Case questions for adjectives. Case endings of adjectives. Declension of adjectives

Unstressed case endings of adjectives written in the same way as accents, except for adjectives male in the nominative case.

In order to correctly write the unstressed ending of an adjective, you need to find in the sentence the noun to which this adjective refers and determine its gender and case. Then remember the ending of the adjective in this case. Next, compare the ending of the adjective and the ending of the question it answers.

The woodpecker treated himself to tasty spruce cones . → treated himself(how?) cones TP, cones(which ones?) delicious mi .

Masculine adjectives in the nominative and accusative cases answer what question? and have the endings -й, -й.

Masculine: Which? -Ouch, th, -th:dashing Ouch , brave th , great th

Neuter gender: which? -oh, -her: white oh , syn her

Example: There was a funny clown at the circus . → was(Who?) clown IP, clown(Which ?) brave y. m.r. IP

Genitive case answer the question which one? and have endings -Wow, -his: near him, cheerful .

Seryozha called his beloved puppy called(whom?) puppy RP, puppy(which one?) love Wow . m.r. RP

Masculine and neuter adjectives in dative case answer the question (which one?) and have endings -oh, -to him: handsome wow , near to him .

We arrived at beautiful building . → we arrived(for what?) to the building DP, building(which one?) handsome wow . s.r. DP

Adjective masculine and neuter in instrumental case answer the question (what?) have an ending -th, -them: good them , cheerful th .

The plane was flying over huge city . → flew over(how?) city TP, city(which?) huge th . m.r. TP

Adjective masculine and neuter in prepositional case answer the question (about which one?) and have endings -ohm, -eat:oh cheerful ohm ,oh neighbor eat .

I talked about my favorite writer . → told(about whom?) about the writer PP, writer(which one?) love ohm m.r. PP

Feminine adjectives in genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases, answer the questions what? and have endings -Ouch, -to her. handsome Ouch , senior to her.

She was a fun girl . → was(by whom?) girl TP, girl(Which ?) cheerful Ouch . w.r. TP

IN instrumental case there may still be endings -oh, -by her.

Feminine adjectives in accusative case answer what question? and have endings - wow, -yuyu.

They went to an evening disco . → Went(where? for what?) to the disco VP, disco(which one?) evening yuyu . w.r. VP

In order to correctly decline adjectives, you need to know their case questions in both numbers.

It is most convenient to check endings and adjectives by substituting a question Which? in the required form, since the endings of the question and the adjective coincide, for example: It was hard for him to walk after the difficult Wow(How Wow?) day. The exception is the nominative case singular masculine (and a similar accusative case), where the ending is written under the accent -Ouch (tear off Ouch calendar, business Ouch Human), and without accent - th or -th (tabletop th calendar, sincerely th Human).

In adjectives on -th , -ya , -ye (wolf th, wolf ya, wolf ye ) in all cases, except for the nominative (and similar accusative) case of the masculine singular, the letter is written b , For example: wolf b I(flock), wolf b e(den), wolf b And(footprints); wolf b him, wolf b hey, wolf b them, wolf b them etc. (but: wolf th howl).

Nominative case endings

In the feminine gender in the nominative singular case the ending is written -and I or -yaya , and in the neuter gender - -oh or -her (which?correspondence and I average yaya school; which?interesting oh comprehensively her study).

In plural the ending is written for all three genders -s or -ies (which?frosty s winter no days, nights, mornings).

Accusative endings

In the feminine gender in the accusative case the singular ending is written -yy or -yuyu (answers the question which one?), For example: finish (which?) correspondence course wow average yuyu school.

Instrumental endings

In the masculine and neuter gender, the ending is written in the instrumental case of the singular -th or -them (answers the question what?), For example: enjoy (what?) warmth th autumn them afternoon, morning.

In the feminine singular the ending is written -Ouch (-oh ) or -to her (-her ) (answers the question Which? which one?), For example: patronize (which? which?) shift Ouch average to her school.

Prepositional case endings

In the masculine and neuter gender, the ending is written in the prepositional case singular -ohm or -eat (answers the question which one?), For example: write about (what?) heat ohm autumn eat afternoon, morning.

Declensions of participles, ordinal numbers

Just like qualitative and relative adjectives, participles, some pronouns (every, every, most, this, etc.), ordinal numbers (first, second, fourth, etc., are inflected, except for the third, inflected, like possessive adjective wolfish). The spelling of the endings of all these words can be checked by substituting the question which? in the required form, for example: He sought to honor (what?) every appearing scientific article on (what?) issue of interest to him.

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Full adjectives in the singular change according to gender, number and case, i.e. they are declined. In the plural, genders do not change, and the case endings of all three genders are the same: gold rings, bracelets, earrings.

There are 3 types of adjective declension:

declension of qualitative and relative adjectives;

declination possessive adjectives on -th: fox, bear

Declension of possessive adjectives with suffixes -in(-yn), -ov(-ev): mother, lisitsin, fathers, bakers.

Adjectives belonging to the first type of declension, according to the nature of the last consonant of the stem, are divided into groups: adjectives that have a hard consonant before the ending (hard variety of declension), adjectives that have a soft consonant before the ending (soft variety of declension), adjectives whose stem ends in g , k, x or sibilant (mixed type of declension): live[v], but[v], winter[n], elastic, shallow, dry, hot, pain [w]-oh.


