A beginner's guide - how to smoke a pipe correctly? Pipe smoking for beginners How to choose the best smoking pipe

Smoking pipes are devices designed for smoking cut tobacco. And if regular cigarette If you smoke by accident, smoking and choosing a long-awaited pipe model can go a long way. Perhaps someone is attracted to their favorite literary characters pipe smokers: the famous Sherlock and Commissar Maigret, Gandalf and his faithful hobbits, Gleb Zhiglov and Vasily Terkin, and for some, she simply personifies masculinity.

Smoking pipe device

Before choosing a smoking pipe, you should first familiarize yourself with its anatomy. The smoking device consists of three main parts: a bowl for tobacco, a mouthpiece and a shank that connects them. There are many types of smoking pipes and in order to make the right choice, a beginner should know the following nuances:

  • In the tobacco bowl, the process of smoldering tobacco takes place. The size of the bowl affects the taste and duration of smoking and is the main characteristic of the pipe. For example, the taste of smoking directly depends on the width. Narrow chambers up to 18mm are ideal for strong flakes. Wide chambers, ranging in size from 21 to 22 mm, are usually used for mixtures that contain Latakia, while chambers with a medium diameter parameter of about 20 mm are universal. The duration of smoking primarily depends on the depth of the chamber. In principle, the dimensions of a tobacco bowl can vary from 15x25 mm to 25x60 mm. However, for the first handset, you should not stop at the model with the extreme chamber size. The best option for a beginner would be a tube with an average size - about 25x30-40 mm.
  • The chubuk is attached to the mouthpiece by means of a socket into which the neck of the mouthpiece is placed. The smoke passes through the chimney and ends up in the pipe smoker's mouth. The total length of the mouthpiece with the shank cannot be less than 10 cm, otherwise the smoke simply does not have time to cool.
  • The mouthpiece of the pipe, as a rule, can be ebonite or acrylic. These names are interpreted differently, like rubber and plastic. Ebony or rubber mouthpieces are more pleasant to hold in the teeth, as this material is quite soft. But this is also its disadvantage, since scratches and dents from the teeth remain on it. Plastic models, on the contrary, are able to maintain their original appearance for many years. In vain, some people think that plastic or acrylic mouthpieces look cheap, in fact, they are not. In any case, experts recommend that those who prefer to hold a smoking device in their hand take a closer look at the plastic. And, accordingly, those who usually keep it in their mouths pay attention to ebonite rubber. For novice smokers, it is better to opt for a layered ebonite model. Such material is not inferior in terms of comfort to black ebonite, but dents are less noticeable on it. Sometimes there are models of pipes with amber, horn and wooden mouthpieces.

Smoking pipes and types of materials

Before thinking about how to choose smoking pipes, decide on your preferences - whether you plan to hold it in your hand or whether the pipe will be in your teeth. First of all, be guided by whether you are ready to allocate extra time for smoking. If smoking a pipe is a special ritual for you, involving complete relaxation in a comfortable chair, then pay attention to long massive models. If you are constantly in a hurry and plan to smoke on the go, while working or driving, then weight will be a decisive factor for you, so it will be more convenient to use bands.

Briar is considered the most common and optimal raw material for the production of pipes. This material is wood or growths that are located between the root and trunk of heather. Heather can grow anywhere, but the Mediterranean briar is considered the most valuable and suitable for the production of high-quality pipes. The heather that is grown in this climate is heat-resistant and durable due to high content silicon. In terms of fire resistance, it is second only to stone. The porous structure of the Mediterranean briar retains moisture well during smoking, and silicon oxide does not allow the pipe to burn. At the same time, it is desirable that the tree be at least 30-40 years old, but still, the best blanks made from 80-100-year-old plants.

Freshly dug heather is not yet suitable for work, since a ready-made smoking device can simply germinate. Therefore, the material is placed for several days in a hole without access to light, which is additionally covered with burlap. This is done in order to kill all living things in it. Only after that, the finished briar will get to the master, who divides it into blocks, then one pipe is obtained from each segment. The resulting blocks are boiled in order to rid the blanks of resins and oils, which will become a source of bad taste and odor while smoking. Then the briar is dried, and it is dried in the open air, and this process can last for one and a half years. Recently, however, drying of the material in special chambers at high temperatures has begun to be practiced, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the drying time - up to several weeks. And only completely dried briar begin to process.

Foam smoking devices appeared about 300 years ago. This special material, sepiolite, is the remains of ancient marine microorganisms compressed over the years. The grey-white porous stone is guaranteed to withstand high temperatures and has increased absorption due to the porous structure.
The main supplier of this rare fossil is Türkiye. The material is convenient in that it does not require additional drying and is very convenient for processing. Foam models are not as whimsical as briar ones, they are much lighter, they give a dry and clean smoke without foreign impurities, they smoke cooler. However, the pores of the sepiolite become impregnated with resin and liquid over time, and the tube loses its original color and acquires a golden yellow hue. The main disadvantage of meerschaum is fragility. It shatters when struck or dropped on a hard surface. Therefore, they are stored in special cases, which are usually included in the sales package.

Pipes made of walnut and fruit trees are inferior to briar in many respects. These models are not so resistant to temperatures, the material quickly absorbs liquid and has a characteristic taste that prevents the tobacco aroma from opening and even drowning out. Such models usually quickly burn out and crack. Therefore, they can only be tried as an experiment to expand the pipe-smoking experience.

Porcelain, ceramic and metal products are considered more decorative.

How to choose the right smoking pipe?

