Positive pv test. False positive test for syphilis. Frequently asked questions to the doctor

The purpose of a blood test for syphilis is to identify antibodies that the body could produce to fight its causative agent, Treponema pallidum.

A false positive test for syphilis can occur in cases where the production of antigens occurred for other reasons.

Why does a false positive reaction to syphilis occur?

False-positive syphilis is diagnosed in 10% of cases.

Since a test for syphilis is prescribed not only when a patient has complaints, but during a medical examination, before employment, during pregnancy, before hospitalization, there is a high percentage of infection in people who did not even suspect the presence of such a disease.

To eliminate errors, it is necessary to ensure the reliability of the results obtained.

Positive results for syphilis are divided into two groups: acute and chronic. An acute false-positive result occurs within 6 months of regular testing.

  • acute infectious disorders;
  • injuries;
  • any vaccination 1-7 days before taking the sample;
  • acute poisoning.

In the presence of any of the factors in the body, the process of antibody production is activated, which is reflected in the test results.

If there are chronic problems, the test may show erroneous results for 6 months or more.

  • connective tissue disorders;
  • any form of tuberculosis;
  • chronic liver disorders;
  • HIV, hepatitis B, C, D, and other viral diseases;
  • autoimmune processes in the body.

The result becomes erroneous due to the systematic production of nonspecific antibodies in response to one of the listed disorders.

What to do if false syphilis is detected

To determine whether a test for syphilis may be erroneous, you need to evaluate the presence of other factors in the manifestation of the disease and the likelihood of infection.

Treponema pallidum is a pathogen that is sexually transmitted through the mucous membranes of the genitals, mouth and rectum upon contact with an infected person. Transmission from an infected mother to her child is also possible.

The incubation period during which the disease does not make itself felt is 2-6 weeks. After this, syphilitic ulcers with a dense base are formed at the sites of possible infection.

After 1-2 weeks, the lymph nodes closest to the site of the lesion enlarge and become painful.

When diagnosing false-positive syphilis, you must return to a medical facility. At the same time, inform about all the medications that you took on the eve of the test, chronic and acute diseases.

If you had unprotected sex with an untested partner or you discovered the first signs of the disease, you should tell your doctor about it.

After collecting an anamnesis and conducting an examination, the doctor will prescribe you a series of tests that will allow you to determine the exact result with an error of less than 1%.

Types of tests for syphilis

There are two types of tests: non-treponemal and treponemal. The first option involves the use of artificial analogues of Treponema pallidum; in the second case, real treponemes are used.

Non-treponemal methods

Such techniques are widespread and are most often used in routine medical examinations.

The advantage is low cost, quick results, and the ability to conduct research using standard laboratory equipment.

To carry it out, blood is taken from the patient, and less often, cerebrospinal fluid. Blood can be taken from a finger or a vein. The error in conducting such a study can be up to 7%.

Precipitation microreaction (MR or RMP)

May include two types of syphilis tests RPR and VDRL. As a result of cell breakdown under the influence of treponema, antilipid antibodies are formed.

Lipids can be destroyed under the influence of other disorders, so the degree of error when performing VDRL and RPR is 1-3%.

Treponemal tests

Such studies are not carried out in all clinics and require expensive equipment.

Therefore, they are used when the presence of the disease is suspected based on the results of non-treponemal tests. The error of such studies is less than 1%.


Allows you to determine antigens and antibodies. To determine the result, the patient donates blood from a finger or vein. As a result, testing also helps determine the stage of the disease.


The RPGA test for syphilis allows you to determine the percentage of red blood cell adhesion. The exact result of the passive hemagglutination reaction can be obtained on the 28th day after infection.


Enzyme immunoassay determines the presence and stage of the disease based on the level of immunoglobulins of various types.

A positive syphilis ELISA allows you to determine the types of immunoglobulins that are formed after infection for 14 days, 14-28 days, more than 28 days.


The most accurate test to detect pathogenic DNA. It is used in rare cases, as it requires complex reagents.

The probability of error of the RIF, RPGA, ELISA tests is less than 1%. With PCR, the error can be 0-1%.

