Reviews about the doctor Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov. About the plasma lifting method. The main tool for rejuvenation

Dear readers, I am pleased to introduce you to my friends and commercial partners - the Lavater clinic and their technology - plasma lifting.

The idea of ​​plasma lifting, generally speaking, lay on the surface. For quite a long time, there was good old autohemotherapy: they took blood from a vein and injected it either into the buttocks, or where it was not healing well. After the Americans found out that this all really works, they began to make a gel from the patient’s blood, inject it into the gums for periodontal disease, so that it heals better, and so that dental implants take root better.

For exactly six years, Lavater’s current chief physician, Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov, and his friend, maxillofacial surgeon Roman Zarudiy, have been thinking about how to make the technology more accessible, cheaper and easier. And they came up with the idea of ​​injecting not blood, but an extract from blood.

If a person's blood is taken from a vein and processed in a special centrifuge, platelet-rich plasma can be isolated. Platelets contain growth factors, stimulate regeneration processes and effectively resist infection by attacking microbes and viruses. Usually they do this in their places, at their place of registration. But, I’m now explaining with my fingers that if you stick them in another place, then, without understanding what’s going on, they begin to actively work where they were stuck.

After that, the task arose - to come up with a name. And the surgeon-authors called their development plasma lifting. Akhmerov and Zarudiy did not have the money or the opportunity to promote it. Renat Akhmerov was originally a maxillofacial surgeon, oncologist, and tried all this on his surgical patients (naturally, with their consent. Therefore, Zarudiy and Akhmerov published articles, did scientific work, but there was no opportunity to actively promote the development.

After some time, doctors and cosmetologists noticed the technique. It turned out that plasma lifting treats gums well. And, as an alternative to mesotherapy, it rejuvenates the face quite well. Those in this business began to learn from experience. That is, they came and learned from the creators, or they didn’t study at all - the articles contained a detailed description of the methodology, and you could master it on your own. And they began to do something similar without citing the original source.

And so, doctors Akhmerov and Zarudiy saw that the time had come for the technique - others are actively using it, in Italy it is done for 1,500 euros, and in London it’s even more expensive, my friend, there, let’s say, they do it. But everyone uses it, but the creators are not cited. Therefore, the doctors asked me to write that, in fact, the authors of the method are: Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, maxillofacial surgeon, author of the plasma lifting method, Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov and Candidate of Medical Sciences, maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist Roman Zarudiy.

It’s me and Akhmerov frolicking in his clinic near the centrifuge. I found a folding jaw on his table, a wonderful thing, teeth - like real ones, even with canals and caries. And I call to her.

The plasma lifting technique works well on affected areas. It is quite effective in matters of healing. They prick the gums - it bleeds less, they prick the face - yes, there is an effect of a refreshed face. This is a decent working effect. But this technique gave a mega-effect, an unexpected effect on the hair.

Recently, Renat Rashitovich was in Kazan, where his mother lives, and there an old lady was brought to him through an acquaintance. The granny had a decent bald spot on the back of her head, the size of a coffee saucer. It is always very difficult to help with such baldness. They told the granny: “We’re unlikely to help you. Let’s do this: at half the price, we’ll give you test injections in the back of your head, and if the process works, we’ll continue.” Two weeks later, my grandmother’s hair began to grow and vellus hair appeared.

How it works: If platelet-rich plasma is injected into the scalp, it “awakens” dormant follicles and stimulates the growth of new hair. The blood supply to the hair follicles improves; they will receive, as it were, an “order” to move from the telogen stage, i.e. loss, in the growth stage, i.e. anagen. Plasmolifting eliminates fungal infections, seborrhea, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, increases local skin immunity, relieves inflammatory processes and promotes cell renewal of the scalp. All this together gives amazing results: hair loss and thinning stops. Even in the case of androgenic alopecia, when, in principle, the hair is hopelessly damaged, in some cases, the technique works.

This is extremely important: if in cosmetology and dentistry there are other, alternative treatment methods, which are very good, then little helps with hair loss. There is a very good composition that is injected - amineoxidine, a collection of amino acids and a nutrient solution and - in fact, plasma lifting. We haven't come up with anything else worthwhile yet. (Whoever comes up with this idea will receive a Nobel Prize without waiting in line). Everything else - massage of the collar area, all sorts of decoctions - this is true, more self-soothing. Therefore, there are two to three times more requests on the Internet about hair loss than for the same implants, fillers and Botox.

Plasmolifting can help men avoid losing zero baldness. If the bald spot is smooth and already radical, the hair, of course, will not grow back (in some cases it may grow in the form of a fluff, but there is no guarantee). But those hairs that were going to fall out won’t fall out for a long time. That is, plasma lifting slows down the process of baldness very much.

Baldness before plasma lifting

Baldness after

Now, attention, women. If you have focal baldness, alopecia, or serious gaps, go and treat your hormonal imbalance, and seriously treat it. Until you treat it, the hair on your bald spot will not grow back. If you cure them, they may begin to grow back, and then it makes sense to support them with injections.

If female pattern baldness is diffuse - a reaction to stress (or to a forehead lift, where the nerve endings are cut) - then yes, this technique works well.

Yes, for those for whom this is important: pricking does not hurt, because there are needles with limiters.

Dermatologist-cosmetologist Elizaveta Alekseevna Gintovt (St. Petersburg):

"Plasmolifting"- a commercial name proposed by plastic surgeon Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov in 2006. However, the lifting effect after this procedure remains debated.

Plasma is available in large quantities on the market and there is serious competition between manufacturers.

The main manufacturers and methods of plasma lifting presented in Moscow and St. Petersburg:

1. Doctor Akhmerov and his “plasmolifting”.

2. RegenLab technique (Switzerland).

3. Endoret technique (Spain).

There is also a Korean method, YCELLBIO, which is registered in America and the European Union, but not in Russia.

P Until randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials have been conducted, it is impossible to say which plasma lifting technique is better. Just starting to work with plasma lifting, we were disappointed with the results. But later, after trying RegenLab and Endoret, they changed their minds.

When trying to compare different techniques, they look at platelet survival. With Endoret, plasma is divided into a very active and a depleted part. RegenLab has one uniformly enriched part. The concentration of growth factors in active plasma is extremely high; there are definitely living platelets there that help achieve results.

Each plasma lifting method has its own nuances. For example, Dr. Akhmerov’s plasma lifting involves double centrifugation without platelet activation; heparin is an anticoagulant. RegenLab for America adds an activator in the form of calcium gluconate. The Endoret method also contains an activator – calcium chloride.

Everyone praises their own plasma lifting method; competing companies pit themselves against each other. Akhmerov believes that the administration of calcium chloride relates to dental practice and serves to initiate blood clotting processes, which is unacceptable when performing cosmetic procedures. But according to the company representing RegenLab, Dr. Akhmerov’s plasma has low platelet survival due to their suppression by heparin, which blocks the aggregation and degranulation of growth factors, enhancing the undesirable effects of the procedure.

Plasmolifting procedure

N and consultations collect anamnesis from the patient and send him for a clinical blood test. The day before the procedure and for 24 hours after, a diet is prescribed: limit spicy, salty and fatty foods, as they change the composition of the plasma. Warm, generous drinks are recommended 1-2 hours before the procedure.

During the procedure, blood is drawn from a patient's vein (much like a regular blood test) and centrifuged, which takes a few minutes.

Depending on the amount of material taken, the procedure can be performed on the face, neck, décolleté, hands and scalp. All manipulations are carried out within 10-15 minutes, since the material is suitable for use only for a very short time.

Plasmolifting is a low-pain procedure, since platelets have a slight anesthetic effect. Although some authors note that activators slightly increase pain. Since you use your own blood, the likelihood of an allergy tends to zero - except perhaps to the activator, or nervous urticaria to the injection. The risk of hematomas depends on the condition of the blood vessels and the menstrual cycle.

Contraindications to plasma lifting: pregnancy and lactation, oncology, chemotherapy, acute inflammatory processes in the injection area, acute inflammatory diseases, decompensated diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases(systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma).

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

The effect of plasma lifting

IN Currently, the mechanism of action of the procedure on age-related changes is only being studied. But growth factors and cytokines contained in plasma improve skin color and turgor, reduce pigmentation, even out the relief by affecting angiogenesis and improving cell proliferation. The skin looks younger: the skin pattern becomes thinner, elasticity and hydration increase, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and the vascular component becomes less pronounced.

I recently performed plasma lifting on a girl who had overexposed herself to tanning and her skin in the décolleté area had become very rough. In just one procedure, an amazing result was achieved - the skin became smooth and soft:

The same neckline before and after plasma lifting

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

P In addition to the visible effect of rejuvenation, good tissue regeneration is achieved. Therefore, when performing ablative laser resurfacing, we try to obtain at least one tube of platelet-rich plasma to apply to the damaged skin. In this case, rehabilitation is much easier and without complications: there are no secondary infections, no scarring. One test tube is not so expensive, and the quality of the polishing performed will be much higher.

Topic about plasma lifting on the forum in the section

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

I met Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, maxillofacial surgeon Akhmerov six years ago, when I worked as deputy editor-in-chief of the glossy magazine "Empire of Beauty and Health." When I came to Renat Rashitovich for an interview about plastic surgery, I could not even imagine that this conversation would be the beginning of a revolution in aesthetic medicine. And even more so to imagine that I might meet a future Nobel Prize winner and become part of history. And although today we joke more on this topic, as you know, there is some truth in every joke. Moreover, when it comes to such a promising medical technique as PLASMOLIFTING, from which it is quite possible to earn a multimillion-dollar fortune.

Plasmolifting - history of the technique Treatment methods with blood products have been known for a long time. One of the oldest technologies, still used in some clinics, is autohemotherapy, when unchanged blood is injected intramuscularly into the patient. The disadvantages of this technique are the pain of injections and low efficiency; the results achieved quickly fade away. However, doctors understood that it was theoretically possible to use the patient’s own blood to solve various problems - improving cellular metabolism, regeneration processes, and so on. Six years ago, Russian doctors Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov and Candidate of Medical Sciences Roman Feliksovich Zarudiy figured out how to use the potential of blood products to 100% by isolating and using platelet-rich blood plasma. The new technique, called PLASMOLIFTING, turned out to be multifunctional. It can be used to solve a wide range of problems in cosmetology and dentistry, both as an independent method of treatment and as maintenance therapy. Over time, it has been proven that plasmolifting is the most effective method of hemological reinforcement of the skin and its rejuvenation, treatment of acne, treatment of periodontitis and periodontal disease, stimulation of osseointegration processes during dental implantation. But the most brilliant results were achieved in the treatment of baldness and hair loss.

