Useful techniques for teaching your dog commands. How to teach a small puppy commands. How to train a puppy yourself: the simplest commands Which command to start training a dog with

If your puppy has not mastered basic commands, then he is unlikely to grow into a disciplined and obedient dog. But for command training to be effective, it must become an interesting and enjoyable game. Let's start our acquaintance with training methods with the mechanics of training, which are most often used in Russia.

Before you start learning, remember a few basic rules:

  • Any command is pronounced clearly and repeated only once.
  • If you give a command, be sure to ensure its execution.
  • Get ready for repetition completed action. You need to work out one command and only then move on to a new one.
  • Do not allow your puppy to interrupt the command, not follow it, or ignore your requests.

With age, one of the main conditions for training is endurance training. Increase the delay time for command execution, starting with a few seconds and building up to a minute.

The easiest way to teach a puppy restraint is to give the command “Sit” before feeding and, after holding it for a few seconds, place a bowl in front of the puppy, not allowing him to break the command.

Having achieved its fulfillment, allow him to approach on the command “You can!” This exercise is repeated before each feeding. In this case, you can give the command “Lie down” or “Stand”. This way, not only endurance is trained, but also three basic commands are practiced, with the help of which the owner can control the dog from a distance.

The “Sit” command is best taught to a puppy using treats. By raising your hand with the treat above the puppy's head, you can gradually move it back. The puppy will reach for your hand and sit down. If he starts to back away, use your free hand to apply light pressure to the rump.

If the puppy has mastered the first command, you can gradually introduce him to the new one - “Lie down”. Executing the command requires more endurance, as it is performed from sitting and standing positions. Holding the treat in one hand, with the other hand you need to lightly press on the withers, forcing the puppy to lie down. Or, pass the leash under the left foot and pull it, simultaneously pressing on the withers and laying the puppy down. When he follows the command, pet him, praise him and give him a treat.

As soon as the puppy appears in the house, a place for it has already been determined. The owner shows the puppy his bed, giving the command “Place”. In most cases, the puppy leaves, trying to settle down where he sees fit. This is where you need to be persistent. When the puppy settles down to rest or sleep where it is not supposed to, you need to take it to its place, pet it, give a command, and treat it with a treat.

With each new attempt to leave the place, the puppy must be returned back, giving the command affectionately and encouraging the puppy in every possible way. He should enjoy being there. To consolidate the result, you can give the puppy treats by placing them on the bedding and repeating the “Place” command. Soon he will begin to return there on command or on his own.

Team "Ugh!" is practiced if the puppy does something wrong. This command stops disobedience or warns against correct actions puppy. The most difficult thing in teaching a puppy the command “Fu!” - maintain composure. Start exercise better at home. When the puppy grabs something that is not allowed to be taken, you need to calmly open its mouth and command “Ugh!” and pull out the item. When you try to pick him up again, you need to repeat the command, stopping any attempts by the puppy to insist on his own.

The second difficulty is not to abuse this command. From frequent repetition, the puppy will simply stop perceiving it. Team "Ugh!" pronounced in a stern voice, with a slightly elevated intonation, but under no circumstances should you start shouting.

However, when starting training using this method, remember that sometimes it is better to use the so-called operant training method, which we will tell you about later - your dog does something, and you reinforce this action. This way your dog won't have to wait for you to do everything for him.

When a four-legged pet appears in the house, it is not only joy and happiness, but also a lot of trouble. Every owner wants his pet to be smart and obedient, but not everyone can achieve this. Inexperienced dog owners complain that their dog is supposedly so stupid that it is incapable of even performing the simplest tasks. In fact, these animals are very smart and understanding, you just need to find them special approach. Basically, training begins at 4-6 months. The simplest option– send your pet to special OKD courses, but you can start raising it yourself. In this article we will tell you how to teach a dog commands.

Before you start training, be patient and prepare a soft collar, leash, and rewarding treats for your pet - crackers, pieces of meat or dry dog ​​food. The place for training also needs to be chosen wisely - it should be quiet and secluded. You should not train your dog near a highway or playground - noise and screams will distract your pet. Reinforcement should be given after each correctly executed command. Say tasks clearly and loudly, supporting your words with gestures, but do not resort to shouting. The dog must learn to respond to your calm, confident voice.