Positive result for syphilis in pregnant women

In pregnant women, an erroneous result can be observed in 1.5% of cases when performing non-treponemal tests. Analysis for this type of disease is mandatory throughout pregnancy.

The first test for syphilis is carried out at 12 weeks, then at 30 weeks and before birth. The result may be false due to natural changes in the body, and in particular, immunity to protect the growing fetus.

Therefore, during pregnancy, a repeat test may be prescribed; it is often prescribed even if the first results are negative, if there was a risk factor.

Treponemal tests may also be prescribed, since the effect of the disease on the child’s body is more destructive than antibiotic treatment if the diagnosis is confirmed.

Weak positive test

If the result form you receive contains 1-2 pluses, this may indicate the presence of a small amount of antibodies. These results can occur in several cases:

  • unfinished incubation period;
  • late form, after 2-4 years;
  • residual antibodies after treatment of the disease.

In this case, a repeat check is required after 2 weeks.

How to properly prepare for tests

If an erroneous test for syphilis was performed, you will be given a repeat test. In order for its results to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to prepare properly.

  • Before the analysis, you are allowed to drink only water, eating is prohibited;
  • give up alcohol and smoking 1 hour before 24 hours;
  • if you are donating blood from a vein, spend 10 minutes at rest before doing so;
  • If infectious diseases have worsened, menstruation is occurring, or the patient was exposed to x-rays the day before, a blood test for syphilis is not performed.

There are also a number of drugs on the list of contraindications, so if you are undergoing treatment, tell your doctor about the medications you are taking.

If the disease is confirmed

If, after carrying out several checks, including treponemal tests, the result is positive, it is worth taking a number of measures:

  • inform your sexual partner about this, it is necessary that he also undergo examination;
  • close relatives must undergo examination;
  • it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of loved ones;
  • During the entire course of treatment, it is necessary to issue a sick leave certificate and avoid close contact with other people to avoid transmission of infection;
  • At the end of treatment, a certificate is issued, which must be attached to the medical record and provided when conducting tests for antibodies, so that diagnosticians do not have questions about the appearance of antigens in the results.

When making a diagnosis, information is confidential. It is not disclosed when taking sick leave; in all documents issued by the hospital, the name of the disease is encrypted; people who do not have close contact with the patient are not informed about this diagnosis.

After treatment, the patient is completely safe; having syphilis in the past cannot be a reason for denial of employment or the exercise of other human rights.

If the diagnosis is confirmed in the early stages, then the probability of a complete cure is 100%. Treponema pallidum is one of the few, over many years of treating patients with penicillin, that has not developed protection against it.

Therefore, patients are treated with drugs based on penicillin derivatives. If the primary form of the disease occurs, it is necessary to diagnose and treat all sexual partners that the infected person had within 3 months.

Syphilis after treatment of the initial stage does not leave complications. The disease can lead to disability if it is chronic or if there is infection in the womb.

Why does this happen?

Ordinary syphilis develops when Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of this disease, enters the human body. During their activity, the patient develops symptoms of syphilis: rash, bumps, gummas, and so on.

At the same time, the patient’s immunity does not stand aside: as with any infection, it secretes antibodies (protective proteins) and also sends cells of the immune system to the places where bacteria multiply.

Thanks to these measures, most Treponema pallidums die. However, the most tenacious bacteria remain, which change their shape so that the immune system can no longer recognize them.

In its cystic form, treponema pallidum cannot be active, but it can reproduce

This type of “masked” treponema pallidum is called cystic forms or L-forms. In this form, treponema pallidum cannot be active, but it can reproduce.

As a result, when the immune system “loses its vigilance,” secretly multiplying bacteria enter the bloodstream and repeatedly harm the body.

The same thing happens with improper treatment of syphilis. If the antibiotic is chosen incorrectly or in the wrong dose, not all Treponema pallidums die - the survivors disguise themselves and remain invisible until better times.

Syphilis is a venereal disease caused by Treponema pallidum. Treponema pallidum belongs to the bacterial class of spirochetes.

The disease is transmitted sexually, from mother to fetus in utero, through blood transfusion and sometimes through contact of open wounds with an infectious agent.

If treatment is untimely or inadequate, syphilis develops in four stages.