Plagiarism success marker Since Russian doctors did not have money to promote plasma lifting, the Akhmers and Zarudiy put all their efforts on scientific work and publications. Note that in their medical articles, the authors of plasma lifting explained in detail the mechanism of action of the technique. And the general public was able to get acquainted with plasma lifting from the publication “Count Dracula’s Recipe: Youth is in our blood!” in the magazine "Empire of Beauty and Health", as well as on the website of the clinic where Professor Akhmerov worked at that time. There was enormous interest in the new technique, and doctors began to come to Professor Akhmerov from literally all over the world to study. Although the magazine itself, where the first popular publication about plasma lifting took place, no longer exists, the article was distributed all over the world, it (or the copyrighted version) can be read on the websites of various clinics in Russia, Ukraine, Israel and Italy. Not everyone, when describing the benefits of plasma lifting, points to the real authors of the technique, Akhmerov and Zarudiy. Some attribute the authorship to themselves or to mysterious American and Swiss doctors. I, as the author of that very first article in that very glossy magazine, can claim that everything that others write about plasma lifting today is less or more successful plagiarism.

A sensation in the treatment of baldness Already after the first plasma lifting procedure using Professor Akhmerov’s method, the condition of the hair improves significantly. Dandruff disappears and the growth of fungal infections on the scalp is suppressed. Repeated procedures completely stop the dying of hair follicles, hair thinning and hair loss, even in the case of androgenic alopecia! After completing the full course (from 2 to 10 procedures, depending on clinical picture) new healthy hair begins to grow. Before our eyes, a revolution has taken place in cosmetology, in which blood is shed in the most moderate doses and only for the benefit of health.

The war for the Nobel Prize has begun The Nobel Committee promises to give a prize out of turn to those who find a cure for baldness. It seems that such a remedy has been found - this is plasma lifting according to the method of Professor Akhmerov. Clinical trials convincingly show that such a hypothesis has a right to exist. I didn’t even think that plasma lifting would be so effective in treating hair loss. Dr. Zarudiy and I simply decided to try it, fortunately there were volunteers among our good friends. The results amazed even me! Of course, I'm joking, but for three days I felt almost like a Nobel laureate. As a physician, I know for sure that there are no analogues of plasma lifting in the treatment of baldness in the world today. All there are are injections of vitamins into the scalp, which stimulate hair growth or local stimulation of blood circulation through the irritating effect of red pepper, onion, garlic, menthol and so on. These techniques can be used for diffuse alopecia. But if the hair loss became focal and a bald spot appeared, then it was impossible to help the person and there was only one way out - a wig. Now we can definitely fight for every hair and at least partially restore our hair.

If baldness is hormonal in nature, for example in men, then the success of treatment using my method directly depends on the stage at which treatment is started. If the process has just begun, we will stop it 100%. If hair has been falling out for a long time, then we guarantee that baldness and hair thinning will stop, dormant follicles will awaken and the hair will gradually recover. But of course, you shouldn’t expect thick curls to quickly grow in place of your bald spot. It all depends on the clinical picture and individual characteristics of the body. I can say that now one of my patients, a rather elderly granny, who for many years had a bald spot the size of a coffee saucer on the back of her head, is now experiencing hair growth,” says Renat Akhmerov. But as often happens not only in the scientific world, there are already dozens of people who want to collect the cream and attribute authorship to themselves. Russian doctors are forced to prove their superiority to the global medical community. Today, Dr. Akhmerov’s method is certified and registered by him in Russia, but this does not prevent the spread of plagiarism. For example, soon in London at the International Professional Beauty Exhibition a certain Dr Daniel Sister MD will read a report: “Dracula Therapy: the rejuvenating power of blood.” As can be understood from the announcement of the report, we are talking specifically about plasma lifting, although the doctor calls the technique differently: “... Dr. Sister will reveal a revolutionary rejuvenation technique called Platelet. RichPlasma (PRP) (Platelet-rich plasma). A small amount of the patient’s blood is taken and "Platelets are separated in special equipment, treated with growth factors and then injected back into the skin for a natural rejuvenation effect."
It is unlikely that Dr. Sister will remember that both the development and the mention of Count Dracula in this context were not invented by him. And the war for plasma lifting is only gaining momentum - after all, in the future this means world recognition, big money and a Nobel Prize, and this is no longer a joke

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Youth is in our blood

At some point, we all want a time machine to go back in time and bring us back our youth, firm and wrinkle free skin, thicker and shinier hair, stronger joints, and the energy of the past… Well, the mechanism of natural restoration of health, youth and beauty is hidden in our own body and can be triggered by platelets containing proteins capable of stimulating cell regeneration – hence, healing us by using our own blood!

In ancient times, the healers believed that blood had magical properties and they were right. Blood is made up of an intercellular substance – plasma – and elements such as erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. Each of these cells has its own task: erythrocytes provide tissue respiration, leukocytes protect the body against infections, platelets are part of the blood clotting processes.

Therefore, platelets play an important role in the healing and regeneration of traumatized tissues, producing growth factors that regulate and stimulate the growth and survival of tissues. Growth factors are required for cell genesis and normal cell cycle performance. The symbiosis of growth factors is responsible for the reconstruction of blood vessels in the traumatized area, regeneration of new tissues (epithelial, cartilaginous, connective, muscular, nervous) and for stopping the bleeding.

Therefore, the solution for the regeneration and recovery of the human body is in the platelets. Autologous platelet (APT) injections naturally restore health, youth, and beauty.

The way thePlasmolifting™ method works

This renewable source of health that resides in our own blood was developed and applied in 2003 by the Russian scientists Renat R. Akhmerov (professor, Doctor of Medicine, plastic surgeon and maxillofacial surgeon, oncodermatologist) and Roman F. Zarudy (PhD in Medical Sciences , maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist). They created the Plasmolifting™ technology, a medical procedure that can be called, without exaggeration, the “modern elixir of youth”.

Using the unique ability of growth factors (produced by the platelets) to influence regenerative processes, Akhmerov and Zarudy developed this method of injecting autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into human tissues. In other words, we’re talking about autohemotherapy: immediate, intramuscular or subcutaneous, freshly extracted autologous blood injections. In PRP, the blood is transformed into platelet plasma (by centrifugation). Applying platelet-rich plasma is the only way to improve wound repair and combat infection without the help of other drugs.
The Plasmolifting™ method was used for the first time by the Russian surgeons to treat inflammatory and atrophic diseases, in the postoperative period, in maxillofacial surgery. But practice showed that the spectrum of application for this injectable therapy is much more extensive. Plasmolifting™ is a method of regenerative medicine that treats various pathologies in areas such as aesthetic medicine, gynecology, stomatology, trichology, orthopedics, traumatology, sports medicine and urology.

Plasmolifting™ means:

  • an unique medical treatment developed by two Russian doctors – Renat R. Akhmerov and Roman F. Zarudy
  • an innovative way to inject platelet-rich plasma into the human tissues
  • a safe and non-toxic method, with scientifically proven effectiveness regarding the control of the tissue regeneration (it is 100% based on the internal resources of the human body) and the prevention of disease
  • a treatment that gains popularity in the branches of medicine such as aesthetic medicine, trichology, stomatology, orthopedics, urology, gynecology and sports medicine
  • a profitable and successful business

The advantages of the Plasmolifting™ method:

  • it's simple and convenient to use
  • it does not involve the purchase of expensive medical devices
  • post-procedure recovery is immediate
  • it’s a safe and natural procedure
  • the risk of allergic reactions and side effects is minimal
  • it does not require surgery
  • it can be combined with other types of procedures
  • it has minimal contraindications
  • it can be widely used in different areas of medicine

History of the Plasmolifting™ method

The Plasmolifting™ technology – this renewable source of health contained in our own blood – was developed and applied in the 21st century. Applying autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) began with the use of this injectable form in maxillofacial surgery. During the research, scientists discovered that, when PRP is injected into the affected areas, the acceleration of skin regeneration processes is stimulated. The skin also becomes more hydrated, more elastic, firmer, the number and depth of expression wrinkles and pigment spots is reduced.

And, despite the fact that this method was originally developed for dental purposes, this aesthetic effect led Renat R. Akhmerov and Roman F. Zarudy to continue studying the influence of platelet-rich plasma on the human body, which led to innovative discoveries concerning the use of Plasmolifting™ in the treatment of disease in different areas of medicine.

With the improvement of the method, special test tubes were also created. The chemicals and the special gel in them allow a high level of PRP purification, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the injectable treatment.

Short history

1905: German surgeon August Bier discovered that, injected with their own blood, patients with bone fractures heal faster.

1935 – 1980: before antibiotics, autohemotherapy (intramuscular injection of a small amount of blood taken from the same individual) and autoserotherapy (treatment with blood from the patient’s blood) were among the most popular secondary treatments.

1980: maxillofacial surgeon Robert E. Marx was the first to use blood plasma as a gel; the discovery that platelets contain protein factors (PRP factors) that stimulate cellular regeneration opened the way for the autologous plasma gel production technology; this was developed mainly for use in dentistry (the Harvest company, USA).

2003: the Russian scientists Renat R. Akhmerov (Professor, Doctor of Medicine, plastic surgeon and maxillofacial surgeon, oncodermatologist) and Roman F. Zarudy (Doctor of Medicine, maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist) were the first in the world to use platelet-rich autologous plasma to treat inflammatory and atrophic diseases, in the postoperative period; the technology was named Plasmolifting™.

2004: Plasmolifting ™ clinical trials were carried out on the two Russian scientists and on volunteers, to treat photodermatosis, hair loss and acne, with good results (in addition to the therapeutic effects, the patients’ skin was rejuvenated); Roman F. Zarudy explained that the new injecting form of plasma opened up new possibilities for them, as maxillofacial surgeons (especially for tissue regeneration), and the method revolutionized this sphere of surgical practice; at first, their colleagues were skeptical of his new technology’s success, but – with time – the Plasmolifting™ method began to be applied in various fields of medicine.