Teaching the command "Come to me!"

This is one of the simplest and so-called “basic” commands. When you call your dog for a walk, play or walk, first say his name, and then add the word “Come”. Gradually, while offering your pet a treat, constantly say “Come.” Dogs sense the owner’s mood and intonation very well and quickly get used to commands. Don't forget to praise and encourage your pet.

Teaching the command "Sit!"

To teach your dog the command to sit, use treat pieces and a leash. While holding your pet on a short leash, offer him a treat. Let him sniff him, constantly telling him to “sit.” Use a leash to keep your dog from jumping and slowly lift the treat over his head, leading him towards his tail. As soon as the animal sits trying to get food, treat it with a tasty piece and praise it. Repeat until the dog understands what is wanted from it. The main thing that is required from the owner is patience.

You can also use another method - turn half-turn to the dog, give a command and lightly press the dog’s sacrum with your palm, forcing him to sit. You can enter gestures later. When the dog learns to respond to movement, the command may not be spoken. The skill is considered consolidated if the dog quickly and easily sits down from any position following a gesture or command and maintains this position for 10-15 seconds.

Teaching the command "Down!"

It is best to start practicing this command after the pet has mastered the “Sit” task. Most trainers use a taste-based and most humane method. To do this, you need to hold the dog on a short leash, then show it a treat and gradually lower it down, moving it away from the pet’s nose, repeating the command “Lie down”. Do not allow your dog to walk while being held by a leash. You can gently press on the animal's back and slightly pull the dog's front legs so that he lies down. After the animal takes the desired position, it is held for 10-15 seconds and a treat is given, stroking and reinforced with the word “Lie down”.

At the beginning of training, do not force the puppy to lie down for a long time, 10 seconds is enough. It is important to teach your pet not just to lie down, but to accept correct position, do not fall on your side. In this case, the trainer needs to correct the incorrect position and sharply repeat the command again.

Teaching the command "Give me your paw!"

This command is also a basic one and is practiced after the puppy has learned to sit and lie down according to the trainer’s word. The easiest way is again to use the taste-enhancing method. To do this, take a piece of treat, lift it higher, but so as not to cause pain or discomfort to the pet, and give the command “give your paw.” Then hold your paw in this position for a few seconds, release and give the tasty piece, caress your pet.

Teaching the command “Voice!”

This skill is useful for every dog. To train it, you need to put the dog in front of you and step on the leash with your foot so that the pet cannot jump. Pay attention to what your family pet often barks at: a toy, an object, or an unusual sound. Use it as an irritant: as soon as your pet makes a voice, do not forget to reward it. You can also give this command with a gesture: to do this, swing your right hand to the side, raised to the level of your head and bent at the elbow. The command “Quiet!” should be taught in the same way.

Teaching the command “Aport!” and “Give!”

Many owners want their pets to be able to fetch objects or follow a trail. This is why the command “Fetch!” is needed, supported by a gesture: the trainer straightens right hand palm down and points to the thrown object. The easiest way to train your pet is with a smooth, round wooden stick. If you want to train a hunting dog, you can make soft socks that resemble the size and shape of a bird carcass.

The dog should be seated at the left leg and the retrieved object should be lightly waved in front of its nose, as if teasing it. The dog will want to grab the irritant with its teeth, then the owner must command “Fetch!” and allow you to pick up the item. As soon as your pet squeezes the stick in its teeth, treat it with a treat, pet it and continue training. To prevent the stick from being thrown away, the owner can slightly pull it towards himself - the grip of the teeth will become stronger. It happens that some dogs do not show much interest in the stick, then the owners can use a larger one. tubular bone, and then replace it with the desired item.

After the command “Aport!” has been worked out, you can begin to complete the “Give!” task. To do this, call the dog to you, give the command “Give!” and, having rewarded the animal with a treat and stroking it, take the stick from its mouth.