Hard variety

M.R. Wed. R. J. b.
AND. new new new
R. new new new
d. new new new
V. new new new
new new new
T. new new
P. new new new

M. r. Wed. R. J. b.

I. golden golden golden - oh golden oh golden oh

D. golden golden golden

V. golden golden golden

golden golden golden golden

T. golden golden

P. gold-oh gold-oh gold-oh

Soft variety

M.R. Wed. R. J. b.

I. blue-ey blue-ee blue-yah

R. sin-his sin-his sin-ey

D. sin-him sin-him sin-ey

V. sin-iy sin-ee sin-yuyu

T. sin-im sin-im sin-ey(ey)

P. (o) sin-e (o) sin-e (o) sin-e

Masculine and neuter adjectives have the same endings in all cases, except for the nominative and accusative. The form of the accusative case coincides with the genitive or nominative, depending on the animation - inanimateness of the noun with which it agrees: to see a handsome boy - to see beautiful landscape.


The form of the accusative hope in the plural, as in the singular, depends on the animation - inanimateness of the noun: to see beautiful children - to see beautiful landscapes.

Adjectives in g, k, x of mixed declension have hard and soft stems: elastic[g]-iy and elastic[g]-ogo.

The peculiarities of the declension of adjectives with a sibilant stem are determined by modern orthography (after sibilants only u, a, and and are not written yu, ya, y) and appear only in writing.

Adjectives with a stem in -y (fox, bear, wolf) change according to gender, number and case. In the masculine nominative case they have null ending , neuter -e , feminine -I , in plural -And : fox-e, fox-i, fox-i . In other cases, the endings of such adjectives coincide with the endings of the soft type of declension of qualitative and relative adjectives.

Suffix - th(spelling - th) in indirect cases is presented orthographically as - b.

Possessive adjectives with suffixes - in (-yn ), -ov (-ev ) have endings characteristic of nouns and adjectives. Masculine and neuter singular adjectives in all cases, except instrumental and prepositional, have endings characteristic of nouns ( Wed. fathers O words O, fathers A words A, fathers at words at). In the instrumental and prepositional cases their endings are similar to the endings of adjectives (- oh, -oh ). Adjectives female in the nominative and accusative cases they have endings similar to the endings of nouns (- A ), in other cases - with adjectives (- Ouch ). In the nominative and accusative cases of plural possessive adjectives, the endings are the same as those of nouns (- s ), in other cases - like adjectives (- oh, -y, -y, -y ). For adjectives with the suffix - in forms of the genitive and dative cases of the masculine and neuter gender (- a, -y ) are replaced by forms with endings of adjectives (- wow, wow ): sister (cf. big table) → sister's ; sister (cf. big table) → to my sister .

Male Russian surnames starting with - ov(s) ), -in (-yn) in the instrumental case the singular and plural have the endings respectively - y, -y , i.e. inflections of adjectives: Nekrasov - Nekrasov th, Pushkin - Pushkin th, Chichikovs - Chichikovs them. This does not apply to the names of settlements formed from proper names: Live near the city of Pushkin ohm.

Adjectives of all categories have inconstant signs of gender (in the singular), number and case, in which they agree with the noun. Adjectives also agree with the noun in animation if the noun is in the V. plural form, and for the masculine gender - in the singular (cf.: I see beautiful shoes and I see beautiful girls) - see the animation of the noun.

Changing an adjective by gender, number and case is called declension of adjectives.

Qualitative and relative adjectives are declined in the same way. This type of declension is called adjectival.

In the singular, their endings differ depending on the gender and quality of the consonant ending the stem.

In the plural, the endings of adjectives, like the endings of nouns, are unified:

I. p.: new, blue

R. p.: new, syn-their

D. p.: new, sin-im

V. p.: =I. n. / R. n. depending on the animation of the noun

T.p.: new, blue

P. p.: new, syn-their

Possessive adjectives are declined differently: in some cases they have endings characteristic of the adjective declension, in others - endings characteristic of the substantive declension. This type of declination is called mixed. At the same time, adjectives with the suffix -й- and adjectives with the suffixes -in- or -ov- are not declined exactly the same.

Declension of possessive adjectives with the suffix -й-:

As we see, these adjectives have endings characteristic of the substantive declension in I. p. and V. p. (cf.: fox-Ø tail-Ø), in other cases they have endings of the adjectival declension. For information about why the fox form has a zero ending and not -i, see the morphemics section.

Possessive adjectives with the suffixes -in- (mam-in) and -ov- (otts-ov) also have substantive endings in I. p. and V. p.; in addition, in R. p. and D. p. singular masculine and neuter they have variable endings (although adjective endings are used more often than substantive ones):

Qualitative adjectives in short form do not decline (expressions on bare feet, in broad daylight, are phraseological and do not reflect current state language), as well as qualitative adjectives in the simple comparative and the compound superlative built on its basis (above, above all).

In the Russian language there are indeclinable adjectives that mean:

1) colors: beige, khaki, marengo, electric;

2) nationalities and languages: Khanty, Mansi, Urdu;

3) clothing styles: pleated, corrugated, flared, mini.

The words (weight) gross, net, (rush hour) are also unchangeable adjectives.

Their grammatical features are their invariability, adjoining to a noun, location after, and not before, the noun. The immutability of these adjectives is their constant feature.