Syphilis as a disease has many manifestations and can mimic other sexually transmitted infections or late-stage immunopathologies. Because of this, the disease even received the nickname “the great impostor.”

The complexity and variability of the course of the disease prompted William Osler to conclude that ignorance of syphilis is tantamount to ignorance of all medicine.

Many famous people throughout history have suffered from syphilis, including Bram Stoker, Henry VIII and Vincent Van Gogh. Since the discovery of penicillin in the mid-20th century, the disease has become much less common, but efforts to eradicate the disease have not been entirely successful.

The first sign of syphilis may be the appearance of a subtle, painful mass in the genital area, anus, or mouth. This formation is called chancre. People often do not attach much importance to this phenomenon, mistaking chancre for signs of other diseases.

Diagnosis of syphilis is difficult. False-positive tests for syphilis often occur.

The disease can progress asymptomatically for several years. Early diagnosis is very important, since a long course can make a person disabled.

The infection affects the cardiovascular system and brain.

A false positive reaction to syphilis is most often observed when the test is primary. The patient undergoes tests during the next medical examination, preventive or targeted.

It is recommended for everyone to carry out such tests; in medicine they are called screening or non-treponemal tests.

Because misdiagnosis is common, treatment should not be started immediately after receiving it. First of all, this is due to the peculiarity of such tests; they can react and give a similar result with the development of some other diseases: inflammatory process, destruction of cells in the body, etc.

In order to confirm or refute the fact of infection, it is necessary to conduct a repeated study, as well as perform immunological tests. The photo below is an example of how the tests are carried out.

False positive result and its causes

Decisional errors may be due to technical errors and errors during research, as well as the quality of reagents. Despite the numerous advantages of diagnostic tools for RPGA, ELISA and RIF and their modifications used for the diagnosis of syphilis, in some cases unreliable test results are noted.

This may be due to both an insufficient level of qualifications and professional responsibility of personnel (the so-called non-biological or technical errors), and to the characteristics of the tested samples (biological errors).

This is the name given to the presence of a positive reaction to syphilis according to a serological examination in the actual absence of the disease. Find out the reasons for the body's reaction to the test in this article. It is very important to distinguish false-positive syphilis from seroresistance and seropositivity.

Is it possible to have a positive reaction in a blood test in the absence of syphilis?

Yes, you can get a false positive reaction if you:



oncological diseases;


alcoholism or drug addiction;

you have recently been vaccinated.

If you receive a positive reaction to a blood test for syphilis, you need to immediately undergo a detailed examination by a venereologist in order to begin treatment as soon as possible.

Doctors faced with various manifestations of disease point to biological false premises. A proportion of people who received a false-positive test for syphilis actually had lupus.

This group also includes bejel and relapsing fever, leptospirosis, and leptospira. However, having received such a conclusion, the doctor cannot immediately determine the presence of the disease if there are also no external signs.

Re-examination is required. The absence of symptoms a second time and a negative result only indicates that the person received an erroneous verdict.

All that remains is to find an alternative disease, which for now skillfully hides and does not allow itself to be detected visually.

The state of the body at the moment can also affect the receipt of a false positive result. LPR can result from a concussion, normal menstruation, significant trauma, or gout.

Technical failures, although rare, also cause a false-positive test for syphilis. Errors by laboratory technicians or equipment malfunctions lead to incorrect results.

Failure to recognize serological false-positive reactions for syphilis may have negative prognostic and social consequences. Don't just trust your intuition. The diagnosis requires confirmation or competent refutation.

Sometimes the results of other tests and ELISA are recorded as false positive for syphilis. That is why it is recommended to carry out 2 - 3 auxiliary methods and repeat the enzyme immunoassay after some time.

Such inaccuracies are rare; they are mainly due to the following factors:

  • pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases;
  • recent vaccination;
  • injuries.

False-positive results are divided into acute and chronic, depending on the nature of the factor that provoked them.

Classification of methods for laboratory diagnosis of disease

False-positive reactions of treponemal and non-treponemal tests can be observed in infectious diseases whose pathogens are antigenically similar to Treponema pallidum.

These are relapsing fever, leptospirosis, tick-borne borreliosis, tropical treponematoses (yaws, bejel, pinta), as well as inflammatory processes caused by saprophytic treponemas of the oral cavity and genitals.

