Rebirth of the soul into lower forms of life. Is there life after death: evidence of the existence of the afterlife

Taking into account the existence of a soul in a person and the fact that it is an immortal part of a person, one can ask the question: how long does the soul exist? Is she born again and again or, having lived only one life, does she go back to where she came from? In the East there is a concept of reincarnation. It says that the human soul incarnates many times, thereby gaining experience and improving its qualities. The theory of reincarnation is widespread not only in Asia, but also in Africa. This theory was also recognized by the first Christians, and only the Council of Constantinople in 535 discarded this idea, and written sources were destroyed. There is no reincarnation in Christianity, but you can find signs of belief in reincarnation in biblical parables, for example, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Here we see a discrepancy between the opinion of supporters of Christianity and Christian teaching itself. If the soul incarnates once, then the person must be punished in this life, and not later.

In fact, the idea of ​​​​rebirth of souls was unprofitable for church ministers, since they would lose a tool for controlling the masses. And the tool of manipulation is the fear of going to hell if you have sinned all your life. If the idea of ​​reincarnation of souls were widespread, then certainly many people would believe that it is possible to sin in this life, and that sins can be worked off in the next.

If we take it on faith that a person is born only once, then why is there such a difference between people and the reigning injustice in the world? One person is born into a prosperous family and throughout his life he easily achieves everything, enjoys life, knows no troubles, while the other experiences problems from the very beginning, and no matter how hard he tries, cannot achieve anything in life? Why are some people talented and others not? How to explain the fact that Mozart, for example, gave his first concert at the age of 4, and without yet being able to read or write? And other talented people showed their abilities from a very young age. How could they do this if they were born for the first time, and why did other people not show these talents, since they had the same initial conditions? How to explain what babies exhibit different traits character from the first days of life, and these traits cannot be explained by their heredity? Why do some people have phobias - fears, while others do not? Where did they come from, since people were not born before? We can conclude that the problems that a person has remain with him from past life, and he brought them into real life to cope with them.

If we agree with the theory of reincarnation of souls, then we can conclude that we have made some mistakes that led to the fact that in this incarnation we suffer from problems, illnesses or serious phobias. And vice versa, if in a past life we ​​behaved well, acted according to our conscience, and did good, then in this life pleasant events and success in business await us.

Currently, some psychologists and psychotherapists are turning to the idea of ​​reincarnation of the soul. They use the technique to remember past lives and use it to treat fears and phobias. One of the famous researchers in this area is the Virginia psychiatrist Dr. Ian Stevenson. In 1960, he published the article “Data from Memories of Previous Lives.” He devoted the next 40 years to studying this problem and collected descriptions of more than 2,600 cases of reincarnation from all over the world, published 10 books and many scientific works, many of which were fundamental in the field of research into the phenomenon of reincarnation.

There are other researchers in this field such as Dr. Edith Fiore, Dr. Helen Wombach, Denis Kelsey and Joan Grant, among others. Professor Ian Stevenson expressed the opinion that the concept of reincarnation allows us to explain phenomena such as mental deviations, which are difficult to explain from the point of view of modern psychologists and psychiatrists with all the knowledge they have. Stevenson concluded: “The idea of ​​reincarnation allows us to understand the individual characteristics of any person.” And these features are:

  • innate fear of certain phenomena in infancy;
  • unusual interests and games that are found in infants;
  • unusual abilities and behaviors that often appear in children and which they could not learn about in infancy;
  • habits and preferences, temperament;
  • shyness in front of people of the same sex;
  • differences in identical twins;
  • the ability to recreate in memory the environment they see for the first time;
  • fear of things that cause injury, injury, or violent death;
  • predisposition to a certain lifestyle;
  • inclination to a religion that is not typical for a given area, etc.

And in fact, why does a person, if he was born for the first time, experience fear of those things that were previously unknown to him? Or why are some people inclined to this or that type of activity, having initial or already developed skills? Some, under hypnosis, even begin to speak a foreign language that they have never learned.

