The feather is the main idea. Analysis of the story by V.A. Oseyeva "Feather"

Kostya made a birdhouse and called Vova:

- Look at the bird house I made.

Vova squatted down.

- Oh, what! Totally real! With a porch! You know what, Kostya,” he said timidly, “make me one too!” And I’ll make you a glider for this.

“Okay,” Kostya agreed. - Just don’t give it for this or that, but just like this: you make me a glider, and I’ll make you a birdhouse.


Valya did not come to class. Her friends sent Musya to her.

- Go and find out what’s wrong with Valya: maybe she’s sick, maybe she needs something?

Musya found her friend in bed. Valya was lying with her cheek bandaged.

- Oh, Valechka! - Musya said, sitting down on a chair. - You probably have gumboil! Oh, what a flux I had in the summer! A whole boil!

And you know, grandma had just left, and mom was at work...

“My mother is also at work,” said Valya, holding her cheek. - I need a rinse...

- Oh, Valechka! They gave me a rinse too! And I felt better! As I rinse it, it’s better! And a heating pad also helped me - hot, hot...

Valya perked up and nodded her head.

- Yes, yes, a heating pad... Musya, we have a kettle in the kitchen...

- Isn’t he the one making the noise? No, it's probably rain! – Musya jumped up and ran to the window. - That's right, rain! It's good that I came in galoshes! Otherwise you might catch a cold!

She ran into the hallway, stamped her feet for a long time, putting on her galoshes. Then, sticking her head through the door, she shouted:

- Get well soon, Valechka! I'll come to you again! I'll definitely come! Don't worry!

Valya sighed, touched the cold heating pad and began to wait for her mother.

- Well? What did she say? What does she need? – the girls asked Musya.

- Yes, she has the same gumboil that I had! – Musya said joyfully. - And she didn’t say anything! And only a heating pad and rinsing help her!

Misha had a new pen, and Fedya had an old one. When Misha went to the blackboard, Fedya exchanged his pen for Mishino’s and began to write with a new one. Misha noticed this and asked during recess:

-Why did you take my feather?

- Just think, what a miracle - a feather! - Fedya shouted. - I found something to reproach! Yes, I’ll bring you twenty of these feathers tomorrow.

– I don’t need twenty! And you have no right to do that! - Misha got angry.

The guys gathered around Misha and Fedya.

- Sorry for the feather! For your own comrade! - Fedya shouted. - Oh you!

Misha stood red and tried to tell how it happened:

- Yes, I didn’t give it to you... You took it yourself... You exchanged...

But Fedya did not let him speak. He waved his arms and shouted to the whole class:

- Oh you! Greedy! None of the guys will hang out with you!

- Give him this feather, and that’s the end of it! - said one of the boys.

“Of course, give it back, since he’s like that...” others supported.

- Give it back! Don't mess with me! One feather raises a cry!

Misha flushed. Tears appeared in his eyes.

Fedya hastily grabbed his pen, pulled Mishino’s pen out of it and threw it on the desk.

- Here, take it! I started crying! Because of one feather!

The guys went their separate ways. Fedya also left. And Misha still sat and cried.

Rex and Cupcake

Slava and Vitya were sitting on the same desk.

The boys were very friendly and helped each other as best they could. Vitya helped Slava solve problems, and Slava made sure that Vitya wrote the words correctly and did not stain his notebooks with blots. One day they had a big argument.

- Our director has big dog“Her name is Rex,” said Vitya.

“Not Rex, but Cupcake,” Slava corrected him.

- No, Rex!

- No, Cupcake!

The boys quarreled. Vitya went to another desk. The next day, Slava did not solve the problem assigned for home, and Vitya handed the teacher a sloppy notebook. A few days later, things got even worse: both boys received a D. And then they found out that the director's dog's name was Ralph.

- So, we have nothing to quarrel about! – Slava was delighted.

“Of course, not because of anything,” Vitya agreed.

Both boys sat down at the same desk again.

- Here's Rex, here's Cupcake. Nasty dog, we grabbed two deuces because of her! And just think about what people quarrel about!..


There was a mound of red clay in the yard. Squatting, the boys dug intricate passages in it and built a fortress. And suddenly they noticed another boy on the sidelines, who was also digging in the clay, dipping his red hands into a can of water and carefully coating the walls of the clay house.

- Hey, what are you doing there? - the boys called out to him.

- I'm building a house.

The boys came closer.

- What kind of house is this? It has crooked windows and a flat roof. Hey builder!

- Just move it and it will fall apart! – one boy shouted and kicked the house.

The wall collapsed.

- Oh you! Who builds something like this? – the guys shouted, breaking the freshly coated walls.

The “builder” sat silently, clenching his fists. When the last wall collapsed, he left.

And the next day the boys saw him in the same place. He again built his clay house and, dipping his red hands into the tin, carefully erected the second floor...

With your own hands

The teacher told the children what a wonderful life would be under communism, what flying satellite cities would be built, and how people would learn to change the climate at will, and southern trees would begin to grow in the north...

The teacher told a lot of interesting things, the children listened with bated breath.

When the guys left the class, one boy said:

– I would like to fall asleep and wake up under communism!

- It is not interesting! - another interrupted him. – I would like to see with my own eyes how it will be built!

“And I,” said the third boy, “would like to build all this with my own hands!”

Three comrades

Vitya lost his breakfast. During the big break, all the guys were having breakfast, and Vitya stood on the sidelines.

- Why do not you eat? – Kolya asked him.

- I lost my breakfast...

“It’s bad,” said Kolya, taking a large bite. white bread. - It’s still a long way until lunch!

- Where did you lose it? – Misha asked.

“I don’t know...” Vitya said quietly and turned away.

“You probably carried it in your pocket, but you should put it in your bag,” said Misha.

But Volodya didn’t ask anything. He approached Vita, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed it to his comrade:

- Take it, eat it!