The causative agents of endemic treponematoses (yaws, pinta, bejel) are treponemas that have genus-specific antigens similar to those of T. pallidum. In this regard, antibodies formed to them are capable of cross-interacting with the antigen of the causative agent of syphilis.

Russia is not a territory endemic for this group of diseases. These infections occur mainly in Africa, Latin America and South Asia, and cases of the disease are rare in the practice of medical institutions.

A patient with positive serological reactions for syphilis who arrived from a country with endemic treponematoses should be examined for syphilis and prescribed anti-syphilitic treatment if it has not previously been administered.

Biological false-positive Wasserman reaction

  • dark-field microscopy (detection of treponemes on a dark background);
  • RIT test – infection of rabbits with the test material;
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which detects sections of the genetic material of a microorganism.


  • reaction of complement fixation with cardiolipin antigen (CCk);
  • microprecipitation reaction (MPR);
  • rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test;
  • test with toluidine red.


  • reaction of complement fixation with treponemal antigen (RSCT);
  • Treponema immobilization reaction (RTI or RIBT);
  • immunofluorescence reaction (RIF);
  • passive hemagglutination reaction (RPHA);
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA);
  • immunoblotting.

In the initial stage, you can use the bacterioscopic method, based on identifying the pathogen - Treponema pallidum - under a microscope. In the future, serological tests based on the determination of microbial antigens and antibodies produced by the body in biological material are widely used.

Bacteriological studies are not carried out, since the causative agent of syphilis grows very poorly on nutrient media under artificial conditions.

All methods for detecting treponema, that is, types of tests for syphilis, are divided into two large groups:

1. Direct, which directly detect the microbe itself:

2. Indirect (serological), based on the detection of antibodies to the microbe that are produced by the body in response to infection.

Serological tests are divided into two groups



The methods of these analyzes are quite complex, so we will focus mainly on when they are carried out and how accurate information they provide.

Let’s say right away that the basis for diagnosing syphilis is serological methods. What is the test for syphilis called: in each case, the examination may include different techniques. Below we will talk about them in more detail.

Various techniques and biomaterials are used to identify the disease. In the early stages, syphilis is determined using a bacterioscopic test.

Samples are examined under a microscope. The device allows you to detect pathogen strains.

Serological tests are carried out later. Thanks to them, antigens and antibodies to the disease are detected in samples.

Methods for determining sexually transmitted infections are divided into 2 categories:

  • Direct, identifying pathogenic microorganisms. These include: dark-field microscopy, RIT analysis (infection of rabbits with biomaterial for research), the PCR method - polymerase chain reaction (with its help, the genetic elements of the pathogen are found).
  • Indirect (serological) tests allow detection of antibodies to the pathogen. They are produced by the immune system as a response to infection.

Even venereologists with many years of experience periodically encounter difficulties in making a diagnosis based on the results of laboratory tests. According to research, in recent years, more than 14% of patients received a false-positive test for syphilis when examined with non-treponemal tests (screening tests). Just imagine: almost a fifth of the total number of subjects received a false positive result for syphilis in the complete absence of syphilis.

A false-positive reaction to syphilis is most often observed during the initial study, when the patient takes tests during a medical examination or treatment for prevention and testing. Such tests are indicated for everyone and are called non-treponemal or screening tests.

Due to the fact that a false-positive test for syphilis is quite common, starting treatment immediately after receiving the first positive result is prohibited. This is primarily due to the peculiarity of non-treponemal tests, which can react and give a positive result in other diseases, against the background of the process of inflammation and destruction of some tissue cells in the body. In this regard, it becomes possible to confirm or refute the fact of infection only after additional treponemal analyzes and modern immunological tests.

Within the walls of a modern venereology clinic, an experienced doctor always explains to the patient that in order to make a reliable diagnosis, it is necessary to donate blood for the first non-treponemal test and, after receiving the result, undergo a treponemal test again. Only with confirmation of the presence of treponemal infection in the body can one obtain a guaranteed correct conclusion and begin the necessary therapy.

