Telecom operator with unlimited internet. Unlimited tariffs. Unlimited Internet on MTS

For a long time, there were no offers on the cellular communications market with unlimited Internet without restrictions on traffic and speed. Once upon a time, almost all operators had similar offers, but over time they became unavailable for connection and unlimited Internet without any restrictions became something unrealistic. In 2016, subscribers finally had the opportunity to use the mobile Internet without worrying about the amount of traffic spent. At first, this opportunity was provided by the Yota operator, and then unlimited Internet appeared at Beeline, MTS and MegaFon.

When we say unlimited, we mean that there are no restrictions on the speed and volume of traffic consumed. Operators also call unlimited those offers that include a certain traffic package, after which, after exhaustion, the speed of Internet access drops. It turns out that the subscriber actually receives unlimited Internet, but it is of little use, since after using up the available traffic package, the speed will drop to an extremely low value.

As part of this review, we will look at tariffs and options that provide unlimited mobile Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. Yota, Beeline, MTS and MegaFon currently have such offers. We will make a detailed review of all offers and try to determine the best one. It is now quite possible to connect to unlimited Internet, but you should not hope that it will be the same as before. Unfortunately, there were no restrictions at all.

Unlimited Internet on Beeline

For a long time, unlimited mobile Internet was available only from the Yota operator, but it does not have such a large customer base as Beeline, MegaFon and MTS, and therefore there was not much noise around this offer, although it also deserves attention and we will return to it later . As for the big three, Beeline was the first to offer unlimited Internet. Postpaid tariffs of the “Everything” line include mobile Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. Postpaid tariffs differ from prepaid ones in that they provide the opportunity to first use communication services and then pay. Most often, you can switch to such tariffs at the Beeline office. Unlimited Beeline Internet on postpaid “Everything” tariffs is available as part of a promotion that has been extended several times and is still valid to this day.

Beeline decided not to stop at postpaid tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet and opened the “#EVERYTHING” tariff plan for connection, which provides for an advance payment method. There is also a tariff plan with unlimited Internet for tablets. So far, Beeline has three active offers with unlimited Internet.

  • Tariffs “Everything” postpaid;
  • Tariff “Everything is possible”;
  • Tariff “Unlimited for tablet”.

Tariffs have a number of differences and features, so you should consider them separately.

Postpaid tariffs “Everything” with unlimited internet

Postpaid tariffs of the “Everything” line differ in the size of the subscription fee and the volume of service packages, but they all provide unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. The most popular is. We have already done a detailed review of this tariff plan and recommend that you familiarize yourself with it. Here we provide brief information on the tariff.

The “All for 500” postpaid tariff includes:

  • Monthly subscription fee - 500 rubles;
  • Unlimited calls to Beeline numbers throughout Russia;
  • 600 minutes for calls to numbers of other operators;
  • 300 SMS messages;
  • Unlimited Internet with unlimited traffic quota.

As you can see, in addition to unlimited Internet, the tariff plan provides unlimited calls to Beeline numbers at home and when traveling around Russia, as well as impressive packages of minutes and SMS. All this is wonderful, but there are some pitfalls here. The subscriber actually gets the opportunity to use the Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas, but subject to certain conditions.

“Everything” postpaid tariffs are characterized by the following features:

  1. If a phone with a SIM card is used as a modem or Wi-Fi hotspot, Internet access is limited. The restrictions are comparable to a complete shutdown of the Internet.
  2. The tariff plan cannot be used on modems, routers, or even tablets. Unlimited mobile internet is available only for phones.
  3. The tariff provides for a speed limit for downloading from file-sharing networks. That is, you will not be able to download files through torrent clients.
  4. In the document with a detailed description of the tariff plan, you can find a clause that states that the operator does not guarantee Internet speed in case of network load. In fact, at any time your network access speed can be reduced and you will be referred to this point.
  5. On tariffs of the “Everything” line with a postpaid payment system, the “Internet for everything” service is not available. Let us remind you that this service is intended for distributing the Internet to other subscribers (not via Wi-Fi).

Undoubtedly, the shortcomings are very significant and greatly spoil the impression of the tariff. However, Beeline has other offers with unlimited Internet, although they are also far from ideal.

Tariff “#everything is possible”

The tariff plan appeared quite recently. Many argue that this is a response to MTS, which has opened the “Smart Unlimited” tariff plan for connection, which is superior in many respects to the “Everything” postpaid tariffs. It is difficult to say whether this tariff is the best and the opinions of subscribers in this regard differ greatly. We invite you to read the tariff description and then decide what is best for you.

The daily fee is 10 rubles for the first month. From the second month, the subscription fee rises to 13 rubles. per day for most regions of Russia and 20 rubles. for Moscow and Moscow region. The cost of switching to the tariff is 100 rubles. The tariff is not the cheapest and for this fee you should expect a lot from it.