Yurik woke up in the morning. I looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.

And the boy wanted to do something good himself.

So he sits and thinks:

“What if my little sister was drowning and I saved her!”

And my sister is right there:

- Take a walk with me, Yura!

- Go away, don’t bother me thinking!

My sister was offended and walked away. And Yura thinks:

“If only wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!”

And the nanny is right there:

- Put away the dishes, Yurochka.

- Clean it yourself - I have no time!

The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again:

“If only Trezorka fell into a well, and I would pull him out!”

And Trezorka is right there. His tail wags: “Give me a drink, Yura!”

- Go away! Don't bother thinking!

Trezorka closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes.

And Yura went to his mother:

- What could I do that’s so good?

Mom stroked Yura’s head:

- Take a walk with your sister, help the nanny put away the dishes, give Trezor some water.

- Go and find out what’s wrong with Valya: maybe she’s sick, maybe she needs something?

Musya found her friend in bed. Valya was lying with her cheek bandaged.

- Oh, Valechka! - Musya said, sitting down on a chair. - You probably have gumboil! Oh, what a flux I had in the summer! A whole boil!

And you know, grandma had just left, and mom was at work...

“My mother is also at work,” said Valya, holding her cheek. - I need a rinse...

- Oh, Valechka! They gave me a rinse too! And I felt better! As I rinse it, it’s better! And a heating pad also helped me - hot, hot...

Valya perked up and nodded her head.

- Yes, yes, a heating pad... Musya, we have a kettle in the kitchen...

- Isn’t he the one making the noise? No, it's probably rain! – Musya jumped up and ran to the window. - That's right, rain! It's good that I came in galoshes! Otherwise you might catch a cold!

She ran into the hallway, stamped her feet for a long time, putting on her galoshes. Then, sticking her head through the door, she shouted:

- Get well soon, Valechka! I'll come to you again! I'll definitely come! Don't worry!

Valya sighed, touched the cold heating pad and began to wait for her mother.

- Well? What did she say? What does she need? – the girls asked Musya.

- Yes, she has the same gumboil that I had! – Musya said joyfully. - And she didn’t say anything! And only a heating pad and rinsing help her!

Misha had a new pen, and Fedya had an old one. When Misha went to the blackboard, Fedya exchanged his pen for Mishino’s and began to write with a new one. Misha noticed this and asked during recess:

-Why did you take my feather?

- Just think, what a miracle - a feather! - Fedya shouted. - I found something to reproach! Yes, I’ll bring you twenty of these feathers tomorrow.

– I don’t need twenty! And you have no right to do that! - Misha got angry.

The guys gathered around Misha and Fedya.

- Sorry for the feather! For your own comrade! - Fedya shouted. - Oh you!

Misha stood red and tried to tell how it happened:

- Yes, I didn’t give it to you... You took it yourself... You exchanged...

But Fedya did not let him speak. He waved his arms and shouted to the whole class:

- Oh you! Greedy! None of the guys will hang out with you!

- Give him this feather, and that’s the end of it! - said one of the boys.

“Of course, give it back, since he’s like that...” others supported.

- Give it back! Don't mess with me! One feather raises a cry!

Misha flushed. Tears appeared in his eyes.

Fedya hastily grabbed his pen, pulled Mishino’s pen out of it and threw it on the desk.

- Here, take it! I started crying! Because of one feather!

The guys went their separate ways. Fedya also left. And Misha still sat and cried.

Rex and Cupcake

Slava and Vitya were sitting on the same desk.

The boys were very friendly and helped each other as best they could. Vitya helped Slava solve problems, and Slava made sure that Vitya wrote the words correctly and did not stain his notebooks with blots. One day they had a big argument.

“Our director has a big dog, his name is Rex,” said Vitya.

“Not Rex, but Cupcake,” Slava corrected him.

- No, Rex!

- No, Cupcake!

The boys quarreled. Vitya went to another desk. The next day, Slava did not solve the problem assigned for home, and Vitya handed the teacher a sloppy notebook. A few days later, things got even worse: both boys received a D. And then they found out that the director's dog's name was Ralph.

- So, we have nothing to quarrel about! – Slava was delighted.

“Of course, not because of anything,” Vitya agreed.

Both boys sat down at the same desk again.

- Here's Rex, here's Cupcake. Nasty dog, we grabbed two deuces because of her! And just think about what people quarrel about!..


There was a mound of red clay in the yard. Squatting, the boys dug intricate passages in it and built a fortress. And suddenly they noticed another boy on the sidelines, who was also digging in the clay, dipping his red hands into a can of water and carefully coating the walls of the clay house.

- Hey, what are you doing there? - the boys called out to him.

- I'm building a house.

The boys came closer.

- What kind of house is this? It has crooked windows and a flat roof. Hey builder!

- Just move it and it will fall apart! – one boy shouted and kicked the house.

The wall collapsed.

- Oh you! Who builds something like this? – the guys shouted, breaking the freshly coated walls.

The “builder” sat silently, clenching his fists. When the last wall collapsed, he left.

And the next day the boys saw him in the same place. He again built his clay house and, dipping his red hands into the tin, carefully erected the second floor...

With your own hands

The teacher told the children what a wonderful life would be under communism, what flying satellite cities would be built, and how people would learn to change the climate at will, and southern trees would begin to grow in the north...

The teacher told a lot of interesting things, the children listened with bated breath.

When the guys left the class, one boy said:

– I would like to fall asleep and wake up under communism!

- It is not interesting! - another interrupted him. – I would like to see with my own eyes how it will be built!

“And I,” said the third boy, “would like to build all this with my own hands!”

Three comrades

Vitya lost his breakfast. During the big break, all the guys were having breakfast, and Vitya stood on the sidelines.

- Why do not you eat? – Kolya asked him.

- I lost my breakfast...