Independently contacting the laboratory for testing is allowed, but is not recommended, since if you choose the wrong type of examination, the risk of obtaining a false result increases significantly. That is why in this article we will tell you how to avoid mistakes when examining for a syphilitic infection, how to recognize a false-positive test for syphilis and who to contact for correct diagnosis and observation.

Why can the test be false positive?

Situations when false-positive syphilis is given in tests most often occur with non-treponemal tests. Such tests include complement binding reactions, RSK, Wasserman test, and cardiolipin. Such tests are designed to detect antibodies to cardiolipin in the patient's bloodstream. And such a reaction can be observed not only with syphilis, but also with any other disease with the destruction of tissue cells, inflammation and an acute course.

The reason for this false positive result lies in the underlying response of this cardiolipin test. This analysis does not determine the pathogen (treponema bacteria), but antibodies that can be produced to a component of muscle tissue, cardiac and skeletal. Such a reaction can also be observed not only with syphilis, but also with another disease accompanied by destruction of the cellular structure of tissues. Consequently, non-treponemal tests give an answer not only when in contact with treponemas, but also when reagin antibodies appear against the background of an active, acute process. Therefore, if a positive result is obtained, the next analysis must be a treponemal specific test.

Can a treponemal test be false?

Specific tests for detecting syphilis are considered, which are extremely rarely incorrect. These tests make it possible to detect syphilitic infection both in the early stages and during long-term infection, which is achieved through the use of specific treponemal antigens and antigen-antibody reactions. These analyzes include reactions for immunofluorescent detection of treponemes, passive hemagglutination reactions, tests based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent tests, modern immunoblotting methods and immobilization tests for treponemes.

Situations when a patient receives a false-positive ELISA for syphilis or another treponemal test are very common. It is almost impossible to identify the causes of erroneous treponemal results, but leading experts associate this with rare systemic or dangerous infectious diseases. Also, some doctors believe that the causes of false-positive syphilis must be sought in the patient’s life history and medical history. This is explained by the fact that if there has been previous contact with the pathogen, but there is no infection, memory cells of the immune system can produce antibodies against treponema, and the patient can be completely healthy.


When does a false positive test for syphilis occur?

False-positive tests for syphilis by ELISA, RPGA, RIBT and other methods are most common in certain individuals. Among all cases of detection of primary positive tests, which were not confirmed during further examination, doctors identify groups of patients with a history of conditions such as:

  • systemic and autoimmune diseases, antiphospholipid syndrome, systemic lupus, collagenosis, dermatomyositis and scleroderma, insulin-dependent diabetes, rheumatoid, gouty arthritis;
  • oncology with damage to lymphoid tissue and blood cells;
  • infection with tuberculosis, pulmonary and extrapulmonary, intraorgan localization;
  • infection with hepatitis, mononucleosis, enterovirus infection;
  • infection with borreliosis, encephalitis, chickenpox, measles, malaria;
  • long-term use of narcotic drugs, alcohol substitutes;
  • vaccination in the last 28 days;
  • age over 65 years;
  • pregnancy.

As can be seen from this list, a false-positive test for syphilis can be issued in the presence of various pathologies and conditions. That is why you should not try to do an independent examination. An experienced venereologist will always conduct a high-quality diagnosis and, if questionable results are obtained, will refer you for additional tests to accurately confirm or refute the diagnosis of syphilis.

You should not look in magazines or articles on the Internet about “how to identify syphilis without seeing a doctor,” or “what is the reliable indicator for a false-positive ELISA test for syphilis.” Such an examination may not only turn out to be completely unsuccessful, but also dangerous, since if an unreliable result is obtained, there can be no question of correct observation and therapy. In addition, choosing the wrong drugs to treat syphilis will only worsen the situation and cause great harm to the body.

Do not risk your own health; in our time, it is possible to cure syphilis. But for this you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

How to avoid false positive results in pregnant women?

They especially need high-quality diagnostics, which, when registered, can also receive a false positive result for syphilis. Most often, false tests are issued against the background of progressive antiphospholipid syndrome during pregnancy or with a history of other chronic diseases. In such situations, only experienced venereologists should carry out examinations, since an accurate diagnosis will require a comprehensive examination, the appointment of additional tests and an accurate recording of all complaints and clinical symptoms of the patient.

