Setting the sound "R". Exercises and other speech therapist tricks. Staging and automation of the sounds r and r methodological development on the topic Staging the sound r in children

Problems with the sound “R” are perhaps the most common reason for visiting a speech therapist. First of all, it should be noted that the age standards for the sound “R” are 5-6 years (according to different sources). Those. It is believed that until this age the child “has the right” not to pronounce “R”. This is a theory. But in practice, if there is no “R” sound in speech, I advise you to start practicing it at the age of 5-5.5 years.

However, a very important point! It happens that a child has the sound “R”, but it is non-standard, i.e. wrong. Various options are possible here: “throat” R, “coachman” R, i.e. with vibration of lips and cheeks, etc.). In this case, you may need to contact a speech therapist earlier. Those. if an incorrect sound appeared at 4 years old, you should not wait 5.5 years, since such incorrect pronunciation will become even more entrenched in speech and correcting it will only become more difficult over time. Please note that in this case we are not talking about replacing the sound “R” with other sounds (“L”, “V”, etc.), but rather about incorrect pronunciation.

The sound “R” is considered one of the most difficult sounds and, frankly, I advocate that a specialist pronounce it, and even more so correct its incorrect pronunciation. Why? There are many nuances here. It is necessary to take into account the mobility of the tongue, its tone, the formation and strength of the air stream, articulatory readiness and other points. Otherwise, we risk causing and fixing the wrong sound in speech. And fixing it is much more difficult than installing it. By the way, as a rule, speech therapists put the sound “R” last, i.e. after all other sounds have already appeared in the child’s speech.

However, below I propose to consider some staging options available to mothers at home. But first, I recommend preparing the child’s articulatory apparatus by performing special exercises for the tongue.

  • "Horse"— we click our tongue slowly and strongly, imitating the clicking of a horse’s hooves. Important: the lower jaw remains motionless.
  • "Swing"- open your mouth, stretch your tongue alternately to your nose, then to your chin.
  • "Football"- mouth closed, lips closed. We press the tip of the tongue forcefully into one or the other cheek.
  • "Turkey" or in other words – “chatter” – with the wide tip of the tongue we run it along the upper lip back and forth, without lifting the tongue. At the same time we pronounce BL-BL-BL.

We perform each exercise 10-15 times.

Setting from the sound “D”

We ask the child to pronounce the sound “D” loudly. In this case, the tip of the tongue should be strong and strongly rest against the sky in the place where the alveoli (tubercles) are located. We seem to draw out the sound D and repeat without stopping: “Ddddd.” When pronouncing the sound “D”, the tongue should not leave the alveoli. You need to press the tongue with such force that at some point it vibrates and you hear “DDD-RRR”. This will be the beginning of pronouncing the sound “R”. Next, we begin to pronounce the syllables: DRA, DRO, DRU, DRE, DRY, i.e. those where the “R” sounds hard. Pay attention to this and do not use syllables with a soft “R” (dre, dri, etc.). This is already the stage of automation, i.e. introducing and consolidating the sound “R” in speech. Over time, we switch to words starting with “DR”: fight, friend, dragon, etc.

Then we practice R in words starting with “TR”: grass, coward, etc. When the child succeeds well in these exercises, we begin to “turn off” the sound “D” that we don’t need, and break away from it. To do this, we select pairs of words, like these: thunder-city, bromine-beard, etc.

ATTENTION! If the method described above did not work, try the following. At the stage when the child says “Dddd”, lightly push his tongue deep into the mouth. The movement should be very easy! You can use a popsicle stick for this. You can also try to slightly vibrate (approximately in the middle of the tongue) with this stick. If it works, you will hear the sound “DDrr”, and we begin to work with it according to the scheme already outlined.

Setting from the sound “Zh”

This method is only suitable if the child has a good and clear “Zh” sound. We ask the child to pronounce the sound “Zh” for a long time with effort and move the tongue a little deeper into the mouth. You should hear a short (one-beat) “R” sound. If it works, we continue to repeat this exercise, fix the sound, and then move on to automating it by analogy with what was described above. First, syllables with “ZHR”, “DR”, “TR”, etc.

Setting from the sound “C”

An important condition is that the child has the correct “C” sound. This method is unusual in that we create sound while inhaling, while we usually do it while exhaling. And in general, all our speech is on the exhale. We ask the child to pronounce the sound “Ssss” for a long time, and then inhale a little through the mouth and press the tongue to the alveoli. If all these actions were carried out correctly, then we should hear a short “P” with which we begin to work according to the scheme outlined above.

If your child has the sound “R” in isolated sound, i.e. he can say “R” separately, but does not pronounce the sound in words; you can easily automate the sound yourself, i.e. introduce it into speech. BUT it is important that it is the right sound. The automation algorithm is similar to what I described above: first we pronounce it in syllables, then in words, where first the sound is at the beginning, then in the middle, then at the end. And aerobatics - we consolidate pronunciation in phrases, phrases, tongue twisters and rhymes.

And most importantly, we remember that we conduct all sound-calling exercises in the form of a game! It is important. After all, you can imagine that we do not blow on our tongue, but “inflate the sail” under which we will sail to the sea, that we do not inhale the tongue, but want to put “the snail back into its shell,” etc. Create play situations and use your imagination to involve your child as much as possible. We should not provoke negative reactions in the baby. We don’t practice, we play, and then, believe me, the result will appear many times faster.

I also want to recommend a book “Self-instruction manual on speech therapy”, author M.A. Polyakova. This is an excellent practical guide to sound production, with an explanation of the subtleties, nuances, with many options and methods.

Ekaterina Petunina, mother of twins and practicing speech therapist. Author blog about child development and speech development of children.

I talked about how to prepare for setting the sound R. After the articulatory apparatus is ready, you can begin to set the sound. There are different ways to set P, each of them is good in its own way, so you can try it all at once, in turn or simultaneously.

The most reliable one is from the “fungus”. Suck your tongue to the palate and blow on the tip of the tongue, there are a lot of variations: blow TSS, DZZ, JJ, TSHSH, just T or D. If the tongue falls, hold it with probes or just your index fingers in the area of ​​the molars. Or simply hold the probe between the teeth, preventing the jaws from closing. The method is very simple and reliable. The good thing is that the sound is always perfect and correct.

Usually at the beginning you get a ratchet - DRRR, which is easy to process and turn into R. But it also takes the longest time, because learning how to make a mushroom is not always easy to do quickly if the child has problems with tone or bite. This is the only way to correct an incorrectly articulated sound: lateral, guttural, single-beat. But you need to keep in mind that if the fungus is performed incorrectly, the tongue does not stick to the palate, but simply rises up or turns back, then the sound will not work. Or the baby doesn’t blow on the tip of his tongue, and it doesn’t come out either.

Let's start the engine

This is the most famous and popular method. Raise the wide tongue upward, like a “sail,” resting on the alveoli. Run along its middle part with a ball probe or your finger. Cause vibration and pronounce DDDDD or fricative DZZZZ.
The exhalation should be strong enough, and the tongue should be wide; of course, it should be sufficiently developed; with a narrow and thick tongue, it is very difficult to make a sound. As, indeed, with weak exhalation.

Calling out a sound

The most popular one is to call a sound. This method is sufficiently described, for example, in children's literature, when a child, trying to imitate the growl of a tiger cub or the croaking of a crow, finally learns to speak R. It turns out cheap and cheerful, without the participation of a speech therapist. But there are a lot of pitfalls, often in this way, by forcing the child to growl, pronounce words with this sound or speak tongue twisters, the parents achieve a defective sound, the baby burrs in some exotic way, from which it is then difficult to wean.


From "talker". The child quickly, quickly runs his tongue back and forth across the palate; this exercise has several names, besides the chatterbox it is also called “turkey”. In this case, you can make different sounds, if for setting R, then RYA-RYA or something similar to BRL-BRL. It is often possible in this way to evoke a single-strike P or Pb, which is then strengthened and strengthened, turning into PPRR or DRRRRR.