“It’s bad,” said Kolya, biting off a large piece of white bread. - It’s still a long way until lunch!

- Where did you lose it? – Misha asked.

“I don’t know...” Vitya said quietly and turned away.

“You probably carried it in your pocket, but you should put it in your bag,” said Misha.

But Volodya didn’t ask anything. He approached Vita, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed it to his comrade:

- Take it, eat it!

Yurik woke up in the morning. I looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.

And the boy wanted to do something good himself.

So he sits and thinks:

“What if my little sister was drowning and I saved her!”

And my sister is right there:

- Take a walk with me, Yura!

- Go away, don’t bother me thinking!

My sister was offended and walked away. And Yura thinks:

“If only wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!”

And the nanny is right there:

- Put away the dishes, Yurochka.

- Clean it yourself - I have no time!

The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again:

“If only Trezorka fell into a well, and I would pull him out!”

And Trezorka is right there. His tail wags: “Give me a drink, Yura!”

- Go away! Don't bother thinking!

Trezorka closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes.

And Yura went to his mother:

- What could I do that’s so good?

Mom stroked Yura’s head:

- Take a walk with your sister, help the nanny put away the dishes, give Trezor some water.


In first grade, Natasha immediately fell in love with a girl with cheerful blue eyes.

“Let’s be friends,” Natasha said.

- Let's! – the girl nodded her head. - Let's play around together!

Natasha was surprised:

– Is it really necessary to play around together if you’re friends?

- Certainly. Those who are friends always play around together, and they get caught for it! – Olya laughed.

“Okay,” Natasha said hesitantly and suddenly smiled: “And then they are praised together for something, right?”

- Well, that's rare! – Olya wrinkled her nose. - It depends on what kind of girlfriend you find!

Torn leaf

Someone tore a blank sheet out of Dima’s notebook.

- Who could do this? – Dima asked.

All the guys were silent.

“I think it fell out on its own,” said Kostya. “Or maybe they gave you such a notebook at the store... Or at home your sister tore out this sheet.” You never know what happens... Really, guys?

Sections: Primary School

  1. Give an idea that every detail in work of art has its own deep meaning and helps to understand the entire work.
  2. Show that at the center of these works is a person. To teach us to understand how the writer portrays a person, how she reveals to us what is hidden from view: the thoughts and feelings of the characters, their character traits.
  3. Teach children to find in a work deep meaning– subtext.
  4. Teach children not only to read, but also to think.

Organizational moment.

Put your mind and heart into your work,
Cherish every second of your work.
Let books come into homes as friends.
Read all your life, gain your mind.

Today we have a lesson extracurricular reading. We read in class, you read different books at home on your own. Why do you think writers write books?

  • to tell something interesting
  • to teach your readers something
  • make you think about yourself and your behavior.
  • small.
  • Nosov
  • Dragunsky and others.

I’ll now read to you what one wonderful writer said about her works.

"Dear Guys! When I was like you, I loved reading short stories, I loved them because I could read them without the help of adults. One day my mother asked:

Did you like the story?

I answered: “I don’t know.” I didn't think about him.

Mom was very upset.

Since then, after reading the story, I began to think about the good and bad deeds of girls and boys, and sometimes my own. And since this helped me a lot in life, I wrote short stories for you too, so that it would be easier for you to learn to read and think.”

Who do you think could say such words about their stories?

V.A. Oseeva.

Today in class we will talk about the work of the wonderful writer Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva.

V.A. Oseeva was born in 1902 in Kyiv in the family of a construction engineer. After graduating from high school, she entered the theater institute in the acting department, but failed to graduate. Her family moved to the Moscow region. Here Oseeva’s mother began working in orphanage, and later V.A. herself. She spent 17 years working in orphanages. While raising children, she realized that there was no need to lecture, but to educate by the power of example, and she began to compose short stories and retell them to her students. The guys really liked Valentina Alexandrovna’s stories, and it was they who persuaded Oseeva to write what she told and take it to the editor. So in 1937, Oseeva’s first story “Grishka” was published - about a street boy. And in 1940, the first collection of stories “Red Cat” was published. So, thanks to the guys, you and I can read these wonderful stories.

On the board are the words:

  • Wisdom
  • Courage
  • Justice
  • Friendship
  • Kindness
  • Truthfulness
  • Caring
  • Ability to help
  • The ability to forgive

Read the words. Are all the words clear? If a word is not clear, you can consult a dictionary.

What are these words?

This good features character.

And when we read the stories, what did you want to think about, what did these stories teach?

  • take care of people
  • be friends
  • to help
  • be honest

Many of Oseeva’s stories are about friendship, about how important it is to be a loyal, kind, sympathetic person. What should I do? a true friend and how sometimes friends can be greedy, inattentive, and cowardly.

You have a piece of paper on your desk with the names of the stories we read on it. Choose which ones talk about friendship and write them down in the column - About friendship (on your own).

(Then there is a check. The guys say which stories they assigned to this group and the names of the stories are posted on the board).

Let us remember the story “Feather”.

What did Fedya do when Misha came to the board?

He changed the feather.

How did Fedya behave when Misha saw the feather replaced?

Fedya began to scream.

Why do you think Fedya started shouting and didn’t speak calmly and quietly?

It was his fault.

He didn’t just shout, but accused Misha of greed, and did not allow Misha to say a word.

What did the other guys do?

We supported Fedya.

Why, were they all dishonest?

No, they just didn't understand the situation.

Who was right in the eyes of the guys?

Who is really right?

What's the most offensive and wrong thing about this story?

The fact that the guys supported Fedya, no one wanted to find out the truth, to figure it out.

Which of the words (on the board) fits this story? What did Oseeva want to teach the children?


It's important to be a fair man, but it is important to come to the aid of your friends, family and even strangers, take care of them, and then someone will definitely take care of you.

Choose which stories talk about caring for people.