First you need to consider the budget of the purchase. Not every smoker can afford to purchase a collection model, but still, it is better to buy the cheapest model from an expensive line than the most expensive cheap pipe. Having decided on the best price for you, still make a choice in favor of the briar model. If you do not have enough money for it, then it makes sense to postpone the purchase.

Having decided on the amount with which you are ready to part for the sake of a new hobby, you should pay attention to such details:

  • Smoking pipes come in a variety of shapes. And the first time it is better to choose a straight-shaped tube. It is desirable that at the same time it be long, since in short models the smoke simply does not have time to cool properly. Curved tubes are called bents. They are much more comfortable to hold in your teeth. However, the production of bent is not an easy task and requires special skills. Therefore, if you are not ready to pay a considerable amount for a pipe of an eminent master, then give preference to a straight-shaped pipe or a model with a minimum bend. Postpone the purchase of highly curved devices for later, it should take time for you to gain experience.
  • The presence of a filter. Smokers who are accustomed to filters buy just such models. If you are planning to purchase the first pipe and have not yet acquired special preferences, then it is better to opt for a model without a filter. The fact is that the filter greatly complicates the process of cleaning the pipe and hides part of the taste of tobacco. In addition, it lowers the individual threshold of susceptibility to the combustion temperature of tobacco. Usually the filter size is 6 or 9 mm. 6mm filters are usually made from balsa wood, while 9mm can be made from activated carbon, consist of ground foam or are made of cardboard.

New model or already used.

In fact, there is nothing terrible about buying second-hand pipes. Among pipe smokers, the exchange, sale and purchase of smoking devices is commonplace. Therefore, if you like the model, and you trust the seller, then feel free to make a purchase. However, you can always save money.

Purchase process

In the store, after carefully considering the range, select at least 5 models that you like. Hold each of them, see how they lie in your hand, carefully consider whether the finish is evenly applied. Then estimate the weight of the pipe, keeping in mind that the weight of the pipe is directly proportional to the quality of the briar from which it is made.

Then carefully examine the area where the mouthpiece joins the shank, there can be no protrusions in this place, they must match perfectly. Disassemble the device by rotating the mouthpiece in a clockwise direction, it is good if you unscrew it with only minimal effort, it should not come out too hard or fall out. Collect the tube and draw in the air, if it passes easily and silently through the mouthpiece, then this is good indicator. If at the same time you hear a characteristic whistle, then this indicates that there is every chance that moisture may collect inside the pipe during smoking.

If you opted for a model with a filter, then it would not be out of place to study its fit into the filter chamber - ideally, it is inserted accompanied by a slight click, and in no case should it hang out. In this case, you should get the filter easily, without any effort. It is necessary to take into account the factor that after smoking it will swell a little and if the new filter is too dense even in a dry state, then when removed after smoking, its integrity may be compromised.

You should also carefully look at the exit of the smoke channel from the chubuk to the tobacco chamber. The chute from the drill should have an exit directly into the center of the bottom of the tobacco chamber. Displacement in any direction is strictly not allowed.

As a rule, in stores, all pipes are displayed in an open window and often under direct sunbeams. This can adversely affect rubber mouthpieces, they may oxidize and discolor. The color of the ebonite mouthpiece of a new smoking device should be even and without enlightenment.

Thus, by the method of elimination, you will have only one version of the tube.

Having bought a handset, take care of purchasing the necessary accessories. First of all, these are miniature brushes for cleaning smoking devices. Usually they are sold in sets of 100 or 200 pieces. You will also need a properly selected tee, consisting of an awl, a tamper and a spoon. You don't have to use them right away; at the initial stage, you will only need a tamper, which is designed for trampling tobacco.

If you chose a model with a filter, then you will need to stock up on filters of the right size.

The easiest way to light pipes is with a pipe lighter. They are not in vain began to be called so - their flame is located at an angle to the lighter. This feature will protect your fingers from burns. Silicon models are much more durable than models with a piezo element. Their choice is quite large - from simple plastic models to expensive ones, decorated with precious stones.

You'll also need a simple folding pipe stand, and if you're planning on smoking your pipe outside, you'll need to opt for a special case or case.

Try "Magic Tobacco" - about tobacco and smoking, smoking pipes.

Any smoker at least once in his life tried to smoke a smoking pipe with ordinary smoking shag or exquisite tobacco, specially designed for smoking through a pipe.

Choosing your first pipe at first glance is a simple but very important choice that will shape your opinion about pipe smoking in general. The first time you try smoking a pipe, you will decide whether you like it or not, so you need to choose a quality pipe and tobacco.

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of smoking pipes, and without being knowledgeable in this matter, it is very difficult to make a choice. What to look for when choosing, how fruit tree pipes differ from meerschaum pipes, whether a filter is needed or not, and you will learn about many other nuances from this article.

smoking pipe shape

The pipe must certainly give its owner aesthetic pleasure, arrange him as he pleases. external factors as well as convenience.

Curved pipes may seem more attractive to you, but you need to have certain skills to smoke them. The more curved the tube, the smaller the angle between the smoke channel and the adjacent wall of the bowl. The walls at the entrance of the smoke channel to the tobacco chamber are thin and easy to burn through. This will lead to uneven draft and burning of tobacco, and over time, the walls of the tobacco chamber will begin to burn.

If the tube has a slight curve, then it holds better in the teeth.

Straight tubes are easy to clean. At the first stage, we would recommend that you purchase a straight tube.


The bowl should be medium in size, that is, not large and not small. The chamber should be about 3-3.5cm deep and about 1.5cm in diameter.

If the cup is too large, then it is heavy to hold in the teeth and its walls do not warm up much. But there is also a plus - it fits well in the hand.