Many phobias and fears stubbornly resist modern methods treatment. And one can come to the conclusion that the source of these phenomena is deeply rooted in the soul, even if a person does not remember the reason. All that is needed to arouse fears of this type is a form of sensory impression that subconsciously reminds the person of a past incarnation in which he may have had reason to negative reaction. In the depths of the soul, information is stored about every event that an individual has ever experienced. All that is needed is a repetition of the external events or circumstances in which this fear appeared, and he experiences this emotion again.

There is a lot of evidence, and I myself participated in the “Past Lives” training, where I felt the effect of regressive hypnosis on myself, and also observed people put into a state of such hypnosis in which they told unusual things about their past lives. Some said that they were of the opposite sex, others that they lived in another country, and in this state they demonstrated knowledge of the language and described local attractions, etc. And these are not guesses or inventions of inadequate people, but real facts and experience.

From all of the above, one can take it for granted that multiple rebirths of the soul take place. There's a lot to think about here.


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In Western culture, there are three main concepts of what happens to a person after death physical body: the concept of Hell and Heaven in religions of faith, the materialistic concept and the concept of rebirth (reincarnation).

The faith has become widespread in Western religions concept of Hell and Heaven, according to which God judges human souls.

It has become widespread in Western science that consciousness is a product of brain activity and completely disappears after the brain dies. On the other hand, numerous studies conducted mainly in English and American clinics have shown that many people at the moment clinical death the flow of experiences is not interrupted even when complete absence electrical activity of the brain.

During these studies, scientists were not interested in the nature of the experiences (i.e., whether people saw a clear light, observed their body from the outside, or heard voices), but the fact of any experiences at the moment of clinical death, as well as the presence or absence of electrical brain activity at this moment. When quite impressive statistics were accumulated, researchers came to the conclusion that the presence of experiences does not depend on whether the electrical activity of the brain continues in a state of clinical death or stops completely. As you understand, if consciousness is a product of the brain, then a person cannot experience something at a time when there is no electrical activity in the brain - this is the same as watching TV with the power cord unplugged.

And finally there is concept of rebirth (reincarnation), according to which our consciousness does not disappear without a trace after the death of the body, but simply passes into another state - acquiring other forms, but maintaining its essence, which has existed and will always exist.

In our culture, for some reason, instead of trust own feelings, accepted believe generally accepted statements (dogmas - in religion or axioms - in science), therefore, some people firmly believe in the idea of ​​​​Hell and Heaven only because their religion prescribes it to them; others believe that consciousness is a product of the brain because they were told this many times at school and university; and still others believe in the concept of reincarnation for the simple reason that they read about it in some books" secret knowledge", which can be bought on every corner.

But this approach is not trustworthy - after all, you can believe in anything. It's another matter if you you know, for knowledge is much more reliable than faith. And, if you have experience related to memories of previous lives, it’s like you returned from an exciting trip to distant countries and are trying to tell the residents of your provincial town about your impressions, but suddenly you are surprised to discover that they are not only have never been to these wonderful countries, but they don’t even believe that they exist. Moreover, they also persist in their ignorance, trying to convince you that you made it all up for the simple reason that your stories are very different from their everyday reality. But for you it’s funny - you really were there, so you don’t need to believe or not believe in it. You know. You just know.

This page contains statements about rebirth (reincarnation, life after death) of people more than known in Western science, philosophy, literature and other fields, from antiquity to our time.

It is quite remarkable that Western philosophy itself is closely associated with the idea of ​​reincarnation. Pythagoras, who became the founder of philosophy and the first philosopher (before him there were only sages), having introduced the term philosophy itself, remembered his previous lives and often spoke about it.

Reincarnation and early Christianity

In early Christianity, the concepts of hell and heaven had not yet been developed, and the attitude towards the idea of ​​​​rebirth was more than calm. Many fathers of the Christian Church: Clement of Alexandria, Justinian the Martyr, Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Jerome did not believe that the idea of ​​rebirth in any way contradicted the idea of ​​Christianity. The idea of ​​rebirth is expressed most clearly in the writings of one of the Church Fathers, Origen.

St. Augustine himself, an outstanding Christian theologian and philosopher, reflected on the possibility of rebirth in his Confessions, which shows that at that time in the Christian environment rebirth was not considered something unnatural.

