speech does not depend on its place in relation to the author’s words, and the order of words in the author’s remark is associated with the place it occupies in relation to direct speech, namely:

1) if the author’s words precede direct speech, then in them there is usually a direct order of the main members of the sentence (the subject precedes the predicate): Zhukhrai, standing on the training machine gun platform and raising his hand, said: “Comrades, we collected you for a serious and responsible matter”;

2) if the author’s words come after direct speech or are included in it, then the order of the main members of the sentence in them is reversed (the predicate precedes the subject): “Fire! Fire" - rang out downstairs desperate scream ; “Gather, brothers, material for the fire,” I said , picking up some kind of block of wood from the road. “We’ll have to spend the night in the steppe.”

3. Indirect speech - is the transmission of someone else's speech in the form of a subordinate clause.

For example: Gurov said, What he is a Muscovite, a philologist by training, but works in a bank; I once prepared to sing in a private opera, but gave up, and has two houses in Moscow.

The subordinate clause containing indirect speech follows the main one and is attached to the predicate of the latter using conjunctions and relative words characteristic of explanatory subordinate clauses: what, in order, as if, as if, who, what, which, which, whose, how, where, where, from, why, why

Union What indicates transmission real fact and is used when replacing a narrative sentence of direct speech: They said, What Kuban is preparing an uprising against the Volunteer Army...

Unions as if And as if give indirect speech a tinge of uncertainty, doubt about the truth of the conveyed content: ...Some said, as if he is the unfortunate son of rich parents... .

Union to used when replacing an incentive sentence of direct speech: ... Tell the groom, to did not give oats to his horses. Also in some cases, with a negative predicate of the main sentence: No one could say to ever seen him at some party.

Relative words who, what, which, food, where ... are used when replacing an interrogative sentence of direct speech, i.e. interrogative pronominal words are retained in the role of interrogative-relative: Korchagin repeatedly asked me, When he can check out. Such a subordinate clause is called an indirect question. An indirect question is expressed using a conjunction particle whether, if the question in direct speech was expressed without pronominal words: Mother asked a worker working in the field, far whether to the tar factory.

In indirect speech personal and possessive pronouns and the persons of the verb are used from the point of view of the author (i.e. the person conveying indirect speech), and not the person to whom the direct speech belongs. Addresses, interjections, emotional particles present in direct speech are omitted in indirect speech; the meanings they express and the expressive coloring of speech are conveyed only approximately by other lexical means. Introduction to indirect speech of modal particles say, de,

they say... allows it to retain some shades of direct speech: The servant... reported to his master that, they say , Andrei Gavrilovich did not listen and did not want to return.

Sometimes in indirect speech the literal expressions of someone else’s speech are preserved (in writing this is shown with the help of quotation marks): From Petrushka they heard only the smell of living quarters, and from Selifan that “he performed government service and previously served at customs,” and nothing more.

4. Improperly direct speech.

Someone else's speech can also be expressed special welcome, the so-called improperly direct speech .

Improper direct speech - This is speech, the essence of which lies in the fact that it, to one degree or another, preserves the lexical and syntactic features of someone else’s statement, the manner of speech speaking person, an emotional coloring characteristic of direct speech, but it is conveyed not on behalf of the character, but on behalf of the author, the narrator. In this case, the author expresses the thoughts and feelings of his hero, merges his speech with his own speech. As a result, a two-dimensionality of the statement is created: the “inner” speech of the character, his thoughts, moods are conveyed (and in this sense he “speaks”), but the author speaks for him.

Indirect speech is similar to indirect speech in that it also replaces the persons of the verb and pronouns; it can take the form of a subordinate clause.

The difference between direct, indirect and improperly direct speech is shown by the following comparison:

1) direct speech: Everyone remembered this evening, repeating: “How good and fun we had!”;

2) indirect speech: Everyone remembered this evening, repeating, What they felt good and had fun;

3) improperly direct speech: Everyone remembered that evening: how good and fun they had!