The tariff can be everything Beeline includes:

  • Unlimited mobile Internet throughout Russia without speed or traffic limitations;
  • Unlimited calls to Beeline Russia subscribers;
  • 100 minutes (in most regions) or 250 minutes (Moscow and Moscow region) to all networks in the home region and Beeline Russia phones;
  • 100 SMS (in most regions) or 250 SMS (Moscow and Moscow region) to numbers in your home region.

If you compare the “#everything is possible” tariff with the “Everything for 500” postpaid tariff, the second one looks more attractive, as it includes more impressive service packages. As for the Internet, the “EVERYTHING is possible” tariff has almost similar conditions. The tariff plan appeared quite recently and not all of its features are known yet. Below are a number of tariff disadvantages that have been officially confirmed. Unofficial information (subscriber reviews) suggests many other shortcomings.

The “#EVERYTHING is possible” tariff has the following disadvantages:

Such conditions are typical for the “#EVERYTHING” tariff. As you can see, there are a lot of pitfalls here and it’s difficult to call this tariff plan ideal. However, ideal tariffs do not exist at all. If you are a fan of Beeline, then it has another offer with unlimited internet.

Tariff “Unlimited for tablet”

The rates described above are for telephone. If you need unlimited Internet for a tablet, then Beeline has an offer specifically for these devices. provides mobile Internet without traffic quota and speed restrictions. A distinctive feature of the tariff plan is that it does not have protocol restrictions. That is, when downloading files from file-sharing networks (torrents), the Internet speed will not change. So far, this is the only tariff with unlimited Internet that does not have a restriction on downloading file-sharing networks. However, this is where its advantages end.

The subscription fee for the tariff is 890 rubles. per month (Moscow and Moscow region). Packages of minutes and SMS are completely absent. In fact, you only pay for unlimited Internet. Moreover, by default The tariff does not provide the ability to make calls or send messages at all. Activation of voice communications and SMS messaging services is possible only upon concluding a written contract for the provision of mobile radiotelephone services. The conclusion of an agreement is possible at any Beeline sales office.

As for the disadvantages, everything here is similar to the tariffs described earlier, with the exception of the absence of restrictions on torrents. It is worth adding that on the “Unlimited for Tablet” tariff plan, the “Highway” options, as well as promotions and other bonus programs that give discounts on Internet traffic, are not available for connection. Another disadvantage is that despite the high subscription fee, the tariff does not include communication service packages.

Unlimited Internet on MTS

MTS provides subscribers with only one tariff plan with unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. This does not mean that MTS lags behind Beeline in terms of unlimited Internet. MTS does not have a separate tariff for a tablet or a tariff plan with a postpaid payment system. Available not only on phones, but also on tablets. As for the use of the tariff in the modem, there is also a limitation in this regard. But “Smart Unlimited” does not provide for restrictions on distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi and using the phone as a modem. By removing this limitation, MTS stood out favorably against other operators. However, there are some pitfalls here too.

The “Smart Unlimited” tariff includes:

  • Unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas;
  • Unlimited calls to MTS numbers throughout Russia;
  • 200 minutes to numbers of all networks in your region;
  • 200 SMS messages to numbers of all networks in your region.

Packages of minutes and SMS are small. Few people worry about SMS, but there may not be enough minutes and then you will have to pay extra. Calls to MTS Russia numbers are also included in the 200-minute package. Only after the package is exhausted, calls to MTS outside your home region become free, but you will have to pay for calls to mobile phones of other operators in your home region. As you can see, everything here is very confusing and tricky. There are also quite a lot of tricks regarding the Internet. The subscription fee in most regions is 12.90 rubles. per day. Subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region pay 12.90 rubles for the first month. per day, and from the second month 19 rubles per day.

Of course, the Smart Unlimited tariff has its drawbacks, and there are quite a lot of them. The most unpleasant thing is that the list of shortcomings regularly increases. This is not because we did not identify them in a timely manner. The fact is that since the time of MTS, tariff conditions have been changing and a similar phenomenon is typical for all operators. Below is a list of shortcomings that are relevant today.

Disadvantages of the “Smart Unlimited” tariff:

  1. A SIM card with the “Smart Unlimited” tariff connected cannot be used in a modem or router. Is it possible to bypass this limitation? Yes, it is possible, but it is not easy to do. We have already written about that.
  2. The “Smart Unlimited” tariff is characterized by a restriction on downloading from file-sharing networks (torrents). If you try, these restrictions can be circumvented.
  3. The document with a detailed description of the tariff indicates that it is possible to limit the speed of Internet access in case of heavy load on the network. All operators providing tariffs with unlimited Internet insure themselves with this review.

We have devoted a whole series of articles to this tariff plan. If you believe the reviews of visitors, then the tariff has a lot of disadvantages. However, we believe that this is relevant for all operators. It is hardly worth counting on the fact that mobile Internet without any restrictions will ever appear again.

Unlimited Internet on MegaFon

MegaFon does not have a separate tariff plan with unlimited Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas, but it does have a special “MegaUnlimited” option. Access option for connection on “All inclusive” tariffs. As with other tariffs, the MegaUnlimit option provides for a number of restrictions. The subscription fee depends on the region and tariff plan.

