Features of mental reflection. Psychic reflection. Stages of development of the psyche What is mental reflection in psychology

General concept of the psyche.

The concept of mental reflection

Reflection is a universal property of matter, which consists in the ability of objects to reproduce with varying degrees of adequacy the features, structural characteristics and relationships of other objects.

Its characteristics: activity, dynamism, selectivity, subjectivity, involuntariness, direction, ideal and anticipatory character.

It is the category of reflection that reveals the most general and essential characteristics of the psyche. Psychic phenomena are considered as different forms and levels of subjective reflection of objective reality. If we consider the epistemological aspect of cognitive processes, then we say that knowledge is a reflection of the surrounding objective reality. If sensory and perceptual processes, then they say that sensation and perception are images of objects and phenomena of objective reality that act on the sense organs. On the ontological plane, sensation and perception are studied as real processes or acts. Ultimately, the product of the perceptual process - the image can be considered as a reflection. The process itself is a process of creativity, not reflection. But at the final stage, this product is refined, brought into line with the real object and becomes its adequate reflection.

According to Lomov, reflection and activity are internally connected. Through the analysis of activity, the subjective nature of mental reflection is revealed. Activity can be adequate to objective conditions because these conditions are reflected by its subject.

That. Mental processes are understood as processes of subjective reflection of objective reality that ensure the regulation of behavior in accordance with the conditions in which it is carried out.

Psychic reflection is considered:

  1. From the point of view of various forms of reflection (carriers): developed - undeveloped, sensual - rational, concrete - abstract.
  2. From the point of view of possible mechanisms: psychological, psychophysiological.
  3. From the point of view of the possible results of reflection: signs, symbols, concepts, images.
  4. From the point of view of the functions of reflection in human activity, communication and behavior (conscious - unconscious characteristics, emotional - volitional characteristics, transformation of images in the process of communication).

Mental reflection as a process

The image is not something complete or static. The image is formed, develops, exists only in the process of reflection. The image is the process. The position that the mental can only be understood as a process was formulated by Sechenov. After it was developed in the works of Rubinstein. That. any mental phenomenon (perception, memory, thinking, etc.) acts as a process of mental reflection, subject to objective laws. Their general trend is that these processes are developing in the direction from a relatively global and undivided reflection of reality to an ever more complete and accurate one; from a poorly detailed, but general picture of the world to a structured, holistic reflection of it. In the study of any mental process, its stadial or phasic nature is revealed. At each of the phases, certain qualitative changes occur both in the process itself and in the results that arise in it. Stages do not have clear boundaries. Discreteness and continuity are combined in the mental process: the reflected influences are discredited, but the stages pass into each other continuously. In the course of the mental process, its internal and external determinants change. At each stage, neoplasms are formed, which become the conditions for the further course of the process. The mental process is multiplicative: having arisen in the course of the development of one process, it is included in other processes in the same or in some other form.

Psyche- a systemic property of highly organized matter, which consists in the active reflection of the objective world by the subject, in the construction by the subject of a picture of the world inalienable from him and self-regulation on this basis of his behavior and activity.

By, consciousness = psyche.
By, consciousness is a small part of the mind, it includes what we are aware of every moment.
. Consciousness is a reflection of objective reality in its separation from the subject's actual relations to it, i.e. reflection highlighting its objective stable properties. In consciousness, the image of reality does not merge with the experience of the subject: in consciousness, what is reflected acts as “coming” to the subject. The prerequisites for such a reflection are the division of labor (the task of realizing one's action in the structure of general activity). There is a breeding of the motive of the whole activity and the goal (conscious) of a separate action. There is a special task to understand the meaning of this action, which has no biological meaning (ex.: beater). The connection between motive and purpose is revealed in the form of the activity of the human labor collective. There is an objective-practical attitude to the subject of activity. Thus, between the object of activity and the subject is the awareness of the very activity for the production of this object.

The specifics of psychological reflection

Reflection is a change in the state of an object, which begins to carry traces of another object.

Reflection forms: physical, biological, mental.

physical reflection- direct contact. This process is finite in time. These traces are indifferent for both objects (symmetry of interaction traces). According to A.N. Leontiev, destruction occurs.

biological reflection- a special type of interaction - the maintenance of the existence of an animal organism. Transformation of traces into specific signals. Based on the signal transformation, a response occurs. (to the outside world or to yourself). Reflection selectivity. Hence the reflection is not symmetrical.