Individual approach

In general, when setting up, I use a physiological approach - I carefully observe what the child does better and what abilities he develops faster. If children already know how to make a rattle - “shoot like a machine gun,” then we’ll use DR. Sometimes, when performing articulatory gymnastics, a single-beat P is immediately obtained (without long vibration). All that remains is to achieve long vibration.

For dysarthria

Producing the sound P in dysarthria is complicated by a weak velum, dystonia of the tongue, and increased salivation. Careful voice training is required. But if there is no adenoiditis, the sound develops relatively quickly, sometimes even before whistling and hissing sounds. Over time, the child learns to swallow saliva, chewing the syringe helps. Sometimes you have to massage the soft palate a little; this procedure is unpleasant, but very effective.

Setting soft and hard sound

It happens that it is necessary to set the sound P soft from hard, which is placed faster. But soft Рь causes difficulty, it is not pronounced at all or, for example, РЯ is pronounced as РЯ. In this case, you need to continue doing gymnastics (fungus, sail, painter). Differentiate the pronunciation of R and iotized ones, explaining to the child the difference in the position of the tongue.

Sometimes, on the contrary, you need to set the hard P from the soft P (Pb). If soft Pb is single-impact, then it is necessary to achieve long-term vibration by first transferring PbPbP to PPP. Strengthen the tip of the tongue with massage and increase its sensitivity (suck the tip to the upper lip, alveoli, “clucking like a squirrel”). Then practice the difference in the pronunciation of soft Pb and hard P in syllables and words.

This is where I end the article, in the following materials I will talk about how and how to automate it, phrases and sentences. Read, subscribe to updates, write comments, share with friends and acquaintances on social networks.

Techniques for producing the sounds P and Pb.
By imitation. This technique is only occasionally leads to positive results, so others have to be used more often.
The most common method is sound production R from d, repeating on one exhalation:ddd, ddd, followed by a more forced pronunciation of the latter. Alternatingpronunciation of sounds T and d in combination etc, etc or tdd, tdd at a fast pace, rhythmically. They are articulated when the mouth is slightly open and when the tongue is closed not with the incisors, but with the gums of the upper incisors or alveoli. Repeatedly pronouncing a series of soundsd And Tthe child is asked to blow strongly on the tip of the tongue, and at this moment a vibration occurs.
However, this technique does not always lead to success. With posterior lingual articulationRor its velar (uvelar) articulation, a bifocal vibration may appear: posterior and new, anterior. The simultaneous combination of two types of vibration creates a rough noise, and the child refuses to accept such a sound. In addition, when front vibration is achieved, the sound often turns out to be excessively long (rolling) and noisy.
Setting p in two stages. At the first stage, a fricative is placedRno vibration from soundand when pronounced in a drawn-out manner without rounding the lips and moving the front edge of the tongue slightly forward, towards the gums of the upper teeth or alveoli. In this case, the sound is pronounced with a significant air pressure (as when pronouncing a dull sound) and a minimal gap between the front edge of the tongue and the gums.
The resulting fricative sound is fixed in syllables. You can, without fixing the sound in the syllables, proceed to the second stage of production: with mechanical assistance, using a ball probe. It is inserted under the tongue and, touching the lower surface of the front part of the tongue, rapid movements of the probe to the right and left cause vibrations of the tongue, its front edges alternately close and open with the alveoli. These movements can be carried out with an ordinary flat spatula (wooden or plastic) or a probe; the child can carry out home training using the handle of a teaspoon or a clean index finger. During training, the exhaled stream should be strong. The described technique is used in cases where the child’s hissing sounds are not impaired.
This technique leads to positive results. However, its disadvantages are that the sound turns out to be booming, is pronounced in isolation, and the child has difficulty mastering the transition from it to combinations of sound with vowels.
The most effective technique is stagingR from syllabic combinationbehindwith a slightly lengthened pronunciation of the first sound of a syllable:zzza. During repeated repetition of syllables, the child, following the instructions of the speech therapist, moves the front part of the tongue up and forward to the alveoli until the acoustic effect of a fricative is obtainedRcombined with a vowelA. After this, a probe is inserted, and it is used to make quick movements from left to right and right to left. At the moment of vibration, a fairly clear sound is heardR, normal length without excessive rollout. With this method of sound production, no special introduction of the sound in combination with a vowel is required, since a syllable is immediately formed. In subsequent work, it is important to conduct training in evoking syllablesra, ru, ry.
When setting softR' the same technique is used, but using the syllablezi, and in the future ze, ze, ze, ze.
Usually for hard and soft sound disordersR first the hard sound is placed, and then the soft sound, but this order is not rigid, it can be changed arbitrarily; It is only not recommended to place them simultaneously to avoid displacement.

To pronounce the sounds P, P’, complex work of all the muscles of the tongue is required. When pronouncing R, the mouth is open. The tip of the tongue and its front part are spread wide and raised to the bases of the upper teeth, tense; the tip of the tongue does not fit tightly to the upper alveoli and vibrates in the passing air stream. The vocal folds are closed and vibrate to produce voice. The exhaled stream of air passes through the middle. The jet must be strong and directed. The soft sound R' differs from the hard sound in that when it is articulated, the middle part of the back of the tongue rises to the hard palate, the tip of the tongue is slightly lower than when pronouncing the sound R.



Sound Characteristics

To pronounce the sounds P, P’, complex work of all the muscles of the tongue is required. When pronouncing R, the mouth is open. The tip of the tongue and its front part are spread wide and raised to the bases of the upper teeth, tense; the tip of the tongue does not fit tightly to the upper alveoli and vibrates in the passing air stream. The vocal folds are closed and vibrate to produce voice. The exhaled stream of air passes through the middle. The jet must be strong and directed.The soft sound R' differs from the hard sound in that when it is articulated, the middle part of the back of the tongue rises to the hard palate, the tip of the tongue is slightly lower than when pronouncing the sound R.



The mouth is slightly open, the lips are stretched in a smile. A wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip. This position is held for 5-10 seconds. If the tongue does not want to relax, you can pat it with your upper lip, while saying: five-five-five.


The mouth is slightly open, the lips are stretched in a smile. Stick your narrow, tense tongue out of your mouth. Hold for 5-10 seconds.

"Needle spatula"

Alternating tongue positions: wide-narrow. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting.


The mouth is slightly open, the lips are stretched in a smile. The tip of the tongue alternately touches the left and right corners of the mouth. The exercise is performed rhythmically, counting. The chin doesn't move!

Goal: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop tongue elevation, develop mobility and flexibility of the tip of the tongue, and the ability to control it.
a) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tongue rises to the nose and falls down to the chin. b) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tongue rises to the upper lip, then falls to the lower lip. c) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue touches the upper incisors, then the lower ones. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips and jaw do not move;
d) The mouth is open. Insert a wide tongue between the upper teeth and lip, and then between the lower teeth and lip.
d) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of your tongue, touch the tubercles behind the upper incisors, then behind the lower ones.
When performing all exercise options, make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips do not stretch over the teeth, and the lower jaw does not move;

“Touch your nose with your tongue”
Goal: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop tongue elevation, develop mobility of the tip of the tongue, and the ability to control it.
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Raise the wide tip of the tongue towards the nose and lower it towards the upper lip. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips and lower jaw are motionless.

“Touch the chin with your tongue”
Goal: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop mobility of the tip of the tongue, and the ability to control it.
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Lower your wide tongue under your chin, then lift it towards your lower lip. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips and lower jaw are motionless.

"The tongue goes over the teeth"
Goal: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop flexibility and accuracy of movements of the tip of the tongue, and the ability to control it.
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Tongue movements:
With a wide tongue, touch the lower teeth from the outside, then from the inside.
When performing exercises, make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lower jaw and lips are motionless.

"Let's brush our teeth"
Goal: to develop tongue lifting, flexibility and mobility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control the tip of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Using the wide tip of your tongue, brush your upper teeth from the inside, moving your tongue up and down. Make sure that the tongue is wide, the lips do not stretch over the teeth, and the lower jaw does not move.

Goal: to develop upward movement of the tongue, its mobility, and the ability to control it.
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Use the wide tip of your tongue to stroke the palate, moving the tongue back and forth (from the teeth to the throat and back). Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, reaches the inner surface of the upper incisors and does not protrude from the mouth, the lips do not stretch over the teeth, and the lower jaw does not move.