As an example, we present data relevant for Moscow and the region. So, on the “MegaFon - All Inclusive L, XL” tariffs within the “MegaUnlimit” option it will cost 5 rubles per day. If you use the “MegaFon - All Inclusive M” or “Warm Welcome M” tariffs, then the daily fee will be 7 rubles. For tariff plans of the “MegaFon - All Inclusive S” and “Warm Welcome S” line, the price is 9 rubles. If you have the MegaFon All Inclusive VIP tariff activated, then the MegaUnlimited option will be provided to you free of charge.

Features of the “MegaUnlimit” option:

  • The option is only available on phones, smartphones and tablets. You cannot use the option in a modem or router.
  • The use of torrent resources and wi-fi tethering is limited. That is, when you try to download a file through a torrent client, the speed will drop to an extremely low value. Distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi will also not work.
  • The option only applies within your home region.
  • The option is available for connection to subscribers in all regions except Taimyr MR, Norilsk, Magadan Region, Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Many will think that MegaFon lags behind its competitors in terms of unlimited Internet, but in fact this is not the case. Unlimited Internet without speed or traffic restrictions has long been provided by MegaFon's subsidiary Yota. If you want to activate the “MegaUnlimit” option, dial the command * 105 * 1153 # on your phone or send a blank SMS to 05001153.

Unlimited Internet from Yota

Yota offers quite attractive tariff conditions with unlimited mobile Internet. Many believe that this operator has too small a coverage area and is only available in large regions of the country. In fact Yota services are available wherever MegaFon has a connection, and this is a very impressive coverage area.

Provides very flexible tinctures. That is, you have the opportunity to independently choose the maximum Internet speed and cost. Yota does not have tariffs similar to those offered by MTS or Beeline. This operator offers to select the Internet for a specific device (phone, tablet, modem). First you need to decide on the device on which you will use the Internet, and then you yourself determine the optimal conditions for yourself.

Yota tariff for smartphones

The tariff for smartphones includes unlimited calls within the network and unlimited Internet. You set the package of minutes for calls to numbers of other operators yourself. The minimum tariff cost is 230 rubles per month. For this money you get:

  • Unlimited Internet (there are a number of restrictions, see below);
  • Unlimited calls to Yota numbers throughout Russia;
  • Unlimited SMS (for an additional fee of 50 rubles);
  • 100 minutes to numbers of other Russian operators.
  • If 100 minutes is not enough for you, you can increase the package to 300, 600, 900 or 1200 minutes. The larger the package of minutes, the more expensive the tariff.

Yota unlimited internet is designed for smartphones. If you need Internet for a tablet or modem, connect to tariffs specifically designed for these devices. You cannot use your smartphone as a modem or WI-FI access point. No one will block you for these actions, the Internet speed will simply be limited to 128 Kbps. You can also forget about using file-sharing networks, since the speed will be limited to 32 Kbps.

Yota tariff for tablet

If you need unlimited Internet for your tablet, then Yota has a special offer for such cases. The tablet tariff provides mobile Internet without speed limits and traffic quotas. You have the opportunity to independently determine the period of Internet access. Internet for a day will cost you 50 rubles, for a month you will have to pay 590 rubles, and a year of high-speed Internet will cost 4,500 rubles. The prices are relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region; in other regions the subscription fee will be lower.

The tariff plan is valid throughout Russia. Packages of minutes and SMS are not provided within this tariff. The cost of outgoing calls within Russia to all numbers is 3.9 rubles. in a minute. A similar cost is set for outgoing SMS.

Of course, this was not entirely without restrictions. The Yota tariff includes a number of restrictions that make it less attractive.

The tariff is subject to the following restrictions:

  1. Unlimited Internet is provided for use on tablets only;
  2. When using a SIM card in modems or routers, the speed is limited to 64 Kbps;
  3. Downloading/distributing files in torrents is subject to a speed limit of up to 32 kbps;
  4. When distributing the Internet via WI-FI or using the tablet in modem mode, the speed is limited to 128 Kbps;
  5. When staying in Crimea and Sevastopol, special tariff conditions apply. For example, the cost of Internet is 9 rubles. for every 100 KB.

Yota tariff for modem

Today, only the Yota operator has unlimited Internet for a modem without speed limits and traffic quotas. The modem tariff also has flexible settings. You can choose between price and speed. If you need unlimited mobile Internet at maximum speed, then the subscription fee will be 1,400 rubles per month (Moscow and Moscow region). If this is too expensive for you, you can reduce the subscription fee by reducing the Internet speed. For example, Internet at a speed of 1 Mbit/s will cost 600 rubles per month. You can also connect to unlimited Internet for a day for 150 rubles or even for 2 hours for 50 rubles.