2011: with the support of doctors Akhmerov and Zarudy, the Plasmolifting Company was set up; it exclusively produces and distributes the equipment necessary for the Plasmolifting™ method, wishing to offer everyone this natural healing method; today, the Plasmolifting Company has created a vast distribution network in Europe, develops and distributes the Plasmolifting™ tubes and organizes specialty courses; the aim of the company is to convert autologous plasma injections into a routine biological stimulation method.

The authors of the method

The creators of the Plasmolifting™ method are the Russian scientists Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov (Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov) and Roman Felixovich Zarudy (Roman Feliksovich Zarudiy).

Professor, Doctor of Medicine, plastic surgeon and maxillo-facial surgeon, oncodermatologist

Studies: Kazan State Medical University

Professional experience:

  • traineeships in plastic surgery in Brazil (at UNICAMP University Clinic), Italy (at Borgo Roma Clinic), Germany (at the University of Kiel and Munich), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
  • Clinical Oncology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan (ENT physician, maxillofacial surgeon, oncologist)
  • The Medical Academy “I.M. Secenov” in Moscow (maxillo-facial surgeon and plastic surgeon)
  • “Dental Beauty” dental and cosmetic clinic in Moscow (maxillo-facial and plastic surgeon)

Specialties: facial plastic surgery, skin cancer removal, reconstructive face surgery, facial plastics via non-surgical methods

Doctor of Medicine, maxillo-facial surgeon, implantologist

Studies: State Medical School of Bashkiria

Professional experience:

  • traineeship in orthognathic surgery in Germany (at the Maxillofacial Surgery Center of the University of Westphalia)
  • Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center of the Ministry of Health in the Russian Federation (head of the Reconstructive Maxillofacial Surgery department)
  • Bone Plastics and Dental Implant Center (physician-surgeon)
  • consultant of the German-Russian Maxillofacial Prosthesis Center (in Ufa)

Specialties: plastic face surgery, removal of cancerous skin formations, reconstructive face surgery, orthognathic surgery


The essence of the Plasmolifting™ method is injecting into the human body plasma with high levels of platelets, which allows the cellular regeneration process to be triggered. The Plasmolifting™ procedure should not last longer than 30 minutes and consists of the following steps:

PHASE 1 (5 minutes)

Blood is collected from the vein, in a special vacuum tube. The patient is prepped, then he is punctured with a flexible needle and between 10 and 60 ml of blood (depending on the protocol) are collected. The loss of such a small amount of blood does not have a negative influence on the patient’s health and does not stop the proper functioning of the body.

PHASE 2 (5 minutes)

Autologous platelet-rich plasma is separated from the blood by centrifugation. To obtain this plasma with high therapeutic properties, one must process it. Normally, the amount of platelets in the human blood varies between 150,000/microliter and 350,000/microliter, but for the stimulating regeneration effect, their number must be increased to 1,000,000/microliter. Plasma with such a high platelet concentration can be obtained by centrifuging the blood in special biotechnological Plasmolifting™ tubes. The increased efficiency and safety of the procedure can only be achieved by using Plasmolifting™ certified equipment. The tubes are placed at an equal distance (on opposite positions) in the centrifuge.

Plasma is injected into the treatment area. ThePlasmolifting™ certified tubes allow the qualitative separation of blood in 3 fractions: red blood cells, the plasma suspension and the platelet-rich fraction (autologous plasma, full of growth factors). During this processing, the separated autologous plasma is then injected into the treatment areas. Autologous plasma is a highly effective biological regeneration stimulant that contains a high concentration of growth factors (hormones, proteins, and vitamins) in their natural proportion. Platelet-rich plasma is obtained from the patient’s own blood, thus ensuring the complete biocompatibility between the injected substance and the body, excluding any immunological and allergic reactions as well as the possibility of rejection.

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Despre methoda Plasmolifting™

Avem tinereţea in sânge

Toți ne dorim, la un moment dat, o mașină a timpului care să dea anii înapoi și și ȃ ne redea tinerețea, pielea lipsită de riduri și fermă, părul mai des şi mai strălucitor, articulațiile puternice și energia de altădată … Ei bine, mecanismul de recăpătare a sănătăţii şi tinereţii este ascuns chiar în corpul nostru şi poate fi declanşat cu ajutorul trombocitelor, care conţin proteine ​​capabile să stimuleze regenerarea celulelor – prin urmare, să ne vindece folosind chi ar sângele nostru!

Oncă din cele mai vechi timpuri, vracii presupuneau că sângele are proprietăţi magice şi aveau dreptate. Sângele este format dintr-o substanţă intercelulară – plasma – şi elemente figurate (ca eritrocitele, leucocitele şi trombocitele). Fiecare dintre aceste celule are o sarcină proprie: eritrocitele asigură respiraţia tisulară, leucocitele protejează organismul împotriva infecţiilor, trombocitele participă la procesele de coagulare a sângelui.

Prin urmare, trombocitele au un rol important în vindecarea şi regenerarea ţesuturilor traumatizate, producând factori de creştere, care reglează şi stimulează înmulţirea, creşterea şi supravieţuirea ţesuturilor. Factorii de creştere sunt necesari pentru geneza celulelor şi desfăşurarea normală a ciclului celular. Simbioza factorilor de creştere este responsabilă pentru reconstrucţia vaselor sanguine în zona traumatizată, regenerarea de țesuturi noi (epitelial, cartilaginos, conjunctiv, muscular, nervos) şi stoparea sângerării.

Soluția regenerării și însănătoșirii corpului uman stă, prin urmare, în trombocite. Iar injectările cu plasmă trombocitară autologă (PTA) restabilesc în mod natural sănătatea, tinereţea şi frumuseţea.

Cum funcționează methoda Plasmolifting™

Această sursă regenerabilă de sănătate conținută de propriul nostru sânge a fost dezvoltată și aplicată în 2003, de către cercetătorii ruși Renat R. Ahmerov (Profesor, Doctor în Medicină, chirurg plastician și max ilo-facial, oncodermatolog) și Roman F. Zarudii (Doctor în Medicină, chirurg maxilo-facial, implantolog). Aceștia au creat tehnologia Plasmolifting™, procedură medicală care poate fi numită, fără exagerare, „elixirul modern al tinereţii”.

Folosind capacitatea unică a factorilor de creştere (produși de trombocite) de a influenţa procesele regenerative, Ahmerov și Zarudii au elaborat această metodă injectabilă de administrare a plasmei trombocitare autologe în țesuturile umane, pornind de la principiile terapiei PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma - plasmă bogată în plachete). Cu alte cuvinte, vorbim despre autohemoterapie: reinjectarea imediată, intramusculară sau subcutanată, de sânge autolog proaspăt recoltat. În PRP, acesta este transformat în plasmă trombocitară (prin centrifugare). Aplicarea plasmei îmbogățite cu trombocite reprezintă singura posibilitate de a îmbunătăți refacerea rănilor și de a combate infecția, fără ajutorul altor medicamente.
Metoda Plasmolifting™ a fost dezvoltată de către chirurgii ruși pentru chirurgia maxilo-facială, cu scopul de a îmbunătăți procesele regenerative și tratamentul condițiilor atrofice ale țesuturilor moi. Dar practica le-a dovedit că spectrul aplicării acestei terapii injectabile este mult mai extins. Plasmolifting™-ul este o metodă de medicină regenerativă prin care se tratează diverse patologii, în domenii ca medicina estetică, ginecologia, stomatologia, tricologia, orthopedia, traumatologia, medicina sportivă și urologia.

Plasmolifting™ inseamnă:

  • un tratament medical unic, dezvoltat de doi medici ruși – Renat R. Ahmerov și Roman F. Zarudii
  • un mod inovator de a injecta, în țesuturile umane, plasmă care conține trombocite
  • o metodă sigură și netoxică, a cărei eficacitate este dovedită științific, de controlare a regenerării țesutului (se bazează 100% pe resursele interne ale corpului uman) și de prevenire a bolii
  • un tratament care câștigă popularitate în ramuri ale medicinei precum medicină esthetică, tricologie, stomatologie, ortopedie, urologie, ginecologie și medicină sportivă
  • o afacere profitabilă și de succes

Avantajele metodei Plasmolifting™:

  • este simplu și comod de utilizat
  • nu presupune procurarea de dispositive medicale scumpe
  • recuperarea după procedură este imediată
  • este o procedură sigură şi naturală
  • riscul de reaction alergice şi effecte adverse este minim
  • nu necesită intervenţii chirurgicale
  • poate fi combinată cu alte tipuri de proceduri
  • are contraindicaţii minime
  • poate fi utilizată la scară largă în diferite sfere ale medicinei

Istoricul metodei Plasmolifting™

Tehnologia Plasmolifting™ – această sursă regenerabilă de sănătate conținută de propriul nostru sânge – a fost dezvoltată și aplicată în secolul XXI. Aplicarea plasmei trombocitare autologe a început odată cu folosirea acestei forme injectabile în chirurgia maxilo-facială. On timpul cercetărilor, savanţii au descoperit că, la injectarea plasmei trombocitare în zonele afectate, are loc accelerarea proceselor de regenerare a pielii. Aceasta devine, totodată, mai hidratată, mai elastică, mai fermă, se reduce numărul şi profunzimea ridurilor de expresie şi a petelor pigmentare.

Şi în pofida faptului că, iniţial, această metodă a fost elaborată în scopuri stomatologice, acest efect estetic i-a determinat pe Renat R. Ahmerov şi Roman F. Zarudii să continue studiul influenţei plasmei trombocitare asupra sănătăţ ii organismului, ceea ce a condus la descoperiri inovatoare a utilizării Plasmolifting™-ului în tratamentul afecţiunilor din diferite sfere ale medicinei.

Odată cu perfecţionarea şi îmbunătăţirea metodei au fost inventate şi eprubete speciale certificate. Substanţele chimice şi gelul special permit obţinerea unui nivel înalt de purificare a formei injectabile de plasmă trombocitară, ceea ce sporeşte semnificativ eficienţa tratamentului.

Scurt historical

1905: chirurgul german August Bier descoperea că injectați cu propriul lor sânge, pacienții cu fracturi osoase se vindecă mai rapid.