Goal: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop tongue elevation.
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide spade-shaped tongue to the palate (the tongue is suctioned) and tear it off with a click. Make sure that your lips are in a smile and that your lower jaw does not “pull” your tongue upward.

Goal: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop upward movement of the tongue, stretch the hyoid frenulum.
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tongue with its entire plane against the palate (the tongue is suctioned) and hold it in this position, counting from 1 to 5-10. The tongue will resemble a thin cap of a fungus, and the stretched hyoid frenulum will resemble its stem. Make sure that the lateral edges of the tongue are equally tightly pressed to the palate (neither half should sag), so that the lips do not stretch over the teeth. When repeating the exercise, you need to open your mouth wider.

Goal: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop the ability to hold the tongue in a vertical position, stretch the hyoid frenulum.

"Click the tip of your tongue"
Goal: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop lifting of the tongue, flexibility and mobility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control the tip of the tongue.
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tip of the tongue against the tubercles behind the upper teeth and tear off with a click. At first the exercise is performed at a slow pace, then faster. Make sure that the lips and lower jaw are motionless, only the tongue works.

"Delicious jam"
Goal: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop mobility of the tongue, develop the lift of the wide front part of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Using the wide front edge of the tongue, lick the upper lip, moving the tongue from top to bottom, then pull the tongue into the mouth, towards the center of the palate. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow; when retracted, its side edges slide over the molars, and the tip of the tongue is raised. The lips do not stretch over the teeth, the lower jaw does not “pull the tongue up” - it must be motionless.

"Chattering Turkey"
Goal: to develop the elevation of the tongue, to develop flexibility and mobility of its front part.
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Use the wide edge of your tongue in front of it to move back and forth across your upper lip, trying not to lift your tongue from your lip; bend the tip slightly, as if stroking the lip. First, make slow movements, then speed up the tempo and add your voice until the sounds of bl-bl are heard. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow (the tongue should lick the upper lip, and not move forward), so that the upper lip does not stretch over the teeth, and the lower jaw does not move.

Goal: to develop the ability to hold the side edges and tip of the tongue in a raised state, to learn to direct the air stream along the middle of the tongue.
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Tongue out. The lateral edges and tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue bends downwards. Holding your tongue in this position, blow the cotton wool from the tip of your nose. Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless, the lips do not stretch over the teeth, and the cotton wool flies straight up.

Goal: to develop vibration of the tip of the tongue.
Place a wide, relaxed tongue between your lips. blow on your tongue and lips so that they vibrate. Make sure that your lips do not tense, your cheeks do not swell, and your tongue does not clamp between your teeth.

Goal: to develop tongue elevation, flexibility and mobility of the tip of the tongue.
The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the tense tip of your tongue, tap on the tubercles behind your upper teeth, repeatedly and clearly pronouncing the sound t-t-t - slowly at first, gradually speeding up the pace. Make sure that the lips and lower jaw are motionless, the sound t has the character of a clear blow, and does not clap, the tip of the tongue does not tuck, and an exhaled stream of air is felt. To check, bring a strip of paper to your mouth: if the exercise is performed correctly, it will deviate.

Goal: to develop tongue lifting, the ability to make the tip of the tongue tense; develop his mobility.
a) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Using the wide tip of your tongue, tap the palate behind your upper teeth, pronouncing the sound d-d-d repeatedly and clearly. At first, pronounce the sound d slowly, gradually speed up the tempo. Make sure that the lips do not stretch over the teeth, the lower jaw does not move, the tongue does not narrow, its tip does not tuck, so that the sound d has the character of a clear blow and is not squelching. The sound d is pronounced so that the exhaled air stream is felt.
b) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Raise your wide tongue up to the palate and pronounce distinctly yes-dy one by one. When pronouncing the syllable yes, the tongue is retracted to the center of the palate; when pronouncing dy, it moves to the tubercles behind the upper incisors. At first the exercise is performed slowly, then the pace accelerates. When pronouncing, an exhaled stream of air should be felt. Make sure that your lips do not stretch over your teeth. The lower jaw should not move. The pronunciation of yes-da should be clear, not squelching, and the tip of the tongue should not curl up.

"Put the ball into the goal"
Target. Produce a smooth, long-lasting, continuous air stream running down the middle of the tongue.
Description. Smile, place the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and, as if pronouncing the sound f for a long time, blow out the cotton wool. Gates can be made from wire.
Attention! 1.The lower lip should not be pulled over the lower teeth. 2. You can’t puff out your cheeks.


Method 1.

The most common is the production of the sound “r” from the sound “d”, repeated on one exhalation: ddddd, followed by a more fixed pronunciation of the latter. Alternating pronunciation of the sounds “t” and “d” in combinations td, tdd at a fast pace, rhythmically is also used. They are articulated when the mouth is slightly open and when the tongue is closed not with the incisors, but with the gums of the upper incisors or alveoli. When repeatedly pronouncing a series of sounds “d”, “t”, you need to ask the baby to blow strongly on the tip of the tongue, and at this moment a vibration occurs.

Method 2.

Raise the tip of the tongue to the alveoli and draw out the sound [z] for a long time, while quickly moving the index finger along the bottom of the tongue, closer to its edge.

Method 3.

The production of the sound “r” takes place in 2 stages: at the 1st stage, the fricative sound “r” is placed without vibration from the sound “zh” when pronounced protractedly without rounding the lips and with the front edge of the tongue moving slightly forward, towards the gums or alveoli. In this case, the sound is pronounced with a significant air pressure (as when pronouncing a dull sound) and a minimal gap between the front edge of the tongue and the gums.
The resulting fricative sound is fixed in syllables, but you can, without fixing it in syllables, proceed to the 2nd stage of production: with mechanical assistance, using a ball probe (at home you can replace it with the handle of a teaspoon or your index finger). The probe is inserted under the tongue and, touching the lower surface of the front part of the tongue, a quick movement of the probe to the right and left causes vibrations of the tongue, its front edges alternately close and open with the alveoli. This technique leads to positive results.

Method 4.

The most effective technique is to place the sound “r” from the syllabic combination “za” with a slightly lengthened pronunciation of the first sound “zzzz”. As the syllables are repeated many times, the child, at your request, moves the front of the tongue up and forward towards the alveoli until the acoustic effect of the fricative sound "r" in combination with the vowel "a" is obtained. After this, insert a probe (index finger, handle of a teaspoon, spatula), and use it to vibrate your tongue.

Method 5.

Pronounce like a horse with your lips whoa. And then the tongue goes up and it turns out trrr.


Method 1.

When setting a soft p’, the same technique is used as in method 4, but using the syllable zi, and in the future ze, zya, ze, zyu.

Method 2.

After automating p, using the technique of imitation, the correct pronunciation of p is achieved. If necessary, you can practice the upper zz, zz, zz, pronounced repeatedly and then for a duration. A long, rolling r is successively combined with the vowels i, i, e, e, yu, while stretching the lips into a smile. Having achieved the correct pronunciation of ry in syllables, words are introduced, etc.


1. Pronunciation of an isolated sound [r]
Game tasks to reinforce isolated sound pronunciation
Imitating the rumble of an airplane, the engine of a running tractor or car, the growl of a tiger, etc.
“Let’s start the tractor.” “Let’s start the car.” The engine of the car is not switched off. The car is driving along a long road. The child rolls the car on the table and makes the sound r-r-r-r. Whose car will go further? Whose motor will run longer? Running out of gas. Let's fill the car with gasoline and move on.
Conversations between animal mothers and their babies (pronounce the sound [r] with different strength and pitch of the voice).
The big dog and the puppy are angry. The tigress teaches the cubs to growl (pronounce the sound [r] in a low and high voice).
The cat purrs: “Pur-r-r-r” (in a low voice). The kitten purrs: “Pur-r-r-r” (in a high-pitched voice).
The crow and crows croak: “Car-r-r-r” (in a low and high voice).