Gradually, the task can be complicated: train your pet not only to fetch, but also to look for an object. First they throw it, wait a few seconds and then give a command. Try to diversify the retrieval items so that the dog does not develop a stereotype. A pet is considered to have learned a command if, by command or gesture, it finds and brings objects thrown at a distance of 15 meters or more and gives them to the trainer. You cannot force objects into the dog’s mouth, otherwise you risk causing disgust to this command or simply causing pain.

Teaching the command “Crawl!”

Be careful when choosing a place for your first lesson - the area should be flat, dry, without sharp stones and branches. Give the command “Down!” and keep the dog on a leash, then command “Crawl!” and pull the leash forward a little. If your pet tries to stand up, lightly press your palm on his withers and repeat the command. For a task completed correctly, reward your dog with treats and petting. At first, crawling is tiring for the animal, so do not force it to crawl more than 1-2 meters.

You can also train instead of pulling with a leash using a treat: hold a tasty piece in front of the nose of a lying dog, and then gradually move it away, at the same time preventing the animal from trying to get up. You can take your pet's favorite toy instead of a treat. Gradually you can increase the distance and choose more difficult terrain.

Teaching the command “Near!”

This command is to counteract external stimuli. The dog should be at the trainer's left leg while moving. First, keep the animal on a leash: it is worth remembering that dogs do not have innate discipline, and if the animal feels freedom, it will certainly take advantage of it. Command "Near!" should become a kind of brake, capable of drowning out innate instincts. Coercion works best here - pulling the leash. As soon as the dog begins to move to the side without a command, a painful pull on the leash occurs, but as soon as it returns to the leg, discomfort stop. As soon as the animal has returned to its place, say affectionately “Near!” and lightly pet the dog.

If the dog is distracted from the exercise, give the command again and jerk the leash. Fine trained dog must learn to walk nearby without a leash. You can change the pace of movement, distance, terrain. You should not pull on the leash often, otherwise the dog will constantly pull you forward in order to subconsciously avoid pain.

Teaching the command “Fu!”

It is worth knowing that when teaching the command “Fu!” words should be followed by negative reinforcement: for example, a tug on the leash. The command must be pronounced only with a threatening intonation, it must be carried out unquestioningly. When executing a command from a distance, many trainers use a water pistol or a weak shocker built into the collar to stop incorrect actions.

After the pet has learned this command, you need to teach him not to pick up food from the ground and not to take it from strangers. To do this, pieces of food are scattered on the ground and the dog is led past them - every attempt to touch the food must be abruptly stopped. Similar actions are performed if the dog takes food from strangers: such precautions can save the life of your pet - after all, dogs are often poisoned by ill-wishers.

Overcoming obstacles

Training is also learning to overcome obstacles, be it a ladder, a barrier or a boom. First, teach your pet not to be afraid of projectiles: do not try to drag him by force, it is better to walk along the boom with him, stroking and encouraging the dog. Team "Barrier!" They begin to practice from low bars that the dog is able to step over. Walk through such an obstacle several times, gradually its height can be increased. If the dog refuses to jump right away, sit him in front of the barrier, and stand on the other side and call your pet. Be sure to help your dog overcome high obstacles so that the animal does not experience fear or pain when jumping. Gradually, you can accustom the dog to gestures and other obstacles.

Fine trained dog will become a true friend and reliable protector!

Evgeniy Sedov

When hands grow out the right place, life is more fun :)

The appearance of a furry ball of dog in your home is not only a joyful event, but also a responsible one. If you don’t raise and train the puppy in time, the consequences can be sad. Damaged shoes and furniture, unpleasant odors in an apartment is nothing compared to when the dog feels like he’s in charge and becomes a threat to the household.

When to start training a puppy

So that you feel comfortable and the pet does not bring unnecessary problems and hassle, it is necessary to begin the educational process from the first day. The animal will get used to the new place for about a month, the owner’s task is to help it quickly get used to it and replace its mother. Before adopting a dog, a person must:

  • know for what purposes it is needed;
  • read articles and books about the characteristics of breeds - the training method and the behavior of the animal depend on this;
  • study manuals about raising a puppy;
  • take training courses at home.