From a syntactic point of view, improperly direct speech is:

1) included complex sentence: The fact that Lyubka remained in the city was especially pleasant for Seryozhka. Lyubka was a desperate girl, at her best.

2) as an independent, independent proposal: When my grandmother died, they put her in a long, narrow coffin and covered her eyes, which did not want to close, with two nickels. Before her death, she was alive and carried soft bagels sprinkled with poppy seeds from the market, but now she is sleeping, sleeping ... .

The most characteristic type of improperly direct speech is the form of interrogative and exclamatory sentences, which stand out in emotional and intonation terms against the background of the author’s narration: She could not help but admit that he liked her very much; Probably, he too, with his intelligence and experience, could have already noticed that she distinguished him: how come she had not yet seen him at her feet and had not yet heard his confession? What was holding him back? Shyness, pride or coquetry of a cunning red tape? It was a mystery to her; Nikolai Rostov turned away and, as if looking for something, began to look at the distance, at the water of the Danube, at the sky, at the sun. How beautiful the sky seemed, how blue, calm and deep! How tenderly and glossily the water shone in the distant Danube!

The interaction of individual methods of transmitting someone else's speech allows, for stylistic purposes, to combine them in one text: He [the provincial] is angrily silent when making such comparisons, and sometimes he ventures to say that such and such material or such and such wine can be obtained from them better and cheaper, and what about the overseas rarities of these large crayfish and shells, and red fish, there and they won’t look, and that it’s free, they say, for you to buy various materials and trinkets from foreigners. They rip you off, and you are happy to be idiots... .

Attention! In sentences with improperly direct speech, someone else’s speech is not distinguished from the author’s speech, it is not introduced with special words warning about the fact of someone else’s speech, and merges with the author’s.

5. Conveying the content of someone else's speech in sentences... (independently: R.N. Popov et al. - P. 448).

6. Punctuation (Latin – dot) – this is 1). A collection of rules for placing punctuation marks. 2).Punctuation marks in the text.

Punctuation marks are called graphic signs used in writing to separate semantic segments of text, syntactic and intonational division of speech.

The Russian punctuation system is based on semantic, grammatical and intonation principles, being in relationship with each other.

For example, in the sentence: I did not want death for the eagle, nor for the predators of the thicket - I shot an arrow of unjust malice at my friend...- all punctuation marks delimit semantic sections of the text: a comma separates designations of homogeneous concepts from each other (bird of prey, beast of prey); the dash expresses the opposition of phenomena; The dot indicates the completeness of the thought. All punctuation marks also divide sentences into structural and grammatical segments: a comma separates homogeneous members, a dash separates two parts of a non-union sentence, and a period completes a declarative sentence. Each of the signs carries a certain intonation: the comma conveys the uniformity of the enumeration of homogeneous members of the sentence; a dash conveys the intonation of comparison, a dot conveys the completeness of a statement with a lowering of the voice (See: R.N. Popov et al. - P. 453-455).

Punctuation marks include: period, exclamation point, question mark, comma, semicolon, colon, dash, ellipsis, parentheses, and quotation marks.

According to the function that punctuation marks perform, they are divided into:

1. separating - These are punctuation marks that serve to separate one part of the text from another. These include single characters: periods, question and exclamation marks, commas, semicolons, colons, ellipses, dashes.

2. Highlighting - These are punctuation marks that serve to highlight parts of the text. These include paired characters: two commas, two dashes, brackets, quotation marks.

The norms for the use of punctuation marks were defined in a special code in 1956.

The point is put : at the end of a declarative and motivating non-exclamatory sentence; at the end of the listing headings.

A question mark is placed: at the end of an interrogative sentence: after separate homogeneous questions in order to separate them; inside or at the end of a quote to express bewilderment or doubt (put it in parentheses).