2. Automation of the sound [r] in syllables

Lesson 1
Automation of the sound [r] in syllables with consonant clusters (tr, dr)

- Position yourself so that there is a window in front of you. Turn around so that there is a mirror to your left. Walk to the middle of the room. What's to your left? What's on the right?
Breathing exercise
Roll the pencil on the table, trying to ensure that the air stream is not intermittent, but strong and long-lasting.
Development of articulatory motor skills
Repeat previous exercises.
Development of memory and attention
Memorizing and reproducing a syllable series in combination with the movement of the hands and fingers.
Game tasks
"We're cutting down a tree." “Chopping wood.” “Making a house.”
Tra-tra-tra; dra-dra-dra;
tra-tra-tro; draw-dro-dro;
work, work, work; dru-dru-dru;
three-three-three; bang-bang-bang;
tra-tro, tru-tra; dra-dro;
tro-tra, tro-tra; Dry-dry;
tor-tra-tru; dra-dro-dru;
tra-tro-tru-tra; dra-dro-dra-dra.

"Ball game" Catch the ball if you hear the sound [r] in the word. The speech therapist says the word, then throws the ball. Determining the position of the sound [r] in the words firewood, sturgeon, cancer. Place the circle - a symbol of sound - in the corresponding window of the sound house.
Introducing the letter r

Lesson 2

"Listen carefully". Sit down as many times as you hear clapping and hitting the tambourine.

What sound is missing in the word? Uzo..., abazhu..., ti..., zhi..., monte..., vee..., vete..., zefi..., moto..., act... .
Development of phonemic awareness
Tapping the rhythmic pattern of the words mosquito, Arctic, port, watermelon, shadberry.
Analysis and synthesis of syllables
- How many sounds are there in the syllable ar? What is the first sound in the syllable ar? What's the second sound? What sounds did you hear in the syllable ur? The sound [o] “made friends” with the sound [r]. What syllable did you get?
Designation of syllables with color symbols.
Making syllables from letters

Lesson 3
Automation of the sound [r] in open syllables
Development of auditory perception
Tapping the rhythm on a tambourine.
Coordination of breathing, articulation and phonation
Game exercise “Musicians”. We play the drum, trumpet, double bass and trombone.
Pronouncing syllables with stress changes.
Ra-ra-ra-ra; ra-ro;
ro-ro-ro-ro; ry-ru;
ru-ru-ru-ru; ru-ry-ro;
ry-ry-ry-ry; ra-ro-ru-ry.
Development of phonemic awareness
Which syllable is missing? Ra-ra-ra-ry, ra-ra-ra-la.
“Let’s come up with names for the dolls.” I...(ra), Ve...(ra), Ma...(ra), Le... (ra), La...(ra).
Complete the syllable. Shto...(ra), spur...ra), pa...(ra), ko...(ra), but...(ra).
- Which syllable disappeared from the word Pinocchio? But...tino (ra).
- Which syllable disappeared from the word rainbow? ...arc.
- Name the missing syllable. Wo...ta(ro),, (ro), pe... (ro), kangu... (ru), ko...(ra) .
Analysis and synthesis of syllables
- What is the first sound in the syllable ra? Name the second sound. How many sounds are there in the syllable ra?
- The sound [r] alone is boring. Let's invite the sound [u] to it. The sound [r] “made friends” with the sound [u]. What syllable did you get?
Perform a similar task with other vowel sounds.
Reading syllables

Lesson 4
Automation of the sound [r] in syllables with consonant clusters
Spatial orientation
Toys are placed in different parts of the room. Where will you go, what will you find? I'll go straight and find the kitten. I'll turn back and find the bear. I'll go left and find the dog. I’ll go to the right and I’ll find a fox.
Development of voice, breathing and switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Coordination of speech with movement
Game exercise “Jugglers”. We toss the balls and pronounce the syllables.
Pra-pro; bra-bro-bru;
prue-prue; Vra-Vro;
pro-pru-pry; lie-lie;
bra-bro; wo-woo-woo-woo.
- Which syllable is extra? Vra-ra-kra.
Development of phonemic awareness
Determining the position of the sound [r] in the words doctor, cook, radio operator. Designation of the place of sound on the sound line.
- Listen to the words jumper, goalkeeper. Which syllable is missing? ...gun, ...tar.
- Let's make up words. Say the syllable bra, and I will complement it with the sound [t]. What word did you get? Say the syllable vra, and I say tar. What word did we make up?
Composing the letters r and v from parts.
- What identical elements are there in these letters? Find letters that contain such elements.
Composing syllables from letters of the split alphabet.
Arrange the pictures on the slats: on the top - in word-names the sound is at the beginning of the word, on the middle - in the words-names in the middle; on the bottom - in the words-names at the end.

Lesson 5
Automation of the sound [r] in reverse syllables
Spatial orientation
-Who is standing to your right? Who's sitting to your left? Stand in front of Misha. Stand behind Kolya. Who's behind you?
Development of voice, breathing and switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus
Game tasks
"Musicians". "We play the balalaika."
"Conversation between the Crocodile and the Rhinoceros." Express emotional states by intonation when pronouncing syllables.
- Kra-kro. (enough)
- Kra-cro-cru. (dissatisfied)
- Cra-cro-cru-cra. (confident)
- Gru-gry. (timidly)
- Gru-gra-gry. (indignantly, furiously)
- Gra-gro-gro-gra-gra. (calmly)
Development of phonemic awareness
"Ball game" Catch the ball if the word contains the sound [r].
- Let's make a word. Say the syllable kra, and I say the sound [n]. What word did you get? Say the syllable gru, and I say sha. What word did you get?
- Look at the pictures and guess the words with the missing sound. K...ysha, g...oza, g...hell. Name the missing sound.

3. Automation of the sound [r] in words

Lesson 1.

Automation of the sound [r] in words with the syllables tra-tro-tru-tra; dra-dro-dra-dra
Say the words correctly
Grass, ladder, trawl, chandelier, tractor, trench, trapezoid, springboard, reed, tractor driver, trench, tram, canister, mattress, tomorrow, notebook, transport, have breakfast.
Morning, cable, metro, trail, troika, tropics, cane, cartridge, sailor, sidewalk, reed, path, albatross, trolleybus.
Peter, felt, liter, center, meter, minister, theater.
Coward, labor, pipe, pipe, cowardice, chimney sweep, parsley, coward, cheesecake, difficult.
Bonfires, asters, tents, meters, winds, leggings, cunning, tear off.
Cedars, thrush, firewood, another, airfield.
Dragon - Little Dragon - Little Dragon.
Fight, brawler, otter, drap, pancakes, hydra, square, square.
Friend, girlfriend, friendship, be friends, friendly, make friends.
Antonyms. Enemy is friend.
Bucket, core, thigh, firewood, woodcutter, firewood, bustard, thrush.
Ostrich, fear, stream, string, chandelier, construction site, page, build, builder, island, shavings, fear, country, scary, scary, wanderer, country, sharp, motley, fast, scary, slender, strange, plan.
"One word - many meanings." Figure 17. (See color insert.) Trumpet - a musical instrument, a pipe on the roof of a house, a drainpipe, a cocktail straw.
Let's select “relatives” words for the words trail, grass, pipe.
Grass - grass - blade of grass - grass - blade of grass.
Path - path - path - path - path.
Pipe - tube - tube - chimney sweep.
Repeat these words.
Guess the word from the mixed up syllables of va-tra.
Complete the sound (letter), syllable.
Friend - suddenly
crayfish - fights,
cable - sailor.
Replace the sound (letter).
Ladder - trawl,
ladder - drape,
trawl - tore,
grass - firewood,
otter - buckets.
"Word in word." Fight (cancer, car, gift), transport (port, early, sport).
Tell me the right word.
The woodcutter chops... (wood). They don’t travel on the paths... (trams). They travel around the city... (trams). Fell into the trench... (cane). The little dragon is doing exercises on... (the horizontal bar). Tram and trolleybus are... (transport). Raya and Roma are sweeping... (yard).

Lesson 2.