(The guys write the names of the stories in the second column. Then there is a check, the names of the stories are posted on the board).

Tell me in which story the boys did not want to help the weak, but simply stood and watched.


Which story says that you need to help not only acquaintances, but also strangers?

“Just an old lady.”

Who can be called a real son?

Someone who is ready to help mom.

What advice would you give to the boy from the story “Good”?

Don’t dream about the impossible, but help the people who are close to you.

In which story did the boys think only about themselves, completely forgetting about their mother and grandmother?


2-3 students read the story.

What was everyone's mood at the beginning?

Now imagine the last scene. Has your mood changed?

If you were to draw illustrations for this story, which picture would be the most instructive, the most poignant?

The last one.

What were grandma and mom thinking?

That their children are selfish.

And which of the guys finally realized a little that they had done wrong?

Second boy.

Have there been situations in your life when you didn’t think about your parents?

Which word (on the board) goes with this story?


Has it ever happened that you were offended by your mother when she forced you to do something and you didn’t want to?

Why does your mother force you to clean, study homework, and get up early?

You need this yourself. It will be useful to you in life.

In what story did we read about this?

“Evil mother and good aunt.”

(The title of the story is posted on the board).

(The student reads the first half of the story).

Do you agree that mom is evil?

Why did the girl say that?

Her mother forced her to do everything.

(The student reads the second half of the story).

What did the girl understand when she grew up?

That mom was right.

Can this only be understood by becoming an adult?

Don't be upset with Mom or Dad when they force you to work. You need this and you will remember kind words your parents when you become adults.

Listen to the proverbs and say which story it fits.

Truth rules the world, truth is brighter than the sun.

No matter how fast the lie runs, the truth is always ahead.

“Whatever is easier.”

We read about this in the story “Why”.

We have already become acquainted with this story, but real readers always return to what they read, because during the first reading it is difficult to understand everything, to comprehend everything.

We will take a small step towards real reading and try to discover something new in the text.

What was he like? main character story?

He deceived his mother and blamed it on the dog.

Let's turn to the text, try to understand the main character, what kind of person he is, what kind of character he has.

(The teacher reads sentences from the text in a modified version).

“A ringing sound was heard... My heart sank. I got up from the chair and lowered his eyes.”

But it’s clear anyway. What's the difference?

He stood up - he’s not afraid of anything, he does it confidently.

He slid down quietly - unsure, afraid, realized that he was to blame.

“Pale pink shards glittered on her palms.

It's Boom!”

Etc. skipping “My ears were burning.” And without pausing.

Missed words.

But even without these words, it is clear that the boy deceived his mother.

If you skip these words, you might think that it is easy for a boy to deceive and blame it on the dog. And so we see that the boy does not know how to deceive, he is worried, he is ashamed.

How does the writer feel about her hero?

She feels sorry for him.

But why didn’t he confess right away?

I was scared, but not by the punishment, but by the fact that the cup was dad’s, and they were so protective of everything from dad, because dad died.

There is a sentence in the text. It was repeated twice.

“But mom So took care of everything from daddy.”

Without this word it is not clear that the cup was very expensive.

A small word, but so important in the text.

How did mom guess that it was a boy and not a dog who broke the cup, because she was in the kitchen and didn’t see anything?

She understood from the boy's words and behavior.

There are words in the text that help you understand that mom guessed it.

“Mom’s face darkened. It turned pink, even the neck and ears turned pink.”

The mother felt ashamed of her son. How did the mother try to help her son tell the truth?

“He was very scared. If accident.

Mom doesn't scold her son. She gives him a choice.

Mom punishes Boom.

Is it easy for a mother to make such a decision?

No, because Boom is also daddy’s and mom loves him.

Why does the second part take up so much description of nature?

(the teacher reads a description of nature).

What colors would you use to paint such a picture?

Black, brown, gray.

What's going on in the boy's soul?

(The student reads an excerpt from the text).

What colors would you use to depict the hero's state of mind?

Black, gray, brown.

Have you noticed that the description of nature and the hero’s state of mind are very similar.

And along with the first blows of rain, the boy ran and confessed. Everything that has accumulated in nature comes out as rain. Everything that has accumulated in the boy’s soul also comes out – in recognition.

What was it that tormented the boy so much?

I want to tell you that a person has the right to make mistakes. The main thing is to be able to make a decision in time and correct it, and to be able to forgive people around you for their mistakes.

When you read the stories, and just in life, each of you thought about what kind of person you need to be, so that guys would be friends with you, people around you would love you, it would be easy and pleasant to be with you, what kind of character a person should have.

On your desk you have two pens (red and blue) and a piece of wood. Write in blue ink what character trait you like, and in red ink what character trait you would like to develop in yourself. The words on the board can help you.

(A tree is drawn on the board. One by one they come up and glue the leaves onto the tree).

Look, a person with the strength of his character and determination can turn even a dry tree into a blossoming one. During recess, come up and read what the guys wrote.

V.A. Oseeva wrote not only short stories. She has wonderful stories “Dinka” and “Dinka says goodbye to childhood”, “Vasek Trubachev and his comrades”.

When you get older, be sure to read these books.

And I would like to end our lesson with the wonderful song “The Road of Goodness.”

Magic word

A little old man with a long gray beard was sitting on a bench and drawing something in the sand with an umbrella.

“Move over,” Pavlik told him and sat down on the edge.

The old man moved and, looking at the boy’s red, angry face, said:

– Did something happen to you?

- Well, okay! What do you care? – Pavlik looked sideways at him.

- Nothing for me. But now you were screaming, crying, quarreling with someone...

- Still would! – the boy muttered angrily. “I’ll soon run away from home completely.”

- Will you run away?

- I’ll run away! I’ll run away because of Lenka alone. – Pavlik clenched his fists. “I almost gave her a good one just now!” Doesn't give any paint! And how many do you have?

- Does not give? Well, there's no point in running away because of this.

