Organization of an accessible environment in cultural institutions. Organization of leisure activities for disabled people. Table with electric microlift

    Application. The procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits

Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2015 N 2800
"On approval of the Procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits"

With changes and additions from:

According to the Law Russian Federation dated 09.10.1992 N 3612-1 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture” (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, N 46, art. 2615; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 26, art. 3172; 2001, N 1, article 2; N 53, article 5030; 2002, N 52, article 5132; 2003, N 52, article 5038; 2004, N 35, article 3607; 2006, N 1, Art. 10; N 45, Art. 4627; 2007, N 1, Art. 21; 2008, N 30, Art. 3616; 2009, N 52, Art. 6411, 2010, N 19, Art. 2291; 2013, N 17, Art. 2030; N 27, Art. 3477, N 40, Art. 5035, 2014, N 19, Art. 2307, N 30, Art. 4217, 4257, N 49, Art. 6928) I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits in accordance with the appendix to this order.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Deputy Ministers of Culture of the Russian Federation in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.

3. This order comes into force on 01/01/2016.

V.R. Medinsky

The rules for providing assistance to people with disabilities in obtaining services in the cultural sector have been determined. Theaters, concerts, cinemas, circuses, and other cultural and leisure organizations should be available to them.

As part of this activity, officials are briefed. Their responsibility to provide services to people with disabilities is prescribed in the regulations for the provision of services to the population and in job descriptions.

The conditions for the availability of objects are listed. These include unhindered entry (exit) to the specified facilities, independent movement around the facility, including with the help of staff and (or) a wheelchair, the ability to get into and out of a vehicle before entering the facility, posting information on the procedure for providing services, access to the site for a guide dog, etc.

Indicators for assessing the level of accessibility of objects and services for disabled people are given.

Cultural organizations provide the design, construction and acceptance from July 1, 2016 of newly commissioned, overhauled, reconstructed buildings (premises), and also purchase vehicles for the disabled from this date.

Organizations create commissions for inspection and certification of objects. Based on the survey results, proposals are developed and included in the accessibility passport. The latter is sent to the Russian Ministry of Culture.


Service quality assessments

(assessment of cultural and leisure institutions)

Hello! We thank you for your participation in the independent assessment quality of service provision by cultural organizations. By taking a little time to fill out this questionnaire, you will not only help identify problem areas
in the activities of institutions, but also to improve the quality of services provided by cultural institutions to the population.

Please read the questions below, select and mark one of the suggested answers to each question.

What's your gender:

1. female 2. male

Your age:

1. 18-24 years 3. 36-49 years

2. 25-35 years 4. 50-60 years 5. 61 years and older

Currently you:

1. working

2. study at a university or college

3. are retired

4. you are on maternity leave or maternity leave

5. temporarily unemployed

Your education:

1. Incomplete secondary 4. Incomplete higher education

2. Secondary 5. Higher

3. Secondary special

Indicate the municipality of the Samara region in which the cultural institution you are evaluating is located: _______________________________________

Please indicate the name of the institution: __________________________________________________

1. AVAILABILITY AND RELEVANCE OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE ACTIVITIES OF A CULTURAL ORGANIZATION LOCATED ON THE TERRITORY OF THE ORGANIZATION (availability of information about the activities of the institution: operating hours, availability of existing cultural and leisure organizations, services, cost of additional services, upcoming cultural and leisure (cultural and mass) events, etc. .d.)

1. Excellent, everything suits me

2. Overall good

4. Bad, many shortcomings

2. COMFORTABLE STAY CONDITIONS IN THE CULTURAL ORGANIZATION(convenience of location, aesthetics and cleanliness of the premises, availability of a wardrobe, convenience of premises for cultural and leisure activities, temperature conditions, presence of recreational areas, sanitary and hygienic premises, etc.)

1. Excellent, everything suits me

2. Overall good

3. Satisfactory, minor flaws

4. Bad, many shortcomings

5. Unsatisfactory, not at all satisfied

3. ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND AVAILABILITY OF THEIR RECEIPT(provision of stage costumes, props and other props for use, making copies on paper and electronic media, rental musical instruments, video and film equipment, audiovisual, lighting equipment, organization of photo sessions and video filming, production and sale of souvenirs, handicrafts, organization of anniversaries and holidays at the request of third parties, etc.)

1. Excellent, everything suits me

2. Overall good

3. Satisfactory, minor flaws

4. Bad, many shortcomings

5. Unsatisfactory, not at all satisfied


1. Excellent, everything suits me

2. Overall good

3. Satisfactory, minor flaws

4. Bad, many shortcomings

5. Unsatisfactory, not at all satisfied


1. Excellent, very convenient

2. Overall good

3. Satisfactory, minor flaws

4. Bad, many shortcomings

5. Not at all convenient


6.1. Providing opportunities for disabled people to get into and out of a vehicle before entering a cultural organization, including using a wheelchair

6.2. Equipping the organization with special devices for access for people with disabilities (equipment of entrance areas, sliding doors, adapted railings, accessible sanitary facilities, sound devices for the visually impaired, etc.)

6.3. Availability of accompanying personnel in the institution and the ability to independently move around the territory of the organization

6.4. Competence of staff working with disabled visitors

6.5. Placement of information necessary to ensure unimpeded access for people with disabilities to the institution and services (duplication of audio and visual information necessary to receive services, as well as inscriptions, signs and other text and graphic information with signs made in embossed dotted Braille and on a contrasting background)

7. COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPERATING MODE OF THE CULTURAL ORGANIZATION(compliance with the established work schedule, etc.)