The length of the pipe, together with the mouthpiece of the pipe, should be about 10 cm. If the pipe is short, then the smoke in it is not cooled well, which will cause discomfort for a novice smoker.

Smoke channel tube

The smoke channel of the tube must reach the bottom of the cup. If it is above the bottom, then the tobacco will not burn through below the heat, which will lead to a loss of the taste of the pipe and to its souring. If the channel is below the bottom, then the condensate will be directed through it into the mouthpiece and onto the smoker's tongue, causing bitterness.

Tube filter

If you are going to fill your first pipe with a flavored blend, it is best to choose a pipe with a filter, as blends can leave a feeling of discomfort on the tongue.

An unfiltered pipe smokes cooler, and you need to work out the pace of smoking, otherwise you can burn your tongue. But such a pipe will not reduce your susceptibility to the burning temperature of tobacco.

Tube finish

The finish of the pipe has an aesthetic value, but it does not affect the quality of smoking, therefore, you can be guided by your taste when choosing. But lacquered pipes should be avoided or removed. sandpaper otherwise it will affect the taste of the pipe.

Tube material

Fruit tree wood pipes characterized by fragility and instability to temperature influences. Their only advantage is that they are cheap. However, the low price fully corresponds to their low quality.

meerschaum tubes they absorb moisture well, and after smoking the pipe is saturated with it. It is necessary to let such a pipe rest before smoking it again.

Tubes made of metal, ceramics and other materials- this is a beautiful decorative thing, not quite suitable for high-quality and long-term use.

Briar pipes long rest is not needed, and also they differ good quality. We recommend them to the novice smoker as the best option.

What to look for when buying a tube?

Arriving at the store, decide on the pipes you like, take each of them in your hand, feel its weight. The lighter the tube, the more better quality the briar from which it is made.

Mouthpiece and chibouk must match, protrusions are not allowed.

The mouthpiece should not be too tight and should not fall out. Pull air through it - it should pass silently and freely.

If you choose a pipe with an ebonite mouthpiece, then pay attention to its color. It should be uniform and black. If the tube was under open beams sunlight, the ebonite mouthpiece could oxidize and change color, so you need to pay attention to this.

Tube prices

Everyone's financial possibilities are different, but a pipe is not the case when you need to save. When choosing, avoid "unnamed" pipes in favor of the brand name. It is better to buy the cheapest brand than the most expensive "nameless" pipe. Not enough money - postpone the purchase. Only a high-quality smoking pipe filled with high-quality tobacco can bring you real pleasure.


How to prepare a pipe for smoking. The process is called smoking. Smoking a new pipe does not like to be rushed. To smoke a new pipe, you need to choose tobacco that will allow you to smoke it correctly. Usually, tobacco is chosen without impurities, unflavored tobacco, high-quality tobacco, with tobacco fibers uniform in thickness and width. It is recommended to prepare tobacco, pre-cut the finished tobacco mixture into smaller fractions that do not have stems and thick sticks. And yet, it is better to choose tobacco for smoking with little or no sauce at all, without a pronounced aroma, since the taste and aroma of such tobaccos are kept in the pipe for a long time. The methods of smoking a new pipe offered by heavy smokers are different. Sometimes with the addition of honey or strong alcohol. We propose the following variant and consider our method to be optimal.

Initially, the tube should be filled to one third of the depth of the bowl, carefully tamping with a special tool (for example, a “tee” service kit). And so, smoke a new pipe several times during the week, taking a break between smoking for about a day, so that the pipe can release the accumulated moisture during smoking. After a week, increase the amount of tobacco to half the depth of the bowl and repeat the procedure. Then up to three-quarters of a pipe bowl, and only then can you start smoking a pipe with a full bowl of tobacco. The whole process should take about a month. It should be noted that stuffing tobacco into the pipe should be done carefully, evenly, increasing the density of stuffing tobacco from the bottom to the top of the tobacco bowl. When smoking a pipe, it is necessary to smoke all the tobacco mixture placed in the bowl of the pipe, which will make it possible to obtain a uniform soot over the entire inner surface of the bowl.

It is not recommended to overheat the tube. Smoke should be small and shallow puffs, maintaining a steady burning of tobacco. If the pipe is so hot that it is not comfortable to hold it in your hand, stop smoking and put the pipe away until it cools down. Don't smoke your pipe fresh air(especially at sub-zero temperatures and at strong wind), because you will not be able to correctly estimate the heating temperature of the bowl.

It should be noted that in many pipes the tobacco chamber already has a coating (carbonized black coating), which facilitates the process of smoking. But it must be borne in mind that under this coating defects in the material of the bowl (briar) can be hidden. Thus, the tube manufacturer can simply hide the imperfections of the material. The amount of soot that should form during smoking should not exceed 1 mm. Excess must be removed, leaving a deposit of the required size. The soot that forms on the surface of the tobacco chamber consists of carmelized sugar, resinous substances that make up tobacco and ash, which together form a coal layer that serves as a sewn pipe tree from direct exposure to fire. Remember that soot should be on the entire inner surface of the bowl. Important point which cannot be overlooked is that smoking tobacco must contain a large number of Sahara. The amount of sugar in the tobacco mixture directly affects the quality of carbon deposits inside the bowl. It protects the tube from burning during further use. If you follow these simple rules, you will be able to properly smoke a new pipe, and it will serve you for years.

Most famous brands smoking pipes - Amadeus, Big Ben, Brebbia, Peterson, Jean Claude, Vauen, Stanwell, Rattway's, Gasparini, Butz-Choguin, Dunhill.