- Not only because of this. Grandma chased me out of the kitchen for one carrot... right with a rag, a rag...

Pavlik snorted with resentment.

- Nonsense! - said the old man. - One will scold, the other will regret.

- Nobody feels sorry for me! - Pavlik shouted. “My brother is going for a boat ride, but he won’t take me.” I tell him: “You better take it, I won’t leave you anyway, I’ll steal the oars, I’ll climb into the boat myself!”

Pavlik slammed his fist on the bench. And suddenly he fell silent.

- Why doesn’t your brother take you?

– Why do you keep asking?

The old man smoothed his long beard:

- I want to help you. There is such a magic word...

Pavlik opened his mouth.

- I'll tell you this word. But remember: you need to say it in a quiet voice, looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to. Remember - in a quiet voice, looking straight into your eyes...

- What word?

- This is a magic word. But don't forget how to say it.

“I’ll try,” Pavlik grinned, “I’ll try right now.” “He jumped up and ran home.

Lena was sitting at the table and drawing. Paints - green, blue, red - lay in front of her. Seeing Pavlik, she immediately raked them into a pile and covered them with her hand.

“The old man deceived me! – the boy thought with annoyance. “Will someone like that understand the magic word!”

Pavlik walked sideways towards his sister and pulled her sleeve. The sister looked back. Then, looking into her eyes, the boy said in a quiet voice:

- Lena, give me one paint... please...

Lena opened her eyes wide. Her fingers unclenched, and, taking her hand off the table, she muttered embarrassedly:

- Which one do you want?

“I’ll have the blue one,” Pavlik said timidly.

He took the paint, held it in his hands, walked around the room with it and gave it to his sister. He didn't need paint. He was now thinking only about the magic word.

“I’ll go to my grandmother. She's just cooking. Will he drive away or not?

Pavlik opened the door to the kitchen. The old woman was removing hot pies from the baking sheet.

The grandson ran up to her, turned her red, wrinkled face with both hands, looked into her eyes and whispered:

– Give me a piece of pie... please.

Grandma straightened up. The magic word shone in every wrinkle, in the eyes, in the smile.

- I wanted something hot... something hot, my darling! – she said, choosing the best, rosy pie.

Pavlik jumped for joy and kissed her on both cheeks.

"Wizard! Wizard!" - he repeated to himself, remembering the old man.

At dinner, Pavlik sat quietly and listened to his brother’s every word. When his brother said that he would go boating, Pavlik put his hand on his shoulder and quietly asked:

- Take me, please.

Everyone at the table immediately fell silent. The brother raised his eyebrows and grinned.

“Take it,” the sister suddenly said. - What is it worth to you!

- Well, why not take it? - Grandma smiled. - Of course, take it.

“Please,” Pavlik repeated.

The brother laughed loudly, patted the boy on the shoulder, ruffled his hair:

- Oh, you traveler! Okay, get ready!

“It helped! It helped again!”

Pavlik jumped out from the table and ran into the street. But the old man was no longer in the park. The bench was empty, and only incomprehensible signs drawn by an umbrella remained on the sand.

Two women were taking water from a well. A third approached them. And the old man sat down on a pebble to rest.

Here's what one woman says to another:

- My son is dexterous and strong, no one can handle him.

And the third is silent.

- Why don’t you tell me about your son? - her neighbors ask.

- What can I say? - says the woman. – There’s nothing special about him.

So the women collected full buckets and left. And the old man is behind them. Women walk and stop. My hands hurt, the water splashes, my back hurts.

Suddenly three boys run out towards us.

One of them tumbles over his head, walks like a cartwheel, and the women admire him.

He sings another song, sings like a nightingale - the women listen to him.

And the third ran up to his mother, took the heavy buckets from her and dragged them.

The women ask the old man:

- Well? What are our sons like?

-Where are they? - the old man answers. - I only see one son!

Mom gave Kolya colored pencils. One day his comrade Vitya came to Kolya.

- Let's draw!

Kolya put a box of pencils on the table. There were only three pencils: red, green and blue.

-Where are the others? – Vitya asked.

Kolya shrugged.

– Yes, I gave them away: my sister’s friend took the brown one - she needed to paint the roof of the house; I gave the pink and blue ones to one girl from our yard - she lost hers... And Petya took the black and yellow ones from me - he just didn’t have enough of those...

- But you yourself were left without pencils! - my friend was surprised. - Don't you need them?

- No, they are very necessary, but all such cases that it is impossible not to give!

Vitya took pencils from the box, turned them over in his hands and said:

“You’re going to give it to someone anyway, so it’s better to give it to me.” I don't have a single colored pencil!

Kolya looked at the empty box.

“Well, take it... since this is the case...” he muttered.

Just an old lady

A boy and a girl were walking down the street. And ahead of them was an old woman. It was very slippery. The old lady slipped and fell.

- Hold my books! – the boy shouted, handing his briefcase to the girl, and rushed to help the old woman.

When he returned, the girl asked him:

- Is this your grandmother?

“No,” answered the boy.

- Mother? – the girlfriend was surprised.

- Well, aunt? Or a friend?

- No, no, no! - the boy answered. - It's just an old lady.

Girl with a doll

Yura entered the bus and sat down in a child's seat. Following Yura, a military man entered. Yura jumped up:

- Sit down please!

- Sit, sit! I'll sit here.

The military man sat down behind Yura. An old woman walked up the steps. Yura wanted to offer her a seat, but another boy beat him to it.

“It turned out ugly,” Yura thought and began to look vigilantly at the door.

A girl came in from the front platform. She was clutching a tightly folded flannel blanket, from which protruded a lace cap.

Yura jumped up:

- Sit down please!

The girl nodded her head, sat down and, opening the blanket, pulled out a large doll.

The passengers laughed merrily, and Yura blushed.

“I thought she was a woman with a child,” he muttered.