1. Excellent, everything suits me

2. Overall good

4. Bad, many violations

5. Unsatisfactory, not complied with at all

8. COMPLIANCE WITH THE ESTABLISHED (STATED) DATES FOR PROVIDING SERVICES BY THE CULTURAL ORGANIZATION(timely holding of events, systematic work of cultural and leisure formations

1. Excellent, everything suits me

2. Overall good

3. Satisfactory, minor violations

4. Bad, many violations

5. Unsatisfactory, not complied with at all

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All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
Page creation date: 2017-08-26

Only a fifth of regional and municipal libraries, museums and theaters have parking for the disabled. And no more than a third of these institutions have equipped entrances and bathrooms for people with disabilities. This is evidenced by a study by the Ministry of Culture. According to experts, visiting theaters and museums is a type of rehabilitation, and the situation needs to be changed.

In December, the Ministry of Culture completed an analysis of monitoring the accessibility of cultural goods for people with disabilities in Russia. The study, which Izvestia reviewed, included data for 2016.

Regional and municipal libraries have the least availability. On average across the country, only 17% of them have parking for the disabled, 30% have equipped entrances and ways of movement inside buildings (the width of the corridors is maintained, there are ramps and handrails, markings on the doors), 17% have equipped bathrooms. In regional theaters and cultural and leisure institutions these figures are 22, 30 and 14%, and in museums - 27, 36 and 21%, respectively.

IN federal institutions the situation is different, since there are fewer of them. For example, there are only nine libraries under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture. Seven of them are generally accessible for the disabled, but only three have dedicated parking. At the same time, there are 38 thousand regional and municipal reading rooms in the country.

There are 63 federal museums, and approximately half of them are adapted for people with disabilities. There are 24 theater and concert organizations, half have parking for the disabled, two thirds have equipped the buildings themselves.

Some state cultural institutions are 100% equipped in all respects. These are, for example, the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow and the Prokhorovskoe Field military-historical museum-reserve in Belgorod region. The best theaters in terms of facilities for disabled people were the Mariinsky and Maly.

The press service of the Ministry of Culture told Izvestia that, according to comparative monitoring results for 2015–2016, the number of organizations accessible to people with disabilities increased by 6%. There have also been 2.5 times more creative events that people with disabilities can attend without difficulty.


The department reported that issues of increasing the availability of cultural goods are considered with the involvement of the expert community at meetings of the working group and the public council of the ministry.

Wheelchair user and entrepreneur Andrei Elagin said that he constantly faces the problem of inaccessibility of cultural objects. In his opinion, healthy people, even if they want, cannot always understand the needs of a person with disabilities.

The solution is simple: let the director of the theater or museum sit in a wheelchair and try to get into his institution, says Andrei Elagin.

Chairman of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People Mikhail Terentyev noted that modern buildings should be built taking into account the rules for creating an accessible environment, but until the 1990s such recommendations did not exist, hence the difficulties with refurbishment of cultural and other institutions.

Professor of the Department of Labor and Social Policy at the Institute of Civil Service and Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Lyubov Khrapylina, confirmed to Izvestia that there are objective reasons for the inaccessibility of some cultural sites for people with disabilities. For example, if a building is an architectural monument, then it is prohibited to alter anything in it without numerous interdepartmental approvals. Another problem is the reluctance of municipal authorities to help improve the accessibility of cultural facilities for people with disabilities. Arrangement of the adjacent territory and creation of parking lots is within their competence.

According to the expert, the situation will change if public organizations become active and the authorities listen to their opinions.

People with disabilities have every right to get acquainted with masterpieces of art and to see a performance “live”. Their need for cultural goods is very high, and disability should not be an obstacle,” said Lyubov Khrapylina.

She added that the accessibility of cultural objects for disabled people is very important, there is even rehabilitation through culture and creativity. And we are not talking about clubs for people with disabilities, but about ordinary trips to theaters and museums.

That 45.8 billion rubles are needed to fully adapt federal and regional institutions.

Leisure activity is commonly understood as a conscious and directed activity of a person, in which the needs for knowledge of one’s own personality and social reality are satisfied, as a result of which the ability to express oneself and satisfy personal interests increases.

When organizing leisure activities for people with disabilities in order to optimally integrate them into the sociocultural space and restore sociocultural ties, it is necessary to focus on the existence of a specialized state policy that takes into account the individual characteristics of this population group.

The legislation of the Russian Federation enshrines the right of every person to cultural creative activity, free choice of moral, aesthetic and other positions, familiarization with cultural values, access to state library, museum, archival funds, etc., the right to humanitarian and artistic education, choice its forms and methods. Federal legislation also defines the responsibilities of the state in the field of culture, including ensuring the accessibility of cultural property for all citizens.

The Concept of Sociocultural Policy towards People with Disabilities in the Russian Federation (1997) notes that state policy towards people with disabilities, as one of the least socially protected categories of the population, is the most important component of the country’s sociocultural policy, takes into account the health characteristics of this category, the specifics of the modern social situation , the nature and degree of differentiation of various groups of disabled people, is based on legal grounds, which is a necessary condition for the constructive organization of cultural and leisure activities of disabled people.

