Why is there more evil in the world than good? Kapitoshka: What is more on earth: good or evil?

Maybe some ancient cup scales can help us identify them?

A game. On one side of the scale we will put “evil” (tablets - envy, greed, rudeness, betrayal, war, lies). To defeat evil, we must try to tip the scales with “good”. Let's remember what good deeds you have done, and pour them drop by drop into the scales with “good”. Name the good deed and pour a “drop” (from the bottle) into the pan on the scale.

You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, a stream into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​Good.

You are still children, but many glorious deeds await you ahead. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first, you must grow up to be real people. And this means that you must be brave, responsive, polite, kind. " Hurry to do good!”

Well, now I invite you to sing Leopold the cat’s song “Kindness.”

Group singing.


Words by Hayt A. Music by Savelyev B.

Let's forget everything that happened

I've been wanting to say for a long time

It’s a pity to waste energy on a fight,

We need her for good deeds.

The sun is shining brightly,

A sparrow chirps.

I'm not a coward, I admit it honestly

I just think like this:

There is no beautiful place on earth

For the unkind and for the bullies.

The sun is shining brightly,

A sparrow chirps.

It is more fun for the kind to live in this world.


1) It’s good when a person leaves a good mark behind him. One wise man remarked: “A person has not lived his life in vain if he built a house, grew a garden and raised a child.” Together with your parents, do one common good deed - create an application. On a blank sheet of whatman paper, paste applique details cut out of colored paper: house, trees, figures of children, clouds, sun, flowers, figures of birds and animals, etc.

2) What did you call the picture? How did you feel while creating it? Is creating this painting a good deed? Why?

3) Do good deeds. Write down and draw in your diary your good deeds. How did you feel when you did good?

Nina Yurievna Afanasyeva
“What is more in the world - good or evil?” Open class hour in 4th grade

Subject class hour : «?»

Target: Formation of students’ ideas about good and evil, kindness, good and bad deeds.


1. Expand concepts: kindness, good and evil.

2. Form moral categories and value judgments; ability to work with information sources (dictionaries, internet).

3. Foster feelings of camaraderie, compassion, and cultivate a culture of communication.

4. Learn to recognize heroes and characters works of art who have personality traits such as kindness, generosity, responsiveness, teach to do good deeds.

Equipment: presentation, video, scales, Whatman paper, pictures.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

- Good afternoon and good hour!

I'm so glad to see you!

You will turn to each other,

Smile very nicely.

After all, a smile, without a doubt,

Cheers up!

2. Introductory conversation.

Guys, look at (slide 1)

Can you guess what the topic of our lesson is? (children's answers)

good and evil(2 slide)

Can you tell me What is more in the world - good or evil?? (children's assumptions)

What will be the purpose of the lesson?

To know What is more in the world - good or evil?? (3 slide)

3. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

Work in groups. (slide 4)

1 group-definition good and evil.

Group 2- good and evil fairy tale heroes.

Group 3 – proverbs and sayings different nations peace.

Guys, good and evil are special words. What's happened good? What is evil? People have pondered these questions throughout history. Can any of you try to answer question: what's happened good? (slide 5)

Please note that the word « Good» has two meanings. (discussion with children)

What is evil? (children express their opinions). (slide 6)

Guys, what fairy tales can you remember, where does the theme occur? good and evil? (children's answers) Please remember the heroes who have positive traits. Which heroes can we call negative? (slide 7)

Guys, do you know proverbs and sayings about good, evil, kindness? (slide 8)

Guys, look at the next slide. (slide 9)

What do you think these animals have to do with our topic? (children express their guesses)

4. View the parable “Two Wolves”

And now I propose to look at one parable, which is called "Two Wolves". (video) (slide 10)

5. Discussion and analysis of the parable.

How did you understand the meaning of this parable? (children's reasoning)

How can words be explained? old man: “The wolf you feed wins”?

Every person is capable of nourishing within himself good or bad wolf. Everyone decides for themselves which wolf is closer. I would like to wish everyone that you do only good deeds, they only said good words.

6. Physical education minute (slide 11)

You all love fairy tales. We often meet them there good and evil heroes. Now I will name the names of the heroes, and you answer together. Kind- clap your hands joyfully, and stomp your feet when angry.

Ivan Tsarevich, Koschey the Immortal, gold fish, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, geese-swans, merman, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Morozka, Malvina.

What hero would you like to be like? Why?

7. Generalization of the received material.

Let's imagine that each of us has a small sun. This is the Sun - kindness. You and your loved ones really need it. After all, love and help warm you like the sun. How do you think what is more on earth: good or evil?

We asked this question to our students and adults at our school.

Video survey. (slide 12)

Student survey class.

Maybe the scales will help us find out.

(teacher shows scales)

For one cup we will put"evil", and to the other « good» .

(Plates with inscriptions: envy, greed, rudeness, betrayal, war, lies are hanging on the board.)

Where should these words be put, to which of the concepts.

To defeat evil, we must remember our good deeds, and drop by drop on another scale.

(children come to the teacher’s table, call good deed, and a small object is placed on the scale "a drop" of good.)

What happened before our eyes?

Why did this happen?

- It’s the same in life: droplets goodness merging turn into rivers, rivers into the sea of good. It's good when a person leaves behind good follow.

One wise man said: a person has not lived his life in vain if he built a house, grew a garden, or raised a child.

8. Creative work (slide 13)

Let's do it now too Good deed. We will create a picture.