An exclamation point is placed: at the end of an exclamatory sentence; if necessary, intonationally highlight each of the homogeneous members of the exclamatory sentence; inside or at the end of a quote to express the attitude towards it (put it in brackets).

A comma is placed : between parts of complex sentences; between homogeneous members of a sentence; to highlight isolated members of a sentence, introductory and inserted constructions, addresses, interjections.

A semicolon is placed: between parts of a complex sentence, if the sentences are complicated and have punctuation marks; between IF groups in BSP and SSP; between common homogeneous members of a sentence; at the end of the listing headings, if the headings are common and have punctuation marks.

The colon is placed : before listing homogeneous members of the sentence; in non-conjunctive complex sentences with explanatory relationships.

A dash is placed : between subject and predicate, expressed nouns or infinitive of a verb; after homogeneous members of the sentence before the generalizing word; to highlight homogeneous members in the middle of a sentence; between the predicates or the IF of a complex sentence to express opposition, unexpected addition, result or conclusion from what has already been said; If necessary, highlight a common sentence; to separate the author’s words from direct speech; to indicate the omission of any member of the sentence; to highlight input and plug-in structures; to indicate spatial, temporal or quantitative limits; at the beginning of dialogue lines.

The ellipsis is placed: to indicate the incompleteness of a statement, a break in speech; to indicate an omission in a quotation.

Parentheses are placed : to highlight input and plug-in structures; to highlight the name of the author and the work from which the quotation is taken; to highlight stage directions in dramatic works.

Quotes are placed : when highlighting direct speech and quotes; to highlight words used ironically or in unusual meaning; to highlight the names of works, newspapers, magazines, enterprises...

The author's narrative may include statements or individual words belonging to other persons. There are several ways to introduce someone else's speech into a sentence or text: direct speech, indirect speech, improperly direct speech And dialogue.

1. Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech


P- direct speech starting with a capital letter;
P– direct speech starting with a lowercase letter;
A– author’s words starting with a capital letter;
A– words of the author starting with a lowercase letter.


    And his father told him
    _You, Gavrilo, are great!_

    “Everything will be decided,” he thought, approaching the living room, “I’ll explain it to her myself.” (Pushkin).

    He sat down in a chair, put his cane in the corner, yawned and announced that it was getting hot outside (Lermontov).

    I didn’t ask my faithful companion why he didn’t take me straight to those places (Turgenev).

    Suddenly the driver began to look to the side and, finally, taking off his hat, turned to me and said_ _ Master, would you order me to come back?_ (Pushkin)

    No, no, she repeated in despair, it’s better to die, it’s better to go to a monastery, I’d rather marry Dubrovsky.

    Oh, my fate is deplorable! _
    The princess tells him
    If you want to take me
    Then deliver it to me in three days
    My ring is made of okiyan_.

    I answered with indignation that I, an officer and a nobleman, could not enter into any service with Pugachev and could not accept any orders from him (according to Pushkin).

    Sometimes I tell myself_ _ No, of course not! The little prince always covers the rose with a glass cap at night, and he takes great care of the lamb..._ (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

    The girl tells him_
    _But look, you’re gray;
    I'm only fifteen years old:
    How can we get married?
    All the kings will begin to laugh,
    Grandfather, they will say, took his granddaughter!_

    He reported_ _ that the governor ordered his officials on special assignments to wear spurs_ (according to Turgenev).

    He sat down next to me and began to tell me what a famous surname and important upbringing he had (according to Leskov).

    It doesn’t matter, Petrusha, my mother told me, this is your imprisoned father; kiss his hand and may he bless you..._ (Pushkin)

    It used to be that you would stand in the corner, so that your knees and back would ache, and you would think_ _ Karl Ivanovich forgot about me; It must be calm for him to sit on an easy chair and read hydrostatics - but what does it feel like for me?_ _ and you begin, to remind yourself of yourself, slowly opening and closing the damper or picking the plaster from the wall (Tolstoy).