In relation to people with disabilities, cultural and leisure activities are the process of creating conditions for organizing free time, associated with the realization of their needs and interests, having a personal developmental character, social value orientation and self-realization.

Participation in various types of leisure activities is a necessary area of ​​socialization, self-affirmation and self-realization for people with disabilities, but it is limited due to the insufficient level of development and accessibility.

The insufficient development of the infrastructure for leisure activities for people with disabilities can manifest itself in such characteristics as a low level of accessibility, and, often, simply the inaccessibility of many cultural institutions due to their inability to be visited by people with disabilities (visually impaired, hearing impaired, wheelchair users, etc.); the absence or a very limited number of specialized sports facilities equipped with appropriate equipment for various groups of disabled people; lack of systematic training of professional leisure organizers and sports trainers for relevant groups of disabled people; weak methodological and technical support this area of ​​activity.

In the life of people with disabilities, there is socio-cultural alienation, which is associated not so much with the number of a person’s social connections, but with their quality. Socio-cultural alienation is the absence or severance of meaningful connections with society or culture for a person.

Socio-cultural alienation is promoted by:

Difficulties in adapting a disabled person with congenital or acquired disabilities to society (limited physical and intellectual capabilities, lack of education or communication qualities and skills);

Lack of adaptation of society to the urgent needs of a person with disabilities (society’s orientation towards the unspiritual values ​​of profit, consumption, aggression, lack of conditions for the development and self-realization of the individual, including the presence of physical and psychological barriers).

A person with a disability very often encounters difficulties that contribute to his withdrawal from society and withdrawal into himself, forming a “problem field” that includes: limited access to cultural and sports institutions; communication deficit; lack of leisure activities.

The problem of socio-cultural exclusion in relation to people with disabilities is quite complex. On the one hand, the reason for alienation is their lack of adaptation to society, as a consequence of limited physical capabilities. On the other hand, society does not meet the essential development needs of a disabled person. The cause of socio-cultural alienation may also be the process of formation of a young personality, which is often associated with opposing oneself to society. The basis for overcoming the socio-cultural alienation of a disabled person is socio-cultural rehabilitation.

Socio-cultural rehabilitation is a holistic set of activities aimed at helping a disabled person achieve and maintain an optimal degree of participation in social relationships, the realization of cultural interests and requests, which provides him with the means for positive changes in lifestyle and the most complete integration into society through expanding the scope of its independence.

The social independence of a disabled person implies achieving the highest possible level of independent participation in cultural and leisure activities, allowing him to use his potential not only for personal benefit, but also for the benefit of his immediate environment. Implementing the social independence of disabled people is one of the main tasks of social work specialists, creating conditions for the active acquisition of knowledge and skills, revealing the abilities and capabilities of disabled people, activating and stimulating their participation in personally significant cultural and leisure activities.

Cultural and leisure activities of disabled people include communication, relaxation, meeting evenings, walks, physical education and health activities (playing checkers, chess, darts, tennis, etc.), intellectual and cognitive activities of active people (reading, excursions, classes in clubs, studios, publishing a newspaper) and a passive nature (watching TV, listening to music, etc.), amateur activities of an applied nature (sewing, photography, test plastic surgery, design, modeling), active social activities.

Domestic and foreign experience in solving problems of social adaptation and socio-cultural rehabilitation of disabled people through culture, sports and art testifies to the effectiveness of relevant programs and technologies, their ability to ensure the integration of young people with disabilities into social and cultural life.

Integration into the sociocultural space is ensured largely thanks to clubs for the disabled, where the process of creative, physical education and health rehabilitation and the organization of calendar holidays, competitive events, and recreation for people with disabilities are implemented.

A club institution is understood as a social organization whose main activity is to provide the population with socio-cultural, educational, and entertainment services, and to create conditions for amateur artistic activities.

The club is created to satisfy the interests of its members, membership in which is voluntary, and each person acts as an individual, whose behavior and interaction with other people is determined by his internal qualities (G.P. Shchedrovitsky).

One of the activities of clubs for people with disabilities is creative rehabilitation - a process that promotes the development of a young person’s personal potential through various types of artistic activity aimed at introducing creativity, accumulating knowledge in its various directions; acquisition of practical skills, development of artistic abilities, speech, motor skills, logorhythmics, taste.

An example of club work can be the clubs “Beadwork”, “Isothread”, “Soft Toy”, “Testoplasty”, “Embroidery”; the activities of club associations that develop technical creativity, as well as vocal, choreographic, and theatrical abilities of disabled people can be effective.

For successful rehabilitation work of clubs, circle work, creativity festivals, and exhibitions of works can be organized. The purpose of the activities of club associations is to form among disabled people an orientation towards joint creative activity as a means of development, self-realization and integration into society.

A special place in the system of leisure activities for people with disabilities belongs to various sports - both mass recreational and competitive. Sport represents numerous and diverse complexes physical exercise, aimed at the physical development of a person, filling leisure time, achieving physical perfection, reflecting certain ideas about bodily beauty, plastic freedom and human health.

Sport is the most important phenomenon of modern culture and, in accordance with Art. 18 Federal Law “On Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” dated October 9, 1992 No. 3612-1 The main goal of involving disabled people in physical education and sports is to increase their physical activity. The document determines that physical activity is an indispensable and determining condition for the comprehensive rehabilitation and social adaptation of a disabled person.