Psychic reflection- as a result, an image of the object (cognition of the world) arises.

images- sensual, rational (knowledge about the world).

Features of mental reflection: a) purely subjective education; b) the psychic is a symbol of reality; c) mental reflection is more or less correct.

Conditions for building an image of the world: a) interaction with the world; b) The presence of a reflection body; c) full contact with society (for a person).

2. Reflection characteristics

3. Levels of mental reflection

1. The concept of mental reflection . Categoryreflections is a fundamental philosophical concept, it is understood as a universal property of matter, which consists in reproducing the features, properties and relations of the reflected object. This is such a form of interaction of phenomena, in which one of them -reflected , - while maintaining its qualitative certainty, creates in the second -reflective specific product:reflected
The ability to reflect, as well as the nature of its manifestation, depend on the level of organization of matter. In qualitatively different forms, reflection appears in inanimate nature, in the world of plants, animals, and, finally, in man.(According to the book of LEONTIEV " Activity. Consciousness. Personality" )

In inanimate nature, the interaction of various material systems results inmutual reflection , which acts as a simple mechanical deformation.

An essential property of a living organismis irritability reflection of the influences of the external and internal environment in the form of excitation and selective response. Being a prepsychic form of reflection, it acts as a regulator of adaptive behavior.

The next stage in the development of reflection is associated with the emergence of a new property in higher species of living organisms -sensitivity, that is, the ability to have sensations, which are the initial form of the psyche.

The formation of the sense organs and the mutual coordination of their actions led to the formation of the ability to reflect things in a certain set of their properties - the ability to perceive the surrounding reality in a certain integrity, in the formsubjective image this reality.

The formation of a person and human society in the process of labor activity and communication through speech led to the emergence of a specifically human, social in nature form of reflection in the formconsciousness andself-awareness. For the reflection inherent in man, it is characteristic that it is a creative process that is social in nature. It involves not only the impact on the subject from the outside, but also the active action of the subject himself, his creative activity, which is manifested in the selectivity and purposefulness of perception.

2. Reflection characteristics . Features of the process Mental reflection is accompanied by a number of characteristic conditions that are its specific manifestations:– Activity. Mental reflection is not mirror, not passive, it is associated with the search and choice of methods of action adequate to the conditions, thisactive process.

- Subjectivity. Another feature of mental reflection is itssubjectivity: it is mediated by the past experience of the person and his personality. This is expressed primarily in the fact that we see one world, but it appears to each of us in different ways.

- Objectivity . At the same time, mental reflection makes it possible to build an "internal picture of the world" adequate to objective reality, and here it is necessary to note one more property of the mental - itsobjectivity. Only thanks to the correct reflection is it possible for a person to know the world around him. The criterion of correctness is practical activity, in which mental reflection is constantly deepened, improved and developed.

- Dynamism. The process called mental reflection tends to undergo significant changes over time. The conditions in which the individual acts are changing, the very approaches to transformations are changing. Uniqueness We should not forget that each person has bright individual characteristics, his own desires, needs and striving for development.

- leading character . Another important feature of mental reflection is itsforward character, it makes it possible to anticipate in human activity and behavior, which allows decisions to be made with a certain temporal-spatial lead in relation to the future.

The most important function of the psyche isregulation of behavior and activity, thanks to which a person not only adequately reflects the surrounding objective world, but has the ability to transform it in the process of purposeful activity. The adequacy of human movements and actions to the conditions, tools and subject of activity is possible only if they are correctly reflected by the subject.

3. Levels of mental reflection. Mental reflection serves to create a structured and integral image from dissected objects of reality. B. F. Lomov singled out the levels of mental reflection:

1. Sensory-perceptual - this is the basic level of building mental images, which arises in the process of development in the first place, but does not lose relevance in subsequent activities. The subject, based on the information coming through the stimulation of the senses by real objects, builds his own tactics of behavior. Simply put, a stimulus causes a reaction: an event occurring in real time affects the subsequent action of the subject, causes it.