The soldier patted him on the shoulder approvingly:

- Nothing, nothing! The girl also needs to give way! And even a girl with a doll!

Vanya brought a collection of stamps to class.

- Nice collection! - Petya approved and immediately said: “You know what, you have a lot of identical brands here, give them to me.” I will ask my father for money, buy other brands and return it to you.

- Take it, of course! – Vanya agreed.

But his father did not give Petya money, but bought him a collection. Petya felt sorry for his stamps.

“I’ll give it to you later,” he said to Vanya.

- No need! I don't need these brands at all! Let's play with feathers instead!

They started playing. Petya was unlucky - he lost ten feathers. He frowned.

– I’m in your debt all around!

“What a duty,” says Vanya, “I was playing with you as a joke.”

Petya looked at his comrade from under his brows: Vanya had a thick nose, freckles were scattered across his face, his eyes were somehow round...

“Why am I friends with him? - thought Petya. “I’m just accumulating debts.” And he began to run away from his friend, make friends with other boys, and he himself had some kind of resentment towards Vanya.

He goes to bed and dreams:

“I’ll save up some more stamps and give him the whole collection, and I’ll give him the feathers, instead of ten feathers - fifteen...”

But Vanya doesn’t even think about Petya’s debts, he wonders: what happened to his friend?

Somehow he approaches him and asks:

- Why are you looking at me sideways, Petya?

Petya couldn't stand it. He blushed all over and said something rude to his friend:

– Do you think you’re the only honest one? And others are dishonest! Do you think I need your stamps? Or did I not see any feathers?

Vanya backed away from his comrade, he felt offended, he wanted to say something but could not.

Petya begged his mother for money, bought feathers, grabbed his collection and ran to Vanya.

- Get all your debts in full! – He’s happy, his eyes are sparkling. - Nothing was missing from me!

- No, it's gone! - says Vanya. - And you will never get back what is missing!

Two boys stood on the street under the clock and talked.

“I didn’t solve the example because it had brackets,” Yura justified himself.

- And I because there were very big numbers, - said Oleg.

– We can solve it together, we still have time!

The clock outside showed half past two.

“We have a whole half hour,” said Yura. – During this time, the pilot can transport passengers from one city to another.

“And my uncle, the captain, managed to load the entire crew into the boats in twenty minutes during the shipwreck.

“What - over twenty!..” Yura said busily. “Sometimes five or ten minutes means a lot.” You just need to take every minute into account.

- Here’s a case! During one competition...

A lot of interesting cases the boys remembered.

“And I know...” Oleg suddenly stopped and looked at his watch. - Exactly two!

Yura gasped.

- Let's run! - Yura said. - We're late for school!

- What about an example? – Oleg asked in fear.

Yura just waved his hand as he ran.


Kostya made a birdhouse and called Vova:

- Look at the bird house I made.

Vova squatted down.

- Oh, what! Totally real! With a porch! You know what, Kostya,” he said timidly, “make me one too!” And I’ll make you a glider for this.

“Okay,” Kostya agreed. - Just don’t give it for this or that, but just like this: you make me a glider, and I’ll make you a birdhouse.


Valya did not come to class. Her friends sent Musya to her.

- Go and find out what’s wrong with Valya: maybe she’s sick, maybe she needs something?

Musya found her friend in bed. Valya was lying with her cheek bandaged.

- Oh, Valechka! - Musya said, sitting down on a chair. - You probably have gumboil! Oh, what a flux I had in the summer! A whole boil!

And you know, grandma had just left, and mom was at work...

“My mother is also at work,” said Valya, holding her cheek. - I need a rinse...

- Oh, Valechka! They gave me a rinse too! And I felt better! As I rinse it, it’s better! And a heating pad also helped me - hot, hot...

Valya perked up and nodded her head.

- Yes, yes, a heating pad... Musya, we have a kettle in the kitchen...

- Isn’t he the one making the noise? No, it's probably rain! – Musya jumped up and ran to the window. - That's right, rain! It's good that I came in galoshes! Otherwise you might catch a cold!

She ran into the hallway, stamped her feet for a long time, putting on her galoshes. Then, sticking her head through the door, she shouted:

- Get well soon, Valechka! I'll come to you again! I'll definitely come! Don't worry!

Valya sighed, touched the cold heating pad and began to wait for her mother.

- Well? What did she say? What does she need? – the girls asked Musya.

- Yes, she has the same gumboil that I had! – Musya said joyfully. - And she didn’t say anything! And only a heating pad and rinsing help her!

Misha had a new pen, and Fedya had an old one. When Misha went to the blackboard, Fedya exchanged his pen for Mishino’s and began to write with a new one. Misha noticed this and asked during recess:

-Why did you take my feather?

- Just think, what a miracle - a feather! - Fedya shouted. - I found something to reproach! Yes, I’ll bring you twenty of these feathers tomorrow.

– I don’t need twenty! And you have no right to do that! - Misha got angry.

The guys gathered around Misha and Fedya.

- Sorry for the feather! For your own comrade! - Fedya shouted. - Oh you!

Misha stood red and tried to tell how it happened:

- Yes, I didn’t give it to you... You took it yourself... You exchanged...

But Fedya did not let him speak. He waved his arms and shouted to the whole class:

- Oh you! Greedy! None of the guys will hang out with you!

- Give him this feather, and that’s the end of it! - said one of the boys.

“Of course, give it back, since he’s like that...” others supported.

- Give it back! Don't mess with me! One feather raises a cry!

Misha flushed. Tears appeared in his eyes.

Fedya hastily grabbed his pen, pulled Mishino’s pen out of it and threw it on the desk.

- Here, take it! I started crying! Because of one feather!

The guys went their separate ways. Fedya also left. And Misha still sat and cried.

Rex and Cupcake

Slava and Vitya were sitting on the same desk.