Adaptive sports help improve health, gain self-confidence, develop communication skills, and increase self-esteem. Among adaptive sports, wrestling, table tennis, sitting volleyball, wheelchair basketball, darts, athletics, equestrianism, and wheelchair riding have become very popular. The main goal of adaptive sports is to involve as many people with disabilities as possible in sports. In mass adaptive sports, disabled people have the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities, establish contacts with other people, and interact with other public organizations.

Deaf and hard of hearing disabled people take part in such types of mass sports as football, skiing, skating, shooting, cycling, tennis, chess, rowing, boxing, swimming, classical wrestling, and athletics. Blind disabled people participate in competitions in athletics, swimming, rowing, hiking, skiing, and a new sports game for the blind has been mastered - rollinsball ( team game with a voiced ball).

The Paralympic Games are becoming increasingly popular, the purpose of which is to promote the Olympic movement, attract public attention to the problems of young people with disabilities, and intensify the activities of state, public and other organizations in solving problems of improving the health and adaptation to life in society of young people with disabilities. For successful performance, athletes are trained year-round, summer and winter games are held at the local, regional and national levels.

The Paralympics - the Olympic Games for disabled people - is considered an outstanding event in the world. The emergence of sports in which disabled people can participate is associated with the name of the English neurosurgeon Ludwig Guttman, who introduced sports into the process of rehabilitation of patients with injuries spinal cord. During the Second World War, he founded the Center for the Treatment of Spinal Injuries at the Ludwig Guttmann Hospital in Stoke Mandeville, where the first archery competitions for wheelchair athletes were held. July 28, 1948 - a group of disabled people, which consisted of 16 paralyzed men and women, former military personnel, picked up sports equipment for the first time in the history of sports. In 1952, Dutch military personnel joined the movement and founded the International Sports Federation for People with Musculoskeletal Disabilities.

In 1972, more than a thousand disabled people from 44 countries took part in the competition in Toronto. Only wheelchair athletes participated, and since 1976, athletes with spinal injuries Athletes from other injury groups joined - the visually impaired and people who had amputated limbs.
With each subsequent games, the number of participants increased, the geography of countries expanded, and the number of sports increased. In 1982, a body appeared that contributed to the expansion of the Paralympic Games - the International Coordinating Committee of the World Organization for Sports for the Disabled. In 1992, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) became its successor. Currently, the International Paralympic Committee includes 162 countries.

There are seventeen Paralympic sports: archery, athletics, cycling, dressage, fencing, judo, weightlifting, shooting, football, swimming, table tennis, basketball, rugby and wheelchair tennis, volleyball, cross-country skiing and ice hockey.

In Russia, the Paralympic movement has existed for more than 20 years, there is a Paralympic Committee and the Federation of Physical Culture and Sports for Disabled People of Russia. In 1988, Russia took part in the Paralympic Games for the first time in Seoul. Following the results of the 2010 Paralympic Games in Vancouver, the Russian national Olympic team took 2nd place in the team event, winning 38 medals.

Since 2000, the winners and prize-winners of the Paralympic Games, and since 2003 - the winners and prize-winners of the Deaf Olympic Games and the coaches who trained them, have been given monetary rewards. Together with the Paralympic and Deaf Olympic Committees of Russia, lists of leading disabled athletes and candidates for presidential scholarships have been prepared.

In addition to the Paralympic Games, the so-called Special Games are also held. Olympic Games for mentally retarded people. Special Olympics is an international sports movement that provides people with mental retardation conditions for sports and physical education, offers various sports programs aimed at people with mental retardation. Special Olympics - for children and adults suffering from mental retardation (mental retardation syndrome).

“Special Olympics” is an organization open to athletes of almost any age (from 8 to 80 years old), regardless of their physical abilities, each participant has a chance to win, since competitions are held in groups of athletes with almost the same capabilities. Athletics, mini-football, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey - by engaging in these and many other sports, people with mental disabilities gain the opportunity to adapt to the world around them, actively communicate, gain skills in collective activities and, thanks to this, live a full life.

The Special Olympics of Russia today has 55 regional (republics, territories, regions) branches. In the country, more than 63 thousand athletes with various types of intellectual disabilities regularly train and compete in Special Olympics programs.

Currently, Rossport, within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for 2006 - 2015,” is implementing a large-scale plan for sports construction; All sports objects adapted for disabled people. They are required to be equipped with a ramp, an elevator or lift, special changing rooms, and there are spectator seats in the stands for wheelchair users. In order to facilitate the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015” to prepare the city of Sochi for the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the All-Russian Society of the Disabled and the Russian Sports Union of the Disabled in Sochi in 2007 held the All-Russian Physical Education -sports festival for disabled people.

The Festival included competitions in 6 types of sports disciplines (wheelchair racing, darts, table tennis, powerlifting, chess, checkers), master classes in Paralympic sports (volleyball, tennis), and a conference of regional physical education leaders. sports organizations disabled people, at which the current state and prospects for the development of physical culture and sports for disabled people in Russia were discussed. 220 athletes from 31 constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in the Festival. The team from the Krasnodar region took first place in the team competition, the team from the Bryansk region took second, and the team from Moscow took third.