As for restrictions, there are none. You can use the tariff in a modem or router, distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi. We did not find any information about restrictions on downloading from file-sharing networks. So far this is the only tariff with unlimited mobile Internet that can be used in a modem or router. MTS and Beeline have long closed such tariffs and options for connection. In general, we can say that Yota is a good operator for the Internet, and if you fall within the coverage area of ​​​​this operator, then you definitely need to study its offers in detail.

Best deal

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to answer you which operator provides the best tariff with unlimited Internet. It all depends on the preferences of a particular person, and therefore opinions will differ. If you have read the entire review in full, then you already have an understanding that all proposals have shortcomings. Unfortunately, truly profitable offers have long been unavailable for connection.

Previously, unlimited Internet was provided without restrictions by Beeline, MTS and MegaFon, but over time the load on the network increased and operators considered such offers not profitable for themselves. No matter what they tell us, every operator always thinks first of all about profit, but not about the benefit of subscribers. All current tariffs with unlimited Internet are far from ideal, but we have no choice but to choose from what is available.

We tested all the tariffs listed in the article, but we will not impose anything specific on you, since there really is no better guess. You must choose the best option for yourself depending on your own preferences.

Useful services that can be connected along with the tariff or already during use

Transfer minutes, GB and SMS to the next month

The balances of the main packages of minutes, SMS and GB included in the monthly fee that are unused in the current billing period are transferred. Carry-over balances can be used during the next billing period. First of all, the transferred balances of minutes, SMS and GB are consumed, then the service packages included in the tariff plan. Transfers are only possible if the monthly fee set for your plan is paid on time.

Not available on Whole Story, Family Story, or Neverending Story plans

Exchange minutes to GB

Get more Internet by exchanging unused minutes from the package for additional gigabytes.

You can exchange minutes:

Basic package included in the tariff;

Received as part of the transfer of balances.

Exchange rate:

  • 1 minute = 10.24 MB;
  • 10 minutes = 102.4 MB;
  • 100 minutes = 1 GB

The service is free, but is provided only if the subscription fee established for the connected tariff is charged.

The service is not provided while the “Add traffic”/ “500MB+” options are in effect

First of all, Internet traffic from the transferred package is consumed, after it is exhausted - from the main Internet traffic package.

The volume of Internet traffic received in exchange for minutes is transferred to the next billing period, but not more than twice the volume of the main package provided in accordance with the terms of the tariff plan. When changing the tariff plan, unused Internet traffic is burned.

The service can be used throughout Russia, with the exception of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

Not available on tariff plans: “New story. Online”, “Whole story”, “Family story”; "SUPER SIM S", "For Unlimited" and "Endless Story", including archival ones.

Find out the number of minutes available for exchange *108# View the exchange history of minutes *108*0# Exchange minutes for GB *108*number of minutes#

Local number without extra charge

Available in Family Story, Whole Story and Neverending Story plans

Thanks to the effective development of mobile networks in the Russian Federation, we have one of the lowest Internet prices in the world. The only problem for a long time was the lack of unlimited Internet access from mobile devices. But the situation has changed, so we have prepared an article that will help you choose the best tariff for mobile Internet among the current offers of domestic operators.

Unlimited tariffs by operator

Leading mobile operators are currently introducing and promoting their own unlimited tariff plans for smartphones, but in their conditions you can often find a number of pitfalls that you should be aware of when connecting. In particular, some tariffs, promoted as unlimited, provide unlimited access to only some resources and services, or limit the connection speed after using a certain amount of traffic.

MTS - Tariffishche

The tariff from MTS is a customizable tariff plan, in any configuration of which there is unlimited Internet. The tariff settings only affect the volume of minutes and the number of SMS, and to get unlimited it is enough to connect the cheapest option, the cost of which is 650 rubles (+/- 150 rubles, depending on the region), which is quite good for such an offer.

But there are also disadvantages - MTS’s ban on distributing Internet access using Wi-Fi, the inability to use this tariff via a modem and download torrents. There is also a traffic restriction when traveling outside the home region. Read a detailed analysis of the Tariff in the corresponding section.

MTS - Tariff X

Despite the fact that tariff X (formerly MTS Hype) is not unlimited, and the amount of traffic provided per month is limited to 7 GB, for most users it will be quite enough, since tariff X provides unlimited access to the most popular services.

The monthly fee for the tariff is about 500 rubles (+/- 150 rubles, depending on the region). In addition to the Internet, this tariff offers the subscriber 100 minutes of calls, 200 SMS and access to 44 TV channels. It is also worth noting that calls to MTS mobile numbers remain free even after the end of the 100-minute package, and calls to numbers of other operators in your home region begin to be charged at 2 rubles per minute. Read more about MTS X.

Megafon - tariffs of the Get Involved line

Turn on is a line of several tariffs, conditionally divided by purpose. For example, for lovers of communication, the “Turn On! Speak”, which provides unlimited access to the most popular instant messengers, 1000 minutes of calls on the mobile network, as well as 5 GB of traffic. Megafon also has tariffs with unlimited Internet access.