But in 553, rebirth as an idea was prohibited by the highest decree of Emperor Justinian.

Justinian was a good politician and a skilled diplomat, which allowed him to make a dizzying career - from the son of a poor Macedonian peasant to the Holy Roman Emperor. At the same time, he was “a cunning and indecisive man... full of irony and pretense, deceitful, secretive and two-faced.” Thanks to his energy and attention to detail, he carried out a tremendous amount of work and was able to unite many disparate laws of the empire into one single “Code of Justinian,” and also significantly expanded the borders of the empire. But Justinian went further - he decided to restore order not only in worldly, but also in spiritual affairs.

At that time, Christianity consisted of separate movements, many of which accepted the idea of ​​​​rebirth. Justinian considered this state of affairs harmful, naturally, not for religious, but for political reasons - he believed that if the citizens of the empire thought that they had a few more lives left, they would not be so zealous in state affairs. Justinian knew how to achieve his goals - first of all, he sent a message to Patriarch Mina of Constantinople, in which Origen was presented as a malicious heretic. Then, in 543, a council was convened in Constantinople by order of Justinian, at which, with his approval, an edict was issued, which listed and condemned the mistakes allegedly made by Origen. (It must be said that at all the councils that were held during the reign of Justinian, the final decision was made not by a meeting of bishops, but by the emperor himself individually).

After the council, Pope Vegilius expressed dissatisfaction with Justinian's interference in the affairs of the Church and rejected the imperial edict, but later, after threats from the emperor, he was forced to issue a decree in which he anathematized the teachings of Origen. However, this decree caused such strong discontent on the part of the authoritative bishops of Gaul, North Africa and a number of other provinces that in 550 the Pope was forced to cancel it.

In 553, Justinian convened the Fifth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople. The council could hardly be called “Ecumenical”, since it was attended mainly by representatives of the Eastern Church - most Western bishops refused to take part in this dubious event. The Pope himself, despite the fact that he was in Constantinople at that time, did not participate in the final verdict as a sign of protest, for which he was exiled by the emperor to one of the islands of the Sea of ​​Marmara.

The result of this council was a decree that more than clearly defined the attitude of the Church to rebirth.

After the “prohibition” of rebirth by the highest decree, any mention of it was tantamount to signing a death warrant - the medieval church burned the author of such statements along with his books. But there were people who were not afraid to speak about their beliefs even under the threat of the fire. One of them, the author of the words “To burn does not mean to refute,” the great Italian philosopher and theologian Giordano Bruno, in his final speech said:

After which he was burned.

The times of the Inquisition began to fade into the past, which made it possible to more freely express their beliefs. Below are the sayings great scientists, writers, philosophers about rebirth. In some cases it is simply an internal feeling expressed in words, in others it is an unshakable confidence that it cannot be otherwise.

In the East the idea of ​​rebirth naturally is woven into culture, religion and science, which is why more than 90% of people take this idea for granted. In the West, it is customary to believe in other things, but nevertheless, the situation is gradually changing - according to recent surveys, more than half of the population of the United States and democratic countries of Europe recognize the fact of rebirth and do not consider the very idea of ​​rebirth something strange.

Some people strive to learn about their previous lives, but such knowledge is more than useless if it is not located within the person himself. For example, when the Buddha was asked: “Who was I in my past life?”, he often answered like this: “If you want to know what you did in your past life, look at your life today, if you want to know what will happen to you in future lives, look at your actions in this life." And this is more than logical - everything is subject to the law of cause and effect or the law of Karma.

It is not so important whether a person believes in the idea of ​​​​rebirth or denies it - much more important are the changes that can occur in his life after accepting the idea of ​​​​rebirth. For example, as it once happened in the life of Henry Ford: “Religion had nothing to offer that was meaningful. Work could not give me complete satisfaction. It is useless to work if the experience gained in one life cannot be used in the next. When I discovered rebirth... time is no longer limited. I am no longer a slave to the hands of the clock... I would really like to convey to other people the peace that the idea of ​​​​rebirth can give us."