Stuffing tobacco into a pipe

Fall asleep on the phone a small amount of tobacco and gently tamp it down over the entire surface of the bottom of the bowl bowl. Tobacco must be compacted so that it does not spill out when the tube is tilted. Then you need to gradually add tobacco, distributing it in the same way over the entire surface and compacting it in the same way. In several doses of filling and tamping, you need to bring the amount of tobacco leaves to the top of the bowl.

The quality of the stuffing can be seen when the pipe is smoked - if the tobacco resists the pull, the pipe is stuffed correctly. The air should be pulled with a slight effort without hindrance. A properly filled pipe will provide a decent quality of smoking and a decent impression of the process.

If the air passes too freely during inhalation, the tube is stuffed with tobacco additionally, a pinch of tobacco is placed on top, rammed with a rammer, or just an additional pinch is gently crushed. thumb.

The complete impression obtained from smoking depends on the correct process of stuffing the pipe. If the tube is not clogged properly, some undesirable processes may occur, for example, the smoke will be bitter or the tube will not light up well. Experienced pipe smokers compare the process of stuffing a pipe with a ritual that takes place slowly and unhurriedly with feeling, with sense, with arrangement. When clogging the pipe, it is recommended to use a special rammer of tobacco into the pipe.

To obtain good effect from a pipe you need to buy good pipe tobacco, tobacco tobacco is more than half of excellent smoking. good tobacco does not change its aroma, taste and properties until the end of smoking. Usually a good pipe tobacco can be felt even by bringing it to the nose and by a slight inhalation of air you can catch a pleasant aroma. If you do not like the aroma of tobacco, then this is not your tobacco, you need to take a different flavor or another manufacturer.

The American writer Mark Twain was a great lover and connoisseur of pipes and cigars. The great humorist took pipe smoking extremely seriously.

He once said: "Many people would like to smoke a pipe, but not everyone knows how to do it."
Unfortunately, the words said by Mark Twain still retain their relevance. After all, smoking a pipe makes it possible to feel the taste, aroma, density or, on the contrary, the lightness of tobacco, all the subtleties of a variety or mixture, which cigarette smoking does not give.

Smoking a pipe is conducive to peace and thoughtfulness, reflection, while at the same time making you feel the pleasure of the finest flavor nuances of pipe tobacco, which cannot be achieved by smoking a cigarette.

But to achieve this, you must immediately learn how to smoke a pipe correctly, following some rules that will allow you to get the maximum pleasure from a good pipe and good tobacco.


Ever since pipe smoking arrived in Europe in the 1500s, civilization has long puzzled over how to smoke a pipe without burning the tongue.
Many beginner pipe smokers have given up after a couple of failed attempts, after a bitter and sour taste in the mouth, and with the firm conviction that pipe smokers are a bunch of masochists and self-torturers.
It is important to note that smoking a pipe is fundamentally different from smoking cigarettes. This applies to technology, to the process and to the taste component. Therefore, a novice pipe smoker needs to realize that learning how to smoke a pipe correctly is not just about taking a couple of "puffs" and then consider the lesson over.
First, and perhaps most unusual:
Pipe smokers don't inhale. They just savor the taste of tobacco smoke. Pipe tobacco is cleaner, richer and nobler in taste than cigarette tobacco, and since tobacco smoke does not go to the lungs, the blood is not oversaturated with nicotine, so that the pipe smoker is free from mass. unpleasant consequences suffered by those who prefer cigarettes. Therefore, pipe smoking cannot be classified as bad habits, it does not cause physical, nicotine dependence, does not clog the bronchi and lungs with resins, and so on. Perhaps the only addiction that a pipe smoker can "suffer" from is aesthetic addiction. But it's probably not so scary.
Another reason to switch to a tube is purely economic. The consumption of tobacco when smoking a pipe is much lower than when smoking cigarettes. (If measured in grams). A pipe is generally smoked less often than cigarettes, it is not smoked just like that, in between times, without noticing it. Therefore, pipe tobacco ends up being cheaper than cigarette tobacco. True, a lot of money will require the purchase of a tube, but this, by and large, is a one-time expense, and it's worth it.


To begin with, we must admit that smoking a pipe is more difficult than smoking cigarettes. Which is understandable, since, for example, the area of ​​burning tobacco in a pipe is larger than that of a cigarette. Therefore, smoking a pipe and keeping tobacco smoldering should be done with great care and accuracy, which cigarettes, however, do not require at all due to the impregnation of paper and cigarette tobacco itself with combustion-supporting chemical compounds.
But the ability to smoke a pipe will come quickly if you follow a few tips:

It is preferable, of course, to use a solid (not necessarily expensive) tube. A well-made pipe has all the necessary characteristics and qualities to make smoking a pleasure. It does not heat up so easily and quickly, it does not collect condensate so quickly, that is, it does not become wet inside so quickly. Do not forget to clean your pipe often with special pipe cleaners and a pipe cutter.

Put enough tobacco in the pipe so that it is filled almost to the brim. At the same time, you also need to be able to fill it. It is better to do it this way: pour tobacco into a cup to the top, then lightly crush it with a stomp. After that, fill again to the top and press again, but somewhat denser. And finally, for the last time, fill to the top and take it quite thoroughly. Just do not overdo it - drawing air through the mouthpiece, you should feel a slight resistance.

To light a pipe, it is customary to use matches or special pipe lighters. Their nozzle is located somewhat on the side, so that it is more convenient to light a pipe without burning your fingers. Lighting the pipe should be, as it were, in two steps. The first is to let the entire surface of the tobacco ignite, and after the burning particles rise, trying to fall out of the pipe, then either extinguish it completely with the help of a “stomper” and light it up again, or gently crush it so that the entire surface of the tobacco burns, and, at the same time, not letting it go out. If the pipe still goes out, then light it immediately, without letting it cool down.