  • Promotional tariff “Turn on! Communicate" At the time of writing this article, it is available for connection only when purchasing a new Megafon SIM card. For 450 rubles per month (the cost may vary for different regions), the subscriber receives unlimited Internet, licensed ESET NOD32 antivirus and 1000 minutes of calls.
  • Promotional tariff “Turn on! Look". The conditions are similar to the Communicate version, however, the free talk time is 1200 minutes, the monthly fee is 600 rubles, and the subscriber can also watch more than fifty TV channels.
  • “Turn on! Look+" is an option available to all Megafon users. Provides 2000 minutes of talk time, unlimited Internet access, more than fifty TV channels and the Amediateka package. The monthly fee is 900 rubles per month.
  • “Turn on! Premium" - unlimited Internet, 4000 minutes of calls, 4 movies, more than 100 TV channels, Amediateka package. Monthly fee - 1900 rubles.

The rest of the tariffs in the Turn On line provide unlimited access to only some services, while all other activities on the network consume traffic.


The tariff from Tele2 with unlimited Internet is a completely basic solution for this operator. For 450 rubles in the tariff, the subscriber receives unlimited Internet access, unlimited calls to Tele 2 Russia numbers, as well as 500 minutes to other numbers in the Russian Federation and 50 SMS, again, to numbers in Russia.

It would seem that this is the most ordinary tariff, but at least two interesting features attract attention:

  • Trial (free) period of use - 2 weeks.
  • SOS package is a service that allows you to use some applications even with a zero balance. This package includes WhatApp, Yandex.Navigator, Yandex.Maps, and Yandex.Transport.

The SOS package is a very convenient function. Probably, many of the readers of this article have found themselves in situations where they would not refuse such an opportunity.


Beeline provides its subscribers with the opportunity to connect to the Unlim tariff, the name of which speaks for itself. Beeline Unlim is somewhat different from the offers of other operators described above. For example, here the subscription fee is charged daily and amounts to 20 rubles. It is also worth noting that by default the operator limits the download speed of streaming (online) video to 1 Mbit/s, and to deactivate this limitation you need to connect to the HD video service, the use of which will cost the subscriber another 3 rubles per 1 day.

In addition to unlimited Internet, the Unlim tariff provides the user with 500 minutes of calls; SMS messages are paid separately and cost 2 rubles/piece in the home region and 5 rubles/piece outside of it.

Choosing the best tariff

Since in 2019 there are no problems with changing operators while maintaining the number, all leading companies are in too tough a competition to do badly. There is no point in talking about problems with the signal or lack of network, since in most cities there have been no problems with either 4G Internet or calls for a long time.

In terms of the ratio of price and received traffic/minutes, the best offer is My Unlimited from Tele2, which is the most economical option. It is followed by Tariffishche from MTS, this tariff plan costs 150 rubles more, but provides more SMS, and a larger number of familiar subscribers who use MTS services can also play in favor of choosing the red ones. And the least interesting options, in our opinion, are offers from MegaFon and Beeline, which are more expensive and have more various restrictions.


To summarize, we can safely say that it is enough for the subscriber to focus on the conditions described on the official websites of the companies. All pitfalls (spontaneously connecting services and strange charge-offs) are easily tracked and eliminated through online customer self-service services. Unlimited mobile Internet in 2019 is a convenient and irreplaceable thing, and healthy competition in the cellular communications market only improves the situation, creating mass disputes about which tariff is the best, which everyone decides for themselves.

Tired of lack of traffic? It is especially noticeable when you are outside the city, in the country, when there is no other option for connecting to the network other than cellular communications? it may simply not exist. Our company offers a reliable solution to this problem. Unlimited tariffs without speed limits from leading operators. The lack of cable providers will no longer be an inconvenience to you. Connecting to an unlimited tariff in Moscow will allow you to save money when doing office work. Also, this offer will be relevant for people who travel a lot, because the proposed tariffs are valid throughout the Russian Federation without roaming. We provide maximum download speeds and support for standards up to 4g. Appreciate the benefits of this offer and place your order.

More about packages

Rate Subscription fee Traffic Speed
Megaphone 16 GB. for 590 rub/month 590 rub/month 16 GB no limits
10 GB. for 600 rub/month 600 rub/month 10 GB no limits
Unlimited for 650 rub/month 650 rub/month unlimited up to 20 mb/sec
36 GB. for 890 rub/month 890 rub/month 36 GB no limits
Unlimited for 890 rub/month 890 rub/month unlimited no limits
+ IP for 1200 rub/month 1200 rub/month unlimited no limits
MTS Unlimited 4G for 1200 rub/month 1200 rub/month unlimited on the LTE network, 30 GB on the 3G network no limits
Tele 2 30 GB for 320 rub/month 320 rub/month 30 GB no limits
50 GB. for 400 rub/month 400 rub/month 50 GB no limits
100 GB. for 560 rub/month 560 rub/month 100 GB no limits
300 GB. for 750 rub/month 750 rub/month 300 GB no limits
Unlimited for 990 rub/month 990 rub/month unlimited no limits
WiFire 16 GB. for 590 rub/month 590 rub/month 16 GB no limits
10 GB. for 600 rub/month 600 rub/month 10 GB no limits
Unlimited for 650 rub/month 650 rub/month unlimited up to 20 mb/sec
36 GB. for 890 rub/month 890 rub/month 36 GB no limits
Unlimited for 890 rub/month 890 rub/month unlimited no limits
Skylink 39 RUR/day 39 RUR/day 1 GB/day no limits
590 rub/month 590 rub/month 15 GB no limits
990 rub/month 990 rub/month unlimited no limits