    You are not our sovereign_ _ replied Ivan Ignatich, repeating the words of his captain._ You, uncle, are a thief and an impostor!_ (Pushkin)

    The next day, at breakfast, Grigory Ivanovich asked his daughter if she still intended to hide from the Berestovs (Pushkin).

foreign russian speech transmission

As we noted in the previous chapter, the statement of another person, included in the author’s narrative, forms someone else’s speech.

Someone else's speech, reproduced verbatim, preserving not only its content, but also its form, is called direct speech.

Someone else's speech, reproduced not verbatim, but only with its content preserved, is called indirect.

Direct and indirect speech differ not only in the literal or non-verbal transmission of someone else's speech. The main difference between direct speech and indirect speech lies in the way they are included in the author’s speech. and indirect speech is formalized in the form of a subordinate clause as part of a complex sentence, in which the main part is the words of the author. Wed, for example: The silence lasted a long time. Davydov turned his eyes to me and said dully: “I was not the only one who gave his life to the desert” (Paust.).-Davydov turned his eyes to me and said dully that he was not the only one who gave his life to the desert. When translating direct speech into indirect speech, if necessary, the forms of pronouns change (I - he).

With the convergence of forms of transmission of someone else's speech, i.e. direct and indirect, a special form is formed - improperly direct speech. For example: A gloomy day without sun, without frost. The snow on the ground had melted overnight and lay only on the roofs in a thin layer. Grey sky. Puddles. What kind of sleds are there: it’s disgusting to even go out into the yard (Pan.). Here someone else's speech is given verbatim, but there are no words introducing it; it is not formally highlighted as part of the author's speech.

Direct speech

In direct speech, the statements of other persons cited by the author are preserved in full, without undergoing any processing; it not only accurately conveys the content of these statements, but also reproduces all the features of their linguistic expression, in particular, direct speech is conducted not on behalf of the author, but on behalf of the person to whom the transmitted statement belongs. Direct speech is clearly distinguished from the author's speech.

The authenticity and accuracy of other people's statements acquire special significance in scientific speech. This poses a number of citation requirements. First of all, it is necessary that the quotation does not distort the thoughts of the quoted work. Such distortions may arise due to the fact that a single sentence (or part of it), taken out of context, may acquire a different meaning than it has in the work from which the quotation is given. Therefore, when quoting, it is necessary to carefully ensure that the quote taken accurately reproduces the views of the quoted author.

WITH outside accuracy of citation requires compliance with a number of generally accepted techniques in the press, so that the reader can easily see what the author is quoting from the cited work. These techniques include: 1) enclosing the quoted text in quotation marks, 2) a completely accurate reproduction of this text, preserving punctuation, 3) indicating omissions made with ellipses, 4) comments on the use of special fonts (discharge, italics) in the form of indications whether it belongs such a font for the cited work or citing author, 5) links with the exact indication of the author, title, edition, year and place of publication, page, etc.

In works of art, direct speech reproduces all the features of the character’s speech manner. First of all, the features of dialect or jargon are preserved, for example: in the speech of a specialist, the use of terminology and typical for a given social group phraseology, the use of dialectisms in the speech of residents of different areas. Then all speech features are preserved in connection with different attitude towards interlocutors and other persons (respect, business relations, ridicule, disdain), with different attitudes to the subject of speech (seriousness, conversational style, playfulness, etc.). In this regard, direct speech widely uses means of emotionality and expressiveness: interjections, emotionally charged vocabulary, suffixes of subjective assessment, syntactic means of colloquial speech and vernacular.

Here is an example of direct speech, in which the characteristics of the characters’ speech manner are expressed relatively weakly:

The manager told me: “I’m keeping you only out of respect for your venerable father, otherwise you would have left me long ago. I answered him: “You flatter me too much, Your Excellency, by believing that I can fly.” And then I heard him say: “Take this gentleman away, he’s ruining my nerves” (Chekhov, My Life).