Photos from open sources

Most people know what reincarnation is, and many believe in rebirth or reincarnation of the soul, but do not accept the fact that a person can go to lower forms of life, after the human. Is it really possible for a person to acquire an animal body form after a human one?

A person after reincarnation may indeed take on a lower form, such as an animal, plant or mineral. In knowledge based on the teachings of great spiritual teachers and ancient Vedic texts, it is clearly shown that a person, if his level of consciousness corresponds to the level of an animal, acquires an animal form of body, despite having a human body.

Let us consider the main reason for reincarnation in this material life. Why does a person reincarnate? The living entity is endowed with material language, which is the result of the desire to taste. There are ears, this is the result of the desire to hear. There is a nose, the result of the desire to smell. There are genitals, the result of the desire for love pleasures. Thus, there are different sense organs, according to the desires of the being. Therefore, the main reason for obtaining a material body is that a person has desires associated with matter. And in this world we see all kinds of bodies. Dogs have a tongue and humans have a tongue. A pig has a nose and a man has a nose. Different living beings have different types of bodies.

If we look at all these different types of beings in the world, it will be obvious that material nature provides living beings with all kinds of combinations and an almost unlimited number of types of instruments with which to enjoy. The type of nose, tongue, or other sense organ that we have is determined by our type of thinking, our desires, what we have in our previous karma and our karmic reactions. Even if a person now has a human form, his consciousness is concentrated at the level of the animal, namely, the animal is interested only in food, sleep, sexual pleasure and defense or fight. When a person cares only about these interests, then her consciousness is at a lower, animal level. At a subtle level, this will be a determining factor in the formation of the next type of physical body.

Those who deny this and say that during reincarnation we cannot acquire a lower form of life after the human form, base their ideas on personal experience, which is not confirmed by anything.

Such people are not guided by spiritual authorities and ancient scriptures. Srimad-Bhagavatam contains amazing story Jada Bharata, who, after undergoing reincarnation, changed his human body and received the body of a deer. Bharata was forced to live his life in a lower form in order to return to human form again. Another point that confirms the presence of involution in the process of reincarnation is associated with certain laws that we cannot circumvent. The fundamental law of the human form of life is responsibility.

Animals by their nature cannot choose to be responsible or not; at the level of instincts they are forced to comply with the duties assigned to them. For this reason, any actions in animal forms of life do not create karmic consequences in the future. For lower forms, nature arranges it so that the personality automatically evolves towards an intelligent form of life - human, but when it receives it, the moment comes when the responsibility of the personality, its free will comes into force. Thus, animals are constantly evolving towards a higher body type.

But the human form of life differs from the animal form in that a person always has the choice of responsibility for his actions. We are responsible for our actions, which is why in the human form there is a karmic system and the opportunity to descend into more primitive types of bodies.

Oksana Manoilo is with you, good health to you for many years to come. Now let's talk about the rebirth of the soul after death. We will all die. This simple truth nevertheless excites the minds and hearts of people from ancient times to the present day. Why is the theme of death and the fact so attractive? what is beyond this final limit. If we accept as a fact that there is no rebirth of the soul after death, and, as atheists claim, after death “there is nothing at all,” then there is nothing to argue about.

Is there a rebirth of the soul?

But what if there is? What if this very limit is not the last? If our current life is not something exceptional, if it, this, is only a link in the chain of rebirths of the soul, if after death we do not die, then what?

Every person goes through this realization themselves. There are no rules, no laws, there are no right or wrong decisions. If you want this life to be only what you see, that's your choice. Then you can live as you please: drink, lie, steal and fill your life with whatever abomination you want.

But if you want something more, if you accept that this life is just a step in an endless chain of rebirths, then be prepared for the fact that this life is one continuous exam. And the examiners don’t care how much money you have, what kind of car you have or whether you have a villa in Nice. All material goods will remain here after death, where we go after death; hardly anyone needs them.

But the soul will fly to where it will be examined in the most attentive way - what have you, a human being, done in this life, what have you achieved? How much love have you given to your children? Don't you have children? Why did you live then? How much love have you brought to this earth? I didn’t bring it... But I lived then For what?