Fighting dogs have traditionally been bred by cultivating the aggression gene for fighting. How to train a puppy with such inclinations? A person with a strong, strong-willed character can cope with an animal. You can't control such a dog with affection. If the animal senses the weakness of the owner, it is better to abandon him. Contact an experienced trainer when you realize you can't handle it. Among the fighting breeds:

  • boxer;
  • pit bull;
  • English Mastiff;
  • Dogue de Bordeaux;
  • Alabai.

Peculiarity hunting dogs– passion for movement. They need long walks and jogs. How to train a puppy in this case? A dog intended for hunting cannot be kept at home. It is advisable to send her to a special school to train her, where, under the guidance of a trainer, lessons will be given taking into account the breed. They will begin to learn by solving hunting problems:

  • husky - for a fur-bearing animal;
  • dachshund - in burrows;
  • terrier - for aquatic game;
  • hounds - pursued by the smell of blood.

Service dogs are used to protect private property or apartments. Labradors are good at helping visually impaired people, but this requires special training. German Shepherds cooperate with shepherds. Often watch dogs They are stubborn and require a lot of effort to educate them. A Rottweiler, a German Shepherd, and a Spitz are good for apartment security. Guard breeds who can easily tolerate temperature changes can live on the street, protecting the house:

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Moscow watchdog;
  • Central asian shepherd dog.

Small companion dogs often have good character, they are affectionate, friendly, and easy to train at home. From the age of one month, puppies become attached to their owners and get along well with children. Smart animals quickly learn commands. Among the pets:

  • poodle;
  • chihuahua;
  • Scottish Terrier;
  • pug;
  • pinscher;
  • Pekingese.

At what age should you train a puppy? It is considered right to start from the first day the baby appears in the house. This is not entirely true. The processes of education and training are different things. Command training should be carried out when the puppy gets comfortable in the house and learns obedience. Day German Shepherd this happens at two months, for a Labrador a little earlier - at one and a half months.

How to raise a puppy

Once a puppy comes into the house, it must get used to it, get used to the new environment and smells. How to raise a puppy? To teach rules of behavior, a system of rewards and punishments is used. The basis of training is the system conditioned reflexes. Animals should not be physically punished. They understand well the stern intonation of the owner when he is dissatisfied. IN exceptional case You can grab it by the scruff of the neck and shake it, just like the mother does with the little dog.

Punishment should only be given at the moment of committing incorrect actions, so that the puppy understands what he did wrong. A delayed scolding will have no educational value and may cause aggression in the animal. For a correctly executed command you are rewarded with:

  • delicacies - cheese, sausage, crackers;
  • praise with kind words;
  • stroking;
  • game.

How to properly train a puppy

A dog lives according to the laws of the pack, and a person must become its leader - the main and authoritative one. The purpose of training is to establish contact between the owner and the puppy, to teach relationships with people and other animals. First, he must know his nickname. To train it, you need to call it by name, and when it comes up, give it a treat. They also encourage when the dog comes to the sleeping place - it must be established immediately. If you allow me to sleep with you, it will be difficult to retrain later.

How to teach a puppy commands

To ensure that training does not cause problems, you need to train, observing certain rules. Carry out independent studies in a good mood, starting with a short duration, gradually increasing the time. For the process to be effective it is necessary:

  • conduct training in the form of a game;
  • exercise before feeding;
  • achieve at least small results.

When training a puppy it is important:

  • postpone the lesson if it doesn’t work out so as not to cause aggression and anger;
  • avoid repeating the same command twice;
  • conduct classes several times a day, but little by little;
  • practice the next command only after mastering the previous one;
  • conduct classes outdoors in places where nothing will distract the animal;
  • change the sequence of commands.

Often, when trying to tame a puppy, the owner makes mistakes, communicating with him as with a thinking creature. Experienced dog breeders note the following mistakes in training:

  • giving commands in a loud voice;
  • physical punishment;
  • the presence of two owners - there must be one leader;
  • often using nicknames and combining them with commands;
  • long, tiring activities for the dog;
  • repeated commands;
  • cruelty;
  • deferred punishment;
  • simultaneous processing of several commands;
  • excessive softness;
  • abuse of treats - it is advisable to encourage with words.