1935 – 1980: autohemoterapia (injectarea intramusculară a unei cantități mici de sânge recoltat de la același individ) și autoseroterapia (tratament cu ser din sângele pacinetului) erau printre cele mai populare tratamente secundare, înainte de apariția antibioticelor

1980: chirurgul maxilo-facial Robert E. Marx a fost primul care a folosit plasma sanguină sub formă de gel; descoperirea faptului că trombocitele conţin factori proteici (factori PRP), care stimulează regenerarea celulară, a deschis drumul spre tehnologia de producere a gelului din plasmă trombocitară autologă; aceasta a fost dezvoltată, în principal, pentru a fi utilizată în stomatologie (company Harvest, SUA)

2003: cercetătorii ruși Renat R. Ahmerov (Profesor, Doctor in Medicină, chirurg plastician și maxilo-facial, oncodermatolog) și Roman F. Zarudii (Doctor in Medicină, chirurg maxilo-facial, implantolog) au folosit pentru prima dată în lume plasma trombocitară autologă pentru tratamentul bolilor inflamatorii şi atrofice în perioada postoperatorie; tehnologia a primit numele de Plasmolifting™

2004: au fost desfăşurate testări clinice ale tehnologiei Plasmolifting™ pe cei doi cercetători ruși şi pe voluntari, pentru tratamentul fotodermatozei, căderii părului şi acnei, cu rezultate bune (pe lângă efectele terapeutice, la pacien ţi s-a observat şi întinerirea pielii); Roman F. Zarudii povestește că noua formă injectabilă de plasmă a deschis noi posibilităţi în activitatea lor în calitate de chirurgi maxilo-faciali (în special pentru regenerarea ţesuturilor), iar methoda a revoluţionat această sferă a practical rurgicale; la început, colegii acestora s-au arătat sceptici faţă de succesul noii tehnologii, dar – în timp – methoda Plasmolifting™ a ajuns să fie aplicată în diferite domenii ale medicinei

2011: cu sprijinul doctorilor Ahmerov și Zarudii, s-a înființat Compania Plasmolifting, care produce și distribuie în mod exclusiv echipamentul necesar tehnologiei Plasmolifting™, dorind să pună la dispoziția tuturor această metodă naturală de însă nătoșire; astăzi, Compania Plasmolifting a creat o vastă rețea de distribuție în Europa, este dezvoltator și distribuitor de eprubete Plasmolifting™ și organizer de cursuri de specialitate; scopul companiei este acela de a transforma injecțiile cu plasmă autologă într-o metodă de stimulare biologicală de rutină

Autorii metodei

Inventatorii metodei Plasmolifting™ sunt cercetătorii ruşi Renat Rașid Ahmerov (Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov)şi Roman Felix Zarudii (Roman Feliksovich Zarudiy).

Profesor, Doctor in Medicină, chirurg plastician și maxilo-facial, oncodermatolog

Studii: Universitatea de Stat de Medicină din Kazan

Experienţă professional:

  • stagii în domeniul chirurgiei plastice efectuate în Brazil (la clinica Centrului universitar UNICAMP), în Italia (la clinica Borgo Roma), în Germania (la clinica Universităţii din Kiel și din Munchen), în Brazilia (Rio-de-Janeiro)
  • Centrul Clinic de Oncologie al Republicii Tatarstan (medic ORL, chirurg maxilo-facial, oncolog)
  • Academia de Medicină „I.M. Secenov”, din Moscova (chirurg maxilo-facial şi plastician)
  • clinic de stomatologie şi cosmetologie „Dental Beauty”, din Moscova (chirurg maxilo-facial şi plastician)

Specializări: operaţii plastice ale feței, îndepărtarea formaţiunilor canceroase ale pielii, chirurgia reconstructivă a feţei, plastica feţei prin metode neoperatorii

Doctor in Medicină, maxilo-facial chirurg, implantologist

Studii: Universitatea de Stat de Medicină din Başkiria

Experienţă professional

  • stagiu în domeniul chirurgiei ortognatice efectuat în Germania (la Centrul de chirurgie maxilo-facială a Universităţii din Westfalia)
  • Centrul rus de chirurgie oculară şi plastică al Ministerului Sănătăţii din Federația Rusă (şef al secţiei chirurgie maxilo-facială reconstructivă)
  • Centrul de plastică osoasă şi implant dentar (medic-chirurg)
  • consultant al Centrului germano-rus de protezare maxilo-facială (în Ufa)

Specializări: operaţii plastice la faţă, îndepărtarea formaţiunilor canceroase ale pielii, chirurgia reconstructivă a feţei, chirurgia ortognatică

Etapele procedurii Plasmolifting™

Esenţa metodei Plasmolifting™ constă în injectarea în organismul uman a plasmei cu un conţinut înalt de trombocite, ceea ce permite declanşarea procesului de regenerare celulară. Procedura Plasmolifting™ nu trebuie să dureze mai mult de 30 de minute și este compusă din următoarele etape:

FAZA 1 (5 minutes)

Sângele este colectat din venă într-o eprubetă specială de colectare, vidată. Pacientul este pregătit, este înțepat cu acul-fluturaș cu cateter flexibil și i se recoltează între 10 şi 60 ml de sânge (în funcţie de protocol). Pierderea unei cantităţi atât de mici de sânge nu are o influenţă negativă asupra stării de sănătate a pacientului şi nu creează impedimente pentru funcţionarea corectă a organismului.

FAZA 2 (5 minutes)

P lasma trombocitară autologă este separată din sânge, cu ajutorul centrifugării. Pentru obţinerea plasmei cu înalte proprietăţi terapeutice, este nevoie de prelucrarea specială acesteia. În mod normal, cantitatea de trombocite în sângele uman variază între 150.000/microlitru şi 350.000/microlitru, însă pentru manifestarea efectului stimulator de regenerare, numărul lor trebuie majorat până la 1.000.00 0/microlitru. Plasma cu o concentraţie înaltă de trombocite poate fi obţinută prin centrifugarea sângelui în eprubete biotehnologice speciale, marca Plasmolifting™. Eficiența crescută și siguranța procedurii pot fi obținute doar prin folosirea echipamentului certificat Plasmolifting™. Eprubetele se plasează în centrifugă la distanță egală între ele (vizavi).

P lasma este injectată în zona de tratament. Eprubetele certificate Plasmolifting™ permit separarea calitativă a sângelui în 3 fracţiuni: masa eritrocitară, suspensia de plasmă şi fracţiunea îmbogăţită cu trombocite şi factori de creştere (plasma autologă). On timpul acestei procesări, plasma autologă separată din sânge este apoi injectată în zonele de tratament. Plasma autologă este un stimulent biologic de regenerare foarte eficient, care conține o concentrație mare de factori de creștere (hormoni, proteine ​​și vitamine), în proporția lor naturală. Plasma Trombocitară Este Obifeă Din Sângele Propriu Al Pacientului, Asigurându-Se Astfel BioCompatibilitatea Deplină a Substanai Injectate Cu Organismul, Ceea Ce Exclu de apariţia reaciment Imunologice şi alergice, Precum şi posibileitate respingerii.

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Referente al metodo Plasmolifting


Todos queremos para nosotros, a un cualquier momento, una máquina del tiempo que dar als años atráss y que devolvers la juventudu, la piel libre de art ar Rugas y de firme, el Cabello Más Denso Y Más Brillante, Las Articulaciones Fuertes Y la energía de otra vez… ¡Y bueno, el mecanismo para la recuperación de la salud y de la juventud es escondido incluso en nuestro cuerpo y puede ser activado con la ayuda de los trombocitos, las cuales contienen proteínas capaces de estimular la regeneración de las células – por consecuencia, sanar a nosotros incluso utilizando nuestra sangre!

Aún desde la antigüedad, los doctores han presupuestos que la sangre tiene las propiedades mágicas y ellos tenían razón. La sangre es formada de una substancia intercelular – el plasma – y elementos figurados (como los eritrocitos, leucocitos y trombocitos). Cada una de entre estas células tiene una carga propia: los eritrocitos, aseguran la respiración tisular, los leucocitos protegen el organismo contra las infecciones, los trombocitos participan a los procesos de coagulación de la sangre.

Por consecuencia, los trombocitos tienen un papel importante en la cicatrización y la regeneración de los tejidos traumatizados, producido factores de crecimiento, los cuales regulan y estimulan la multiplicación, el crecimiento y la supervivencia de los tejidos. Los factors de crecimiento son necesarios para la génesis de las células y el desarrollo normal del ciclo celular. La simbiosis de los factores de crecimiento es responsable para la reconstrucción de los vasos sanguíneos en la zona traumatizada, la regeneración de tejidos nuevos (epitelial, cartilaginoso, conjuntivo, muscular, nervioso) y para la detención de la sangría.

La solución de la regeneración y de la curación del cuerpo humano encuentra-se, por consecuencia, en los trombocitos. Pero la inyecciones con plasma de plaquetas autóloga (PTA) restablecen en la modalidad natural la salud, la juventud y la belleza.


Renat R. Ahmerov (Professor, Doctor en Medicina, cirujano plástico y maxilofacial, onco-dermatólogo) y Roman F. Zarudii (Doctor en Medicina, cirujano maxilofacial, implantólogo). Estos-mismos han criados la tecnología Plasmolifting™, procedimiento médico que puede ser llamado, sin exageración, “el elixir moderno de la juventud”.

Utilizando la capacidad única de los factores de crecimiento (producidos para los trombocitos) para influenciar los procedimientos regenerativos, Ahmerov y Zarudii han elaboraran este método inyectable de administración del plasma de plaquetas autologa en los tejidos humanos, comenzando de los principios de la terapia PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma – plasma rica en plaquetas). En otras palabras, hablamos referente a la auto- hemoterapia: la reinyección inmediata, intramuscular o subcutánea, de sangre autóloga recién cosechada. En la PRP, esta-misma es transformada en plasma de plaquetas (por la centrifugación). La aplicación del plasma enriquecido con trombocitos representa la única posibilidad para el mejoramiento de la reparación de heridas y para combatir la infección, sin la ayuda de otros medicamentos.

El método Plasmolifting™ fue desarrollado para los cirujanos rusos para la cirugía maxilofacial, con el fin de mejorar los procesos regenerativos y el tratamiento de las condiciones atróficas de los tejidos blandos. Pero la práctica les ha demostrado que el espectro de la aplicación de esta terapia de inyección es mucho más extendido. El Plasmolifting™ es un método de medicina regenerativa por intermedio de cual se tratan diversas patologías, en los dominios como medicina estética, ginecología, estomatología, tricología, orthopedia, traumatología, medicina deportiva y urología.