Why do we come to this world?

We all come into this world for a reason. Some want to eat better and sleep more comfortably. Someone to make this world a little better, kinder, cleaner. Someone, someone - to each his own. And they will receive - each to their own. Someone will move on to the next stage of development, someone will return back, and will go down the same road over and over again until they fulfill their destiny, until they pass the “humanity” exam.

will happen , but how to find your purpose now, what does it consist of?

Often we cannot find the answers to these questions ourselves. life questions. And then we start searching on the Internet.

Or we use the wisdom of a mentor while undergoing training.

And sometimes, when we walk for too long along the road that leads us away from our destiny, trouble comes to us: illness, loss of loved ones and people dear to us. And we worry, cry and ask “Why?” It would be more correct to ask “Why?” Why are we given this illness or loss? As an experienced healer, the first thing I do when diagnosing is to determine where, at what moment and what you did something wrong, thereby giving you a chance to correct the mistake.

A healer does not only heal the body or part of the body. I approach issues, clients and their problems comprehensively. This is the doctor to whom we come with a sick stomach, he treats the stomach and only it. The doctor does not treat the person as a whole, he only treats the stomach. But the person seems to have nothing to do with it))), he can suffer further. Perhaps this is why the word “doctor” comes from the word “to lie”, that is, “doctor” in the understanding of our ancestors is a person who lies. Another thing - . This is a person who “heals”, that is, makes a person “whole”, collecting him into a whole harmonious world his body, soul, purpose.

According to science fiction writers, Every flap of a butterfly's wings can cause a storm on the other side of the world. What can I say if this world is in the soul of one person. Then our every action causes not just a storm, but enormous changes that leave an imprint on a person’s entire life.

Surely, each of you has seen people with an “unkind face”, or felt a feeling when looking to a person that “something is wrong in his life.” But in our life, we simply shrug our shoulders and pass by, while the healer, peering into the face of such a person, even from a photograph can determine where the person turned off his path, and, most importantly, how he can return there, to his path. On .

Look for yourself here and now, in this being. Find answers to questions instantly. Don’t accumulate a burden of unsolved problems, this burdens your soul and makes it difficult for it to take off later.

If you cannot cope with current tasks, difficulties in life, difficulties on your own, write to me by email [email protected] and I will try to help you.Heal and be healthy in body and soul.

I, Manoilo Oksana, am a practicing healer, coach, spiritual trainer. You are now on my website.

Order your diagnostics from me using a photo. I will tell you about you, the causes of your problems and give you some advice. the best ways way out of the situation.

In Western culture, there are three main concepts of what happens to a person after the death of the physical body - the concept of Hell and Heaven in faith religions, the materialistic concept and the concept of rebirth (reincarnation, life after death).

- In Western religions, the concept of Hell and Heaven has become widespread, according to which some Supreme Being (usually male and with thick facial hair) judges and punishes human souls. Moreover, in some cultures it punishes them for certain actions, in others - for completely different ones. As a result, most souls end up in Hell, where they are forever doomed to incredible torment. Only a few righteous people who keep strict rules, which differ greatly in different cultures, have a chance to receive eternal bliss as a gift. For those who believe in this concept, the most important thing is to guess with religion - for “it is impossible to hope for the heaven of one religion without risking the hell of all the others.” (well, if you still don’t guess, I highly recommend to you Sheol, the Jewish hell, where once a week, on Saturdays, a sanitary day is held, during which eternal torment is canceled. Shabbat - after all, it remains Shabbat in hell

In Western science, the materialistic concept has become widespread, according to which consciousness is a product of the activity of the brain and completely disappears after the brain dies. On the other hand, numerous studies conducted mainly in English and American clinics have shown that for many people, at the moment of clinical death, the flow of experiences is not interrupted even in the complete absence of electrical activity in the brain.