Automation of the sound [r] in words with the syllable ra
Say the words correctly
Cancer, frame, crayfish, early, wound, radio, rainbow, work, shell, shell, rocket, racket.
Ant, anthill, loaf, caravan, parachute, parachutist, cuttlefish, pencil, caramel, dried apricots, chicken, macrame, buran, ram, crucian carp, garage, drum, bagels, photography.
Yura, Kira, Ira, Shura, Vera, Zhora, Tamara, hole, mountain, bark, hole, pair, curtain, spur, kennel, canister.
What sound did the evil wizard Sound Eater swallow in the words...adu-ga,...akushka, mu...avey, ka...andash? Repeat these words.
Divide the word kennel into syllables. Say the word without the syllable well. Kennel - bark. Replace the sound [k] with the sound [n]. (Nora.) Rearrange the syllables in the word nora. (Early.) Replace the sound [o] with the sound [a]. (Wound.)
"Word in word." Rainbow... (arc.) Which syllable disappeared from the word?
Rearrange the letters. Glad is a gift. Mountain - horns. Mara - frame.
Rebus. Figure 18. (See color insert.) Fish, watermelon, crab. Name the objects. Highlight the first sound in their names. Make up a word from these sounds. (Cancer.)

What common part is there in the words ram, steering wheel, drum?
“Developing the grammatical structure of speech.”
Tell me the end of the story.
Ash-ash-ash, Roma has it... (pencil).
Shi-shi-shi, on the table... (pencils).
Shom-shom-shom, Roma draws... (with a pencil).
Wei-wei-wei, carries a blade of grass... (ant).
Run-run-run, the ram butts with... (ram).
Replace the sound (letter). Mountain - time - hole - bark.
"The letter is lost.",, gah...already.
"Word in word." Joy (glad, hell, dot, growth), rocket (cancer, chum salmon), pirate (feast, shooting gallery), drum (bar, wound, slave), steering wheel (ram, wound), shells (cancer, ears), rainbow ( glad, arc).
"Learning to think."
What do crayfish, crucian carp and shell have in common?
Remember the words - names of foods with the sound [r].
Remember the words - names of objects that move, with the sound [r].
Name the objects that answer the question “Who is this?”
Figure 19. (See color insert.) Karabas-Barabas. Who will run away faster from Karabas-Barabas - Pinocchio or Artemon? What advice could you give to Karabas-Barabas?
“Ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra, the game begins.
I ask you to name the words with the syllable ra now.”
Think of five words that begin with the syllable ra.

Lesson 3.

Automation of the sound [r] in words with the syllable ro
Say the words correctly
Horn, mouth, rye, Roma, rose, horns, company, growth, Motherland, horn, horns, robot, lesson, cow, box, peas, hero, peas, pea, cheese, rosette, ice cream, gate, crow, sparrow, road, pie, threshold, city, garden, ferry.
“Did I say the right words?” Goodbye, goodness, goodness. Say these words correctly.
"One word - many names." Horns, feather, rosette.
Bird feather, pen feather.
Horns (goat), horns (pasta).
Jam socket, electrical socket.
Replace the sound, letter. Mouth - moat. Rose - company - horns. Gate - crow - crown - cow.
Add the word horn to the syllable po. What new word will you get? Horn - threshold.
If you add the sound [g] to the word rose in first place, what new word will you get?
Complete the word Roma to make the word - the name of the flowers. Roma...(shki).
"Developing memory."
Listen and then repeat the words. Road, gate, crow. Listen to the words again. Road, gate, crow, magpie. What new word has appeared?
"Word in word." Thunderstorm (one, horn, gas, mountain, rose). Rhinoceros (nose, litter, sleep, horn, grew). Cottage cheese (thief, horn, dialect). Pie (horn, feast). Paths (horns, crusts).
Choose rhyming words.
Crown - ... (crow), horn - ... (threshold, pie).
Figure 20. (See color plate.) Several robots.
“Find identical objects.” Find robots that differ in color and size.
Prompt the word.
Snow was falling on... (threshold),
The cat made himself... (pie).
In the meantime, I sculpted and baked,
The pie flowed in a trickle... (flowed away).
Bake your own pies
Not from snow - from flour!
P. Voronko
Repeat the words. Daisies - pockets - cloudberries.
Think of words with the syllable rho.
There are many words with the syllable rho.
Rose, Roma, mouth, bucket,
Robot, steamship, subway.

Lesson 4.

Automation of the sound [r] in words with the syllable ry
Say the words correctly
Lynx, fish, fisherman, market, saffron milk cap, trough, holes, mountains, chickens, balls, tigers, games, spurs, beavers, lobsters, mosquitoes, trough.
"Developing memory"
Repeat the words. Mosquitoes, holes, mountains, balls, holes, curtains, tomatoes. How many words do you remember?
The Sound Eater wizard stole half a word. Say the last syllable. Sha..., go..., but..., what..., coma..., tomato..., samova..., go..., but... .
What is the difference between the words rota and rose; roar - lynx; are burrows mountains?
What are the common syllables in the words gate, crow, sparrow?
“Developing the grammatical structure of speech”
Choose “relatives” words for the word fish.
Fish - fish - fish - fish - fish - fish - fisherman - fisherman - fisherman - fish - fish - no fish - fishing - fisherman.
Which word doesn't fit? Lynx, little lynx, lynx, trot, prowl.

"Ladder of words." Read the words. Say the shortest word. Name the longest word. How many sounds are in each word?
"Word in word." Conversations (thieves, talk, times, roses, mountains).
Rearrange the letters. Fisherman - fish.
Choose your words.
Ry-ry-ry, here are the words with the syllable ry:
mountains, spurs, mosquitoes,
games, tigers and balls.

Lesson 5.

Automation of the sound [r] in words with the syllable ru
Say the words correctly
Hand, sleeves, gun, stream, pen, sails, shirt, mittens, kangaroo, carousel, photo gun, chipmunk.
Do you know these words: washstand, handle, plane?
A small hanging washbasin - washstand.
The handle of a weapon, a hand tool - a handle.
Planer is a carpenter's planing tool.
“Developing phonemic awareness”
Complete the word. Hand - arm... (c) - sleeve... (a).
Rearrange the letters. Steep - handle.
Add sound. The cabin is a tube. Replace the sound [y] with the sound [o]. Say a new word. (Trail.)
Make up words from mixed up syllables. Gu-ru-ken, ka-bash-ru, sel-ka-ru.
Ru-ru-ru, ru-ru-ru,
we continue the game.
I ask with the syllable ra
I need to name the words now.

Lesson 6.

Words with syllables gar-gor, kar-kor-kir
Accordion, accordion, harpoon, slide, upper room, ermine, proud, mountain.
Map, pocket, cornice, potato, cardboard, cap, picture, caramel, carnival.
Feeder, crust.
Pickaxe, brick.

Lesson 7.

Automation of the sound [r] in syllables and sound combinations
ar-or-ur-yr; ir-er-yur-yar
Say the words correctly
Macaw, harp, cart, arch, army, artist, artilleryman, watermelon, lasso; ball, heat, steam, park, blow, cook, desk, map, cardboard, pocket, longboat, badger, zoo, stamp, curtain, harpoon, Barbos, monkey, accordion.
Jaguar, mosquito, squid, samovar, sugar, fire, fireman.
Sugar bowl, cracker, fireman, organ.
Bor, choir, cake, slide, crust, mink, pattern, yard, feed, feed, axe, Egor, fence, tomato, TV, carrot, Fedor.
Board, borscht, locomotive, yard, fence, pie, cottage cheese, shutter, tubercle, tubercle, motor, hood, janitor, fly agaric, tomato, architect, sculptor, doctor, window, box, feeder, basket.
Drill, cord, blizzard, lemur, lampshade, horizontal bar, talker, plasterer, colander, Murka, Murzik, jacket, fruit, laces.
Shooting range, kefir, figs, marshmallows, tug, uniform, irga, Ira, apartment, commander, screen.
Yurt, sickle, coat of arms, peach, willow, guipure, musher.
Ruff, beaver, carpet, fire, grater, actor, driver, tent, five, boxer, sturgeon; fan, wind, willow, clover, evening, boat, coat of arms, envelope, gloves, crater, number, miner, poker, chamois, blueberry.
“Developing the grammatical structure of speech” Do you know such words: cheesecake, whey, russula?
Words - "relatives".
Hole, hole, hole, holes.
Say it kindly. A pie is a pie, cottage cheese is a cottage cheese. What will we treat our guests to? (Pies, cottage cheese, cottage cheese.)
“Developing phonemic awareness”
Change the words. The world is a feast - a shooting gallery.
Replace the sound. T-shirt - brand, pug - fruit drink.
Complete the word.
I will say the syllable pi, and you will say the word horn. What new word did you get? (Pie) Th... (horn.) Bar - leopard - badger. Cheese is cheese. Cord - laces.
Match the words to patterns of three, four and five sounds.
"The letter is lost."
Ma...ka, go...ka, but...ka, ko...ka.
"Words-rhymes." How are rhyming words similar?
Motor - traffic light, carpet - fire, horn - pie, fly agaric - tomato, cheese - world, map - desk, fence - axe, Egor - motor.
Let's write poems with the words yard, Egor, fence, axe.
Egor walked through... (yard),
He sees it broken... (fence).
He took Yegor... (axe).
Quickly fixed... (fence).
Repeat a couple of words. Court is a mole. Cake - port. Brand - frame.
"Word in word."
Zoo (steam, park, carp), hatchet (axe, cat, whale, port, current type).