In February 2008, competitions of the First All-Russian Winter Spartakiad for disabled children and children with disabilities were held in the Moscow region. It was organized by the Children's Social Fund “Republic of Sport” and the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports. The main reasons hindering the development of sports among people with disabilities are the lack of a sufficient number of stadiums, gyms and grounds, equipment and supplies, inaccessibility of sports facilities for people with disabilities, insufficient funding for Paralympic sports at the regional and municipal levels, and lack of professional personnel.

IN last years The situation with the development of rehabilitation sports in Russia is changing, the number of sports organizations uniting more than 200 thousand people with disabilities is increasing. Every year more than 100 national competitions are held for disabled people, the best athletes can participate in 60 international competitions, Paralympic athletes receive a scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation.

Thus, physical culture and health activities are an effective means of restoring the normal functioning of the body, and help to increase the level of activity and physical fitness of the disabled person’s body. Tour therapy is also one of the rehabilitation technologies of cultural and leisure activities for people with disabilities, which is based on various types of tourism: travel, excursions, hikes, trips.

Tourism creates an area of ​​meaningful communication, broadening one’s horizons, developing physical capabilities, developing a positive attitude, and the opportunity to establish new social contacts. By participating in tourist trips and excursions, people with disabilities learn the history of the region, customs and traditions, create photos and videos about past events.

To effectively ensure tourism technology in cultural and leisure activities, the following rules must be observed:

The type of tourism is selected depending on physical impairments and in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program, taking into account personal interests, opinions, and financial capabilities;

Ensuring safety for tourists;

Inclusion in the sightseeing program;

The presence of physical fitness of young disabled people, psychological tolerance of difficulties.

Creative, physical education and recreational activities, excursion trips can also be organized as part of summer shifts for young disabled people. The organization of summer holidays is a purposeful psychological and pedagogical process, which includes the organization of various events that promote good rest and health improvement for young people with developmental disabilities. The purpose of organizing such recreation for disabled people is to restore individual and social value a person with health problems, the use of countryside recreation conditions for his improvement and hardening.

By participating in summer recreation events and programs, people with disabilities try to realize themselves, feel their importance, and have the opportunity to achieve high results in the proposed activities.

Specialist organizers of this type of recreation contribute to the creation of a favorable psychotherapeutic environment in order to overcome psychological discomfort in communicating with peers; provide assistance in organizing self-service, self-help and mutual assistance, offer various types of individual and group activities, expanding the area of ​​creative abilities and range of interests of disabled people.

In addition, in Russia, ParaArtiada is organized for people with disabilities - a festival of artistic creativity of people with disabilities. The goal of the ParaArtiada is the creative rehabilitation of people with disabilities, and social integration, promoting the development of their creative and cultural potential, involving new creative individuals in the ParaArtia Movement of Russia, drawing attention to the activities of ParaArtiadians who are actually involved in improving the lives of residents not only of Moscow, but also of other regions of Russia, state, political, public, commercial and other organizations.

ParaArtiada was established on December 3, 1998, on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, when the founding meeting of the National Art Committee of Russia and the Center for Creative Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons "Ivan da Marya" was held at the Folk Arts Fund of the Russian Federation (since September 22, 2000 - Regional public charitable organization for disabled people - ParaArtiada Center "Ivan da Marya"), which headed the Para-Art Movement of Russia.

Any person can be a participant in ParaArtiada, regardless of age, religious beliefs, or creative direction. Territorial space and degree of disability do not matter. All Paraartians communicate perfectly in the language of art - understandable to all peoples of the planet.

Great opportunities for the realization of cultural and leisure interests and preferences of disabled people are created by the Internet, through which they are introduced to cultural, spiritual and moral values, a healthy lifestyle, and inclusion in the world of art and culture. The Internet for people with disabilities serves as a means of developing a variety of life cognitive skills, increasing self-esteem, and the possibility of creative expression.

Many people use the Internet to communicate. Virtual communication is a process that imitates the structure, functions and results of real relationships and mutual actions of a person through his virtual images. In this case, the Internet becomes not only a means of communication for people with disabilities, but also a source of advice and support. IN virtual space communication, a special environment is created where “desired” images are broadcast (for example, most “virtual persons” are endowed with attributes of physical beauty and strength).

Mastery of Internet technologies, on the one hand, allows people with disabilities to be included in many areas of life on an equal basis with healthy people, and on the other hand, special computer products allow you to replenish previously lost or undeveloped qualities. Effective form organization of life activities, unlimited access to the information environment, communication, interaction with peers and assistance - all these are opportunities for socio-cultural rehabilitation of young disabled people related to their involvement in the use of virtual reality.

Thus, the leisure activities of disabled people are part of their living environment, intended for relaxation, overcoming fatigue, restoration of physical and mental health. Participation in various types of leisure activities is a necessary area of ​​socialization, self-affirmation and self-realization of a young person with disabilities, but it is limited due to the insufficient level of development and accessibility.

Integration into the sociocultural space is ensured through clubs for people with disabilities, where the process of creative, physical education and health rehabilitation and the organization of calendar holidays, competitive events, and recreation for young people with disabilities are implemented. In addition, the leisure activities of a disabled person in modern conditions can be carried out thanks to the use of Internet technologies.

Questions for self-control

1. Analyze the procedure for assigning a monthly cash payment to a disabled person.

2. List the main forms of social services for people with disabilities.

3. Reveal the features of pension provision for disabled people.

4. List the tasks that can be solved if a gender approach is used in social work with people with disabilities.

5. What is the importance of a gender approach in social protection disabled people?

6. Describe the main forms of leisure activities for people with disabilities.

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Charitable Russia. - St. Petersburg, 1902.