During these studies, scientists were not interested in the nature of the experiences (i.e., whether people saw a clear light, observed their body from the outside, or heard voices), but the fact of any experiences at the moment of clinical death, as well as the presence or absence of electrical brain activity at this moment. When quite impressive statistics were accumulated, researchers came to the conclusion that the presence of experiences does not depend on whether the electrical activity of the brain continues in a state of clinical death or stops completely. As you understand, if consciousness is a product of the brain, then a person cannot experience anything at a time when there is no electrical activity in the brain - this is the same as watching TV with the power cord unplugged.
In our culture, for some reason, instead of trusting our own feelings, it is customary to believe generally accepted statements (dogmas in religion or axioms in science), so some people firmly believe in the idea of ​​​​Hell and Heaven only because their religion prescribes it to them; others believe that consciousness is a product of the brain because they were told this many times at school and university; and still others believe in the concept of reincarnation for the simple reason that they read about it in some books of “secret knowledge” that can be bought on every corner.

But this approach is not trustworthy - after all, you can believe in anything. It’s another matter if you know, because knowledge is much more reliable than faith. And, if you have experience related to memories of previous lives, it’s like you returned from an exciting trip to distant countries and are trying to tell the residents of your provincial town about your impressions, but suddenly you are surprised to discover that they are not only have never been to these wonderful countries, but they don’t even believe that they exist. Moreover, they also persist in their ignorance, trying to convince you that you made it all up for the simple reason that your stories are very different from their everyday reality. But for you it’s funny - you really were there, so you don’t need to believe or not believe in it. You know. You just know.

This page contains statements about rebirth (reincarnation, life after death) of people more than known in Western science, philosophy, literature and other fields, from ancient times to our time. The soul, falling into one being, then into another , thus moves in a cycle prescribed by necessity. Pythagoras - 570-490 BC e.

Once upon a time I was already a boy and a girl, a bush, a bird and a dumb fish emerging from the sea. Empedocles - 490-430 BC e.

I have no doubt at all about the existence of what is called new life, and that the living rise from the dead. Socrates - 469-399 BC e.

The human soul is immortal. All her hopes and aspirations are transferred to another world. A true sage wishes death as the beginning of a new life. Plato - 427-347 BC e.

There is strong evidence that man knows many things before birth, that when ordinary children understand numerous facts with such speed, it shows that they are not seeing these facts for the first time, but are remembering and recalling them. Marcus Tullius Cicero - 106-43 BC e.
In early Christianity, the concepts of hell and heaven had not yet been developed, and the attitude towards the idea of ​​​​rebirth was more than calm. Many fathers of the Christian Church: Clement of Alexandria, Justinian the Martyr, Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Jerome did not believe that the idea of ​​rebirth in any way contradicted the idea of ​​Christianity. The idea of ​​rebirth is expressed most clearly in the writings of one of the Church Fathers, Origen.
Some souls, inclined to do evil, end up in human bodies, but then, after living the period allotted to man, they move into the bodies of animals, and then descend to plant existence. Following the opposite path, they rise and regain the Kingdom of Heaven. Origen - 185-254

St. Augustine himself, an outstanding Christian theologian and philosopher, reflected on the possibility of rebirth in his Confessions, which shows that at that time in the Christian environment rebirth was not considered something unnatural.
Was there a period of my life that preceded infancy? Was it the period that I spent in my mother’s womb, or some other?... And what happened before this life, O Lord of my joy, did I stay anywhere or in any body? St. Augustine - 354-430

But in 553, rebirth as an idea was prohibited by the highest decree of Emperor Justinian.

Justinian was a good politician and a skilled diplomat, which allowed him to make a dizzying career - from the son of a poor Macedonian peasant to the Holy Roman Emperor. At the same time, he was “a cunning and indecisive man... full of irony and pretense, deceitful, secretive and two-faced.” Thanks to his energy and attention to detail, he carried out a tremendous amount of work and was able to unite many disparate laws of the empire into one single “Code of Justinian,” and also significantly expanded the borders of the empire. But Justinian went further - he decided to restore order not only in worldly, but also in spiritual affairs.