The need to stay connected

Modern people cannot imagine life without the Internet. It doesn’t matter what purpose it is for:

  • Job;
  • games;
  • social network;
  • communication via Skype, etc.

But what to do if you are often in a sparsely populated area? Today our company offers you a way out of this situation. With us you will find low prices that go along with excellent quality of service.

MTS offers with unlimited internet

Users have the opportunity to decide on the choice of unlimited Internet from MTS from our company. Additionally, it is possible to enable the “Lots of Internet” option and upgrade your tariff plan to the maximum when you need it.

The main advantage is the availability of complete unlimited Internet use. You can also set the number of minutes and SMS required for the period. If the service package ends, the cost of outgoing calls is low. You can customize your package every month.

When choosing and purchasing an offer from MTS from us, you will save your money, become the owner of one of the most famous tariff plans and be confident in the quality of the communication services provided.

The main advantages of the MTS operator are:

  1. In addition to fast Internet, MTS provides fast mobile communication services, television and banking services, and they are available from the same SIM card
  2. When connecting a SIM card and broadband access, it is possible to save a large amount of money, saving on subscription fees. If you have a credit card from MTS, you don’t have to pay for communication services at all.
  3. The service package (MB and GB) is valid under one tariff plan
  4. One of the best packages of Internet services, while the main ones are unlimited.
  5. The ability to combine the use of services within a group of people you select.
  6. High rating for the provision of cellular network and Internet network services even in the presence of failures on the towers.

TELE 2 offers with unlimited internet

Tele2 launched one of the best low-cost programs for providing unlimited mobile Internet in 2019. All residents of the region of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to use this service. The Internet is very fast, it is possible to use it in all corners of Russia, thanks to the large number of radio towers, the Internet works very quickly and efficiently. It is possible to watch movies, videos, play games and download data, listen to your favorite music, and work with documentation.

Payment includes 200 rubles monthly, depending on the region. In some regions it is possible to pay 100 rubles per month. At such a comfortable price, users will be able to unlimitedly use 2G, 3G and 4G LTE networks.

Unlimited Internet works not only in the region of your stay and where YOU purchased the SIM card, but throughout Russia.

Internet speed is not limited, you can use it on a tablet PC, mobile phone and router.

Tele 2 does not provide the ability to transmit network data in Modem Mode.

Tele 2 has been on the market not so long ago, compared to other operators, but has already established itself as one of the most budget-friendly.

By purchasing tariffs from Tele2 through us, you will save money and in return get pleasure from using the Internet.

The main advantages of the Tele2 operator are:

  1. When switching from one operator to Tele 2, you have the opportunity to leave your previous mobile phone number.
  2. The most inexpensive services compared to other operators, including the Internet.
  3. The Tele 2 service package is constantly updated, and subscribers are offered more and more new connection options.
  4. Using the Internet in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries is cheaper than with other operators. The same applies to cellular communications.
  5. You can track the use of the service package yourself and know when and for what the funds were debited from your account.
  6. If desired, you can turn off the Internet if necessary by typing a simple USSD request.
  7. Tele2 makes it possible to transfer GB and MB of Internet from last month to the next period.

WiFire offers with unlimited internet

This offer will be beneficial for those users who are constantly on the move and move from place to place. Unlimited Internet belongs to the Megafon network, so the speed is quite high, no matter where you are.

The operator provides access to the Personal Account for data management, where it is also possible to install digital television. The operator is new, but has already won the attention of many users and is in no way inferior in quality to other popular operators.

This operator attracts the attention of young users and wins in terms of speed and convenience of the Personal Account in data management.

By purchasing a tariff plan with unlimited Internet from us, you will be satisfied with the speed, price and quality of the services provided.

Connect the Internet wirelessly in your apartment and take advantage of the following benefits:

The main advantages of the WiFire operator are:

  1. High speed from 50 to 300 Mbps
  2. Inexpensive tariff plans
  3. The fastest routers
  4. Availability of Digital TV
  5. Built-in antivirus is free for all users

Skylink Unlimited Internet Offers

Skylink has been on the market for providing communication services for quite a long time. There are several tariffs with unlimited Internet for use absolutely anywhere.

The main advantage of the tariff is the ability to use the Internet without traffic restrictions.

Every month you need to pay a subscription fee and use the Internet without restrictions. Payment must be made on the first of each month and is debited automatically.