Plasmolifting™ significa:

  • un tratamiento medico único, desarrollado para dos médicos rusos — Renat R. Ahmerov y Roman F. Zarudii;
  • una modalidad innovador para inyectar, en los tejidos humanos, plasma que contiene trombocitos;
  • un método seguro y non tóxico, la eficacidad de cual es científico demostrada, por el control de la regeneración del tejido (es fundado 100% por los recursos internos del cuerpo humano) y de prevención de la enfermedad;
  • un tratamiento que es ganando popularidad en ramas de la medicina tal como medicina estética, tricología, estomatología, ortopedia, urología, ginecología y medicina deportiva;
  • un negocio rentable y de suceso.

Las ventajas del metodo Plasmolifting™:

  • es simple y cómodo para utilización
  • no presupone la procuración de dispositivos medicos caros
  • la recuperación después del procedimiento es inmediata
  • es un procedimiento seguro y natural
  • el riesgo de reacciones alérgicas y efectos adversos es mínimo
  • no necesita intervenciones quirúrgicas
  • pode ser combinada con otros tipos de procedimientos
  • tiene contraindicaciones minimas
  • pode ser utilizada ampliamente en diferentes esferas de la medicina


La tecnología Plasmolifting™ – esta fuente renovable de la salud contenida por propia nuestra sangre – fue desarrollada y aplicada en el siglo XXI. La aplicación del plasma de plaquetas autóloga comenzó en el mismo tiempo con la utilización de esta forma de inyección en la cirugía maxilofacial. En el tiempo de las investigaciones, los hombre de ciencia han descubiertos que, a la inyección del plasma de plaquetas en las zonas afectadas, tiene lugar la aceleración de los procedimientos de regeneración de la piel. Esta-misma deviene, al mismo tiempo, más hidratada, más elástica, más firme, es reducido el número y la profundidad de las arrugas de expresión y de las manchas de pigmentación.

Y a pesar del hecho que, inicialmente, este método fue elaborado en fines estomatológicos, este efecto estético les determinino a Renat R. Ahmerov y Roman F. Zarudii para continuar el estudio de la influencia del plasma de plaquetas sobre la salud del organismo, lo que ha conducido a los descubiertos innovadoras de la utilización del Plasmolifting™ en el tratamiento de las afecciones de diferentes esferas de la medicina.

En el mismo tiempo con el perfeccionamiento y el mejoramiento del método fueron inventadas y tubos especiales certificados. Las substancias químicas y el gel especial permiten la obtención de un nivel lato de purificación de la forma inyectable del plasma de plaquetas, lo que aumenta significativamente la eficacia del tratamiento.

Breve historico

1905: el cirujano alemán August Bier descubre que estando inyectados con su propia sangre, los pacientes con fracturas osudas son curados más rapido

1935 – 1980: la auto-hemoterapia (la inyección intramuscular de una cantidad pequeña de sangre tomado del mismo individúo) y la auto-seroterapia (tratamiento con suero de la sangre del paciente) eran por entre los más populares tratamientos secundarios, antes de aparición de los antibióticos

1980: el cirujano maxilofacial Robert E. Marx fue el primero cual ha utilizado el plasma sanguíneo bajo la forma de gel; el descubrimiento del hecho que los trombocitos contienen factores proteicos (factores PRP), los cuales estimulan la regeneración celular, abrió el camino hacia la tecnología de producción del gel del plasma de plaquetas autologa; este-mismo fue desarrollado, en principal, para ser utilizado en la estomatología (la compañía Harvest, EUA)

2003: los investigadores rusos Renat R. Ahmerov (Profesor, Doctor en Medicina, cirujano plástico y maxilofacial, onco-dermatólogo) y Roman F. Zarudii (Doctor en Medicina, cirujano maxilofacial, implantólogo) han utilizaban por la primera vez en el mundo el plasma de plaquetas autóloga por el tratamiento de las enfermedades inflamatorias y atróficas en el periodo post-operatorio; la tecnología ha recibido la denominación de Plasmolifting™

2004: fueron desarrollados testes o ensayos clínicos de la tecnología Plasmolifting™ de los dos investigadores rusos y sobre los voluntarios, para el tratamiento de la fotodermatosis, el caído del cabello y el acné, con resultados buenos (al lado de los efectos terapéuticos, a lo s patients fue observado y el rejuvenecimiento de la piel); Roman F. Zarudii narra que la nueve forma inyectable de plasma ha abierto nuevas posibilidades en su actividad en la cualidad de cirujanos maxilofaciales (en especial para la regeneración de los tejidos), pero el método ha revolucionado esta esfera de la práctica quirúrgica; al inicio, los colegas de estos-mismos se han mostrados escépticos con respecto al suceso de la nueva tecnología, mas – con el tiempo el método Plasmolifting™ ha llegado ser aplicado en diferentes dominios de la medicina

2011: con el suporte de los doctores Ahmerov y Zarudii, fue constituida la Compañía Plasmolifting, la cual produce y distribuye en el modo exclusivo el equipamiento necesario para la tecnología Plasmolifting™ queriendo poner a la disposición de todos este método natural de recuperación; hoy, la Compañía Plasmolifting ha creado una vasta red de distribución en la Europa, es el desarrollador y distribuidor de los tubos Plasmolifting™ y organizador de cursos de especialidad; El fin de la compañía es aquel de transformar las inyecciones con plasma autóloga en un método de estimulación biológica de rutina.


Los inventores del metodo Plasmolifting™ son los investigadores rusos Renat Rasid Akhmerov (Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov) y Roman Felix Zarudii (Roman Feliksovich Zarudiy).

Profesor, Doctor en Medicina, cirujano plástico y maxilofacial, onco-dermatólogo

Estudios: la Universidad Estatal de Medicina de Kazan

La experiencia profesional:

  • períodos de prueba en el dominio de la cirugía plástica efectuados en Brasil (a la clínica del Centro universitario UNICAMP), en Italia (a la clínica Borgo Roma), en Alemania (a la clínica de la Universidad de Kiel y de Múnich), en Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
  • el Centro Clínico de Oncología de la República de Tartaristán (médico Otorrinolaringólogo, cirujano maxilofacial, oncólogo)
  • la Academia de Medicina “I.M. Secenov”, de Moscú (cirujano maxilofacial y plastic)
  • la clínica de estomatología y cosmetología “Dental Beauty”, de Moscú (cirujano maxilofacial y plástico)

Especializaciones: operaciones plásticas de la cara, la eliminación de las formaciones cancerosas de la piel, la cirugía reconstructiva de la cara, la plástica de la cara por métodos non operatorios

Doctor en Medicina, cirujano maxilofacial, implantólogo

Estudios: la Universidad Estatal de Medicina de Baskiria

La experiencia profesional:

  • período de prueba en el dominio de la cirugía ortognática efectuado en Alemania (al Centro de cirugía maxilofacial de la Universidad de Westfalia)
  • el Centro ruso de cirugía ocular y plastica del Ministerio de Salud de la Federación Rusa (jefe de la sección cirugía maxilofacial reconstructiva)
  • el Centro de plástica ósea e implante dentario (médico-cirujano)
  • consultant del Centro alemana-ruso de prótesis maxilofacial (en Ufa)

Especializaciones: operaciones plásticas de la cara, la eliminación de las formaciones cancerosas de la piel, la cirugía reconstructiva de la cara, la cirugía ortognática


La esencia del método Plasmolifting™ consiste en la inyección en el órgano humano del plasma con un contenido alto de trombocitos, lo hecho que permite la iniciación del procedimiento de regeneración celular. El procedimiento Plasmolifting™ no debe durar más de 30 minutos y es compuesto de las siguientes etapas:


La sangre es recogida de la vena en un tubo especial para recoger, en vacío. El paciente es preparado, es pinchado con la aguja-fluyera con catéter flexible y a él es recogido entre 10 y 60 ml de sangre (en la función del protocolo). La pérdida de una cantidad tal pequeña de sangre no tiene una influencia negativa sobre el estado de salud del paciente y no crea impedimentos para el funcionamiento correcto del organismo.


El plasma de plaquetas autóloga es separado de la sangre, con la ayuda de la centrifugación. Para la obtención del plasma con altas propiedades terapéuticas, es necesario el procesamiento especial de este-mismo. En la modalidad normal, la cantidad de trombocitos en la sangre humana varia entre 150.000/micro-litro y 350.000/micro-litro, pero para la manifestación del efecto estimulatorio de regeneración, su número debe ser aumentado hasta el 1.000.000/micro- litro. El plasma con una concentración alta de trombocitos pode ser obtenida por intermedio de la centrifugación de la sangre en tubos biotecnológicos especiales, marca Plasmolifting™. La eficiencia aumentada y la seguridad del procedimiento poden ser obtenidos solamente por la utilización del equipamiento certificado Plasmolifting™. Los tubos son colocados en la centrífuga a la distancia igual entre ellos (opuestos uno al otro).

El plasma es inyectado en la zona de tratamiento. Los tubos certificados Plasmolifting™ permiten la separación cualitativa de la sangre en 3 fracciones: la masa de eritrocitos, la suspensión de plasma y la fracción enriquecida con trombocitos y factores de crecimiento (el plasma autologa). En tiempo de esta transformación, el plasma autóloga separado de la sangre es después inyectado en las zonas de tratamiento. El plasma autologa es un estimulante biológico de regeneración muy suficiente, que contiene una concentración grande de factores de crecimiento (hormonas, proteínas y vitaminas), en su proporción natural, El plasma de plaquetas es obtenido de la sangre propia del paciente, asegurando-se de esta maniera la bio-compatibilidad completa de la substancia inyectada con el organismo, lo que excluye la aparición de las reacciones inmunológicas y alérgicas, también como y la posibilidad del rechazo.

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About the plasma lifting method


We all at some point dream of a time machine to turn back the years and regain our youth, elastic skin without wrinkles, thicker and shinier hair, strong joints and the energy of the past... Well, the mechanism for restoring health and youth is hidden right away in our body and can be caused by platelets containing proteins that can stimulate cellular regeneration - and therefore heal us simply by using our blood!

Since ancient times, healers believed that blood had magical properties, and they were right. Blood consists of intercellular substance - plasma and formed elements (leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets). Each of these cells has its own task: red blood cells ensure tissue respiration, leukocytes protect the body from infections, platelets participate in blood clotting processes.