After that, you can already smoke calmly, remembering only that you need to puff on your pipe all the time. But do not do it too intensely, so that it does not overheat, so that it does not disappear, but, on the contrary, all the subtle nuances of the tobacco aroma become noticeable.

After you have smoked, the pipe should be cleaned with a pipe spoon, and be sure to let it dry from the accumulated condensate. Smoking a pipe in general should only be dry, “breathed”. That, by the way, is why it is even better to have at least two or three tubes. So that they have time to “rest”, dry out, “breathe”. If, due to circumstances, you use one, then often clean both the shank and the mouthpiece with brushes, and free the cup with a pipe knife from excessive carbon deposits. And it is better if you take it apart at night and leave it in this form, for better and faster drying. Remember that you only need to smoke a dry pipe. Leaving moisture at the bottom of the cup, in the chibouk, you can make the pipe turn sour. An unpleasant one will appear sour taste, and the taste of the tobacco itself will be clogged and spoiled.
Don't smoke much at first. Remember that to tobacco smoke need to get used to it. Especially if you have smoked soft cigarettes before. Don't rush while smoking. It is necessary to smoke slowly, calmly, enjoying, moving away from momentary worries.
To begin with, it is better to smoke once a day, and after seven or eight days, you can already smoke more often, focusing on your own feelings.
Well, when the beginner's stage has already been passed, when the cigarettes are finally put on the shelf, then you can already start studying, tasting various varieties and mixtures of pipe tobacco, trying which types of cuts suit you best, you like the dense or thin taste of tobacco better, closer flavored tobaccos, or with a natural pure taste, and, in the end, find your own, individual style, your personal passions and preferences.


10 Tips for Pipe Smoking Beginners

If you want to start smoking a pipe, but do not know how to approach this matter, then try to follow these simple advice that will help you enjoy this divine activity the first time. Although, of course, it is better to have an experienced adviser.

After all, with a pipe, as with a woman - if the defloration was rough, then she will not soon want new contacts with you. If for the first time you fill your pipe incorrectly, or take dry tobacco, then an unpleasant bitterness in your tongue can discourage you from touching the pipe for a long time.

1. Always smoke a fresh, rested, clean and dry pipe. If unburned tobacco remains in the pipe from the last light, then it does not have time to inhale and will be bitter. Always, after knocking out the pipe after smoking, let it cool down, clean it and leave it to rest for at least a day.

2. Always use sufficiently well moistened tobacco. If you don't buy fresh tobacco from a tobacco shop and keep it well packaged, the tobacco dries out easily. Dry tobacco burns quickly and hot, and is not at all good for the pipe or for you. On the other hand, tobacco should not be waterlogged. Such tobacco is difficult to smoke, burns poorly, and is difficult to inhale, which will force you to "puff" harder, and you will inhale hotter smoke. Such smoking will not bring you joy at all. Ideal storage conditions for tobacco are about the same as for cigars: about 70% humidity and 18 C. Of course, it is difficult and not strictly necessary to maintain such conditions precisely. If you carry a pouch in your pocket, then there will be clearly more than 18 C, and a humidity of 70% is only achievable if you live in a swamp. If you are stockpiling tobacco, then store it like you would in a store - in special tobacco glass or porcelain humidors, or large airtight glass jars. Tobacco packs are usually sealed, so if you don't keep them open for a long time, you'll have time to smoke the tobacco while it's still fresh. If you do not smoke often, then it makes sense to put a small piece of a sponge soaked in water in the pouch. (In Russia, another method is more often practiced - putting a thin slice of an apple in a pouch. True, it will have to be changed daily, otherwise it will turn sour and spoil the tobacco.)

3. Pack the tube properly. This skill will come with experience, but be aware that both too tight and too loose pipes will smoke hot and pinch the tip of the tongue. There are many ways to hammer a pipe. But the essence of all of them boils down to ensuring that the pipe is evenly and accurately clogged so that when you press your finger on the tobacco clogged in the pipe, it slightly springs. First fill the cup completely, but with very loose tobacco. Tamp with your finger to half the volume, so that it slightly springs. Repeat a couple more times. It is most convenient to fill the pipe with tobacco in three stages, successively gently tamping it with a finger or a special rammer. Light up and enjoy!

4. It is best to light a pipe with wooden matches or a gas lighter. Do not use cardboard matches or petrol lighters (although there are special ZIPPOs for pipes). Tobacco very easily absorbs odors, so you should not use anything other than matches and butane to light tobacco. Matches, by the way, are preferable, since the combustion temperature of butane is higher than wood, and the flame of a lighter can burn the pipe.

5. Feel free to light your pipe often. Many beginners assume that experienced smokers light their first smoke, and that using multiple matches to light them up will give them away as a beginner. Feel free to use as many matches as needed. You will only need two matches for smoking at pipe smoking championships. Use as many matches as you need - matchmakers will love you!

6. Don't be afraid to use brushes while smoking. Quite often, when you smoke, the pipe begins to gurgle. This happens especially often with curved tubes, where moisture easily accumulates. And the sound is nasty, and drops of moisture saturated with nicotine, when they enter the mouth, leave a very unpleasant feeling. Therefore, as soon as the tube gurgles, feel free to stick the brush in and blot the moisture. And smoke after that. True, this advice is especially good for tubes without a filter. But even in filtered pipes, the brush will reach half of the mouthpiece, absorbing excess moisture.