Lesson 8.

Automation of the sound [r] in words with syllables
kra-cro-cru-kry, gra-gro-gro-gra
Say the words correctly
Crane, crab, edge, nettle, paint, paint, beautiful, crater, starch, edge, rudd, red, caviar, spark, crane operator.
Mole, crocuses, merganser, crumbs, pattern, dill.
Circle, grain, steep, mug, circle, grain, buckthorn, spinning, lace, large, cool.
Rat, roof, porch, wing, lid, jar, gooseberry.
Hail, rook, decanter, pomegranate, border, border guard, photographer, photography, grapes, grape.
Thunderstorm, threat, formidable, threaten, thunder, grotto, roar, loudspeaker.
Breast, cargo, pear, breast, loader, load, truck, sadness, rudeness.
“Developing phonemic awareness”
Repeat the words. A breast - a bunch - a nail. What words have the sound [r]?
Change the word by rearranging or replacing sounds (letters).
The court is a mole, the grotto is bargaining, the rooks are doctors, the nails are grapes.
Complete the sound (letter). The rose is a thunderstorm, the glad is hail, the mouth is a mole, the chest is a breast.
Let's make up new words. What words can be made from the letters of the word nettle? (Willow, park, carp, steam, crayfish, Kira, var, feast, Vika, Ira)
Change the letter.
Rook is a doctor.
Thunder is a grotto.
Mole is a grotto.

Lesson 9.

Words with syllables bra-bro-bru-bra, pra-pro-pru-pra
Brother, breaststroke, bracelet, take.
Eyebrows, brooch, brooch, throw, throw, ford, sandwich.
Brus, lingonberries.
Cheese, splash, splash.
True, correct, truthful.
Sheet, cork, transparent, jump, jumper.

4. Automation of the sound [p] in phrases

Figure 21. (See color insert.)
Red ball, scarf, fly agaric, pomegranate.
Pink collar, dahlia.
Burgundy sweater, jumper.
Orange circle, fence.
Red rose, aster.
Orange jacket, persimmon.
Pink fish, shirt.
Red feather.
Orange bucket.
Pied Thrush.
Black raven, rook.
Agile, nimble sparrow.
Pink feather.
Red tomatoes.
Orange shorts.
Pink dahlias, scarves, gloves.
Find a couple of words.
Early morning).
Early... (it's time).
Early breakfast).
Red... (balloon, scarf).
Dahlias... (red, pink, orange).

"Find differences". Figure 22. (See color insert.)

Two girls in jackets and gloves with dahlias and asters. One holds flowers in her right hand, the other in her left.
If you were an artist, what would you draw with red paint?
Red... (pattern, ship, helicopter, trolleybus, crane, ball, scarf, tomato, fly agaric, pencil, felt-tip pen).
Red... (fish, rose, roof, comb, shirt, glove).
Red... (gloves, mittens, fly agarics).
What would you paint with pink paint?
Pink clover, jumper, sweater, pullover.
Pink daisy, jacket.
Pink crocuses, shirts.

5. Automation of the sound [r] in sentences and coherent speech
a) Two-word sentences
Make up sentences.
Roma grew up
Marat grew up
Raya and Marat grew up

The grass has grown
crab grown
Daisies have grown
Three word sentences

b) Repeat the sentence.
The tigers roared loudly. The camel has a hump. It's a frosty morning today. The driver drives the truck. Trofim carries a bucket. Raya picked a chamomile. There is dew in the morning. Zakhar holds a thermos.

c) Make up your own sentences with the following words:
Tigers... .
Driver... .
In the morning... .
In a thermos... .
Four to five word sentences

d) Repeat the sentence. Name the extra word in the sentence.
A sailor climbs onto the ship along a ladder or road.

A lynx and a crow ran along the path.

Grate carrots on a grater or thermos.

Garbage and firewood are thrown into the basket.

The box contains colorful pencils and fruits.

There are steamships and rockets in the port.

Grapes grow on the vine, roof.

e) Sentences with conjunctions a, and
Zakhar picked cucumbers, and Roma picked tomatoes.

Roma put on his trigger and went out into the yard.

Zakhar and Roma were fishing.

Roma caught a crucian carp, and Zakhar caught a rudd.

Cucumbers and tomatoes grow in the garden.

Yogurt and kefir are fermented milk products.

Dad has a plane and an axe.

Figure 23. (See color insert.) Pinocchio, Artemon, Pencil.
“Who is going to visit Pinocchio?” Which path is Artemon walking along? Who will come to visit Pinocchio faster - Artemon or Pencil? What is shorter - a path or a path? Show me the shortest path.

Topics for composing stories and fairy tales
“What kinds of flowers are there?” Key words: chamomile, rose, aster, narcissus, nasturtium (garden); geranium, tradescantia (indoor); peas, primrose, fireweed, clover, alfalfa (meadow); motherwort, zhoster (medicinal).

Figure 24. (See color insert.) Two vases with flowers. Vases differ in size and patterns. Flowers: roses, dahlias, daisies, nasturtium, asters.
Think and say.
Where do roses grow? When do roses bloom? What can't a rose bush be without? What happens if you don't water a rose? Why do people grow roses?

Complete the sentence.
Red Rose...
For roses to bloom, you need...
If there is no rose...
Admire the rose and daisies. (What a beautiful rose! What beautiful daisies!)
What do you like more - rose or chamomile?
Ask me what I like. In my opinion, a rose is more beautiful than a daisy.
"Gifts for the holiday." (Eighth of March, New Year, birthday.)
What can we give to our family and friends? (A painting, a photograph in a frame, a guitar, a basket of roses, a camera, felt-tip pens, a pen, pencils, a purse, a briefcase, a backpack for a first-grader, a lampshade, a set.)
"Spring". Key words: field, tractor, tractor driver, black earth, dry grass.
"Cooking borscht." Key words: cook, colander, cutting board, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, dill, parsley, parsnips, beets, saucepan, frying pan, borscht, cook, fry.
Name objects whose names contain the sound [r]. What does a cook do? What first dish is the chef going to cook from vegetables? What vegetables will he need for borscht? What will he use to fry the onions?

"Dishes". Figure 25. (See color insert.)
Colander, mug, frying pan, bucket, thermos. Outline images of dishes superimposed on each other.

"Still life". Figure 26. (See color insert.)
In the vase there are grapes, gooseberries, pears, peach, persimmons, pomegranate. In the basket are carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, dill, and next to it is fish. Berries: blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries - in a small basket.
What do you see in this picture? How can you call such a picture? (Still life.) Name the fruit first. What vegetables do you see? Name the berries. What red berries do you know?
"Magic garden. Magic tree" (halves of fruits gra..., wine..., gro..., khur... are drawn).
"Fruits". Key words: pomegranate, pear, grape, peach, persimmon, grape. What color are persimmons? (Orange) Peaches... (orange).
"Berries". Key words: crowberry, cloudberry, blueberry, lingonberry, gooseberry, currant, hawthorn.
Raya picked lingonberries. Rose picked blueberries. What kind of jam will mom make from lingonberries? What kind of jam can be made from blueberries?