Thus, platelets play important role in the healing and regeneration of damaged tissues, producing growth factors that regulate and stimulate tissue reproduction, growth and survival. Growth factors are essential for cell genesis and normal cell cycle. The symbiosis of growth factors is responsible for the reconstruction of blood vessels in injured areas, the regeneration of new tissues (epithelial, cartilage, connective, muscle, nervous) and the cessation of bleeding.

The process of recovery and regeneration human body occurs, therefore, thanks to platelets. And injections with autologous platelet plasma (APP) naturally restore health, youth and beauty.


This renewable source of health contained in our own blood was developed and introduced in 2003 by Russian researchers Renat R. Akhmerov (Professor, MD, oncodermatologist, plastic and maxillofacial surgeon) and Roman F. Zarudiy (MD, maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist). They created Plasmolifting™ technology, medical procedure, which without exaggeration can be called a modern elixir of youth.

Using the unique ability of growth factors (platelet product) to influence regenerative processes, Akhmerov and Zarudiy developed this injection method of introducing autologous platelet plasma into human tissue, based on the principles of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy. In other words, we are talking about autohemotherapy - immediate intramuscular or subcutaneous reinfusion of freshly collected autologous blood. In PRP, this is converted into platelet plasma (by centrifugation). The use of platelet-rich plasma represents the only opportunity to improve wound repair and fight infection without the help of other drugs.
The Plasmolifting™ method was developed by Russian maxillofacial surgeons to improve regenerative processes and treat soft tissue atrophy. But practice has shown that the range of applications of this injection therapy is much wider. Plasmolifting™ is a regenerative medicine method that treats various diseases in areas such as aesthetic medicine, gynecology, dentistry, tricology, orthopedics, sports medicine and urology.

Plasmolifting™ means:

  • a unique medical treatment developed by two Russian doctors - Renat R. Akhmerov and Roman F. Zarudiy;
  • an innovative method of introducing plasma containing platelets into human tissue;
  • a safe and non-toxic method, the effectiveness of which has been scientifically proven, for controlling tissue regeneration (entirely based on the internal resources of the human body) and preventing diseases;
  • treatments that are gaining popularity in medical fields, such as aesthetic medicine, tricology, dentistry, orthopedics, urology, gynecology and sports medicine;
  • profitable and successful business

Advantages of the Plasmolifting™ method:

  • simple and easy to use
  • does not involve the purchase of expensive medical devices
  • immediate recovery procedure
  • safe and natural procedure
  • the risk of allergic reactions and side effects is minimal
  • does not require surgery
  • can be used in combination with other procedures
  • minimal contraindications
  • can be widely used in various fields of medicine


Plasmolifting™ technology, a renewable source of health contained in our blood, was developed and applied in XXI century. The use of autologous platelet plasma began simultaneously with the use of this form of injection in oral surgery. During research, scientists discovered that when platelet plasma is injected into affected areas, skin regeneration processes are accelerated. It becomes simultaneously more hydrated, more elastic, firmer, and the number and depth of facial wrinkles and age spots decreases.

And although this method was originally developed for dentistry, this aesthetic effect prompted Renat R. Akhmerov and Roman F. Zarudiy to continue studying the effect of platelet plasma on the health of the body, which led to the innovative idea of ​​​​using Plasmolifting™ in the treatment of diseases in various medical areas.

Along with the improvement of the method, special certified test tubes were invented. Chemicals and a special gel make it possible to achieve a high level of purification of the injectable form of platelet plasma, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Short story

1905: German surgeon August Bier discovered that injections of one's own blood healed faster in patients with bone fractures.
1935 – 1980: Autohemotherapy (injecting a small amount of a patient's own blood) and autoserotherapy (a method of treating with the patient's own blood serum) were among the most popular methods of secondary treatment before the advent of antibiotics.

1980: oral surgeon Robert E. Marks was the first to use blood plasma in gel form; the discovery of the fact that platelets contain protein factors (PRP factors) that stimulate cell regeneration marked the beginning of the technology for the production of gel from autologous platelet plasma; it was developed primarily for dental use (Harvest, USA)

2003: Russian scientists Renat R. Akhmerov (professor, doctor of medical sciences, oncodermatologist, plastic and maxillofacial surgeon) and Roman F. Zarudiy (maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist) were the first in the world to use autologous platelet plasma for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and postoperative atrophy; the technology was named Plasmolifting™

2004: two Russian researchers conducted clinical trials of Plasmolifting™ technology on volunteers for the treatment of photodermatosis, hair loss and acne with good results (in addition to therapeutic effects, patients also noted skin rejuvenation); Roman F. Zarudiy says that the new injectable form of plasma opened up new possibilities in their work as oral and maxillofacial surgeons (in particular for tissue regeneration), and the method revolutionized this area of ​​surgical practice; At first, their colleagues were skeptical about the success of the new technology, but over time, the Plasmolifting™ method was applied in various fields of medicine

2011: with the support of doctors Akhmerov and Zarudiy, the Plasmolifting company was created, which exclusively produces and distributes the necessary equipment for the Plasmolifting™ technology, wanting to make this method of natural recovery available to everyone; today the Plasmolifting company has created an extensive distribution network in Europe, is the developer and distributor of the Plasmolifting™ test tube and the organizer of courses in the specialty; The company's goal is to make autologous plasma injections a routine method of biological stimulation.


Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, oncodermatologist, plastic and maxillofacial surgeon

Education: Kazan State Medical University

Professional experience:

  • internships in the field of plastic surgery conducted in Brazil (at the clinic of the UNICAMP University Center), in Italy (at the Borgo Roma clinic), in Germany (at the clinic of the University of Kiel and Munich), in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
  • Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary of the Republic of Tatarstan (ENT doctor, maxillofacial surgeon, oncologist)
  • Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov in Moscow (maxillofacial and plastic surgeon)
  • clinic of dentistry and cosmetology “Dental Beauty” in Moscow (oral and maxillofacial and plastic surgeon)

Specializations:facial plastic surgery, removal of skin cancers, reconstructive facial surgery, facial plastic surgery using non-surgical methods

Doctor of Medicine, maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist

Education: Bashkir State Medical University

Professional experience:

  • internship in orthognathic surgery conducted in Germany (at the Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the University of Westphalia)
  • All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Head of the Department of Reconstructive Maxillofacial Surgery)
  • Center for bone grafting and dental implantation (surgeon)
  • consultant of the German-Russian Center for Maxillofacial Prosthetics (in Ufa)

Specializations:facial plastic surgery, removal of skin cancers, facial reconstructive surgery, orthognathic surgery


The essence of the Plasmolifting™ method is the introduction of plasma with a high content of platelets into the human body, which allows starting the process of cellular regeneration. The Plasmolifting™ procedure should not last more than 30 minutes and consists of the following steps:


Blood is drawn from a vein into a special vacuum collection tube. The patient is ready, a puncture is made with a butterfly needle connected to a flexible catheter, and 10 to 60 ml of blood is collected (depending on the protocol). The loss of such blood in such small quantities does not have a negative impact on the patient’s health and does not create obstacles to the proper functioning of the body.


Autologous platelet plasma is separated from the blood using centrifugation. To obtain plasma with high therapeutic properties, it requires special processing. As a rule, the number of platelets in human blood varies between 150 thousand units/μl and 350 thousand units/μl, but to exhibit the effect of stimulating regeneration, their number must be increased to 1 million units/μl. Plasma with a high concentration of platelets can be obtained by centrifuging blood in special biotechnological tubes of the Plasmolifting™ brand. Increased efficiency and safety of the procedure can only be achieved through the use of certified Plasmolifting™ equipment. The tubes are placed in a centrifuge at an equal distance from each other (opposite).


Plasma is injected into the treatment area. Certified Plasmolifting™ tubes allow high-quality separation of blood into three fractions: red blood cell mass, plasma suspension and a fraction enriched with platelets and growth factors (autologous plasma). In this treatment, autologous plasma isolated from the blood is then injected into the treatment area. Autologous plasma is a very effective biological stimulator of regeneration, containing a high concentration of growth factors (hormones, proteins and vitamins) in their natural proportions. Platelet plasma is obtained from the patient’s own blood, thereby ensuring complete biocompatibility of the administered substance with the body, which eliminates the occurrence of immunological and allergic reactions, as well as the possibility of rejection.

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Über die Plasmolifting Methode

Wir haben diE jugend im Blut

An einem bestimmten Punkt, wollen wir alle eine Zeitmaschine, die in die Zeit zurückgehen und uns die Jugend, feste und faltenfreie Haut, dickes und glänzendes Haar, stärkere Gelenke und die ehemalige Energie bringen könnte… Nun, der Mechanismus der natürlichen Wiederer langung der Gesundheit und der Jugend ist gerade in unserem eigenen Körper verborgen und kann mit der Hilfe von Thrombozyten ausgelöst werden, denn sie Proteine ​​enthalten, die fähig sind, die Zellregeneration zu stimulieren und solcherweise können uns durch unser eigenes Blut heilen!

Seit der Antike vermuteten die Ärzte, dass das Blut magische Eigenschaften hat, und sie hatten Recht. Das Blut besteht aus einer intrazellulärer Grundsubstanz - Pasma und weitere Elementen (wie Erythrozyten, Leukozyten und Thrombozyten). Jede dieser Zellen ihre eigene Aufgabe hat: Erythrozyten b die Gewebsatmung, Leukozyten schützen das Organismus von Infektionen, Thrombozyten nehmen in den Blutgerinnunsprozesse Teil.

Dahe Thrombozyten eine wichtige Rolle bei der Heilung und Regeneration von verletzten Geweben spielen, Wachstumsfaktoren produzieren, die die Vermehrung, das Wachstum und das Überleben von Geweben regulieren und stimulieren. Wachstumsfaktoren sind für die Zellbildung und für die normale Zellenzyklusleistung erforderlich. Die Symbiose von Wachstumsfaktoren ist verantwortlich für den Wiederaufbau der Blutgefäße in der verletzten Zone, für die Regeneration neuer Geweben (Epithelgewebe, Knorpelgewebe, Bindegewebe, Muskelgewebe, Nervengewebe) und für die Blutstillung.

Folglich, liegt die Lösung der Regeneration und der Heilung des menschlichen Körpers in Thrombozyten. Und die Injektionen mit autologem thrombozytenreichem Plasma (ATP) erneuern die Gesundheit, Jugend und Schönheit auf einer natürlichen Weise.