Taking into account the extremely dangerous risk of the impact of treponemal infection on the fetus, treatment should be mandatory when the diagnosis is confirmed. In this case, the development of a treatment regimen should only be carried out by an experienced specialist who will monitor the health of the pregnant woman throughout the entire treatment.

Currently, doctors detect a false-positive test for syphilis extremely rarely, but such situations do occur. In this connection, examination for a sexually transmitted disease should be carried out only in a medical institution under the supervision of a venereologist. If you are concerned about the reliability of your tests, contact only experienced doctors.

We, the “Venereology Guide,” are ready to help you choose the best clinic and qualified venereologist in your city. Our specialists are guaranteed to help you make the right decision and choose the best option for monitoring and consulting.

There is no need to be afraid or worry. The sooner you undergo a full examination, the sooner you will receive a reliable conclusion and an accurate diagnosis. And in case of a positive result, the success of therapy depends only on the time of initiation of treatment.

It is indeed possible to cure syphilis. Contact the Venereology Guide - we will help you!



Syphilis is a common sexually transmitted disease, if it is not detected in time, the body will suffer serious damage and death is possible. The Wasserman reaction is a special analysis that should be done if this pathology is suspected; timely diagnosis will help to immediately cure the disease if the result is positive. You can become infected with syphilis not only through sexual contact, but also through household items, hygiene products, and bedding.

Methods for diagnosing syphilis

Tests should identify the main causative agent of the disease - treponema pallidum, also known as treponema pallidum. To do this, blood is drawn on an empty stomach for serological analysis. Such a study is considered to be the main type of laboratory diagnostics for detecting syphilis. The most common research methods are:

  • blood test for RW (RW) - Wasserman analysis;
  • RPHA – passive hemagglutination reaction;
  • ELISA – enzyme immunoassay of blood;
  • RIF – immunofluorescence reaction;
  • RPR – microprecipitation reaction with cardiolipin antigen;
  • RIBT – immobilization reaction of Treponema pallidum.

What is the Wasserman reaction

This is a laboratory blood test for syphilis, which is aimed at determining the immunological reaction to the penetration of the pathogen into the body. Characteristic processes begin in the human body during infection. The causative agent of the disease contains the antigen cardiolipin. The patient's blood serum, due to the presence of reagins in it, enters into a complement fixation reaction. The result is a specific complex with this antigen, which RV can detect.

When infected with syphilis, a person will definitely have antibodies to Treponema pallidum in his blood, which is characterized as a physiological response of the immune system. During the test, the drug cardiolipin is added to the collected blood. If the causative agent of syphilis is already in the body, the result will be visible RSC, which binds the introduced antigen and antibodies. In the decoding, the number of “+” signs indicates the intensity of the formation of complexes or “-” in their absence.

Indications for the study

It is recommended to regularly conduct a general blood test in order to promptly identify any abnormalities in the human body; staging the reaction at an early stage can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment. The following indications exist for donating serum to RW:

  1. During professional examinations and medical examinations on a regular basis for employees of trade, medicine, and education.
  2. During pregnancy. There is a possibility of infection of the fetus with syphilis in the womb, so it is important to identify the result of the Wasserman test in women who are planning to give birth to a child or are already carrying one. Pathology can cause serious harm to the baby.
  3. People who have had long-term contact with pathology at work or at home.
  4. If a person suffers from alcoholism or drug addiction.
  5. During urgent hospitalization of a patient with signs of syphilis.
  6. After intimacy without using a contraceptive with a random person.
  7. Anyone wishing to become a blood or sperm donor must be tested.
  8. If the pregnancy was terminated unnaturally.
  9. The test is carried out during and after serving time in prison.
  10. The reason for performing RV is the hospitalization of a patient with enlarged nodes of the lymphatic system and elevated temperature.

Blood for the Wasserman reaction during pregnancy

This is the initial test that your OB/GYN will ask you to take. A blood test for the Wasserman reaction may be inaccurate because the woman’s condition during this period affects the results. According to statistics, 32% of cases show a false positive result. If there is a “+” in the decoding, it is necessary to undergo differential diagnosis. It is recommended to perform the test once per trimester, regardless of the presence or absence of sexual intercourse. There are no contraindications for RW for pregnant women; this is a standard collection of material.