“How the sound [r] came to us.” Key words (names of fairy tale characters): Woodcutter, Scarecrow, Cheburashka, Karabas-Barabas, Pinocchio, Pencil.

"Cheburashka's birthday." Figure 27. (See color insert.)

Key words: toys, Pinocchio, Scarecrow, Crocodile Gena, pyramid.
Who came to the birthday party? What gifts, the names of which have the sound [r], did the guests bring? Name the treats whose word names contain the sound [r].
Selection of words - names of actions. What did the guests do? How did you play?
Determine the position of the sound [r] in words - names of actions.
"The Adventures of Pinocchio in Kindergarten." Key words: monkey, truck, Cheburashka, paints, pencils, truck.
“Journey through the North (Arctic).” Key words: tundra, dwarf birch, hummocks, partridge, wolverine, brown bear, walrus, sled, frost, blizzard.
"Magic Tree" Key words: cake, marshmallow, marmalade, sherbet, ice cream, cake.
What confectionery and bread products grew on the “magic tree”?
Name the word in which the sound [r] comes last.
"Karavai Island". Key words: bagel, cheesecake, bagels, pie, pies, cake, chicken, vermicelli, horns, pasta, shells.
In which words is the sound [r] heard at the end?
"Orange City" Key words: grass, streams, bushes, fence, road, path, fish, daisies, orange roses.
"Yard". Key words: kennel, trough, chickens, grain, corn kernels, pig, cow, rainbow, asters, dahlias, nasturtium, daisies, roses, starlings.

"Compare two houses." Figure 28. (See color insert.)

What is missing from one of the houses shown in the picture? (Pipes.) What's extra? (In another house, two pipes are located side by side.)
Name the parts of the house whose names contain the sound [r]. Roof, attic, porch, frames, doorway, pattern, handrails, chimney. Find more objects whose names contain the sound [r].
Find triangular, square, rectangular and trapezoidal objects.
"Winter". Key words: scarf, mittens, jacket, Roma, friends, slide.
"Construction". Key words: excavator, crane, bulldozer, truck, painter, mortar, brick, plasterer, crane operator, excavator operator, plumber.
"One word - many meanings." Tap - a shut-off device for releasing liquid or gas; brake control device. A crane is a machine for lifting and moving loads over long distances.
"Professions and Tools." Key words: fitter, driver, steelmaker, agronomist, machine operator, milkmaid, gardener, artist, accountant, miner, metallurgist, painter, carpenter, crane operator, roofer, astronomer, designer, photographer, janitor, tailor, fashion designer, engineer, fireman.
Establish a relationship between words.
Water - tap, plumber - tap, painter - bucket, excavator - excavator, trowel - plasterer, truck - driver.
"Logical connections". Figure 29. (See color insert.) Key words: cake - pastry chef, trowel - plasterer, bucket - painter, architect - drawing, photographer - camera, driver - truck, sailor - ship, boxer - gloves, cook - borscht, traffic controller - traffic light, hairdresser - mirror, comb, miner - mountain, fireman - fire, tailor - shirt, salesman - groceries, janitor - yard, gardener - vegetable garden.
"Excursion to the Zoo." Key words: giraffe, zebra, chamois, camel, badger, badger, chipmunk, lynx, lynx cub, mink, beaver, tiger, bison, porcupine, wolverine, ermine, snow leopard, jaguar, cheetah, panther, crocodile, ram, monitor lizard, rhinoceros, cobra, musk deer.
Who did you see at the zoo? Which one is the fastest? (Cheetah.) Where can you meet a wolverine? (In the North, on the Kola Peninsula.) Who is next to the ostrich?
Name the baby animals. Figure 30. (See color insert.) Who is the baby camel standing next to? Who is the giraffe next to?
Who is defending themselves with what? Who eats what? Why are some animals called herbivores?
“Scatter” the sounds of the word bison. “Collect” a word - the name of an animal from the sounds [zh], [r], [f], [i], [a].
Write pure sayings with the words jaguar, badger.
Ar-ar-ar, here is a spotted one... (jaguar).
"Dairy products". Key words: meadow, cow, milkmaid, farm, grass.

"Developing memory."
Repeat the words. Cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, ice cream, yogurt. Listen again: cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, ice cream, yogurt, kefir. What new word has appeared?
Choose the right words. Fresh... (cheese), white... (cottage cheese), delicious... (yogurt), cold... (ice cream), sour... (yogurt), yesterday's... (kefir).
Establishing situational connections.
Make up sentences using these two words. Cow - grass, milkmaid - bucket, farm - cows, grain - chickens, dog - kennel, trough - pig.
"Wild animals and domestic animals." Figure 31. (See color insert.)
Body parts of wild animals and domestic animals (pig, cow, camel, ram). Who owns these body parts? (Horns - for a ram and a cow. Humps - for a camel. Piglet... . Tassels on the ears... .)
Name the animals in whose names the sound [r] is heard in the middle of the word.
"The hare and the hare are gardeners and vegetable gardeners." Key words: garden, harvest, vegetable garden, harvest, tomatoes, grapes, peaches, pears, parsley, dill, crow, magpie, badger, beavers.
What did the hares grow in the garden? Who was invited to visit? What did you treat? What kind of compote did you cook? What kind of jam?
Analysis of the word pear.
Memorizing vegetables and fruits. How many words do you remember?
"Lake. Fishing". Figure 32. (See color insert.)
Fishes swimming in different directions. What are the fish called? How are crucians different? Which fish will get hooked?
Words: fisherman, fishermen, fish, crucian carp, crucian carp, worm.
Come up with names for fishermen with the sound [r]. (Roma, Ruslan, Artem.)
Roma is sad. Ruslan is joyful. Which one is Roma and which one is Ruslan? Who's sad? Who's happy? Who's angry? Do you know these words: sadness, joy, kindness?
Make up sentences with the words cloudy, bright, bright.
"Apartment". Key words: faucet, water pipes, curtains, chandelier, carpet; furniture, sideboard, stool, wardrobe, bed.
"The fourth is odd." Figure 32. (See color insert.) Carpet, sideboard, stool, wardrobe.
Words are “enemies”. Open - close, closed - open, bottom - top, long - short.
Development of visual perception and voluntary attention.
Figure 34. (See color insert.) Outline images superimposed on each other.
Name the objects. Rocket, helicopter, steamship, parachute, tram, trolleybus.
Development of auditory perception and memory.
"It flies - it doesn't fly." Mosquito, helicopter, tractor, rocket, sparrow, carpet, roof. Repeat the words with the sound [r].
"Birds in winter." Figure 35. (See color insert.) Key words: sparrow, magpie, crow, nutcracker. Birds at the feeder and near the feeder, on a tree.
"Birds in Summer" Figure 36. (See color insert.) Key words: corncrake, lark, crane. Birds sitting on a bush and near a hawthorn bush.
"Migratory birds". Key words: eagle, skua, shrike.
“The Extraordinary Adventures of Crocodile Gena”; "Rema the monkey's birthday."
“At a reception with Aibolit.” Key words: giraffe, camel, rhinoceros, zebra, cheetah, lynx, monkey, crocodile, cow, rabbit.
"Pond". Key words: crucian carp, crayfish, shell, algae, fisherman, fish.
"On the seabed." Key words: crab, squid, shells, shells, sea worms.
"How we went mushroom picking." Key words: box, basket, grass, road, path, path, bucket, collect, russula, milk mushroom, boletus, fly agaric.
"Sport". Competitions. Key words: start, springboard, boxer, ring, jumper, alpine skiing, alpine skier, mountains, mountain top, plain.