Die art und weisediePLASMOLIFTING™ Methode funktioniert

Diese erneubare Quelle der Gesundheit, die in unserem eigenen Blut enthalten ist, wurde bei den russischen Wissenschaftlern Renat R. Akhmerov (Professor, Doktor der Medizin, Plastischer und Kierferchirurg, onkologischer Dermatologe) und Roman F. Zarudii (Doktor der Medizin, Kierferchir urg, Implantologe ) 2003 entwickelt und eingeführt. Diese haben die Plasmolifting™ Technologie erschaffen – ein medizinnisches Verfahren, das ohne Übertreibung “das moderne Elixier der Jugend” genannt werden kann.

Benutzend die einzigartige Fähigkeit der Wachstumsfaktoren (von den Thrombozyten hergestellt) die regenerative Prozesse zu beeinflussen, haben Akhmerov und Zarudii dieses Verfahren der Injektion des autologen thrombozytenreichen Plasma in den menschlichen Geweben, ausgehend von den Prinzipien der PRP Therapie (Platelet Rich Plasma - plättchenreiches Plasma) . Mit anderen Worten, sprechen wir über die Autohämotherapie (Eigenbluttherapie): sofortige, intramuskuläre oder subkutane, Re-Injektion des autologen frisch extrahierten Bluts. In PRP, wird dieses thrombozytenreiche Plasma (durch Zentrifugation) umwandelt. Die Anwendung des Thrombozyten angereichertes Plasma stellt die einzige Möglichkeit dar, die Wundheilung zu verbessern und die Infektion zu bekämpfen ohne andere Medikamente zu benutzen.

Die Plasmolifting™ Methode wurde von den russischen Kieferchirurgen entwickelt, mit dem Ziel die Regeneration und die Heilung der atrophischen Konditionen der Weichgeweben zu verbessern. Aber die Praxis hat gezeigt, dass das Spektrum der Anwendung dieser Injektionstherapie viel umfangreicher ist. Plasmolifting™ ist ein Verfahren der regenerativen Medizin, dadurch verschiedene Pathologien in Bereichen wie: ästhetische Medizin, Gynäkologie, Stomatologie, Trichologie, Orthopädie, Traumatologie, Sportmedizin und Urologie behandelt sind.

Plasmolifting™ bedeutet:

  • eine einzigartige medizinische Behandlung, entwickelt von zwei russischen Ärzten – Renat R. Akhmerov und Roman F. Zarudii;
  • eine innovative Art und Weise das thrombozytenreiche Plasma in menschlichen Geweben zu injizieren;
  • eine sichere und nicht-toxische Methode für die Kontrolle der Geweberegeneration (ist 100-prozentig auf den inneren Ressourcen des menschlichen Körpers basiert) und der Prävention von Krankheiten, deren Wirksamkeit wissenschaftlich bewiesen ist;
  • eine Behandlung, die Popularität in Bereichen der Medizin wie: ästhetische Medizin, Trichologie, Stomatologie, Orthopädie, Urologie, Gynäkologie und Sportmedizin gewinnt;
  • ein profitables und erfolgreiches Geschäft.

die Geschichte der PLASMOLIFTING™ Methode

Die Plasmolifting™ Technologie – diese erneubare Quelle der Gesundheit, die unser eigenes Blut enthält – wurde seit dem XXI. Jahrhundert entwickelt und angewandt. Die Anwendung des autologen thrombozytentreichen Plasma begann mit der Verwendung dieser injizierbaren Form in der Kieferchirurgie. Während der Forschungen, entdeckten die Wissenschaftler, dass bei der Injektion thrombozytenreiches Plasma in den verletzten Bereichen, wird die Beschleunigung des Regenerationsprozesses der Haut angeregt. Diese wird gleichzeitig hydratisierter, elastischer, fester, die Anzahl und die Tiefer der mimischen Falten als auch der Pigmentflecken reduziert.

Und trozt der Tatsache, dass diese Methode ursprünglich für zahnärztlichen Zwecke erarbeitet wurde, diese ästhetische Wirkung hat Renat R. Akhmerov und Roman F. Zarudii aufgeregt mit dem Studium der Wirkung des thrombozytenreiches Plasma auf der Gesundheit des Organismus fortzusetzen, was zu innovativen Entdeckungen der Anwendung von Plasmolifting™ bei der Behandlung von Erkrankungen in verschiedenen medizinischen Bereichen führte.

Mit der Vervollkommung und Verbesserung des Verfahrens wurden spezielle zertifizierte Röhrchen erfunden. Die chemischen Substanzen und das spezielle Gel ermöglichen die Erreichung eines höhen Niveaus der Reinigung des thrombozytenreiches Plasma in Injektionen, was die Effektivität der Behandlung deutlich erhöht.


1905: der deutsche Chirurg August Bier entdeckt, dass Pazienten mit Knochenbruch heilen schneller, wenn ihnen Injektionen mit ihr eigenem Blut gemacht sind.
1935 – 1980: Autohämotherapie (intramuskuläre Injektion einer kleinen Menge des von demselben Idividuum entnommenes Bluts) und Autoserotherapie (Behandlung mit dem Serum aus dem Blut des Pazienten) waren unter den populärsten sekundären Behandlungen bevor der Erstehung der Antibiotika

1980: der Kieferchirurg Robert E. Marx war der erste, der das Blutplasma als ein Gel benutzte; die Entdeckung der Tatsache, dass Thrombozyten Proteinfaktoren (PRP Faktoren), die die Zellregeneration stimulieren, enthalten, hat den Weg zur Produktionstechnologie des Gels aus autologem thrombozytenreichem Plasma eröffnet; dieses wurde vor allem für zahnärztliche Nutzung entwickelt (Gesellsschaft Harvest, die USA)

2003: die russischen Wissenschaftler Renat R. Akhmerov (Professor, Doktor der Medizin, Plastischer und Kieferchirurg, Onkologischer Dermatologe) und Roman F. Zarudii (Doktor der Medizin, Kieferchirurg, Implantologe) haben zum ersten Mal in der Welt das autologe thromobozytenreiche Plasma fü r die Behandlung der postoperativen entzündlichen Zuständen und atrophischen Veränderungen verwendet; die Technologie bekam der Name – Plasmolifting™

2004: wurden klinische Untersuchungen der Plasmolifting™ Technologie an den zwei Wissenschaftlern und an freiwilligen Probanden für die Behandlung der Photodermatose, des Haarausfalls und Akne durchgeführt, was gute Ergebnisse brachte (zusätzlich zu den theraeutischen Wirkungen wurde bei Patienten auch Verjungung der Haut beobachtet); Roman F. Zarudii erzählt, dass die neue injizierbare Form von Plasma viele Möglichkeiten in ihre Aktivität als Kieferchirurgen (insbesondere für die Gewebenregeneration) eröffnet hat, und die Methode hat diesen Bereich der chirurgischen Praxis revolutioniert; Am Anfang waren ihre Kollegen zunächst dem Erfolg neuer Technologie skeptich, aber -mit der Zeit- kam die Plasmolifting™ Methode in verschiedenen Bereichen der Medizin angewendet zu sein

2011: mit der Unterstützung der Ärzte Akhmerov und Zarudii, wurde die Plasmolifting Gesellschaft gegründet, die exklusiv notwendige Anlagen für die Plasmolifting™ Technologie hergestellt und distribuiert, um die se natürliche Heilmethode allen zur Verfügung zu stell en; heute hat das Plasmolifting Unternehmen ein breites Vertriebsnetz in Europa geschaffen, ist Entwickler und Distributor der Plasmolifting™ Röhrchen als auch Organisator der Fachkursen; Das Ziel des Unternehmens liegt darin, die Injektionen mit autologem Plasma zu einer neuen Routine der biologischen Stimulationsverfahren umzuwandeln.

The authors of the method

Erfinder Plasmolifting™ Methode sind die russischen Forscher Renat Rasid Akhmerov (Renat Rashitovich Akhmerov) und Roman Felix Zarudii (Roman Feliksovich Zarudiy).

Professor, Dr. Med., Plastischer un Kieferchirurg, onkologischer Dermatologe

Studium: Staatliche Universität für Medizin, Kazan


  • Praxis im Bereich der Ästhetischen Chirurgie gemacht in Brasilien (am Klinikum des Universitätszentrum UNICAMP), in Italien (am Klinikum Borgo Roma), in Deutschland (am Klinikum der Universitäten von Kiel und München), in Brasilien (Rio-de-Janeiro)
  • Klinisches Zentrum für Onkologie der Tatarstan Republik (HNO-Facharzt, Kieferchirurg, Onkologe)
  • Akademie für Medizin “I.M. Secenov", Moskau (Plastischer und Kieferchirurg)
  • Klinikum für Stomatologie und Kosmetologie "Dental Beauty", Moskau (Plastischer und Kieferchirurg)

Spezialisierungen: plastische Operationen am Gesicht, Entfernung der Hautkrebs Formationen, Rekonstruktive Chirurgie des Gesichts, Gesichtsplastik durch non-operativen Methoden

Da tempi remoti, i medici presumevano che il sangue avesse proprietà magiche e avevano sicuramente ragione. Il sangue è formato da una sostanza intercellulare - il plasma - e da elementi figurati (come gli eritrociti, i leucociti e i trombociti). Ognuna di queste cellule ha un proprio compito: gli eritrociti assicurano la respirazione dei tessuti, i leucociti proteggono l’organismo contro le infezioni e partecipano ai processi di coagulazione del sangue.

Quindi, i trombociti assumono un ruolo importante nella guarigione e nella rigenerazione dei tessuti traumatizzati, producendo fattori di crescita che regolano, e stimolano, la crescita e la sopravvivenza dei tessuti. I fattori di crescita necessari per la genesi delle cellule e il normale svolgimento del ciclo cellulare. La simbiosi dei fattori di crescita è responsabile per la ricostruzione dei vasi sanguini nella zona di un trauma, nella rigenerazione di nuovi tessuti (epiteliali, cartilaginosi, congiuntivi, muscolari e nervosi) e all’arresto del sangue.

La soluzione della rigenerazione e della guarigione del corpo umano sta prima di tutto nei trombociti. Invece, l'iniezione con plasma trombocitaria autologa (PTA) ristabilisce, in modo naturale, la salute, la giovinezza e la bellezza.