Some tests require specific preparation before taking. Wasserman's analysis will be as reliable as possible if 2 days before the test you do not drink any alcoholic beverages (even low-alcohol ones). It is recommended not to eat fatty foods during this period, so as not to distort the results. You should not take any digitalis preparations while preparing for RV.

How is the procedure performed?

Blood for the Wasserman reaction is carried out only on an empty stomach, this is an important condition. The last meal before collection should be no later than 6 hours. The employee who performs the manipulations sits the client on a chair or places him on a couch. The analysis requires 8-10 ml of blood from the cubital vein. If the study is carried out on a small child, then the material can be taken from the jugular or cranial vein.

How many days does a blood test for RW take?

There are two stages in conducting material research. Wasserman's rapid test will be ready in 2 hours, but it can only confirm or refute the presence of syphilis antibodies in the patient. To obtain quantitative information on the state of the blood and the concentration of antibodies to treponema, it takes from 1 to 7 days. The duration of analysis and interpretation depends on the laboratory and the number of ongoing tests.


A blood test according to Wasserman should only be deciphered by a qualified doctor. The results may indicate not only a negative or positive reaction, but also something in between. Only a specialist will be able to correctly interpret the data and not frighten the patient ahead of time. A typical negative result is indicated by a “-” sign and indicates the undoubted absence of syphilis in the human body.

Positive reaction

When assessing the concentration of antibodies, a positive manifestation may be marked by one, two, three or four pluses. The following symbols may appear in the decoding:

  1. “+” and “++” - the result indicates a dubious, weakly positive microreaction. Additional diagnostic tests and examination are necessary. After some time, you can repeat the analysis of August Wasserman, because there is no complete confidence in the absence or presence of syphilis. The reason for this result may be a violation of the preparatory procedures before donating blood.
  2. “+++” is a positive reaction. No additional or repeated confirmation is required; the patient has syphilis and must undergo a full examination. Women are prescribed a smear from the vagina or uterus, men donate material from the urethra. This result is rarely erroneous, but clarifying tests may be prescribed if the patient’s symptoms are similar to other diseases.
  3. “++++” is the final positive result. High reaction intensity.
  4. “++++” is the final positive reaction. The result obtained is 100% reliable and does not require any additional analysis. The diagnosis is syphilis.

False-positive Wasserman reaction

An absolutely healthy person can receive such an answer; this happens for specific reasons. This reaction occurs if the patient has acute or chronic stages of the disease, has recently received vaccinations, or has recently suffered physical injury. All these conditions lead to the active production of a nonspecific protein in the body, which is called antibodies or immunoglobulin. The RW analysis is aimed at identifying these proteins and recognizing them as syphilitic. This becomes the basis for obtaining a false positive result.


It was described above why a patient may receive a false positive result when testing for syphilis. Here is a list of conditions that can lead to this:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • alcohol, food poisoning;
  • acute, chronic liver pathologies, hepatitis D, C, B;
  • soft tissue or bone injuries;
  • age-related changes in the functioning of the patient’s body;
  • tuberculosis;
  • autoimmune diseases.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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How to take a blood test for the Wasserman reaction - test indications, preparation and interpretation of results

Indicates that a person is infected and is an indication for specific antibacterial therapy. This disease is easily transmitted by contact and other mechanisms and often leads to damage to internal organs.

Types of analyzes

Blood is taken for syphilis if the disease is suspected. Indications for testing are:

  • initial examination of the patient;
  • identification of a latent form of the disease;
  • donor screening;
  • performing surgical interventions;
  • screening of the population.

The main tasks of laboratory diagnostics are to identify the genome of the causative agent of syphilis (treponema pallidum) and antibodies to them. The following tests may be positive:

Laboratory diagnostics are crucial in making the correct diagnosis.

Positive microscopy results

Microscopic methods are widely used to identify the causative agent of this disease. These include dark-field microscopy, Romanowsky-Giemsa examination, and treponemal silver impregnation. The materials for the study are:

Dark-field microscopy is positive for syphilis. When light is directed onto a slide with a patient’s specimen, pale treponemas begin to glow against a completely dark background. They have a thin, spiral shape and are capable of various types of movements (translational, rotational, flexion). Treponemas have several whorls.