"The dragon stole the letter r." Listen to how the words sound: tam-vai, tetad, tava, basuk, Babos, chevyak, abuz, katoshka, gamoshka. What sound did the Dragon steal?
In order for him to return the sound [r], you need to fulfill his requests and tasks.
His first request: teach him to divide words into syllables. Find objects in the picture whose names have one syllable. (Ball, cheese, scarf, bison.) How will you prove to the Dragon that these words have one syllable? Change the word so that it has two syllables. (Balls, cheese, scarves, bison.)
Second request: say words with the opposite meaning.
An enemy is a friend, evil is good, enmity is friendship, quarrel is friendship, sadness is joy.
Third request: name three words in which the sound [r] is heard at the beginning of the word; three words in which the sound [r] is heard at the end of the word; three words in which the sound [r] is heard in the middle of the word.


It is similar, only instead of the syllables ra, ru, re, ry, ro, the syllables RI, RE, RIO, RYU, RYA are used, and words with these syllables are selected.

The foundation of correct speech is laid in childhood. Left unattended, incorrectly pronounced letters can “pursue” a person throughout his life, preventing him from communicating normally with people around him. It is very important to solve this problem at an early age.

Any mother wants her child to learn to speak as early as possible, pronouncing all the letters clearly. Unfortunately, not all children are capable of such a task. The sounds P and Pb are especially difficult for many people. Correct production of these sounds requires special physiological efforts, namely precise movements of the vocal apparatus, the required amount of vibration, as well as the correct amplitude of the tongue. In any case, only a speech therapist can help in this situation.

Most often, instead of a clear P and Pb, children who have problems pronouncing this sound get the following parodies of it:

  • The sound R during pronunciation is replaced by the sounds y, l, s;
  • The sound R is not pronounced and may disappear from the word. Most often this happens in those words where P comes before or after a vowel;
  • When speaking, the sound P is heard recognizable, but there is an extra vibration that should not be present in the pronunciation, or during conversation it does not sound as confident as it should.

In order to understand exactly in which cases the child is unable to pronounce this sound, you need to ask him to pronounce its sound, first separately, then as part of a word. For example: cow, jaguar, tractor. In the case where the sound is not pronounced separately from the word, it will be necessary to focus on training its single pronunciation. If the sound R is not pronounced in the word itself, then special attention will need to be paid to words with the vowel letters o, a, y, and coming before or after the letter R.

There may be several reasons for incorrect sound production in children. Only a competent speech therapist will determine the main cause of the problem and advise the necessary correction methods without harming the child.

The main reasons for poor pronunciation of the sounds P and Pb

Incorrect speech breathing

Our speech breathing is the basis for the correct pronunciation of any sounds. Its violation most often occurs as a result of adenoid disease, a runny nose that has become chronic, as well as cardiovascular diseases. A speech therapist will help you develop speech breathing correctly. Only he, taking into account all the characteristics of the children’s health, can prescribe the required gymnastics. This gymnastics includes the pronunciation of words along with special exercises.

Speech hearing problem

Most often, speech hearing loss occurs in children aged three years and older. This is the period of development of speech and active imitation of adults. At this age, children try to repeat all the phrases that they hear in their environment, distorting them or confusing letters, especially consonants, changing voiced to unvoiced or vice versa. A speech therapist may not be needed here. Sound production may not be necessary; most often, speech will improve on its own over time.

Poor development of the articulatory apparatus

You can develop good articulation only by performing active facial exercises. They will quickly strengthen the child’s facial muscles and also sufficiently develop the speech organs. Special articulation exercises can be presented in the form of a game, this will make it much more interesting to perform them.

There are the following articulation gymnastics that a speech therapist can prescribe:

  • Smile and open your mouth a little, then run your tongue from the roof of your mouth to your throat as far as possible;
  • The initial position is the same, only move your tongue back and forth, from one corner of your mouth to the other;
  • Run your tongue over your upper and inner teeth, starting from the left side and moving towards the right side.

Individual structure of the frenulum

Sometimes incorrect pronunciation of a sound can occur due to physiological characteristics in children. Articulation gymnastics will not help in this case. Only a speech therapist can identify this reason. An underdeveloped hyoid ligament can prevent the tongue from reaching the roof of the mouth, which can result in poor pronunciation of certain sounds. Special exercises and massage will help solve this problem in children. But there are cases when a speech therapist may decide to slightly trim the child’s lingual frenulum. There's nothing wrong with that. This is necessary for normal tongue movement in speech and correct sound production.

14 exercises for making the sound R

To obtain the correct production of the sounds P and Pb, you need to perform daily exercises specially designed for this. In speech therapy, there are 14 techniques for quickly developing correct diction. All these exercises must be performed many times, each time faster and more accurately.

  1. This method is aimed at generating as much air flow as possible, necessary for vibration when pronouncing a sound. To do this, take a semi-lying position, raise your tongue to the alveoli, and head slightly tilted back. In this body position, pronounce the sound D. At the same time, use a special probe under the tip of your tongue to make movements from side to side. This manipulation allows you to pull your tongue a little, due to faster inhalation of air, vibrations increase. With repeated repetition, you can achieve correct pronunciation 2 times faster.
  2. Take a comfortable position and try to press your tongue as tightly as possible to the roof of your mouth. In this position, air is inhaled through the nose, then exhaled sharply through the mouth, without changing the position of the tongue. This is one of the simplest of the 14 proposed ways to learn how to pronounce the sound R.
  3. It is done very simply, we pronounce the letter Z, trying to move our tongue as far as possible to the throat. When you hear R, you will need to pronounce a combination of syllables of consonant letters.
  4. When pronouncing the letter A, the tongue sticks out in a relaxed, wide position, while moving from side to side across the palate. When your tongue touches the alveoli, you will hear the sound R. You need to fix this position and automate R. The sound itself should then turn into vibration at the tip of the tongue.
  5. The next method is aimed at producing sound through the sound C. To do this, pronounce C as long and clearly as possible, then when inhaling through your mouth, you need to try to raise your tongue to the alveoli and suck it further into your mouth. It is important to touch the alveoli with your tongue when entering, otherwise the sound may not be produced.
  6. Place the wide edge of your tongue on your upper lip and blow on the tip of your nose. At this time, the speech therapist should press on the lower lip, receiving “vibrating” air. You can do this exercise yourself, gradually reducing the duration of finger pressure. This is one of the most difficult of the 14 methods of sound production.
  7. Having sucked the tongue to the palate, place the child's head on the lap of the speech therapist, who will press the edges of the tongue to the palate with his fingers. At this time, you need to blow very hard on your tongue, thereby causing the necessary vibration.
  8. In this exercise you need to raise your tongue by the upper teeth, closer to the palate and pronounce the sound D. The result will be something between Z and Zh.
  9. And this is the easiest way to develop speech out of the 14 proposed methods. Having touched the alveolus with your tongue, you need to release air onto it while pronouncing the sound Z for a long time. As soon as the sound R is produced, it should then go into vibration on its own.
  10. Press your tongue against the incisor, which is located below. When opening and closing your mouth, try to pronounce the letter A. When the mouth is closed, the upper incisors will be placed on the tip of the tongue pressed against the lower ones.
  11. It is necessary to quickly pronounce syllables with the combination of letters dy, do, you, ada.
  12. There is also a more unconventional way to develop speech. It must be done in the form of a game. The child is asked to imitate rain, while pronouncing the sounds T and D. On the left palm, you need to show the drops falling with your fingers, constantly increasing the rhythm.
  13. We tense our tongue, placing our index finger under the tip, then try to move it as evenly as possible from one corner to another. A rumbling sound should be heard. With a little getting used to, you can make these movements without using your finger.
  14. This method is aimed at quickly setting P and Pb. You need to direct a stream of air onto your tongue, quickly sucking it to the roof of your mouth. The vibration will be caused at the moment when the tongue comes off the palate with a stream of exhaled air.

All these 14 methods are aimed at developing correct diction and are best suited for children aged 4 years and older. At this age, children can not only perform them correctly, but also do these exercises much more effectively. Only a speech therapist can choose the right exercises, taking into account all the characteristics of the child’s health.

You can achieve correct pronunciation by following a few simple rules. You need to teach your child gradually, first to say the sounds P and Pb separately from everything else, then in a syllable, and only after that in conversation. To overcome this task, you will need to be patient and under no circumstances give up trying to correct the defect. The final result depends only on perseverance and daily training.