2. Presentation layer. The image can arise without the direct influence of the object on the subject's senses, that is, it is imagination, memory, imaginative thinking. Due to the repeated appearance of the object in the subject's perception zone, some of the most important features of the first are remembered, eliminated from the secondary ones, which results in an image that is independent of the direct presence of the stimulus. The main function of this level of mental reflection: planning, control and correction of actions in the internal plan, drawing up standards.

3. Verbally logical thinking or speech-thinking level. Operations of this level are even less related to the event series of actual time. The individual operates with logical concepts and techniques that have developed in the course of the cultural and historical development of mankind. Abstracting from his own direct experience, from imagination and memory of the events that took place in his life, he orients himself and builds activities based on the experience of mankind as a whole. Those concepts, definitions and conclusions that were not produced by him. This provides an opportunity to plan and regulate events of various directions and temporal remoteness, up to planning the life path of an individual. Despite the significant difference between the third and first, initial levels: the processes of sensual and rational regulation of activity incessantly flow from one to another, forming a mental reflection in the variety of its levels and images.

- a subjective view of the world from a personal position. Rethinking reality, one's worldview is formed from:

  • events that have already taken place;
  • actual reality;
  • actions to take place.

The accumulated experience, the reproduction of acquired knowledge settles firmly in the past. The present carries information about the internal state of the individual. The future is aimed at the realization of goals, objectives, intentions, displayed in dreams, fantasies.

The essence of the worldview passing through the psyche

1. Activation.

The psyche is unstable, it changes under the influence of external factors and is constantly improved in development. Everyone has their own opinion about how the world is built around. Faced with the contradiction of other people, consciousness changes, transforms into reality, carrying a different meaning.

2. Focus.

Setting guidelines in life, a person sets himself tasks according to his strength. He will never take up a case that is contrary to his principles and does not bring him either moral or financial satisfaction of needs. There is a deliberate desire to transform the existing substance.

3. Adjustment.

Approach, conditions may change, but the mental is plastic to temporary transformations, adapts to any change.

4. Uniqueness.

Everyone has inherent specific motivational characteristics and goals for self-development. The view of the world is refracted through the prism of life guidelines. This prevents the study of psychological science only from one angle, it is necessary to evaluate all the qualities of different people in the same degree.

5. Lead.

The society creates a platform for the future, displaying the surrounding objects and current events in the current life. It attracts only the best and significant for the subsequent introduction into activity.

6. Evaluation by the object.

Individual traits are displayed directly in thinking. Possible situations are analyzed, an attitude to ongoing events is formed.

There are several stages that pass in the mind from the bodily to the sensual:

  1. Sensory. The physical external aggressor acts on the cognitive processes of a person, forcing them to react with the body and thinking. The reaction occurs only to a significant stimulus.
  2. Perceptual. A person unconsciously seeks to display a complex of irritating elements in a general way.
  3. The individual is guided by the cumulative manifestation, reacting to biologically insignificant stimulants that provoke the emergence of sensitivity to important stimuli.
  4. Thinking. A strong relationship is established between objects. Man controls it with the help of brain function.

Steps of reflection of the psyche

  • The first is basic. The individual is guided by his feelings and receiving information from others, determines the manner of behavior in the future. His actions are influenced by the objects of reality. Having passed this stage, others are built on it. This level is never empty, it is multifaceted and constantly changing.
  • The second level has a main feature in creativity and the manifestation of the imagination. This is the highest stage in the development of the psyche, a person passes to it when a new model of conclusions about the world around is created. She comprehends the actions and adds images that have already been laid down.
  • A creative person is difficult to cope with emotions, her thinking consists of continuous ideas. Artistic abilities are superimposed on the pictures that arise in the head, and their assimilation depends on subsequent interaction.
  • The third - its main criterion is the presence of speech. Logic and communication are associated with mental activity based on the concepts and methods used by the ancestors. He overshadows imagination, memory, sensual images, relying only on rationality in thinking and experience from the previous generation. This allows you to plan and manage your life path.

Only by rethinking and including all stages in his consciousness, a person can present the world in a generalized form from a unique point of view, different from those around him. And show it through behavior: facial expressions, gestures, posture.

This concept is philosophical, because this reflection is not in the literal sense. It is a kind of phenomenon that manifests itself with the help of images and states of the personality passed through the consciousness.