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Dementyeva N.F., Yatsemirskaya R.S. Occupational therapy in the system of rehabilitation of sick and disabled people. - M., 2008.

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The concept of sociocultural policy regarding people with disabilities in the Russian Federation. - M., 1997.

National standard of the Russian Federation GOST 52880-2007. Social service population. Types of social service institutions for elderly citizens and disabled people. // Social services. - 2009. - No. 2.

Nesterova G.F., Lebedeva S.S., Vasiliev S.V. Social work with the elderly and disabled. - M., 2009.

Nikonov L.S., Chetverikov M.N. Targeted social protection: Experience of municipalities - M., 2003.

“On state social assistance” dated July 17, 1999 No. 178.

"About state pension provision in the Russian Federation" dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ

“On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17. 2001 N 173-FZ

Fundamentals of social work / Ed. N.F. Basova. - 4th ed., erased. - M., 2008.

Petrova R.G. Genderology and feminology: Tutorial. 5th ed., revised. and additional - M., 2009.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics / Ed. I.Yu. Levchenko, S.D. Abram. - 5th ed., erased. - M., 2008.

Romanov P.V., Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R. Disability Policy: Social Citizenship of Disabled People in modern Russia. - Saratov, 2006.

Social policy / Ed. N.A. Volgina. - M., 2008.

Social work / Ed. N.F. Basov.- 2nd ed., erased. - M., 2010.

Technology of social work./ A.A. Chernetskaya and others - Rostov n/D., 2006.

Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R., Naberushkina E.K. Social work with disabled people. - St. Petersburg, 2004.



On approval of the Procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits

Document with changes made:
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 10/08/2018, N 0001201810080013).

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated 09.10.92 N 3612-1 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture” (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, N 46, Art. 2615, Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999 , N 26, Art. 3172, 2001, N 1, Art. 2, N 53, Art. 5030, 2002, N 52, Art. 5132, 2003, N 52, Art. 5038, 2004, N 35, Art. 3607 , 2006, N 1, art. 10, N 45, art. 4627, 2007, N 1, art. 21, 2008, N 30, art. 3616, 2009, N 52, art. 6411, 2010, N 19, art. .2291, 2013, N 17, Art. 2030, N 27, Art. 3477, N 40, Art. 5035, 2014, N 19, Art. 2307, N 30, Art. 4217, Art. 4257, N 49, Art. .6928),

I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits in accordance with the appendix to this order.

2. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Deputy Ministers of Culture of the Russian Federation in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.

3. This order comes into force on 01/01/2016.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 10, 2015,
registration N 40074

Application. The procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits


by order of the Ministry of Culture
Russian Federation
dated November 16, 2015 N 2800

1. This procedure for ensuring conditions of accessibility for people with disabilities of cultural values ​​and benefits (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) defines the rules for providing assistance to people with disabilities in overcoming barriers that prevent them from receiving services in the field of culture on an equal basis with other persons, as well as ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities:

- objects (administrative buildings, structures, structures and premises) (hereinafter - objects) of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies, federal state unitary and state enterprises, federal state budgetary cultural institutions - theaters, concert organizations, cinemas, circuses, cultural leisure (cultural and educational) and other organizations carrying out activities for the active participation of people with disabilities in cultural life (as creators of cultural works or participants in amateur artistic and cultural creativity) (hereinafter referred to as cultural organizations);

- cultural values ​​and benefits, services in the field of culture provided by cultural organizations.

2. To ensure conditions for accessibility of objects and services in the field of culture for people with disabilities, cultural organizations interact with the owners of the objects. The organization of this interaction is carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

3. Heads of cultural organizations, as part of activities to ensure the accessibility of facilities and services, instruct or train officials of these organizations authorized to provide services to people with disabilities, taking into account their persistent disorders of body functions and limitations in life activity.

The obligation of officials of cultural organizations to provide services to people with disabilities in an accessible form (including to accept and take into account applications from people with disabilities to create the necessary conditions for accessibility of objects and services), as well as to provide them with assistance in this regard, is determined by the heads of cultural organizations in the regulations for providing services to the population and in the official regulations (instructions) of officials (employees) providing these services.

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, in order to organize the accessibility of facilities and services, develops and sends to government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation recommendations on organizing instructing or training specialists working with people with disabilities on ensuring accessibility of facilities and services for them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and legislation subjects of the Russian Federation.

4. The heads of cultural organizations, in accordance with the requirements established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts, ensure the creation of following conditions accessibility of objects:

- the possibility of unimpeded entry into and exit from specified objects;

- the ability to independently move around the facility in order to access the place where the service is provided, including using the assistance of personnel providing services, assistive and auxiliary technologies, mnemonic diagrams, raised arrows and inscriptions made in raised dot font, as well as a removable wheelchair;

- the ability to board and disembark a vehicle before entering the facility, including using a wheelchair and, if necessary, with the help of facility staff;

- accompanying disabled people with persistent visual impairments when moving around the facility;

- instructing employees who have primary contact with service recipients on familiarizing disabled people with the placement and layout of premises, the sequence of actions and the route of movement when receiving services;

- assistance to a disabled person when entering and exiting a building, informing him about available public transport routes;

- proper placement of media about the procedure for providing the service, its design in a form accessible to people with disabilities, taking into account their life limitations, including duplication of the audio and visual information necessary to receive the service (inscriptions, signs and other text and graphic information in the format of relief graphics and signs made in raised dot Braille and on a contrasting background);

- ensuring access to the facility where services are provided or to the place where the service of a guide dog is provided in the presence of a document confirming its special training, issued in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated June 22, 2015 N 386n (registered with the Ministry of Justice Russia 07/21/2015, registration N 38115).