7. Remember that tubes need to be changed every day. The pipe must rest for at least a day before you smoke it again. There are not many tubes. Therefore, you can safely use this article as an excuse to once again go to the tobacconist and buy a new pipe in order to practice smoking a pipe once again before going to bed.

8. Never take the tube apart while it is still warm. So it can be easily broken. The tube must be completely cool before you remove the mouthpiece from it and start cleaning.

9. If you have bought a non-smoked pipe, then you must create a "shirt" on the walls of the pipe - a thin burnt layer that will protect the pipe from burning. There are many ways to smoke a pipe. The most common - lubricate inner surface cups with a thin layer of honey. This will help to quickly create a deposit called a "shirt". A "shirt" is necessary so that your pipe smokes cool and the cup does not burn through.

10. And most importantly, it takes time to enjoy pipe smoking. You can smoke this cigarette on the run, at work, in the toilet. The pipe is a ritual. Choose an hour - another, relax. Let the vanity leave you for a while. Hammer the tube slowly and carefully. Sit back comfortably in your favorite chair. Light it lovingly and take a mouthful of fragrant smoke. Release a puff of smoke and feel how your problems dissolve in it. A tender and devoted friend warms your hand, and in her beauty, in the convolutions of wood patterns and smooth lines, you will discover something new every time. Such beauty and devotion in women is sometimes harder to find than in pipes. Therefore, love pipes - at least they never cheat.

Smoking a pipe is not only a way to relax, but also a pleasure from the process. Before you start using the tube, you need to study the principle of its operation and structure. The quality of the product itself and the tobacco or shag chosen for it also play a significant role in use.

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    Choosing the Right Tube

    It is rare to find pipe lovers today. This is due not only to the fact that such smoking requires more time, but also to the fact that few know how to use it. In fact, each of the elements of the smoking ritual is important in this process, and the improper quality of the product, tobacco, improper use of the pipe and poor care of it can turn a novice smoker away.

    One of the basic rules for beginners in this type of smoking is that it makes no sense to take the most expensive device. But cheap options are not suitable for learning how to use a tube. Good pipes are in the middle price category and are distinguished by quality, not beauty. Good appearance The product does not matter, but is worth the extra money.

    The personal handset should fit perfectly in the owner's hand. The weight is selected for the user individually - it cannot be too heavy or too light. A novice user should choose a device with the following characteristics:

    • the length of the shank together with the mouthpiece is about 10 cm;
    • chamber depth for stuffing tobacco - 3-3.5 cm;
    • chamber diameter - 1.5 - 2 cm.

    When buying a tube, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made. Wood is the classic. A pipe made from it requires additional care, but it reveals the aroma of tobacco to the maximum, enriching it with woody notes.

    You should be prepared for the fact that smoking will become an expensive process, requiring not only an initial investment in the purchase of a product, but also constant investments.

    Preparation for smoking

    The quality of smoking depends on many factors. To prolong the life of the product, good flavor transfer and no signs of tobacco burning, it is necessary to prepare the newly acquired pipe through the smoking process. During it inner part the product is covered with a thin coating of soot, which subsequently protects it from drying out, overheating or moisture, and preserves the taste and aroma properties of tobacco unchanged. The layer has a different name - "shirt" for a reason.

    Before using the tube, you need to prepare it. Fumigation consists of several stages:

    1. 1. In order to make the process faster and easier, the bowl is wiped with a napkin from dirt and moisture, and then with the help of fingers it is smeared with a thin layer of honey, slightly rubbing the substance into the material.
    2. 2. Tobacco is placed in the bowl of the product, not reaching a third of the volume. Then the pipe is smoked.
    3. 3. After smoking, the product must be cleaned of tobacco residues and left overnight to dry.
    4. 4. It is necessary to repeat the reception for 6-7 times, with each smoking, gradually increasing the amount of tobacco poured into the bowl. It is worth strictly following the rules - dry the pipe well, maintain a period of time of at least 12 hours between smoking and do not forget to remove tobacco residues from it.

    After the sixth time, the pipe will be ready for smoking and suitable for stuffing with nobler varieties of tobacco. In no case should this process be accelerated: it quickly becomes covered with cracks and deteriorates under heavy load at the very beginning of use.


    The impression received from smoking depends on this process. If you fill the pipe with tobacco incorrectly, it will be bitter. You should not rush with stuffing: everything should happen slowly and consistently. A special device - rammer - will become good helpers in this process.

    Good tobacco is half the success in smoking. The fact is that its taste will practically not change when smoldering in a tube, so you can choose the desired variety by bringing it to your nose and catching the aroma.

    Experienced smokers rub tobacco leaves between their fingers so that the smell is better revealed. If the user prefers strong varieties, it is worth trying shag. This is a classic option for stuffing, characterized by characteristic taste and aromatic properties.

    First you need to fill in a small amount of tobacco and carefully tamp it in the bowl. It shouldn't be too creased, but you shouldn't let the leaves spill freely in the bowl either. Then you can continue to hammer the pipe and add some more tobacco, adding it a couple of pinches at a time and achieving the optimal position with a tamper, you need to bring the number of leaves to the top of the bowl. Once the process is complete, the quality of the stuffing is worth checking. To do this, the pipe is smoked - if the tobacco resists pulling, it is filled correctly. If the air does not stretch or does not pass unhindered when inhaling, the process should be started again. An incorrectly stuffed pipe will not be able to provide a decent quality of smoking and spoil the impression of the process.

    If the air passes too freely, the tube is stuffed further, using a tamper, or by gently crushing an additional pinch with the thumb of the right hand.

    How to smoke a pipe?