How to teach a puppy commands up to 3 months

No matter how playful a puppy is, he must understand commands the first time. Completion of each task is reinforced with encouragement, while approving words and strokes are more important than treats. In addition to its name, before three months the puppy must learn basic commands:

  • “Come to me” - it will protect you from the dangers that await your dog on the street;
  • “Fu” - will help prevent puddles in the house, protect furniture and shoes from damage, and save the puppy’s life;
  • “Fetch” – will increase the dog’s activity during a walk.

Teaching a puppy commands after 3 months

When the puppy grows up and adapts, it is advisable to send him to a club for training. He will undergo a general training course, where specialists will train him, and will get used to a leash, collar, and muzzle. To achieve results, the same incentives are used. Punish by using pulling, pulling on the leash, or pressing with the palm of your hand. In this case, you must not cause fear or aggression in the puppy. At this age he masters the commands:

  • "Near";
  • "Sit";
  • "Lie";
  • "Place";
  • "Forward".

Video: training a puppy at home

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Have you recently gotten a dog and want it to grow up well-mannered and obedient? Teach your puppy these commands - and your four-legged friend will behave well both at home and on the street.

What's in a name?

Before you start teaching your little pet basic commands, from the first days of being in the house, the puppy needs to be accustomed to its nickname. To do this, attract the dog's attention with a toy or treat, then say his name, and as soon as the dog runs up to you, praise and reward him with what you are holding in your hands. So the nickname will evoke in the puppy.

Then repeat this exercise several times, but gradually increase the distance from which you will call your pet, and give the treat every other time, and then even less often.

When the puppy begins to respond to its name not only at home, but also on the street, it means that it remembers its name well, that is, the skill has been practiced.

1. Command “Come to me!”

This is one of the most important commands, the execution of which can even save the dog’s life. I've heard more than once sad stories about how pets died under the wheels of cars because they did not react to the owner’s desperate command and ran across the road when they saw another dog on the opposite side.

Often, people who have purchased a puppy for the first time do not let it off the leash on the street because they are afraid of not catching it when the time comes to return home. Indeed, many puppies, especially choleric ones, do not have time to waste their energy even on an hour-long walk, so they are in no hurry to approach the owner.

Dogs are smart (and some also cunning) animals: they understand that after the command “Come to me!” a return home will follow. Your task is to outsmart the puppy and not take him away from the walk right away, and after the command, let him go for a walk again. This way you can dispel the “dog stereotype”

How to master the command?

A puppy of 3-4 months is quite capable. As soon as the puppy runs up to you, praise him with the word “Good” and reward him with a piece of tasty food or let him play with his favorite ball.

As with any other commands, make the conditions more difficult over time: call the dog in busy places where various stimuli are present ( strangers, animals, sounds and movement)

About how to train a dog to approach its owner on the first command “Come to me!” we wrote here.

2. Command "Ugh!"

As soon as a puppy arrives in your home, he must learn certain rules: what he can and cannot do. If you don't want your dog to get on the sofa, explain this to him using a prohibiting command. It may sound like “Ugh!”, “No!”, “No!” and so on.

The word that is intended to stop any action can be anything. The main thing is to maintain uniformity and not say different words every time. Although many dogs are good at learning synonymous commands, it will be difficult for a puppy to do this.

How to master the command?

When your pet performs any unwanted action, strictly say “Ugh!” As soon as he stops doing what he is forbidden to do, immediately praise him and reward him with a treat. Thanks to such positive reinforcement, the dog quickly learns what actions the owner is dissatisfied with and henceforth behaves obediently.

If you are only threatening and do not praise him for every correct behavior, you will not achieve the desired result.

Dogs “study” people all the time and try to understand what their owner wants from them. With their actions, they seem to test the waters and think: “I was praised for gnawing on the ball, which means I did the right thing. And when he tried to bite the leg of the chair, the owner was unhappy and said “Ugh!” in a stern voice. So it’s bad.”