At that time, Christianity consisted of separate movements, many of which accepted the idea of ​​​​rebirth. Justinian considered this state of affairs harmful, naturally, not for religious, but for political reasons - he believed that if the citizens of the empire thought that they had a few more lives left, they would not be so zealous in state affairs. Justinian knew how to achieve his goals - first of all, he sent a message to Patriarch Mina of Constantinople, in which Origen was presented as a malicious heretic. Then, in 543, a council was convened in Constantinople by order of Justinian, at which, with his approval, an edict was issued, which listed and condemned the mistakes allegedly made by Origen. (It must be said that at all the councils that were held during the reign of Justinian, the final decision was made not by a meeting of bishops, but by the emperor himself individually).

After the council, Pope Vegilius expressed dissatisfaction with Justinian's interference in the affairs of the Church and rejected the imperial edict, but later, after threats from the emperor, he was forced to issue a decree in which he anathematized the teachings of Origen. However, this decree caused such strong discontent on the part of the authoritative bishops of Gaul, North Africa and a number of other provinces that in 550 the Pope was forced to cancel it.
In 553, Justinian convened the Fifth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople. The council could hardly be called “Ecumenical”, since it was attended mainly by representatives of the Eastern Church - most Western bishops refused to take part in this dubious event. The Pope himself, despite the fact that he was in Constantinople at that time, did not participate in the final verdict as a sign of protest, for which he was exiled by the emperor to one of the islands of the Sea of ​​Marmara.

The result of this council was a decree that more than clearly defined the attitude of the Church to rebirth.
If anyone believes in the unthinkable existence of the soul before birth and the most absurd rebirth after death, he should be anathematized by Emperor Justinian - 483-565

After the “prohibition” of rebirth by the highest decree, any mention of it was tantamount to signing a death warrant - the medieval church burned the author of such statements along with his books. But there were people who were not afraid to speak about their beliefs even under the threat of the fire. One of them, the author of the words “To burn does not mean to refute,” the great Italian philosopher and theologian Giordano Bruno, in his final speech said:
The soul is not part of one specific body and can be in one body or another. Giordano Bruno - 1548-1600

After which he was burned.
The times of the Inquisition began to fade into the past, which made it possible to more freely express their beliefs. Below are statements by great scientists, writers, and philosophers about rebirth. In some cases it is simply an internal feeling expressed in words, in others it is an unshakable confidence that it cannot be otherwise.
Death, like birth, is just a transformation of the same animal from lower to higher... Having established such a beautiful order regarding animals, it would be unreasonable for man not to be subject to it... Therefore, I am inclined to think that souls who will once become human, like the souls of other species were contained in their ancestors right up to Adam, therefore, they existed from the beginning of things, always in the form of other bodies. Gottfried Leibniz - 1646-1716

The concept of reincarnation is neither absurd nor useless. There is nothing strange about being born twice rather than once. Voltaire - 1694-1778

I believe that in one form or another I have always been in this world. Benjamin Franklin - 1706-1790

The doctrine of reincarnation is the only theory of immortality that philosophy can accept. David Hume - 1711-1776

I am not a Hindu, but I believe that the philosophical doctrine of Hinduism about rebirth is much more reasonable, fair and more capable of moving a person to goodness than the terrifying postulates of the Christian doctrine of endless punishments. William Jones - 1746-1794

When I think about death, I am completely calm. Because I am firmly convinced that our spirit is a being whose nature remains indestructible and which will act continuously and forever. I am sure that I have been here thousands of times already, and I hope that I will return thousands more times. Johann Goethe - 1749-1832

In my head are cabinets and chambers full of books and paintings of old times, which I painted endless centuries before my mortal life. William Blake - 1757-1827

If an Asiatic asks me to define Europe, I will have to answer this way: “It is a part of the world that is in the grip of the incredible delusion that man was created out of nothing, and that his present birth is his first entry into life.” Arthur Schopenhauer - 1788-1860

The qualities acquired by man, slowly developing in us from one life to another, are invisible connections connecting each of our existences, which only our soul remembers. Honore de Balzac - 1799-1850

When I go to my grave I will be able to say, like so many others, “I have finished my work,” but I will not be able to say, “I have finished my life.” The next morning my work will begin again. The grave is not a dead end; she is a transition. It closes at dusk. And it opens again at dawn. Victor Hugo - 1802-1885