    For this purpose, special types of lighters, sold in a special department, or matches are suitable. In no case should the lighter run on gasoline - this substance significantly impairs the taste of tobacco, spoiling it. A gas lighter is the best choice for both beginners and experienced smokers.

    It is necessary to ensure that the fire touches the entire surface of the tobacco. A match or a lighter should be driven in a circle - so the tobacco will flare up most evenly. Simultaneously with ignition, the owner takes short, frequent puffs, allowing the tobacco to flare up. As soon as the tube flares up, you should do deep breath, after which a burning sensation begins in the lungs - it will allow not to extinguish the incipient smoldering. As soon as this happens, you should use a tamper and straighten the leaves in the bowl.

    If the pipe goes out, which often happens during the tamping of tobacco, it is set on fire again. When heated, the tobacco will rise up, resembling a hat. In this case, it is necessary to seal the contents of the tobacco chamber again and try to light it again. Without proper dexterity, the pipe does not light up the first time.

    The first breath after smoking should be deep so that you can taste the aroma of tobacco and understand how well the filling is done. If necessary, adjust the level of stuffing, the amount of tobacco and the degree of fullness of the bowl. The first cloud of smoke should not be released completely, to begin with, exhaling about a third of the smoke through the mouth. The rest of the smoke in the mouth, you can try to exhale through the nose.

    Sometimes tobacco requires additional air movement: with poor draft, you can try to exhale part of it through the pipe. This will refresh the smoke and keep the tobacco burning.

    In no case should you neglect the technique of smoking and make too strong thrusts - hot tobacco can burn your throat. If the pipe does not light up, it is worth checking the filling level. Perhaps the bowl is not properly filled with tobacco, and the air does not circulate well in it, preventing the leaves from smoldering. In this case, you can try to gently mix the tobacco in the bowl or try to move it a little with a needle or match. If the pipe does not ignite after that, you need to fill it again, following the rules with more care.

    Smoking rules

    There is a special name for the method of pipe smoking - "cold smoking". This means that when tightening, the product should not heat up. The tobacco in the bowl does not burn, but slowly smolders, saturating the smoke with aroma without the bitterness characteristic of cigarettes.

    When using the handset for the first time, do not expect too much from it. This is not an easy process, which can rarely be completed absolutely correctly without the appropriate experience. Smoking a pipe for the first time, you should be patient and tune in to the process. In addition, it must be remembered that the real taste of the product can only be felt after 6-7 times of use, and the first lighting will become nothing more than a workout. However, a long preparation of the pipe will allow the owner to gain experience and learn the leisurely measured, so important for the amateur.

    There are a number of rules, the observance of which will make pipe smoking a real pleasure even for a beginner:

    • The first puffs should be slow and deep. Tobacco must be tasted. In general, such smoking cannot be accompanied by haste; in conditions of constant lack of time, it is not worth starting to engage in this type of tobacco use.
    • All other puffs should be so smooth that the smoker does not feel the temperature of the smoke entering the oral cavity. Improper smoking is fraught with the appearance of cancer - namely constant temperature, in combination with resins that enter the mucous membrane, is one of the main factors in the occurrence and development of cancer. If the tube begins to heat up in your hand, you need to take a break to avoid burning the filler and damaging the product. There is a rule for amateurs, which is called the "rule of six seconds." If the pipe does not cause discomfort for more than 6 seconds upon contact with the skin, it can still be smoked.
    • You should pay attention to the taste of smoke entering your mouth. Some aromatic tobaccos are slightly bitter and slightly tingle on the tongue when smoked. These sensations should not cause burning in the bowl - if the tobacco burns, it is not properly stuffed or smoked.
    • Tobacco should be moderately moist and not overdried, and also of high quality. You can not store it open, and if it becomes inconvenient to stuff it (the first sign of drying or moistening), it is better to replace it.
    • Tobacco mixtures in the bowl should be smoked to the end. With long smoking, an additional layer of soot is formed, which in the future will become a protection for the product. Experienced amateurs believe that the older the "shirt", the more valuable the pipe, and its cleaning is carried out with the utmost care so that the inner layer of soot is not damaged as a result.
    • If the smoker has not used tobacco completely, the bowl must be cleaned, removing the remnants. This is done immediately after the end of the session. So not only tobacco is removed, but also the ashes formed during smoking. Leaving the tobacco and its remnants inside the bowl without taking puffs will noticeably spoil the taste of the following batches: the material from which such devices are made has good absorbency. Having taken in the smell of over-aged tobacco, the pipe will give it away with each smoking session, spoiling the whole impression.
    • The pipe is different from cigarettes and electronic devices, therefore, when switching from one method to another, some difficulties arise. The smoke should not go into the lungs, but into the mouth, i.e. the pipe is smoked "not in puff". The purpose of smoking is to keep the smoke in the mouth, where the taste and aroma of the chosen tobacco is revealed.
    • Without rest, the product quickly deteriorates and begins to taste bitter, even if before that there was an even, pleasant taste. Connoisseurs believe that the optimal number of pipes in an amateur's collection is at least two, they should be used alternately, in no case neglecting this rule.
    • Sometimes, when smoking, the product begins to make gurgling sounds that interfere with the process. This means that the tobacco was too wet or saliva got into the mouthpiece. The accumulated moisture greatly spoils the tobacco. In this case, you should use a brush and clean the air duct. If the product does not have a filter, this action will completely remove excess moisture. But even in filtered pipes, the brush will crawl up to half of the mouthpiece and correct the situation.
    • Experienced smokers experiment with sensations by varying the amount of smoke that enters the mouth. They believe that tightening with this method of smoking is also possible, but requires certain skills and experience. If you wish, you can try to combine two ways of smoking a pipe into one, choosing for yourself the optimal ratio of the number and types of puffs.