As you can see, a dog's thinking is similar to thinking process child. Therefore, in the first months of life, it is important to show the puppy what is good and what is bad. Then you will be able to avoid such troubles as chewed shoes, “eaten” sofa or carpet, overturned pots of plants, etc.

By the way, the dog often makes a mess in the house not only because he does not know the basic commands, but because he is not walked much on the street and is not given any attention at all at home. But this is a topic for a separate article.

3. Command “Sit!”

Dogs easily learn this command, so it can be learned quite early - at 2-3 months. Take a small piece of treat in your right hand and bring it to your puppy's nose so that he can smell the tasty food.

Now move your hand away from you and upward - so that it is physiologically convenient for the dog to reach the treat in a sitting position, and say “Sit.” As soon as the puppy takes the desired position, say “okay” and give him a treat.

Do another 4-5 repetitions, and the next day, remember this exercise again to reinforce the command. Over time, give the treat less and less, leaving only verbal praise and stroking as a reward.

4. Command “Lie down!”

Once the puppy is well, it is quite easy to teach him to lie down at your request. First, sit the dog in front of you, and then, in the same way, bring your hand with a treat to his nose, make a downward movement and a little towards yourself so that the dog’s muzzle reaches for the coveted piece of food, and clearly command “”. If the dog does not want to lie down, you can lightly press on the withers.

As soon as the dog lies down, praise him, pet him and treat him with a treat. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times daily - and after a few weeks your pet will lie down on the first command.

You would probably assume that the next command to learn is “Stop!” Indeed, after boarding and laying down, it is logical to teach the dog to stand, but this is not necessary. The fact is that the “Stand” command is a little more difficult for pets to learn than “Sit” and “Lie down,” so if your puppy is not very trainable, it is better to teach him this skill later - at 6-7 months. At an earlier age, the dog will be much more interested in learning how to fetch various objects.

5. Command “Apport!”

This command is taught during the game. You need to show the puppy any fetch object and use it to lure the animal into play. You can throw a stick, ball or other toy on the ground in front of your pet, or tease him with this object so that he wants to take the toy in his teeth. As soon as the puppy grabs this thing, praise him joyfully.

When the dog begins to take the fetching object into its mouth with interest, throw it at a distance of 1-2 meters and at that moment command “Fetch.” As soon as your pet picks up the item, praise it.

The puppy needs to know this command not only because it can be used to teach the pet to fetch slippers. If the dog likes to run after the balls that the owner throws to him, during further training four-legged friend You can reward not with a treat, but with a toy. Agree, good way save on food, protect your pet’s figure and health. And besides, during the game, contact is established between the owner and the dog, and the right relationship is established.

Remember that regularity is important in training. Puppies quickly “grab” commands, but just as quickly forget them. It’s not for nothing that they say: repetition is the mother of learning. Exercise your dog every day for at least 15-20 minutes - and your dog will grow up to be a well-mannered and loyal friend.

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Many people prefer dogs when choosing pets. Some buy puppies, others immediately get adult dogs, but sooner or later everyone asks the question: how to teach a dog commands?

The training process can be quite difficult, but it cannot be avoided, since it is the basis of the relationship between the owner and the pet.

It is best to start training with early age pet. Training should be regular. For training to be successful, you will have to independently learn the basic rules, teaching methods, and, of course, make a lot of mistakes. However, you don’t have to make mistakes, because this article will tell you how to teach your dog commands.

Rules and methods of training

Before starting to raise a pet, the owner will have to be patient. The owner of the animal must understand the dog and do everything so that it enjoys educational process. It must be remembered that dogs subtly sense the emotional mood of a person, therefore It’s better not to start training in a bad mood. But if there is a pet, it will feel that the owner has good mood, then he will happily complete any task.

How does a dog determine its owner? Everything is very simple. For her, the owner is the person who feeds, waters, plays with her and walks with her. Therefore, in the first months of a puppy’s life, it is very important to pay him a lot of attention, caress him, feed him treats, and call him to you.