(the teacher prepares parts in advance from colored paper: house, trees, clouds, sun, flowers, figures of animals, birds, people).

What kind of picture did you get? What should we call it? How did you feel while doing good?

Listen, little one rhyme:

Do you want to be loved?

Do it to people good.

Very soon you will be convinced that you are acting smartly!

9. Summing up.

Guys, what was the topic of the lesson?

Can you answer the purpose of the lesson?

Remember how our favorite fairy tales end?

-Good conquers evil! And I wish you the same in your life! (slide 14)

And at the end of our lesson, what advice would you give? classmates, younger brothers and sisters, all people. (slide 15).

I hope that our lesson was not in vain and that you will take a lot with you into your life! (slide 16).




lies war

MKOU "Klyuchikovskaya Secondary School"

Class hour script

“What is more in the world - good or evil?”

(4th grade)

Developed by teacher primary classes:

Afanasyeva Nina Yurievna

With. Keys, 2016

Class topic : “What is more in the world - good or evil?”
Target : Formation in students of ideas about good and evil, kindness, good and bad deeds.
1. Expand the concepts: kindness, goodness and evil.
2. Form moral categories and value judgments; ability to work with information sources (dictionaries, Internet).
3. Foster feelings of camaraderie, mutual support and compassion, cultivate a culture of communication.
4. Learn to recognize heroes and characters in works of art who have such personality traits as kindness, generosity, responsiveness, and learn to do good deeds.
Equipment : presentation, video, scales, Whatman paper, pictures.
Progress of the lesson
1. Organizational moment.
- Good afternoon and good hour!
I'm so glad to see you!
You will turn to each other,
Smile very nicely.
After all, a smile, without a doubt,
Cheers up!
2.Introductory conversation.
- Guys, look at
(slide 1)

Can you guess what the topic of our lesson is? (children's answers)

good and evil(2 slide)
- Can you tell me what?
(children's assumptions)

What will be the purpose of the lesson?

Find out hIs there more of it in the world - good or evil?(3 slide)

3. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.

Work in groups. (slide 4)
Group 1 - definition of good and evil.

Group 2 - good and evil fairy tale heroes.

Group 3 – proverbs and sayings from different peoples of the world.

1 group

Guys, good and evil are special words. What is good? What is evil? People have pondered these questions throughout history. Who among you can try to answer the question: what is good? (children express their guesses)(slide 5)

Please note that the word "Good" has two meanings. (discussion with children)
- What is evil? (children express their opinions).(slide 6)

2nd group

Guys, what fairy tales can you remember where the theme of good and evil is found? (children's answers) Please remember the heroes who have positive qualities. Which heroes can we call negative?? (slide 7)

3 group

Guys, do you know proverbs and sayings about good, evil, kindness?(slide 8)

- Guys, look at the next slide.(slide 9)
- What do you think these animals have to do with our topic? (children express their guesses)
4. View the parable “Two Wolves”
- And now I propose to watch one parable called “Two Wolves.”
(video) (slide 10)
5. Discussion and analysis of the parable.

- How did you understand the meaning of this parable? (children's reasoning)
- How can you explain the old man’s words: “The wolf you feed wins”?
- Every person is capable of nurturing a good or bad wolf within himself. Everyone decides for themselves which wolf is closer. I would like to wish everyone that you do only good deeds and say only kind words.

6. Physical exercise (slide 11)

- You all love fairy tales. In them we often meet good and evil heroes. Now I will name the names of the heroes, and you answer together.Kind - clap your hands joyfully , Aangry - stomp your feet .

Ivan Tsarevich , Koschei the Deathless,gold fish , Thumbelina , Karabas-Barabas,Little Red Riding Hood , geese-swans, water, Baba Yaga,Cinderella , Morozko,Malvina .

What hero would you like to be like? Why?

7. Generalization of the received material.

Let's imagine that each of us has a small sun. This sun is kindness. You and your loved ones really need it. After all, love and help warm you like the sun. What do you think is more on earth: good or evil?

We asked this question to our students and adults at our school.

Video survey. (slide 12)

Survey by class students.

Maybe they can help us find outscales.

(teacher shows scales)

We will put “evil” on one cup and “good” on the other.

(Plates with inscriptions:envy, greed, rudeness, betrayal, war, lies are hanging on the board.)

Where should these words be put, to which of the concepts.

To defeat evil, you need to remember your good deeds and put them drop by drop on the other side of the scale.

(children come to the teacher’s table, name a good deed, and put a small object “drop” of goodness on the scales.)

What happened before our eyes?

Why did this happen?

It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness merge and turn into rivers, and rivers into a sea of ​​goodness. It's good when a person leaves behind a good mark.

One wise man said : a person has not lived his life in vain if he built a house, grew a garden, or raised a child.

8.Creative work (slide 13)

Let's do a good deed now too. We will create a picture.

(the teacher prepares details from colored paper in advance: house, trees, clouds, sun, flowers, figures of animals, birds, people).

What kind of picture did you get? What should we call it? How did you feel when you did good?

Listen, little poem:

Do you want to be loved?

Do good to people.

Very soon you will be convinced that you are acting smartly!

9. Summing up.

- Guys, what was the topic of the lesson?

Can you answer the purpose of the lesson?
- Remember how our favorite fairy tales end?
-Good conquers evil! And I wish you the same in your life! (slide 14)

- And at the end of our lesson, what advice would you give to your classmates, younger brothers and sisters, to all people? (slide 15).

I hope that our lesson was not in vain and that you will take a lot with you into your life! (slide 16).