The soul settles in human body, as in a temporary refuge, then she leaves it and moves to a new one, thus achieving her immortality. Ralph Emerson - 1803-1882

Death is one of the steps in our continuous development. Once upon a time our birth was such a step, with the difference that birth is death for one form of being, and death is birth into another form of being. Death is happiness for a dying person, because when you die, you cease to be mortal. Theodore Parker - 1810–1860

It seems to me that I have always existed. I see myself clearly in different times history, engaged in various crafts, a person with a different fate. Gustav Flaubert - 1821-1880

I'm sure I've been here thousands of times before, just like this time, and I hope to come back thousands more times. Thomas Huxley - 1825-1895

Just as we live thousands of dreams in our present life, so our life itself is just a form of one of thousands of lives into which we enter from another more real world, returning again and again after death. Our life is just one of the dreams in another life and it is endless as long as the most real life God. Leo Tolstoy - 1828-1910

When the question is asked where we were before we were born, the answer is: in a system of slow development along the path of reincarnation with long intervals of rest in between. To the natural question of why we then do not remember these existences, we can answer that such memories would endlessly complicate our present life. Arthur Conan Doyle - 1859-1930

I accepted the theory of reincarnation when I was 26 years old. Genius is experience. Some people think that this is a gift or talent, but in fact it is a product of long experience in previous life incarnations. Henry Ford - 1863-1947

I can quite clearly imagine that I lived in past centuries. Probably many of the questions posed to me remained unresolved. That's why I'm being born again, so that someday I can answer all the questions. Carl Jung - 1875-1961

Reincarnation is the most plausible explanation of reality, with the help of which Indian thinkers overcame difficulties that baffled European thinkers. Albert Schweitzer - 1875-1965

My emergence did not begin with birth or conception. I have grown and developed over countless myriads of millennia. All my previous incarnations with their voices and images are reflected in the current me. And how many more new incarnations I have to experience. Jack London - 1876-1916

Everything about science strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death. I believe in immortal soul. Science has proven that nothing disappears into oblivion. This means that life and the soul cannot disintegrate into oblivion, and, therefore, are immortal. Wernher von Braun - 1912-1977

Friends are the souls of those we have known before in our lives. That's why we are attracted to each other. Even if I only know them for a day, it doesn't matter. I'm not going to wait until we eat our proverbial bucket of salt together to get to know them better. I am firmly convinced that we have already been together in our previous lives. George Harrison - 1943-2001

In the East, the idea of ​​rebirth is naturally woven into culture, religion and science, which is why more than 90% of people take this idea for granted. In the West, it is customary to believe in other things, but nevertheless, the situation is gradually changing - according to recent surveys, more than half of the population of the United States and democratic countries of Europe recognize the fact of rebirth and do not consider the very idea of ​​rebirth something strange.

Some people strive to learn about their previous lives, but such knowledge is more than useless if it is not located within the person himself. For example, when the Buddha was asked: “Who was I in my past life?”, he often answered like this: “If you want to know what you did in your past life, look at your life today, if you want to know what will happen to you in future lives, look at your actions in this life." And this is more than logical - everything is subject to the law of cause and effect or the law of Karma.

The idea of ​​rebirth works well for people who can take full responsibility for their lives without putting it in the hands of God or fate. After all, if you understand that it was your past actions that caused what you have now, and what exactly in this moment With every word, thought and action you determine your future, then you can take responsibility for your life and change a lot.

It is not so important whether a person believes in the idea of ​​​​rebirth or denies it - much more important are the changes that can occur in his life after accepting the idea of ​​​​rebirth. For example, as it once happened in the life of Henry Ford: “Religion had nothing to offer that was meaningful. Work could not give me complete satisfaction. It is useless to work if the experience gained in one life cannot be used in the next. When I discovered rebirth... time is no longer limited. I am no longer a slave to the hands of the clock... I would really like to convey to other people the peace that the idea of ​​​​rebirth can give us."

P.S. If everything around us does not disappear, but simply transforms into another state, then why should a person be an exception?