The man who gives up his pipe only because he failed to fill it properly or set it on fire, or because he chose a bad pipe from the very beginning, denies himself great pleasure and becomes a slave to the cigarette. By mastering a few time-tested rules, you will ensure that pipe smoking begins to give you pleasure, and the pipe will smoke better and last longer.

How to use the tube? So, in front of you is a pipe, a pack of tobacco and matches ... It seems to some that tobacco can be stuffed anyhow, and that a pipe can be treated as casually as a cigarette. Such ideas are the cause of all the troubles of a novice pipe maker. The pipe exposes its protection to the rudeness of the owner: it stretches badly, goes out, overheats, gets wet and, in the end, can burn out from one side or completely burn out.

How to pipe properly

Pipe tobacco is special.

The most important thing is to fill pipe tobacco with pinches. The first pinch just needs to be put on the bottom of the cup. This means that only a small amount of tobacco is taken, since this will be the bottom portion of the filling. Before proceeding, check with your finger, without pressing down, that the tobacco is evenly distributed. Subsequent pinches should be laid, lightly pressing them with your finger, gradually increasing the density of the blockage, and so on until the very top.

At the same time, putting the next portion, pull the air through, thus checking whether the pipe smokes well. When the cup is filled to the brim, you need to press the tobacco for the last time with your thumb - the action requires a subtle artistry that comes with age. It prevents possible unevenness of the ignited surface of the tobacco and gives the finishing touch to the stuffing. For ignition, it is very important that the surface of the clogged tobacco is perfectly even.

For ignition, it is very important that the surface of the clogged tobacco is perfectly even.

Once again, let's check whether the air passes easily in the tube, and make sure that nothing interferes with it. If the air passes too freely, you need to press again with your thumb and add a little tobacco. If the tobacco does not stretch well, it should be poured out and the procedure restarted, but perhaps the reason is the tobacco that clogged the passage. In this case, separate the mouthpiece from the head and use the brush or needle of the tee to push it into the head of the pipe.

It should also be remembered that it is easier to stuff a smoking pipe with coarsely cut tobacco, then there is less chance that tobacco will clog the smoke channel of the pipe. Dry tobacco should be stuffed more densely, because it tends to rise, but fresh tobacco, on the contrary, lies flat and tight, so the stuffing should be lighter. If the tobacco is very dry, mix it with fresh. And, finally, how to determine - fresh tobacco or dry?

Take a large pinch of tobacco from a pack or jar, put it on a plane, squeeze it with three fingers and release. If tobacco crumbles immediately - it is dry, not immediately - normal, does not crumble for a long time - wet.

Lighting a pipe

The tube and the main accessory to it is the same tee.

From what to light - from matches or from a lighter - your own business. It is important that the lighter is gas, with a side flame. Gasoline is not suitable, as it gives tobacco an unpleasant smell and taste. Lighting does not tolerate haste and fuss. The quality, taste and duration of smoking depends on how you do it. So...

You brought the flame to the tobacco; having experienced a shock, the tobacco rose, spread, the head of the pipe became like a punk hairstyle, but the pipe did not light up. Taking a box of matches or a tee stomp, flatten and level this surface, then set fire to the pipe over the entire surface again. It is very important to set fire to the entire surface, because an unevenly ignited pipe smokes from one side, goes out, loose and uneven carbon deposits form in it. Do not light your pipe on the run, do not do it in a hurry. Concentrate, it is very important in the moments of stuffing and smoking.

With each smoking, your pipe acquires its own unique taste, its own aroma.

Remember: the pipe does not tolerate violence, it lives its own life, and the remark of the French poet Baudelaire is probably true: "Soon you will notice a strange feature that it is more likely that the pipe smokes you than you smoke it." Smoking a pipe requires perseverance and gradually, as you improve, outgrows a pleasure.

When smoking a pipe, many are faced with two extremes: it either overheats or goes out. If the pipe goes out at the beginning or in the middle of smoking, do not be afraid to light it again. You should not do this only at the end of smoking, so as not to burn the pipe and damage the resulting soot. If the tube goes out, put it in the rack, head down; wait until it cools down, and then easily clean out the remaining tobacco with a tee spatula.

There is no perfect tubing tightening, it's just that over time you will feel when the tightening needs to be tightened and done more often, and when - less often and weaker. With experience, the skill will come to you, and you will learn to determine by the cooled ashes how well your pipe has been smoked. Ideally, a good smoker will have no tobacco residue, and you will pour a handful of gray ash out of the pipe.

Of course, smoking a pipe can be stopped at any time, but then it is better to fill it exactly as much as you are going to smoke. I want to warn you right away that you can’t get by with one tube. During smoking, the soot and the walls of the cup absorb moisture formed during the condensation process, so the pipe must dry for at least 12 hours. How many pipes you need is up to you, depending on how often you smoke during the day.

How to smoke a pipe?

There is an opinion that it would be good to treat the pipe with alcohol (rum, brandy, cognac) before smoking, but it is better to do it with honey: it will not spoil the wood and will significantly soften the first smoking. Beginning smokers sometimes show considerable ingenuity in trying to speed up the process of smoking a pipe. They rape their pipes with open fire, a red-hot knitting needle, and even with a vacuum cleaner. We declare responsibly: there is no way to quickly smoke! And pipes, victims of such barbaric treatment, rarely survive!

We fill the first five or six tubes by a quarter, the next ten - by half, five more by three quarters, and fill five or six more to the top, while observing the stuffing rules described above. The process is time consuming and requires patience, but it is he who gives a uniform soot.