Utilizzando la capacità unica dei fattori di crescita (prodotti dei trombociti) di influenzare i processi rigenerativi, Akhmetov e Zarudii hanno elaborato questo metodo iniettabile di somministrazione di plasma di trombociti autologo nei tessuti umani, partendo dai principi della terapia PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma - plasma ricco di trombociti). In altre parole, parliamo dell'autoemoterapia: ri-iniezione immediata, intramuscolare o sottocutanea, di sangue autologo fresco prelevato. Nel PRP, questo viene trasformato in plasma di trombociti (tramite centrifugazione). L'applicazione di plasma arricchito con trombociti rappresenta una possibilità di migliorare il ripristino delle ferite e combattere le infezioni, senza l'aiuto di ulteriori medicinali.
Il metodo di Plasmolifting™ è stato sviluppato dai chirurgi russi tramite la chirurgia maxillo-facciale, al fine di migliorare i processi rigenerativi e il trattamento delle condizioni atrofiche dei tessuti molli. Ma la pratica ha dimostrato che lo spettro di applicazione di questa terapia iniettabile è molto più estesa. Il Plasmolifting™ consiste in un metodo di medicina rigenerativa mediante il quale si trattano varie patologie in ambito di medicina estetica, ginecologia, stomatologia, tricologia, orthopedia, traumatologia, medicina sportiva e urologia.

Plasmolifting™ significa:

  • trattamento medico unico, sviluppato da due medici russi - Renat R. Akhmetov and Roman F. Zarudii;
  • un modo nuovo di iniettare nei tessuti umani il plasma che contiene trombociti;
  • un metodo sicuro e non-tossico, la cui efficacia è dimostrata dal punto di vista scientifico, per poter controllare la rigenerazione dei tessuti (su base del 100% delle risorse interne del corpo umano) e della prevenzione di malattie;
  • un trattamento che conquista popolarità nei settori della medicina, come in quella estetica, in tricologia, stomatologia, orthopedia, urologia, ginecologia e nella medicina sportiva;
  • un profittevole metodo di successo

Vantaggi del metodo Plasmolifting™:

  • è semplice e comodo da utilizzare
  • non prevede l’acquisto di dispositivi medici costosi
  • immediato recupero, in seguito alla procedura
  • procedura sicura e naturale
  • minimo rischio di reazioni allergiche ed effetti collaterali
  • non richiede interventi chirurgici
  • può essere combinata con altri tipologie di procedure
  • minime controindicazioni
  • può essere utilizzata su ampia scala in diversi settori della medicina


Tecnologia del Plasmolifting™ XXI-esimo secolo. L'applicazione del plasma trombocitario autologo è iniziata congiuntamente all'utilizzo di questa forma iniettabile nella chirurgia maxillo-facciale. Durante le ricerche, gli scienziati hanno scoperto che con l'iniezione di plasma trombocitario nelle zone ferite, avviene l'accelerazione dei processi di rigenerazione della pelle. La stessa si idrata maggiormente, diviene più elastica e ferma, si riducono il numero e la profondità delle rughe nell’espressione e delle macchie della pigmentazione.

Anche se, in precedenza, questo metodo venne elaborato per fini stomatologici, questo effetto puramente estetico ha determinato Renat R. Akhmetov e Roman F. Zarudii nel continuare lo studio dell'influenza del plasma trombocitario sulla salute dell'organismo, fino a condurre alla scoperta innovatrice dell'utilizzo del Plasmolifting™ nel trattamento delle infezioni in vari settori della medicina.

Insieme al miglioramento ed al perfezionamento del metodo, sono stati inventate anche delle speciale provette certificate. Le sostanze chimiche e il gel speciale permettono l’ottenimento di un elevato livello di purificazione della forma iniettabile del plasma trombocitario che aumenta, in modo significativo, l’efficienza del trattamento.

Brevi cenni storici

1905: il chirurgo tedesco August Bier scopre che, iniettati con il loro proprio sangue, i pazienti con fratture ossee guariscono più velocemente.
1935-1980: l'autoemoterapia (iniezione intramuscolare di una piccola quantità di sangue prelevato dallo stesso soggetto) e l'autosieroterapia (trattamento con il siero del sangue del paziente) erano tra i più popolari trattamenti secondari, ancor prima dell'apparizione degli antibiotici.

1980: Il chirurgo maxillo-facciale Robert E. Marx è stato il primo ad utilizzare il plasma sanguigno sotto forma di gel; la scoperta del fatto che i trombociti contenessero fattori proteici (fattori PRP) che stimolano la rigenerazione cellulare, ha aperto la strada verso la tecnologia di produzione di gel dal plasma trombocitario autologo; questa tecnologia è stata sviluppata, principalmente, per essere utilizzata nella stomatologia (società Harvest, USA)

2003: i ricercatori russi Renat R. Akhmetov (Professore, dottore in medicina, chirurgo plastico e maxillo-facciale, onco-dermatologo) e Roman F. Zarudii (Dottore in medicina, chirurga maxillo-facciale, implantologo) hanno utilizzato per la prima volta il plasma trombocitario autologo per il trattamento delle malattie infiammatorie e atrofiche nel decorso postoperatorio; la tecnologia ha ricevuto il nome di Plasmolifting™

2004: sono stati svolti del test clinici della tecnologia Plasmolifting™ sugli stessi ricercatori russi e su personale volontario, per il trattamento della fotodermatosi, della caduta di capelli e contro l'acne, ottenendo ottimi risultati (oltre agli effetti terapeutici, nei pazienti si è riscontra to un ringiovanimento della pelle); Roman F. Zarudii racconta che la nuova forma iniettabile di plasma ha aperto nuove possibilità per la loro attività di chirurghi maxillo-facciale (specialmente per la rigenerazione dei tessuti; il metodo, però, ha rivoluzionato questo settore della pratica chirurgica; all'inizio, i colleghi dei chirurghi stessi si sono dimostrati scettici nel riconoscere il successo della nuova tecnologia, ma - nel corso del tempo - il metodo Plasmolifting™ ha trovato applicazione in vari settori della medicina.

2011: con il supporto dei medici Akhmetov e Zarudii, si è costituita la società Plasmolifting, che produce e distribuisce in modo esclusivo, le attrezzature necessarie per la tecnologia Plasmolifting™, volendo a mettere a disposizione di tutti questo metodo naturale di guarigione; oggi, la società Plasmolifting ha creato una larga rete di distribuzione in Europa, è sviluppatrice e distributrice di provette Plasmolifting™ e organizza corsi di specializzazione; lo scopo della società è quello di trasformare le iniezioni con plasma autologo in un metodo di stimolazione biologica di routine.

  • L'Accademia di Medicina "I.M. Secenov" di Mosca (chirurga maxillo-facciale e plastica)
  • clinica di stomatologia e cosmetologia “Dental Beauty di Mosca (chirurga maxillo-facciale e plastica)
  • Specializzazione: interventi plastici al viso, rimozione di formazioni cancerose della pelle, chirurgia ricostruttiva del viso, plastica del viso tramite metodi non-invasive

    Dottore in medicina, chirurgo maxillo-facciale, implantologo

    Studi: Università di Stato in Medicina del Baskiria

    Esperienza professionale:

    • tirocinio nel settore della chirurgia ortognatica effettuato in Germania (presso il Centro di chirurgia maxillo-facciale dell’Università di Westfalia)
    • Centro russo di chirurgia oculare e plastica del Ministero della Sanità della Federazione Russa (capo della sezione della chirurgia maxillo-facciale ricostruttiva)
    • Centro di plastica ossea e impianto dentario (medico-chirurgo)
    • Consulente presso il centro franco-russo della protesi maxillo-facciale (in Ufa)
    • FASE 3

      Il plasma viene iniettato nella zona del trattamento. Le provette certificate Plasmolifting™ permettono la separazione qualitativa del sangue in 3 frazioni: la massa eritrocitaria, la sospensione di plasma e la frazione arricchita con trombociti e fattori di crescita (plasma autologo). Durante questa lavorazione, il plasma autologo separato dal sangue viene, successivamente, iniettato nelle zone di trattamento. Il plasma autologo è uno stimolante biologico di rigenerazione molto efficiente che contiene una elevata concentrazione di fattori di crescita (ormoni, proteine ​​e vitamine) in una proporzione naturale. Il plasma trombocitario è ottenuto dal sangue del paziente, assicurando, in tal modo, la biocompatibilità completa della sostanza iniettata nell’organismo escludendo, di fatto, il manifestarsi di reazioni immunologiche ed allergiche, oltre alla possibilità di rigetto.

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    Doctor of the highest qualification category, specialist in the field of plastic surgery, oncodermatologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences.


    • 1997 Graduated from Kazan Medical University.
    • 1997 - 1999 Residency at Kazan State Medical University in the main field of maxillofacial surgery.
    • 1999 Defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Magnetic resonance characteristics of the focus of acute odontogenic inflammatory disease.”
    • 2006 Defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Complex magnetic resonance diagnostics and electromyographic monitoring for surgical diseases of the maxillofacial region.”

    Practical activities

    • 2002 - plastic and maxillofacial surgeon at the Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. in Moscow.
    • In 1999 - 2003 - worked as an ENT and maxillofacial oncologist at the Clinical Oncology Center Republic of Tatarstan.
    • In 2003-2007, he worked as a maxillofacial and plastic surgeon at the Moscow Medical Academy named after. I.M. Sechenov.
    • Recently he has been collaborating with the clinics “Happy Family” (Moscow) and “CityClinic” (Krasnodar).

    Extra education

      1996 - Trained in Brazil at the clinic of the UNICAMP university center, in the departments of head and neck and plastic surgery (Professor R. Cassio).

      In 1997, he completed an internship in Italy, at the Borgo Roma clinic, in the department of general surgery (Professor G. Serio), and the department of maxillofacial surgery (Professor Gotti).

      In 1999, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Magnetic resonance characteristics of the focus of acute odontogenic inflammatory disease.”

      In 1999, he completed an internship in ENT surgery at the University Clinic of Kiel (Germany).

      2001 - completed an internship in plastic surgery in Germany (Munich) and Brazil at the clinic of Professor Ivo Pitanguy (Rio de Janeiro).

    • 2001 - completed a training course in plastic surgery in Germany, Munich. Kliniklin Grosshadern of the Ludwig Maximilian University.


    Specialization in plastic surgery:

    • plastic surgery on the face;
    • removal of tumor formations on the skin;
    • reconstructive facial surgery;
    • facial plastic surgery using non-surgical methods.