In other words, mental reflection is a special form of a person's dynamic connection with the world, during which new desires appear, a worldview, positions are formed, and specific solutions to some problems are developed. Any individual is able to manage his personal reality, presenting it in artistic or some other images.

Features and properties

Psychic reflection has a number of specific moments, which are its individual manifestations. There are some features of mental reflection:

  • Mental images appear in the course of a person's active pastime.
  • Psychic reflection makes it possible to carry out some kind of activity.
  • It has a forward character.
  • Allows you to accurately represent the world around you.
  • Progress and improve.
  • Changes through personality.

Characteristics of this process

A person is able to perceive the real world, find his destiny, have the development of the inner world only thanks to this process. Unfortunately, not every individual correctly reflects these phenomena - such a problem occurs in people with mental disabilities.

As for a healthy person, he has the following criteria for mental reflection:

1. Dynamism. Throughout life, each person's thoughts, attitudes and feelings are modified. That is why the mental reflection can also change, because various circumstances influence it very significantly.

2. Activity. This process cannot coexist with passive behavior or regression. Thanks to this quality of the psyche, the individual, without understanding it, is constantly looking for the best and most comfortable conditions.

3. Objectivity. The personality gradually develops, therefore the psyche also receives constant progress. Since we study the environment through activity, mental reflection is objective and regular.

4. Subjectivity. Despite the fact that this process is objective, but it is also influenced by the past of the individual, his environment and his own character. That is why characterization includes subjectivity. Each of us looks at the same world and events in our own way.

5. Speed. Our ability to solve some problems with lightning speed exists thanks to the psyche. It has the right to be called superior to reality.

Stages and levels

Although this process seems to us something integral, it is still divided into several stages. The main stages and levels of mental reflection include:

1. Submission. This level is characterized by the dynamic activity of the subconscious of the individual. Past memories that have been partially forgotten reappear in the imagination. This situation is not always affected by the senses.

The degree of importance and significance of incidents or phenomena has a great influence. Some of these incidents disappear, only the most necessary episodes remain.

An individual, thanks to thinking, creates his ideals, makes plans, controls his consciousness as best he can. This is how personal experience comes about.

2. Sensory criterion. This level is also called the sensory level. On it, mental images are built on the basis of what we feel through the senses. This influences the transformation of information in the required direction.

Due to the fact that there is an excitation of taste, smell, sensation, personal data is enriched and affects the subject more strongly. If something similar happens to an individual, then the brain stimulates the repetition of some moments from the past, and they influence the future. This skill helps a person at any time to create clear pictures in his own mind.

3. Logical thinking. At this level, real events don't matter. A person uses only those skills and abilities that are present in his mind. The universal human experience, about which the person knows, is also important.

All stages of mental reflection naturally intersect and interact. This process occurs due to the complex work of the sensual and rational activity of the individual.


Reflection is not alien to all living organisms in contact with other objects. Three forms of mental reflection can be distinguished:

1. Physical. This is a direct relationship. This process has a time limit. Such properties are insignificant for any of the objects (the immutability of the connection traces), since destruction occurs.

2. Biological. This form is characteristic only for living beings, and this is its peculiarity. Thanks to it, such organisms can "mirror" both living and alternative nature.

The biological form of mental reflection is divided into several types:

  • Irritability (the response of living beings to the realities and processes of this world).
  • Sensitivity (the ability to reflect other objects in the form of sensations).
  • Mental reflection (the ability to change one's character depending on the situation).

3. Mental. The most difficult and progressive form of reflection. She is not considered an inactive mirror duplicate of this world. It is clearly related to scanning, solutions.

First of all, it is an actively reflected world around in connection with a specific problem, danger or need. This form has:

  • Reflection as stages of overcoming by an individual of himself, his own life and habits.
  • Reflection as self-control and development.
  • Reflection as a stage in the study of others by the personality.
  • Reflection as a stage of an individual's study of social life and relationships.

Understanding the psyche as part of a certain type of reflection allows us to assert that it does not arise suddenly or accidentally, as something incomprehensible in nature. Psychic reflection can be studied as a transformation of derivative imprints into subjective experience, and on this basis a spatial image can be built.

Thus, the foundation of mental reflection is the primary interaction with the environment, but this process requires auxiliary activity to create images of objects in the field of the subject's behavior. Author: Lena Melissa