Here, the attitude of a subordinate employee to a manager in pre-revolutionary times explains your Excellency’s address; at the same time, the irony of the hero of the story is reflected in his rethinking of the word fly; in the speech of the manager, the respect for the hero's father, the architect, is due to his designation father; on the contrary, the emphasized harshness comes through in the statement: otherwise you would have flown away from me long ago instead of I would have fired you.

In the following remarks of the grandfather from the story by A.M. Gorky’s “In People,” the character’s speech manner is conveyed exceptionally vividly:

I entered the room, looked at my grandfather and could hardly restrain myself from laughing - he was truly as happy as a child, he was beaming, kicking his legs and pounding his red-furred paws on the table.

-What, goat? Have you come to fight again? Oh, you robber! Just like my father! Formazon, entered the house-I didn’t cross myself, now I’m smoking tobacco, oh, you, Bonaparte, the price is a penny!

The syntax of emotional speech with interjections, appeals, incomplete sentences and unique vocabulary and phraseology is widely represented here.

Direct speech conveys:

1) a statement by another person, for example: Amazed, he asked: “But why do you come to my lectures?” (M. Gorky.);

3) an unspoken thought, for example: Only then did I straighten up and think: “Why is father walking around the garden at night?”(Turgenev).

In the author's speech there are usually words that introduce direct speech. These are, first of all, verbs of speech, thoughts: say, speak, ask, ask, answer, think, notice (in the meaning of “say”), speak, object, shout, address, exclaim, whisper, interrupt, insert, etc. Introduce direct speech Verbs that characterize the target orientation of the statement can also be used, for example: reproach, decide, confirm, agree, assent, advise, etc. In addition, sometimes verbs are used that denote actions and emotions accompanying the statement, for example: smile, be upset, be surprised, sigh, to be offended, indignant, etc. In such cases, direct speech has a pronounced emotional connotation, for example: “Where are you going?”-Startsev was horrified (Chekhov).

Some nouns are sometimes used as introductory words. Like verbs introducing direct speech, they have the meaning of statements, thoughts: words, exclamation, question, exclamation, whisper and others, for example: “Did the boy lie down?”-A minute later the whisper of Pantelei (Chekhov) was heard.

Direct speech can be located in relation to the author's in preposition, in postposition and in interposition, for example : "Talk to me about the future"-she asked him (M. Gorky); And when he extended his hand to her, she kissed her with hot lips and said: “Forgive me, I am guilty before you” (M. Gorky); And only when he whispered: “Mom! Mother!"-he seemed to feel better...(Chekhov). In addition, direct speech can be broken by the author’s words, for example: "Signorina-my constant opponent,-he said,-Doesn’t she think that it would be better in the interests of the matter if we got to know each other better?” (M. Gorky).

Depending on the location of direct speech, the order of arrangement of the main members of the sentence in the author’s speech usually changes. Words that introduce direct speech are always next to her. So, in the author’s speech preceding the direct one, the predicate verb is placed after the subject, for example:... Kermani said cheerfully: “The mountain becomes a valley when you love!” (M. Gorky). If the author’s words are located after direct speech, the predicate verb precedes the subject, for example: “You will be an architect, right?”-she suggested and asked (M. Gorky).

Indirect speech

Indirect speech is someone else's speech, conveyed by the author in the form of a subordinate part of a sentence while preserving its content.

Unlike direct speech, indirect speech is always located after the author’s words, formatted as the main part of a complex sentence.

Wed: “Now everything will change,” said the lady (Paustovsky).-The lady said that now everything will change.

To introduce indirect speech, various conjunctions and allied words are used, the choice of which is related to the purposefulness of someone else’s speech. If someone else's speech is a declarative sentence, then when formatting it as an indirect sentence, the conjunction that is used, for example: After some silence, the lady said that in this part of Italy it is better to drive at night without lights.

If someone else's speech is incentive offer, then when forming indirect speech the conjunction is used so that, for example: The guys are shouting for me to help them tie down the grass (Sholokhov).