The boys were very friendly and helped each other as best they could. Vitya helped Slava solve problems, and Slava made sure that Vitya wrote the words correctly and did not stain his notebooks with blots. One day they had a big argument.

“Our director has a big dog, his name is Rex,” said Vitya.

“Not Rex, but Cupcake,” Slava corrected him.

- No, Rex!

- No, Cupcake!

The boys quarreled. Vitya went to another desk. The next day, Slava did not solve the problem assigned for home, and Vitya handed the teacher a sloppy notebook. A few days later, things got even worse: both boys received a D. And then they found out that the director's dog's name was Ralph.

- So, we have nothing to quarrel about! – Slava was delighted.

“Of course, not because of anything,” Vitya agreed.

Both boys sat down at the same desk again.

- Here's Rex, here's Cupcake. Nasty dog, we grabbed two deuces because of her! And just think about what people quarrel about!..


There was a mound of red clay in the yard. Squatting, the boys dug intricate passages in it and built a fortress. And suddenly they noticed another boy on the sidelines, who was also digging in the clay, dipping his red hands into a can of water and carefully coating the walls of the clay house.

- Hey, what are you doing there? - the boys called out to him.

- I'm building a house.

The boys came closer.

- What kind of house is this? It has crooked windows and a flat roof. Hey builder!

- Just move it and it will fall apart! – one boy shouted and kicked the house.

The wall collapsed.

- Oh you! Who builds something like this? – the guys shouted, breaking the freshly coated walls.

The “builder” sat silently, clenching his fists. When the last wall collapsed, he left.

And the next day the boys saw him in the same place. He again built his clay house and, dipping his red hands into the tin, carefully erected the second floor...

With your own hands

The teacher told the children what a wonderful life would be under communism, what flying satellite cities would be built, and how people would learn to change the climate at will, and southern trees would begin to grow in the north...

The teacher told a lot of interesting things, the children listened with bated breath.

When the guys left the class, one boy said:

– I would like to fall asleep and wake up under communism!

- It is not interesting! - another interrupted him. – I would like to see with my own eyes how it will be built!

“And I,” said the third boy, “would like to build all this with my own hands!”

Three comrades

Vitya lost his breakfast. During the big break, all the guys were having breakfast, and Vitya stood on the sidelines.

- Why do not you eat? – Kolya asked him.

- I lost my breakfast...

“It’s bad,” said Kolya, biting off a large piece of white bread. - It’s still a long way until lunch!

- Where did you lose it? – Misha asked.

“I don’t know...” Vitya said quietly and turned away.

“You probably carried it in your pocket, but you should put it in your bag,” said Misha.

But Volodya didn’t ask anything. He approached Vita, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed it to his comrade:

- Take it, eat it!

Yurik woke up in the morning. I looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.

And the boy wanted to do something good himself.

So he sits and thinks:

“What if my little sister was drowning and I saved her!”

And my sister is right there:

- Take a walk with me, Yura!

- Go away, don’t bother me thinking!

My sister was offended and walked away. And Yura thinks:

“If only wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!”

And the nanny is right there:

- Put away the dishes, Yurochka.

- Clean it yourself - I have no time!

The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again:

“If only Trezorka fell into a well, and I would pull him out!”

And Trezorka is right there. His tail wags: “Give me a drink, Yura!”

- Go away! Don't bother thinking!

Trezorka closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes.

And Yura went to his mother:

- What could I do that’s so good?

Mom stroked Yura’s head:

- Take a walk with your sister, help the nanny put away the dishes, give Trezor some water.


In first grade, Natasha immediately fell in love with a girl with cheerful blue eyes.

“Let’s be friends,” Natasha said.

- Let's! – the girl nodded her head. - Let's play around together!

Natasha was surprised:

– Is it really necessary to play around together if you’re friends?

- Certainly. Those who are friends always play around together, and they get caught for it! – Olya laughed.

“Okay,” Natasha said hesitantly and suddenly smiled: “And then they are praised together for something, right?”

- Well, that's rare! – Olya wrinkled her nose. - It depends on what kind of girlfriend you find!

Torn leaf

Someone tore a blank sheet out of Dima’s notebook.

- Who could do this? – Dima asked.

All the guys were silent.

“I think it fell out on its own,” said Kostya. “Or maybe they gave you such a notebook at the store... Or at home your sister tore out this sheet.” You never know what happens... Really, guys?

The guys silently shrugged their shoulders.

- And maybe you yourself got caught somewhere... Collapse! – and it’s done!.. Really, guys?

Kostya turned first to one, then to the other, hastily explaining:

– The cat could also tear out this leaf... Of course! Especially some kitten...

Kostya’s ears turned red, he kept talking and saying something and couldn’t stop.

The guys were silent, and Dima frowned. Then he tapped Kostya on the shoulder and said:

- Enough for you!

Kostya immediately went limp, looked down and said quietly:

– I’ll give you the notebook... I have a whole one!..

Based on the results of the post “Guessing game about interpersonal intelligence”, analysis of situations (for children and adults). A situation from a story by V.A. We have discussed Oseev's "Debt" here.

Today we will analyze the story of V.A. Oseyeva "Feather".

Misha had a new pen, and Fedya had an old one. When Misha went to the blackboard, Fedya exchanged his pen for Mishino’s and began to write with a new one. (Why did Fedya do this? Give at least three reasons:

Fedya is a short-sighted boy (he has functional immaturity frontal lobes brain, which does not allow him to algorithmize experience or knowledge and see the consequences of his actions several steps ahead, p0).

Fedya is a dishonest boy (he has everything in order with neurology, he takes pleasure in deceiving others, hiding/showing the truth at will hy+-s+ and his unformed moral sense does not curb his desire to experience this pleasure e0).

Fedya is a far-sighted and honest boy who lives in a situation of mistreatment. Abuse at home confuses him with the “dos and don’ts” attitude, so he unconsciously seeks help outside the home and “acts out” what is happening at home, showing, rather than telling, what others are doing to him.