5. Cultural organizations providing services, in accordance with the requirements established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts, are provided with:

- providing disabled people with the necessary assistance in a form accessible to them, drawing up documents established by the regulations (procedure) for the provision of services, and performing other actions necessary to receive the service;

- providing hearing impaired people, if necessary, with services using Russian sign language, including ensuring access to a sign language interpreter, sign language interpreter;

- providing visually impaired people, if necessary, with the service of hidden direct audio commentary conducted by a professional audio commentator, including ensuring access for the audio commentator;

- the presence of an audio circuit, copies of documents, announcements, instructions on the procedure for providing services (including at the information stand), made in embossed dotted Braille and on a contrasting background;

- placement of premises in which the service is provided, mainly on lower floors buildings;

- conditions of access for people with disabilities to the operating cash rooms of cultural organizations and the possibility of receiving services during reconstruction, adaptation of all elements of equipment for service (including cash register windows, passages);

- conditions of access to other premises: lobby, cash register lobby, wardrobe, bathrooms, buffets, foyers, corridors and lobbies, auditoriums (theater, concert halls, cinema halls), exhibition (exhibition) halls and premises, workshops, studios, recording rooms, elevator location areas;

- creation of inclusive creative teams operating on the basis of cultural and leisure institutions;

- providing disabled people with the opportunity to receive services to send an application electronically by filling out a special interactive form on the websites of cultural organizations on the Internet, ensuring identification of the recipient;

- accommodation available information to ensure the level of accessibility of sites on the Internet information and telecommunications network of cultural organizations, taking into account the requirements of national standards;

Other conditions for ensuring accessibility provided for by the administrative regulations for the provision of services:

- providing disabled people with at least 5% of seats in theater and concert halls (3% in cinema halls), but at least three seats when providing services for showing performances, concert programs, films and circus performances for people with disabilities (including when allocating specialized areas services for disabled people in the building);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on October 19, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated June 27, 2018 N 1017.

- equipping cinemas and cinema halls with sets of equipment to provide hidden automatic audio commentary and subtitling when demonstrating digital films;

- collective access of a group of disabled people (hereinafter - a special group) to objects and events held by cultural organizations, subject to prior agreement with the organizer of the visit to a special group - a rehabilitation organization, a public association of people with disabilities or a social protection body (hereinafter - the organizer).

6. When organizing a visit to a special group, authorized officials carry out preliminary agreement on the conditions of the visit, during which the following are determined: the category, age and number of disabled people and persons accompanying them in the group, the state of ensuring the accessibility of the object and the cultural values ​​represented for people with disabilities, the procedure for a collective visit, methods , introducing disabled people to the cultural values ​​represented, other issues of preparing and conducting a collective visit. The conditions for organizing a collective visit may be included in the relevant agreement.

The cultural organization notifies the organizer in advance (at least 10 working days) of the planned visit of a special group, special rules and safety requirements, and also allocates an employee (employees) and ensures his (their) training for the unhindered receipt of services for people with disabilities (including viewing performances, concert programs, films and circus performances, conducting special excursions, participating in cultural and leisure events) .

7. The assessment of the level of accessibility of objects and services in the field of culture for disabled people is carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, using the following indicators of accessibility for people with disabilities of objects and services in the field of culture (hereinafter referred to as indicators):

a) the share of cultural facilities commissioned from July 1, 2016, that have accessibility conditions for facilities and services for disabled people (from total number objects of cultural organizations commissioned);

b) the share of objects of cultural organizations that, after major repairs and reconstruction after July 1, 2016, have conditions for accessibility of objects and services for disabled people (of the total number of objects of cultural organizations);

c) the share of cultural organization facilities that provide conditions for individual mobility of disabled people and the opportunity for them to move independently around the building (and, if necessary, throughout the facility’s territory) (out of the total number of cultural organization facilities where repair and reconstruction work was carried out after July 1 2016);

d) the share of cultural organizations equipped with assistive devices and adaptive means in order to ensure unhindered access to facilities for people with disabilities (for people with mobility impairments, vision, and hearing) (out of the total number of facilities of cultural organizations);

e) the share of employees of cultural organizations who have undergone training (instruction) on issues related to the specifics of providing services to people with disabilities and who are proficient in methods of providing the necessary assistance to people with visual, hearing, and musculoskeletal impairments (of the total number of employees of cultural organizations);

f) the share of cultural organizations providing assistance to employees who, by administrative and administrative act of the cultural organization, are entrusted with the obligation to provide it to people with disabilities (the visually impaired, the hearing impaired) (out of the total number of objects of cultural organizations);

g) the share of events of cultural organizations accessible to people with disabilities (those with disabilities, visually impaired, hearing impaired) (of the total number of events held by cultural organizations);

h) the share of cultural organizations that provide at least 5% (for cinemas - at least 3%) of seats in auditoriums equipped for people with disabilities (impaired with mobility, vision, hearing) (of the total number of organizations);