If someone else's speech is an interrogative sentence, which contains interrogative-relative pronominal words, then when forming indirect speech these pronominal words are preserved, and no additional conjunctions are required. For example: I asked where this train was going.

If in someone else’s speech, framed as an interrogative sentence, there are no pronominal words, then the indirect question is expressed using the conjunction whether. For example: I asked him if he would be busy.

In indirect speech, personal and possessive pronouns, as well as forms of personal verbs, are used from the point of view of the author, and not from the speaker. Wed: "You speak sadly"-interrupts the stove man (M. Gorky).- The stove maker notices that I speak sadly.

Improperly direct speech

There is a special way of transmitting someone else’s speech, which contains the features of both direct speech and partly indirect speech. This is improperly direct speech, its specificity lies in the following: like direct speech, it retains the features of the speaker’s speech - lexical-phraseological, emotional-evaluative; on the other hand, as in indirect speech, it follows the rules for replacing personal pronouns and personal forms of verbs. A syntactic feature of improperly direct speech is that it is not distinguished within the author’s speech.

Improperly direct speech is not formalized as a subordinate clause (unlike indirect speech) and is not introduced with special introductory words (unlike direct speech). It does not have a typed syntactic form. This is someone else's speech, directly included in the author's narrative, merging with it and not delimited from it. Inappropriate direct speech is conducted not on behalf of the person, but on behalf of the author, the narrator; someone else's speech is reproduced in the author's speech with its inherent features, but at the same time does not stand out against the background of the author's speech.

Wed: Friends visited the theater and unanimously declared: “We really liked this performance!”(direct speech). - Friends visited the theater and unanimously declared that they really liked this performance (indirect speech). - Friends visited the theater. They really liked this performance! (improper direct speech).

Improperly direct speech is a stylistic figure of expressive syntax. It is widely used in fiction as a method of bringing the author’s narrative closer to the speech of the characters. This method of presenting someone else’s speech allows one to preserve the natural intonations and nuances of direct speech and at the same time makes it possible not to sharply distinguish this speech from the author’s narrative. For example:

Only he went out into the garden. The sun was shining on the high ridges covered with snow. The sky turned blue carefree. The sparrow sat down on the fence, jumped up, turned right and left, the sparrow's tail provocatively stuck up, round brown eye looked at Tolka in surprise and joy,-what's going on? What does it smell like? After all, spring is still far away! (Pan.);

In fiction, improperly direct speech is often used in the form of the second part of a non-conjunctive complex sentence and reflects the reaction actor to the phenomenon he perceives.

For example: Oh, how good it was for district police officer Aniskin! Looked at the chintz curtains-oh, how funny! I touched the rug with my foot-oh, how important! Inhaled the smells of the room-well, like being under a blanket as a child! (Lip.).

Thus, we can say that free direct speech is an adapted presentation, and not a literal transmission of someone else’s speech. In a written text, in contrast to direct speech itself, free direct speech is not highlighted by quotation marks, and short authorial introductions such as: the speaker said further, he wrote, he thought, most often used in interposition, are highlighted only by commas and play the role of introductory sentences.

Improper direct speech does not represent any specific syntactic structure. Without any direct signals, it is woven into the author’s narrative, and the “voice of the character,” and not the narrator, is recognized only by the nature of the assessments of the situation, sometimes by the presence of interrogative or exclamatory sentences associated with the character’s reasoning, by the peculiarities of word usage that reflect his individuality and etc. Most often, improperly direct speech is used to imitate the character’s internal speech and thoughts.

Different forms of transmitting someone else's speech constantly interact with each other. This is especially typical for the works of L.N. Tolstoy. Thus, improperly direct speech with its characteristic “indirect” use of facial forms can be accompanied by the author’s input, characteristic of free direct speech; can, as it were, imperceptibly turn into direct speech; may be a continuation of indirect speech, etc.