Thanks to this convenient tariff with unlimited Internet, you can share files with other users without restrictions and browse other applications with large amounts of information.

Connecting to such a tariff is possible if you have a specialized router from Skylink.

In this case, LTE 450 technology is used, which guarantees high-quality and high-speed 4G Internet. The Skylink provider pre-notifies users that if the network load is high, the speed may be slightly reduced.

The main advantages of the SkyLink operator are:

  1. SkyLink provides the best deals for business
  • increased price for tariff plans (regardless of the operator MTS, Beeline, Megafon);
  • constant problems with communication (breaks, speed does not correspond to the declared);
  • It is almost impossible to reach the support service.

If you are a business person who values ​​your time and money, contact only the leaders. We will do everything quickly, reliably and without overpayment.

Cellular communications in Russia are gradually becoming more expensive, which makes inexpensive mobile communication tariffs one of the most popular. Every mobile operator has them - just carry out a comprehensive analysis. We have found for our readers the cheapest package tariff plans and classic tariffs with per-minute billing.

The cheapest cellular tariffs from MTS are “Smart" and "RedEnergy". The first is a package offer, the second provides for per-minute billing. You can also include the “My Smart” tariff constructor here.


If you need a small Internet package for your smartphone and a small package of minutes, pay attention to “Smart”. It is designed for budget-conscious subscribers who do not need large volumes of services. Offer includes:

  • Internet package with a capacity of 4 GB;
  • 200 minutes to local destinations;
  • Unlimited for MTS regional numbers;
  • 200 intraregional SMS.

Not a bad content for a subscriber who does not need intercity communication. The subscription fee is only 400 rubles/month - it will not be possible to find a tariff with a lower subscription fee (except for archived versions).

After the Internet package is exhausted, additional packages are automatically connected to the number - their volume is 500 MB, the cost is 95 rubles. If the Internet is not enough, choose a more optimal tariff - it could be “My Smart”.

"My Smart"

Convenient tariff plan for medium and high activity subscribers. Select the volume of minutes and traffic at your discretion through your personal account or the My MTS application. Available mobile Internet packages - 10, 15 or 20 GB, call packages within the region and MTS Russia - 200, 400 or 600 minutes (plus a similar number of SMS within the region). Subscription fee – from 500 to 700 minutes. Having exhausted the included minutes, the subscriber will receive on-net unlimited data in the region of connection. Additional traffic is represented by 1 GB packages for 150 rubles each.

"Red Energy"

A solution for those who use their phone only for calls – and in limited quantities. The cost of calls within the home region is the same – 1.6 rubles/min with per-minute billing. Internet costs 25 rubles. for every 20 MB. It is also possible to connect to the “First Internet Package” option, which includes 3 GB/month for 12 rubles/day. The tariff plan is convenient for incoming calls - it is provided without a subscription fee.

Operator Beeline

Let's try to choose a tariff for a mobile phone from the Beeline operator. There are no special calculators on the site, so we will provide you with descriptions of the optimal tariff plans for subscribers of different activity levels.


This tariff plan appeared in 2019. It is designed for intranet calls - 100 minutes are provided per day for only 5 rubles. No on-net calls - no monthly fee charged, everything is simple and transparent. Other local calls are expensive - 2.7 rubles/min. Mobile Internet is also expensive - 7 rubles. for every 10 MB. The tariff is optimal for phones with the Opera mini browser, but not for smartphones.

"First gigs"

Another tariff for 2019, designed for smartphone owners. It includes:

  • A modest 4 GB internet package;
  • 200 minutes to Russian Beeline numbers;
  • 200 minutes for regional calls.

There is a function to exchange one package for another, depending on the needs of the caller. Subscription fee – 13.5 rubles/day.


We have before us an inexpensive unlimited tariff, which can be compared with the “Tariffish” from MTS. The monthly fee is 20 rubles/day, for this money subscribers receive:

  • Unlimited Internet package;
  • 300 minutes to Beeline Russia numbers;
  • 300 minutes for calls within the region;
  • “HD video” option to watch videos in maximum quality.

The additional subscription fee for the option is 3 rubles/day. When you disable the option, unlimited is disabled and a 15 GB package is connected instead. The exchange of voice packets is also provided.

Operator MegaFon

We continue to search for favorable tariffs - next in line is the mobile operator MegaFon. It has both classic and bundled plans. The greatest interest is generated by offers from the “Turn On!” tariff line. – there is a lot of Internet, minutes, unlimited and SMS.


One of the latest tariffs, which implements fair charging of calls - per second. Only 3 rubles/min with a per-second layout - a profitable solution for couriers, taxi drivers and other representatives of traveling professions. Also, the tariff is suitable for those who do not like long conversations or even communicate via instant messengers. Another area of ​​application is for the elderly and children, who more often receive calls than make them. Mobile Internet on Posecond is expensive - 10.1 rubles/MB. But there is no subscription fee.