i) the share of cultural organizations that have information on the official website about the accessibility of objects and services for people with disabilities with visual and hearing impairments and people with disabilities who use wheelchairs (out of the total number of cultural organizations);

j) the number of sites of cultural organizations equipped with sets of equipment to provide hidden automatic audio commentary and subtitling when demonstrating entertainment events (including performances, concerts, circus performances, digital films, cultural, leisure and other events) (from the total number of sites of objects cultural organizations);

k) the share of cultural and leisure institutions that have inclusive creative groups operating on the bases of cultural and leisure institutions (from the total number of cultural and leisure institutions);

l) the proportion of cultural organizations that have websites on the Internet information and telecommunications network that take into account the requirements of national standards;

m) the share of cultural organizations that carry out outdoor events for people with disabilities (those with disabilities, visually impaired, hearing impaired) (of the total number of cultural organizations).

8. Cultural organizations providing services in the field of culture and tourism, when preparing technical specifications and concluding contracts, take measures to ensure the design, construction and acceptance from July 1, 2016 of newly commissioned buildings (premises) that have undergone major repairs, reconstruction, and modernization ), in which the provision of these services is carried out, as well as to ensure the purchase of vehicles purchased from this date to serve recipients of these services, in compliance with the conditions of their accessibility for people with disabilities established by Article 15 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On Social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 48, Art. 4563, 2001, No. 33, Art. 3426; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2014, No. 49, Art. 6928) ( hereinafter referred to as Law N 181-FZ), by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2014 N 1521 “On approval of the list of national standards and sets of rules (parts of such standards and sets of rules), as a result of which application on a mandatory basis ensures compliance with the requirements Federal Law"Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 2, Art. 465, No. 40, Art. 5568).

9. Owners of objects that cannot be fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities accept (prior to their reconstruction or major repairs) agreed upon with one of the public associations of people with disabilities operating in the territory of the settlement, municipal district, urban district, measures to ensure access for people with disabilities to the place of provision of services at the place of residence of people with disabilities or remotely.

10. Cultural organizations providing services in existing facilities (premises) rented for the provision of services, which cannot be fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, take measures to conclude additional agreements with the lessor or to include in draft lease agreements provisions on the fulfillment by the owner of the facility of security requirements conditions of accessibility for disabled people of this facility and the services provided on it.

11. Cultural organizations providing services, in order to determine measures to gradually increase the level of accessibility conditions for disabled people of objects and the services provided on them, conduct a survey of these objects and services, based on the results of which a certificate of accessibility for people with disabilities of the object and the services provided on it is drawn up (hereinafter, accordingly - examination and certification, accessibility passport).

12. The accessibility passport contains the following sections:

- a brief description of the facility and the services provided on it;

- assessment of the compliance of the level of accessibility of objects for people with disabilities and existing shortcomings in ensuring the conditions for their accessibility for people with disabilities using the indicators provided for in paragraph 7 of this Procedure;

- assessment of the level of accessibility of services for people with disabilities, including the availability of conditions for direct audio commentary, and existing shortcomings in ensuring the conditions of their accessibility for people with disabilities using the indicators provided for in paragraph 7 of this Procedure;

- proposed management decisions on the timing and scope of work necessary to bring the facility and the procedure for providing services on it in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. Local legal acts of cultural organizations approve the composition of the commission for conducting the survey and certification of the object and the services provided on it (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), the timing and plans - schedules for the survey and certification.

14. The Commission includes representatives of public associations of people with disabilities operating in the territory of the settlement, municipal district, urban district where the facility where the examination and certification is planned is located.

15. Based on the results of the inspection of the facility and the services provided on it, the Commission develops proposals for making decisions (taking into account the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of December 13, 2006 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 6, Art. 468) to ensure “reasonable accommodation” and “universal design”), which are included in the accessibility passport, including:

- to create (taking into account the needs of people with disabilities) conditions for accessibility of an existing facility and the procedure for providing services there in accordance with Part 4 of Article 15 of Law No. 181-FZ (if it is impossible to ensure full accessibility);

- to determine the measures taken into account in the development plans of the facility, estimates for its capital and current repairs, reconstruction, modernization, in schedules for re-equipping the facility and purchasing new equipment in order to increase its level of accessibility and conditions for the provision of services there (taking into account the needs of people with disabilities);

- by switching on necessary measures in the technical specifications for the development of design and estimate documentation for the design, construction, equipping of newly commissioned facilities where services are provided to the population, provisions providing for their full compliance with the requirements for accessibility of facilities for people with disabilities from July 1, 2016.

16. The accessibility passport developed by the Commission is approved by the head of the cultural organization and sent within 10 working days to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

17. If a service is provided in a rented premises (building) or using a rented vehicle, the Commission includes a representative of the owner of the rented premises (building) or vehicle, and in proposals to increase the level of accessibility of the facility, his proposals are taken into account, which arise from the owner’s obligation to ensure conditions of accessibility for disabled people of objects and services in accordance with Part 1 of Article 15 of Law No. 181-FZ.

18. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, taking into account the submitted accessibility passports, in accordance with subparagraph “a” of paragraph 3 of the Rules for the development by executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments of measures to increase the values ​​of indicators of accessibility for disabled people of objects and services in established areas of activity approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2015 N 599 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, N 26, Art. 3894) approves action plans (road maps) to increase the values ​​of indicators of accessibility of objects and services for disabled people.

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