Fedya grows up in a family where there is a “thieves” relative, and he copies the behavior of a man significant to him, who acts according to the anti-world model “you die today, and I die tomorrow.” He uncritically adopted a pattern of exploitative behavior towards other people.

Fedya is a stupid boy, whose character is formed according to the unstable type. He acts situationally, under the influence of a momentary impulse, a slave to his desires and the mood of the moment, does not like to be led and slips out of control or acts contrary, and, feeling the iron grip, dissolves in the one who commands him and obeys him absolutely).

Misha noticed this and asked during recess:
- Why did you take my feather?

(What did Misha do? Confronted Fedya with the fact of theft. Taking someone else’s = stealing).

Just think, what a miracle - a feather! - Fedya shouted. - I found something to reproach! Yes, I’ll bring you twenty of these feathers tomorrow.

(What does Fedya do? He shifts attention from the act (theft) to the attitude towards the act (you reproach). What mistake did Misha make? He did not say out loud:
- You took someone else’s property without asking, that is, you stole it. You can't steal).

I don't need twenty! And you have no right to do that! - Misha got angry.

(What mistakes did Misha make?
He succumbed to the shift in attention and allowed Fedya to draw him into a discussion of the hypothetical situation “tomorrow I will bring you twenty feathers.”
He did not call the theft a theft.
He followed Fedya and spoke out in the direction of the people “we” are discussing (you reproach, you have no right), and not in the direction of behavior, “what” we are discussing.
He became angry, that is, he allowed his emotions to take over his thinking. Emotions and thinking compete on the field of consciousness; people are usually busy either with experiences or reflections at one point in time).

The guys gathered around Misha and Fedya.

(They ran into a holivar, we would say today. What is the name of what happened in the relationship between Misha and Fedya? The thief, caught red-handed, began to dodge, we read:)

Sorry for the feather! For your own comrade! - Fedya shouted. - Oh you!

(What is the name of what is happening to Misha? Disorganization of thinking and speech under the influence of strong emotions, we read:).

Misha stood red and tried to tell how it happened:
- Yes, I didn’t give it to you... You took it yourself... You exchanged...

(What is the name of what happens in the relationship between Misha and Fedya? Fedya intimidates Misha, shouts at him and threatens him with a boycott, we read:).

But Fedya did not let him speak. He waved his arms and shouted to the whole class:
- Oh you! Greedy! None of the guys will hang out with you!

(As Misha would answer if he nervous system allowed him to take the blow and Fedya’s words wouldn’t have excited him so much?
- You'd think everyone wants to hang out with thieves. You stole my pen behind my back.
He would clearly stand on the qualification of the action, it is unambiguous).

Give him this feather, and that’s the end of it! - said one of the boys.
“Of course, give it back, since he’s like that...” others supported.
- Give it back! Don't mess with me! One feather raises a cry!

(What is what happens to children called? Emotional contagion. They succumbed to Fedya’s affectively colored speech).

Misha flushed. Tears appeared in his eyes.

(How would Misha respond if his nervous system allowed him to take a blow and resist the group? He would divide the group as “we” into separate individuals and answer each one, addressing them by name:
- You (name) are now covering for a thief.
- You (name) will be the next one he steals from.
- Are you (name) stealing too, since you’re going broke like that?)

Fedya hastily grabbed his pen, pulled Mishino’s pen out of it and threw it on the desk.
- Here, take it! I started crying! Because of one feather!

(What is Fedya doing? He describes what is happening here and now, “Crying!” and projects, attributes to Misha the motive “I feel sorry for my feather.” Using the words of the post about fur coats, he throws his projection onto Misha.

If Fedya had not been projecting, he would have described the essence of “I organized public opinion against you and received the support of the group, this is my sadistic triumph, and you are powerless to do anything against."

If Misha’s nervous system was more stress-resistant and could withstand a blow, he would have said in response:
- There is no need to attribute your greed to others. I was outraged by your theft, and thieves must be punished. Especially those who steal from their own).

The guys went their separate ways. Fedya also left. And Misha still sat and cried.

(Why was Misha crying?
It is clear that tears help him react stressful situation, about the crying reaction and other reactions to acute stress in the League of Psychotherapy there were posts here and here.

There may be more than one reason why Misha could be crying.

h he is painfully wounded by the imperfection of the world, where untruth takes precedence over truth
he is tormented by the experience of his own powerlessness
It breaks his heart to understand that the teacher did not come to the children’s aid and none of the adults stood next to him
hy he is ashamed that the girl who liked him saw him called a greedy
k he was convinced once again that he was a loser and unlucky, even in an obvious situation when he was right in all respects, he found himself spat upon
p he despises himself that Fedya turned out to be more sophisticated than him, outplayed him as a more skillful demagogue
d discharged with tears, emotional depressive outburst, crying about the loss of the relationship that existed before the episode
m he is crushed by the fear of a boycott, that everyone will refuse to maintain relations with him.

There are explanations about what the Latin letters mean in the posts What is Sondiana? , Why is Sondiana needed? and Family Psychotherapy and Sondiana.

So why did Fedya do this?

He is a stupid and greedy boy. He took the feather, succumbing to his own selfish motive. Then he unconsciously attributed his motive to Misha, projected it (projectio means in Latin “I throw forward out of myself, hence the “projector” as a device) onto him.
Thus, Fedya seemed to “free himself from this within himself.” The lack of knowledge about his own greed gave Fedya and his performance special persuasiveness; he sounded like an integral and undoubting person, aware of his rightness. This attracted other guys to him.
Like any unstable psychotype, Fedya goes for the environment and, when those around him told Fedya to return the feather, he, in fact, returns it to Misha. Impulsively steals, impulsively returns what was stolen.

Why was Misha crying? There is not enough data to give a reasoned unambiguous answer.