“Turn on! Open"

Especially for those who communicate within the network. The tariff includes local unlimited to MegaFon for 6 rubles/day - you can’t imagine less. Other calls will cost 2 rubles/min. There are two Internet packages - 3 GB of total traffic and unlimited use of instant messengers WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, eMotion and TamTam.

Alternative pricing is also possible:

  • Unlimited within the network – 6 rubles/day based on use;
  • Mobile Internet – 25 rubles for every 100 MB;
  • Other calls within the region – 2 rubles/min.

This tariff is activated by disabling the “Open+” option.

“Turn on! Listen"

The tariff plan is created for music lovers. On board there is unlimited access to music services and online radio stations. Subscription fee – 550 rubles/30 days. The selection of services also includes unlimited instant messengers, 15 GB of Internet, 300 minutes in your home region and local intranet unlimited. Additional goodies are free traffic for MegaFon TV with a basic package of TV channels and free ESET NOD32 antivirus with the Anti-Theft function.

Operator Tele2


The tariff plan fully lives up to its name. It is created for calls, there are no packages in it. Tariffication:

  • Local calls to numbers of all operators – 2 rubles/min;
  • Calls to Russian Tele2 numbers – 3 rubles/min;
  • Intercity – 9 rubles/min;
  • Internet – after the first 10 MB, a “1 GB Package” is activated for 5 rubles/day. The maximum number of packages is 5 pcs/day.

Previously, prices were lower, but by 2019 they had risen - like all other operators. For more profitable communication with subscribers from other regions, choose package tariffs.

"Everywhere online"

This is what we call a bestseller. The tariff turned out to be balanced, rich in Internet packages. It is created for active Internet users. Gorgeous filling:

  • 40 GB of total Internet traffic – can be used on your phone or distributed to other devices;
  • 500 minutes within Russia – profitable intercity;
  • Unlimited within the network in the Russian Federation - works regardless of the main package;
  • Unlimited social networks and instant messengers – including everyone’s favorite Instagram.

All this splendor is relatively cheap - only 500 rubles/month.

Other operators

Virtual operators have interesting offers.

Tinkoff Mobile

A good tariff plan will be offered by the virtual operator Tinkoff Mobile - a designer is waiting for its subscribers. Choose a package of minutes and traffic according to your needs, connect social networks or instant messengers. The minimum package of 2 GB of Internet and 200 minutes in Russia will cost 198 rubles. Here you can add social networks and instant messengers for 59 rubles. for each group. If you don’t need general traffic, turn it off - the subscription fee will be reduced. At the same time, access to services can be left active.

When you connect to Tinkoff Mobile, the operator gives you a month of free communication.

Subscribers receive up to 600 minutes of calls throughout the country absolutely free and a gigabyte package as a gift.

If the subscriber is planning to travel abroad, then it will be very profitable to connect to Tinkoff; for this case, the operator gives 1 GB of Internet in Europe and Turkey.


One of the interesting offers of 2019 was the “Free” tariff from a virtual operatorDanycom. It's really free, and it's also a package. Meet the content:

  • 30 minutes in any direction across Russia (including to Crimea and Sevastopol - this is important);
  • 50 SMS in the same directions;
  • 1 GB Internet.

This also includes intranet unlimited throughout the country, which does not consume the main package. Calls over the limit - 3 kopecks/sec (per-second billing), SMS - 25 kopecks/piece, mobile Internet - 8 kopecks/MB. The tariff caused a lot of noise and instantly gained popularity among Russians. But SIM cards with it are sold with a limit of one SIM card per subscriber.

“Oxygen” has become a more comprehensive tariff plan. It included 10 GB of Internet, 300 minutes within the Russian Federation (except for Crimea and Sevastopol) and 50 SMS throughout the country. The tariff also includes two unlimited limits - within the network for calls and SMS. Monthly payment – ​​199 rubles.

Yota was not included in our review - the operator included a subscription fee for a package of 0 minutes and 0 GB, which automatically deprived it of its profitable status.

Compare tariffs and choose the most profitable one

There is a wide choice of operators - you can become a subscriber of MTS, MegaFon or Beeline, or connect to virtual operators. It is impossible to find any calculator with a choice of tariff according to parameters. So we made our own comparisons and came up with the results:

  • Per-minute tariffs – here MTS with Red Energy became the leader;
  • For calls within the network, each operator is beneficial in its own way;
  • Package tariff plans – the leaders here are “My Smart” from MTS, “Turn on! Listen" from MegaFon, "Unlim" from Beeline and "Everywhere Online" from Tele2.

The most favorable tariffs of cellular operators are those that meet the needs of the subscriber. Take details for the past months, clarify the volume of services consumed, and select a tariff plan based on the data received. In this case, you need to take into account:

  • What do people around you use (for cheap on-net calls);
  • Coverage area - perhaps the most profitable operator will not be available in your area;
  • Increasing needs over time;
  • Geography of movement around the country.

Following the detailed data and the above factors, you can choose the most favorable tariff.