For syphilitic infection, analysis using the Romanovsky-Giemsa method is very informative. The preparation is stained with special substances, dried and examined under a microscope. An oil medium is used for this. The analysis is positive if microbial cells are visually detected. The pink color allows you to distinguish pale treponema from other spirochetes. Less commonly used in the diagnosis of syphilis is the silver impregnation method, in which the pathogen turns dark brown or black.

Wasserman reaction for syphilis

To establish the disease, the Wasserman reaction is used. Currently, it is rarely performed. In modern laboratories, the RW test has been replaced by the anticardiolipin test. The Wasserman reaction is... The disadvantage of the analysis is its low information content. A false positive result is often observed.

In the primary form of syphilis, RW becomes positive only 6–8 weeks after infection. For research, blood is taken from a vein. The essence of the reaction is that in response to the addition of a special protein to the patient’s blood, a complex is formed and a precipitate is observed. This happens if the material contains Treponema pallidum cardiolipin.

According to the results of the analysis, crosses are given. A false result is often observed if a person has other diseases (lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis). The result may be affected by:

The result in the form of 1 cross is regarded as doubtful. In this case, the hemolysis reaction is weakly expressed. 2 crosses are placed when the destruction of the patient’s red blood cells is partially delayed. This indicates a weakly positive test. 3 crosses indicate a pronounced delay in hemolysis. Wasserman's reaction is considered positive. The answer is possible in the form of 4 crosses. It indicates the presence of a disease.

Results of other studies

When examining large groups of people for syphilis, the RPR test is one of the most informative. It is more accurate than Wasserman's reaction. This study refers to non-treponemal methods, that is, it is aimed at searching for antibodies (immunoglobulins) against lipids of microbial cells or phospholipids of destroyed tissues.

When performing an RPR test, a false positive result is observed in 1–2% of cases. Antibodies in the blood of patients are detected within 7–10 days after the onset of chancre. Over time, the antibody titer decreases and by the 3rd period of the disease a false negative result is possible. Even if 4 crosses are given for syphilis, additional treponemal tests are performed (RIF, ELISA, RPGA, immunoblot and RIBT).

After nonspecific tests, serodiagnosis is performed. The immunofluorescence reaction and enzyme immunoassay are very informative. These reactions become positive in the last days of the asymptomatic (incubation) period. They are informative in diagnosing latent syphilis and identifying false-positive reactions.

People who have recovered from the disease have specific antibodies in their blood throughout their lives. RIF, RPGA and ELISA are not used to determine the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy. Decoding a blood test for syphilis is simple. The result is often presented as crosses or percentages. The “-” sign indicates that the person is not infected with Treponema pallidum. 2 crosses indicate a dubious result. A weakly positive analysis is equivalent to 3 crosses. 4 crosses indicate the presence of Treponema pallidum in the body.

Why are the tests positive?

You need to know the reasons for positive laboratory tests performed when syphilis is suspected. Detection of treponemes or antibodies indicates infection. The main causes of the occurrence and development of the disease:

The reason for positive results for syphilis may be improper patient preparation, the presence of concomitant pathology, and errors during the analysis itself.

What to do for sick people

If Treponema pallidum or immunoglobulins are detected in the patient's body, treatment is required. Additionally, the following studies can be carried out:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • MRI or CT;
  • radiography;
  • examination of mucous membranes and skin;
  • cerebrospinal fluid examination.

If the test result is positive for syphilis, the doctor must determine the timing of infection and the period (stage) of the disease. After this, a treatment regimen is selected.

If treponema pallidum is detected, systemic antibiotics (penicillins, macrolides, tetracyclines) are prescribed. The most effective are Doxal, Dixicycline-Acos, Bicillin-5, Benzylpenicillin sodium salt, and Forte.

In the later stages, along with antibiotics, bismuth and iodine preparations, immunostimulants and physiotherapy are indicated. At the end of the course of therapy, control tests are organized. Thus, if syphilis is suspected, treponemal and non-treponemal tests are performed. In addition to the patient himself, his sexual partners should be examined.