Training should not be perceived as education in general. Training is just getting used to certain commands. However, it is very important for the animal’s mutual understanding with the people around it.

So, how to teach your puppy commands? Dog experts say that best age 2-3 months to start classes. It is at this moment that the puppy begins to adapt socially. At first, you need to do no more than a couple of tens of minutes a day. Classes should be regular and take place in a playful way. Definitely necessary reward your puppy with a treat after each successful completion of a task. It is also important to praise and pet your pet.

What commands should you teach your puppy first?

According to dog handlers, the commands that will be most often used in the future should be learned first:

  • In the first month, you should learn the commands “To me” and “Place”.
  • At the age of 2 months, you can begin to learn the commands “Stand”, “Lie down” and “Sit”.
  • After the puppy reaches the age of 3 months, you can begin to learn the “Near” command.

During training you need prompt the puppy to do the right things with hand gestures. For example, when teaching the “Lie down” command, the owner can show the pet a treat in his hand, and then, while pronouncing the desired word, lower his hand so that the pet reaches for it and lies down. After the puppy lies down, the owner must once again command in a firm voice - “Lie down.” So, he will fix the word in the pet’s memory. In some cases, you can lightly press on the animal’s withers, forcing it to lie down.

Even if the puppy completed the task with the help of the owner, he still needs to be rewarded with a voice, stroking and treats.

The main mistake novice dog breeders make in training is an attempt to teach a pet several commands at the same time. Of course, some people succeed, but this is not an indicator at all. Therefore, there is no need to try to shame your dog or start thinking that it is stupid.

There are persistent rumors that a dog's ability to train depends on its breed. It's a delusion. It all depends on the development of the individual dog. Even in the same litter, puppies become susceptible to training in different time. You just need to be patient, and after a while the puppy will begin to follow basic commands. And when this moment comes, it will be possible to move on to solving more complex problems.

The success of training depends not only on the dog, but also on the owner. It happens that a person simply lacks willpower and patience. This means that you cannot be lazy when raising a dog.

General training course

Before you start training your pet, you need to prepare everything necessary for training and prepare the dog for it.

  • Prepare before training leash, collar and treat to encourage your pet. Small pieces of cheese, boiled meat and beef liver can be used as food rewards.
  • You should not feed your dog before training. Satiety is the enemy of effective learning.
  • If training is carried out not at home, but on the street, you need make sure they are safe. That is, classes must be conducted in specially fenced areas at a considerable distance from water and highways.

The general training course includes the acquisition of the following skills by your pet:

If the dog is a hunting or service dog, it is advisable to teach it not to be afraid of shooting. To do this, some training should be done at the shooting range.

The most common commands for a civilian dog

Each animal owner chooses which commands to teach it. There are about ten of them, which are most often used in ordinary life. The remaining commands are not needed for civilian dogs, since they are suitable only for service animals.

How to teach a dog commands from the civil list? You need to be patient and follow the following recommendations:

How to teach a dog commands if it is an adult

It’s worth saying right away that training an adult dog takes a lot of time and effort. The fact is that before starting training, the new owner will have to ensure that the dog gets used to him.

to install a good relationship, you need to pet the animal more often, feed it and play with it. When walking outside, you should show reasonable severity, but also do not forget to caress your pet.

The following fact is noteworthy: adult yard dogs learn faster than domestic animals. Such dogs are not afraid of people, but can sometimes snap during training, as they are used to defending themselves and their territory. However, yard dogs adapt very quickly to new conditions and become very loyal pets.

Adult animals have already formed characters. When training to use commands, you need to be prepared for the dog to show aggression towards its new owner. Is it possible to overcome the shortcomings of upbringing? Of course you can. To do this, you need to adhere to the following action plan:

  1. The owner must restrain his negative emotions in the presence of a pet.
  2. It's better not to do it adult dog sudden movements.
  3. We need to play with him more often.
  4. You should show kindness and affection towards your dog more often.
  5. Talk to her more often.

Ultimately, the dog will become kinder and stop showing aggression. Then you can start basic training.